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Jan 09 2024

Open Thread

I am supposed to worry about oceans rising 70 years from now, on climate models that have already proven to be utterly flawed? - Dennis Prager

Jan 08 2024

Free Sex Change Surgery for Illegal Aliens

To the long list of inducements Democrats offer welfare colonists to invade the USA and displace its citizens we can add free sex change surgery.

California has massively expanded the free healthcare it provides illegal aliens, despite a $68 billion deficit. Among the beneficiaries of this coercive largesse will be the sexually insane:

The Golden State is expanding its massive health care system this year, which means more taxpayer dollars will fund sex change surgeries for state residents, regardless of their citizenship status. …

California’s Medi-Cal covers costs for hormone therapy and procedures “that bring primary and secondary gender characteristics into conformity with the individual’s identified gender, including ancillary services, such as hair removal, incident to those services.”

If only all of these procedures were as harmless as hair removal.

Nearly 700,000 illegal immigrants between the ages of 26 and 49 qualify, as of Jan. 1, for these federal health care services, which will cost California taxpayers an estimated $3.1 billion. For those living in California illegally within this age range, it translates to approximately $4,058 per year in medical coverage subsidies funded by the state’s general fund.

The numbers will continue to rocket upward so long as Democrats are in position to keep the border open.

A recent report from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows a significant rise in the number of undocumented immigrants not held in detention. It went up from 3.7 million in 2021 to almost 4.8 million in 2022 and nearly 6.2 million in 2023. These are illegal migrants with final orders to leave or who are in the process of being removed but aren’t held in ICE custody.

This is only a small percentage of the actual number of illegal aliens. They have been given good reason to flood in from every corner of the Third World:

“In California, we believe everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care coverage — regardless of income or immigration status,” Gov. Newsom’s office reportedly said in a statement.

When Democrats bark about healthcare, they largely mean abortion and sex change procedures. By “affordable,” they mean someone else pays for it — namely you.

You can see why Gavin Newsom is positioning himself to replace the conspicuously senile Joe Biden. As POTUS, he could just print the money and pay for this waste through inflation, rather than keep jacking up already exorbitant state taxes and waiting for an eventual federal bailout.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, ABC of the ANC, and MrRightWingDave.

Jan 08 2024

Pentagon: Troops Are Not Extremist but Beware Vets

Shortly after taking power, Biden’s elusive Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a military stand-down so that the armed forces could be purged of “extremists.” Looks like the purge was a success — even if veterans remain a growing menace.

From the Military Times:

Service members don’t participate in violent extremism at higher rates than the rest of the U.S. population, but former troops do — and their involvement is growing, according to research published at the end of December.

Austin’s DoD commissioned the politically driven research.

“[The] review found no evidence that the number of violent extremists in the military is disproportionate to the number of violent extremists in the United States as a whole,” the research says. “Extremism in the veterans’ community has peaks and valleys over recent decades, and currently appears to be on the increase.”

While the study found there were not more violent extremists in the military than in the overall population, researchers did highlight racism and sexism as ongoing problems in the Armed Forces.

The work of social engineers is never finished. But leftists worried that troops might not be willing to fire on fellow Americans can rest assured that the Biden Regime has been working diligently to produce soldiers like these:

On tips from Lyle, WDS 2.0, Woodlandcamo, and Varla.

Jan 08 2024

Open Thread

If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time, no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side. - Orson Scott Card

On a tip from Straight Shootr.

Jan 07 2024

Tyrant Desecrates Valley Forge

Dark Brandon is back, as ominous as when he posed in front of Marines under blood-red lighting to theatrically otherize his opposition. Watch as he defiles Valley Forge by boasting about the tyranny his regime has inflicted:

Brandon refers to the violence that allegedly occurred on the most sacred date of the progressive calendar, January 6, when a protest against election fraud got out of hand in a way that Democrats were able to exploit. One person was killed: an unarmed 5’2″ protester named Ashli Babbitt, who was shot in cold blood by Capitol Hill police officer Michael Byrd. Byrd received no punishment and has been coddled by the establishment media.

By choosing Valley Forge to crow about political prisoners, Biden’s handlers are deliberately poking American patriots in the eye.

This goes beyond irony to the vicious gloating of bullies who think they can’t be stopped:

Biden on Friday said “Democracy is on the ballot,” after Democrats tried to remove his political opponent, former President Donald Trump, from several state ballots.

For the first time in memory, Biden read the truth off his teleprompter:

“America, as we begin this election year, we must be clear: democracy is on the ballot,” Biden said at Valley Forge. “Your freedom is on the ballot.”

He gave the finger in the eye an extra twist:

Biden turned to the crowd and said, grinning, “I understand power.”

If Biden understands anything, that’s it. But he and his handlers may be too arrogant to understand how to hold onto it.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jan 07 2024

Transsexual Maniac Fed Murder Victims to Pigs

It’s almost as if there could be a correlation between men declaring themselves to be women and being psycho:

In 1991, [Steven] Buchanan purchased a 20-acre farm in Oregon where he would kill two handymen in 2012 and 2013 before feeding their corpses to the pigs he owned at the property. He was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in prison in 2015, and multiple new outlets reporting on the case referred to Buchanan simply as a “woman,” without mentioning his transgender status or the fact he is a biological male.

Imagine how crowded the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors might get if the media were more forthcoming.

According to the Oregon state Department of Corrections, Buchanan is incarcerated at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, a women’s facility. He is listed under his feminine name, Susan Monica, and is described as being “female” in official records.

Buchanan/Monica complies with moonbat ideology not only regarding his embrace of transsexualism:

“I do not value human life very much,” Buchanan would admit during a taped confession. “My feeling is the only thing wrong with the planet is there’s people on it. If not for us, all the other animals, even dodo birds, would be here.”

I have been told by a liberal that homosexuality should be encouraged because it prevents people from reproducing.

The lead detective involved with the case told the court that Buchanan had admitted to killing over a dozen victims in a similar manner.

No doubt the sacred climate is grateful for the resulting reduction in carbon emissions.

Dylan Butler may get marginalized by the media for not supporting the liberal narrative like preferred maniacs, but at least he has plenty of company in the Hall of Horrors to keep him from getting lonely as he burns in hell:

Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 07 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 06 2024

Experts: Accept Official Information Unquestioningly

Covid tyranny and the global warming hoax have subordinated science to government interests. Scientists find what the bureaucrats directly or indirectly funding them want them to find. At this point they are not subtle about it:

Conventional wisdom suggests that searching online to evaluate the veracity of misinformation would reduce belief in it. But a new study by a team of researchers shows the opposite occurs: Searching to evaluate the truthfulness of false news articles actually increases the probability of believing misinformation.

We can trust their results, because the Experts used the left-wing propaganda tool NewsGuard to evaluate the legitimacy of online information.

Seriously, they appointed NewsGuard arbiter of objective truth:

The study’s source credibility ratings were determined by NewsGuard, a browser extension that rates news and other information sites in order to guide users in assessing the trustworthiness of the content they come across online.

They might as well have used the cartoonishly liberal government outlets NPR and PBS. NewsGuard heavily favors state-affiliated media.

[T]he authors found that the act of searching online to evaluate news led to a statistically significant increase in belief in misinformation.

In other words, the more you learn on your own about a subject, the less likely you are to believe the official narrative. Sounds plausible.

Actually, it sounds so obvious that the Experts needn’t have bothered studying the matter. But they have salaries to justify and grants to obtain.


Do not attempt to look into matters on your own. The government has determined what is best for you to believe. It will tell the Experts, who will tell the media, who will tell you. Your eyes and ears deceive you. If information has not been approved by authorities, it is misinformation — which will soon be illegal.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 06 2024

Dylan Butler Versus Dylann Roof

Don’t be surprised if a week from now no one remembers Dylan Butler. Yet NBC propagandist Dasha Burns found it unforgivable that Vivek Ramaswamy was not sufficiently familiar with Dylann Roof, a mass shooter from 9 years ago who better fit the media’s narrative:

Dasha got burned in the aftermath of the spanking Vivek gave to an antiwhite race-baiter from the Washington Compost:

Neither moonbat will sit down for a week.

At this point in the normalization of leftist radicalism, only someone who is not white can point out that the concept of “white supremacy” is a malicious lie told by Cultural Marxist termites. Vivek handles the job masterfully.

Too bad Des Moines Register Chief Politics Reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel didn’t seem to enjoy the display of rhetorical virtuosity. Then again, RBF is hardly uncommon among MSM apparatchiks.

On tips from Dr. Kufi Tutite, Jester, seaoh, and Jack S.

Jan 06 2024

Open Thread

Obesity is the result of a loss of self-control. Indeed, loss of self-control might be said to be the defining social (or anti-social) characteristic of our age: public drunkenness, excessive gambling, promiscuity and common-or-garden rudeness are all examples of our collective loss of self-control. - Theodore Dalrymple

Jan 05 2024

Why Media Will Bury Dylan Butler School Shooting

Normally, a school shooting sends the media into an jubilant frenzy, as propagandists scramble to exploit the tragedy to attack our right of self-defense. Not this time:

The now-deceased suspected gunman who shot at least six victims—killing one, a sixth-grade middle schooler—at a small-town high school in Perry, Iowa, early Thursday morning has been identified by authorities as 17-year-old student Dylan Butler.

Butler’s social media imprint reveals why the media won’t find the bloodshed worthy of the 24/7 laser focus for days on end we have come to expect following school shootings:

An emoji of the gay Pride flag was featured in the TikTok page’s bio and an image of an anime girl was selected as the profile’s avatar. In another TikTok video, the account used the hashtag “genderfluid.” Using an identical profile picture on Instagram, user @DylanSayWhat212 identified as trans non-binary with “he/they” pronouns. However, the account has also since been scrubbed.

According to a series of Reddit posts that Butler appears to have authored, he interacted with transgender and “femboy” forums. …

Over on the platform X, formerly Twitter, the since-suspended account @DylanSayWhat212, under the screenname “Dylan Jesse,” professed his love for My Little Pony and “f*cking furries” while replying to a Happy Pride Month post.

From the viewpoint of the liberal establishment, guns in private hands are bad, but not as bad as driving children insane with transsexual ideology is good.

The reason the demonic Audrey Hale is not a household name is that she was pretending to be a man (and possibly taking male hormones) when she murdered six people including three 9-year-olds at the Covenant School in Nashville for being Christian. A similar dynamic will ensure Butler’s obscurity.

Matt Vespa predicts the Iowa story will be gone by Monday if not sooner:

There’s nothing here to weaponize against conservatives. The shooter was a genderfluid/transgender whackjob. With 2024 upon us, politicians aren’t going to be sticking their necks out for a gun control bill based on a transgender going insane. The media will write up the main points and move on because this shooting, yet again, does not comport with the narrative that pro-MAGA white supremacists are killing us all.

If only briefly, the media has no choice but to acknowledge what happened. So it provides the politically correct spin by portraying Butler as the victim — basically siding with him against his victims:

The AP published a piece with the headline ‘He got tired of the bullying,’ classmates say of shooter, and detailed how Butler had been “bullied relentlessly since elementary school.”

Nothing is beneath the Associated Press.

Transsexualism is literally a form of psychosis. Promote it among unstable youth while pushing a phony Cultural Marxist narrative of oppression…

…and the results are so predictable, they must be intended.

Please welcome Dylan Butler to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Jester, Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and the Great Cornholio.

Jan 05 2024

Fat Con Waddles Into Seattle

The Cultural Marxist promotion of morbid obesity as the latest claim to precious “oppressed” status totters forward in the moonbat bastion Seattle, which is hosting Fat Con this weekend:

The convention will feature over 30 hours of programming to gorge on, including a fashion show. Keynote speakers include Dr. Bianca Laureano, a sexologist and activist, and “Alotta Boutté,” a Bay area cabaret and burlesque performer.

Drag queens aren’t the only moonbats with cleverly tasteless pseudonyms.

Fat liberation demands that society and institutions pretend there are no significant health consequences of obesity.

Like every other aspect of woke ideology, this is not merely a lie but a dangerous lie.

The movement even goes as far as to shame people who aren’t attracted to overweight people.

If social engineers can command us to find transsexuals attractive, why not the monstrously obese?

Yet again, leftists attempt to cudgel us into ideological compliance by making us feel guilty about other people’s hurt feelings. But the feelings of the severely obese are not nearly as important as the need for them to lose weight before they lose years off their lives. The privilege bestowed upon members of the Cultural Marxist coalition cannot compensated for the damage to their health.

Maybe Fat Con will see the launch of Fat Lives Matter. Then come mobs of Michael Moore types burning down police stations and of course looting stores. It has already begun.

On tips from DCGere and R F.

Jan 05 2024

Convincing Children That Men Can Have Babies

Moonbats target children not only for the thrill of corrupting the innocent, but also because children can be convinced of the preposterous lies comprising woke doctrine — like the tenet that men can get pregnant:

As Todd Starnes remarked at the time:

[I]f you are a man and you might be feeling bloated or you might feel like you are in labor, just take a swig of Pepto-Bismol. You aren’t pregnant, but you may have had a bad experience at Taco Bell.

But of course Logan Brown is not a man, no matter how monstrously she might allow herself to be deformed through medical malpractice. Only a small child or the intellectual equivalent could be convinced otherwise.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jan 05 2024

Mass Immigration and Moonbat Masochism

Sigmund Freud himself would be flummoxed by the psychopathology behind the willingness of some to be displaced from their own countries by mass immigration. Military force failed at Tours and the Gates of Vienna, but hijrah is working thanks to the masochistic mentality of moonbats. A story from a few years back is illustrative:

The family of an EU official’s teenage daughter who was allegedly raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in Germany has asked for well-wishers to donate money to a refugee charity.

Medical student Maria Ladenburger, who had also taken time out to help asylum seekers as a volunteer, was found dead in a river in the south-western German university city of Freiburg in October.

Authorities arrested 17-year-old Hussein K. He was an “asylum seeker” from Afghanistan — a country leftists like so much they are helping to extend it across the world through open borders policies.

As the 19-year-old student’s family tries to come to terms with their loss, they have asked for donations to be made to an organisation that aids refugees.

Here’s the thanks Maria got for helping Muslims eradicate her country and absorb central Europe into the Ummah:

Maria, 19, worked in her spare time in the ancient university city of Freiburg helping out the migrants in various shelters and homes. But in October, as she cycled home after a party, she was ambushed, raped and then drowned in a river.

They say a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged. Some never get the chance to wake up from wokeness. Others only double down.

On a tip from DCGere.


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