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Search: trigger warnings

Nov 23 2021

Term “Trigger Warning” Canceled; Might Trigger Snowflakes

The coddling of liberal snowflakes who must be isolated from anything that challenges their childish worldview has reached a new extreme of self-parody at England’s Warwick University, which has canceled the term “trigger warning” lest the warning itself trigger wokesters.

The term “content notes” will be used instead when warning that the material in literature and drama classes may not be in total compliance with current standards of political correctness. “Trigger warning” is now regarded as “provocative” — probably because it has been used to ridicule moonbats who become unglued at the revelation that someone somewhere at some time in the past deviated from wokeness. Naturally, it has had the opposite effect by inviting more ridicule:

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: ‘Warwick’s decision to take offence at the word trigger is ludicrous. How is this preparing students for a life in the outside world? Who is actually calling for these trigger or content warnings? Is it resilient young people or woke-afflicted academics? …

‘When I attended university it was to be educated and prepared for the world of work. It now appears our universities are preparing their students for a world of woke.’

“Content notes” read like this:

Studying literature necessarily involves confronting particular ideas, words and experiences that you might find offensive, upsetting, or disturbing. All of the modules you take in the department will involve material that can be difficult for some people, even traumatic.

Shakespeare provides a more suitable alternative for preparing liberal militants to have their horizons broadened:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

The Bard’s own work has been subjected to trigger warnings in academia. So has 1984, which introduced the concept of the Newspeak Dictionary. The term “trigger warning” will be excised from the next edition.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and AintYerPa.

Sep 08 2021

US Founding Documents Get Trigger Warning

Sometimes leftists warn us regarding what they plan to ban next by targeting it with a trigger warning. Anything so targeted has been designated as offensive and therefore warrants cancelation lest it make militant snowflakes feel unsafe. Already their eyes are on the big prize — America’s founding documents:

The official National Archives website has added a trigger warning to the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights which cautions that the documents contain “harmful language.” …

As part of the National Archives’ “institutional commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility,” it is now flagging “potentially harmful content,” which is defined as reflecting “racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes” or being “discriminatory towards or exclude diverse views on sexuality, gender, religion, and more.”

To translate, the leftist bureauweenies who run the National Archives as well as most everything in the District of Corruption are flagging thoughtcrime as part of their institutional commitment to critical theory, a.k.a. cultural Marxism.

Countermoonbat Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) sounds the alarm:

Earlier this summer, National Archives apparatchiks complained that the historical portrayal of America’s Founding Fathers, the national heroes who define our country, has been “too positive.”

The liberals in charge are so arrogant now that they hardly bother to disguise their intention to erase the American nation, including its people through mass immigration and welfare policy, its heritage, and its constitutional republican form of government.

Trevor Coult is correct. Even as it staffs the Afghan government with FBI-designated terrorists like Sirajuddin Haqqani, the Taliban represents a minor threat compared to America’s existential threat from within.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Varla.

Mar 22 2022

Open Thread

Trigger warnings and safe spaces are an infantilizing setback for feminism - and for women. - Christina Hoff Sommers

Apr 20 2022

Sinking Disney Attacks Its Own Library

Disney has fully embraced the depraved liberal agenda, advocating the sexual corruption of children and alienating all well-informed and well-meaning parents. The predictable response is underway, as the company begins to lose customers from its streaming service:

Meanwhile, shares of Disney (DIS) have dropped nearly 15 percent so far in 2022, making Disney one of the worst performers in the Dow, according to a report by CNN Business.

The news comes after the Disney brand has taken a huge hit among American parents, with a majority of independents saying they “no longer trust” the company’s programming for their children in the wake of Disney pursing an aggressive LGBTQIA2S+ agenda.

Too stultified by political correctness to produce anything new of interest, Disney turns backward to deprecate earlier creations for failing to comply with wokeness:

The Walt Disney Co. reportedly labelled beloved animated characters including Tinker Bell and Captain Hook from the 1953 movie Peter Pan as “potentially problematic” as it was preparing to launch the Disney+ streaming service, noting the characters could necessitate a disclaimer for perpetuating negative stereotypes.

Tinkerbell’s thoughtcrime consists of being “body conscious” and jealous of the attention of Peter Pan. Captain Hook has a disability and therefore should be a saint, not a villain.

Disney also flagged Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid, saying her dark complexion could be construed as racist and her flamboyant mannerisms could come across as “queer coded,” or homophobic.

The Disney streaming service offered an indication of what titles will soon be deep-sixed down the memory hole by placing trigger warnings on them for being offensive to progressives. Examples include Dumbo, Swiss Family Robinson, Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier, and the original Lady and the Tramp.

The emphasis is on kneeling at the altar of moonbattery, not on pleasing customers. It’s as if the creeps and kooks at Disney believe that the Democratic Party can somehow force parents to be customers.

Leftism is a vile ideology that appeals to few people outside of our degenerate ruling class. In the short term, licking the hands of our moonbat overlords may seem to pay off. In the long term, the maxim still holds: Get woke, go broke.

On a tip from Henry.

Jan 24 2022

University Flags 1984 as Offensive

It is only a matter of time until the real life Winston Smiths of our real life totalitarian society stuff 1984 down the memory hole. Already it has been marked as “offensive and upsetting” by the University of Northampton.

The novel, which warns us away from the authoritarian path we have taken under the malevolent influence of the pointy heads of academia, gets a warning flag for addressing “challenging issues related to violence, gender, sexuality, class, race, abuses, sexual abuse, political ideas and offensive language.”

Works that have been flagged as offensive will eventually be banned. Just as the Newspeak Dictionary becomes ever thinner as words that may facilitate thoughtcrime are purged from the permissible vocabulary, so too will the Western canon of literature, until it consists mainly of the poems of Maya Angelou.

On a tip from AintYerPa.

Sep 13 2021

Biden an Embarrassment on 9/11 Anniversary

The 20th Anniversary of 9/11 was a time for somber patriotism, not for the buffoonish moonbattery of the guy who surrendered Americans to the Taliban and who didn’t want to take out Osama bin Laden.

On Saturday, Biden amid a lineup of liberal elitists struck quite a contrast with patriots:

Here we see Biden uniting Americans by yelling at them:

Whatever Creepy Joe croaked, it probably wasn’t “God bless America.” He was booed and heckled for daring to defile a 9/11 remembrance at the World Trade Center with his presence:

At least he refrained from delivering a 9/11 address:

Biden, who voted to invade Iraq, co-managed eight years of the war on terror as vice president, and concluded the United States’s 20-year occupation of Afghanistan by forcing a fatal and chaotic retreat, declined to deliver a live address this week commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Unfortunately, he did open his mouth in Shanksville:

During a brief interaction with the press, the president asserted the victims of the attacks would likely be confused and disappointed by the voters who don’t like him. Biden also complained there’s no use in trying to fight al Qaeda wherever it has a foothold, which is a hell of a thing to declare in Shanksville on Sept. 11.

Biden rambled bitterly, upset not about terrorists murdering Americans but about flood victims who greeted him with profanities in New Jersey last week and possibly the “F*** Joe Biden” chant that has gained traction at public events throughout the country.

“What I’m thinking about today is what these people who — and I’ve got a piece of — a small piece of one of the beams they have — they gave me last time — or not last time, but how many times ago — and the flag they gave me,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Shanksville, explaining how he plans to unify the country. “And I’m thinking of, you know, what — what — of the people who died, what would they be thinking? They think it makes sense for us to be in this kind of thing, where you ride down the street and someone has a sign saying ‘F so and so’? Or — it’s not who we are.”

Too bad liberals don’t provide trigger warnings before saying “It’s not who we are,” so that we can get our barf bags ready.

A reporter lobbed him a typical softball: “Mr. President, what is going through your mind today, sir?”

Biden’s rambling, incoherent response qualifies him for admission to a psychiatric facility. One of the few nearly coherent sentences to emerge through the random jumble of words was this:

“There’s a lot of autocrats who truly believe that democracies can’t function in the 21st century.”

That was rich, coming from an autocrat who has caused many to wonder whether American democracy is still functioning.

Instead of letting him issue a proper address, Biden’s handlers released a prerecorded 9/11 message that has been described as “weird and disturbing”:

Watch (WARNING: this is creepy and strange and resembles not only “found footage” horror films but innumerable hostage videos):

If 8 years of Obama’s anti-Americanism hadn’t paved the way for it, we could almost hope that the Biden presidency is just a surreal nightmare that we might awaken from at any time.

On tips from Anonymous and Bluto.

Jun 28 2021

Officials Denounce National Archives Rotunda as Racist

The many statues that were defaced or destroyed by Black Lives Matter mobs with the approval of the liberal establishment were only the beginning. The individuals they memorialized were targeted because they personify the heritage that defines us. Leftists intend to eradicate that heritage. Now the termites comprising the federal bureaucracy have targeted the National Archives Rotunda, where the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution are displayed:

Amid racial unrest last summer, Archivist of the United States David S. Ferrier established a racism task force at the National Archives and Records Administration.

That is, the task force was intended to reward the race riots that Democrats egged on at every turn. In compliance with our state religion, it found objectionable whiteness everywhere it looked.

According to the report, the National Archives Rotunda “lauds wealthy White men in the nation’s founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color], women, and other communities.”

Since the Founding Fathers were not BIPOCs, they are to be demonized and eventually erased, along with their works — i.e., the country they created. There is zero chance that the country leftists plan to impose in its place will be an improvement.

After Muslims finally managed to conquer Constantinople in 1453, Hagia Sophia, the Vatican of the East, was blasphemously transformed into a mosque. Liberals have something comparable in mind for the Rotunda:

To fix the displays of “structural racism,” the report suggested ways to “reimagine the Rotunda” to “create a more inclusive and historically accurate tribute to the nation’s founding.” One such suggestion is “to stage dance or performance art in the space that invites dialogue about the ways that the United States has mythologized the founding era.”

Eventually, the Rotunda will be transformed into a monument to moonbattery. In the meantime, the report recommends “trigger warnings” to “forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms,” as well as safe spaces at every NARA facility to help moonbats recover from the trauma resulting from being exposed to documents and exhibits that define their country.

The report singles out the author of the Declaration of Independence for condemnation because Thomas Jefferson encouraged America to expand westward.

Ferriero was appointed by Barack Obama. Putting people like him in charge of preserving our heritage is the equivalent of choosing a pyromaniac to run the fire department. If progressives are not driven from power, they will destroy everything worthy of preservation.

On tips from Bluto and Kevin R.


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