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Feb 07 2023

Open Thread

We also need to encourage Americans to become more fiscally responsible themselves. We can do this by redesigning our tax system into an expenditure tax with a single flat rate. ... We have to substantially reduce the size and scope of the federal government, fundamentally increase the role of the states in choosing their own practices, and bring decision-making closer to the people, not to unelected administrators. These steps are crucial to getting our nation on a path of fiscal, political and constitutional responsibility. - Edwin Feulner

Feb 06 2023

A Few Months in Jail for Raping Small Children

Social justice means more than racial violence. It also means letting criminals run free to wreak havoc, because punishing crime would have a disparate impact. From moonbattery-addled Minnesota:

A 20-year-old man convicted in a Minnesota court of criminal intercourse with two girls, aged four and nine, will spend a maximum of 176 days in jail.

There is little question of his guilt:

Mohamed Bakari Shei entered a type of plea allowed under Minnesota law in December 2022 that maintains his innocence while acknowledging the evidence against him would lead to a conviction by a jury if the case went to trial. …

At the sentencing hearing, one of Shei’s victims gave a statement about the impact the attacks from the defendant had had on her life. “There is no moving on or getting over it. I’ve tried,” she stated.

In contrast, Shei should have no trouble moving on and getting over it. With good behavior, he gets out in 116 days. He will not be required to register as a sex offender against children in the state registry.

A family member of the second victim spoke directly to Shei at the sentencing hearing, telling him that he would “answer” for the violent assaults that caused the child to become detached and introverted.

If Shei ever does answer for his behavior, it will likely be on an extralegal basis.

Regarding the racial violence component of social justice, punishment has been meted out in the horrifying beating of a 9-year-old white girl on a school bus in Homestead, Florida:

A student was given a civil citation after cellphone video showed a third grader being brutally beaten on a school bus in Miami-Dade.

A “civil citation” does not sound like anything seriously intended to prevent the incident from recurring.

On tips from Chris Neilson, KirklesWorth, and Veritas100.

Feb 06 2023

Gigantic New FBI Headquarters Twice Size of Pentagon

Its largest structures are an indication of what a society is centered on. For example, the pyramids testify to ancient Egyptians’ focus on the afterlife. American society was founded on the principle of limited government. Tragically, this noble principle was rotted away by leftism. Now, the nucleus is all-powerful, omnipresent centralized government. Its primary enforcement arm is the alarmingly politicized FBI, which is getting a new home befitting its significance:

The massive new building/complex will be, at minimum, double the size of the Pentagon, which, until very recently, was the largest office building on the face of the planet. The Bureau’s new headquarters will be built on one of three selected sites in suburban Virginia and Maryland, all of which are between 58 and 80 acres in size.

This means that the Feds’ new building may potentially end up being even larger than the Kremlin, which covers a staggering 66 acres.

The KGB has been eclipsed by its emulator.

The fact that the FBI, the U.S.’s domestic intelligence and security service and federal law enforcement arm, will soon have a home dwarfing that of the department of defense charged with guaranteeing our national security and protecting us from myriad threats from abroad, speaks volumes about the Biden administration.

If our rulers had any interest in defending the country from foreign threats, the border would be closed in an hour. Our government regards us as its only real enemy.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 06 2023

Open Thread

The IRS has become morally corrupted by the enormous power which we in Congress have unwisely entrusted to it. Too often it acts like a Gestapo preying upon defenseless citizens. - Edward V. Long

Feb 05 2023

Miami Police Drive Around in Ad for Afrocentrism

Black History Month is when the authorities stop doubling down on their obsessive worship of all things African and instead triple down on it. The cultural Marxist moonbattery is so excessive that Miami police are showcasing a vehicle transformed into a gaudy advertisement for the black supremacist ideology of Black Lives Matter sociopaths who riot against them.

This is actually on the level:

The raised fists have a dual meaning. Like Black Lives Matter itself, they represent both black supremacy and Marxism.

Via Daily Mail:

Mayor Francis Suarez presented the cruiser that was designed by the city police union on Thursday alongside Miami Police Chief Manuel Morales.

The car displayed the ‘Black Power’ symbol along with African flags and the slogan ‘Miami police support Black History Month.’

Maybe next year they will force officers to trade in their uniforms for loincloths.

The pandering is so tastelessly over the top that not even BLM can stomach it:

The Black Live Matter Twitter account also commented on the matter by posting a gif of Cardi B saying, ‘I just hate it.’

Blacks comprise 13% of the US population. Yet Afrocentrism has become our national religion — or at least, our state religion.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Feb 05 2023

Pfizer Exec Confirms Vax Interferes With Menstrual Cycle

Hopefully it is a coincidence that the moonbats who think there are too many of us have tried to impose a vaccine that has now been confirmed to effect women’s reproductive cycle.

Earlier, we saw Pfizer’s director of R&D strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning Jordon Walker admit that his company has been looking into creating knew viral strains to help milk the Covid “cash cow” (as he calls it). Let’s hear what he has to say about the current Pfizer vax’s effect on menstruation:

Something weird is going on with menstrual cycles, but Pfizer doesn’t know what. So they inject their vax into as many arms as possible and hope for the best, while they branch out into gene editing.

Maybe the mainstream media will report on this, and Google’s YouTube will refrain from censoring it, so that James O’Keefe won’t have to resort to running it on an LED truck for people to see it. But don’t get your hopes up. Pfizer, the media, and Big Tech, along with the Democratic Party, are barely separate heads on the same hellish beast.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

Feb 05 2023

Princeton Op Ed Denounces Honor Code as Racist

Pernicious rot seeps steadily down from the Ivy League to poison society. Now we learn that honor codes are racist. Emilly Santos writes in the Daily Princetonian:

American systems of legal administration enact violence against minority populations. Examining and re-considering these structures, such as the criminal justice system (CJS), is a crucial part of anti-racist action.

This is all settled social science. That’s why criminals are allowed to run loose wreaking havoc where liberals have achieved total dominance. Emilly applies the principle to her own world:

Princeton’s Honor Code, tasked with holding students accountable and honest in academic settings, mirrors the criminal justice system in its rules and effects. … [I]t is often most damaging for … students who also often belong to racial minorities.

Many minority students are allowed into Ivy League schools not because they are qualified but because they belong to preferred racial groups. Plunged in over their heads, some must resort to cheating in an attempt to keep up.

The University should lead by example by dismantling the Honor Code system, which acts as a barrier to social mobility and a more equitable society. Only once such internal injustices are addressed can we make real-world changes.

Today Princeton, tomorrow the world.

Miss Santos says getting suspended for cheating is especially hurtful to minorities because they are more likely to be attending school at other people’s expense, and are not eligible for financial aid for the repeated term. They might have to take out a loan and have to wait for Democrats to cancel their debt.

Like BIPOC criminals, BIPOC students should not have to live with the consequences of their behavior:

In the same way a criminal record haunts previous convicts, any Honor Code violation for which a student is found responsible follows them in their transcript, overshadowing the accomplishments of attaining a Princeton degree and making it difficult for students to find employment opportunities.

How attaining a Princeton degree counts as an accomplishment for people who are accepted due to their skin color and then allowed to get through by cheating is not explained.

Apply equity to academia, and standards collapse, reducing everything to farce. Let’s see what happens when you apply equity to a fashion runway:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.

Feb 05 2023

Open Thread

The bigger the government, the greater the corruption - Dennis Prager

Feb 04 2023

Anti-Cop LA City Councilor Gets Extra Patrol for His Car

The hypocrisy that characterizes leftists is almost superhuman. Consider Hugo Soto-Martinez of the Los Angeles City Council:

Soto-Martinez campaigned against ‘armed militias occupying our neighborhoods,’ saying that the existing policing system was ‘completely corrupt, immoral, and needs to be changed drastically.’

He has advocated defunding the LAPD and California Highway Patrol. “I believe in the eventual goal of abolishing the current system of policing,” barked the moonbat. He called for the “redistribution of police money to other public sector unions.” But then,

On Thursday night, a member of his team placed a call to the LAPD just before 10pm requesting assistance, because Soto-Martinez’s white Lexus had broken down.

‘Extra patrol throughout the night for parked white Lexus belonging to councilmember,’ the LAPD request noted.

Hate-hoaxing extended Squad member Cori Bush, who ran for Congress as a representative of Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of hundreds of antipolice riots, spends a fortune on security. Even she doesn’t have the gall to rely heavily on the local police she demonizes.

Soto-Martinez will go far in liberal politics.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Feb 04 2023

Racial Justice Unfolds

According to the ideology of our liberal ruling class, the core population of the USA has “privilege” and therefore should be subjected to “racial justice.” Here’s what racial justice looks like:

From Florida:

The heartbroken mother of the third-grader said she is pressing charges against the school, Coconut Palm K-8 Academy in Homestead, and is pursuing criminal charges against the assailants, according to Local News 10.

There were two adults on the bus. But they presumably work for the same school system that even in Florida is probably pumping kids’ heads full of anti-white race hate.

The victim’s mother unsurprisingly wants to remain anonymous. Her kids really will be in for it if the Twitter mob decides she’s a racist. She has already tried and failed to get the school to take their safety seriously:

“We’ve had issues before with my son and the kids on the bus, and also in the cafeteria and at dismissal,” the mother told the outlet. “I already drew the line, and I was also on phone with the district – I spoke with someone from the district – and the only thing they could advise me of was to continue to speak with the principal and pull up a bully report.”

File the paperwork, then hope your children aren’t killed. Given the races involved, odds of educrats lifting a finger are nil. Punishing this sort of behavior is racist, because it has a disparate impact.

For white men, racial justice is even harsher that it is for white girls. From California:

A 39-year-old Long Beach man was charged Friday with murder in the killing of a bicyclist in Dana Point.

Vanroy Evan Smith … is accused of killing Dr. Michael John Mammone, 58, about 3 p.m. Wednesday at Pacific Coast Highway and Crown Valley Parkway. …

The victim was riding a bicycle north on PCH when Smith allegedly struck him from behind and then got out and stabbed the bicyclist, according to the Sheriff’s Department.

The two appear not to have known each other. Yet the killing was not likely to be random:

ABC7 spoke with a neighbor who declined to be interviewed on camera. She said her family heard what sounded like a “gunshot” before the attack. When they ran outside, she said, they heard the suspect uttering racial slurs about “white privilege.”

The previous paragraph disappeared from the mainstream media source within the past few minutes. Maybe it was reported in error. Or maybe it didn’t support the preferred narrative, so it had to go down the memory hole.

In their own view, members of the liberal establishment that incites violence by demonizing whites are not whites themselves. They are Good Whites, who redeem themselves by being ashamed of Western Civilization. Good Whites are no more white than Clarence Thomas is black.

Through the welfare state and open border policies, the Good Whites are creating savage mobs that they unleash by hamstringing police and refusing to incarcerate criminals. In the future, they will learn that these mobs do not distinguish Good Whites from the deplorable kind.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084, Wiggins, and KirklesWorth.


Click here to view the liberal media spin on the Florida story. Nothing is beneath these people.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Feb 04 2023

Biden Fails to Respond to ChiCom Spy Balloon

Some say balloons are an obsolete means of spying on an enemy with whom you are expected soon to be at war, because these holdovers from the 19th century are easier to shoot down than satellites. However, our ChiCom adversaries have obviated this shortcoming by planning ahead. First, they purchased the inept corruptocrat the liberal establishment later installed as our Commander in Chief. This preparation having been made, China has dispatched a surveillance balloon over Montana, home to the nuclear missile field at Malmstrom Air Force Base that the ChiComs would be keen to take out.

Even under the clownish moonbat apparatchiks Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley, the US military is aware of the balloon, which the ChiComs admit is theirs but smirkingly claim is a weather balloon. However, our “leaders” say they can’t shoot it down because people might get hurt by falling debris.

The population density of Montana is seven people per square mile. Apparently, despite the $trillions upon $trillions consumed by the federal government, it lacks the resources to destroy the balloon in such a way that it won’t land on someone.

It’s not as if there has been no response. Our gelatinous Secretary of State is teaching the ChiComs a lesson by postponing a trip to China. Pointless meetings between international bureauweenies are no fun if Antony Blinken isn’t there to laugh at.

A second balloon has already been spotted over Canada.

Maybe it’s just a test. If NORAD can’t stop balloons, Xi Jinping need have no qualms about sending nuclear missiles. Promptly shooting down the balloons might allow us to analyze the information the ChiComs have been collecting, to see what they have planned for us. But our leadership is so useless that they might be allowed to float back to the land of Joe Biden’s paymasters.

Despite his willingness to side with our enemies as he did in Afghanistan, despite being weakness personified, Biden isn’t the whole problem. The entire Democratic Party is irresponsible, inept, and uninterested in American interests. The Chinese have exploited this. Veteran Senator Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur was a Chinese spy. Only when Republicans took control of Congress was Eric Swalwell finally kicked off the House Intelligence Committee, despite having been seduced by a Chinese spy. (Fang Fang says hi.)

At least we can stop worrying about China conquering Taiwan. No longer having access to the computer chips that make everything go will be the least of our problems if they are collecting intelligence for a direct nuclear attack on the USA.

Having better leadership, Indians would have known just how to deal with enemy balloons:

On tips from Wiggins, Chuck A, Mr. Freemarket, Marty, Gringoman, and Varla.

Feb 04 2023

Open Thread

If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun. - Dalai Lama

Feb 03 2023

Satanic Temple Launches Abortion Clinic

The demonic statue atop a New York City courthouse commemorating Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s devotion to abortion reminded us that there is something satanic about liberals’ vociferous advocacy of snuffing out innocent life in the womb. The word “satanic” is meant literally:

Via Daily Wire:

[The Satanic Temple] will raise funds to assist girls and women around the country to have “access to safe and legal abortions, no matter where they live or what their financial situation may be.” So, it would appear they will send out pills for at home medicated abortions while funding abortion tourism so Americans can travel to states where abortion is legal.

The Satanic Temple explicitly regards abortion as a “religious ritual.”

Liberals often screech that nothing that reminds them of Christianity should receive any government funding because separation of church and state. Let’s apply that to the coercive taxpayer funding of abortion, which Democrats are so keen on that the Biden Regime may declare an official public health emergency because not enough babies are being aborted.

Call me old-fashioned, but I remember when the Devil came as a false angel of light masquerading as something good — not an in-your-face ode to the murder of another human.

By the same token, Democrats used to pretend to be the good guys, even if naive. Not so much anymore. In Hillary Clinton’s time, they would bark the bumper sticker slogan “Safe, Legal, and Rare.”

Democrats of the 90s pretended that they thought [abortion] was something to be ashamed of. Now, that shame is gone, and literal followers of Satan openly tout abortion to curry favor with the Left.

It would be hard to imagine more fertile recruiting grounds for satanists than the Democrat base.

The defense of civilization from moonbattery isn’t just right vs. left or even right vs. wrong. It is good vs. evil.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Feb 03 2023

Squad Members Behave Like 2-Year-Olds on House Floor

In a straight party-line vote that tells you all you need to know about Democrats, anti-American radical Islamist Ilhan Omar, an opponent of our key ally Israel, has finally been kicked off the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where her presence was irresponsible to put it mildly — treasonous, insane, and obscene to put it less mildly. This is not going over well with her fellow squad members, who are accustomed to always getting their way because they are leftist Women of Color. Squad queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threw such a tantrum that she might need a new computer:

The New York Democratic lawmaker declared to her fellow members that the GOP was “targeting women of color” with its vote to oust Omar, which Republicans said was due to past antisemitic and anti-American remarks. …

The congresswoman smacked her notebook against the podium after her speaking time ended.

She even denounced America for not sucking up to Islam sufficiently, which Omar is sure to appreciate.

As for the predictable crybully pretense that privileged Women of Color are oppressed,

Ocasio-Cortez’s critics took issue with her invocation of color, noting that White men like Reps. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., had also been removed from their committees as Republicans took the majority.

Omar, Schiff, and Swalwell were ejected for the same reason: they are conspicuously untrustworthy.

Hate-hoaxing fellow Squad kook Rashida Tlaib — like Omar a vehement opponent of Israel — made her point by bursting into tears:

It does not set the mind at ease to reflect that people of this caliber have power over us. At least we know that Kevin McCarthy is doing something right, or congressional moonbats would not be acting like their diapers need changing.

On a tip from Varla.


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