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Mar 27 2023

Hollywood Producer Heather Rae Is Fake Indian

Everything is fake in Tinseltown, so what better place to look for racial impostors? In 1973, the moonbat Marlon Brando put forward Sacheen Littlefeather in his place to turn down an Academy Award on grounds of cultural Marxism. The stunt got Sacheen blacklisted, but the Academy begged forgiveness for that, and thanked award-winning producer Heather Rae for brokering the apology. Sacheen turned out to be no more Indian than she looks. Now we learn that Rae is a fake Indian too:

Rae, 56, serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance, previously headed up the Sundance Institute’s Native American program and claims “my mother was Indian and my father was a cowboy.” Multiple prior news reports have also cited her as having a Cherokee mother.

But a watchdog group called the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds is now demanding the Academy and the producer drop her “false claims” while activists insist she’s at best 1/2048th Cherokee.

Rae’s proof of being an Indian consists of getting a tattoo of the Cherokee corn goddess Selu.

Rae has cited her “Indian” ancestry throughout her successful producing and directing career…

She works as a “narrative change strategist” for IllumiNative, an “unapologetically ambitious and innovative Native women-led” racial and social justice organization which says it works to amplify “contemporary Native voices” while challenging the “invisibility” of Native Americans.

Moonbats have challenged the “invisibility” of Indians by getting the name of the Cleveland Indians changed, by changing the name of prominent Squaw Peak in Phoenix, by erasing the iconic Indian maiden from the Land O’Lakes butter packaging, et cetera.

Unsurprisingly, Rae’s work in Hollyweird highlights her faux Indian identity:

[H]er latest project, “Fancy Dance,” is a drama about a Native American woman who kidnaps her niece from the girl’s white grandparents that premiered at January’s Sundance Film Festival. It was partly funded by the Cherokee Nation.

Even if Rae really is 1/2048th Indian (which appears doubtful), this wouldn’t even qualify her to pow-wow with Elizabeth Warren, who climbed the career ladder as a law professor by pretending to be an Indian and who was found to have as little as 1/1,024th Indian blood.

More genuine Indians can be found standing outside cigar stores, but Rae does have notable ancestry:

On her father’s side, one ancestor arrived from England in Virginia before the Pilgrims.

However, this would not be a source of pride among our woke ruling class. Just ask communist black supremacist Angela Davis, who was horrified to learn she had ancestors on the Mayflower.

On a tip from Jack D.

Mar 27 2023

Yeonmi Park Offers Progress Report for Progressives

The best way to gauge the progress progressives have made is to compare the current state of the USA to North Korea, where statism has been taken to its last extreme. Yeonmi Park grew up there before escaping to the West, only to find herself back amid leftists. Liberals will be encouraged by her progress report.

Regarding her experience at Columbia University,

“They were demonising capitalism, free markets and Western civilisation. Anything that was white was bad,” she said.

“I couldn’t believe it. This is the same thing that I was learning in a North Korean classroom“.

Americans still enjoy cushy lives compared to the inmates North Korea…

“But what I am pointing out is the similarities with what is happening in America. And that is scary and that is where Americans are not understanding,” she said.

Inevitably, living standards will catch up with ideology, as Democrat economic policy has begun to illustrate.

Already, our state ideology has surpassed North Korea’s for sheer lunacy:

“For instance, professors have to say that genders were a social construct made up by white men to oppress minorities.

“In North Korea, we believe that men cannot get pregnant, they cannot breastfeed… In Columbia [if you say that], you are a bigot.”

Stand by for a blast of irony:

[W]hen she pushed back on discussions around gender, a professor told her she had been “brainwashed”.

Park wanted to study human rights, but found that the term has been coopted to mean its opposite, like the word “liberalism”:

“For these people, human rights means free education, free health care, universal income, free housing – which means a socialist state,” she said.

“In North Korea, the regime promises the same thing.”

North Koreans had leftism imposed on them by force. Here, fools choose it voluntarily. That’s what it means to be brainwashed.

“Human rights doesn’t mean these free things… Free [to me] means that you have a right to pursue happiness, the right to start your own business, the right to practice your own religion and freedom of speech.”

Nice to see we still have Americans in this country, even if we have to important them from North Korea.

What young Americans have to look forward to if leftism prevails.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Mar 27 2023

Open Thread

The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. - George Soros

Far and away the top donor to Democrats.

Mar 26 2023

Biden Regime Comes After Air Conditioners

Democrats were not likely to stop at gas stoves, which they still want to ban. Nor would they stop with refrigerators and washing machines. My fellow Phoenix residents will be alarmed to learn than now Biden’s handlers are coming after our air conditioners:

The Biden administration announced its latest home appliance regulations this week, targeting air conditioners in an action it said would reduce the nation’s carbon emissions.

As the reference to the essential plant nutrient carbon dioxide suggests, Democrats are imposing the excessive regulations in the name of “tackling the climate crisis.”

The climate crisis exists only in the imaginations of gullible moonbats. In contrast, the government hypertrophy crisis is quite real. If not addressed, it will leave us without appliances. Progressives will inflict this progressively, by using Deep State regulation to drive up the cost of appliances so that ever fewer can afford them.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 26 2023

Church of Sweden No Longer Christian

Much of the land currently occupied by Islamic regimes was Christian before it fell by military conquest over the course of centuries. The Muslim campaign to extirpate Christian civilization and replace it with something very different finally stalled at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Thanks to moonbattery, it has been able to resume. Conquest by mass immigration (a.k.a. hijra) will soon absorb a submissive Sweden into Dar al-Islam.

From Samnytt, via Jihad Watch:

Outgoing Archbishop Antje Jackelén received harsh criticism for her religious relativist stance, not least in relation to the controversial religious ideology of Islam. She adopted the Swedish variant of “Allahu akbar” as her language of choice and said she could not put the peaceful healer Jesus before the warrior and mass murderer Muhammad as a prophet. Now Jackelen’s successor goes a step further and welcomes all Muslims to the Church of Sweden.

That explains how Center Party leader Muharrem Demirok can declare that he is a Muslim — and also a member of the Church of Sweden.

In the Church of Sweden, under the leadership of Archbishop Martin Modéus, “you define what you believe in based on your own terms.” According to Modéus, the fact that the Church of Sweden receives a diversity of non-Christian beliefs “is an asset.”

You think Christian churches should be Christian? What’s the matter, you don’t like diversity?

Joseph Stalin, like the leftist maniacs who came to power during the French Revolution, tried to eradicate Christianity by killing priests. Modern liberals have found a more effective method: hollow out churches and leave nothing inside but the nihilistic emptiness that is wokeism.

Nature abhors a vacuum; in Europe, it will be filled by Islam.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 26 2023

Idaho Legalizes Firing Squads

Good news from Idaho: a bill legalizing execution by firing squad has been signed into law.

Gov. Brad Little signed the bill after it was passed on March 20 by a veto-proof majority of the Idaho Legislature. …

Idaho is the fifth state in the country to legalize the practice, following Utah, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Mississippi.

As death penalty expert Deborah Denno observes,

“The firing squad is the quickest, surest and most error-free and the only technique for which we have skilled and trained professionals.”

Firing squads are more humane than lethal injection, which does not work as reliably. More importantly, lethal injection hides the grim reality of death by masking it in a pseudo-medical procedure, like abortion and euthanasia.

Capital punishment needs to be carried out in dramatic fashion. The purpose is not only to punish the wrongdoer or to guarantee that he will do no further harm, but to affirm publicly that there are acts of evil that a healthy society finds absolutely intolerable.

Only three crimes come to mind that could warrant the ultimate punishment: murder, high treason, and the sexual mutilation/exploitation of children.

On tips from Varla and ABC of the ANC.

Mar 26 2023

ChiComs Colonize Argentina

Meanwhile, as liberals shriek about the need to “decolonize” and the US military focuses on promoting sexual perversion and punishing whiteness, our communist Chinese adversaries extend their colonial tentacles into the Western Hemisphere:

The pressure and influence of communist China on Argentina’s leftist government has increased in recent weeks, as China seeks to take advantage of Argentina’s economic and social distress to take control of its strategic sectors, according to a report published by the Argentine news website Infobae on Thursday.

The report states that Chinese diplomats, led by China’s ambassador to Argentina Zou Xiaoli, are demanding shorter deadlines for the takeover of a large part of Argentina’s energy sector and are urging the Argentine government to grant them management of the country’s canals and navigable rivers, which would grant the communist regime sizeable control of the region’s grain trade.

China attempted to seize control of Kenya’s Port of Mombasa using the same tactic of infrastructure “investment” but encountered pushback. It appears that leadership in Argentina will be more accommodating:

Argentina, under the leftist government of president Alberto Fernández, has adopted a notoriously pro-China stance, joining China’s predatory Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in February 2022 during Fernández’s official visit to Beijing — where Fernández laid a wreath to honor communist mass murderer Mao Zedong. …

Shortly after joining BRI, both countries signed a Memorandum of Accession to grant Argentina a two-part Chinese financing package for “strategic infrastructure works.”

That’s how colonialism works now. The British Empire had the Maxim gun. The ChiComs have money, as a result of unions and environmentalists forcing the outsourcing of Western manufacturing.

Argentina is only a foothold:

The Infobae report further states that … both countries will discuss granting China the exploitation of the Paraná-Paraguay waterway, a more than 3,400 kilometer long natural river transport corridor that extends through the Paraná and Paraguay rivers that allows for continuous navigation between the ports of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

China has already built a military space station in Argentina.

In 2019, Pentagon officials warned about the potential threats that the base represented, expressing their growing concerns that the Chinese could use it to monitor and potentially target U.S. and allied satellites.

But then came the election of 2020. Now, Pentagon officials are more concerned with alternative pronouns and hyping the global warming hoax.

Argentina is essentially a European country — more so than the USA by demographics. But it succumbed to leftism under Juan Peron. Thanks to inflation and government dependency, it has never been able to recover.

The Monroe Doctrine holds that the Western Hemisphere is America’s sphere of interest and that interference in it by a foreign power constitutes aggression against the USA. But James Monroe was a cisgender white guy who no doubt has been slated for cancelation.

On a tip from Bert B.

Mar 26 2023

Open Thread

We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments. - James Madison

Mar 25 2023

Our Inflationary Future Unfolds in Zimbabwe

The role model for what liberals are fundamentally transforming America into is the Rainbow Utopia, South Africa. The template for South Africa is the hellhole that was known as Rhodesia, Breadbasket of Africa, before it was purged of the evils of colonialism. If we want to know where liberal economic policy is taking us, we can skip ahead of collapsing South Africa and jump straight to Zimbabwe:

Zimbabwe, the country that brought the world the one-hundred-trillion-dollar bill, has reached a new stage of monetary dysfunction. Because of a lack of small change, businesses have started printing their own “money”—scraps of paper, sometimes handwritten, that customers can use to pay for future purchases. Others are handing out change in-kind, making customers whole with juice boxes, pens or slices of cheese. …

It started in the early 2000s, when the government of then-President Robert Mugabe printed ever more money in an attempt to compensate for a collapse in agricultural production that followed a controversial land-redistribution effort.

Soon people will read, “It started in the early 2020s, when irresponsible fools printed ever more money to hand out for free because Covid and to subsidize idiotic electric vehicles…”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 25 2023

Unintended Consequences of DEI Brainwashing

John Stossel observes that all major companies require employees to undergo indoctrination in cultural Marxism — a.k.a. diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Utopia has been achieved; we now live in a climate of totalitarian political correctness. It isn’t working as promised:

For the $billions per year thrown at irritating DEI moonbattery, the return on investment would be negative — if liberal social engineers really wanted to help blacks and reduce racism. Actually, they deliberately keep down blacks and create racial resentment where it didn’t exist, because the ideology of our degenerate ruling class requires an underclass of floundering losers righteously oppressed by the alleged racism of the white middle class.

That pernicious ideology needs to be rejected in favor of EMC (equality [as opposed to equity], merit, colorblindness).

Here’s someone who gets what DEI and Critical Race Theory have been doing to blacks:

On tips from Lyle and Occam’s Stubble.

Mar 25 2023

Floodgates Open on African Inventions

As they used to say in the Soviet Union, the future is known; it’s the past that keeps changing. It started with blacks having invented peanut butter (sorry Ambrose Straub!), and quickly escalated to their having constructed the pyramids. Recently, we were told that blacks invented coffee. Now the floodgates are open: blacks invented toilets, circuitry, chairs, traffic lights, cars, and computers:

As her accent suggests, Africans might also have invented the English language. After all, Shakespeare was black — unless you want him to be erased.

On a tip from Soros Backed Animal.

Mar 25 2023

The High Price of Low Bond for Lowlifes

The legal profession is among the many institutions that have been subverted by leftism. The result is a system of justice that produces horrors like this:

Jonathan Welch, the Detroit man who was released on a low bond after being charged with several felonies including torture, has now been charged with a fourth murder that happened prior to his original arrest in June.

This victim was 24-year-old Natayla Morse, whose head Welch allegedly bashed in before stealing her car and setting it on fire. The June arrest was for torturing his ex-girlfriend for 4 hours straight in the presence of their child.

Prosecutors then say 36th District Court Magistrate Dawn White set Welch’s bond at $100,000 / 10 percent cash surety. After posting the $10,000 bond, Welch walked out of jail and a few days later, his ex-girlfriend Zlayiah Frazier was dead.

As could have been predicted.

Prosecutors say Welch barricaded himself in his mom’s Harper Woods home and then shot at police before setting the house on fire. He is also accused of killing his step-dad Robert Bray Jr. and his mother, Flossie Nicole Bray.

These stories make no impression on the bleeding hearts of liberal judges. Remember the Texas mother left paralyzed by a “teen” who body slammed her on the sidewalk? Her attacker’s bond has been cut in half:

Joseph Harrell, 17, was ordered held last week on $200,000 bond following the harrowing, caught-on-camera Feb. 13 attack that left Nhung Truong unable to walk, Fox News reported.

Prosecutors had asked for the $200,000 bond because he had just been released on a $100 bond on Jan. 26 on an unlawful carrying of a weapon charge.

But his court-appointed attorney argued Wednesday to have his bond reduced to $100,000, saying his family could not afford to spring him.

Doctors give Truong a 50% chance of ever walking again. But even the most vicious criminals stand a strong chance of walking with progressives in charge.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Mar 25 2023

Erasure of Donald Trump Is Underway

Donald Trump needn’t worry about the bad press he has gotten from the liberal media. None of it will be remembered. Trump himself won’t be remembered, because he will be erased as surely as Confederate generals (and the Founding Fathers behind them). The process is already underway:

New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman-Sigal introduced legislation Wednesday to change the name of Donald J. Trump State Park, which straddles Westchester and Putnam Counties.

The park was named after Trump for good reason:

The park was established in 2006 when former President Donald Trump donated 436 acres of land to the state.

However, Trump’s name anywhere cannot be tolerated because tolerance:

“New York State has always been known for its history of welcoming and embracing people of all cultures and backgrounds. Even our park system reflects these values,” wrote lawmakers in the bill. “The names of these parks and green spaces should embody the goals of uplifting, and unifying New Yorkers.”

Except for the millions of New Yorkers who disagree with Democrats.

Maybe Trump wouldn’t want his name on this park anyway:

Maintenance at the park was suspended in 2010 due to budget cuts. Since then, the park has remained in a state of disrepair.

As the state decays, New York’s Democrat rulers will shower $10 billion upon illegal aliens in 2023.

Democrats offer totalitarian intolerance, petty vindictiveness, surreal extremes of hypocrisy, and dysfunctional mismanagement. This story showcases all four traits.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 25 2023

Open Thread

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. - Ronald Reagan

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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