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Aug 24 2022

Open Thread

The object and practice of liberty lies in the limitation of government power. - Douglas MacArthur

Aug 23 2022

Zoophilia Pride

The Culture War now looks like a rout. Following the astonishing success of the blitzkrieg campaign to normalize the LGBT agenda, activists are scouting new territory to conquer. Although more energy is devoted to promoting pedophilia, social justice warriors have plenty to spare for zoophilia. Here a protester at a German Zoophilia Pride March makes a case for decriminalizing sex with animals:

Note the demeanor of the dog, which appears to experience regular abuse. Yet again we see that perversion is wrong.

Maybe it isn’t a rout after all. Let’s hope it is more a matter of giving people enough rope to hang themselves with.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 23 2022

Rally Against Climate Change

Via Not the Bee.

Aug 23 2022

Why You Should Never Trust the Science

Democracy is a good thing, when it is shorthand for a constitutional republic. However, “our democracy” is not good at all, because it is Liberalese for Democrat rule. Similarly, science is great; combined with capitalism, it has enabled a standard of living unprecedented in world history. However, “the science” is a scourge, if you define this term as “pseudoscientific propaganda used in the service of leftist authoritarianism.” No one should ever trust the science:

Combine water with sewage and you get sewage. Combine science with leftist politics and you get the science. That’s why scientific research must not be reliant on government funding, which corrupts everything it touches.

Moonbattery — or as its adherents call it, “liberalism” — is a totalitarian ideology. In the long run, you cannot have both liberalism and science. But you can still have the science, because it is liberalism.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 23 2022

Children and the LGBT Agenda

Submitting to the LGBT agenda means accepting this:

The 10-year-old “girl” in the picture is not a girl but a boy who has been transsexualized and is now called by the name “Noella McMaher” as he is paraded before the public as a sex object. His eyes appear to have seen things no child should ever know about.

His mother Dee McMaher gushes that he “knows exactly how to work a crowd.”

In a sane society, this woman would be arrested for child abuse. In ours, only a Representative widely viewed as an extremist dares to propose that it should be illegal to sexually mutilate children for the greater glory of Pride:

A small step, but at least one in the right direction. The liberal establishment must really hate MTG now.

On tips from Blackface Dork Brandolph and Gringoman.

Aug 23 2022

Global Warming Hoaxer Steven Spielberg’s Hypocrisy

The fossil fuels that allow us to sustain the current population make it be too warm out, according to liberal doctrine. Zillionaire Tinseltowner Steven Spielberg says he is “terrified” of those who “go blithely through life” without worrying about their imaginary impact on the climate. Meanwhile:

Spielberg’s plane, a Gulfstream G650, has burned at least $116,159 worth of jet fuel over the course of 16 trips spanning nearly 17,000 miles since June 23, according to flight tracking data from ADS-B Exchange and compiled by the database Celebrity Jets. The figures are likely an underestimate since the database didn’t calculate fuel and distance metrics of at least three trips made by Spielberg’s jet.

If only the hypocrisy of our moonbat ruling class could be converted into energy, we would not need to offend them by burning fossil fuels.

Spielberg’s jet has emitted at least 179 tons of carbon dioxide over the last two months.

Imagine the fossil fuels required to keep his mansion at the perfect temperature.

No worries; Spielberg makes up for it by shoveling $millions at Democrats, who impose policies that drive up the cost of air travel and drive down the standard of living, making members of the deplorable middle class ever less able to afford flying coach and heating their homes. That makes Spielberg carbon neutral. If he had a chest, he would be entitled to puff it out in self-righteousness.

Fortunately, Spielberg’s massive carbon emissions will have no more effect on the planet than anyone else’s. “Global warming is a scientific reality. It’s not a political trick. It’s a true piece of real, measurable, quantifiable science,” bleats Spielberg. His lifestyle proves that even he knows this isn’t true.

Other posturing Hollyweirdos match his hypocrisy:

Leonardo DiCaprio went on multiple fossil fuel-powered trips over the last several years while pushing for extreme measures to combat climate change.

In 2016, DiCaprio reportedly flew 8,000 miles via private jet from Europe to New York City to accept an award for his environmental activism. He then returned to Europe for a charity event.

That same year, DiCaprio took a private jet to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. At the summit, the WEF gave DiCaprio its Crystal Award for his “leadership in tackling the climate crisis.”

As noted at Not the Bee,

Perhaps we should stop listening to celebrities who get rich off playacting.

Spielberg preaches that “everybody has to be held responsible” for their personal role in the fictional climate change crisis. It would be more constructive to hold people responsible for elevating jackasses to positions of public prominence.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 23 2022

Free Phones and Healthcare for Illegal Aliens in NYC

Deliberately leaving the border open during a massive invasion is an example of what was known in the olden days as treason. Aiding and abetting those who invade your country is also treason. This crime was once taken quite seriously, often resulting in execution. But nowadays, the only crime the authorities take seriously in a place like New York City is calling illegal aliens “illegal aliens” ($250,000 fine). So as inflation erodes our standard of living, taxes climb, and the economy staggers deeper into recession, we read this:

Hundreds of migrants — at least some bused to the Big Apple by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott — lined up outside Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx on Sunday to get health care coverage, food and other items including school supplies and free phones.

Busing a representative handful of the invaders to New York was a nice gesture, but it does not solve the problem. An invasion is only solved when the invaders are thrown out of the country and kept out.

The event, organized by the city hospital system, was billed as a “resource and family fun day” for the migrants…

A rep for Medicaid provider MetroPlusHealth, which co-sponsored the event, said it expected about 1,200 migrants, mostly children, to attend.

Children are the shock troops of modern warfare. They are being exploited to literally conquer and subjugate the USA, so that the wealth we and our ancestors worked for centuries to build up can be looted away to nothing.

The migrants crossed the Mexico border into Texas illegally, then said they were seeking asylum, which allows them to legally stay in the US while their cases wind through the courts.

“Asylum” is a magic word that allows them to enter the country illegally and stay indefinitely, although very few are granted official asylum, even by the irresponsible moonbats who run our courts.

It isn’t only phones and healthcare they are getting for free as an inducement to encourage more to follow them:

The city Department of Homeless Services on Friday asked Big Apple hotels to help find 5,000 rooms to house newcomers — on top of a previous request of 600.

As we have seen, the accommodations will be top notch.

Illegal aliens in NYC have also enjoyed generous cash payments. They will be allowed to vote, so they can secure ever more lavish benefits in return for spitting on our sovereignty and displacing us.

This is the Land of the Free, all right. Everything is free. Unless you are American and work for a living. Then you get to pay through the nose, not just for what you have, but for what the rest of the world wants to have at your expense.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 23 2022

Open Thread

I guess it's like trying to put through the flat tax, which is probably my favorite one of all.... if we did pass it, all of a sudden, what do you have? You have the whole tax system run by a little old lady on a home computer, doing the work of all these thousands of bureaucrats and accountants. Passing that would be amazing, wouldn't it? - Clint Eastwood

Aug 22 2022

Joe Manchin Shafts Country and Gets Shafted in Return

Joe Manchin sold out his country to pass the devastating Inflation Exacerbation Act, which will launch inflation into orbit with hundreds of $billions in outrageously wasteful spending, much of it in the name of “green energy” — i.e., boondoggles that launder cash and kill eagles but cannot generate significant amounts of electricity. The bill will also crank up taxes during a recession and double the size of the IRS at a time when Big Government is already suffocating average Americans like a facehugger from Alien.

Manchin’s home state is reliant on producing real energy, and will consequently be hurt even worse than other states by the bill. He made a deal with fellow Democrats who are war with the energy industry to let this act of economic sabotage pass into law in exchange for approval of a gas pipeline in West Virginia.

Lie down with snakes, get bit:

[The pipeline Manchin was promised] would require passage of legislation that would “overhaul the permitting process for energy infrastructure,” according to The American Prospect, a liberal website.

Apparently, progressives in the House are not keen on supporting a measure that “could undercut the IRA’s down payment on clean energy by accelerating approval for energy projects that could ramp up U.S. fossil fuel production and exports of natural gas,” The American Prospect reported.

The Washington Times reported House Democrats were also angry over being excluded from the negotiations with Manchin.

Thus, they do not plan to honor the agreement.

Democrats not honor an agreement? Next, we will hear that it isn’t wise to negotiate with terrorists.

No one who would take the word of elected Democrats has the intelligence required to serve competently in the Senate. The party’s figurehead is Joe “No New Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than $400,000” Biden. It is led in the Senate by the Machiavellian reptile with whom Manchin made the deal.

If Manchin has any self-respect, he will resign in protest. The alternative is to let his betrayed constituents do to him in 2024 what Liz Cheney’s did to her in the recent primary.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 22 2022

Kids Taught to Eat Insects

For long-lasting results, instill moonbattery before the victim has developed the rational faculties to recognize it as depraved. If teachers can coax children into embracing truly sick LGBT ideology, it should be child’s play to get them eating bugs in accordance with the liberal agenda:

Note that getting kids to eat insects is so important that teachers will even allow them to temporarily remove their pointless not to mention sadistic Covid muzzles for this purpose.

Making us live off bugs like pet lizards will allow for the destruction of agriculture, which is already underway in the world’s #2 agricultural exporter. This will make the weather nicer, according to moonbat doctrine. More to the point, employees at urban cricket farms will be easier to unionize and more likely to embrace the leftist agenda than farmers.

Future lessons will coax kids to embrace eating maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, grass, larvae, and possibly even lentils.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 22 2022

New York Focuses on Gendered Language

The Black Lives Matter riots and war on local police have simmered down for now, yet violent chaos continues to spiral out of control in moonbat-ruled New York, with major crime up 36% so far this year. Rather than attempt to make the streets safe again, those in charge have other priorities, such as suppressing gendered language:

Senate Bill 536 replaces instances of the word “salesman” with the word “salespeople” and replaces instances of the pronouns “his” or “her” with “their” in New York legislation.

The bill amends Real Property Tax Law Article 12-a so as to eradicate the disfavored language. This is what liberal legislatures do with their time at taxpayer expense.

New York State Senator Anna M. Kaplan squawks that taking a stand against the gendered language that has evolved over the centuries is a way to “reflect our New York values.”

New York State Assembly member Danny O’Donnell, who sponsored the bill with Kaplan, said, “People of all professions deserve to feel valued, but gendered language in our real property law fails to adequately recognize the contributions of women and non-binary New Yorkers.”

Governor Kathy Hochul proudly signed the bill. The streets of New York continue to degenerate into savagery, but those whose lived experience has included oppression by the gendered language of property law no longer need to feel unsafe.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 22 2022

Democrats Launder Our Money Through IRS Salaries

The inflationary looting spree Democrats absurdly named the Inflation Reduction Act launders taxpayer money so they can spend it on themselves in multiple ways. One is the tactic perfected by Obama of washing the money through economically insane green energy boondoggles. Another is the hiring of a staggering 87,000 new IRS employees.

Via Americans for Tax Reform:

The IRS employee union is a major funder of the Democratic party. … In the past decade, the IRS union has given $601,759 in PAC funding to Democrat party committees.

In the 2022 cycle, the National Treasury Employees Union has given 100% of its PAC funding to Democrats. It gives 98.79% of its federal candidate spending to Democrats. Why shouldn’t it? The IRS is the essence of Big Government, and Democrats are the Party of Big Government.

Doubling the number of IRS agents should double this funding, which is provided by the taxpayers forced to finance IRS salaries.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 22 2022

Vanguard Pushes Antiwhite Moonbattery

Vanguard manages over $7 trillion in client assets. It is a pillar of the establishment. These days, that means it aggressively imposes the establishment’s ideology, as during a brainwashing session in July entitled, “The Critical Lever: Engaging White Male Managers in Advancing Diversity & Inclusion.”

Diversity consultant Laura Sherbin lectured white male managers to acknowledge their racism, to accept criticism “even if it’s uncomfortable,” and to take charge in ferreting out “bias, exclusion, and microaggressions.”

Then came a Maoist-style struggle session, in which white male Vanguard managers denounced their “racial identity” and proclaimed the glory of Cultural Marxism. Bleated one manager:

“One of my most fruitful mentor-mentee relationships was with somebody who is black, transgender, born in Kentucky to Baptist minister parents. I can tell you to this day — I learned way more from them than they ever learned from me.”

In addition to Critical Race Theory, Vanguard employees are expected to embrace sexual deviancy:

One manager said that he brought his daughters to Vanguard’s pride celebration — which he called the “most amazing Vanguard event that’s been put on in a long, long time, if not ever.” As The Post Millennial revealed last month, Vanguard’s pride festivities on its main campus in Pennsylvania included a “family-friendly” drag show.

Other asset management firms like BlackRock and State Street are comparatively pushy in promoting leftist groupthink, even at the expense of profitability.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 22 2022

Open Thread

Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government. - Edward Bernays


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