Tyranny is tyranny, whether imposed in the name of the proletariat, the planet, or something bizarre and nonexistent, likely sexually perverted children. The pretext used by your rulers to grind their collective boot on your face makes no difference whatsoever. All that matters is how hard they grind it. They are grinding it hard.
In the name of the planet,
Single-use plastic drinking straws, cutlery, plates, drink-stirrers, expanded polystyrene food and drink containers, and cotton bud sticks will be banned from sale or supply in Victoria from 1 February 2023.
Victoria is home to Melbourne, Australia’s second largest and arguably most progressive city.
Businesses and individuals will be fined $54,000 and $10,900, respectively, for selling, supplying, or distributing the forbidden items. This is even more draconian than the punishment already in place for selling highly useful plastic bags: $49,500 and $9,900, respectively.
Even the most picayune aspects of normal life must be controlled and the most trivial conveniences suppressed, so that you cannot so much as sip your ice tea without doing it in compliance with liberal ideology.
In the name of sexually perverted children,
The Fairfax County School Board in Virginia approved changes to expand punishment for students for “malicious misgendering” at Luther Jackson Middle School Thursday.
The changes in the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook, approved by a vote of 8-4, make it possible for students as young as fourth grade to be suspended for “malicious misgendering” or “deadnaming” their peers.
“Misgendering” means referring to someone with the correct pronouns even when these differ from “preferred” pronouns. “Deadnaming” means calling someone by their real name rather than a new name that has been invented to go with a new identity as a member of the opposite sex.
Thanks entirely to brainwashing by liberal social engineers, transsexual posturing is trendy among children, who are incapable of comprehending its implications.
Kids are forced to refer to other kids by bogus pronouns and phony names. This is compelled speech, which goes beyond even suppression of free speech to constitute the purest essence of tyranny.
Children who grow up in an environment where they are compelled to lie will have a hard time comprehending the principles America was built upon.
Transsexualized children, global warming hysteria, oppressed blacks, gun violence, toxic masculinity — all of it is idiot noise intended to validate that grinding boot. It is a waste of time to argue with moonbats about how many historically marginalized transsexual BIPOCs can dance on the head of a sustainably sourced pin. The only thing anyone should have to say to them is “Get your boot off my face.”
On tips from VoxAC30 and Bluto.