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Jan 21 2024

Modern Day Holy War

A little something to make moonbats’ heads explode:

Leftists subverted the culture by subverting entertainment. Now that moonbats are the establishment, patriots like Nicole Nogrady have the task of reversing the process.

On a tip from Troy H.

Jan 21 2024

How to Distinguish Federal Agents From Patriots

As election season gets underway and Democrats become increasingly desperate to hold on to power, expect more false flag operations along the lines of the FBI’s Gauleiter Gretchen kidnapping plot and the shenanigans the Lincoln Project pulled against Glenn Youngkin in Virginia. If all goes according to plan, Dems will be able to provoke a handful of right-wingers to behave like mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, as on January 6; then they can respond with martial law.

We need to be able to distinguish Deep State agents from actual Americans. This video of the alleged “white supremacists” of Patriot Front is instructional:

The license plates aren’t the only clue that these may be feds. Old Glory represents not so much the American government as America itself. That’s why patriots treat the flag with reverence, whereas Democrats are liable to contemptuously toss it top-down into the back of a truck, so that it can get filthy lying in the bed.

As with the Virginia Tikigate fiasco, the khakis are another clue. So are the BLM-style covered faces, possibly intended to look sinister for use in Biden campaign ads.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jan 21 2024

Amazon Cartoon Promotes Satan to Kids

To call the liberal agenda “evil” is not a figure of speech. The social engineering objectives of woke corporations like Amazon are literally satanic:

Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated series that [was] set to debut Friday on Amazon Prime Video. The series, which comes from indie powerhouse A24, follows the character Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer and the reigning “princess of Hell.”

Like everything else comprising American culture, cartoons have been subordinated to moonbattery.

Something of a rebel, Charlie hatches a plan to solve Hell’s overpopulation problem by sending damned souls to Heaven. She is helped by her friend “Vaggie” and a former porn star.

How very progressive.

Presenting the pro-Satan version of Genesis:

As with LGBT indoctrination, children are targeted because they have not yet developed a frame of reference that would allow them to defend themselves from being implanted with evil seeds.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 21 2024

Open Thread

To regret religion is to regret Western civilization. - Theodore Dalrymple

Jan 20 2024

Sports Illustrated Went Woke and Goes Broke

The liberal establishment insidiously exploits sports media to inculcate moonbat ideology into audiences that let down their intellectual defenses because they are not expecting politics. The most egregious examples are ESPN (e.g., here, here, here, here, here) and Sports Illustrated. The former has Disney’s vast fortunes behind it. The latter is learning the truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke”:

The Arena Group – which publishes Sports Illustrated – has informed employees that a ‘significant number, possibly all, of the Guild-represented workers at SI’ will be laid off.

No wonder moonbats hate capitalism. It forces you to acknowledge how the numbers add up. SI’s numbers add up to doom:

It comes as a result of Authentic Brands Group (ABG), the group that purchased Sports Illustrated for $110million in 2019, ending its agreement with Arena to publish in both print and digital.

Arena missed a $2.8m payment as part of the licensing agreement three weeks ago.

This comes in the aftermath of SI reportedly using AI to write its material. More devastating to the brand has been the focus on force-feeding moonbattery.

The formerly iconic swimsuit issue has repeatedly featured on its cover men posing as women in gag-inducing attempts to seduce readers into LGBTism.

The leftist publication has informed readers that coaches exercising their First Amendment rights by praying to God constitute an “erosion of a bedrock of American democracy.”

It has been pushing the global warming hoax for years, even screeching that the imaginary climate crisis is killing football players; as with all global catastrophes, politically favored blacks are “disproportionately affected.”

Trust the free market to provide alternatives that stick to sports.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jan 20 2024

Feds Blow $1 Million on Game for Perverted Children

Wasting money is easy. But wasting trillions of dollars while maximizing offensiveness to the regular Americans who have to pick up the tab through taxation and inflation requires creativity. Only gifted bureauweenies could have thought to blow over $1 million of our money on a video game for sexually deranged children:

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has approved $1,075,660 in grant funding since 2016 to develop and test the effectiveness of a Japanese role-playing game-inspired web app in reducing binge drinking among sexual and gender minority youth, according to a federal grant database.

By “youth,” they mean kids:

The grant defines sexual and gender minority youth as people under 18 who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gay, bisexual or lesbian, among other identities.

Kids are taught that being homosexual makes them special:

Gay youths playing the game take on the role of a “superhuman individual” who faces discrimination at school “because of their uniqueness,” according to NIH-funded researchers.

In no healthy society would children be coached to define themselves according to deviant sexual practices.

Likewise, in no healthy society would binge drinking among children be an issue. Preventing it would best be accomplished not by video games that encourage sexual perversion, but by engaged parents. The federal government could do its part by letting up on the War on Family, which it has waged by incentivizing having children out of wedlock through the Welfare State and by attacking the institution of marriage in the name of the LGBT agenda.

Where does our $1 million actually go? Into the voracious maw of “higher” education, which is well paid for its critical role in devising and instilling ruling class ideology. Specifically, the University of Pittsburgh gets the booty.

On a tip from Franco.

Jan 20 2024

Biden Off New Hampshire Primary Ballot

Democrats’ attempts to take Trump off the primary ballot may fail in Colorado, Maine, and other states, but they did manage to take their own leader off the ballot in New Hampshire:

The state is holding its contest earlier than this year’s Democratic primary calendar allows, and candidates who appear on the ballot here will not be eligible to accrue delegates to the national convention.

Consequently, Biden must compete as a write-in candidate and will be penalized by his own party if he campaigns in the state — although he has sent high-profile surrogates.

His absence from the ballot in the first-in-the nation primary state stems from an argument between New Hampshire and national Democrats over which contest will lead the nominating process.

As one of his puppeteers famously advised, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.”

At Biden’s request, the Democratic National Committee made South Carolina the first primary of 2024, replacing Iowa as the first contest in the party’s presidential selection process. It ordered New Hampshire to go second and on the same day as Nevada.

No surprise that Biden favors South Carolina. Local congresscritter James Clyburn was instrumental in handing him the 2020 nomination in exchange for racial favoritism.

New Hampshire law mandates it hold the first primary, and legislators in the Republican-run state refused to break with tradition. The state’s attorney general is accusing the DNC of voter suppression and sent the organization a cease-and-desist letter last week that threatened further legal action.

The 2024 election shenanigans have barely begun. Expect them to get ever more convoluted, so that the winner is not declared until the liberal establishment has found a way to make it not be Trump.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 20 2024

Open Thread

Since the State thrives on what it expropriates, the general decline in production that it induces by its avarice foretells its own doom. Its source of income dries up. Thus, in pulling Society down it pulls itself down. Its ultimate collapse is usually occasioned by a disastrous war, but preceding that event is a history of increasing and discouraging levies on the marketplace, causing a decline in the aspirations, hopes, and self-esteem of its victims. - Frank Chodorov

Jan 19 2024

Democrats Move to Prevent Rat Control

Democrats look out for their own. In Colorado, convicted criminals may get $3,000 handouts. At the national level, rats with two legs defend those with four:

The Glue Trap Prohibition Act, introduced Wednesday, is a bill that bans the use of glue traps to catch rodents.

The numberless rats that seem to thrive on liberal rule will breathe a sigh of relief before going back to spreading disease.

The bill was introduced by leftist congresscritter Ted Lieu and cosponsored by Adam Schiff of Russia collusion hoax infamy. The two of them really put the rat in Democrat.

Many individuals choose to use these traps because they are inexpensive. That especially matters today when families are struggling to make ends meet due to failed Bidenomics.

But what matters to Democrats is that the traps are hurtful to rats. America first? Moonbats won’t even put humans first.

On a tip from Dennis G.

Jan 19 2024

Early Swedes Were Now Black

It would be hard to imagine a group of people less black than characteristically blond and blue-eyed Swedes. But no lie is too outlandish to be rammed down the public’s throat by the moonbats running state media as they wage war on history to bring it into compliance with their hostile ideology:

As the Nordic Times reported last year,

The first Swedes are portrayed by black Africans and people from the Middle East in Sweden’s tax-funded state TV channel SVT’s blockbuster “History of Sweden”. Critics accuse SVT of falsifying history and the ‘experts’ involved of spreading propaganda for ideological reasons.

Historien om Sverige (The history of Sweden) is not just any TV series, but SVT’s biggest ever historical venture, which has taken three years to produce and will be broadcast this fall.

Europeans may have had darker skin in caveman days than they do now. As the theory goes, lighter skin evolved to help synthesize vitamin D. Even so:

Seven people from the 7700-year-old Motala archaeological site in southern Sweden had both light skin gene variants, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2. They also had a third gene, HERC2/OCA2, which causes blue eyes and may also contribute to light skin and blond hair. Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed…

But then, if Anne Boleyn could be black, why not Swedes? Believe — or prepare to get canceled for being a racist.

If all goes well for leftist social engineers, they will eventually use their control of the media to convince all Caucasians that they and those in their immediate physical vicinity are the only white people who ever existed.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 19 2024

Intersectional Brick Lady Busted for Hoax

To maximize hoax remuneration, it helps to have a collection of favored identities. For example, Roda Osman presents herself as a black Muslim single mother. Warning: despite living in a society eager to believe them, sometimes even the most intersectionally oppressed get busted:

A Houston woman who claimed a man assaulted her with a brick has been accused of lying – and raking in $40,000 through a fraudulent GoFundMe campaign.

Roda Osman, 33, who earned the moniker ‘Brick Lady’ on social media, has been charged with felony theft by deception.

This wasn’t Roda’s first trip to the well. She pulled something similar in Minneapolis 3 years earlier:

That campaign was titled ‘Help Black Muslim Mother Pay Her Medical Bill’ and claimed a ‘young Black Muslim single mother’ was attacked by private security, leaving her with bruises, a black eye and injuries to her leg.

‘She needs an estimated $5K to pay for medical bills, legal fees and a new phone and more,’ the page read.

The Minneapolis Police Department said it had not received reports of Osman being assaulted in 2020. The last contact the department had with Osman was in 2012 for public lewdness and disorderly conduct.

What might have been a simple scam became a hate hoax when Houston police smelled a rat and Osman responded by implicating sceptics in her oppression:

In another video, after Houston Police had been investigating the alleged scam, Osman made an announcement with the caption, “Help me hold Houston police department accountable.” …

“They want to let all gendered oppressed people know, that if you ever speak out, you will be punished and you will be punished badly,” Osman said about others online who were calling out the allegedly fraudulent GoFundMe page.

In a society that rewards sniveling victims, people will achieve victimhood to snivel about by any means necessary.

On tips from Ed McAninch and WDS 2.0.

Jan 19 2024

Colorado Considers $3,000 Payments to Criminals

It pays to belong to an identity group favored by Democrats. Consider criminals in Colorado:

Democrats in the Colorado legislature have proposed a concerning new bill that aims to incentivize crime in the Centennial State. Under this bill, criminals would receive a cash payment of $3,000 upon their release from a Colorado prison.

The ostensible purpose of paying people to be criminals through Senate Bill 12 is to prevent recidivism. Were this an actual objective, authorities might consider making recreational drugs less accessible.

Just three years ago, liberal progressive Democrats in Colorado decriminalized the possession of dangerous drugs, allowing possession of less than a gram to be treated as a mere ticket offense. Experts have linked the availability of drugs, including marijuana, to a rise in homelessness, suicides, and recidivism in the state.

The actual purpose is to reward a group that has been loyal in its support. If a criminal is going to vote, who else would he vote for if not the party of colleague Joe Biden?

You can see why voting privileges for felons are a Democrat priority, Constitution be damned.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 19 2024

Open Thread

As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children. - Anita Bryant

On a tip from Jester.

Jan 18 2024

Javier Milei Crashes Davos Party

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is underway in Davos, where the globalist ruling class has gathered by private jet to discuss how to reduce our carbon emissions and in general make our lives worse in the name of moonbattery:

As you might expect, given the moral caliber of the liberal elite, prostitutes in the area have been completely booked.

Turns out the self-important degenerate kooks may have a sense of humor:

The theme this year is “Rebuilding Trust.”

They rebuild trust by scheming to restore Covid tyranny under the working title “Disease X”:

Disease X, a hypothetical illness with the potential for 20 times more fatalities than the COVID-19 pandemic, was the focal point of a panel discussion in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, where international leaders gathered to deliberate on the potential looming threat.

…calling for more censorship so as to suppress information that undermines their deranged ideology:

The unelected head of the European Union, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, has warned global power elites gathered for the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual summit that they must focus their energy on censoring so-called “disinformation.”

…suggesting that “ecocide” (i.e., farming, fishing, energy production) is a crime equivalent to genocide:

…and proclaiming that elections are quaint relics of the past that should be replaced by AI (presumably programmed by them):

Uh oh. There was a party crasher. No, not Damon Imani. I mean Argentina’s newly elected countermoonbat President Javier Milei (who unlike many flew commercial):

Watch Milei’s whole speech:

The other attendees will sit gingerly for days after that kick to their collective pants.

At least Trump didn’t show up. The Davos goblins regard him with abject terror.

On tips from Eddie_Valiant, R F, Bluto, Ed McAninch, Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and Brian Brandt. Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.


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