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Aug 01 2023

Open Thread

light bulbs banned

Incredible but true.

Compliments of Stormfax.

Jul 31 2023

Chicago Residents Unlikely to Like Illegal Alien Police

The Cultural Marxist coalition may experience a few bumps on the road to utopia. Chicago residents have noticed that whites are not the only demographic Democrat border policy is displacing:

Meanwhile, the state’s moonbat rulers move toward recruiting people who are in the country illegally as police officers:

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed off on a controversial bill allowing foreign nationals to become law enforcement officers, a move that critics blasted as “madness” for setting the stage to potentially deputize illegal aliens to arrest U.S. citizens in their own country.

Contempt for the rule of law goes hand in hand with tyranny, as anarchotyrannical Democrats often remind us.

The bill, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code and goes into effect on January 1, 2024, “Provides that an individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of a police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject.”

U.S. Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) assailed the passage of the law that could lead to illegal aliens being given guns and badges and unleashed on citizens in the Land of Lincoln.

The police are not happy:

Pritzker signed HB 3751 despite fierce opposition from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police which strongly condemned the bill when it passed the House.

However, the last people Democrats want to please are local police.

This comes on the heels of abolishing cash bail with the Purge Law. As New York and California have already demonstrated, less cash bail means more crime.

How fitting that the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago next year. The sinking city pulling the state down the drain reflects what Democrats want to extend to the entire country.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Wiggins.

Jul 31 2023

Man Becomes Dog

If a man can be a woman, then it stands to reason that he can be a dog:

A Japanese native has transformed himself into a canine after forking out more than $14,000 for a custom-made collie costume.

The private citizen, who goes only by Toco online, says the unusual garment has helped actualize his dream of “becoming an animal.”

Toco is no crazier than Dylan Mulvaney and less likely to induce convulsive vomiting.

What an excellent way to evade the IRS. According to the ideology of our rulers, you are whatever you identify as. Dogs don’t have to pay taxes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 31 2023

What Progressives Are Progressing Toward

Follow the trajectory of community organizer Barack Obama’s racial grievance politics through Black Lives Matter and into the future, taking into consideration the Biden strategy of displacing the American population with millions upon millions of illegal immigrants from the Third World, who are paid by the federal government to reproduce rapidly. Here’s where it’s headed:

Julius Malema is a South African Member of Parliament and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters party. The EFF has vowed to unseat Malema’s former party, the ruling African National Congress. Even if it fails, its leftward pressure pushes the ANC toward ever more alarming radicalism.

Jack Posobiec says South Africa is 30 years ahead of the USA. That might be optimistic. Major cities have already been lost.

The next step after South Africa is Zimbabwe, with 577% inflation and widespread hunger, but at least no more racist white people.

Chillingly, drawing attention to the impending catastrophe can result in cancelation. Advertisers including Google’s AdSense and Taboola permanently blacklisted this site for mentioning it.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 31 2023

Canadian Denied Suicide for Regretting Sex Change Surgery

Being convicted of crimes that warrant capital punishment is not the only thing Canada does not regard as a valid reason to be killed by the government. Canada will kill its citizens for anorexia, PTSD, being poor, or needing a wheelchair lift, but not for plunging into despair after having been sexually deformed in the name of transgenderism:

On July 26, a biological male calling himself Duchess Lois of Alberta announced that he was denied so-called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), a euphemism used in Canada to indicate voluntary execution by a medical professional.

Duchess Lois had applied for the lethal service in January on the grounds that his surgery had sterilized him and irreversibly changed his life.

He certainly seems to qualify:

According to the website Pallipedia, applicants for state-approved euthanasia in Canada can cite a “‘grievous and irremediable medical condition’ that produces unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be reversed or relieved ‘under conditions that you consider acceptable’.”

However, suicide is frowned up when it is considered to reflect poorly on the woke agenda.

It isn’t surprising that some victims of “gender-affirming care” want to be put out of their misery. On top of the sheer horror of what has been done to them, they endure pain and incontinence:

A huge majority – 81 percent – of those who had gender-affirming surgery in the past five years said they endured pain simply from moving around in the weeks and months after going under the knife.

Researchers from the University of Florida and Brooks Rehabilitation, a health non-profit, showed that more than half of trans surgery patients endured pain during sex, and nearly a third could not control their bladders.

Anyone who would put children on track for these procedures for the sake of advancing LGBT ideology is a fiend likely to burn in hell.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 31 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 30 2023

Diesel Generators Used to Charge Electric Garbage Trucks

Wales epitomizes the government application of global warmism by using diesel generators to charge its new fleet of electric garbage trucks:

Cardiff Council started transitioning to electric vehicles for its waste collection in 2021 as part of its efforts to hit net zero by 2030.

But it was forced to admit that it was charging the vehicles using diesel generators after a local resident spotted the backup power.

Green energy boondoggles are great for chopping up or incinerating birds (and for laundering taxpayer money), but are of very limited usefulness for actually producing energy. Yet the extravagantly expensive, risibly asinine posturing continues.

No worries; the Biden Regime has settled on a solution for the need to fall back on generators when green energy inevitably fails: make them illegal.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 30 2023

Biden Regime Comes After Archery

Until fairly recently, kids learned to use rifles in high school. But as leftists consolidate control, even archery will be banned:

[T]he Department of Education determined that, under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) passed last year, school hunting and archery classes are precluded from receiving federal funding.

Once they get people reliant on the federal teat, that which is not funded is effectively banned. This funding comes from our own money. Astonishingly, there are people who find this arrangement acceptable.

In June 2022, the BSCA was passed with large majorities in the House and Senate before President Biden signed it into law. The push to pass the bill — which broadly seeks to promote “safer, more inclusive and positive” school environments, according to the Education Department — came after mass shootings at a grocery market in Buffalo, New York, and a school in Uvalde, Texas.

No more mass murders employing bows and arrows. Big Government has made settlers safe from Indian raids at last.

Uvalde appallingly underscored the failure of authorities to protect the innocent. Yet it is exploited to render us still more defenseless — to the cartoonish extreme of coming after archery.

Next the Debt Star will defund wrestling programs, lest students learn to defend themselves with headlocks. Look what happened to the sainted Jordan Neely, they can argue.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 30 2023

LGBT Blasphemy Studies at University of Chicago

Now that the Long March Through the Institutions has claimed higher education, religious studies would more accurately be called “blasphemy studies”:

The University of Chicago’s 2023-2024 course catalog includes a religious studies course on “Queering God,” applying LGBTQ+ ideology to different religions and examining the ways gender is being reimagined in theology.

“Is God queer?” asks the course description. “We will analyze the ways that contemporary artists, activists, and scholars are using theology to reimagine gender and experiment with new relational forms.”

Imagine being forced to pay off other people’s student loans in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling so that can moonbats can reimagine gender rather than work.

Speaking of theology, we are reminded again why the LGBT movement chose the rainbow as its symbol. It was already the symbol of God’s promise never again to destroy the world with a flood to punish our sins. The main point of LGBTism is to taunt God.

That’s why liberals ram it down our throats, even in theology courses — or rather, especially in theology courses. Something else moonbattery has appropriated from Christianity is the commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 30 2023

Transgender Rugby Player Injures Real Women

Remember when transvestite Fallon Fox gave a woman a concussion and broke her eye socket while competing as a member of the opposite sex in mixed martial arts? Pushback was insufficient, so now we read about Canadian rugby player Ash Davis:

Via Reduxx:

The identity of the man involved in the incident has now been confirmed as Ash Davis, who previously played in the men’s division of the club and had been awarded the “hardest hitter” designation during the Senior Awards Banquet just last year.

According to a source within the rugby club, there has been “much opposition” to Davis’ participation in the women’s category, but club members are concerned about speaking up out of “fear of being labeled transphobic.”

Mr Davis evidently still takes the field against women.

Good thing this isn’t the olden days. Davis would have to deal with the women’s husbands. They might not be as easy to injure.

At least in the UK there has been resistance:

Trans women are not women. Failure to defend this obvious fact in the face of LGBT bullying is getting women hurt.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 30 2023

Open Thread

He who does not oppose evil......commands it to be done. - Leonardo da Vinci

On a tip from Bill589.

Jul 29 2023

Obese Women Loot in California

The latest oppressed identity group to join the Cultural Marxist coalition is the morbidly obese. They are even holding a convention this Halloween to celebrate their hurtful marginalization. You can tell they are put-upon because they shop like Black Lives Matter looters — just a little more slowly:

Via Daily Mail:

The brazen heist unfolded [last] Saturday at the discount retailer’s North Freeway Boulevard location in Sacramento, where the three women were caught on camera trudging away with shopping carts loaded with stolen goods.

‘D**n look at these people stealing! Say hi to the camera!’ the bystander filming the incident can be heard saying, as alarms blared and the shoplifters piled mounds of clothing and shoes into the trunk of a red Dodge Charger.

Under moonbat rule, shoplifting is all but legal in California. Property is theft, according to the prevailing ideology. However, in this case authorities might investigate:

[I]n addition to audaciously looting the Burlington store, the three shoplifters had parked in a handicap spot without displaying a placard.

Major chains have been forced to close stores due to out of control shoplifting. No worries; California lawmakers are addressing the issue:

Although California has been one of the epicenters of organized retail crime, state lawmakers there are considering legislation that would ban store employees from confronting thieves.

Senate Bill 553 was passed by the state Senate last month and is currently in committee in the state Assembly.

No problem Democrats create is so awful that they can’t pass legislation making it even worse.

On tips from R F and Franco.

Jul 29 2023

WaPo Celebrates Homosexualization of Boy Scouts

Nothing was more wholesome and all-American than the Boy Scouts of America. So moonbats infiltrated and corrupted the organization. Because children are involved, the emphasis has been on perverted sex, in keeping with liberal proclivities.

Gushes the Washington Post:

Amid the hundreds of tents erected for the Boy Scouts of America’s National Jamboree, one especially stands out — decorated with a canopy of LGBTQ Pride flags and a string of multicolored lights, its tables covered with bowls of rainbow bracelets, pronoun stickers and diversity patches.

“This is my entire world,” said 18-year-old River Capell, a scout volunteer from Northern Virginia who describes themselves as nonbinary and pansexual.

River says the embrace of politicized sexual depravity by the BSA has been “incredibly welcoming and positive.”

Now that only a liberal would be willing to send their son out into the woods with these creeps, the BSA can be added to the list of institutions that have fallen to progressives.

The triumphant obituary was written by “queer journalist” Mike De Socio, who essentially admits that his fellow homosexuals have destroyed the BSA:

The organization lost nearly half of its membership between 2019 and 2020. This national event represents one of its first steps out of a generational nadir brought about by the pandemic, a sexual abuse scandal and an ensuing bankruptcy.

The BSA had barely resolved its struggle over membership policies — fully admitting gay men in 2015 and trans boys in 2017, and then cisgender girls in 2018 — before facing an avalanche of sexual abuse claims.

The BSA was crushed by a $2.46 billion settlement. Submitting to LGBT bullies comes at a price.

All’s well that ends well. As every Democrat knows, you have to destroy before you can replace:

Scouts within the ranks [i.e., leftist adults who had infiltrated the organization in order to subvert it] seized the moment to press for a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. A collective dubbed “Scouts for Black Lives” successfully pushed the organization to commit to a slate of projects, including a new diversity merit badge required for Eagle Scout rank.

No word on whether you can still achieve Eagle Scout status without an anal sex merit badge.

The BSA has been repurposed. It now serves to indoctrinate children with woke ideology and groom them on behalf of the Alphabet People. You may as well turn your son over to NAMBLA.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 29 2023

California Bills Come for Children

As moonbats openly taunt, they are coming for your children. They will do this not only through their control of the entertainment and education establishments, but through direct government force.

The Land of Fruits and Nuts is once again at the vanguard, with two bills that have already passed the State Assembly:

The text of AB 957 states that it “would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

As the California Globe reported, the bill could cause a parent to “lose custody for not ‘affirming’ or agreeing to a child’s claims about gender identity.” This would apply in custody disputes in which one parent wants to “affirm” the child’s confusion about gender, and the other does not.

As if that weren’t enough,

A related bill, AB 665, passed in the State Assembly on April 10 and has also made its way into the Senate chambers. If signed into law, it would allow a minor as young as 12 to be emancipated from his or her parents and transferred into state custody without a court order.

Former San Diego City Councilman and two-time Congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, R-CA, is leading the charge to oppose AB 665. He said the bill “effectively takes children away from their parents if they aren’t ‘woke’ enough.” DeMaio added: “The worst part is that the bill permits even counselors and interns to make and facilitate decisions to allow the state to take these kids away from their parents.”

Both bills will soon be law:

If one or both pieces of legislation were to pass the State Senate, where Democrats hold an 80% majority, the bills would head to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-CA.

Newsom can be expected to eagerly showcase his allegiance to the LGBT agenda at the expense of parents — again.

As Republican State Senator Scott Wilk advises, parents need to flee California. After that, they need to protect their new home from the metastasizing cancer that has claimed the Left Coast.

First they groom, then they confiscate.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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