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Search: Fauci

Mar 20 2021

Rand Paul Calls Out Fauci on Masks

If we take the vaccine, there is no need to obliterate our individual identity, signal compliance, and cut short our air supply by wearing masks. Oh wait, ChiCom virus oracle Anthony Fauci says we have to wear the masks anyway.

Rand Paul pushes back:

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has recommended that Americans who receive a vaccination against COVID-19 continue to wear face masks and practice social distancing through the end of the year and into 2022.

During a Senate hearing on the nation’s coronavirus response, Paul questioned Fauci on the science behind his recommendation, asking if any studies had shown mask-wearing is necessary post-vaccination.

Studies? Dr Fauci doesn’t need studies. DC’s highest paid bureaucrat receives revelations, then tells the public what he thinks we are ready to hear.

Fauci and the tyrannical moonbat technocracy he personifies want to keep milking COVID-19 until the next virus comes along.

Paul has recovered from Kung-Flu, so is unlikely to spread it. Watch him go off on Saint Fauci, confirming that he has no scientific basis for imposing prolonged mask theater:

Fauci barks about new strains, but fails to produce evidence that any new strains are a significant threat to the vaccinated. Sure, a strain with different properties could spring up at any time. By the same token, the ChiComs might release a whole new virus from the lab at any time. We aren’t going to wear masks forever, much as Democrats might want us to.

On tips from Varla and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 17 2021

Fauci: Whoops, Maybe It Should Be 3 Feet

Over the past year, countless restaurants and other businesses have been crushed into bankruptcy by COVID-19 restrictions, largely because of the mandate that we must remain an impractical 6 feet away from each other according to the Experts. Schools have been prevented from reopening for the same reason, adding to the hardship. But now the King of the Experts, coronavirus oracle Anthony Fauci, highest paid bureaucrat in the entire federal behemoth, reveals that we may only need to be 3 feet apart.

Via Axios:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is looking at data that suggests “3 feet are okay under certain circumstances,” for social distancing guidelines, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday.

It’s almost as if the Experts pull arbitrary mandates that destroy people’s lives out of thin air, basing them on whims.

Like the Democrats’ obscene $1.9 trillion “coronavirus relief” looting spree, this comes after herd immunity has nearly been reached anyway, putting the crisis behind us where authoritarians will no longer be able to exploit it.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 25 2021

Tony Fauci’s Possible Role in Creating COVID-19

Despite being regarded as the infallible voice of the technocracy by the liberal media, Anthony Fauci’s handling of the ChiCom virus has been characterized by dramatic reversals and even admitted lies. Now it emerges that he may share responsibility for the creation of the virus.

The new boss is the same as the old boss regarding Fauci, who stays on as chief medical advisor to the White House. With characteristic arrogance, Fauci recently averred that a lack of candor by the former administration cost American lives. This from the guy who admits that he deliberately lied regarding herd immunity.

Miranda Devine notes that among his other notable missteps (such as backflipping on masks), Fauci shared Biden’s view, as the virus began to spread from its birthplace in Wuhan, that travel from China should not be restricted:

It was Jan. 28, and Trump had asked his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, into the Situation Room to convince Fauci and other officials that the China travel ban would save lives.

“The guy I fought the most that day was Fauci,” Navarro told me Sunday. “He was adamantly opposed to the travel ban. All he kept saying was travel restrictions don’t work.” …

Trump imposed the travel ban on Jan. 31 and Fauci later credited the action with saving lives.

But, says Navarro, “If Biden had been president and Fauci had been the top adviser, we would probably have a million more Americans dead.”

Even this would pale in comparison to helping to create the virus in first place, as suggested by Steve Hilton.

COVID-19 could be the result of gain of function research, whereby viruses with dangerous capabilities are created deliberately for research or bioweapon purposes.

Via BizPac Review:

This research was carried out around the world, with Wuhan, China being home to a leading laboratory, funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed up by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The Obama Administration was responsible enough to put the kibosh on this, likely because of the devastating consequences should a Frankenstein virus escape the lab.

“Despite the controversy surrounding this type of research,” [Hilton] said, “it always had one steadfast champion, a leading figure in the world of infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci.” …

Fauci “continued on by subcontracting it” to the NY based EcoHealth Alliance. …

Hilton noted that EcoHealth Alliance then subcontracted the gain of function piece to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Hilton traced a money trail from Fauci to Wuhan, where novel coronaviruses were discovered in bat feces from rural China, and new viruses were created in the lab. These activities may have resulted in a reengineered bat virus that can infect humans through the air.

Too bad we don’t have much in the way of an independent media to follow up on leads like this.

“The response from the medical establishment has been shocking,” [Hilton] added. “Instead of trying to figure out what happened, they have been pushing a cover-up.”

With Beijing Biden in the White House, where Fauci now enjoys an enhanced role, the liberal establishment will bury this story all the deeper.

On tips from Stormfax, Dragon’s Lair, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 26 2020

Fauci Admits to Lying About Herd Immunity

The COVID-19 crisis will be over when the government admits that we have achieved herd immunity — that is, when a certain percentage of the population is immune to the virus, either because they have already had it or because they have taken an effective vaccine. What might that percentage be? Don’t ask the liberal establishment’s favorite expert Anthony Fauci; he admits that he has been lying.

From the New York Times:

In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”

In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on … his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.

When the little people aren’t ready for the truth because we are too dumb to understand it, our rulers have to lie to us for our own good.

Hard as it may be to hear, he said, he believes that it may take close to 90 percent immunity to bring the virus to a halt — almost as much as is needed to stop a measles outbreak.

Fauci lies and unapologetically admits to lying with astonishing arrogance. You can see why Democrat Pols would want to create a holiday in his name.

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Dr. Fauci said. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.”

Then he admitted,

“We really don’t know what the real number is.”

By the time we get to 90%, he will have raised the bar to 101%, knowing that if this is ever allowed to end, he will go back to being just another bureaucrat in a country that has far too many of them.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for a reporter like Jon Karl to ask, “Why did you lie to the American people, and why should we trust what you have to say now?”

Speaking of lying about herd immunity, this is how the World Health Organization, with which we are not allowed to disagree on pain of being banned by YouTube, defined it recently:

Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven’t been infected, or in whom an infection hasn’t triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.

The page has been updated so as to strongly imply that herd immunity can only be achieved through vaccination:

‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it. …

Achieving herd immunity with safe and effective vaccines makes diseases rarer and saves lives.

The World Health Organization is headed by a communist who has been accused of war crimes and has served as a pawn of Chinese Communist Party. The “experts” have far more political clout than they have credibility.

On tips from DCGere, Lyle, Jodie, Henry, and Stormfax.

Dec 24 2020

Happy Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day

Did you think this is Christmas Eve? Wrong. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has proclaimed that it is “Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day,” in honor of the quintessential technocratic overlord.

He may seem goofy and even clueless to vestigial Americans, but to those who want experts to tell them what to do, Fauci is almost a god.

Don’t bother sending Tucker Carlson a card on Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day. He probably doesn’t embrace the spirit. From last summer:

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 15 2020

Fauci to America: “Do What You’re Told”

America used to have an independent spirit. But now it is time for Americans to do as they are told. Dr Anthony Fauci has spoken:

During a televised COVID-19 discussion with other top experts at the Washington National Cathedral, Fauci recalled, “I was talking with my U.K. colleagues who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now, because each of our countries have that independent spirit.” He added, “I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”

As noted at CNBC,

In a “divisive” society, [Fauci] said, people’s willingness to follow the advice of [bureaucrats who present themselves as] scientists has often been portrayed a political decision. Surveys have found that Democrats are more likely than Republicans to view Covid-19 as a major threat to public health.

I wonder why adherents to an authoritarian ideology would be more willing to believe in coronavirus hyperbole than people who cherish liberty.

Future historians will examine the numbers, compare COVID-19 to more serious epidemics like the Spanish flu, and burst out laughing that we let authoritarians exploit this Chinese export to strip us of our freedom.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Mr. Freemarket, and Stormfax.

May 15 2024

Climate Scientist Calls for Culling Human Race by Disease

Until previously, the most malevolent ideology that had ever existed was Marxism. It has driven brutal regimes in previously civilized countries to kill over 100 million of their subjects and reduce many more to miserable existences. Communism has now been eclipsed by an ideology still more profoundly evil in that it pushes hatred of the human race to a more explicitly genocidal extreme. I refer to the Cult of Climatism:

A leading climate scientist has suggested a virulent pandemic killing swathes of the human population is the only way to reduce carbon emissions enough to halt climate change. Professor Bill McGuire was previously a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), a British government body that advised politicians on the Covid pandemic response. He also helped author a report for the notorious Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations (UN) body that has helped drive climate policy globally despite making a slew of errors.

Rather than first establishing that there is anything wrong with the climate and that CO2 emissions significantly impact it, McGuire plunges straight ahead to the objective:

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate,” wrote McGuire, Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London (UCL).

If you needed any more evidence that climate kooks, international agencies like the UN, academia, and the bureaucracies of countries like the UK are wicked and want to kill you, now you have it.

McGuire would no doubt tell you that reducing the human race by presumably billions of people is only a means to the sacred end of fewer allegedly harmful emissions. But the entire ideology is so preposterous as to make obvious that the global warming hoax is only a means and what they inflict in its name is the end.

Stand by for Disease X, which may already be under development by the UN’s World Health Organization, financed by US tax dollars. Or maybe Biden’s handlers will implement our culling directly:

Research funded by the Joe Biden regime could make McGuire’s vision of a high-mortality pandemic a reality. Peter Daszak, a researcher with ties to Anthony Fauci who was accused of being complicit in a Wuhan lab leak prior to the Covid pandemic, is still receiving millions of dollars of public funding.

His EcoHealth Alliance group still has hundreds if not thousands of coronavirus samples “in freezers in Wuhan.”

Democrat rule might pose an existential threat.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and KirklesWorth.

Mar 11 2024

Watch Pelosi and Schumer Speak Truth

It wasn’t long ago that even Democrats agreed America should not allow itself to be invaded and its people displaced from their own country:

If they made these commonsense comments today, Pelosi and Schumer would be denounced as racists and drummed out of the party, which has become so radicalized that its leader openly sides with an illegal immigrant against the American woman he has been charged with murdering.

At their current rate of descent into malevolent lunacy, Democrats will start stockpiling Zyklon B for use on Americans any week now.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Oct 20 2023

RFK Jr Calls for Reparations

Since the disastrous Johnson Administration, we have flushed $trillions down the welfare state, in the process destroying the black family as well as our cities. Blacks have enjoyed hiring and promotion priority for generations. They are largely absolved of responsibility for their own behavior. But when it comes to pandering to them at everyone else’s expense, too much is never enough to suit left-wing Democrats like RFK Jr:

Croaks the kook:

“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.”

Note that the rhetoric isn’t about slavery. Someone must have realized that slavery existed throughout the world since before recorded history before it was ended in the USA at the cost of 620,000 lives, almost all of them white. So we get looted because “Jim Crow.”

“These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution,” the pledge continues.

Not even the Biden Regime — the most radical since FDR — will commit to reparations, not because they are outrageously unjust, effectively enslaving the 87% of the population that is not black, but because the spending entailed would boil the frog too quickly, resulting in hyperinflation and short-term economic collapse before Democrats have had time to disarm the population.

But RFK Jr is too crazy to think about strategy. As his environmental policies attest, he is as psychotic as he is tyrannical and belongs in a mental institution.

Word is that he will help Biden’s handlers hold on to power by drawing votes from Trump. RFK Jr on the ballot splits the antiestablishment vote, and Trump is tainted by his association with Fauci and the Covid vaccines. With luck, people will realize that RFK Jr is all the way left on every other issue, so that he draws votes from Biden’s handlers too.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Sep 11 2023

Court Ruling: FBI and CDC Imposed Covid Narrative

No one can say that Barack Obama didn’t leave a legacy. His community organizer tactics produced the racial strife that led to hundreds of Black Lives Matter riots and continue to have us at each other’s throats. Still more destructively, he weaponized the federal government on behalf of Democratic Party, most famously by siccing the IRS on the Tea Party. Under his idiot sidekick Biden, institutions that now serve party rather than national interests include the FBI and CDC:

The Biden administration likely infringed upon the First Amendment when it leaned on social media companies to remove false or misleading COVID-19 content, a federal court of appeals ruled Friday — narrowing a bombshell district court order that barred several officials and agencies from communicating with the platforms.

Which Covid content was false or misleading is still a matter of dispute — except for the admitted lies told by Tony Fauci. However, the Deep State wouldn’t censor Fauci, because even if he presents himself as Science Incarnate, he is actually Big Government Incarnate. That’s why liberals burn votive candles in devotion to him.

The White House, surgeon general, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI “likely coerced or significantly encouraged social-media platforms to moderate content” and in doing so, “likely violated the First Amendment,” the New Orleans-based Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals determined.

J. Edgar Hoover could never have imagined his agency would one day be used to censor medical information so that a virus could be exploited to inflict tyranny.

On a tip from Bluto.

Sep 10 2023

Vaccine Poetry

If Democrats maintain power after next year’s election, they are apt to inflict more Covid tyranny, including mask mandates, pressure to take experimental vaccines, and even a return to lockdowns. If Trump wins, don’t be surprised if you get the same. But look at the bright side — at least we’ll have poetry:

To coincide with the Global Vaccine Impact Conference, Gavi has commissioned spoken word artists from across the globe to compose new unique works celebrating the power of immunisation.

Prepare yourself for “My Vaccine, My Health,” by Makida El-Husseini of Ghana:

Inspiring words for Covid vax true believers:

Health is vaccination
It protects the immunity of our system
To fly away from deadly viruses and chronic diseases
that plague our growing greens to a demise
Vaccines are life

Life, that breathes into the souls of humanity’s existence
And eschew the brutality of the cold breeze of death

Vaccines have saved any number of lives. Too bad we can no longer trust them not to make us sick.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 12 2023

Jane Fonda Calls for Murder to Defend Abortion

If female moonbats would kill their own babies, imagine what they would do to you. Pro-abortion fanatic Jane Fonda spells it out:

How else to defend killing people but with murder?

It’s okay; later she said it was “hyperbole.”

Hanoi Jane — infamous for posing with communist antiaircraft guns used to kill Americans — has fittingly aged into a loose cannon, sloppily letting spill what she really thinks. Earlier, she admitted to viewing Covid as “God’s gift to the Left.” (Actually, the gift was provided by the Chinese Communist Party and its friend Tony Fauci.)

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 02 2023

UK Considered Killing All Cats Because Covid

To harm a cat is an act of evil that invites brutal karma. The best example is the Black Death, which was spread by rat-borne fleas. The plague could have been mitigated by cats reducing the rat population. However, pernicious superstition caused people to kill their potential saviors. This caused the rat population to explode and the plague to spiral out of control. Fortunately, now we live in more enlightened times — just kidding:

British government ministers reportedly considered killing all pet cats in Britain in order to stop the spread of the Wuhan virus. …

During an interview with broadcaster Channel 4, James Bethell, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Innovation at the Department of Health in 2020 and 2021, said that the nationwide culling of cats was something that was actively considered early on in the pandemic.

As we have seen, other authoritarian measures imposed by the leftist bullies who tend to run governments were useless, including lockdowns, vax mandates, and mask mandates. It is unlikely that killing cats would have been more effective. However, this did not stop the regime that created the virus.

Multiple reports indicate that the killing of cats thought to be infected with COVID was relatively common in China…

British cats are down to eight lives. For the next engineered pandemic, our moonbat rulers may revert to the 14th century practice of blaming cats. You could end up quarantined in a prison camp for not turning yours over to be killed.

This can be avoided if we wake up from our media-induced stupor and recall why the Founding Fathers found it so important to limit the power of government, which is all the more important when tyrants can seize on a crisis as a pretext to exert power as an end in itself, with the blessings of the clueless and corrupt technocratic “experts” liberals worship.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Feb 28 2023

Top Ten Debunked Covid Myths

During Covid hysteria, the Experts told us what we were required to believe. Big Tech suppressed conflicting information. But truth will out. It has already.

You may remember these indisputable Covid facts, handed down from on high by infallible authorities like Anthony Fauci:

1. Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity

2. Masks prevent COVID transmission

3. School closures reduce COVID transmission

4. Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

5. Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

6. Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

7. COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory

8. It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose

9. Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’

10. One in five people get long COVID

This misinformation was used to impose Covid tyranny. All of it has been debunked, although many liberals will no doubt go to their graves believing every word of it.

As Mark Dice observes, you can usually tell what is true because that is what Big Media pooh-poohs and Big Tech censors:

On tips from Jack D and KirklesWorth.


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