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Nov 27 2023

Government-Funded BDSM for Children

Look at the bright side. Even with Biden’s handlers in power, our rulers are not yet as aggressively depraved as the moonbats running Germany.

Lambda Bundesverband receives generous funding from the federal government. It provides youth sexuality counseling services, workshops, summer camps, and the magazine Out!, which is produced for children as young as 14.

Reduxx reports:

In issue No. 59 of “Out!, the majority of the zine is dedicated entirely to discussing sexual fetishes.

According to the publication’s editor Fabian,

“Fetishes are possible variations of our sexuality and are therefore neither reprehensible, disreputable or perverse.”

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Perversion is not perverse.

The perversions promoted at Germany taxpayer expense include DDLG. Out! writer Sofie elaborates:

“DDLG stands for Daddy Dom Little Girl. It’s mostly about a female person putting themselves in the role of a little girl. She wears diapers and enjoys playing children’s games. If she does something naughty, her daddy can punish her.”

She describes playing DDLG at the age of 16:

“Finally he put diapers on me like a daddy. When I was finally allowed to urinate in the diaper for the first time, I just felt free and overjoyed,” Sofie writes.

Carry the trajectory of the past few years forward. Within 5 years this behavior will be encouraged in public schools in the USA. Another 5 years and you will be imprisoned for disapproving.

Only the Devil could guess what will be going on in Germany by then.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 27 2023

Open Thread

Either you will control your government, or government will control you. - Ronald Reagan

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 26 2023

Stunning Footage of Media Moonbats Telling the Truth

You might be surprised if a cat turned to you and recited the Gettysburg Address — but not half as surprised as you would be if you heard truth from liberal establishment apparatchiks like Adam Kinzinger, Christopher Wray, and the professional liars comprising the mainstream media. Yet behold:

This demonstrates that taking things out of context and suppressing key information constitute a powerful propaganda technique that can appear to validate even brazen lies. For example, the liberal establishment used a picture that appeared to show Derek Chauvin’s knee on George Floyd’s neck to launch hundreds of riots that advanced its agenda and resulted in the blameless Chauvin stabbed nearly to death in a federal prison. Body cam footage that would have revealed the picture to be deceptive was of course suppressed. See The Fall of Minneapolis for details.

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 26 2023

Pro-Hamas Riot at New York City High School

Mob violence worked so well for leftists during the George Floyd spectacle that we were willing to throw justice and decency out the window and condemn innocent police officers to prison. In light of this success, no one should be surprised that now even high school kids are flexing their muscle through mob rule:

Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged through the halls of a Queens high school this week for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom…

Dare to spend spare time defending civilization against demonic fiends who torture children and you too might incur the wrath of the moonbat mob.

The mayhem at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica unfolded shortly after 11 a.m. Monday in what students called a pre-planned protest over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo showing her at a pro-Israel rally on Queens Oct. 9 holding a poster saying, “I stand with Israel.”

This happened in New York City, site of the Muslim terror attack with the highest death toll in modern history.

Hundreds of kids flooded into hallways and ran amok, chanting, jumping, shouting, and waving Palestinian flags or banners.

The equivalent 22 years ago would be waving the jihadist flag as the hole smoked where the World Trade Center used to stand.

“Everyone was yelling ‘Free Palestine!’” a senior said.

“Free Palestine” is Euphemese for “eradicate the Jews who live in their own homeland.”

Students recorded the commotion, posting multiple videos, some set to pulsing Arabian music, on TikTok. …

Most comments posted on the videos applauded the kids and jeered the teacher, one calling her a “cracker ass bitch.”

Revere them and weep for their oppression, or you are a racist.

Clips showed a water fountain ripped out in the hallway and shattered tiles in the second-floor boys’ bathroom, which students admitted they vandalized.

At least they didn’t burn down a police precinct, like the establishment-approved Black Lives Matter mob that no doubt inspired them.

Eventually the NYPD was able to escort the teacher out of the building as students reportedly spit on her. She is not named because in the kind of country this has become, it would put her life at risk. However, keeping her anonymous might not do much good:

“They found where she lives — her address, her phone number, her family and everything — her personal information,” a senior said.

Fortunately the harassment appears to be limited to nasty phone calls — so far.

The event isn’t a first:

It follows a massive, pro-Palestinian citywide walkout on Nov. 9 by some 700 NYC high school students calling for a ceasefire.

“Ceasefire” is Euphemese for letting the October 7 atrocities slide without retaliation.

Brooklyn students were captured on video yelling, “F–k the Jews!”

Laments Councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens),

“I don’t know why these students are so misinformed, so intolerant and so radicalized. They don’t even know the history of the Middle East. They haven’t been taught that.”

Here’s why, Councilman Holden: It’s because your fellow Democrats control the schools and the media.

Pure evil, enforced by mob rule. That’s the future unless we wrest it away from them.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Nov 26 2023

Wisconsin Town Disapproves Red and Green Decorations

For now, some liberals are content to subvert Christmas on behalf of their agenda. Target’s Pride Santa, Pride Christmas Nutcracker, and Black Paraplegic Santa ornaments are typical examples. But given that the holiday is based on a faith they hate, anything that reminds them of it will eventually be abolished — even the colors red and green:

Melissa Cantarero Weiss, the deputy city administrator for Wauwatosa, said in an email to city workers that Wauwatosa should have a “welcoming and inclusive environment” during the holiday season, according to the email obtained by Wisconsin Right Now.

When moonbats bark the ominous words “welcoming and inclusive,” they are about to crack down on people they don’t like — namely, normal Americans.

This means no religious decorations and no red or green colors, which are often associated with Christmas, the e-mail outlined.

Christians and everyone else who celebrates Christmas must be excluded because “inclusion.”

“Instead, we encourage you to opt for more neutral and inclusive decorations that celebrate the season without favoring any particular faith belief system,” according to the email.

The only faith system people are allowed to honor is the one known as liberalism/wokeism/political correctness/moonbattery. Islam is an exception, in light September 11 and October 7.

Context matters. Libs don’t mind red if it represents communism. Green is good if it represents environmental radicalism or Islam.

Having pushed the envelope too far too fast, the bureauweenies were compelled by public reaction to walk back their decree — by a couple of millimeters:

City Administrator Jim Archambo said Tuesday the original email was not a policy directive or a requirement to decorate one way or another. Rather, it was an ask for employees to consider all members of Wauwatosa’s community before deciding how to decorate public spaces in city-owned government buildings.

They’re not telling; they’re asking. For now. But if you like your job, shy away from red and green decorations at the office.

On a tip from Franco.

Nov 26 2023

More Misadventures in Green Transportation

The electric vehicles that leftists subsidize to the hilt with our money and that they intend to force us to drive continue to make no sense.

Exhibit A:

Automaker Stellantis on Wednesday announced a recall of more than 32,000 of its hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because they pose a potential fire risk.

As part of what the company described as a routine review of customer information, Stellantis determined that eight of the hybrid Wranglers had caught fire while they were turned off and parked.

Those foolish enough to have purchased these vehicles rather than real cars are advised by Stellantis not to park them near buildings, because they might burst into flames at any time.

For Exhibit B, David Blackmon guffaws over an Edmonton Journal article entitled, “More than half of Edmonton’s $60-million electric bus fleet not roadworthy.”

The Canadian city purchased 60 electric buses for $1 million each (double the cost of reliable diesel buses) from the green boondoggle Proterra, which has gone Chapter 11, making it difficult to keep the buses running in Edmonton as in Jackson, Wyoming, where the entire fleet does not work.

From the story:

It takes a diesel-powered on-board heater to keep the body of the bus warm. And despite $200,000 in special blankets to keep all those batteries toasty, the Proterra buses are still feeling that northern Alberta chill in their skimpy range.

That’s $3,333 per bus to keep the batteries warm. But still the buses don’t work.

That’s okay; soon electric moonbatmobiles will be mandatory. They will work because bureaucrats will command that they have to work.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and R F.

Nov 26 2023

Kamala Harris Sins Against Environment

According to Democrat dogma, gas stoves are offensive to the environment. That’s why the Biden Regime has been cracking down on them, as have authorities in places where Democrats have achieved single-party rule such as San Francisco and Berkeley. The objective, as with automobiles, is to incrementally make gas stoves unobtainable by hyperregulating those who provide them and driving up the price. Yet it appears that Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris might not regard the menace posed by gas stoves with appropriate gravity:

“From our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving,” Harris posted on X Thursday, including a photo of her next to second gentleman Doug Emhoff, a casserole and a gas stove.

Harris, 59, was roasted over the post, with many conservatives accusing her of “hypocrisy.”

“Wait…that’s a gas stove! The same kind Dems want to BAN you from owning,” Sen Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote on X.

Silly conservatives. Lifestyle restrictions are for little people, not the Liberal Elite.

New York State’s Kathy Hochul has moved to ban natural gas entirely because according to her ideology, it causes the climate to fluctuate, which is alleged to be problematic. She too cooks on a gas stove.

On tips from Barry A, Jack D, and Ed McAninch.

Nov 26 2023

Open Thread

In modern Britain the most dangerous place to be is in your mother's womb. It should be a place of sanctity. - Edward Leigh

Nov 25 2023

Worm Begins to Turn in Ireland

If ever there was a disconnect between rulers and ruled, it is in leftist-dominated Ireland, whose government has been systematically displacing the native population with a massive influx of welfare colonists, largely from Africa.

According to the government, the de-Caucasianification of Ireland is not happening fast enough:

Now a word from the people of Ireland:

Riots broke out across Dublin, Ireland, late Thursday evening as Irish citizens took control of the city centre following a mass stabbing attack where an immigrant man is accused of slashing five individuals near a school — three of which are young children, including a five-year-old girl. …

After word spread of the attack, Irish citizens took to the streets to loot stores, assault police, and set fire to multiple vehicles on Dublin’s O’Connell Bridge. Eventually, the rioters took control of the city centre.

They are beginning to understand what is being done to them:

In the 12 months leading up to April this year, 141,600 immigrants landed in Ireland.

The Irish population has increased by more than 2%. If the US had similar immigration, it would mean 9 million extra people. …

Ireland’s non-nationals comprise a whopping 20% of the population.

Given immigrant reproduction rates, this will soon reduce the Irish to a despised minority in their own country.

Moonbat establishmentarians predictably caterwaul about right-wing extremists, by which they mean anyone to the right of all the way left.

Police chiefs have been quick to blame “far right” anti-immigrant elements.

Yet public frustration with homelessness, joblessness, immigration, lack of law and order and anti-social behavior have been breeding a revolt by the urban underclass. …

Commentary with vague but menacing tones about the “far right” masks the fact there is no political representation of serious conservative opinion in the Irish Parliament.

This could be why it took the police more than 4 hours to put down the riot:

Plus, police morale is very low due to pointless virtue-signaling such as “hate speech” initiatives.

More than 90% of ordinary police officers recently voted “no confidence” in the country’s top law-enforcement officer.

Police chiefs owe their allegiance to the political class. Refer to the perjurer Medaria Arradondo of Minneapolis for an especially egregious American example. Left-wing governments are not on the side of the police rank and file.

Stand by for some historical irony:

While the foundational story of the modern Irish state is one of throwing off British oppression, Dublin has been quick to request the loan of water cannon from a United Kingdom police force.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland, one of 43 police forces in the United Kingdom has responded to a request for mutual aid from the Republic of Ireland and has delivered two water cannons. The high-pressure devices are truck-mounted and operated by police forces to pacify protests and riots.

The Irish were far better off ruled by the British than by moonbats — although nowadays there would be no difference.

In the USA, leftists spent the year 2020 advancing their agenda through hundreds of riots. Countermoonbats can riot too, as hinted by the election fraud protest that got out of hand on 1/6/23. The absurd overreaction to January 6 indicated that the leftist establishment will crack down with overwhelming force on those it deems threatening. But regular people slated for welfare state enslavement followed by displacement won’t go down without a fight.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.

Nov 25 2023

Jason Lee Willie Joins Transsexual Maniac List

Democrats exploit their bully pulpit to bark about transsexual violence. They don’t mention that virtually all of it, whether threatened or actually committed, is not against transsexuals but by them. This should surprise no one, considering that transsexuals are psychotic by definition. The horrific transsexual violence inflicted in Nashville, Tennessee has been echoed by threats in Nashville, Illinois:

Jason Lee Willie – a biological male who identifies as Alexia N. Willie – was charged on Nov. 7 with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure.

The media, schools, and Democratic Party brainwash psychos into believing normal people are oppressing them. Social engineers must want more of this:

“There’s a lot of transgenders out here that are tired of being picked on and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their f***ing children out here, and that’s the end of it. We’re at war,” Willie reportedly said. …

“A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters,” Willie purportedly said. “That’s not the last of them if you don’t shut your f***ing mouth.”

Here’s one reason not to allow cross-dressing males into female facilities:

“I catch your daughters in them bathrooms alone, I am gonna f*** them. I mean I am gonna f*** f*** them until they’re dead,” Willie allegedly proclaimed. “I guarantee I’ll be in the bathroom raping your Christian daughters.”

The 47-year-old Willie announces himself as an “open pedophile,” in step with the growing movement among liberal social engineers to normalize pedophilia the way they have homosexuality and transsexuality (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

Willie has also allegedly threatened to inject people with HIV for wearing Christian crosses and to bomb those who “discriminate against transgender rights.”

The evident purpose of the Cultural Marxist LGBT recruitment drive conducted through public schools and the media is to produce sexually depraved paranoid maniacs like Jason Lee Willie. Please welcome him to the representative list of transsexuals who threaten and/or commit violence:

Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Ed McAninch and ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Allah’s Willing Executioners.

Nov 25 2023

Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Prison

Peter Cahill, the leftist judge discussed below who presided over Derek Chauvin’s show trial, has something to be extra thankful for this holiday weekend. The innocent man he threw to the mob has predictably been stabbed in prison, requiring “lifesaving measures”:

The Bureau of Prisons confirmed that a man was attacked around 12:30pm on Friday, inside the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson – a medium-security prison that has been plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages. …

Keith Ellison, the attorney general of Minnesota – who oversaw Chauvin’s prosecution – told the Star Tribune on Friday night that he was notified that Chauvin had been stabbed but survived, and was in stable condition.

Considering that Chauvin’s only crime was to have been a white police officer, his survival must have been bad news for Ellison, a black nationalist, alumnus of the rabidly anti-white Nation of Islam, and open supporter of violently anti-police Antifa. He typifies the kind of people who run liberal Minnesota, which is why Chauvin was in prison instead of defending civilization from the savages he was handed over to with a giant bullseye painted on his back.

As was documented in the recently released The Fall of Minneapolis (which readers are strongly encouraged to watch for free), Cahill denied Chauvin his Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial before an impartial jury. Conspiring to deny an American his constitutional rights is a serious crime; if death results, it warrants capital punishment. It is Cahill who belongs in prison, not Chauvin — who did nothing wrong, media/Democrat lies notwithstanding.

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 25 2023

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual

The glamor magazine Cosmopolitan stays relevant by keeping at the forefront of the liberal establishment’s race to absolute moonbattery — for example, by telling women they want to look like this and now endorsing a Satanic abortion clinic. Readers are even provided with instructions on how to kill their children during a Satanic ritual:

First, you find a quiet space. Bring a mirror if you can. Just before taking the medication [i.e., abortion pill to kill your baby], gaze at your reflection and focus on your personhood. Home in on your intent, your responsibility to you. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When you’re ready, read the following tenet aloud: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. Take the medication and immediately afterward, recite, Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs. Later, once your body expels the aborted tissue, return to your reflection. Focus again on your personhood, your power in making this decision. Complete the ritual by reciting a personal affirmation: By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.

Now you will know what she means next time a she-moonbat shrieks in your face, “MY BODY MY CHOICE!!!”

Note the pretentious reference to The Science, as if biology had proven that unborn babies aren’t human so it’s okay to kill them. Equally pretentious and surreal is the article’s praise of abortion as “reproductive justice.”

The road to hell isn’t paved with good intentions after all. It is paved with malignant narcissism, as both liberalism and Satanism demonstrate.

On a tip from seaoh. Hat tip: Daily Fetched.

Nov 25 2023

Open Thread

One is more admired for claiming to do good than for proving to be right. - Emmett Tyrrell

Nov 24 2023

Perverted Men Welcome at Catholic Women’s College

If there were one place young women might be safe from sexually deranged men, it would be an all-women’s Catholic school like Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana. But under liberal domination, there is to be no respite anywhere:

President Katie Conboy told faculty in an email sent Tuesday afternoon that “Saint Mary’s will consider undergraduate applicants whose sex assigned at birth is female or who consistently live and identify as women.”

The concept of “sex assigned at birth” is blasphemous. According to the Christian religion, our sex is not arbitrarily assigned at birth by pediatricians but determined at conception by our Creator. As Genesis 1:27 puts it, “male and female He created them.” Our chromosomes confirm the Bible’s accuracy.

Speaking of the Bible, let’s review Deuteronomy 22:5:

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

For an explicitly Christian institution to facilitate such an abomination is also blasphemous — and par for the course in the cesspool higher education has become under the control of moonbats:

“We are by no means the first Catholic women’s college to adopt a policy with this scope,” Conboy wrote in the email. “In drafting the language for this update, I have relied on the guidance of the Executive Team and others to ensure that our message is not only in line with best practices for today’s college students, but that it also encompasses our commitment to operate as a Catholic women’s college.”

Let’s hope they have women’s colleges in hell, so Conboy doesn’t face unemployment in the afterlife.

In the meantime, here’s an excellent idea:

“St. Mary’s College is no longer Catholic,” junior Saint Mary’s student Claire Bettag told The Daily Signal. “It is no longer a women’s institution. This is fraudulent misrepresentation at best. Every student should be entitled to a refund for fraudulent misrepresentation. An attorney should file a class action lawsuit against the college. They have abandoned their faith, and they’ve abandoned the women. No woman should be forced to share a bathroom or living quarters with a man.”


On tips from Barry A, ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and Franco.


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