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Jan 05 2024

Why Media Will Bury Dylan Butler School Shooting

Normally, a school shooting sends the media into an jubilant frenzy, as propagandists scramble to exploit the tragedy to attack our right of self-defense. Not this time:

The now-deceased suspected gunman who shot at least six victims—killing one, a sixth-grade middle schooler—at a small-town high school in Perry, Iowa, early Thursday morning has been identified by authorities as 17-year-old student Dylan Butler.

Butler’s social media imprint reveals why the media won’t find the bloodshed worthy of the 24/7 laser focus for days on end we have come to expect following school shootings:

An emoji of the gay Pride flag was featured in the TikTok page’s bio and an image of an anime girl was selected as the profile’s avatar. In another TikTok video, the account used the hashtag “genderfluid.” Using an identical profile picture on Instagram, user @DylanSayWhat212 identified as trans non-binary with “he/they” pronouns. However, the account has also since been scrubbed.

According to a series of Reddit posts that Butler appears to have authored, he interacted with transgender and “femboy” forums. …

Over on the platform X, formerly Twitter, the since-suspended account @DylanSayWhat212, under the screenname “Dylan Jesse,” professed his love for My Little Pony and “f*cking furries” while replying to a Happy Pride Month post.

From the viewpoint of the liberal establishment, guns in private hands are bad, but not as bad as driving children insane with transsexual ideology is good.

The reason the demonic Audrey Hale is not a household name is that she was pretending to be a man (and possibly taking male hormones) when she murdered six people including three 9-year-olds at the Covenant School in Nashville for being Christian. A similar dynamic will ensure Butler’s obscurity.

Matt Vespa predicts the Iowa story will be gone by Monday if not sooner:

There’s nothing here to weaponize against conservatives. The shooter was a genderfluid/transgender whackjob. With 2024 upon us, politicians aren’t going to be sticking their necks out for a gun control bill based on a transgender going insane. The media will write up the main points and move on because this shooting, yet again, does not comport with the narrative that pro-MAGA white supremacists are killing us all.

If only briefly, the media has no choice but to acknowledge what happened. So it provides the politically correct spin by portraying Butler as the victim — basically siding with him against his victims:

The AP published a piece with the headline ‘He got tired of the bullying,’ classmates say of shooter, and detailed how Butler had been “bullied relentlessly since elementary school.”

Nothing is beneath the Associated Press.

Transsexualism is literally a form of psychosis. Promote it among unstable youth while pushing a phony Cultural Marxist narrative of oppression…

…and the results are so predictable, they must be intended.

Please welcome Dylan Butler to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Jester, Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and the Great Cornholio.

Jan 05 2024

Fat Con Waddles Into Seattle

The Cultural Marxist promotion of morbid obesity as the latest claim to precious “oppressed” status totters forward in the moonbat bastion Seattle, which is hosting Fat Con this weekend:

The convention will feature over 30 hours of programming to gorge on, including a fashion show. Keynote speakers include Dr. Bianca Laureano, a sexologist and activist, and “Alotta Boutté,” a Bay area cabaret and burlesque performer.

Drag queens aren’t the only moonbats with cleverly tasteless pseudonyms.

Fat liberation demands that society and institutions pretend there are no significant health consequences of obesity.

Like every other aspect of woke ideology, this is not merely a lie but a dangerous lie.

The movement even goes as far as to shame people who aren’t attracted to overweight people.

If social engineers can command us to find transsexuals attractive, why not the monstrously obese?

Yet again, leftists attempt to cudgel us into ideological compliance by making us feel guilty about other people’s hurt feelings. But the feelings of the severely obese are not nearly as important as the need for them to lose weight before they lose years off their lives. The privilege bestowed upon members of the Cultural Marxist coalition cannot compensated for the damage to their health.

Maybe Fat Con will see the launch of Fat Lives Matter. Then come mobs of Michael Moore types burning down police stations and of course looting stores. It has already begun.

On tips from DCGere and R F.

Jan 05 2024

Convincing Children That Men Can Have Babies

Moonbats target children not only for the thrill of corrupting the innocent, but also because children can be convinced of the preposterous lies comprising woke doctrine — like the tenet that men can get pregnant:

As Todd Starnes remarked at the time:

[I]f you are a man and you might be feeling bloated or you might feel like you are in labor, just take a swig of Pepto-Bismol. You aren’t pregnant, but you may have had a bad experience at Taco Bell.

But of course Logan Brown is not a man, no matter how monstrously she might allow herself to be deformed through medical malpractice. Only a small child or the intellectual equivalent could be convinced otherwise.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jan 05 2024

Mass Immigration and Moonbat Masochism

Sigmund Freud himself would be flummoxed by the psychopathology behind the willingness of some to be displaced from their own countries by mass immigration. Military force failed at Tours and the Gates of Vienna, but hijrah is working thanks to the masochistic mentality of moonbats. A story from a few years back is illustrative:

The family of an EU official’s teenage daughter who was allegedly raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in Germany has asked for well-wishers to donate money to a refugee charity.

Medical student Maria Ladenburger, who had also taken time out to help asylum seekers as a volunteer, was found dead in a river in the south-western German university city of Freiburg in October.

Authorities arrested 17-year-old Hussein K. He was an “asylum seeker” from Afghanistan — a country leftists like so much they are helping to extend it across the world through open borders policies.

As the 19-year-old student’s family tries to come to terms with their loss, they have asked for donations to be made to an organisation that aids refugees.

Here’s the thanks Maria got for helping Muslims eradicate her country and absorb central Europe into the Ummah:

Maria, 19, worked in her spare time in the ancient university city of Freiburg helping out the migrants in various shelters and homes. But in October, as she cycled home after a party, she was ambushed, raped and then drowned in a river.

They say a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged. Some never get the chance to wake up from wokeness. Others only double down.

On a tip from DCGere.

Jan 05 2024

Open Thread

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. - Edmund Burke

Jan 04 2024

California Schools Push Puberty Blockers

How warped would someone have to be to encourage children to embrace sexual psychosis and lobby their parents for pharmaceutical agents intended to prevent their normal development, setting them on track for lives ruined by teratism and severe psychiatric issues? Warped enough to be running California public schools:

Hayward Unified School District (HUSD), which is located in California’s Bay Area and serves over 19,000 students from preschool to high school, is directing students to watch films that promote transgenderism and highlight how treatments such as puberty blockers work.

One of the documents created by the district gives a guide to “LGBTQ Inclusive Films,” including one for those in 5th grade and up that aims to showcase “the diversity of experiences of gender” and centers around a 12-year-old girl who is “not sure if she wants to be a girl, a boy, or something in-between when she grows up.”

To suggest that she has a choice in the matter is equivalent to encouraging her to debate whether she wants to be a human or an aardvark — then egging her on to eat ants.

“To give her more time to decide, her doctor has put her on a medication that will suppress the hormones that are causing her body to change before she’s ready,” a synopsis of the film reads.

Ready or not, nothing anyone does will prevent her body from aging, as surely as nothing will make her into anything other than a girl. Depraved fiends who make Drs Mengele and Moreau look almost wholesome by comparison can prevent her from developing normally though.

In addition to children’s innocence and futures, HUSD attacks the family as part of the broader liberal indoctrination campaign:

The district’s “safe and inclusive” books program for elementary school students focuses on stories that “include a range of themes including different family structures like two moms or two dads” and “gender identity.”

Like heteronormativity, whiteness is frowned up:

A four-page document on “Inclusive, Anti-Biased, Anti-Racist, LGBTQIA+ Titles & Vendors” for K-12 students states that the district strives to be “actively anti-racist” by spending money at “BIPOC-owned, women-owned and LGBTQIA+-owned businesses.”

The document directs readers to LGBT book lists aimed at young children, ranging from “Rainbow Reads: LGBTQ+ Picture Books” to “Fantastic Bi- and Lesbian books by Black authors.”

No functioning society would tolerate sickos who push sexual depravity on children. But liberalism has rendered American society dysfunctional, so all bets are off.

What we tolerate, we will get ever more of. This means more groomers preying on children and more anti-white race hate:

HUSD pledged a whopping $40 million in 2021 to develop and implement an ethnic studies curriculum, and more recently agreed to spend over $90,000 on a “Liberated Ethnic Studies Curriculum” with an organization that openly embraces Critical Race Theory and hopes to develop students’ “critical consciousness” through “anti racist and decolonial pedagogy.”

The clear objective is to desecrate and destroy American civilization. We might as well let our ChiCom adversaries “educate” the next generation — as if they weren’t already doing that through TikTok.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 04 2024

Inheritors of South Africa: Women Want to Be Raped

Rape is endemic in the Rainbow Utopia, as previously flourishing South African disintegrates into a pre-civilization state of barbarism due to the triumph of moonbattery. How do women feel about it? Let’s see if potential rapists know. Britain’s Ross Kemp asks the previously oppressed:

In the case of female moonbats, these sociopaths may actually have a point. If they are not willing at some sick level to become victims of rape, why do they support the societal disintegration that makes sexual violence inevitable? Maybe this explains feminist support for Hamas rapists.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 04 2024

Compton Business Encounters Social Justice

As local police are marginalized, the “marginalized” become ever more entitled. In the Los Angeles area, liberal utopia has been achieved. Good luck to capitalist oppressors trying to run a business:

A mob of over 100 looters purposefully crashed a Kia into a small bakery in Compton, Calif., before they flooded in and ransacked the store during a night of rampage on the streets earlier this week.

This same means of entry has been used in Chicago, which now has a mayor who sides with mobs of looters openly, instead of implicitly like most Democrats.

The thieves had gathered in the area for an illegal street takeover around 3 a.m. Tuesday before making the mile-long trek to Ruben’s Bakery & Mexican Food.

This could be why in the olden days the streets were policed rather than left to mobs of lowlife. But that was found to be racist.

Police had received two calls about a car on fire and a street takeover outside the bakery just before the looting occurred.

Maybe they thought better of intervening, lest an officer end up getting the Derek Chauvin treatment. It’s not as if any of the looters would be prosecuted anyway. Los Angeles County DA George Gascon was installed by George Soros, #1 bankroller of the Democratic Party.

No injuries or arrests were reported in Tuesday’s looting.

Of course not. If there were consequences, lawlessness would not be escalating out of control.

Ironically, the Ruben’s storefront prominently features “We Accept EBT” notices. EBT is a government-implemented form of looting, whereby taxpayers and holders of inflated US currency are the ones who get looted.

On tips from Jack D and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 04 2024

Face of UN Women UK Is White-Hating Black Man

Women are not faring well in the leftist pecking order. When they aren’t getting raped and murdered by Hamas with feminist approval, they are getting displaced by cross-dressing men — even in women’s organizations:

Women’s rights groups have written in opposition to a decision by UN Women UK to have a transgender woman as its “UK champion”.

They have voiced their “dismay and disappointment” following the decision to select Munroe Bergdorf, 36, a model and broadcaster, to take on the role in November.

Nice to see some women’s rights groups still support women. Other ostensibly feminist groups have been subordinated to the greater liberal agenda, which calls for the sacrifice of women to terrorist savages and male perverts.

UN Women UK works in support of UN Women in a bid to transform the lives of women and girls along with “empowerment of women equality globally within civil society, government and the corporate sector”.

It empowers women by displacing them and by advancing the LGBT objective of canceling the very concept of women. What do you expect from the United Nations?

Mr. Bergdorf drones that he will “draw attention to the systemic and social impact of misogyny, transphobia and gender-based inequality within the UK.”

He is a fierce opponent not only of transphobia but also of Caucasians. Bergdorf is about as British as he is female. From 2020:

Bergdorf has rejoined L’Oreal Paris after [he] was sacked by the brand in 2017 for posting about “the racial violence of white people”. …

[He] will now join the company’s UK diversity and inclusion advisory board.

Bergdorf temporarily got the boot by shouting that “ALL white people” are guilty of racial violence. He proclaimed that whites’ “entire existence is drenched in racism.” Among the politically orthodox, to accuse someone of racism is the worst possible insult.

Naturally L’Oreal caved to the Powers That Be by bringing Bergdorf back on. If being a left-wing black woman is qualification enough to be Vice President, a Supreme Court Justice, White House Press Secretary, and until this week President of Harvard, surely being a left-wing black transsexual is qualification enough to represent beauty products — as well as women’s organizations like UN Women UK.

Munroe Bergdorf is a woman like Rachel Dolezal is black.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 04 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 03 2024

Claudine Gay Blames Racism

Turns out there is a limit to what even Harvard can pass off as excellence on behalf of Cultural Marxism — or as proponents currently call it, diversity/equity/inclusion. Affirmative action hire Claudine Gay was such a conspicuous disaster that even though Harvard at first circled the wagons around her, she was finally forced to walk the plank:

Gay, the president of Harvard University, resigned from her position on Tuesday after just six months in the role. Gay has recently come under sharp public scrutiny over her handling of antisemitism on campus since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, as well as accusations of plagiarism in some of her past academic writings. She announced her decision to resign in a letter addressed to the Harvard community.

This comes in the wake of her getting hit with six new plagiarism charges.

That Claudine Gay was made president only for purposes of identity politics could not be more obvious:

Gay’s plagiarism is one indication among others that she had a lackluster record. Gay published no books and just 11 papers in 20 years. Last week, a journalist at Substack reported that after two professors questioned a method she used in a 2001 paper because of its “logical inconsistencies,” Gay refused to share her data with them. Gay’s academic record is far below Harvard’s normal standards for both professors and presidents.

Even the little bit she published she did not necessarily write:

Gay has been hit with nearly 50 allegations of plagiarism affecting eight of her 17 published works.

Gay topped this off by saying that calling for the genocide of Jews can be okay depending on context — i.e., depending on whether the call is made on behalf of people viewed as less white than Jews.

As with Kamala Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Karine Jean-Pierre, that Gay is the best left-wing black woman our moonbat overlords could find for the job does not make left-wing black women look good.

Absurdly yet predictably, despite having exploited racial favoritism to climb to a position for which she is clearly unqualified, Gay squawks that she is the victim of racism:

Gay painted herself as a victim, suggesting she found it frightening “to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus.”

Here’s her resignation letter:

Eight score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we (metaphorically) stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Black and LGBTQIA2S+ slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. …

But 160 years later, I see no changes. All I see is racist faces. Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races. …

When my brief presidency is remembered, I hope it will be seen as a moment of reawakening to the importance of striving to find our common humanity—and of not allowing rancor and vituperation to undermine the vital process of education. I promise to never give you up, to never let you down, to never run around and desert you. To never make you cry, never say goodbye, or tell a lie and hurt you. After my picture fades, and darkness has turned to gray, watching through windows, you’re wondering if I’m okay. If you’re lost you can look and you will find me, time after time.

No wait, that was a parody. Hard to tell the difference with a moonbat as cartoonish as Claudine Gay. Here’s the real resignation letter:

Another esteemed countermoonbat is not so glad to see her go:

It’s important to Harvard that its brand survive Claudine Gay. It’s important to America that it doesn’t.

Gay was arguably performing a constructive service by keeping a klieg light trained on the absurdity of DEI.

Harvard and academia will try to claim the problem is over. In fact, they’ll claim there never was a problem, she was singled out because she is a black woman. …

Rearranging administrative chairs on a sinking ship is not the answer.

Havard and other Ivy League schools need to jettison not just their Presidents, but the DEI industrial complex…

The pervasive rot that is moonbattery will not be purged with a single resignation. That task may take generations. The Ivy League is unlikely to survive it.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Bluto, ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 03 2024

British Police Investigate Virtual Rape in Metaverse

Public order is disintegrating because authorities live in an alternate reality fabricated by moonbats. This is why the Black Lives Matter riots were allowed to spiral out of control. It is also why, while real-life streets degenerate into blood and chaos inflicted by hordes of invaders from the Third World, British police are investigating a gang rape committed against a cartoon avatar in the Metaverse:

The girl under the age of 16 is said to have been left distraught after her avatar – her digital character – was gang raped by the online strangers.

The headset-wearing victim did not suffer any injuries as there was no physical attack.

But officers said she suffered the same psychological and emotional trauma as someone who has been raped in the real world as the ‘VR’ experience is designed to be completely immersive.

If anyone deserves to be prosecuted, it is the parents who let their daughter immerse herself in a world created by a creepy moonbat like Mark Zuckerberg.

No doubt authoritarians will exploit virtual rape as a pretext to assert more control over the Internet.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 03 2024

University Offerings in Hardcore Moonbattery

Leftism works like heroin; the more poison degenerates imbibe, the larger the dose needed to get the same rush of faux transgressiveness. Those succumbing to addiction may be forced to attend a university to get a sufficiently potent fix. Opportunities to indulge include:

Princeton University offered a class titled “Black + Queer in Leather: Black Leather/BDSM Material Culture” in the Spring 2023 semester, according to the university’s course catalog.

Students are educated in the “personal ephemera” of sickos who obtain sexual gratification from cruelty. Sadomasochism is currently undergoing normalization by academia. Next comes a media push, followed by special rights for dominatrixes.

Other courses that have recently been offered by Princeton, which can cost more than $76,000 per year to attend, include “FAT: The F-Word and the Public Body” and “Anthropology of Religion: Fetishism and Decolonization.”

Blasphemy can earn students a satisfying sense of rebelliousness and also an approving pat on the head from the authorities:

The University of Chicago offered a course titled “Queering God” that questions if God is queer…

Intersectionality intensifies the moonbattery:

Occidental College in California offers a course titled “Black Queer Thought,” according to the university’s 2023-2024 course catalog. The course critiques “the demands of heteronormativity, white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism.”

For the most concentrated dose of wokeness, aspiring members of the liberal establishment are directed to Davidson College, which…

…offered a course titled “Latinx Sexual Dissidence and Guerrilla Translation,” according to the university’s 2023-2024 course catalog. The class seeks to mix feminist, queer, body positivity and leftist activism all into one class.

“Body positivity” is Liberalese for promoting morbid obesity as a political movement under the banner of Cultural Marxism.

“Students will study the rhetorics and aesthetic strategies of feminist and queer activist collectives focused on social issues such as immigration, transgender rights, anti-racism, economic equality, anti-speciesim, body positivity, and prison abolition with a pro-pleasure, leftist perspective,” the course description reads.

While wokesters wallow, regular Americans are advised to get to work. Someone has to pay for all this. Even “private” universities are lavishly subsidized by Big Government, and Biden has defied the Supreme Court to prevent students from having to pay back their loans. We pick up the tab through taxation and inflation.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 03 2024

Open Thread

Gun control means being able to hit your target. If I have a 'hot button' issue, this is definitely it. Don't even think about taking my guns. My rights are not negotiable, and I am totally unwilling to compromise when it comes to the Second Amendment. - Michael Badnarik

On a tip from Anonymous.


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