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Dec 22 2020

COVID-19 Porkfest Spends USA Toward Ruin

The coronavirus relief bill that passed the House and Senate yesterday attempts to address a temporary problem by helping to trigger a far more serious crisis. America is spending itself into collapse.

The bill is a looting spree. Much of the money will be wasted overseas:

Among [the provisions] are a pair of assistance programs in Pakistan, whereby $15 million will be put toward “democracy programs” and $10 million will be distributed to “gender programs.”

Countries throughout the world, not all of them friendly, stand to receive mountains of American cash in the name of the ChiCom virus. Communist Vietnam will reportedly get $169,739,000, Bangladesh $198,323,000, Venezuela $33 million. Sri Lanka gets $15 million to refurbish a ship.

Even AOC — an avowed socialist — seems to be appalled at the irresponsible manner in which Congress wastes other people’s money. She complains that representatives had only a few hours to review the 5,593-page $1.4 trillion blowout of a spending bill.

There are limits to how much money can be thrown to the four winds when the economy is not producing the wealth to back it up. Every penny has to come from somewhere. Either they raise taxes into the stratosphere, choking off any hope of a return to the pre-lockdown economy, or they tax every penny we have saved by inflating the currency, possibly to Weimar Republic levels. Probably, they will do both.

On a tip from Henry.

Dec 04 2020

Portraits in Glitterati Sociopathy: Naomi Campbell

Stylishly far-left veteran supermodel Naomi Campbell is a famous person, so we should care about her political opinions, since so many people seem to let the glitterati influence how they think and vote. Let’s see if we can get to the bottom of her affection for the criminal socialist regime in Venezuela and for foreign criminals in Britain.

According to the Daily Mail, Campbell has been “campaigning to thwart the Home Office and stop 57 convicted Jamaican offenders from being booted out of the UK and deported back to their homeland.” Their offenses include murder, rape, and pedophilia.

There may be more to this than the militant racial solidarity that is rare among some races but virtually ubiquitous among others. Maybe it is sociopath solidarity:

The 50-year-old has been convicted of assault on four occasions, including spitting at and assaulting police officers. She has been accused of assault on a total of 11 occasions and was once banned from British Airways for life.

If we could find better role models than the putatively Beautiful People, we would have a brighter future.


Nov 07 2020

Top Democrats Ready to Impose Radical Agenda

The election was so close that nearly a week afterward, whether Biden won is still a matter of opinion. Democrats lost ground in the House; the relatively sane among them expect to lose more in 2022 if they don’t tone down the radicalism. Even Jim Clyburn says that if they don’t back off from socialism, they are “not going to win.”

If Biden did win, it was by the skin on his teeth. So at least they won’t try to ram the full hard left agenda down the country’s throat, since it could not be more obvious that they do not have a consensus. Then again, these people are so arrogant and drunk with power that maybe they will:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) insisted several times Friday that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has a “mandate” to carry out their party’s agenda, referring to Biden as “president-elect” despite the fact that no winner has been declared in the close race between him and President Donald Trump.

Not just a mandate; a “tremendous mandate”:

The only thing preventing them from capitalizing on their imaginary mandate to transform the USA into Venezuela overnight is control of the Senate.

Like Pelosi, top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer meekly complies with kamikaze radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who may take his Senate seat in 2022 if he doesn’t dance to her tune.

Barks Schumer,

“Now we take Georgia, then we change the world!”

This is frightening:

It would change the world, all right. If America succumbs to socialism, authoritarianism, and economic collapse, the rest of the planet may follow us into a new Dark Age. Schumer would bring this about by packing the Supreme Court and the Senate, ensuring indefinite single-party rule. Literally insane policies like the Green New Deal and unprecedented levels of spending and taxation would become a reality.

Fortunately, Georgia is not likely to hand these maniacs the Senate. But we have certainly come to the very edge of a steep precipice.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Nov 03 2020

What Would NYC Moonbats Do for an Electoral Catastrophe?

We know Trump supporters are motivated. In the video below, Ami Horowitz investigates the opposition.

Young New York City moonbats would do most anything to make the country veer hard left today onto the path Venezuela took when it elected Hugo Chavez and their own declining city took when it elected Bill de Blasio. But would they give up movies for a year? Sex for 4 years? Would they let a puppy drown? Take electricity to their private parts? Punch their own mother in the face?

That last question is the easiest for them:

On a tip from Lyle.

Nov 01 2020

Maniacal Moonbat Defines Normal

Biden voters are terrified that America might be spared. They have already worked themselves into a frenzy in preparation for the tantrum to end all tantrums if they do not get their way in the election. In the video below, a moonbat in New York City who apparently does not know enough to come in from the rain subjects us to a cascade of obscenities as he describes his fraught and delusional state of mind and defines it as normal:

This guy will be the new normal for liberals if the election turns out well. On the other hand, if the polls are correct, Venezuela will be the new normal, and people like him will be in control.


Oct 13 2020

Biden Runs for Senate, Promises $15 Million Minimum Wage

Excellent news! Soon we will all be multimillionaires. Joe Biden has promised a $15 million minimum wage.

He made the promise in Las Vegas Friday, but since no one attends Joe Biden events, it took a few days for word to get around:

Okay, so he lowered the $15,000,000 to $15,000 and then to $15. Zeroes make zero difference with socialists in charge, as anyone from Venezuela or Zimbabwe could tell you. Whichever number Biden’s handlers settle on, jacking up the minimum wage will drive up inflation and unemployment, the latter being not a bug but a feature from the Democrat point of view.

Here’s better news. Biden isn’t really running for president. He’s hoping they will let him back in the Senate:

“We have to come together, that’s why I’m running as a proud Democrat for the Senate,” Biden said, seemingly misreading his teleprompter script during his remarks in Toledo, Ohio.

Or maybe he is running for both president and senator:

The Adderall must be working wonders to pull Biden’s mind back into focus. So far as I know, he has not forgotten that he is running for president, not senator, since last February.

On tips from Varla, Mr. Freemarket, and Anonymous.

Sep 23 2020

Zillionaire Leftists Try to Buy Felon Vote in Florida

As you can tell by the phony rhetoric about defending the middle class, the Democratic Party is an alliance against the middle class. It consists of the liberal elite and the underclass that it farms for votes. Never has this been more obvious than in Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to buy Florida for his fellow liberal elitist Joe Biden.

Via Fox News:

$16 million is pouring into Florida from billionaire Mike Bloomberg, who pledges to pay the court fines and fees of nearly 32,000 Black and Hispanic convicted felons who have been hindered from voting.

Bloomberg hopes the initiative will remove the red tape for the approximately 1 million felons in Florida, who, if allowed, would likely vote Democrat in the upcoming election.

That they can count on felons to vote overwhelming in their favor tells you all you need to know about Democrats.

The state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, previously signed a bill which stipulates that felons must pay all fines, restitution, and other legal financial obligations before their sentences could be considered fully served, and allow them to participate in voting.

So Bloomberg steps up with his wallet, to make the world more like the way felons would want it to be. Democrats have already accomplished this at the local level in places like New York, Seattle, and Portland, where criminals largely have the run of the streets thanks to liberal hegemony.

Florida is a key swing state that could decide the election.

Bloomberg previously announced he’d be investing $100 million to Florida alone in an effort to get Biden elected. The money allocated to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition to pay off debts by the state’s felons is a separate sum from Bloomberg’s original pledge.

Yet we have to listen to these people screech about how they are standing up to big money in politics.

Biden’s campaign had been dramatically outspending the Trump team to run ads in Florida and other key battlegrounds.

There’s no shortage of money among socialists. Consider how well Nicolas Maduro lives as Venezuela starves and you will see the appeal socialism has for the rich.

Bloomberg, who recently spent nearly $1 billion trying to buy the Democrat nomination, is not the only pernicious moonbat with deep pockets. Another is the allegedly racially put-upon LeBron James, who has amassed $480 million in the land of his oppression by playing a game.

From elsewhere on Fox News:

LeBron James and the Florida Rights Restoration are reportedly sending text messages to residents for the purpose of forwarding them to convicted felons, according to Outkick the Coverage.

Outkick reported that James and the group are offering to pay for fines and fees so felons can vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.

If wishing really hard works, Trump will be reelected despite all their money and will make a trade deal with China that forces the commies to take their friend LeBron James.

On tips from Chuck A, Zachary B, Adam, Bluto, and Varla.

Sep 17 2020

Why Ben Shapiro Is Leaving California

Ben Shapiro has one of the sharpest minds on the right, which may have had some wondering why he stays on the sinking ship of leftist-ruled California. Here’s why: he grew up there, and if not for the moonbattery, it would be a great place. But enough is enough — he is moving to Nashville, and taking the Daily Wire with him:

As Venezuelans learned the hard way, you cannot do business indefinitely under leftist rule. This is why today’s radicalized Democrats taking control of the federal government could be catastrophic. Where will Shapiro move operations if leftists secure permanent national control by killing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, institutionalizing voter fraud, making DC, Puerto Rico, and who knows where else into states, importing tens of millions of needy foreigners, et cetera?

On a tip from Lyle.

Aug 28 2020

Today’s Democrats Taking Senate Likely to Have Devastating Consequences

Every presidential election is hyped as being of momentous consequence. This time, it isn’t just hype. If Democrats take the White House on a radical platform after a year of promoting leftist riots and economically devastating, senselessly draconian lockdowns, America is in for dark times. The Wall Street Journal makes the case that the Senate elections are more momentous still:

A Democratic majority would elevate left-wing progressives like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Sheldon Whitehouse to positions of power.

Warren and Sanders are alarmingly aggressive socialist demagogues. Sheldon Whitehouse literally wants to throw people in prison for challenging leftist global warming orthodoxy.

Republicans are defending eight vulnerable seats, Democrats only one. The narrow 53-47 Republican majority is liable to flip.

The filibuster has always exerted a moderating influence. Not for much longer. Democrats have announced they will do away with it.

Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer has thrown in his lot with the radical left to stave off a primary challenge from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Schumer…

…said he’s moved left with the times and thus can’t take anything “off the table” in the majority. …

Schumer said this includes addressing “income and wealth inequality, climate [change], racial justice, [and] health care” and “improving our democracy.”

If that agenda is imposed, America will no longer be wealthy and free. It will be Venezuela.

Addressing “income and wealth inequality” means weaponizing envy to inflict Marxism. Note that Democrats no longer talk about lifting up the poor, but of economic leveling. They want to impose a ceiling above the lowest common denominator, as in communist countries.

Addressing “climate” means inflicting the demented and authoritarian Green New Deal under the pretense that it would have a measurable effect on the weather. Radically reducing our standard of living would not be a side effect; it would be the main point.

Addressing “racial justice” means further exploiting the divide-and-conquer racial strategy that has major cities up in flames. Preferred minority groups will receive ever greater favoritism at the expense of the core population, ensuring racial discord.

Addressing “health care” means socialized medicine. Sure it’s “free” (unless you pay taxes), but you will have to wait months for substandard care.

“Improving our democracy” may be the most ominous agenda item of all. This entails ensuring permanent Democrat power, in part by dismantling the Constitution. Plans openly floated by Democrats including packing the Supreme Court with enough leftists to guarantee the outcome of every ruling; abolishing the Electoral College so that urban population centers always pick the President; making Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia into states, providing four extra Senate seats for Democrats; and facilitating voter fraud by expanding vote by mail and ballot harvesting.

Other consequences of Democrats taking the Senate are likely to include pandering to unions by abolishing right to work laws, secret union elections, and freelance employment.

The only restraint would be public opinion, but Democrats (unlike Republicans) would have a cheerleading press corps behind them.

As the absurd coverage of the Black Lives Matter riots has demonstrated, there is no restraint on the left-wing activism of the liberal media establishment. Big Journalism has already cashed in its credibility; it will go to any length to push the country as far as it possibly can to the left.

Within a few months, the Black Lives Matter mob could be in effect running the federal government. The near future may present a choice between the sort of tyranny normally seen only in Third World countries on one hand, civil war on the other.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 18 2020

Doglines Coming to North Korea?

No one can say they don’t know what lies ahead on the road to socialism, because we can watch as others reach key milestones. Venezuelans have been reduced to eating their pets. North Koreans have progressed still further. Their government confiscates pets, possibly for redistribution as food.

Kim Jong Un’s order that inmates of Pyongyang turn in their dogs is characteristically couched in Marxist class warfare rhetoric:

Launching a clampdown on dog ownership with a ban issued in July, the North Korean dictator cited “western decadence” and “a tainted trend of bourgeois ideology,” a source told South Korea newspaper “The Chosunlibo

Owners fear that their dogs may be heading to a slaughterhouse and returning as dog meat, in response to an ongoing food supply shortage.

Bernie Sanders says breadlines are “a good thing,” so doglines must be a good thing too.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Aug 11 2020

Who a Vote for Joe Biden Is a Vote For

A vote for Joe Biden is not a vote for Joe Biden, because Quid Pro Quo Joe isn’t really there anymore. Who is it a vote for? The Hill offers a clue:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) will speak at the virtual Democratic National Convention, organizers confirmed on Tuesday…

The first-term New York congresswoman and progressive standard-bearer will speak next Tuesday. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), for whom Ocasio-Cortez served as a prominent surrogate, is also set to address the convention on Monday.

As Bernard Goldberg writes,

It’s not exactly a bulletin that Joe Biden is a puppet candidate. … His political team puts words in his mouth and on a good day he repeats them without forgetting what he’s talking about. Be assured that if Biden wins, Bernie Sanders and AOC will be running the show.

With control of congress and a hard left wind at their back, it won’t take them long to fundamentally transform America into North Venezuela.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.


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