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Category: Lawsuits

Jul 05 2024

Oppressed Trans Employee Cashes In for €7,000

Jackpot justice gets ever easier for the sexually deranged. Just show up for work looking so freakish that your employer objects. It helps if the employer calls you by your legal name. Then cash in:

On June 24, a French court in Angers awarded 22-year-old “Syntia” Dersoir €7,000 after ruling that the gender-confused man was discriminated against by his former employer for being referred to by his legal birth name and told not to wear an abundance of makeup during work hours.

Dersoir worked for a McDonald’s in Segré-en-Anjou Bleu.

In 2022, Dersoir was hired under his birth name and was legally registered as a male. In early 2023, he started donning makeup and prosthetic breasts while at work.

With the moonbat establishment on his side, Dersoir didn’t even have to spring for a lawyer.

Following Dersoir’s complaint to the French Labour Inspectorate, the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT) provided him a lawyer. Deerosir then lodged a criminal complaint against the management at the McDonald’s where he had been employed.

A criminal complaint. His supervisor can count herself lucky she wasn’t hauled off to prison.

Reacting to Dersoir’s accusations, the lawyer representing McDonald’s, Maître Pascal Landais, maintained that management had merely requested that Dersoir abide by the McDonald’s workplace makeup policy that all staff had to follow.

They didn’t even tell him not to wear women’s makeup, but only not to cake on so much of it. However, it is oppression to suggest that workplace rules everyone else has to follow apply to the Alphabet People.

French media predictably sides with Dersoir.

No wonder so many people have decided to be transsexual. Why work when you can get paid to be oppressed? All it costs you is self-respect.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 26 2024

NYC Pays Off Sham She-Muslim

Moonbats looking to cash in on jackpot justice are advised to head for the Big Apple:

The City of New York has agreed to pay out a $350,000 settlement to a man who identifies as a Muslim woman for keeping him in the men’s section of Rikers Island while he was awaiting trial on domestic violence charges.

Taxpayers caught a break. It could have been worse:

Ali Miles, formerly known as Dylan Miles, had initially demanded over $22,000,000 in compensation.

After a brief detention on Riker’s Island, Mr. Miles was sent back to Arizona, where he was found guilty of two felony counts of aggravated harassment per domestic violence and various misdemeanors including disorderly conduct.

Miles filed a lawsuit against the City of New York, seeking damages related to “gender identity discrimination” for having been detained in the men’s section of Rikers Island.

“Gender identify discrimination” can be defined as “failure to comply with ludicrous demands from someone pretending to be a member of the opposite sex.” Like a lot of guys, Mr. Miles would have preferred to be locked up with women.

Miles has also filed lawsuits against various businesses. For example:

In May of 2023, Miles filed a lawsuit against a New York yoga studio seeking compensation of $5,000,000 after employees reportedly asked him to use the men’s restroom instead of the women’s.

The strategy is to screech that he has been oppressed for being gay and transsexual and then to demand an out-of-court settlement to go away.

You can’t blame bureaucrats for wanting to settle. Last year an NYC jury awarded an oppressed Woman of Color $11.25 million because she was fired by a fitness center for showing up late for work 47 times.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 15 2024

Transsexuals Sue Over Access to Women’s Locker Rooms

Although the LGBT agenda suffers few setbacks, the Alphabet People are still oppressed. The Olympics put the kibosh on Will “Lia” Thomas’s plan to compete on the US women’s team. He isn’t the first guy to encounter resistance at the door to the women’s locker room. In Europe, transsexuals respond with lawsuits.

In Germany:

A trans-identified male who was denied membership and access to the women’s showers at a female-only fitness center in Bavaria is suing the facility for €2,500 in compensation, claiming “personal injury suffered.” The suit comes just weeks after the gym was already ordered to pay him €1,000 by the federal anti-discrimination commissioner.

“Laura Hannah” Holstein, 25 and formerly known as Nicolas, recently came to international notoriety after filing complaints against Lady’s First Fitness Studio with the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency. The complaints came after Holstein, who is balding and fully-intact, was denied access to the female-only facilities.

Long before Herr Holstein takes off his clothes, it is horrifically obvious that he is not a woman.


A soldier in Spain is suing the Ministry of Defense for almost €50,000 after accusing officials of not properly facilitating or accommodating his “gender transition.”

The military agreed to let Francisco Javier López use women’s facilities, but only when no real women are using them, defeating the purpose.

At least his lawyer has a sense of humor:

His lawyer also told press that this restriction revealed “various serious and culpable breaches caused by the [Ministry of Justice],” and that the facts could imply the “existence of a conduct detrimental to the fundamental rights” of López. In particular, the right to respect for his dignity and his physical and moral integrity.

Terms like “dignity” and “moral integrity” are always good for a laugh when screeched by a transsexual’s lawyer.

Like Herr Holstein, Señor López does not look much like a woman.

López does not plan to undergo surgical disfigurement or hormone poisoning, or even change his name. Why should he bother? According to the dominant ideology, he is a woman because he says he is a woman. Having declared himself a lesbian earns him extra oppression points.

So cheer up, Mister Thomas. Liberal courts might bestow jackpot justice. Besides, the Olympics might let you hang out naked in the ladies’ locker room even if they don’t let you ruin the sport by swimming on the team.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, WDS 2.0, and Jester.

Jun 08 2024

Another Noose Hoax

Turns out you don’t have to go a few weeks without taking a shower to climb aboard the jackpot justice gravy train. Just tie a noose:

A major Midlands [South Carolina] gun manufacturer is facing accusations of racial discrimination after a Black employee says a noose was left on his work station.

A liberal jury will especially enjoy looting a gun maker. Too bad the disgruntled former employee can’t get the case tried in New York.

Tremell Washington worked as an armorer for the Lexington County-based firearm manufacturer from November 2021 to September 2022. Washington claims several individuals at Palmetto State Armory, including supervisors, used the “n-word” in his presence while he worked there, according to the lawsuit.

That allegation alone could be worth a few $million. But the noose will rope in the big bucks. According to the Afrocentric religion of our moonbat overlords, nooses have only ever been used to oppress sacred blacks. Consequently, they are blasphemous.

On Aug. 30, 2022, Washington said he found an air-hose at his work station tied into a noose. When he brought the noose to the attention of the plant manager, the manager “laughed,” the lawsuit claims.

Some probably had the same reaction when Bubba Wallace whimpered that his garage door pull was a noose — and when Nikki Haley shrilly believed him.

Washington says he found another noose soon afterward. A coworker allegedly snickered that he should wear an “I can’t breathe” shirt — a reference to dubious claims of oppression by crybullies of color.

The racism escalated still further:

Washington said his supervisor “began to intensely criticize and scrutinize” his work…

This unwelcome scrutiny evidently resulted in Washington getting fired.

A cash bonanza isn’t enough. Washington demands that his enemies crawl before him:

He asks for damages, attorney’s fees, reinstatement and a written apology.

It is conceivable if unlikely that mischievous coworkers really did needle Washington with a noose. Even so, the lawsuit would still place him on the Hate Hoax List, because pretending that teasing constitutes oppression constitutes a hoax.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jun 03 2024

Blacks File Suit After Stinking Up Airplane

Among the many special privileges afforded to those of preferred pigmentation, we may soon add the right to stink up airplanes:

Three Black men filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against American Airlines, claiming they were racially discriminated against when they were allegedly pulled off a plane over a body odor complaint.

Even the plaintiffs are racists. Evidently they associate being black with stinking:

[Plaintiffs Alvin] Jackson and [Emmanuel] Jean-Joseph said they felt singled out for being Black and were humiliated by the episode.

Emotional trauma on this scale warrants lucrative jackpot justice:

Jean-Joseph said the men were made to look like criminals as they walked down the aisle of the plane. He said he has not flown since the incident and that he broke down as he relived it Wednesday, when the lawsuit was filed.

And yet:

All eight men [only three of whom are suing] reboarded the flight about an hour later, after complaining about discrimination and after the airline could not book them on a later flight, according to the lawsuit, which was filed in the Eastern District of New York.

Let’s hope the other passengers used their time on the tarmac to reflect on their stink-free privilege.

The incident happened in Phoenix not New York. However, as the recent Trump trial has made obvious, the merits of a case are less important than where you bring it.

The plaintiffs are seeking awards of compensatory damages to be determined in a jury trial.

The potentially expensive lesson: let blacks do whatever they want, including stink up airplanes, even if it makes everyone else miserable. Otherwise, you will get looted, I mean sued.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 04 2024

Letitia James Comes After Meat

If Soros-installed New York Attorney General Letitia James can tell us who we can or cannot vote for by hamstringing unapproved presidential candidates through lawfare, surely she can dictate to the entire country what food we can eat. Meat is a no:

People mustn’t be allowed to eat meat if it is offensive according to climate ideology — though criminals can rest assured that low-level crime will remain effectively legal under rule by Letitia James.

She may not have the power to prevent the entire USA from eating meat. But given the judgment of up to $500 million she inflicted on Trump for being someone liberals don’t like, she can probably raise the price of it.

When we pay more for meat because of Letitia James, can you guess where the money goes? Of course you can:

Because there is no specific person or entity harmed, just some general claim of fraud, any award will go into the pockets of the state.

Tyranny and malice are not the only motivators for Democrats. There is also pathological greed.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 31 2023

Denver to Pay Black Lives Matter Rioters $4.7 Million

The showering of free money upon Black Lives Matter vermin as a reward for rioting isn’t limited to festering hellholes like Philadelphia and the New York. Denver joins in:

Denver will hand over nearly $5 million to protesters who participated in 2020 demonstrations after the death of George Floyd after settling a class-action lawsuit on Aug. 23 that alleged they were selectively targeted for violating curfew, according to the court document.

You want selectively targeted? Try the January 6 protesters who watched leftists riot throughout the country for months on end with minimal consequences, but then were thrown into solitary confinement for trespassing in the People’s House, their crime being protesting against election fraud rather than whiteness.

The lawsuit, filed in November 2021 by seven protesters, alleged that more than 300 people were arrested for violating the curfew. The settlement awarded over $4.7 million to the protesters and promised that the city would not enforce future curfews against persons engaging in First Amendment activity.

Note that the rioters are explicitly rewarded for breaking the law. The money comes from the pockets of the law-abiding.

Don’t expect this to apply if there is another Covid crackdown and people want to protest lockdowns and mask mandates.

Not even the most cretinous sociopath could fail to notice the bright green light. The objective of going out their way to encourage, facilitate, justify, and now financially reward rioters is obvious: our rulers want more riots. They need an army ready for strategic deployment, because next year is the big election — the one that decides whether we turn back from the path Barack Obama and Joe Biden put us on, or plunge over the cliff into national fragmentation and dysfunctional left-wing authoritarianism.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Aug 26 2023

DoJ Comes After SpaceX for Not Hiring Aliens

Elon Musk enraged the liberal establishment by allowing dissident speech on X. The inevitable punishment was not long in coming:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Thursday filed a lawsuit against SpaceX accusing the company of discriminating against asylum recipients and refugees in its hiring decisions.

As Kyle Rittenhouse can tell you, the process is the punishment. The suit does not need to have any sane basis. It just needs to be an expensive pain in the ass. In the case of suing SpaceX for hiring Americans rather than “refugees,” it also serves as a shot across Musk’s bow.

“Our investigation found that SpaceX failed to fairly consider or hire asylees and refugees because of their citizenship status and imposed what amounted to a ban on their hire regardless of their qualification, in violation of federal law,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division.

Put leftist maniacs like Kristen Clarke (best known for her rabid racism) in positions of authority, what else would expect?

[The Injustice Department’s case] runs counter to a 2020 post by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on X, the social media platform then known as Twitter, which read, “US law requires at least a green card to be hired at SpaceX, as rockets are considered advanced weapons technology.”

But you can hardly expect a regime headed by the Chinese asset Joe Biden to worry about the security of advanced weapons technology.

The Justice Department is seeking “fair consideration and back pay for asylees and refugees who were deterred or denied employment at SpaceX due to the alleged discrimination.” It is also pursuing civil penalties…

The Regime is searching for victims to cash in on some jackpot justice at the expense of SpaceX:

The DOJ Civil Rights Division’s Immigrant and Employee Rights Section is requesting that asylees or refugees contact the division if they either applied to a job at SpaceX and were rejected; were discouraged from applying to SpaceX because they weren’t a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident; or were told by a recruiter or other SpaceX employee that the company could only hire U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

This overt weaponization of federal departments began under Obama:

“If you speak up against the illiberal regime, they find ways to go after you,” Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale said. “They hope to scare others not speak out like @elonmusk. The DOJ sued Palantir for nonsense after our co-founder Peter Thiel spoke at the 2016 Republican convention, too.”

Indeed, shortly after Thiel spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Department of Labor sued his company for alleged “racial discrimination.”

On Friday, Musk responded to Lonsdale, “The weaponization of government agencies needs to stop. This fundamentally undermines public faith in the justice system.”

By now we are past having faith in any institution controlled by Democrats. As with the Trump indictments, the thuggery could not be more obvious:

[S]hortly after Musk purchased the social media platform last November, President Joe Biden ominously remarked that Musk’s business transaction were “worth being looked at.”

When asked how he would go about doing that, Biden chuckled, “There’s a lot of ways.”

The question isn’t whether you can trust these people with power. The question is how to get them out of power and keep them out.

On tips from Barry A, 6’3″ 215 lbs American Dreyfus, Brian Brandt, ABC of the ANC, and Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 20 2023

$800K Jackpot Justice Because McNugget Was Too Hot

If McDonald’s starts serving room temperature McNuggets, here’s why:

A Florida court awarded a mother $800,000 from McDonald’s after her daughter received second-degree burns from a piping hot McNugget that fell on her lap in 2019.

The jury reached the verdict after less than two hours of deliberation Wednesday afternoon.

Philana Holmes’s lawyers had demanded $15 million. Maybe she will receive the remainder when reparations are imposed.

McDonald’s is a favorite target of predatory lawsuits due to its visibility. In 1994, Stella Liebeck earned $millions by spilling McDonald’s coffee on herself in an infamous milestone in jackpot justice. That’s why cups come with a warning label that coffee might be hot. Surprisingly, there is no “This End Up” label on McDonald’s cups, leaving the company vulnerable to future lawsuits.

Like shoplifting, these lawsuits drive up prices for the rest of us.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 17 2023

Paid $2 million for Flunking Teachers’ Exam

If the Oppressed can earn $11.25 million by repeatedly showing up late for work until they get fired, how much can they rake in by failing a teachers’ exam? Plenty:

Failing the New York State teachers’ exam really paid off — especially for a Queens man who learned this month he’s getting a $2 million windfall over it.

Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments after the city stopped fighting a nearly three-decade federal discrimination lawsuit that found a certification exam was biased.

“Biased” means the test had disparate impact. That means members of certain groups were less likely to pass it.

This is why we have no standards anymore. Apply standards and you will attract the attention of the racial grievance industry, which will loot you into oblivion.

One reason the jackpot is so extravagant is that taxpayers will be…

…footing the bill for many of the plaintiffs to collect pension checks based on time never worked after they reach retirement age, plus their health insurance.

Adding insult to injury,

The city is also on the hook for the plaintiff’s lawyer’s fees, a sum that totaled more than $43 million last year.

The looting will continue until either we overthrow moonbat rule or the whole country goes bankrupt.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 06 2023

Transsexual Felon Awarded Half $Million

They don’t make social justice jackpots in Minnesota like they do in New York. Being a woman of color who was late for work 47 times is worth $11.25 million in NYC. But a guy calling himself Christina Lusk was only able to collect $495,000 for being a cross-dressing felon in Minnesota, despite transsexuals occupying the top tier of the liberal caste system:

A Minnesota transgender inmate is being moved to a women’s prison and will receive a vaginoplasty as well as $495,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit against the state Department of Corrections. …

Lusk, who was arrested in 2018 and is serving a sentence until 2024 for a felony drug offense, sued the Minnesota DOC last year in part because it deferred Lusk’s request for a vaginoplasty, or “bottom surgery.”

In addition to sex-change surgery, taxpayers owe Lusk half a $million also because other criminals made fun of him for being a freak, instead of revering him as the rest of us are expected to do.

“Inmates would heckle her, heckle her roommates… call her ‘it,’ that sort of thing,” Gender Justice legal director Jess Braverman said, according to FOX 9. “And then there were staff who would say things to her, such as, ‘You know, you’re a man in a men’s prison. I’m not going to treat you like a woman. I’m not going to use your proper name and pronouns.’”

No doubt this qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment — unlike the punishment inflicted on women in women’s prisons who are locked up with male perverts.

In January, the Minnesota DOC joined 10 other states and the District of Columbia in establishing a policy by which inmates can be transferred to facilities that match their gender identity.

Women are getting raped and even impregnated due to these psychotic policies. A progressive might argue they deserve it for being TERFs who insensitively refuse to acknowledge that their rapists are women too.

On a tip from Franco.

May 27 2023

Paid $11.25 Million for Being Late 47 Times

Racist oppression works great: show up late for work 47 times, get fired, collect $11.25 million. Thanks to the politicization of the judicial system, the looting spree known as “racial justice” has no limits:

High-end gym chain Equinox has been ordered to pay $11.25 million to one of their former trainers after her lawyers convinced a New York jury that her firing was racially motivated and not because she showed up for work late 47 times.

Robynn Europe lives near Coney Island. Eventually, she showed up for work at a gym on the Upper East Side. She does not deny frequently being late. Nonetheless:

The jury found that Europe, a former professional bodybuilder, had been subjected to a hostile work environment and unlawfully fired her on the basis of both her race and gender.

What do you expect? These people chose Eric Adams to be their mayor.

Europe claims that a subordinate made racist and sexist remarks. Also, a manager at Equinox allegedly obliged a customer’s request for a white trainer. This manager had already been fired.

Sorry, Caucasian readers. There is no way for you to attain the precious privilege of racial oppression for yourselves. The same activist lawyers, liberal judges, and urban Democrat juries that pick the winners pick you for the losers.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Chris Neilson.

Apr 25 2023

Open Thread

Lawsuit abuse is a major contributor to the increased costs of healthcare, goods and services to consumers. - Charles W. Pickering

Apr 24 2023

Bidens Deploy Lawfare to Silence Marjory Taylor Greene

Considering that lawfare might have been used to knock Tucker Carlson off Fox News, why not deploy it against problematic congressional representatives?

Attorney Abbe Lowell sent letters asking the Treasury Department’s inspector general to investigate how former Donald Trump loyalists obtained reports of Biden’s alleged “suspicious activity” and seeking a congressional ethics review of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s public attacks against President Joe Biden’s family, reported Politico’s Playbook.

Abbe Lowell serves as the attorney for the skeevy degenerate Hunter Biden, who in turn apparently serves as the primary bagman for Joe Biden’s influence peddling enterprise.

MTG isn’t the only target:

Lowell also wrote that former Trump White House official Garrett Ziegler did not have a First Amendment defense for obtaining and publishing confidential Treasury Department records regarding the president’s son, and he said those actions may have violated the Bank Secrecy Act.

If the lawfare strategy is successful, you can be sure Joe Biden will double down on his stated plan to use it to render the Second Amendment moot.

On a tip from Bluto.


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