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Category: Biden

Jan 16 2023

Biden Lies That He Attended Black Church

Never mind George Santos. The easily falsifiable lies that have characterized Joe Biden’s public speeches for decades have crossed from the risible to the insane:

Biden on Sunday claimed he attended a black Church in Delaware every morning after he attended Catholic Mass in high school.

His dementia has reached the extreme that Biden thinks people will believe this.

“I may be a practicing Catholic, we used to go 7:30 am mass every morning in high school and college before I went to the black church,” he said. “Not a joke.”

Actually Biden, yes, you are a joke.

Still more incredible is Biden’s claim to be Catholic, despite being an aggressive advocate of moral depravity who has been trying to force doctors to perform abortions and commit sex change atrocities.

His lies are often told to pander:

Biden spoke about his personal experience with the black church during a visit to the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.

The president has repeatedly claimed he was close with the black church in Delaware, despite longtime congregants saying they do not remember Biden attending the church.

Biden has also lied that he attended a black college. As noted at the time,

Biden has embellished his academic record before, falsely claiming that he taught constitutional law for over 20 years, that he had a full academic scholarship, that he graduated in the top half of his class, that he graduated with three degrees, et cetera.

His actual college record characteristically included failing a class at Syracuse University College of Law after being accused of plagiarism.

Plagiarism and compulsive lying were among the reasons Biden was laughed off the stage when he tried to run for president in 1988.

We have lower standards now. Even so, the cabal of leftists who installed Biden in power have had enough and have decided to cancel him by letting his classified document mishaps come to light.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 12 2023

More Classified Documents Found in Biden’s Garage

Apparently for theatrical purposes, the Biden Regime dispatched the KGB I mean FBI to raid the home of Biden’s predecessor and main political rival on the grounds that Trump had possession of classified documents. Never mind that Trump had the authority to declassify the documents at will when he presumably brought them there. The liberal establishment clutched their pearls at this confirmation that Trump represents a threat to Their Democracy. Biden self-righteously proclaimed his disgust on the pompous Democratic Party propaganda platform 60 Minutes:

Then top-secret documents turned up in a closet at the Penn Biden Center, where Biden had evidently stashed them when he was VP. Unlike Trump, he did not have authority to declassify them. Now another tranche has been found in his Delaware garage.

Per White House special counsel Richard Sauber:

“All but one of these documents were found in storage space in the President’s Wilmington residence garage. One document consisting of one page was discovered among stored materials in an adjacent room.”

It seems Biden has left classified documents lying all over the place. For context, bear in mind that the FBI, Big Tech, and the liberal media establishment cashed in their credibility to suppress the Hunter laptop story just prior to the 2020 election not because it would come as a surprise to the public that his son is a dissipated degenerate, but because it revealed that Joe Biden has been selling influence to our communist Chinese adversaries.

If we allow Joe Biden to remain in office, we have lost control of our country.

Maybe removing Biden is the point of these revelations being made public. His unsuitability for high office has been made so extravagantly obvious that it almost smells like a setup, to get him out of Gavin Newsom’s way for 2024. Trump fatigue could make even Biden reelectable, but no way could he beat Ron DeSantis in anything they could pass off as a fair election.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 09 2023

Biden Confuses Salvation Army With Secret Service

Presenting our Commander and Chief:

Biden must have thought the two S’s on the guy’s lapels stand for “Secret Service.” In light of his Dark Brandon speech, we can be glad he didn’t assume they stood for “Schutzstaffel.”

The conspicuously senile Biden is not actually the president, but only a manipulable figurehead for leftists so unsavory that they cannot show their faces to the public. At least this means we don’t have to worry about him having access to the nuclear launch codes — I hope.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 16 2022

Biden: Resisting Sex Change Surgery for Kids Is Antisemitic

It is not easy to defend removing or otherwise mutilating children’s healthy genitals in the name of sexual depravity. Joe Biden does his best by proclaiming that to resist this horrific practice is not only homophobic but antisemitic:

“Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia — they’re all connected,” he said.

Liberals have attempted to draw a parallel between sex change surgery and circumcision. This is equivalent to justifying chopping people’s hands off by comparing it to clipping their fingernails.

“We need to challenge the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need,” he said.

That this soulless fiend can croak euphemisms like “the care they need” without choking is a miracle of evil. Sexually disfiguring children is a crime against innocence, against decency, against humanity, and against God. If ever a crime could be more morally horrific than murder — and consequently more deserving of capital punishment — this is it.

Biden made his comments on the transgender agenda during a White House signing ceremony of a bill passed to make same-sex marriages legal.

Same-sex “marriages” were already legal by decree of the Supreme Court. But Democrats have a theme to promote.

Biden has previously described Republicans as “immoral” for passing laws to block transgender procedures for children.


As reported by The Post Millennial, new studies are showing that the rate of individuals who detransition away from a trans identity is occurring at paces that far exceed what the legacy media is reporting. At the Re/Detrans Canada event held at York University in Ontario last month, researchers presented a number of studies that showed detransition rates ranging from 2% to almost 30%. …

These rates contrast sharply with the “less than 1%” rate that is constantly trotted out by transgender activists and the media.

As the transsexuality fad fades and young people find themselves with freakishly mutilated bodies, belonging to neither one sex nor the other, denied a normal life, the detransition rate will skyrocket.

If a Navy SEAL like Chris Beck could be railroaded into transsexualism, only to straighten out his head and detransition afterward, imagine how often this will happen with children.

Tragically, to fully detransition so that the undefiled body is restored is not possible after a sex change operation. Even damage inflicted by hormone treatments can be permanent.

The Democratic Party is not merely misguided. It is far darker than that.

On tips from Marty and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 16 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Jester.

Dec 15 2022

Biden Flies Into Profane Rage Over Topic of His Age

Even Democrats see the need to restrict Joe Biden’s access to the nuclear launch codes. His poor judgment and lack of character are exacerbated by the temper issues that often accompany senility. He’s not getting any better:

The oldest-ever commander-in-chief, who turned 80 last month, has “vented to allies” about how much the topic [of his age] is discussed in the media as he sizes up a bid for a second term in 2024, Politico reported Tuesday.

“You think I don’t know how f—ing old I am?” an exasperated Biden — who reportedly has a penchant for profanity — ranted to one of his acquaintances earlier this year, according to the outlet.

Inappropriate use of profanity is common among moonbats. It’s the irrational anger that is concerning — as well as Biden’s lack of self-awareness:

Does he really not see how much he’s declined over the last several years? Is he not able to process when he’s fumbling over his words, forgetting names, and generally presenting as a man who should be in an assisted-living home?

Normal people as they age can typically sense that they are slowing down and adjust accordingly. Biden, though, is like a bull in a china shop. He truly believes he’s as capable as he was at 50, having no concept of his own condition and how others see him. That’s probably the scariest part of the situation. His profound lack of self-awareness is the best piece of evidence that he shouldn’t be holding the office he holds.

That Biden cannot see how grotesquely unfit he is for the office is bad enough. Is it really possible that tens of millions of voters can’t see it either?

Please tell me he doesn’t have the nuclear football.

On tips from TCS III and KirklesWorth.

Nov 15 2022

Biden and Trudeau Show Off New Uniforms at ASEAN

Looks like the Tweedledum and Tweedledumber of authoritarian moonbattery coordinated their outfits for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Colombia I mean Cambodia:

Since they were in Asia, maybe they were trying to dress up as Chairman Mao. The communist dictator’s ideology had an obvious influence on both of them.

Trudeau loves to play multiculti dress-up games. As for Biden, his handlers dress him as they please; he could come out dressed as a rooster and not know the difference.

On a tip from seaoh.

Nov 08 2022

Biden: No More Drilling

Even now, Biden arrogantly continues to double down. A vote for Democrats is a vote against energy.

Before taking power, Biden promised to abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy. He has been keeping this promise (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.), and continues to make it:

Whether because they are accustomed to controlling the media, or because they genuinely regard the American population as idiots, the Democrats who have shackled the energy industry expect us to believe that oil companies are to blame for not being allowed to produce their product. We are told they must be punished with a windfall profits tax unless they ramp up production.

If you want to let this insult to your intelligence stand, stay home today instead of voting Republican.

Democrats’ anti-energy agenda means more than ever-rising costs for gasoline and everything else. If they are allowed to follow through, there will be not just inflation and recession but economic collapse.

Without reliable and affordable energy, tens of millions of us will starve. According to their deranged and malevolent ideology, this will benefit the weather.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Heckrules, and Kevin R.

Nov 07 2022

Biden Doubles Down on War on Energy

Virtually everyone agrees that to the extent we have a fair election tomorrow, Democrats are in for a drubbing. This is because they are too arrogant and/or politically incompetent to back down from their malevolent radicalism. Three days before the midterms, Biden was still croaking that he will continue to drive up prices and hamstring the economy with his maniacal war on energy:

Biden vowed to shut down coal plants “all across America” during a speech on Friday.

If the Chinese tried to do this, it would dwarf Pearl Harbor as an act of war. For all we know, the Chinese are behind it — through their asset, the Big Guy.

“So it’s going to become a wind generation,” Biden said at an event in Carlsbad, California.

Wind turbines are highly effective at killing eagles, but no reasonable person will claim they can meet more than a tiny fraction of our energy needs. The limousine leftists comprising the Democrat Party/mainstream media want us shivering in the dark.

Biden proclaimed, “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar power.”

Think prices are high now? Wait until there is no gasoline, and the only electricity is from wind and solar, so that most of us will have none.

It’s as if Democrats intend to provoke a civil war.

Even Joe Manchin has had enough, gasping,

“President Biden’s comments are not only outrageous and divorced from reality, they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising energy costs.”

Manchin characterized the energy sector job losses that Biden is “being cavalier” about causing as “offensive and disgusting.” But he could hardly be surprised.

Biden previously proclaimed that he would shut down the coal industry.

For example, Biden stated in a primary debate back in July 2019 that the coal industry as well as fracking would be “eliminated.” People foolishly voted for him anyway. The consequences are unfolding.

Manchin still has a knife sticking out of his back from when he shafted the country and was shafted in return by his fellow Democrats after he voted for a slightly watered-down version of the Green New Deal — the Inflation “Reduction” Act — which is predictably crushing us with inflation. Although it beggars belief that he thought other Democrats could be trusted, forgiveness may be in order, so long as he repents and switches parties.

We are past the point where anyone who means America well can remain a Democrat. It is the party of the brie-munching globalist left, implementing an agenda that is, to put it mildly, not in our interests.

Exhibit A in the case for impeachment.

On a tip from Bluto.

Nov 06 2022

Biden Says Something That Isn’t a Lie

A gaffe has been defined as when a politician tells the truth. That would make this a prime specimen from the Gaffemaster himself:

True enough, even Biden probably knows that there is nothing wrong with the climate, and certainly nothing wrong with it that the government could correct by inflicting poverty through leftist policies.

Actually, Biden did not accidentally stop lying. He was sneering sarcastically at those who doubt wildfires are caused by Democrats not driving inflation high enough with flagrantly wasteful spending.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 05 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Bluto.

Nov 04 2022

Democrats Attempt to Generate Panic

Given the catastrophic effect their rule has had on the country, Democrats are low on reasons to vote for them. Single-issue pro-abortion voters will support them no matter what, but this fortunately constitutes a small percentage of the population. The liberal establishment employs media drovers trained to drive the herd toward the stockyard. But even a cow could see through their stilted attempts to generate hysteria over nothing:

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss painted America as being only a few days away from being in an authoritarian nightmare Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes.”

The objective was to provide propaganda support for the Wednesday night reprise of Biden’s Dark Brandon speech, in which he again tried to get the public to ignore the serious problems he has caused and focus instead on hating his political opposition — which comprises an increasing majority of the country.

The historian warned that “six nights from now, we could all be discussing violence all over this country. There’s signs that may happen, may God forbid, that losers will be declared winners by fraudulent election officers, or secretary of state candidates, or governors, or state legislatures.”

Wait a second. I have been told that only Republicans deny election results, and that it is a treasonous threat to Our Democracy to do so. His reference to violence really is a threat, in light of the hundreds of leftist riots that occurred in 2020 with the open support of the liberal establishment.

Beschloss then appeared to downplay economic issues, saying that American democracy is facing an existential threat.

The only grounding for this childish lie is the January 6 teapot tempest. We’ll see if voters are more concerned about the guy in the buffalo costume allegedly trying to overthrow the government 2 years ago than they are about skyrocketing inflation, their retirement accounts bleeding out, the suppression of energy production, and incompetent fools lurching toward nuclear war with Russia over a local conflict that has nothing to do with us.

“Joe Biden is saying the same thing tonight, and a historian 50 years from now – if historians are allowed to write in this country and if they are still free publishing houses and a free press – which I’m not certain of – but if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed,” Beschloss claimed.

This hyperbolic rhetoric comes from the same faction that has its hair on fire over the possibility of Elon Musk allowing free speech on Twitter.

He warned, “We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.”

True enough, if progressives retain control, we will continue to progress toward an authoritarian system. Just ask Mike Lindell, who has just been denied accessed to the search warrant affidavit that supposedly justified the FBI seizing the cell phone he uses to run his businesses because he is a prominent Trump supporter. Ask Mark Houck, whose house was invaded by dozens of heavily armed FBI stormtroopers because he opposes abortion.

With clownish “experts” like Beschloss floundering, Hollyweirdo Jason Bateman rides to the rescue by demanding Biden issue an “emergency alert” to stave off the coming red wave:

“With the midterms on our doorstep, okay, two-thirds of the seats that are up for grabs, and the midterms are trending to be won by admitted election deniers. And then that means that elections and, consequently, democracy as a form of government will most likely be done away with or could be seriously threatened,” Bateman breathlessly said.

Election deniers? You mean like Beschloss? Like Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, Karine Jean-Pierre, and most every other Democrat when Democrats lose?

With supposed threats to Our Democracy, as with Covid, the liberal establishment has squandered the last of its credibility. Our ruling class flunks the laugh test.

On tips from Bluto.

Nov 03 2022

Biden on IV Treatment?

Biden was elected from his basement without campaigning, effectively installed in office by the liberal establishment. As with John Fetterman, we knew all along that he did not have the cognitive capacity to serve. Unsurprisingly, his condition has continued to decline.

Less than halfway through his first term, Biden is truly losing it:

His leftist handlers likely drug him up before placing him before the public as their supposedly nonthreatening figurehead. The drugs required to create an illusion of sentience appear to have escalated:

Rumors that the IV is used to embalm him with re-animator fluid cannot be confirmed at this time.

On a tip from CDaJFunk.

Nov 03 2022

Biden Administration Admits to Causing Inflation Crisis

The Biden Administration admitted responsibility for the inflation crisis that voters recognize as the #1 issue facing the country. This admission was of course rescinded when the fools responsible realized what they had said:

“Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” the tweet claimed.

But the White House deleted the post after Twitter users added a fact-check that noted increases in Social Security payouts are statutorily mandated to ensure that payments are commensurate with increasing inflation.

Identity box-checking spokesmoonbat Karine Jean-Pierre tried and failed yesterday to offer a palatable explanation for why the tweet was deleted. Biden had already croaked the same idiotic boast in a couple of speeches:

• Speaking in Florida on Tuesday, Biden said, “And on my watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting an increase in their Social Security checks.”

• Then at a campaign rally, Biden said on Tuesday, “On our watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting the biggest increase in Social Security checks, period.”

Bad enough we are ruled by leftists. That they are also morons adds insult to the severe injury they are inflicting on the country.

On tips from Varla, Jester, and KirklesWorth.


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