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Category: Treason

Sep 16 2023

Watch Biden Regime Dump Illegals Directly Onto Streets

What would you call agents of the federal government not merely allowing, inviting, and facilitating but actually orchestrating a massive unlawful invasion of the United States if not treason? Yet the crisis the Biden Regime is creating for purposes of demographic displacement is arrogantly staged right before our eyes:

What laws are on the books matters less than what laws are enforced. Immigration law obviously is not. Michelle Lujan Grisham not having been arrested confirms that the law against depriving Americans of their constitutional rights is not enforced either. Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas also remain at large, suggesting that the law against treason may as well not exist — at least as far as Democrats are concerned.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 11 2023

On September 11 of All Days

Of all the dates on the calendar, the Biden Regime chose September 11 to announce that it is giving $6 BILLION to Islamic terrorists to reward them for kidnapping Americans:

The Biden administration has cleared the way for the release of five American citizens detained in Iran by issuing a blanket waiver for international banks to transfer $6 billion in frozen Iranian money from South Korea to Qatar without fear of U.S. sanctions.

In addition to the payoff, there was a prisoner swap:

In addition, as part of the deal, the administration has agreed to release five Iranian citizens held in the United States.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed off on the sanctions waivers late last week, a month after U.S. and Iranian officials said an agreement in principle was in place.

But the Regime waited until September 11 to notify Congress. If Biden blowing off the traditional memorial services didn’t get the point across, this sure did.

The prisoners traded for the hostages are likely terrorists. The $6 billion will likely be spent financing their activities at the expense of American lives.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 07 2023

Treason at the Border

Maybe the big split won’t happen in response gun confiscation. Maybe the Cold Civil War will go hot over this:

What definition of treason would not include destroying border defenses so that foreigners can unlawfully invade the country?

This is inflicting permanent damage. Addressing it is a more urgent priority even than the Biden Crime Family’s influence peddling, leave alone the spurious indictment of the week against Donald Trump.

Nevertheless, a month has gone by since the video above was released, with no indication that those in authority understand its gravity.

A nation unwilling to defend itself against enemies both foreign and domestic will not be around for long.

On a tip from Dr. Kufi Tutite.

May 12 2023

Treasonous Biden Regime Unleashes Total Chaos at Border

Despite absurd reassurances from the sick joke of a Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that the border is secure, the Biden Regime now admits the obvious. Through deliberate inaction, it has unleashed total chaos:

Title 42, the public health order that allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the southern border due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ended on Thursday night with the ending of the COVID-19 national emergency. In the days leading up to the order’s end, agents have been encountering historic levels of over 10,000 migrants a day – with authorities already preparing for releases of migrants without court dates onto the streets.

Why bother with court dates? Everyone knows the invaders won’t show up for them anyway.

“It’s going to be chaotic for a while,” President Biden told reporters…

Correction: it is going to be chaotic permanently. Opportunistic invaders are flooding into the country from every corner of the Third World in numbers that cannot ever be assimilated — nor were they ever intended to be.

The objective is to displace the American people with an alien population lacking our tradition of limited government and certain to support an ever-expanding welfare state. This is genocide without the gas chambers.

It would be less alarming if the invaders where wearing the uniforms of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Occupation by a foreign government might eventually be expelled. We will never be free of the invaders invited by Biden. Incentivized by the welfare state to breed explosively, they will quickly render Americans a shrinking, irrelevant minority in our own country.

A single fighter jet could stop this immediately. But our own government wants it to happen. This is treason on a scale never witnessed in history.

Behold what America will look like before Democrats are through with it:

On tips from Blackjack and Varla.

May 12 2023

Open Thread

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Jan 24 2023

Liberal Foundations Dump Money on ChiComs

In case anyone doubts that the limousine liberals who throw money out the windows of their well-endowed foundations are not merely misguided but malevolent:

Two of the largest liberal charities in the United States handed millions of dollars in grants to entities in China linked to the Chinese Communist Party, documents show.

The Bill and Melinda Gates and Ford foundations, two highly influential nonprofit groups influencing left-leaning causes, combined in 2021 to give over $39 million to China, according to their latest tax forms. Some of these funds were directed to Chinese universities and government agencies involved in military research to further the CCP’s global influence, filings reveal.

Unlike the moonbats who took over the foundation founded on the wealth he created, Henry Ford was as based as they come. The tachometer is in the red zone as he spins in his grave at 9,000 rpm.

Bill Gates, in contrast, is still with us and glad to fund the ChiComs.

“If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that we need to heavily scrutinize every American dollar that goes to CCP-affiliated entities,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) told the Washington Free Beacon.

One reason is that under the direction of authoritarian technocrats like Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, American taxpayer money was evidently spent to develop Covid, possibly as a bioweapon to be deployed against the USA.

In addition to the communist enemy abroad, the Gates and Ford foundations fund the still more minacious enemy at home:

In 2021, the two groups funneled over $85 million to organizations managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest Democratic-linked dark money network in the U.S.

Whether the behavior of our liberal ruling class is to be explained by irresponsibility arising from extreme arrogance or these people are just plain evil, the effect is the same.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jan 09 2023

Biden Compares Illegals to Jews, Making Us the Nazis

The crisis Joe Biden actively caused at the border is so noticeably out of control that he has finally deigned to participate in a Potemkin visit to the disaster zone. He even has a solution — amnesty:

Ahead of President Biden’s first-ever visit to the southern border, both the president and top members of his administration have renewed calls for a sweeping immigration bill that includes a mass amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants despite it being a non-starter for many Republicans.

Amnesty would splash gasoline onto the flames, confirming that all invaders must do is break into our effectively unguarded country in their many millions and they will be made into citizens, with full access to grotesquely extravagant welfare programs. More to the point for Democrats, the foreign colonists will be able to vote without the inconvenience of cheating.

Biden is importing illegal aliens into the country in staggering numbers that cannot be absorbed. It would be absurd to expect him to stop now. Late last week, he compared illegal immigrants to Jews fleeing the Holocaust, after a reporter asked if they have a human right to invade our country:

“Well, I think it is a human right if your family is being persecuted,” Biden responded. “I thought it was a human right for, you know, Jews in Germany to be able to go — to get to escape and get help where they could.”

They all claim to be persecuted. They turn themselves in, demanding asylum. Then they disappear into the country (dispersed by own government), aware they we do not have the resources to track them down years later when courts get around to denying their claims.

Biden’s outlandishly inappropriate comparison reveals the progressive mentality. Grasping invaders who exploit Democrats’ treasonous refusal to defend the border are seen as victims, even as they arrive from every corner of the world to violate our laws and sovereignty.

In the liberal religion, anyone acknowledged as a victim is sacred. Those who oppress them are demonic and profane.

If illegal aliens are the Jews, who are the Nazis? We are, if we lift a finger to defend ourselves.

Border authorities are the equivalent of the SS. That’s why the Biden Regime aggressively sides with illegal aliens against the Border Patrol, going so far as to persecute agents already cleared of wrongdoing after absurd media claims that they were whipping invaders from Haiti.

The American people have never had a worse enemy than the leftist radicals who currently control the levers of power. They are stealing our country out from under us so as to destroy it in service to their cultural Marxist ideology and so as to replace it with a Third World country that will be easier to rule.

On tips from Bluto, Varla, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 24 2022

Good and Bad Places for Presenting a Foreign Flag

The Babylon Bee story is parody…

“This is a dark day for the country,” said Representative Thomas Massie, watching in disbelief as the events unfolded on TV. “Not only did these lunatics make it all the way into the sacred House Chamber — they waved the flag of a hopelessly corrupt foreign nation and made off with $50 billion.”

…but the picture is for real:

Neocon John Podhoretz loved the spectacle:

At the climax of [Zelensky’s pitch for still more of our money], he handed the flag to Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, who were in their respective positions as speaker of the House and president of the Senate directly behind him.

Two minutes later, Pelosi returned the favor by presenting him with the flag that was flown over the Capitol in his honor. She said someone would carry it out for him. “I can take,” Zelensky said.

So you can call it stagy. You can call it theater. You can cast it in negative terms if you choose. Go ahead. It’s a free country. Be a jerk.

Thanks for the permission, John.

This desecration of the Capitol is more alarming than anything that happened on 1/6/21, because it is emblematic of a government that puts another country’s interests ahead of ours.

Our rulers shovel tens of $billions that we cannot afford at a country that has nothing to do with us, risking nuclear war, while our own border is being overrun in an invasion that will change America for the worse forever, if not obliterate it altogether.

This event from last February represents a more appropriate response to the display of a foreign flag before the legislature:

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 12 2022

Plea Deals for September 11 Conspirators

Yesterday was September 11. What more likely day for news to come out that the planners of the infamous terror attack may be allowed to cop a plea?

U.S. military prosecutors are reportedly negotiating potential plea deals with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other conspirators imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

The point is to escape the death penalty — which at this rate was never going to be carried out before they die of old age anyway.

Mohammed is widely credited with being the architect of the 9/11 terror attacks. The other four defendants are Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash and Ammar al-Baluchi.

The defendants cite mistreatment by the CIA. They murdered almost 3,000 Americans, probably including journalist Daniel Pearl in addition to those killed on 9/11. Yet the terrorists are the victims. In a society deranged by moonbattery, the bad guys are always the victims, and victims tend to get their way.

Each of the defendants has been assigned a military lawyer, a civilian lawyer and a human rights lawyer.

Each of them should have been assigned a firing squad more than 20 years ago.

Fumed James Woods yesterday,

“To see this headline on September 11 is appalling. Why is justice such an elusive concept in America today? Will the heinous among us never be held accountable? This is an outrage, and to read about it on this sacred day is an insult to the fallen.”

As noted yesterday, Biden’s unconditional surrender facilitated the next attack. Uncoincidentally, September 11, 2021 was set as the date by which Afghanistan was to be turned over to al Qaeda’s Taliban allies.

On a tip from Lyle.

Sep 11 2022

September 11: Never Again?

Never forget September 11:

After Biden’s abrupt unconditional surrender to the Taliban, during which thousands of Americans were abandoned, al Qaeda found itself welcome again in the country it used as a base of operations for September 11.

Next time around, al Qaeda and its Taliban allies will have more resources, because Biden left $billions worth of weaponry in their hands and has shoveled our money at them as foreign aid.

The southern border is wide open, making it easy for terrorists to infiltrate. Another September 11 is almost inevitable, brought to you by Biden et al. The body count is likely to be higher.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Aug 23 2022

Free Phones and Healthcare for Illegal Aliens in NYC

Deliberately leaving the border open during a massive invasion is an example of what was known in the olden days as treason. Aiding and abetting those who invade your country is also treason. This crime was once taken quite seriously, often resulting in execution. But nowadays, the only crime the authorities take seriously in a place like New York City is calling illegal aliens “illegal aliens” ($250,000 fine). So as inflation erodes our standard of living, taxes climb, and the economy staggers deeper into recession, we read this:

Hundreds of migrants — at least some bused to the Big Apple by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott — lined up outside Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx on Sunday to get health care coverage, food and other items including school supplies and free phones.

Busing a representative handful of the invaders to New York was a nice gesture, but it does not solve the problem. An invasion is only solved when the invaders are thrown out of the country and kept out.

The event, organized by the city hospital system, was billed as a “resource and family fun day” for the migrants…

A rep for Medicaid provider MetroPlusHealth, which co-sponsored the event, said it expected about 1,200 migrants, mostly children, to attend.

Children are the shock troops of modern warfare. They are being exploited to literally conquer and subjugate the USA, so that the wealth we and our ancestors worked for centuries to build up can be looted away to nothing.

The migrants crossed the Mexico border into Texas illegally, then said they were seeking asylum, which allows them to legally stay in the US while their cases wind through the courts.

“Asylum” is a magic word that allows them to enter the country illegally and stay indefinitely, although very few are granted official asylum, even by the irresponsible moonbats who run our courts.

It isn’t only phones and healthcare they are getting for free as an inducement to encourage more to follow them:

The city Department of Homeless Services on Friday asked Big Apple hotels to help find 5,000 rooms to house newcomers — on top of a previous request of 600.

As we have seen, the accommodations will be top notch.

Illegal aliens in NYC have also enjoyed generous cash payments. They will be allowed to vote, so they can secure ever more lavish benefits in return for spitting on our sovereignty and displacing us.

This is the Land of the Free, all right. Everything is free. Unless you are American and work for a living. Then you get to pay through the nose, not just for what you have, but for what the rest of the world wants to have at your expense.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 06 2022

Open Thread

Beware not the enemy from 'without' but the enemy from 'within'. - Douglas MacArthur

Jul 22 2022

ESPN Gives ESPY to Traitor Eileen Gu

Treason is a moonbat’s primary impulse, so it should come as no surprise that ESPN — which is more about liberal politics than sports — has bestowed an ESPY award for “Breakthrough Athlete of the Year” on the insufferably woke Eileen Gu, a biracial American who betrayed her country to compete in the 2022 Olympics in Beijing for communist China.

From the New York Post:

Her father is American and her mother is Chinese. She won the gold medal in women’s freestyle big air — and cashed in to the tune of an estimated tens of millions of dollars in Chinese endorsement deals in the process.

Funny she chooses to live in the country she was born and grew up in, not the one she competes for — despite concluding her acceptance speech in Chinese.

Try to imagine an American with a German mother competing for the Nazis in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin — then being applauded by the establishment for it. This could not have happened. That’s why the USA defeated the Germans, but is likely to be defeated in turn by the Chinese.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 18 2022

6 Million Barrels From Strategic Reserve to ChiComs

Given what we have in the White House, 18 US Code § 2381 makes for interesting reading:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

If selling 950,000 barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to our most formidable enemy as prices remain in the stratosphere and the ChiComs prepare to invade our ally Taiwan constitutes treason, what do you call doing the same with 6 million barrels?

The Daily Caller reports:

The Biden administration sold nearly six million barrels of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) since July 2021 to a Chinese state-run energy firm, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of Department of Energy (DOE) data.

To add insult to injury,

Each barrel was sold on average for roughly $63, or over eight dollars less than the average price of oil per barrel that month.

The ChiComs really are getting their money’s worth out of the asset known as the Big Guy.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration keeps a boot on the neck of the US energy industry to repress domestic production.

For commentary on the Biden Administration, we turn to Cicero:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. - Marcus Tullius Cicero


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