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Mar 03 2023

Crybully Sues University of Bristol for Microaggressions

If it is true that some hesitate to hire members of allegedly oppressed identity groups, it could be because no one wants to deal with the crap Christabelle Peters put the University of Bristol through:

A black university lecturer sued the faculty for race discrimination because her nameplate on her door didn’t have her ‘Dr’ title on it.

Other microaggressions Peters claims to have been subjected to include that her office furniture wasn’t delivered fast enough, that like coworkers she didn’t always get her pay slips in her pigeonhole, that someone expressed lack of interest in Africa, and that educrats racistly pushed her to take ill health retirement after she suffered a disabling stroke.

Even now, sanity sometimes prevails, even in academia:

The lecturer, who is black British of Guyanese origin, has lost all her claims at an employment tribunal.

This followed a week-long spectacle at which she denounced everyone around her as a racist.

As for the nameplate,

The tribunal found the nameplate issue was an ‘admin error’, that another lecturer had the same problem happen to him, and that the nameplates are often prepared by junior workers who don’t even know what they look like.

Regardless of her qualifications — which thanks to Affirmative Action could be nonexistent — would you want Christabelle Peters working for you?

Peters practices what she preaches: cultural Marxist moonbattery.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 03 2023

Profiles in Sexual Diversity: Patrick Lewis Wojahn

To get an idea of the cultural climate prevailing among our rulers, consider Patrick Lewis Wojahn, a regular guest at the White House who was mentored by our fabulously gay Transportation Secretary and who is the Historic First Openly Homosexual Mayor of College Park, Maryland.

Due to his deafening sexual deviance, the skids were greased for Wojahn, despite him being a white guy. Yet Wojahn, who “branded himself as something of a role model for LGBTQ youth,” has encountered a pothole in his career path:

Wojahn … is charged with 40 counts of possession of child sexual exploitative material and 16 felony counts of distribution of child porn.

With Democrats, it can be hard to distinguish arrogance from Joe Biden-level stupidity. Wojahn allegedly shared kiddy porn on social media, where he used the handle “Patrick4CP.” His reelection tagline was “Patrick for College Park.” “CP” is what child predators use to search for child porn online.

He might as well have walked around in public wearing a t-shirt declaring, “I am a pervert obsessed with indulging in sexual depravity.” Oh wait:

At least Wojahn still has his “pride.”

As for what he could conceivably have to be proud of,

This year, College Park received a perfect 100 on its Municipal Equality Index scorecard from the gay-lobbying group Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which doled out extra credit for the city’s openly LGBTQ elected leaders.

In 2020, city leadership publicly celebrated the first time it earned a perfect score, with Wojahn declaring that “College Park aims to be a welcoming community for all, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” The rating, which the mayor “worked for several years to achieve,” “recognizes our true commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity,” Wojahn stated.

LGBTQ allies in the city had claimed that Wojahn “faced homophobia” on the 2019 campaign trail when a mayoral challenger rejected Wojahn’s efforts to make College Park more LGBTQ-friendly as an agenda she said was “totally against” her Christian beliefs.

However, Wojahn boldly overcame the “homophobia” that can be expected in a college town in a deep blue state on the East Coast to advance diversity on behalf of the LBGT and MAP communities.

Also, there’s this:

The disgraced mayor has frequented the White House for an array of Pride events hosted by Biden, whom Wojahn considers “the most pro-LGBTQ President in US history!” In mid-December, Wojahn and his husband [sic] were invited to attend Biden’s signing ceremony of the Respect for Marriage Act on the White House’s South Lawn.

The Orwellian “Respect for Marriage Act” would more accurately be called the “Desecration of Marriage Act.”

Wojahn rose to political prominence when he and [his “husband” Dave] Kolesar were named plaintiffs in the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)’s 2004 lawsuit seeking to overturn a ban on gay marriage in Maryland.

Wojahn has done his part to break down barriers. He got over his skis with the kiddy porn, but if Democrats continue winning the Culture War, he is only slightly ahead of his time.

On tips from Jack D, Chris Neilson, and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 03 2023

Crying Indian Canceled

It would be hard to imagine anything more politically correct than an Indian weeping because Western Civilization has despoiled the planet. Yet like Chief Wahoo and the Indian maiden on the Land O’Lakes butter packaging, the iconic Crying Indian has been canceled:

Since its debut in 1971, an anti-pollution ad showing a man in Native American attire shed a single tear at the sight of smokestacks and litter taking over a once unblemished landscape has become an indelible piece of TV pop culture.

It’s been referenced over the decades since on shows like “The Simpsons” and “South Park” and in internet memes. …

But to many Native Americans, the public service announcement has been a painful reminder of the enduring stereotypes they face.

Consequently, the nonprofit Keep America Beautiful, which commissioned the ad, has transferred ownership to the National Congress of American Indians, which has consigned it to the memory hole.

NCAI plans to end the use of the ad and watch for any unauthorized use.

Somebody should tell the NCAI that it is racist to call American Indians “American Indians” now. They wouldn’t want to be inadvertent thought criminals like the United Negro College Fund.

Indian activist crybullies won’t be happy until they have erased their own culture from American consciousness. Then they still won’t be happy, but we won’t know about it, because no one will remember their existence.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 03 2023

$27,000 to Buy EV if You Can Figure Out Rules

Bad news and good from the Land of Fruits and Nuts. The bad news is that residents can be handed up to $27,000 to harm the environment by buying expensive, unreliable, dangerous, spontaneously igniting electric vehicles. The good news is that since the handouts are to be implemented by Big Government, few will be able to figure out how to claim them.

From Jalopnik:

The main program most residents may take advantage of is the federal tax credit. … But it can be confusing… Even more confusing are the rules and qualifications for what vehicles can and can’t qualify for the credit. …

One of the bigger state programs called Clean Cars 4 All which can offer up to $12,000 in incentives. But it’s only run by five air districts across the state. And to get the full $12,000, you have to be in a household that’s 225 percent of the federal poverty level; 300 percent of the poverty level, and you get $10,000.

To figure out where you stand regarding the poverty level…

…read a confusing income level chart and find out if you live in an eligible zip code.

There are also a variety of rebates available through the California Air Resources Board. … But the requirements for applying for a rebate are long: lots of documents are needed, and not every EV or ZEV is available for a rebate… And funds for the program may not even be available.

One proposed solution to the intricate chaos is “targeting specific communities.” It would all be much simpler — not to mention more politically correct — if you could get the loot just by identifying as not white.

Master the red tape and buy your subsidized moonbatmobiles while you can, Californians. Sooner or later, socialists always run out of other people’s money.

On a tip from R F.

Mar 03 2023

Hershey Has Two Ways to Put Taste of Vomit in Your Mouth

The social engineers running the Smithsonian Institution are not the only moonbats to honor women by erasing them on behalf of the psychotic transsexual agenda. If you have the taste of vomit in your mouth, it could be because you just ate a Hershey bar. Or maybe it really is vomit because you just watched a Hershey promo campaign featuring a transsexual freakazoid acting sexy to celebrate International Women’s Day:

ESG posturing is cheaper than producing a product that people will buy on its own merits. But in the long run, you get what you pay for.

On tips from Eddie_Valiant and KirklesWorth.

Mar 03 2023

NIH Blows $241 Million to Discriminate Against Whites

Since Biden’s handlers took power, Democrats have been throwing money at “infrastructure” by the $trillions, causing both the national debt and inflation to explode. Yet we cannot even keep trains on our decaying tracks, as seen for example in Ohio and Florida.

This is possible because whatever Democrats pretend to spend money on, what they are actually spending it on is either graft, as with the money-laundering green energy boondoggles Obama pioneered, or moonbattery, as with the quarter $billion the National Institutes of Health is spending to advance not health but the twisted ideology that is tearing apart the country:

In 2020 the National Institutes of Health created the Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation program “to enhance and maintain cultures of inclusive excellence in the biomedical research community.” The program will give 12 institutions a total of $241 million over nine years for diversity-focused faculty hiring.

Somehow I doubt spending $241,000,000 of other people’s money to discriminate against Caucasians will result in a cure for cancer.

Under the terms of the grants, only candidates who demonstrate “a strong commitment to promoting diversity and inclusive excellence” can be hired through the program. To apply, candidates must submit a diversity statement.

That is, they must swear allegiance to cultural Marxism. As Daniel Greenfield puts it, the “express goal is to get candidates to disavow any notions of neutrality or equality, and to commit to viewing everything through the leftist lens of identity politics.”

Healthcare spending needs to be divested from the federal government — for the sake of our national health.

On a tip from R F.

Mar 03 2023

Open Thread

The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism. - Max Horkheimer

On a tip from Jester.

Mar 02 2023

Smithsonian Erases Women

An institution originally intended to serve as a reservoir for civilization is used instead to destroy it, once it has been subverted by progressives. Higher education is a prime example. The federal government’s Smithsonian Institution is another.

Earlier, the Smithsonian denounced many of the characteristics of a successful society (e.g., self-reliance, cohesive nuclear families, “objective, rational linear thinking,” hard work, personal responsibility, delayed gratification) by associating them with whites, who continue to comprise America’s core population but whom we are expected to hate in accordance with the state religion, Critical Race Theory:

Not content to deprecate and marginalize Caucasians, the Smithsonian is now erasing women:

The Smithsonian is reportedly in the process of creating an American Women’s History Museum, and its director has proclaimed it will take an “inclusive” approach.

That means it will include men as women, thereby canceling the concept of women. Women do not exist in any meaningful sense according to liberal dogma, which is why even a Supreme Court justice is stumped by the question, “What is a woman?”

As you might expect, the women who really are women honored by the Smithsonian will include enemies of American society:

Smithsonian’s website dedicated to its American Women’s History Museum includes an entry dedicated to racial activist and former fugitive Angela Davis.

A forerunner of the Black Lives Matter movement, Angela Davis is a communist black supremacist who armed terrorists.

On tips from Barry A and Franco.

Mar 02 2023

Biden Laughs Over Sons Killed by Fentanyl

To get an idea of how much liberal elitists despise the normal Americans whose country they are defiling and destroying, look to their figurehead, Joe Biden:

Rebecca Kiessling’s sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.

Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if ‘the government secured the border.’

Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling’s story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: ‘The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.’

If this tickles your funny bone, you just might be a Democrat:

It is not surprising that Slow Joe graduated near the bottom of his class at Syracuse law school. He lacks the smarts even to grasp that not being directly responsible for the deaths of Caleb and Kyler Kiessling does not absolve him for treasonously inviting an invasion across the southern border, which he refuses to secure.

Wonders Rebecca Kiessling,

‘What about the 22% increase in fentanyl deaths since you became president? That represents tens of thousands of US citizens who died under your watch, an increase in tens of thousands. That represents double that number of the parents who are suffering.

‘You’re going to keep laughing? About those who did die under your watch? Do we have to bring them in so you can look them in the eyes and laugh?’

Biden may well smirk. The dead are one voting bloc Democrats won’t lose.

On tips from Bluto and Varla.

Mar 02 2023

UK Considered Killing All Cats Because Covid

To harm a cat is an act of evil that invites brutal karma. The best example is the Black Death, which was spread by rat-borne fleas. The plague could have been mitigated by cats reducing the rat population. However, pernicious superstition caused people to kill their potential saviors. This caused the rat population to explode and the plague to spiral out of control. Fortunately, now we live in more enlightened times — just kidding:

British government ministers reportedly considered killing all pet cats in Britain in order to stop the spread of the Wuhan virus. …

During an interview with broadcaster Channel 4, James Bethell, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Innovation at the Department of Health in 2020 and 2021, said that the nationwide culling of cats was something that was actively considered early on in the pandemic.

As we have seen, other authoritarian measures imposed by the leftist bullies who tend to run governments were useless, including lockdowns, vax mandates, and mask mandates. It is unlikely that killing cats would have been more effective. However, this did not stop the regime that created the virus.

Multiple reports indicate that the killing of cats thought to be infected with COVID was relatively common in China…

British cats are down to eight lives. For the next engineered pandemic, our moonbat rulers may revert to the 14th century practice of blaming cats. You could end up quarantined in a prison camp for not turning yours over to be killed.

This can be avoided if we wake up from our media-induced stupor and recall why the Founding Fathers found it so important to limit the power of government, which is all the more important when tyrants can seize on a crisis as a pretext to exert power as an end in itself, with the blessings of the clueless and corrupt technocratic “experts” liberals worship.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Mar 02 2023

Vatican Says to Give Up Fossil Fuels for Lent

Progressives aspire to abolish Christianity altogether. In the meantime, they subvert and exploit it. Not even Merrick Garland could inflict as much damage as the moonbats who have infiltrated the Vatican, the official newspaper of which calls for the faithful to acknowledge Lent by giving up not unnecessary luxuries but the fossil fuels that keep us alive:

In the February 20 edition, L’Osservatore Romano noted how Catholics are being called to use Lent as “a time for reflections and concrete actions such as ‘fasting from gas.’” Additional measures to take included “limiting the use of heaters,” which the newspaper stated would act “not only as a sign of solidarity with Ukrainians and other afflicted peoples, but also to defund the war economy.”

With moonbats, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always ramming their psychotic ideology down your throat. Lent isn’t about Christ’s 40-day fast in the desert; it is about the war on energy and siding with the degenerate regime in Ukraine against Putin, who for all his faults wants to be a champion of Western Civilization and its traditions. These are under attack from within, notably including Christianity.

Giving up fossil fuels for Lent or ever is not only senseless but impossible. We rely on them for every aspect of our lives. Without fossil fuels, there would be virtually no electricity, transportation, employment, or food.

You might as well call on people to fast from oxygen. But the objective with leftists is to make politically correct gestures, not constructive suggestions.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 02 2023

Profiles in Authoritarianism: Merrick Garland

The Soviet Union had Felix Dzerzhinsky (a.k.a. Iron Felix), head of the Cheka and OGPU, forerunners of the NKVD and KGB. We get the still creepier Democrat apparatchik Merrick Garland.

Democrats wanted Garland to serve as a rubber stamp leftist on the Supreme Court; that was thankfully averted, causing moonbats to wail and gnash their teeth. However, as Attorney General, he oversees our own version of the KGB, the FBI.

Garland is best known for using the FBI to terrorize parents who speak up at school board meetings against their children being subjected to LGBT grooming, antiwhite race hate, and boys in the girls’ restroom. Siccing a heavily armed goon squad on Mark Houck for being a prolife activist is another career milestone.

In the video below, Garland explains to Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) why the FBI investigates the alleged crimes of prolifers but not the epidemic of leftist violence against prolife clinics and Catholic churches:

According to Garland, the FBI tracks down prolife advocates because they commit their thoughtcrimes in daylight, in full view of cameras. Leftist terrorists are harder to catch, because they vandalize and firebomb churches by night.

True enough, evil people tend to perform their deeds in the dark, in contrast to prolife activists, who are of the light. It’s surprising they can get Garland to testify during daylight hours.

After this, Garland will stay safe under his rock until the sun goes down. Watch him squirm as Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) takes him to task for the FBI’s targeting of traditional Catholics:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 02 2023

Open Thread

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. - Abraham Lincoln

Mar 01 2023

Elon Musk Attacked Over Scott Adams

Political incorrectness is more contagious than Covid. Merely suggest that an unperson deserves a point of view and you will contract this dread illness; you too will be canceled, as will anyone who fails to denounce you with sufficient close-mindedness. So Elon Musk is asking for it.

From the relatively right-leaning Daily Mail:

Musk has sensationally claimed the media is racist to white people and Asians as he voiced his support for disgraced ‘Dilbert’ comic strip creator Scott Adams. …

Musk appeared to back the shamed creator as he replied to a tweet about the controversy claiming ‘the media is racist.’

‘For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now they’re racist against whites & Asians,’ the 51-year-old billionaire explained.

‘Same thing happened with elite colleges and high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist.’

Here’s what they consider supporting the canceled comic strip genius Adams:

Musk later commented ‘exactly’ in response to a tweet which claimed ‘Adams’ comments weren’t good but there’s an element of truth to this… it’s complicated.’

No, it is not complicated. You think what you are told to think. You hate those who do not. If you fail to hate them, then you will be hated.

Here’s why we must hate Scott Adams:

Adams in [a] video joked that he’s been “identifying as black” for some time, but must have accidentally joined a “hate group,” based on a recent Rasmussen poll. The poll, which surveyed 1,000 people, showed that 53% of black people agreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white,” leaving 47% unable to say they agree.

That is to say, according to the poll, nearly half of blacks think that whites should not be allowed to exist. But Scott Adams is the racist for being alarmed by the potentially genocidal hatred liberal ideology has wrought.

“Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the f*** away,” Adams continued, after commenting further on race relations and crime. “Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed. So I don’t think it makes any sense as a white citizen of America to try to help black citizens anymore. It doesn’t make sense. There’s no longer a rational impulse. So I’m going to back off on being helpful to black America because it doesn’t seem like it pays off.”

Adams on Saturday morning reacted to the backlash online.

“A lot of people are angry at me today but I haven’t yet heard anyone disagree. I make two main points: 1. Treat everyone as an individual (no discrimination). 2. Avoid any group that doesn’t respect you. Does anyone think that is bad advice?” he wrote.

We are required to think that it is bad advice. Consequently,

Adams’ strip has been canceled by notable newspapers around the country including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and all papers in the USA Today Network.

The ‘canceled’ cartoonist was also dropped by Andrews McMeel Universal, the company that syndicates ‘Dilbert,’ and his upcoming works have been canceled. …

[Adams] told his [YouTube] listeners that no media organizations had reached out to speak with him or hear his side of the story.

They still allow this thought criminal on YouTube? It must be chaos there with head censor Susan Wojcicki gone.

When Democrats call for a “dialogue on race,” remember what they did to Scott Adams and keep your mouth firmly shut except to shout officially sanctioned bumper sticker slogans — unless you are the richest man in the world and think you can get away with challenging the thought police.

If Musk didn’t own Twitter, his centrist opinions would get him banned from it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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