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Category: Tyranny

Dec 21 2022

Feds Investigate School for Removing Filth From Library

In healthier times, providing perverted sexual material to children at school would have constituted a serious scandal. But as we reach end-stage liberalism, removing such materials is literally a federal case.

From the conservative Dallas/Fort Worth suburb Granbury:

“The Office for Civil Rights can confirm that there is an open investigation into Granbury [Independent School District] under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,” according to a statement Tuesday from the Education Department. …

Title IX has prohibitions against discriminating on the basis of sex, gender and sexual orientation.

Under Democrat rule, resistance to the LGBT indoctrination of children is considered a violation.

It all started last January when Granbury ISD Superintendent Jeremy Glenn met with librarians to discuss the move to ban books.

To “ban books” is liberalese for removing obscene materials from school library shelves.

“Let’s call it what it is, and I’m cutting to the chase on this, it’s the transgender, LGBTQ and the sex – sexuality in books. That’s what the governor has said he will prosecute people for, and that’s what we’re pulling out,” he said at one point during the closed-door meeting.

Glenn compounded his thoughtcrime with more wrongthink:

“There are two genders. There’s male, and there’s female. And I acknowledge that there are men that think they’re women. And there are women that think they’re men. And again, I don’t have any issues with what people want to believe, but there’s no place for it in our libraries,” he said.

No place for transsexual recruitment in public school libraries! No wonder the ACLU sicced the media and the feds on this Enemy of Democracy.

If the district is found to be violating discrimination laws, it would likely lead to lawsuits and would impact all school districts that have enacted similar book bans.

All things LGBT are at first allowed in the name of tolerance. Then they are mandated and opposition to them banned — also in the name of tolerance.

On a tip from Bluto.

Dec 10 2022

Biden Blocked on Forcing Doctors to Commit Atrocities

A drawback to attempting rational argumentation with progressives is that often they are not so much wrong as evil. How else would you describe those who want to force Christians to perform abortions and to surgically mutilate children for the sake of sexual depravity? Thankfully they have encountered resistance:

A federal court has dealt a significant blow to the Biden administration’s leftist medical agenda, sparing Christian doctors and religious hospitals from being forced to perform sex change mutilations and abortions in violation of their conscience and better judgment.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit agreed with a district court’s opinion that the Obamacare mandate requiring facilitation of sex changes posed “irreparable harm” to the plaintiffs’ “exercise of religion.”

The court ultimately found the transsexual mandate unlawful and granted a coalition of Catholic healthcare professionals a permanent injunction. They will no longer face multimillion-dollar penalties for keeping their consciences clear.

Democrats can excuse any extreme of tyranny with the magic word “discrimination”:

Section 1557 [of ObamaCare] prevents federally-funded healthcare programs from discriminating against patients on the basis of sex.

The reason most everything is at least partially federally funded is so that it can be federally controlled by Democrats.

The National Review reported that in recent years, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has broadened the statute’s definition of sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of “termination of pregnancy” and “gender identity.”

Ergo, not to kill inconvenient babies or surgically remove children’s healthy genitals is discrimination. Pick up that scalpel, bigot!

The ruling is welcome, but basing it on religious liberty is a problem. You do not need to belong to a church to understand fundamental differences between right and wrong. What if a doctor wants to refrain from committing crimes against humanity not because he is a Christian, but simply because he is a decent human being? He has no defense from fiends who would force him to commit atrocities.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Nov 14 2022

Ed Markey Menaces Elon Musk

The purpose of the climate crisis hoax is to provide a veneer of ostensibly benevolent intentions. Leftist Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), cosponsor of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, makes it easy to see through to what lies beneath.

After making many $millions on government-subsidized electric cars, Elon Musk has betrayed the liberal establishment by indicating that he will allow free speech on Twitter. This enrages Markey to the point of letting his mask slip:

Markey demanded answers from Musk about Twitter’s verification process after the Democratic lawmaker colluded with a Washington Post writer to create a Twitter account impersonating him. …

In a letter, Markey demanded answers from Musk for the “haphazard imposition” of changes to Twitter because “[a]llowing an imposter to impersonate a U.S. Senator on Twitter is a serious matter that you need to address promptly.” Of course, Markey failed to disclose in the letter that he gave the Washington Post writer permission to impersonate him.

This is not about impersonation; the purpose is to put a scare into Musk so that he will not allow speech that contradicts the party line. Orwell would have called such speech “thoughtcrime.” Democrats call it “misinformation” or “disinformation.” They don’t have to worry about hearing it from the Washington Post.

Markey then drew attention to his complaint by going on Twitter to accuse Musk of “putting profits over people and his debt over stopping disinformation.”

“Putting profits over people” is boilerplate Marxist rhetoric. The reference to “disinformation” is a demand for political censorship of the sort imposed under Twitter’s previous owners.

Musk did not become the world’s richest man by being easy to push around. His response:

“Perhaps it is because your real account sounds like a parody?” Musk mocked.

“And why does your [profile picture] have a mask!?” he said.

That brought the mask off. Growled Markey:

Fix your companies. Or Congress will.

Biden too has threatened Musk, croaking about inflicting a federal investigation regarding his “relationships with other countries.” This is rich, coming from a swamp creature who openly boasted of using US taxpayer money to protect his bagman Hunter’s unsavory activities in Ukraine, and who required the help of Twitter to suppress information regarding his influence peddling to our communist Chinese adversaries. The media has been egging on Biden, asking whether Musk is a threat to national security.

Democrats may as well drop the global warming window dressing. By now we all know what we are dealing with: tyranny.

On a tip from Bluto.

Nov 07 2022

Open Thread

Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant. - James Madison

Oct 20 2022

James Gordon Meek Disappears Following FBI Raid

Democrats were gleeful when they got Rep David Schweikert (R-AZ) on video expressing his view that the FBI needs to be broken up. They wanted it to go viral, so they could paint him as a radical. To their chagrin, the public responded by asking where they can donate to Schweikert. People understand that we need to break up our nascent KGB now, because soon it will be too late; anyone who tries will be eliminated. People whose existence displeases the Deep State will start disappearing in the middle of the night, never to be heard from again, as in the Soviet Union. The case of investigative journalist James Gordon Meek, who has not been seen since a Mar-a-Lago/Mark Houck-style FBI raid on his home in April, suggests this may be happening already:

According to reports, heavily armed federal agents seized classified information from Meek’s laptop during a raid on his Virginia home on April 27. Colleagues at ABC News told Rolling Stone that Meek “fell off the face of the Earth” following the raid. …

Neighbors reported that they have not seen Meek since the raid and that his home appears to be vacant.

If he ever turns up, I hope he still has his fingernails.

Even if he works for the MSM, Meek is the kind of guy the Deep State would want gone:

Meek won several awards for his investigative work on extremely sensitive topics, including exposing a U.S. military cover-up of the deaths of four American Green Berets in Niger, which he made into the acclaimed Hulu documentary “3212 Un-Redacted.” …

Meek was working on a book that was critical of the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was not only grotesquely incompetent but potentially treasonous. The Biden Regime provided a kill list to our Taliban enemies, whom it has been funding lavishly with our money, and in whose hands it left up to 9,000 Americans. Meek presumably knows more.

Readers will recall how the Obama Administration used intimidation tactics on Fox News reporter James Rosen. What these people get away with, they will escalate.

Buckle up. If Democrats are not pried out of power soon, we are in for a rough ride. Even if the GOP retakes Congress, a thorough draining of the Swamp will be required if we are to avert the horrors of authoritarianism.

On a tip from seaoh.

Oct 19 2022

Sign of Cross and Holy Water Banned

If you are forbidden by the government from sprinkling holy water or even making the Sign of the Cross, you may fairly say that you are not free. From decomposing England:

Last Tuesday, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council prohibited pro-life campaigners from holding vigils where members audibly pray, recite scripture or even genuflect when they see women going towards the abortuary to have their babies killed. …

The order states that no one may engage “in an act of approval/disapproval or attempted act of approval/disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means,” including, but “not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counselling.”

Evidently anything that reminds moonbats of Christianity counts.

BCP Council identified “holding rosaries,” “praying, sometimes while kneeling” and “sprinkling ‘holy water’ on the pavement outside the clinic,” as objectionable acts.

Dave Brennan, executive director of the pro-life group Brephos, notes that “harassment and intimidation are already offences.” But that doesn’t cover rosaries and holy water.

“How are we living in a society where killing babies is legal and paid for by the State, but silently praying against or even about this nearby is a criminal offense?” he asked.

Maybe BCP Council would like to borrow an FBI SWAT team to raid the homes and terrorize the families of those who display Christian symbols near baby abattoirs. That’s how the Biden Regime handles prolifers.

Meanwhile, leftists screech about censorship if they encounter resistance while plying children with depraved pornography. The struggle isn’t so much liberty vs. tyranny as good vs. evil.

On a tip from seaoh.

Sep 25 2022

PayPal Weaponized

The totalitarianism currently unfolding differs from repressive regimes of the past. Rigid adherence to official ideology is imposed on a more decentralized basis. The Constitution defends us against political censorship imposed by the federal government. So our rulers utilize private sector cat’s paws like PayPal, where you can find yourself banned for any thought the liberal opinion enforcers don’t like.

Even gays opposing the sexual exploitation of children can find themselves canceled:

Gays Against Groomers is far from alone:

On the same day, the Telegraph reported that PayPal shut down the accounts of Free Speech Union, its founder Toby Young, and his opinion and news website the Daily Sceptic last week without a clear explanation. Free Speech Union is a nonpartisan organization that opposes cancel culture and has defended academics who have criticized transgenderism and people who have been fired for expressing their opinions.

Toby Young sounds off:

The infraction:

[C]omments from PayPal given to the Advocate suggest the bans are related to both Free Speech Union and Gays Against Groomers’ public opposition to “radical gender theory” and drag queen story hours in schools.

Quacks a PayPal apparatchik:

“Achieving the balance between protecting the ideals of tolerance, diversity and respect for people of all backgrounds and upholding the values of free expression and open dialogue can be difficult, but we do our best to achieve it.”

How do you argue with NPCs who tell you with a straight face that deviation from their demented ideology must be suppressed in the name of tolerance and diversity?

The arms of the octopus work in tandem:

Hours after being banned by PayPal, Gays Against Groomers shared that the group’s gmail account had also been disabled.

The implications of this developing form of liberal tyranny are truly alarming. Paul Joseph Watson explains:

Revelation 13:17 tells of a time when no one may buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. Compliance with woke ideology is the Mark of the Beast.

On tips from Anonymous, Mr. Freemarket, KirklesWorth, and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 24 2022

FBI SWAT Raid on Pro-Lifer Mark Houck

The police state intimidation tactics were not likely to end at Mar-a-Lago. Mark Houck serves as an example of what can happen to those who speak up in defense of unborn children:

A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.

This has incurred the disfavor of our militantly tolerant degenerate overlords.

According to his wife Ryan-Marie … the SWAT team of 25 to 30 FBI agents swarmed their property with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. [Friday] morning. Having quickly surrounded the house with rifles in firing position, “they started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it.”

After at first refusing, the FBI goons produced an arrest warrant. Houck was charged with violating the “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act,” which was designed to protect abortion mills from Christians who discourage customers by praying in the vicinity.

Houck supposedly attacked a “patient escort.”

Ryan-Marie stated this charge comes from an incident that had already been thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia but was somehow picked up by Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice.

Let’s note here that Barack Obama appointed the conspicuously malevolent ratlike authoritarian Merrick Garland to sit on the Supreme Court. Democrats nearly managed to place him there.

On several occasions when Mark went to sidewalk counsel last year, he took his eldest son, who was only 12 at the time, she explained. For “weeks and weeks,” a “pro-abortion protester” would speak to the boy saying “crude … inappropriate and disgusting things,” such as “you’re dad’s a fag,” and other statements that were too vulgar for her to convey.

By now we all know how vile activist moonbats can get.

Repeatedly, Mark would tell this pro-abortion man that he did not have permission to speak to his son and please refrain from doing so. And “he kept doing it and kind of came into [the son’s] personal space” obscenely ridiculing his father. At this point, “Mark shoved him away from his child, and the guy fell back.”

No injury resulted. The social justice warrior tried to sue Houck and was laughed out of court. But Merrick Garland isn’t laughing.

Garland’s Department of Justice and the FBI have committed dozens of SWAT team raids that have been characterized as a political “weaponization” of the federal agencies against pro-lifers, Trump supporters, conservative Christians, and medical freedom advocates.

Meanwhile, abortion advocates continue to wage a terror war against facilities that help women deal with unwanted pregnancy without killing the child. The latest:

For the sake of appearances, the FBI is finally going through the motions of investigating the ongoing epidemic of pro-abortion terror. However:

Six days after the FBI announced a formal investigation into a series of attacks against churches and pro-life organizations, the agency seems to be following through but apparently has made no arrests.

The Washington Stand contacted 27 pregnancy resource centers and pro-life organizations that had been attacked since May 2. Four of the centers said the FBI had reached out to them, seven said that the FBI had not as yet contacted them, and 14 did not respond to the request for comment. …

Overall, The Washington Stand has counted at least 63 acts of violence, property destruction, and disruption of religious services in the 52 days since the leak of the draft Supreme Court decision. Forty-four of these incidents have directly involved property destruction and vandalism of churches, pregnancy resource centers, and other pro-life organizations.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the FBI to arrest anyone.

Under the rule of what the Democrat Party has become, we have a two-tiered system of justice. This entails two-tiered law enforcement; its primary purpose at the federal level is not to enforce the law but to terrorize dissidents. Accordingly, the Biden Regime has been “pressuring agents to cook up domestic terrorist cases involving racist extremists.”

The FBI has embraced its new mission. Targeting a veterans group as “facilitators of domestic terror” is one example. The theatrical arrest of Mark Houck is another.

On tips from Chris Neilson, MrRightWingDave, and TCS III.

Sep 14 2022

FBI Goes After Mike Lindell

Under the rule of people of Joe Biden’s caliber, the USA is a country where opponents of the ruling party are menaced by government goons. Mike Lindell is famous as MyPillow CEO and for supporting Donald Trump. Consequently, he was set upon by Gestapo KGB FBI agents who confiscated the phone that he requires to run his various businesses (not to mention his hearing aid):

“[Yesterday] the FBI, you’re gonna hear this, you’re probably already hearing it in the news. The FBI came after me, and took my phone. They surrounded me at a Hardee’s, and took my phone that I run all my business, everything with,” said the MyPillow CEO.

“They could have just, what they have done is weaponize the FBI. It’s disgusting. I don’t have a computer, everything I do is on that phone, everything was on there,” he added.

“And they told me not to tell anybody. Here’s an order, don’t tell anybody! OK, I won’t!” he laughed. “Well I am!”

This attitude is what earned him the enmity of the Deep State in the first place. But of course, if the FBI didn’t want everyone to know about it, they would have found a less theatrical way to get at Lindell’s phone records.

Like the Mar-a-Lago raid and the menacing Dark Brandon speech, the seizure of Lindell’s phone is part of the Biden Regime’s efforts to focus the public on Trump and the belief by many of his supporters that well-documented Democrat fraud determined the result of the 2020 election. Democrat rule has been so catastrophic that the party’s only hope in the midterms is to turn everyone’s attention away from inflation, the border, crime, et cetera onto the contentious figure of Donald Trump.

The search warrant was likely a part of a dozens of subpoenas reportedly issued by the Department of Justice in connection to the probe into efforts to overturn the official results of the election.

It’s a little late to overturn the result. However, some want to determine whether the result was legitimate. Democrats have managed to exploit this to their own advantage by using it as a distraction and to promote their “insurrection” narrative.

Lindell shares his alarming experience:

Either bad guys or the FBI? It was both.

There is more to this than electoral politics. Lindell has stepped on toes by expressing opinions that challenge the liberal establishment. Consequently, he must be punished, despite being unlikely to have committed a crime:

People need to understand that in Washington, the process is the punishment. - David Frum
Blind squirrel David Frum finds a nut.

On tips from seaoh, Chris Neilson, Mr. Freemarket, and Anonymous.

Sep 03 2022

Who the Fascists Are

The Biden Administration has employed hyperdivisive rhetoric and Leni Riefenstahl theatrics to drive home the absurd lie that the 62% of Americans who buck the liberal establishment by not approving of what Biden has been doing to the country are fascists who reject the American system of government in favor of authoritarianism. Biden croaks that patriotic Americans are “semifascist.” Ron DeSantis data analyst Kyle Lamb has posted a Twitter thread that documents who the fascists are. Highlights:

The Biden admin empowered OSHA to issue a rule through executive fiat forcing all employees of businesses >100 people to consent to forced testing and vaccinations. SCOTUS ruled they had no such authority.

The Biden admin used junk science by the CDC to claim they had the authority to suspend all evictions in the United States. Joe Biden even admitted Constitutional scholars doubted their authority. They did it anyhow. SCOTUS ruled, that indeed, they had no such authority.

Public records requests have confirmed that several agencies of the United States government have collaborated with and applied pressure to social media platforms to censor U.S. citizens. This is a violation of free speech and is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

More on the fascistic collusion between the Biden Regime and Big Tech to impose political censorship here.

Biden’s latest debt forgiveness plan is by executive fiat through authority he doesn’t have. Their own legal team is citing an irrelevant 2003 statute that applies to former military members. Even Slate acknowledges this will be shot down by courts.

White House staff and the U.S. Department of Education were found to be complicit in an NSBA letter that referred to concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” DOJ then mobilized and weaponized the FBI to target these parents…

More on the DoJ/FBI campaign to terrorize parents who don’t want their kids transsexualized, indoctrinated in race hate, or forced to suffocate behind pointless Covid muzzles can be found here and here.

Biden’s USDA threatened to withhold funding from the school lunch program to schools who didn’t enforce such policies as boys competing in girls sports and boys using girls’ bathrooms.

More on Biden using food as a weapon to impose sexual depravity on children here.

This past week, the President of the United States threatened the use of F-15s against American citizens in a theoretical conflict.

More here.

Biden and the Democrats have weaponized the IRS with 87,000 new agents to target American middle and lower income citizens. These people are already 5x more likely to be audited than wealthy Americans.

After the White House initially criticized Florida for its use of monoclonal antibodies as a treatment against COVID-19, once everyone realized they were effective, they then cut FL’s supply putting more people at immediate risk so they could ration them for later.

Florida is regarded as a rebel province by the regime because it did not impose Covid tyranny with sufficient fanaticism, thereby proving that draconian measures were unnecessary.

The Department of Education rewarded rogue school boards that flaunted state law by reimbursing their districts who had funding withheld for their non-compliance. The Feds encouraged districts to violate state law.

There’s more, backed up with links, graphics, and videos. Click through for a display of fascism like nothing we have seen since before Mussolini got his head kicked.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 02 2022

Thank God USA Is Not a Democracy

When Democrats say, “our democracy,” they mean Democrat rule. The word “democracy” by itself refers to mob rule. Fortunately, the USA is not a democracy; otherwise, the country would not have been stable enough to preserve the Constitution from one century to the next.

As the saying goes,

Democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. A republic is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

The Founding Fathers adamantly opposed democracy as a system of government. To quote John Adams,

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

As explained at the Daily Signal,

The Founders were explicit about their views on democracy, and for that reason, they looked hard, and found solutions that led to what we now call a constitutional republic.

This makes it all the more obscene that Biden staged last night’s attack on American patriots at Independence Hall, where both the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were debated and adopted.

Democrats oppose our constitutional republic in favor of mob rule, confident that they can manipulate the herd through their control of the media, Big Tech, and the entertainment industry. That’s why they oppose the Electoral College and the filibuster, both of which serve to defend against tyranny of the majority.

Basking in satanic red lighting with military figures posing ominously behind him, Biden used the word “democracy” 31 times during his diatribe, as if it were some magic word that wards off liberty and grants absolute power to whoever comes out on top in an election.

Patriots have their own magic. They use the Constitution to ward off evil.

On tips from Jester and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 02 2022

Dark Brandon

America under Democrat occupation is a cross between a banana republic and a cheap horror movie. The senile figurehead for the liberal establishment followed up his Gestapo-style raid on the home of the leading opposition figure with a speech last night otherizing the majority of Americans who disapprove of his rule. The optics alone were enough to raise eyebrows all the way across the ocean:

By “mainstream Republicans,” Brandon must be referring exclusively to backstabbers Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, both of whom will be gone next year. Everyone else is regarded as resistance to be demonized, marginalized, and eradicated.

A recent poll by left-leaning Reuters places Biden’s approval at 38%. He would be in single digits by now if he did not represent the liberal establishment that controls much of public opinion through the media and Big Tech.

Biden has long personified the Swamp at its worse — vicious, flagrantly corrupt, irresponsible, incompetent, devoid of decency and morality, and hostile to the country he supposedly leads. Letting him or rather his radical leftist handlers take charge of the country is not working out.

It isn’t hard to see where this is heading. Either we pry Democrats out of power decisively and soon, or we will have to get used to the idea of dissidents losing their fingernails in the basement of FBI headquarters.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 20 2022

Even Dems See FBI as Biden’s Gestapo

In the aftermath of the ham-fisted raid on Mar-a-Lago, which epitomized the tactics used in dictatorships, a poll asked whether people agree that there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” Results indicate that Americans know what is happening to our country — but that some are okay with it.

Background on the statement:

The statement was originally made by Roger Stone, an adviser to former President Donald Trump, in an November 28, 2021 interview on John Catsimatidis’ WABC 770 AM radio show. In the interview, Stone criticized both the FBI’s raid on the home of James O’Keefe, Project Veritas founder (conducted as part of an investigation into reports of a stolen diary belonging to Biden’s daughter Ashley), and what he argued was “harassment” by the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol Hill protests. Stone, himself, was subject to a pre-dawn FBI raid executed by over a dozen special agents in tactical gear in January 2019.

Rasmussen reports on the poll’s results:

A majority (53%) of voters now agree with Stone’s statement – up from 46% in December – including 34% who Strongly Agree.

Only 57% of Democrats disagree with the statement — and yet:

Seventy-five percent (75%) of Democrats now have a favorable opinion of the FBI, up from 63% in December.

In contrast, only 30% of Republicans have a favorable view of the FBI.

Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats say the FBI’s recent raid on Trump’s home made them trust the FBI more…

In other words, many Democrats acknowledge that the FBI has degenerated into an American version of the Gestapo — and they approve.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 19 2022

Anti-FBI Pest Control

If the FBI could infest Mar-a-Lago, it could do the same to your house. Pest control expert JP Sears has simple tips for how to keep your home Big Government-free even under Democrat rule:

These same tactics should also prove effective at keeping out the 87,000 new employees of Biden’s supersized IRS.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.


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