International Non-Binary People’s Day for a Vegan
Rats. I forgot to put out my flag yesterday to celebrate International Non-Binary People’s Day. Here’s what the day means to a nonbinary vegan named Jazmine Bennett:
Both my veganism and my non-binary identity are cogs in the multitudinal mechanism of my being that mean I can’t just sit by and accept the world for what it is.
Because they can’t accept the world for what it is, moonbats insist on changing it at the expense of the normal people they hate. That’s the problem.
Thanks to indoctrination by liberal parents and subverted media companies like Disney, moonbats get off to an early start:
My journeys with veganism and queerness began at quite similar times. When I was nine years old, having begun to learn about the slaughter of non-human animals, I decided I wasn’t going to eat meat anymore and was met by my parents with the support I needed to be a vegetarian. A few months later, I declared during my class that I thought I was bisexual.
Imagine a 9-year-old deciding to be bisexual at any other time in recorded history.
There is more to Jasmine’s multifarious moonbattery that abnormal sexuality and dietary habits. Being neither male nor female does not protect her from being oppressed as a woman. She also asserts her victim status in accordance with more traditional economic Marxism:
My non-binary, feminine and working class experiences mean I am disproportionately affected by day- to- day bigotry as well as the systematic impact of colonialism and capitalism that continue to wide-reaching issues including the climate emergency, cost of living crisis and strains on healthcare.
You had to know the global warming hoax would be shoehorned in somehow. Same for racism, even though she’s white:
Living at this intersection has made it impossible for me to ignore the plights of other oppressed groups across the world who are also disproportionately affected including BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) communities, indigenous peoples, migrants, and non-human animals.
Hopefully BIPOCs don’t mind getting lumped in with subhuman species.
To conclude:
I refuse to accept the normalised cruelty that tells us consuming non-human animals is okay and natural as much as the cruelty that tells us being non-binary isn’t.
Therefore, the rest of us must change our ways by rejecting both biology and a normal human diet. Jasmine has spoken.
On a tip from Mike B.