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Aug 16 2022

Healthline Warns of Pregnancy From Lesbian Sex

Leftists have subordinated the healthcare sector to moonbattery. This entails discarding objective reality in favor of their depraved ideology. For example, Healthline warns of the dangers of pregnancy resulting from lesbian sex:

On August 1, medical information and lifestyle site Healthline updated a guidance article titled “How Do Lesbians Have Sex? 28 Things to Know Before Your First Time.”

Liberals cannot define the word “woman,” so it should come as no surprise that they don’t know what “lesbian” means either.

“‘Lesbian sex’ isn’t limited to cisgender couples. It also includes other people who have vaginas, people with penises, and people with intersex genitalia,” the article states, continuing: “So, whatever counts as ‘lesbian sex’ is really up to whoever is doing it.” The guidance also suggests both partners involved in the “lesbian sex” may have a penis, and also advises on the best positions for anal sex.

In short, the word lesbian no longer has any meaning. This is true of any word liberals get their hands on, “racism” being the most obvious example.

Here’s why abortion is so important even to lesbians:

“It’s possible to get pregnant if one partner has a penis and another has a vagina,” it says, continuing: “often people assume that lesbians can’t get pregnant, or that lesbian sex can’t result in pregnancy. That’s a myth based on the assumption that both women are cisgender … If one partner is transgender and has a penis and the other is cisgender and has a vagina, they can have penis-in-vagina sex.”

Not all lesbians are on board with being redefined out of existence along with women in general on behalf of the trans agenda:

Canadian lesbian activist Eva Kurilova rejected the suggestions as being “outright harmful” to same-sex attracted women.

Complains Kurilova,

“This kind of messaging makes it harder for lesbians to maintain sexual boundaries and refuse the advances of males who ‘identify’ as lesbians.”

This is because declining to have sex with them would be transphobic and therefore thoughtcrime.

Transsexuals exploit their position at the top of the Cultural Marxist Totem Pole of Oppressedness to lord it over everybody — even other groups that have achieved power by identifying as sexually deranged. This has even gotten physical:

On August 7, a lesbian activist in Germany filed a police report after being assaulted by trans activists at the Dyke March Hamburg for holding a sign which defined lesbian as a “female homosexual.”

No wonder the LGBT coalition is starting to crack up, with “LGB drop the T” trending on Twitter. The broader Cultural Marxist alliance will follow. With luck, it will collapse in on itself in a frenzy of bickering over who is more oppressed before it is able to achieve its purpose of destroying civilization.

On a tip from Steve T. Hat tip: Mick Hartley.

Aug 16 2022

EV Prices Go Up by Same Amount as Subsidies

It should be obvious to a child that the insolently misnamed Inflation Reduction Act will drive inflation even higher. It entails hundreds of $billions in wasteful government spending, which is what caused the inflation crisis in the first place. Moving from the general to the specific, the crony capitalists at Government Motors and Ford are raising the prices of their electric vehicles by the same amount as the new subsidies:

Citing “significant material cost increases and other factors,” Ford’s announcement revealed price hikes between $6,000 and $8,500 for its electric vehicles. The F-150 Lightning Pro, for example, will sell for $46,974 — a $7,000 increase from the $39,947 charged for last year’s model. GM likewise increased the cost of its electric Hummer by $6,250 last month.

An electric Hummer. If AR-15s were made by liberals, they would fire soybeans.

The price hikes are comparable to the $7,500 tax credits for new electric vehicles included in the $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act, which currently awaits President Joe Biden’s signature.

Out of contempt for our intelligence, we are told that being forced to subsidize rich liberals’ frivolous virtue-signaling moonbatmobiles will improve the allegedly problematic weather. Even if the foolish EVs were powered by nuclear energy rather than coal, this would be preposterous. Comparably absurd is the notion that hideous eagle-killing wind turbines will ever keep a significant number of electric cars running.

We have seen this means of inflating prices before. Democrats have used lavish subsidies to drive the cost of a college education into the stratosphere, even as its value has plummeted. Having caused the problem of unaffordable tuition, they propose a solution: “free” college for everyone.

No doubt Biden, Pelosi, et al. will soon demand that we pay through inflation for free electric vehicles for everyone. There would be zero impact on the climate, but the economy would collapse — which unless these people are even more foolish than they seem must be the ultimate objective.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and MrRightWingDave.

Aug 16 2022

San Francisco Unveils Extravagant Trash Cans

San Francisco’s long-awaited $20,000 trash cans are here at last:

What takes four years to make and costs more than $20,000? A trash can in San Francisco. …

City officials hired a Bay Area industrial firm to custom-design the pricey trash can along with two other prototypes that cost taxpayers $19,000 and $11,000 each.

The reason San Francisco has not yet collapsed into a heap of rubble is that leftist bureauweenies operate at a glacial pace:

San Francisco began its search for the perfect trash can in 2018 when officials decided it was time to replace the more than 3,000 public bins that have been on the streets for almost 20 years.

Finally, they have prototypes. The Soft Square model costs $20,900. That’s enough to house one of San Francisco’s pampered derelicts for several days, if you don’t count room service.

The cost of buying them in bulk will be somewhat less, but the city’s Democrat overlords can be counted on to pay many times more than the trash cans are worth.

Trash on San Francisco city streets has been an issue for decades. In 2007, then-Mayor Gavin Newsom eliminated about 1,500 of the city’s 4,500 trash cans because he said they were not helping keep streets clean and were becoming magnets for more trash.

Emptying the cans when they fill up must have been rejected as a possible solution because it would require too much competence on the part of city officials.

Newsom is running for president in 2024. Not even he is any worse than the other Democrat candidates.

Meanwhile, human waste continues to climb up the ankles of pedestrians. Declaring the entire city to be a landfill would solve the trash can problem, except that any landfill as unsanitary as San Francisco would be shut down by the Board of Health.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Aug 16 2022

Biden’s War on Oil Buries Saudis in Cash

From its first day in power, the Biden Administration has gone out of its way to suppress American oil production (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). Much as this hurts Americans, there are those who benefit.

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on September 11 were Saudis. But Saudis ought to like us better now, in light of this:

Saudi Arabia’s national oil company on Sunday posted a 90% jump in quarterly profit on the back of high oil prices, generating billions of dollars in cash that is infusing fresh momentum into the kingdom’s ambitious economic makeover and strengthening its geopolitical power.

Saudi Arabia has something Americans do not have: a US president who serves their interests. This is one reason its economy booms while ours succumbs to recession.

Saudi Arabia registered 11.8% year-over-year economic growth in the second quarter. While the International Monetary Fund predicts growth of 7.6% this year, more-bullish economists forecast a rate of 10%.

Inflation is degrading the standard of living in the USA, and will get worse due to the arrogantly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act. In Saudi Arabia, inflation is low:

Prices rose by 2.3% year over year in June, according to Jadwa. For comparison, the U.S. consumer-price index rose 8.5% in July, the U.S. Labor Department said.

On the positive side, Biden tells us that US inflation was 0% in July.

Russia, which relies heavily on energy exports, also benefits enormously from Biden driving up the price of oil. This should help reassure Russian leadership that Biden doesn’t mean his bellicose rhetoric.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 16 2022

Open Thread

If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Aug 15 2022

Let Them Eat Worm Dogs

Polish-Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski stood up to Covid tyranny, evoking the wrath of our moonbat overlords. Now he takes a stand against the obscene substances progressive social engineers want us to eat instead of food in the name of the climate:

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 15 2022

Minneapolis Teachers to Be Laid Off Based on Race

Moonbats bark incessantly about systemic racism. To see how it works in the real world, consider a new agreement reached between the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers and Minneapolis Public Schools:

The agreement states that if a non-white teacher is subject to excess, MPS must excess a white teacher with the “next least” seniority.

To “excess” is to lay off. If a black teacher would normally be laid off, the white teacher with the next least seniority gets laid off instead. Because white people are racist and bad.

The agreement also prioritizes the reinstatement of teachers from “underrepresented populations” over white teachers.

Systemic racism is real. It works in favor of the privileged identity groups the liberal establishment tells us are “oppressed.”

As noted by Hans Bader,

This violates a well-known Supreme Court decision overturning the race-based layoff of a white teacher, and contradicts a well-known federal appeals court decision, which ruled that race-based layoffs of white teachers violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. …

Since the teachers union supported the adoption of this discriminatory provision, it may also be liable for discrimination along with the school district. Unions are subject to liability for racial discrimination under Title VII and 42 U.S.C. 1981, see, e.g., Woods v. Graphic Communications (1991), and the Supreme Court has ruled that people who conspire with the government to discriminate can sometimes be sued along with it under the Constitution, see Adickes v. S.H. Kress & Co. (1971).

The race-based layoff provision also violates the law against racial discrimination in contracts, 42 U.S.C. 1981, for essentially the same reasons it violates the Constitution.

Such inconvenient laws and rulings demonstrate why it is so important to progressives to do whatever it takes to put unprincipled apparatchiks like Merrick Garland in charge of the courts — even if it means castrating the Supreme Court with the TERM Act.

On tips from R F and Blackjack.

Aug 15 2022

Even ABC Calls Democrats Orwellian

The absurdly named “Inflation Reduction Act” proves that Democrats have not been driving inflation into the stratosphere through incompetence but by design. This massive wasteful spending blowout is certain to push inflation even higher. Naming such a bill the Inflation Reduction Act is so openly Orwellian as to constitute an arrogant middle finger in America’s face. Even the dopy apparatchiks at ABC nearly get it:

The Marxist eat-the-rich duckspeak by Biden’s Historic First Noisily Sexually Perverted Black Immigrant Spokesmoonbat is as preposterous as the name of the law. Like everything Democrats do, the massive expansion of the IRS is designed to crush small business and the middle class.

Why are Democrats deliberately inflating away the value of our savings? So as to pay down the massive debt they are running up with play money, and because inflation allows these greedy thieves to rob from everyone on earth who holds so much as a penny of US currency.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 15 2022

Let Them Eat Maggot Butter

According to moonbat ideology, cows make it be too warm outside; consequently, they must be abolished. No cows means no butter. That’s all right; we can just eat maggot butter:

Maggot butter is good for the planet. Therefore — unless moonbats are turned back — you will eventually be forced to eat it.

Just don’t ask Bill Gates and the rest of the planet-friendly Davos social engineers to eat maggot butter. A few cows will be kept around so that they can enjoy food while the rest of us subsist on weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, et cetera.

On tips from seaoh and Wiggins.

Aug 15 2022

The Atlantic Denounces Rosary as Extremist Symbol

Under moonbat hegemony, good and evil are reversed. Symbols of America’s glorious founding, including the Betsy Ross and Gadsden flags, are explicitly regarded by the FBI as extremist symbols (i.e., evidence of thoughtcrime). If the Democratic Party continues to consolidate power, both are likely to be illegal soon — as are rosaries:

Atlantic contributor Daniel Panneton declared that the Catholic rosary has become a “symbol” of religious radicalism.

Rosaries are considered to represent a Catholicism that believes in itself. This stands in conflict with the blasphemous sham practiced by cafeteria Catholics, who select for acceptance only the shallow trappings of Christianity that do not conflict with their actual faith, which is moonbattery.

Panneton slammed an entire online ecosystem for disseminating imagery featuring Christian warriors both historical and modern, suggesting that “social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants.”

Panneton admits that “many take genuine sustenance from … the tradition of regarding the rosary as a weapon against Satan.”

Consequently, the rosary must be denounced harshly:

“Catholic imagery now blends freely with staple alt-right memes that romanticize ancient Rome or idealize the traditional patriarchal family.”

The leftist agenda calls for eradicating both the West’s great history and the traditional family.

Panneton also frets that the conflict between Catholics and Protestants is fading away, as they have become united against the common enemy: satanic degenerates — or as Panneton calls them, “abortion-rights advocates.”

It may be only a matter of time until the moronic bumper sticker slogan “Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries” becomes the basis of law. Rosaries will need to be stored in secure hiding places for when the FBI launches Mar-a-Lago style raids in search of extremist symbols.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Aug 15 2022

Toyota Helps Transsexualize Kids

When you buy a Toyota, you get more than a car. You get to help transsexualize children through sponsorship of events like LGBTQ+ Youth:

The event, called “Models of Pride,” was hosted by the Los Angeles LGBT Center and was intended for those 24 years and younger.

How much younger?

No minimum age was listed on the website. … The event reportedly attracted roughly 400 attendees, including both kids and their parents.

They saw a performance by drag queen Dew Mi Moore. Dew Mi, get it?

Progressives have made it a priority to marinate impressionable children in the raunchy and depraved atmosphere of drag performances. If it is on the woke agenda, big corporations like Toyota will help push it.

Exposing kids to homosexual culture is not enough. The point is to recruit them:

Models of Pride also hosted breakout workshop sessions, including one titled “Drag Isn’t a Race” that focused on “learning the history of drag and taking the first steps of becoming a fabulous drag performer.”

A workshop titled “Where Do You Fit In?” explored the “LGBTQ+ community’s subcultures” in order to “find your chosen community.”

No one wishing to inflict LGBT indoctrination on children will have a problem finding funding:

Toyota donates over $100K to the Los Angeles LGBT Center on an annual basis, as does George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. Cedars Sinai also gives over $100K to the organization annually, as does Gilead, and several other companies in the pharmaceutical or healthcare industries.

The pharmaceutical and healthcare industries have a monetary interest. Psychosexual derangement leads to lucrative chemical castration treatments, sex change operations, and lifelong psychotherapy.

As for Soros, his motive is usually sheer evil.

What Toyota gets out of this is unclear, but it is not alone. Corporations that finance the corruption of children by showering money upon the Los Angeles LGBT Center include Wells Fargo, Union Bank, Citi Bank, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, First Republic Bank, US Bank, Boeing, American Airlines, Comcast NBC Universal, Hasbro, Nike, and Target.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 15 2022

Open Thread

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. - James Madison

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 14 2022

Education System Produces Staggering Ignorance

Moonbats dominate both government bureaucracy and unions. Consequently, they dominate education. Behold the results:

This level of ignorance makes it conceivable that someone like Joe Biden could be elected president.

Ignorance alone can’t explain the inability to answer questions like, “When was the War of 1812?” We are becoming a nation of morons. This bodes well for the Democratic Party, which relies heavily on a public that is easy to mislead.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Aug 14 2022

Climate Change Causes Megafloods, Fat Kids, and More

The global warming hoax is like Covid hysteria only better, because unlike a virus, it never has to end. So long as there is weather, authoritarians will be able to exploit it as evidence that the climate is changing and must be stopped through government action. It is not relevant that the climate has always changed and always will, or that Big Government cannot control it, so long as the public is kept in a constant state of irrational panic with fake news like this:

Climate change is increasing the risk of floods that could submerge cities and displace millions of people across the state, according to a study released Friday.

Terror of flooding is especially appropriate in drought-prone California.

[The study] says that an extreme monthlong storm could bring feet of rain – in some places, more than 100 inches – to hundreds of miles of California.

“Could” is the operative word in liberal media stories about the weather. They report not what is happening, but what theoretically might happen if we don’t whimper in fear as we hand over our money and freedom.

[E]ach degree of global warming is dramatically increasing the odds and size of the next megaflood, the study says.

In other dramatic news, children are 30% less physically fit than their parents were at the same age. Is this because their parents won’t let them play outside, Democrats’ war on local police having rendered the streets unsafe? Is it because Covid hysteria kept kids pointlessly cooped up at home for years? Is it because, due to cultural decay, kids sit gaping at video games, Netflix, or even pornography rather than engage in physical activity? According to CBS, the last one is admittedly a factor, but the main reason is climate change:

Tony Heller demonstrates how easy it is to find these guffaw-worthy specimens of fake news on the topic of the supposedly problematic climate:

On tips from Lyle and Wiggins.


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