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Feb 19 2023

Green Energy Plant Has Spewed Toxic Smoke for a Week

East Palestine, Ohio isn’t the only ecological disaster the liberal establishment would prefer to ignore. There is also the “green energy” plant that has been burning for the past week:

A fire at a Doral, Florida waste-to-energy plant continued burning as officials announced school dismissal plans, closed parks, and urged residents to stay indoors, multiple outlets reported. …

“Out of an abundance of caution. . .we’re recommending that all residents [in the immediate area] remain indoors today,” Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said in a multi-agency press conference Friday. Levine Cava emphasized that people with respiratory conditions, older adults, young children, and expectant mothers should be particularly cautious.

High measures of particulates have been measured in the air.

The fire at Doral’s trash incinerator broke out on Sunday, February 12, according county officials. …

The 40-year-old Covanta Energy plant burns more than 800,000 tons of garbage annually and handles about 40% of Miami-Dade County’s garbage…

The garbage must be piling up uncontrollably. What could be more emblematic of current times?

“The key message to the community with regard to safety and keeping people well is avoidance of the smoke wherever possible,” said Jackson Memorial Hospital chief medical officer Hany Atallah…

That advice would also apply to East Palestine, where the smoke was deliberately created in a controlled burn of toxic chemicals spilled in a train derailment. State Senator Michael Rulli urges those stuck within 10 miles of the catastrophe not to drink or bathe in the water.

Meanwhile, the bumbling green fascists in charge tell us they have to micromanage our lives and fling hundreds of $billions at alternative energy boondoggles because according to their ideology it will serve the sacred environment by preventing the climate from fluctuating.

On tips from Steve T and Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 19 2023

Open Thread

The right most valued by all civilized men is the right to be left alone. - Louis D. Brandeis

Feb 18 2023

Raquel Evita Saraswati, Racial Impostor

In their rush to check identity boxes, cultural Marxists have been punked by a racial impostor calling herself Raquel Evita Saraswati. The Intercept is incensed:

Members of the American Friends Service Committee, a prominent Quaker organization known for its progressive values and social justice advocacy in the U.S. and abroad, have raised an alarm about a woman holding a leadership position within the organization who they say has misrepresented her ethnic background for years and who they fear may be working on behalf of groups seeking to undermine their organization.

Raquel Evita Saraswati, a Muslim activist who for years has encouraged people to believe that she is a woman of color, including Latina as well as of South Asian and Arab descent, is the AFSC’s chief equity, inclusion, and culture officer, a senior position that gives her access to the files of dozens of the organization’s staff and volunteers. But Saraswati, who was born Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, is not a person of color, according to her mother, Carol Perone.

“I call her Rachel,” Perone told The Intercept…

Saraswati, her mother added, is of British, German, and Italian descent — not Latina, South Asian, or Arab.

At least she appears to have really converted to a conception of Islam. Maybe she really is homosexual too, despite the problem that would present for her in Muslim lands.

Oskar Pierre Castro, a human resources professional who participated in the search committee to fill Sarawati’s position, told The Intercept that she had presented herself as a “queer, Muslim, multiethnic woman.”

Among liberals, this comprises such a complete résumé that no further qualifications would be required.

“It really touched all the points,” said Castro, who works for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, a Quaker group that frequently partners with the AFSC, and who was involved in the search along with AFSC staff members.

Because Seidel I mean Saraswati used to appear on Fox News and Newsmax in the role of moderate Muslim, moonbats now suspect that she has embedded herself as a spy working on behalf of nefarious conservatives. More likely is that she has discovered how to get the best job possible in a world run by liberals.

“People are concerned,” a member of AFSC’s leadership told The Intercept, requesting anonymity to avoid retaliation. “There’s a fear that she could be an agent, because she started her career right-wing. She was a token Muslim voice in that milieu. She never publicly apologized.”

How could any apology suffice for having appeared on Fox News?

Please welcome “Raquel Evita Saraswati” to the growing list of racial impostors.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 18 2023

Gretchen Felker-Martin and J.K. Rowling’s Throat

When moonbats bark about the need for tolerance, they mean intolerance of “intolerance,” as in Frankfurt Schooler Herbert Marcuse’s infamous essay “Repressive Tolerance.” They mean this:

A renowned transgender horror author who signed a letter last week condemning The New York Times’s coverage of trans issues has tweeted that she wants to slit J.K. Rowling’s throat.

Even the New York Times has fallen behind as leftism plunges headlong into utter insanity.

Gretchen Felker-Martin named a series of writers she accused of transphobia – including Rowling – in a tweet sent on February 12. She added: ‘If they all had one throat, man.’ …

In Felker-Martin’s debut novel, Manhunt, published in February 2022, Rowling is murdered by being burned alive.

The book is promoted as ‘an explosive post-apocalyptic novel that follows trans women and trans men on a grotesque journey of survival.’ It has been lauded as ‘visceral’ ‘gripping’ and ‘brilliant’ by NPR and the New Yorker.

Grotesque is probably putting it mildly. The book does sound like something NPR and the New Yorker would want people reading.

Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling is a lefty in other respects, but she refuses to comply with the transsexual demand that the concept of womanhood be abolished. Like all reasonable people, she does not think men pretending to be women belong in women’s prisons, on women’s sports teams, et cetera.

Consequently, she is a pariah who must be castigated for her thoughtcrime. It is no longer possible to be 99% liberal. Compliance with the current dictates of political correctness must be absolute. The New York Times had better get with the program on trans radicalism if doesn’t want to be left behind and get canceled.

“Gretchen” is one scary freak.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Feb 18 2023

More Racial Justice on the School Bus

The 9-year-old white girl beaten senseless by a black kid twice her size on a school bus was hardly an isolated experience. As we have seen, the liberal establishment’s race hate ideology has filtered down to children. Another example of what it’s like for a little kid to ride a school bus while white in woke America:

A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Taylor Brock, whose son is a seventh-grader at Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria, posted the distressing footage from the Jan. 23 incident on her blog Monday.

The size differential was typical of these incidents, which invariably involve a victim who is much smaller and/or helplessly outnumbered.

The attacker was soon back at school, learning about how the white man oppresses her and sitting behind her victim at lunch, despite his mother having obtained a protection order from a county judge.

You could hardly expect the Fairfax County school district to take the throttling seriously, considering that it paid racial arsonist Ibram X. Kendi $333 per minute to denounce Caucasians.

On tips from Marty and JackisBack.

Feb 18 2023

Open Thread

People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think. - Aldous Huxley

Feb 17 2023

Los Angeles Replaces Law Enforcement With Yoga

The future of law enforcement under liberal rule unfolds in Los Angeles:

[C]ity officials announced a new public safety initiative which implements yoga, meditation and healing circles to communities as an alternative form of unarmed policing. The initiative’s launch cost the city of Los Angeles $2.2 million in city funding.

No worries, taxpayers. In the end there will be a net savings, because in liberal utopia you won’t have to pay for police or prisons.

At a briefing on Monday, Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez, who chairs the City Council’s public safety committee, announced the Project TURN initiative-which stands for Therapeutic Unarmed Response for Neighborhoods.

The only response to watching the Land of Fruits and Nuts plunge off a cliff into an abyss of self-parody is to move at top speed in the opposite direction.

Project TURN hopes that therapy, yoga, meditation, and healing circle will reduce the need for officers to engage in neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

If California takes over the federal government via Gavin Newsom or Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris, we will learn how well these techniques work at staving off the communist Chinese.

In other news from La-La Land,

Throughout 2022, the Los Angeles Police Department reported 229,584 crimes, an 11.6% increase over the previous year.

Los Angeles could get that number down to zero. All it has to do is cut to the chase and move beyond defunding the police. Disband the department altogether, as the city council promised to do in Minneapolis at the height of Black Lives Matter violence, and it won’t report any crime at all.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and KirklesWorth.

Feb 17 2023

Recent College Graduates Unprepared to Work

The point of college is to prepare people for their careers. Nowadays, the low standards, mollycoddling, and woke curricula prepare them to be useless:

Almost half of recent college graduates are not ’emotionally’ prepared to survive in the workplace, while a majority of those in their 20s feel ‘burnt out’ at least once a week.

These were the bombshell findings from a new survey of America’s young professionals, which concluded that the next generation of workers aren’t equipped to handle a regular 9-5.

The survey, conducted by the Mary Christie Institute, unearthed numerous shocking statistics, including that 51 percent of young workers needed help for mental health issues within the past year.

Young professionals also offered a damning verdict on the role of colleges in preparing them for their careers, slating their university experience for failing to prime them to enter office life.

But at least their university experience primed them to leverage victimhood to achieve power. There will be plenty of victimhood to go around as society decays into a herd of self-pitying navel gazers incapable of achievement.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Feb 17 2023

Black Lives Matter Ideology Imposed on the Playground

Ideologies contrived in college faculty rooms trickle down until they saturate every corner of society — even grade school playgrounds.

From Ohio:

Springfield police are investigating a report from Kenwood Elementary School that allegedly involved several students and a racial incident.

It happened last Friday morning during recess.

The school principal told officers that a group of Black students gathered several white [capitalization as in original] students on a spot of the playground “and forced them to state, ‘Black Lives Matter,’ against their will,” the report stated.

The European equivalent would be German kids forcing Jewish kids to say “Heil Hitler.”

The principal said a few of the students who tried to avoid the situation were “chased down and escorted, dragged or carried” back to the spot on the playground, and one student was punched in the head by one of the suspects, according to the report.

Thankfully, the principal was unwoke enough to acknowledge the incident. Others would have covered it up.

As the kids grow, so will the level of violence — not because it had to be this way, but due to social engineering. It is inconceivable that the architects and evangelists of Critical Race Theory in academia and media had no idea where it would lead.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 17 2023

Nicola Sturgeon’s Fall Is Only the Beginning

We have reached peak moonbattery; the restoration of civilization is already beginning, as progressives suffer a setback in Scotland:

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, announced her resignation on Wednesday, saying that she had become too polarizing a figure — an acknowledgment that comes amid a tense fight over gender law in the country.

Turns out there are limits to what liberals can shove the down the public’s throat.

The announcement comes one month after Britain’s Parliament rejected a measure from Scotland’s Parliament that would have made it easier and faster for people to change their legally recorded sex. Scottish lawmakers voted 86 to 39 to pass the measure, despite polling by YouGov showing that roughly two-thirds of Scots are opposed to the reforms.

After 8 years in power, Sturgeon follows New Zealand’s odious Jacinda Ardern off the stage due to public disgust with the LGBT agenda:

In December 2022, Sturgeon’s government passed a bill to allow anyone over the age of 16 to ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex without a medical diagnosis.

Key to Sturgeon’s demise was the case of rapist Isla Bryson, who declared himself a woman after his trial began.

In 2023, Graham, 31, now identifying as Isla Bryson, was convicted, and remanded to Scotland’s only exclusively female jail to await sentencing.

Women’s groups already outraged over the gender bill demanded to know why the Scottish prison system would transfer a convicted rapist of women to a women’s prison. …

Bryson was later transferred to a men’s facility, but the SNP [Scottish National Party] leader found herself in the awkward position of refusing to say whether Bryson was a woman, as Bryson self-identified, or a man.

That’s what happens when you cannot answer the question Matt Walsh used to blow a gaping hole in the hull of leftism. Like Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sturgeon cannot say what a woman is.

Ordinary Scots and even SNP members balked at the real-world applications of Sturgeon’s woke vision…

Sturgeon had become the face of her party’s failure to address the real concerns of her constituents, while pursuing the fringe causes of the extreme left.

Sturgeon’s ideology currently prevails in Canada:

A Canadian man who was convicted of the horrific rape of a 3-month-old infant boy has begun identifying as transgender while incarcerated and is currently being held in a women’s correctional facility with a mother and child unit.

In 1997, Adam Laboucan sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby boy in Quesnel, British Columbia. Laboucan was 15-years-old at the time and had been hired to babysit the child. The infant was so brutally injured by the attack that he had to be flown to Vancouver, 410 miles away, to undergo reconstructive surgery.

Meanwhile, women in American prisons have been sacrificed on the altar of transgenderism on orders from the Biden Administration. Female inmates have been impregnated.

The Democratic Party has wed itself to the LGBT agenda. This agenda is depraved, insane, disgusting, and evil. No amount of media spin can cover what we know in our gut.

There has got to be backlash. Nicola Sturgeon won’t be the last of our woke rulers to fall.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Ed McAninch.

Feb 17 2023

John Fetterman Becomes Psychiatric Inpatient

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) epitomizes today’s Democratic Party. He is a radical leftist who has called for releasing one third of prison inmates and suppressing speech that brings attention to election fraud. Having no serious qualifications, he took office by running essentially unopposed, fellow leftist Mehmet Oz having secured the Republican nomination by sucking up to Donald Trump. The liberal establishment circled the wagons around Fetterman, dismissing his stroke (which left him cognitively disabled), his serious heart issues, and his inability to understand spoken English. The media placed him on a New York Times most stylish list for wearing shorts and hoodies in inappropriate contexts and even floated him as a presidential candidate. Earlier this month, he was hospitalized for feeling light-headed. Now, about 6 weeks into his 6-year term, we receive confirmation that Fetterman is psychiatrically unfit for office.

According to his Chief of Staff Adam Jentleson:

“[Wednesday] night, Senator John Fetterman checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to receive treatment for clinical depression. While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks,”

“On Monday, John was evaluated by Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the Attending Physician of the U.S. Congress. Yesterday, Dr. Monahan recommended inpatient care at Walter Reed. John agreed, and he is receiving treatment on a voluntary basis.”

These are serious times. Economic collapse caused by recklessly excessive government spending and nuclear war with China and/or Russia are very real short-term possibilities. The country is coming apart at the seams. Meanwhile, our rulers include a psychiatric inpatient.

The psychiatric condition of the Commander in Chief, who has also had a stroke, is likely no better than Fetterman’s. Biden is conspicuously demented and flies into alarming fits of anger without provocation, as we saw again during his State of the Union address.

This is a kakistocracy. We would have better leadership if positions were filled by lottery.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 17 2023

Open Thread

America is an insane asylum run by the inmates. - Lester Roloff

On a tip from Jester.

Feb 16 2023

Effect of Moonbattery on College Admission Standards

Moonbattery can be applied to any institution with nearly identical results. For example, the art establishment succumbed to moonbattery long ago. The result was “art” consisting of blank canvasses. Now higher education has fallen. Consequently, this is now how to get accepted to prestigious Stanford University:

After completing his Stanford application, high school senior Ziad Ahmed realized an important component was missing amid a flurry of standardized test scores and extracurricular activities: his voice and passion.

That’s when Ahmed took a gamble. In response to a question asking “What matters to you, and why?” the teen wrote “#BlackLivesMatter” exactly 100 times.

Unlike many suckers who bothered to try, Ahmed was accepted.

Admittedly, the essay was in support of other qualifications:

As a Muslim-American, Ahmed described himself as “an unapologetic progressive activist” and ally to the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Islamophobia has certainly been a priority of mine in my advocacy, but it is connected to the legacy of racism and oppression that the black community continues to face,” he said.

Ahmed was also accepted by Yale and Princeton, presumably for the same reasons. Considering his capacity for spreading fertilizer, he should have applied to an agricultural college.

An institution infected with moonbattery is like a horse with a broken leg. All you can do is put it out of its misery and look for an alternative to get you where you need to go.

Now medicine has been subverted. Expect life expectancy to decline dramatically.

On tips from R F and Varla.

Feb 16 2023

Matt Walsh Obliterates Dylan Mulvaney

As we have seen, defeat is not an option in the Culture War. There is no point pulling punches. So Matt Walsh launched a nuclear strike against Dylan Mulvaney, the epitome of today’s liberal man.

Mulvaney personifies the LGBTism that is central to Democrat ideology. He was named a Power Woman by Forbes and even invited to the Biden White House.

At first some thought the excruciatingly repulsive Mulvaney’s shtick was deliberate self-parody, but no:

That speculation … seemed to die down after Mulvaney dramatically revealed he had facial feminization surgery — which can include removing or reshaping tissue or bone.

“I’m so happy, and it’s still me, it’s just a little bit softer of a version,” Mulvaney said after the surgery. “And I just hope that all trans and nonbinary people can get the gender-affirming resources that they need because this is life-changing and sometimes life-saving.”

According to liberal doctrine, it really is “life-saving” to have your body grotesquely disfigured on behalf of LGBT ideology.

Mulvaney is a valued asset of the liberal establishment. Walsh scored a direct hit:

This applies to the entire transwoman phenomenon to which liberals have committed themselves with such psychotic fervor.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Varla.


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