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Nov 13 2023

Papertarians Greenwash Paper

It used to be that paper products were unholy in the enviromoonbat religion. They entailed cutting down sacred trees. But now trees themselves are unholy, because they cause the climate to continue fluctuating the way it always has. Bill Gates has even devoted $millions to cutting down whole forests out of sheer environmental righteousness and burying them so that no carbon dioxide can escape to serve as a nutrient to other plants. Since they help save the climate from trees, paper products are now good. So say the papertarians:

Are you a papertarian? That is the focus of a new integrated advertising campaign aimed at informing how choosing paper-based products are a smart choice for our forests and the environment here in the U.S. and to encourage recycling. The campaign from the Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB) launched [in April] on streaming, traditional and cable TV, CTV, paid digital channels, magazines, podcasts and social media with celebrity Retta. She is a comedian and actress known for her roles on the Good Girls, Parks and Recreation and Ugliest House in America.

A papertarian is someone who lives a paper-based lifestyle. A Papertarian does right by the planet by making the choice to use products made from paper over other products because paper comes from trees, a sustainable, renewable resource not from fossil fuels.

In contrast, plastics are made from fossil fuels. That means they are bad. At least they are for people who produce and import paper packaging like the Paper and Packaging Board.

If the paper people put up enough money to buy the news media like Pfizer has, their propaganda campaign will get traction among weak-minded moonbats. Papertarians will exist outside the paper packaging industry. They will scream in your face if they see you buying something at the store that isn’t packaged in paper.

But then eventually paper will be bad again, just as the media will probably give up trying to make us afraid of nice weather and go back to shrieking about global cooling. As with all aspects of liberalism, there is no direct connection to objective reality. All that matters is to posture self-righteously.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 13 2023

Open Thread

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards - Eric Holder

Nov 12 2023

What Satanists Do When Not Pushing Democrat Agenda

Although they often promote the liberal agenda (e.g., abortion [here, here], transsexualizing children [here, here]), Satanists differ from traditional Democrats in that they are not political 100% of the time. This behavior does not seem to promote the agenda:

A janitor at a New Jersey elementary school went online to brag about how he had contaminated food being served to children with bleach, bodily fluids, and even his own feces in order to get them sick, it is alleged.

Giovanni Impellizzeri, 25, claimed online to be a Satanist ‘doing the devil’s work’, has been charged with child endangerment, aggravated assault and tampering with the food at Elizabeth F. Moore School in the Upper Deerfield School District.

Boasts Impellizzeri:

“They had taco meat before, and I put some … poop in there and mixed it in and nobody knew the difference. They ate the s*** right up.”

Fittingly, the Satanist was arrested on Halloween.

Maybe Impellizzeri’s crimes were political after all. The kids might have been guilty of white privilege, like the 9-year-olds executed by Audrey Hale.

On a tip from seaoh.

Nov 12 2023

Muslim Conquerors Defile Remembrance Day in UK

In the USA, Armistice Day is now called Veterans Day. In the UK, November 11 is known as Remembrance Day. The purpose is the same: to honor those who fought to defend their country. Tragically, no one is defending the UK now. Consequently, November 11 has been defiled:

Antisemitic chants and placards were recorded across London as approximately 300,000 pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets in what is believed to be the largest anti-Israel demonstration since the Hamas terror attacks on October 7th when over 1,400 people were brutally murdered by the Islamist terrorists.

The protesters denounce Israel because like Britain it is slated for absorption into the Muslim world.

The so-called “National March for Palestine”, which was reportedly partially organised by at least three Islamic groups with direct ties to Hamas, came as the Metropolitan Police refused to ban the protest despite objections over it being held on Armistice Day, the anniversary of the end of the First World War upon which the nation commemorates the sacrifices of its soldiers.

London authorities under Islamomoonbat Mayor Sadiq Khan side with Hamas. Waving English flags, complaining about the profusion of colonizers’ Palestinian flags signifying support for the October 7 atrocities, or even showing pictures of children kidnapped by Hamas gets you in trouble with the police. England’s capital city has effectively fallen to Islam.

Here’s what the streets of London looked like before leftists inflicted mass immigration:

Here’s what they looked like yesterday:

In a few years, London will be indistinguishable from any other Third World Islamic hellhole. Already, here’s what happens if you wear a patriotic pin in Victoria Station on Remembrance Day:

The complicit media has reacted by screeching surreally about white supremacists. Far, far away from the liberal narrative, back in reality:

In case anyone didn’t get the significance of staging a huge pro-Hamas rally on Armistice Day,

Only a couple of generations ago, Londoners withstood the Nazi blitzkrieg. Now, they surrender without a fight to barbarians who spit on them and openly intend to eradicate them. Leftism has corroded their souls to the point they can no longer function.

Islam is only an opportunistic infection. England is dying of moonbattery.

On tips from Wiggins.

Nov 12 2023

Lucid Loses $430,000 for Every EV Sold

A coercion-based economy run by corruptocrats and deranged ideologues makes possible marvels of lunacy and waste. In a free country, few if any electric vehicles would be produced, since they are not worth the money it takes to manufacture them. In contrast, in the USSA,

Lucid, the California-based electric vehicle company that makes the Air Sedan, lost over $430,000 for every car it sold in the third quarter of this year, according to the firm’s latest financial report.

Last quarter was even worse. Lucid lost $544,000 for every vehicle sold in Q2.

Ford only loses $60,000 for every ideologically correct electric moonbatmobile sold. But give the federal government time to finish absorbing Detroit and no doubt in will manage to compete with Lucid.

You can see why Democrats are giving up on extravagant subsidies and have introduced straightforward bans on real cars.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 12 2023

Open Thread

The only thing that saves us from bureaucracy is its inefficiency. - Eugene McCarthy

Nov 12 2023

First the Jews and Then…

Sorry moonbats. No matter how obsequiously you pander to Muslims, the crocodile won’t eat you last. Degenerates are next after Jews.

Translation from the German compliments of Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Wolfgang Büscher is concerned. The 65-year-old is the spokesperson for the “Arche” children’s and youth organisation, which looks after around 7,000 children and young people every day at 33 facilities across Germany – many of whom have a migrant background. At work, Büscher has been experiencing an increasing radicalisation of young people for some time, he tells the newspaper “Bild”.

According to the newspaper, young people are increasingly openly welcoming and celebrating Hamas’ terror against Israel. This is made clear by the statement from Arab youths quoted by Büscher: “First we cut the throats of the Jews, then the gays and finally the Christians!”

Unless of course they encounter resistance at some point. But even to criticize their tactics would be racist.

Nov 11 2023

Vets Insulted on Veterans Day

What greater insult to veterans than to present this senile husk of a left-wing corruptocrat…

…as Commander in Chief?

From the New York Post:

Biden needed stage directions from a military member during the solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Veterans Day observances at Arlington National Cemetery Saturday. …

The military member pointed a gloved hand back toward Vice President Kamala Harris, who was standing several feet away, and the president returned to his mark beside her.

Harris and Denis McDonough, Biden’s Secretary for Veterans Affairs, both appeared to be suppressing grins as the president dithered.

Compounding the insult, Biden scolded the military for not always having been devoted to sexual perversion:

“We have doubled down on our efforts to ensure … that no veteran is denied the honor they earn because there was discharged for being LBTQ plus,” he mumbled.

Admittedly, keeping the acronym straight isn’t easy, with social engineers constantly adding in new forms of sexual derangement for us to revere.

Why not appoint Rashida Tlaib Commander in Chief? She can hawk up a gob of spit and let fly at the Tomb. It wouldn’t be much worse than this

On tips from Wiggins and Jack D.

Nov 11 2023

Hamas Supporters Bully New York With Impunity

On September 11, 2001, I trudged north from Lower Manhattan toward Grand Central as part of a surreal procession. Those who were close to the towers during the attack were covered in white dust consisting in part of human remains. No one in that procession could have been surprised to learn that Islamic terrorists were responsible — or unsurprised that in this same city, their supporters would later bully the public with impunity and the tacit consent of local authorities:

In 2001, the police rushed into the World Trade Center just before it collapsed. After a couple decades of liberal rule following Giuliani, no one knows where the police are — but we have managed to locate one of their vehicles:

Good thing I’m not a New Yorker anymore. The shame would be unbearable.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 11 2023

Princeton Bioethicist Peter Singer Promotes Bestiality

They normalized homosexuality and even transsexuality with no significant resistance. Pedophilia is virtually a done deal (see here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). Already progressive social engineers have set their sights on the next hill they will take — sex with animals:

Peter Singer is a professor of bioethics at the University Center for Human Values and has written multiple books including “Why Vegan? Eating Ethically” and “Animal Liberation Now.” Singer tweeted a journal article titled “Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,” which he called “thought-provoking” and said “challenges one of society’s strongest taboos.”

The taboos sustained by decent people for millennia are there to be “challenged” by creeps like Singer, who is a leading authority in the ethics of our ruling class.

“As one of our most deeply entrenched social taboos, zoophilia is widely considered to be wrong, and having sex with animals is illegal in many countries,” the article reads. “In this article, I would like to go against this de facto consensus and argue that zoophilia is morally permissible.”

Our moonbat overlords endorse raping animals — but not eating them in accordance with a normal human diet:

Singer is a vegetarian and previously argued in favor of not eating meat to combat climate change, according to The New York Times.

“The year of the first Earth Day, 1970, was the year I stopped eating meat. I didn’t do it to save the Earth, but because I realized that there is no ethical justification for treating animals like machines for converting feed into meat, milk and eggs,” he wrote in the Times.

What else would you expect of an Ivy League bioethicist?

For 2,000 years, ethicists drew primarily on the Bible. But the Good Book is not favored by the lunatics currently running the asylum. Passages like Leviticus 20:15 may soon get the Bible banned:

And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death…

On tips from Dennis G and Franco.

Nov 11 2023

Israel Puts MSM/Hamas Journalists on Termination List

Photojournalists who get paid by the liberal establishment media not only accompanied Hamas terrorists during their horrific atrocities, they even carried grenades…

…and were defended for doing so by the Hamas-friendly Washington Post.

Finally, with Bibi Netanyahu in charge, Israel may be getting tired of goofing around:

Photojournalists like Hassan Eslaiah were on the scene as innocent families were tortured and murdered because they played an essential role in the atrocities, the main point of which was to generate propaganda to fire up Muslims and win the hearts and minds of liberals in the West. Despite getting paid by AP, Reuters, CNN, et al., they are in effect terrorists.

Admittedly, it is hard to draw lines regarding an enemy with no honor that does not obey the rules of warfare. What is the distinction between Hamas terrorists and the Hamas-supporting population of Gaza that they hide behind? It’s not as if the terrorists have uniforms and serial numbers.

Come to think of it, what is the difference between Hamas and the liberal media in general? They are clearly allies, having a common enemy in Western Civilization.

Maybe the Mossad should carry out operations against WaPo.

On a tip from Barry A.

Nov 11 2023

New York Gives Up on EV Snowplows

Winter is on the way. Time to put away the asinine EVs and fall back on vehicles that work in the cold — or that work period:

Three years ago, the New York Department of Sanitation ordered seven electric rear loader garbage trucks made by Mack LR Electric. The department has not been able to find electric trucks that are powerful enough to plow snow like the original diesel ones.

No worries. According to The Experts, the climate will soon punish us for not fully embracing central planning by withholding snow anyway.

Each truck made by Mack cost more than $523,000 and was part of a long-term goal under the NYC Clean Fleet Transition Plan to move toward a majority of “clean” energy versions by 2035, with emergency and specialized trucks totally converted to electric vehicles by 2040.

It’s a small price to pay so that liberals can virtue signal about how devoutly they believe in Al Gorism — so long as taxpayers pick up the tab. However, no amount of other people’s money can create EVs that plow snow:

“In our test of the non-diesel rear-loaders, we found that they could not plow the snow effectively,” Commissioner of the New York Department of Sanitation Jessica Tish said during a City Council hearing in November 2022, per the New York Sun.

As for using the extravagantly expensive electric trucks to collect the garbage that NYC produces in such profusion,

The tests indicate sanitation trucks will likely not fully electrify by 2040, like the department hoped, as the electric trucks do not perform well in cold temperatures. Snow plowing specific trucks aside, multiple studies have found that electric cars require extra care during the winter season and have lower fuel efficiency at colder temperatures than petrol and diesel vehicles.

Even the depraved kooks infesting New York understand you can’t rely on electric vehicles — not that they won’t make them mandatory anyway, if only to prove they can impose their moronic ideology on every aspect of your life.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 11 2023

Open Thread

The ratio between supervisory and producing personnel is always highest where the intellectuals are in power. In a Communist country it takes half the population to supervise the other half. - Eric Hoffer

Nov 10 2023

VICE Promotes 6-Year-Old Drag Queen

One drawback to not subjecting degenerates to long prison terms for sexually exploiting their children is they just keep pushing the envelope — with the enthusiastic assistance of the liberal media:

If progressive parents want to make extra sure that their LGBT trophy children grow up to be sexually deranged, they have to start early, before normal development has set in.

Maybe we will just keep degenerating until progressives finally achieve hell on earth. Maybe we will be eradicated by a healthier civilization. Or maybe there will be a backlash that will be remembered for centuries. Those are the three options.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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