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Category: Feminism

May 02 2024

Open Thread

I've heard a hundred different variations of instances of unadulterated female victimhood, yet the silence of the feminists is deafening. Where two pieties--feminism and multi-culturalism--come into conflict, the only way of preserving both is an indecent silence. - Theodore Dalrymple

Apr 09 2024

Moonbat Blames Trump Supporters for NYC Face Punching

The New York City fad of punching random white or Asian women in the face turns out not to be a consequence of liberal lawlessness and Black Lives Matter race hate ideology after all. Salon’s Amanda Marcotte reveals that once again Donald Trump is to blame — or rather the misogyny of his supporters.

Mind your ears; Amanda has a tendency to shriek. Here she goes, via The Blaze:

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man’s every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there’s an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.

Deplorable MAGA types prowl the streets of ultraliberal NYC, just like in Chicago, where a pair of them set upon Jussie Smollett for being black and gay.

Everything that ever happens anywhere can be forced to fit into the liberal narrative; you just have to apply some intellectual elbow grease.

When countermoonbats responded to Amanda with guffaws…

…Amanda seized upon this as proof that she is oppressed by the male chauvinists comprising the patriarchy:

“Man, I knew this article was super true when I wrote it, but the hateful emails MAGA men are sending doubly prove it. Hit dogs, as they say, holler,” she said on social media.

“Oh men, just know that your angry emails are going unread. If I see a man’s name on the email and a mention of punching women, I know what you’re going to say and will delete without a read,” she added.

Only by firmly closing your ears to dissenting opinion can you achieve pure moonbattery.

Trump supporters would put a stop to this.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 26 2024

Middle-Aged Iranian Crowned Miss Germany

You don’t have to be young and beautiful to be a beauty queen these days. It’s enough to be a foreigner and a moonbat activist like Apameh Schönauer, the new Miss Germany.

Her qualifications, other than being from an Islamic hellhole:

She is actively involved in social activism, including founding the women’s rights organization “Network Shirzan.”

Apameh Schönauer is of course in favor of the cultural genocide by mass immigration that she personifies, barking,

“I think Germany needs to open its arms a little wider and allow us to become more diverse.”

She is 39 years old and the mother of two. The honorific “Miss” doesn’t mean what it used to.

The liberal establishment grants awards on the basis of advancing its ideology. Another recent example is journalist/terrorist Yousef Masoud winning a Polk Award for journalism participating in the terror atrocities of October 7. Consequently, awards are no longer meaningful. If anything, receiving an award proves that you did not deserve it; otherwise moonbats could not have made a political point by giving it to you.

Hat tip: Allah’s Willing Executioners.

Jan 04 2024

Inheritors of South Africa: Women Want to Be Raped

Rape is endemic in the Rainbow Utopia, as previously flourishing South African disintegrates into a pre-civilization state of barbarism due to the triumph of moonbattery. How do women feel about it? Let’s see if potential rapists know. Britain’s Ross Kemp asks the previously oppressed:

In the case of female moonbats, these sociopaths may actually have a point. If they are not willing at some sick level to become victims of rape, why do they support the societal disintegration that makes sexual violence inevitable? Maybe this explains feminist support for Hamas rapists.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 04 2024

Face of UN Women UK Is White-Hating Black Man

Women are not faring well in the leftist pecking order. When they aren’t getting raped and murdered by Hamas with feminist approval, they are getting displaced by cross-dressing men — even in women’s organizations:

Women’s rights groups have written in opposition to a decision by UN Women UK to have a transgender woman as its “UK champion”.

They have voiced their “dismay and disappointment” following the decision to select Munroe Bergdorf, 36, a model and broadcaster, to take on the role in November.

Nice to see some women’s rights groups still support women. Other ostensibly feminist groups have been subordinated to the greater liberal agenda, which calls for the sacrifice of women to terrorist savages and male perverts.

UN Women UK works in support of UN Women in a bid to transform the lives of women and girls along with “empowerment of women equality globally within civil society, government and the corporate sector”.

It empowers women by displacing them and by advancing the LGBT objective of canceling the very concept of women. What do you expect from the United Nations?

Mr. Bergdorf drones that he will “draw attention to the systemic and social impact of misogyny, transphobia and gender-based inequality within the UK.”

He is a fierce opponent not only of transphobia but also of Caucasians. Bergdorf is about as British as he is female. From 2020:

Bergdorf has rejoined L’Oreal Paris after [he] was sacked by the brand in 2017 for posting about “the racial violence of white people”. …

[He] will now join the company’s UK diversity and inclusion advisory board.

Bergdorf temporarily got the boot by shouting that “ALL white people” are guilty of racial violence. He proclaimed that whites’ “entire existence is drenched in racism.” Among the politically orthodox, to accuse someone of racism is the worst possible insult.

Naturally L’Oreal caved to the Powers That Be by bringing Bergdorf back on. If being a left-wing black woman is qualification enough to be Vice President, a Supreme Court Justice, White House Press Secretary, and until this week President of Harvard, surely being a left-wing black transsexual is qualification enough to represent beauty products — as well as women’s organizations like UN Women UK.

Munroe Bergdorf is a woman like Rachel Dolezal is black.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 20 2023

Believe All Women Unless…

If feminists were going to be reasonable about anything, it ought to be Islam, which has treated women as subhuman from the beginning. In the early days of Mohammad’s cult, a primary recruiting tool was the distribution of booty from the caravans it looted — including women who were captured as sex slaves. To this day, Islamic regimes repress women to such an extreme that they are forbidden to show their hair and in some places even their faces. Yet in the aftermath of October 7, feminist groups side with Islam:

After Hamas terrorists set about murdering, raping and abducting as many women as they could, one might have expected widespread condemnation from the West’s feminist groups. After all, Hamas had provided enough evidence of its crimes — within hours, they were posting footage of abducted young women in bloodied trousers being paraded around Gaza.

Not to mention that women’s Achilles tendons were slit so they couldn’t run away before getting gang raped.

The response among the majority of groups committed to ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) was threefold: to keep quiet, to disbelieve the victims, or to insinuate they deserved their fate. In the words of 140 American “prominent feminist scholars”, to stand in solidarity with Israeli women is to give in to “colonial feminism”.

In Liberalese, “colonial” means “pertaining to Western Civilization.”

The British feminist group Feministo has no evident issue with Islam but plenty of problems with all things “colonial” — including the existence of Israel. A demonstration demanding its surrender to terrorists who want the country erased shut down London’s Liverpool Street Station.

Afterwards, the charity issued a 600-word statement, filled with references to “apartheid”, “genocide” and disproved reports that the IDF had bombed Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital. There was no mention, however, of the 239 abducted Israelis, roughly 100 of whom are believed to be women, or the sexual assaults that took place on October 7. When journalist Hadley Freeman pointed out this wasn’t terribly feminist of them, the group responded by claiming reports of Hamas’s sex attacks amounted to “the Islamophobic and racist weaponisation of sexual violence”. Towards the end of their rambling statement, they concluded: “no people would ever accept being murdered, humiliated, dispossessed, racially targeted, oppressed, cleansed, exiled and colonised without resisting.”

Murder isn’t murder if committed by a favored group against colonial women and children, who are the real murderers according to moonbat ideology.

The horrors inflicted on women on October 7 are well documented. Progressives dismiss the documentation as Israeli propaganda. Believe all women, unless it conflicts with the agenda.

Other feminist groups openly siding with Hamas terrorists in the aftermath of the nightmare last month include Southall Black Sisters, Women for Women UK, Women’s Place UK, and UN Women.

The testimony of Nachman Dyksztejna regarding the Islamic atrocities clarifies what feminists are siding with:

“In Kibbutz Be’eri, I witnessed bodies of two women with their hands and legs tied to a bed. One of these bodies we found was sexually terrorised with a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed. After brutally violating these women, Hamas detonated the house on them, so we found them beneath a pile of stones.

“The mini shelters scattered from the Nova party site to road 34, shelters that had been broken into, were filled with piles of women. Their clothing was torn on the upper part, but their bottoms were completely naked. Piles and piles of women, dead bodies, lying this way. When you took a closer look at their heads, you saw a single shot straight to the brain of each.”

The scene makes a good metaphor for what leftists want done to all of us for being “colonial.”

None of this sounds very empowering for women. But then, feminists don’t care any more about women than climate kooks care about the weather or Black Lives Matter fellow travelers care about the welfare of blacks.

The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the destruction of civilization so that it can be replaced by a regime of inescapable moonbattery. Like feminism, Islam makes for a useful wrecking ball.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.

Oct 31 2023

Women Begin to Find Disfavor

Only recently, women still had such a place of prominence in the Cultural Marxist totem pole of oppression that #MeToo mania was able to destroy any number of lives, even among moonbats (e.g., Al Franken, Charlie Rose). But then social engineers were forced to choose between women and transsexuals. Consequently, women are getting a taste of the contempt and demonization normally reserved for men.

Ninety-pound anti-Constitution activist David Hogg even blames suburban white women for gun violence. Squeaks Hogg:

“We will never end gun violence until white women in the suburbs stop voting for the Republicans who are endangering our schools and communities by flooding them with guns.”

True enough, any woman living in a house with numerous means of ingress, near an urban area, would be foolish not to have a gun in the house — preferably an AR-15, which is an idea weapon for female home defense, given its easy handling and high capacity.

Even the National Organization for Women has turned on women:

“Trans women are women,” the organization said on Facebook Monday morning.

That is to say, there is no such thing as a woman in any meaningful sense. A male pervert mocking women by dressing up as one as if for Halloween is as much a woman as a woman is.

Comments on the NOW post that do not comply with official pro-transsexual, anti-woman ideology are apparently getting deleted.

Feminism was once the primary wrecking ball used to destroy traditional values. But it has largely served its purpose. Social engineers have moved on, confirming that the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution from above. Now even the largest feminist organization in the USA is no longer feminist but rather LGBTist.

When women are as disfavored as men, equality between the sexes will have been achieved at last.

On tips from Barry A and Bluto.

Oct 26 2023

Prime Minister of Iceland Declares Herself Oppressed

No matter what heights of power they attain, allegedly marginalized members of the Cultural Marxist coalition will never admit they are not oppressed. On the contrary, the more victimhood works, the more it will be brandished. Barack Obama was made president mainly for being black; we were rewarded with the politicized racial animus that soon degenerated into Black Lives Matter. In Iceland, a woman is prime minister. Katrin Jakobsdóttir was not on the job Tuesday; she was on strike to protest being oppressed:

The prime minister of Iceland went on strike Tuesday in protest of gender discrimination.

Would Jakobsdóttir admit she isn’t oppressed if they made her Queen of Iceland? She would not.

The main grievance:

Women in Iceland earn approximately 10% less on average compared to their male counterparts, according to the World Economic Forum.

The WEF also tells us that we must eat larvae to please the climate and that we will own nothing and be happy.

Apparently Iceland has no real problems, so Jakobsdóttir focuses on a crisis that does not exist:

The widely debunked theory of a gender pay gap supposes that men and women earn the same amount of money for doing the exact same work. Total earnings often show a difference between genders without factoring in work hours, profession, or time lapses in a career.

Given that men tend to work more hours, gravitate to more remunerative professions, take fewer extended absences, et cetera, the miniscule 10% wage gap in Iceland suggests that women are being paid more for the same work compared to men.

Iceland consistently ranks at the top of equality indexes, however, including at the World Economic Forum where Jakobsdóttir wrote an article in 2017 boasting the country’s gender successes.

Maybe Iceland has a real problem after all. Its prime minister is in league with a sinister globalist cabal. She is listed as a WEF “agenda contributor.”

In 2020, the Icelandic leader said that in regard to “rebuilding and reimagining societies after COVID-19,” it was crucial to keep “gender & racial equality, democracy & social justice at the forefront.”

“Democracy” and “social justice” are ominous terms coming from Klaus Schwab acolytes.

At least Jakobsdóttir can explain away statistics showing the wage gap to be a load of crap. The algorithms were designed by men, who are sexists:

On a tip from R F.

Oct 18 2023

George Orwell May Face Memory Hole

George Orwell predicted where leftist politics would take us with such uncanny precision that it would be surprising if he did not foresee his own cancelation:

George Orwell was a “sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent” man who wrote women out of his story, according to a biographer of his wife.

Anna Funder even implies that Orwell was homosexual, despite also denouncing him as a homophobe.

“So he’s a very complicated man. He’s sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent, and also brilliant,” she told an audience at the Cheltenham Literature Festival while promoting the book Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible [L]ife.

Nice of her to admit that Orwell was brilliant, but that’s not enough to save a misogynist from getting canceled — or as Orwell would put it in 1984, vaporized and consigned to the memory hole, so that it is as if the disfavored person had never existed.

Evidence for Orwell’s heinousness can be found right in the pages of his most famous book:

[W]riting a book like 1984, which is violent, misogynist, sadistic, grim, paranoid: that comes out of a writer’s flaws. …

“A decent, everyman underdog, the ordinary person that he might have wanted to be, would not have had those visions.”

If you see bad things coming, that proves you are a bad person.

As for the misogyny allegation,

“In his work he absolutely ignores women. He’s a misogynist.”

Julia is a central character in 1984. But it was misogynistic not to make her the main protagonist. This political defect has been corrected:

Wifedom is not the only book this year to reassess Orwell through a feminist lens. Sandra Newman has written Julia, which retells 1984 through the eyes of its main female character.

The only way Orwell can escape vaporization is for all of his work to be rewritten to comply with the ideology of the liberal establishment, just as Winston Smith rewrote old newspaper articles to comply with the current doctrine of Ingsoc.

On a tip from The Great Cornholio.

Oct 13 2023

Liberal Establishment Cancels Women

Dylan Mulvaney’s outlandishly lucrative act is a vicious parody of womanhood. The liberal establishment is in on it:

If this guy is a woman, as the media demands we pretend, then women do not exist in any meaningful sense. Our rulers cannot define the word “woman” because women are undergoing cancelation.

Members of the Cultural Marxist coalition had best beware. Women were charter members, back when feminism was the primary wrecking ball used by social engineers to smash cornerstones of civilization like marriage, masculinity, and sexual morals. But now that liberals have moved on to LGBTism, women are discarded, having served their purpose. The same could happen to other identity groups that currently enjoy cherished “oppressed” status.

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 09 2023

Misogyny on Display at London Trans+ Pride Freak Show

Feminists are correct that some men hate women. Misogynists took to the streets of London yesterday at a disturbing spectacle called Trans+ Pride:

A TERF is a woman who refuses to give men credit for being women. Here a guy in a dress waving the flag of a terrorist outfit explicitly calls for violence against them:

Considering his history, this guy’s threats should be taken seriously:

Sarah Jane Baker … told the cheering crowd: ‘I was gonna come here and be really fluffy and be really nice and say yeah be really lovely and queer and gay… Nah, if you see a TERF, punch them in the f****** face.’ …

Baker was originally jailed for kidnapping and torturing [his] stepmother’s brother, [he] was then convicted while behind bars of the attempted murder of another inmate. [He] was released in 2019.

It’s almost as if there were some kind of link between psychosis and believing yourself to be a member of the opposite sex.

Another Trans+ Pride participant proclaimed that transsexual freakazoids are deities to be worshiped, which is preaching to the choir, where liberals are concerned.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 25 2023

Women’s Museum Erases Women

Feminism served its purpose in helping to destroy civilization by eroding the family. Now social engineers have moved on. Women are no longer useful as an identity group. So they are erased in favor of transsexualism.

In the USA, a Supreme Court Justice cannot define a woman — even after having been handed the position explicitly for being a Woman of Color — because according to her ideology, there no longer is such a thing. In Denmark, the Women’s Museum changed its name for the same reason:

A statue of a naked, bearded man attempting to breastfeed an infant is drawing disapproval on social media for what some critics are calling female erasure. The nude figure, constructed in 2021 as a self-portrait by Aske Kreilgaard, is depicted with exposed male genitals and breasts to which he is holding a feeding baby.

Despite having been created to commemorate International Men’s Day, the statue has now been placed outside of The Gender Museum (KØN) in Aarhus, Denmark, which was previously known as the Women’s Museum (Kvindemuseet).

The facility was originally founded in 1982 to educate the public about women’s history…

But now women are history, so the name was changed accordingly in 2021.

If you don’t like it, you are a transphobe and a TERF and had better shut up; otherwise, you will be canceled or worse.

No doubt Danish taxpayers are forced to fund this:

The former Women’s Museum first began to incorporate elements of gender ideology into their education programs in 2016 and currently offers sex education for children in primary school “through a culture-historical and norm-critical view of sexuality and gender.”

If moonbattery doesn’t make it hard to keep your breakfast down, you have a stronger stomach than I do:

Suste Bonnén calls the statue a “pedophile’s dream.” You might say the same for transsexualism in general.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 22 2023

Democrats Demand Gender Equity for Crash Test Dummies

When he shows up for work, Pete Buttigieg fills his time evangelizing that our money must be spent to combat racist transportation. But did you know transportation is also sexist? No worries, our money can be thrown at that nonexistent problem too:

Despite stubbornly high inflation and a looming debt ceiling crisis, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is asking Congress for $20 million in his department’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget — to develop female crash test dummies.

Conspicuously kooky congresscritter Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) is ready to spend:

“This will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims,” said DeLauro…

Look what kind of people are in charge:

How does she know crash test dummies don’t identify as female? Possibly because they are not shrieking about killing people if not allowed into opposite sex bathrooms.

Actually, we already have female crash test dummies, in that some are lighter and smaller. But if you want to volunteer, Rosa, don’t let that stop you.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, jas385, Franco, and MrRightWingDave.

Mar 27 2023

Media Praises Transsexuals for Destroying Women’s Sports

For decades, feminism and leftism were in perfect sync. Feminists played a major role in vitiating American society by undermining the family and promoting sexual profligacy. They have served their purpose; cultural engineers are through with them now. To be woke is to despise women. A Disney-owned leftist propaganda outlet that sugar-coats political indoctrination by wrapping it in sports makes this clear:

As part of its Women’s History Month campaign, ESPN ran a minute-long promo Sunday featuring Lia Thomas — a biological male who competed on the women’s swim team at the University of Pennsylvania.

The gag-inducing segment praises Thomas as though bullying his way into the women’s locker room were somehow admirable and “celebrates Thomas’ championship in the women’s 500 freestyle.”

That is, ESPN wipes its messy behind on Women’s History Month by praising a perverted jerk who has helped to destroy women’s sports.

In other news from what’s left of women’s sports,

A former women’s cycling champion angrily quit the sport after losing to a transgender rider…

[Hannah Arensman] said that it “has become increasingly discouraging to train as hard as I do only to have to lose to a man with the unfair advantage of an androgenized body that intrinsically gives him an obvious advantage over me, no matter how hard I train.”

“I feel for young girls learning to compete and who are growing up in a day when they no longer have a fair chance at being the new record holders and champions in cycling,” she wrote.

While Arensman fumes with understandable rage,

[T]rans cyclist Tiffany Thomas, 47, was photographed with her arms aloft in victory at the top of the podium at the Randall’s Island Crit — at least her 20th win since she started racing in 2018

By “her,” they mean “his.” The media’s use of female pronouns to refer to a guy who has been ruining races for legitimate competitors emphasizes that nothing journalist say can be taken at face value.

“Tiffany” says he feels “like a superhero” because of the way defeating women at cycling stokes his ego.

Stay tuned for next year’s Women’s History Month, which is likely to feature ESPN heaping obsequious praise on Tiffany Thomas — assuming anyone remembers there was once such a thing as women’s sports next year.

On tips from Wiggins and Steve T.


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