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Category: Corporate Moonbattery

Feb 02 2024

Disney’s Wheel of Wokeness

Disney rose to prominence by providing wholesome children’s entertainment. Then it was subverted by liberals. Its purpose now is to advance the progressive agenda, primarily by promoting sexual depravity to kids.

Like all evil inflicted on a large scale, this is done in the name of an ideology. Disney’s is the same as the Democratic Party’s — a virulent strain of moonbattery known as Cultural Marxism. Employees are instructed on how to think with this Wheel of Power/Privilege:

People are to be judged not on their individual merits, but on how far out they are from the center of the wheel. Those on the outer edge are to be revered; those closest to the hub are to be reviled.

The center is labeled POWER because Cultural Marxism is based on the lie that normal people despised by the liberal establishment are somehow powerful. Those who enjoy privilege because they are favored by our leftist overlords are to be venerated as MARGINALIZED.

As George Orwell predicted, everything is called the diametric opposite of what it really is.

Daily Wire has context:

Posters featuring a “wheel of power/privilege” were hung in employee spaces in Disneyland, instructing employees that being white, “cisgender male,” and even speaking English means you have “unearned” privilege that your “marginalized” coworkers do not, according to images obtained by The Daily Wire. …

The image was provided by source who works for the Walt Disney Company, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from the company. …

“So many cast members, myself included, are tired of the division being pushed by companies with a lack of regard for the founder’s vision,” the source told The Daily Wire. “This isn’t what Walt would have wanted for his company. He once said, ‘To ALL who come to this happy place, Welcome.’ Things like this make people feel unwelcome, destroying the magic.”

However, failing to bully and alienate those who do not conform to leftist ideology would be a violation of the liberal doctrine of “inclusion.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 21 2024

Amazon Cartoon Promotes Satan to Kids

To call the liberal agenda “evil” is not a figure of speech. The social engineering objectives of woke corporations like Amazon are literally satanic:

Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated series that [was] set to debut Friday on Amazon Prime Video. The series, which comes from indie powerhouse A24, follows the character Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer and the reigning “princess of Hell.”

Like everything else comprising American culture, cartoons have been subordinated to moonbattery.

Something of a rebel, Charlie hatches a plan to solve Hell’s overpopulation problem by sending damned souls to Heaven. She is helped by her friend “Vaggie” and a former porn star.

How very progressive.

Presenting the pro-Satan version of Genesis:

As with LGBT indoctrination, children are targeted because they have not yet developed a frame of reference that would allow them to defend themselves from being implanted with evil seeds.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 20 2023

Delta Alarms Travelers With Man-Hating Moonbattery

“Inclusion” is Liberalese for the exclusion of identity groups they oppose. This includes or rather excludes men, as the moonbats at Delta Air Lines confirm:

A world with no men would be a world without aviation.

Modernity observes that not even Delta can outmoonbat the identity box-checkers at Virgin:

When you fly, you are trusting your life to the competence of the airline. Competence and wokeness are mutually exclusive.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 01 2023

Forbes Continues to Heap Honors on Dylan Mulvaney

At first, I thought Dylan Mulvaney’s repulsive female impersonator shtick was a particularly vicious parody of transsexuals and/or real women. Turns out he was only pushing moonbattery to the next level. This has so endeared him to the liberal establishment that honors continue to rain down upon him:

Forbes Magazine recently placed controversial trans woman and LGBTQ social media activist Dylan Mulvaney on its “30 Under 30 Social Media” list for being one of the most influential young social media influencers in the world. …

This isn’t the first recognition that Mulvaney has received from Forbes. Earlier this year, the influencer was invited to speak at the 2023 Forbes CMO Summit in Miami. During the address, the former Bud Light spokesperson urged companies to get more serious about promoting “diversity in the boardroom and on their consulting staff,” and not just do so in a “performative” way.

Also, Forbes chose this guy to speak at the 2022 Forbes Power Women’s Summit.

Via Political Insider:

Universities pay Mulvaney up to $26,250 for a lecture, presumably on how we should be more politically correct. He has called on people who refuse to pretend he is a woman to be arrested. Biden has of course invited him to the White House.

Mulvaney cost Budweiser $400 million in sales through his association with Bud Light. Why would a business magazine honor him? Because Forbes is not primarily about business. It is part of the liberal establishment, so its main objective is social engineering. To make us into a nation of Dylan Mulvaneys is what progressives are progressing toward.

On a tip from Franco.

Nov 22 2023

Pride Santa and the Pride Christmas Nutcracker

Like every other cherished aspect of our culture, Christmas will be defiled and repurposed before it is erased altogether by the leftist social engineers who control major corporations like Target. If Black Paraplegic Santa doesn’t fill you with the woke answer to Christmas spirit, try Pride Santa and the Pride Christmas Nutcracker:

The Nutcracker figurine is holding a “progress” flag, which merges the LGBTQ+ flag with others representing transgender individuals, and black and brown people, while the “Pride Santa” features St. Nicholas holding the rainbow Pride flag.

It becomes ever more obvious why pride is listed among the Seven Deadly Sins.

Also available for purchase online is a “Love is Love” ornament.

The slogan “Love Is Love” relieves social engineers from having to add ever more letters to the LGBTQIA+++ acronym. It is a specifically sexual restatement of the nihilist motto, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” Note that Pride Santa wears it plastered across his chest:

A careful analysis of the word “Christmas” reveals that it originally had something to do with Christianity. Before the book is banned for being homophobic, get hold of a Bible and learn what Christianity has to say about sexual deviancy.

Target lost $10 billion in market valuation in 10 days due to backlash against promoting the LGBTification of children. Those in charge don’t care. Big Business isn’t about profit anymore; it is about the Agenda.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 14 2023

Pushback Against Macy’s Defiling Thanksgiving Day Parade

The leftists who run corporations have targeted another American tradition to be defiled. Over 20,000 people have signed a petition to boycott this year’s pro-LGBTQIA2S+ Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Hopefully signatories will remember to boycott not just the parade but Macy’s. From the petition:

Performances showcased in the parade will include music from two Broadway musicals, & Juliet and Shucked, both of which feature transgender and non-binary performers in major roles.

Showcased in the parade will be the “nonbinary” Justin David Sullivan of & Juliet, who…

…declined eligibility for the Tony Awards, saying traditional acting categories need to be reconsidered to become more “inclusive” of gender non-conforming actors.


Alex Newell, a biological male who also identifies as non-binary, won a Tony Award this year for his starring performance in Shucked, playing the female role of Lulu.

This presents a progression toward shoving depravity in the public’s face ever more aggressively:

In 2021, transgender pop star Kim Petras performed during the parade, becoming the first transgender celebrity to perform during this once family-friendly holiday tradition.

Under liberal domination, nothing stays family-friendly for long. Have a look at Sullivan and Newell and ask yourself if you would let either of these guys near your kids.

As the Daily News notes,

The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade has started the holiday season since 1924, pulling in more than 50 million television viewers as 3.5 million people line the 2.5-mile parade route through New York City.

Yet another American tradition is desecrated by leftist social engineers, subordinated to their sick agenda, and transformed into a means of sticking it to normal people.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 27 2023

Nikes-Wearing Moonbat Calls for Boycott of Nike

Moonbattery makes for strange bedfellows — and awkward enemies. From the viewpoint of American leftists, Black Lives Matter and Hamas are effectively the same cause. Of all the corporations that prostrated themselves before BLM as it looted and destroyed, none was more obsequious than Nike, which was using washed-up football player turned professional black supremacist Colin Kaepernick as its public face even before the riots, and which pledged $40 million in support. Yet despite its anti-American politics, Nike is an American corporation. Under Democrat rule, America lavishly funds Hamas, but it also funds Israel. So Nike is the enemy. At least that seems to be the reasoning of this pro-Hamas protester who calls for a boycott of Nike — while wearing Nikes:

Most if not all of the companies the shrill fool lists are aggressively left-wing in their corporate posture.

Don’t be too hard on campus moonbats. It isn’t easy to be consistent while burning a civilization out from under yourself.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and R F.

Oct 25 2023

UFC Jumps Off Cliff After Bud Light

The people running professional sports care more about grinding moonbattery in our faces than they do about filling seats or making money. UFC provides further evidence by jumping into the ocean chained to an anchor called Bud Light:

The tie-up with Anheuser-Busch’s beleaguered brew — which has been slammed with sharp sales declines since its fleeting, ill-fated campaign in April with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney — is reportedly worth more than $100 million, according to MMA Fighting.

The Bud Light brand is so toxic due to its association with the repulsive female impersonator Mulvaney that Anheuser-Busch is paying stores $150 million to continue stocking their unwanted beer.

Maybe UFC will get away with this, the way the NFL, MLB, etc. got away with ramming Black Lives Matter down fans’ throats while rioters looted and destroyed. Or maybe stepping on a rake isn’t such a good idea:

UFC has locked itself into a 6-year deal. Its primary beer sponsor has been Modelo for the past 4 years.

Bud Light has been dethroned as the No. 1 beer in the US, losing its top spot to Modelo Especial, which experienced double-digit growth thanks to Bud Light’s demise.

Don’t expect logic when business decisions are dictated by moonbattery.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Oct 19 2023

Get Woke Go Broke: Victoria’s Secret

Turns out moonbattery doesn’t apply to lingerie marketing. Victoria’s Secret has had enough of declining sales and will go back to featuring attractive women:

Cathaleen Chen reported that the brand’s efforts to promote inclusivity – which included making LGBTQ pro women’s soccer player and outspoken leftist Megan Rapinoe, as well as a transgender woman, brand spokesmodels and getting rid of its famous “Angels” supermodels – gained “favorable reviews from online critics [but] never translated into sales.”

As we know from movie reviews, if critics tell us to like something, that means it stinks but we are supposed to pretend to like it in order to be woke.

According to the numbers, the lingerie brand’s projected revenue for 2023 is $6.2 billion, which is 5% lower than it was last year, and even lower than 2020, when the brand’s revenue was $7.5 billion.

They should look at the bright side. They’re still doing better than Bud Light.

The drop in Victoria’s Secret’s sales also followed the company’s move to make its board of directors mostly female.

Choosing personnel by identity group doesn’t work any better in the corporate world than it does on the Supreme Court.

In 2021, Rapinoe called out what the brand had been before the revamp, claiming it had sent out a “really harmful” message that was “patriarchal, sexist, viewing not just what it meant to be sexy but what the clothes were trying to accomplish through a male lens and through what men desired.”

Instead, Victoria’s Secret tried marketing to what Women’s Studies professors desire. Nobody is buying.

The point of lingerie is to be sexy. Choosing Rapinoe to represent the brand was like picking Dylan Mulvaney to market weight-lifting equipment.

For now they are trying to have it both ways:

Chen noted that the lingerie company’s attempt to stop the financial drain body-positive marketing was causing was to bring back its runway show format, and blend the sexiness the brand had become famous for with some of its more inclusive initiatives.

Bring a barf bag to the fashion show, in case this means every other model struts out looking like Lizzo.

Compromise doesn’t work with moonbats. Feminists and anti-fatphobia activists will probably call for a boycott.

On tips from Ed McAninch and KirklesWorth.

Sep 20 2023

Racist Beer

For anyone who finds Bud Light to be insufficiently woke, there are beers that are still more aggressive in their moonbattery. Some beers focus on taste, others on showcasing their race-based ideology. Examples of the latter include Weathered Souls Brewing and Hella Coastal:

Weathered Souls Brewing gained widespread recognition with their initiative, the “Black is Beautiful” beer.

The brewery invited other breweries across the US and around the world to join them in brewing their own version of “Black is Beautiful,” with the proceeds supporting organizations fighting racial injustice and promoting equality.

“Racial injustice” is Liberalese for insufficient race favoritism. Since we already have equality, what they probably mean is “equity.”

Sure enough:

Hella Coastal desires to foster a more equitable brewing industry. …

Hella Coastal has been involved in impactful work like Inclusion Beer, a project in which breweries are required to create their own DE&I committee.

In utopia, all breweries will be required to create diversity, equity, and inclusion committees.

Alternatively, you can drink beer produced by explicitly white-owned breweries that advocate on behalf of Europeans and the civilization they created. Just kidding; no such brewery would be allowed to exist.

On a tip from Mike B.

Sep 15 2023

Dove Overdoes Moonbat Posturing

Bud Light and Target taught them nothing. The corporate world has fallen to the Long March Through the Institutions and no longer exists to provide products and services in exchange for profits. It has become a religious cult. Its purpose is to evangelize on behalf of its god, which is moonbattery:

Furious conservatives have begun boycotting Dove after the soap brand hired a Black Lives Matter activist notorious for destroying a white student’s life over a remark she later admitted she may have ‘misheard.’

Like Ben & Jerry’s, Dove is part of Unilever, a British conglomerate infamous for shoving wokeism down customers’ throats, so it should come as no surprise that it chose the maleficent intersectional land whale Zyahna Bryant to tie the brand to the latest variation on Cultural Marxism, “fat liberation.”

If disease-spreading sexual perversion is not a choice but an identity to be revered, the same can be true of morbid obesity. Rather than attempt to alleviant this serious health condition, we are now commanded to celebrate it.

Background on Bryant:

Bryant claimed that she had overheard a white student named Morgan Bettinger threaten Black Lives Matter protesters in Charlottesville in July 2020. …

Bettinger was subjected to a torrent of abuse and a campaign to remove her from UVA. Staff and students ganged up against her and scuppered her future prospects.

No doubt Miss Bettinger’s scalp helped secure Bryant’s status as a woke activist, which Unilever has allowed her to monetize.

More malice from Zyahna:

Bryant, 22, is a leftist community organizer and former DEI intern who recently graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. She prides herself on harboring a lifelong antipathy towards the police, having supposedly organized her first rally for Trayvon Martin at the age of 12.

Trayvon Martin was shot in self-defense while attempting to smash the skull of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman against the sidewalk, evidently after being interrupted as he prepared to burglarize houses.

Years later, she petitioned to have the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, taken down and other elements of the area’s history erased.

She then led the jihad against innocent victim Morgan Bettinger.

Bryant later admitted she may have “misheard” Bettinger’s words on the day in question.

Bettinger had been accused of observing that Black Lives Matter hooligans would make good speed bumps. Actually, she said they could have ended up as speed bumps as a result of blocking the street.

Despite Bryant’s admission and a dearth of evidence, UVA’s University Judiciary Committee found Bettinger guilty of using “shameful rhetoric” which “put members of the community at risk.” As a consequence of the ruling, Bettinger, who had already been subjected to horrible abuse as a result of Bryant’s allegations, ended up with an expulsion in abeyance on her permanent record and had to both write the BLM radical an apology and perform 50 hours of community service with a social justice group.

That’s life on campus, under the rule of moonbat tyrants like Zyahna Bryant.

Showcasing Bryant is part of a larger campaign by Dove to pervert and defile the concepts of beauty and femininity in accordance with woke ideology:

Earlier this year, Dove ran an ad celebrating a fat video game character who tossed away armor that had made her appear thin as part of a campaign “to eliminate beauty stereotypes.”

Maybe the suits still care about profits after all. Promoting obesity maximizes the surface area to which their products can be applied. Promoting transsexualism allows them to market their products to men:

The company [has been] on the bleeding edge of hyping transgenderism, featuring a transvestite pretending to be a mother in a 2017 ad titled “#RealMoms.”

To expiate the damage she has inflicted on society, here Bryant offers us a chance to listen for free to the duckspeak graduate students have run up so much debt by wallowing in rather than entering adulthood:

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Sep 07 2023

Bill Gates Buys Into Budweiser

They say fools and their money are soon parted. The world will be better off when cartoonishly malevolent moonbat zillionaire Bill Gates has been parted from his. In the unlikely event you needed another reason not to drink anything sold by AB InBev, he provides another:

Bill Gates has acquired 1.7 million shares of Anheuser-Busch Inbev through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation trust during the second quarter of this year. …

The market value of Gates’ investment in Anheuser-Busch is valued at $95 million, according to TipRanks.

Maybe consumers will decide they don’t mind having LGBTism condescendingly rammed down their throats. Maybe Budweiser will stage a comeback. Or maybe not:

Over the past six months, the company’s share price has fallen nearly nine percent, the New York Post reported. In the past five days, the stock has been down over three percent.

It could be that Gates expects growth in the Asia Pacific region to make AB InBev a good investment despite alienation of the American market. Or it could be that Gates is pouring money down the drain to secure the approval of his peers. Pasting Dylan Mulvaney on cans of Bud Light erased $6 billion in market value, but it won the hearts of liberal elitists — who unfortunately for Budweiser don’t drink much beer.

At least bailing out Budweiser will cause less damage than buying up 70 million acres of forest, cutting down all the trees, and burying them to appease the climate.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 03 2023

Best Buy Fires Whistleblower

It isn’t feasible to boycott every company run by people who hate our guts. So we focus on the most vulnerable (like Budweiser) and the most egregious — like Best Buy, which implements hatred of Caucasians and Christianity as corporate policy as it rams LGBT depravity down people’s throats:

Great to see that James O’Keefe is still pulling back the curtain on moonbats, even as Project Veritas tailspins into the ground without him. He is under investigation in New York, so you know he has been doing good work.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 01 2023

Tucker Carlson Book Arrives Defaced From Amazon

Until it has achieved total monopoly, Amazon will still sell books it disapproves of. But don’t be too fussy about the condition they arrive in:

Glenn Dobbs was shocked when he opened an Amazon box containing the new biography “Tucker,” by Chadwick Moore, to find the cover had been defaced with a Hitler-style mustache drawn on Tucker Carlson’s face.

A Hitler mustache is appropriate on Tucker because everyone leftists don’t like is Hitler.

The customer said he immediately wrote a review on Amazon, only to have the company inform him his review would not be published, because it violated company rules.

What do you expect? This is the company that used its dominance in web services to take Parler offline because conservatives were using it to communicate free of liberal establishment censorship.

The box came from the Amazon fulfillment center in Troutdale, Oregon, just outside of Portland.

Again, what do you expect? Portland is a hostile foreign country.

If this story sounds familiar,

Coming to depend on Amazon is not going to end well.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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