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Search: Justin Trudeau

Jul 30 2022

World Economic Forum: No More Private Cars or Phones

Independent transportation is crucial to liberty. That’s why progressives adore public transportation. It is why only Inner Party members will have private cars when the Liberal World Order has finished imposing utopia:

The World Economic Forum is calling for a global transition … away from private ownership of vehicles and other “idle equipment” in order to make a “clean energy revolution” possible.

It would be easy to laugh at the arrogant Dr Evil lookalike Klaus Schwab, except that his sinister WEF increasingly appears to be in the driver’s seat. Consider ostensible world leaders like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Mark Rutte. Which do they seem more responsive to, the needs of their people or the demands of Klaus Schwab?

Even the WEF acknowledges that left-wing “clean energy” fantasies will require more of certain metals than the planet has to offer. This is especially problematic because the WEF disapproves of mining. The solution: you can’t have your own car anymore.

Metals like cobalt, lithium and nickel are used not only in climate cult foolishness like electric cars and wind turbines, but also in phones and computers. So we will have to go without those too.

The [WEF] argues that private ownership of vehicles and electronic devices is wasteful and inefficient.

You will own nothing and you will be happy. Oligarchical collectivists actually mean this. How they plan to force us to be happy is unclear. Maybe Pfizer is working on pharmaceutical lobotomies that can be mandated or put in the drinking water.

On tips from Blackjack, Wiggins, Stormfax, and Mr. Freemarket.

May 02 2022

Censors Turn Attention to Climate Change

Covid restrictions have been devastating for our economy, our health, our sanity, and our freedom. The leftist ruling class sees them as a successful dry run for a permanent lockdown, which will be inflicted in the name of climate change. As with Covid, this will require suppression of free speech, lest people learn that the tyranny is an end itself based upon lies.

We can’t say they didn’t warn us. Squeaked squishy soft Covid tyrant Justin Trudeau last summer, “What we learned from this COVID crisis, we will be applying to the climate crisis…”

Trudeau is far from alone. There has been a concerted attack on free speech as the liberal establishment lays the groundwork for extreme measures.

Obama demanded more censorship shortly before the Biden Regime introduced its new Ministry of Truth. Twitter announced recently that it is banning advertising that does not comply with the global warming hoax.

The Federalist has more:

Google has already banned advertisements that “contradict well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change.” YouTube and Facebook now display Covid-style warning labels and “information panels” next to videos and posts that mention climate change or global warming.

Pinterest has also forbidden questioning of leftist climate dogma.

Facts or opinions that undermine the lie that extreme measures are required to prevent global doom are characterized as “mis-/disinformation,” presumably subject to suppression by the DHS Disinformation Government Board.

Militant climate kooks are loving it:

Michael Khoo serves as “climate disinformation co-chair” at Friends of the Earth. He believes Pinterest has “demonstrated great leadership” and wants other tech platforms to follow suit. “Climate disinformation on digital platforms is a serious threat to the public support needed to solve the climate crisis,” according to Khoo.

The liberal media’s relentless barrage of propaganda won’t be enough. They need to suppress dissent. Otherwise, there won’t be enough public support to impose their agenda.

For the second time in as many years, we’re witnessing a partisan public relations campaign masquerading as objective science. Once again, it involves politicians, Big Tech, and the country’s expert class working in tandem to silence opposing voices by targeting free speech online.

At least Covid came with an expiration date, since pandemics don’t last forever. The advantage of pretending that climate change is a crisis is that the climate will never stop changing.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Apr 18 2022

Black Accused of Wearing Blackface

Unless you are a prominent moonbat like Justin Trudeau or Jimmy Kimmel, wearing blackface is thoughtcrime of the utmost seriousness. Those not punished by cancelation are subjected to pious reprimands of the sort liberals are so eager to inflict that even a black guy can be the target:

[Last] week, an [Arizona State University] instructor, and a librarian, who hold themselves out as being Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) gurus, falsely accused a Black DJ of wearing blackface during a charity event for the Scottsdale Unified school district.

The event had a disco theme. But the costumes didn’t extend to skin color.

Stuart Rhoden and Jill Lassen attacked the Scottsdale Unified School District’s Hopi Elementary PTA for hiring Koko Kim Hunter to host their charity auction.

They denounced Hunter for wearing blackface. He’s black.

The Arizona Library Association describes Jill Lassen as “an ardent community volunteer, activist, and ally to the LGBTQ+ community.” But she wasn’t too woke to wipe the egg off her face and sheepishly apologize.

In contrast, ASU instructor Stuart Rhoden, a member of Scottsdale Unified’s Equity and Inclusion Committee and the Scottsdale Human Relations Commission and a black guy himself, doubled down:

I did not state that the person was White. It was assumed that was my intent, and perhaps it was, but nonetheless, looking on his FB page … it seems at the very least he is in darker make-up if not “Black face” or I am completely mistaken and it’s the lighting of the patio.

A true moonbat never backs down from moonbattery. Once they start admitting to being wrong, their whole ideology will come unraveled.

On tips from Jack D and StephaneDumas.

Mar 07 2022

Capitol Police Declare State of Emergency

As Black Lives Matter goons rioted repeatedly in DC, setting fire to a historic church a block from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and physically menacing a sitting Senator, local authorities established “Black Lives Matter Plaza” and painted “BLACK LIVES MATTER” in bright giant letters stretching for two blocks of Sixteenth Street leading to the White House. In stark contrast, the authorities have reacted to truckers who oppose never-ending Covid tyranny driving around on I-495 outside of town by declaring a state of emergency:

The Capitol Police Board on Sunday issued an emergency declaration as truck drivers protesting COVID-19 policies gather in the D.C. area, according to reports.

As predicted, the response of our leftist rulers to the People’s Convoy is the same as gelatinous tyrant Justin Trudeau’s response to the Freedom Convoy. The public expression of views contrary to those of the liberal establishment is now regarded as an emergency.

This allows for a military response from the National Guard, which is how protests are addressed in banana republic dictatorships.

In February, temporary fencing was put up around the Capitol in response to reports of disruptive truck convoys potentially arriving in Washington to protest COVID-19 restrictions.

At least DC authorities appear to have dropped the strategy of allowing civil disorder to get out of hand, so that they can tearfully exploit it afterward during political theatrical productions.

Hat tip: Pirate’s Cove.

Feb 24 2022

USA to Mirror Freedom Convoy and Its Suppression

Justin Trudeau’s power grab having succeeded to the point of being officially endorsed by Parliament, the world’s softest dictator has relinquished his emergency powers until the next time someone demonstrates against his authoritarian government. Hilariously, he now says Canada will “stand against authoritarianism” in other countries.

Speaking of other countries threatened by authoritarianism, a People’s Convoy has been launched in the Mojave Desert. It is headed to the District of Corruption, inspired by the Canadian Freedom Convoy that was crushed so thuggishly by Trudeau. The leftist response will be the same.

American moonbats approve of Trudeau’s ham-fisted tactics, which included freezing the bank accounts of those suspected of protesting against Covid tyranny:

Democrats overwhelmingly favored Trudeau’s response with 65% approval to 17% disapproval. Republican responses were weighted even more heavily against Trudeau, however, with 87% of likely GOP voters disapproving to just 8% approving. Respondents who said they did not belong to either one of the two main parties cut against Trudeau’s crackdown with 74% disapproving versus 21% approving.

That anyone other than Democrats could approve is a testament to the insidious power of the media.

Elected Dems are eager to implement similar policies. The Obama Regime already used the tactic of going through banks to attack fundamental liberties with Operation Choke Point, whereby the feds attacked our Second Amendment rights by bullying banks for doing business with those who make and sell firearms. Under Biden, these goons are less subtle, and may opt to seize property directly.

Arizona Congresscritter Ruben Gallego may be best known for giving his former wife Kate Gallego (née Widland) a Hispanic name, which helped her become Mayor of Phoenix, but he has bigger ambitions. He wants to replace Kyrsten Sinema in the Senate for not being sufficiently radical. He also wants to confiscate trucks from dissidents:

In light of reports that a convoy could target D.C.’s Capital beltway this week, Gallego, who has served in Congress for more than seven years, suggested seizing the trucks: “Perfect time to impound and give the trucks to small trucking companies looking to expand their business,” Gallego tweeted.

Gallego isn’t bright enough to come up with the idea on his own:

The mayor of Ottawa, Canada has said that he inquired with the city manager about how the trucks towed from the protest could be seized and sold to cover costs incurred in connection with the demonstration.

Not everyone thinks it’s a great idea:

Dana Loesch, responding to Gallego’s suggestion that trucks should be seized, noted that such action is, “Also known as theft.”

Yes, government confiscating property is theft. But these days, that is not a compelling argument against stealing the trucks. As we incrementally succumb to socialism, theft is becoming the basis of our economic system, with the useless federal government blowing through over $6 trillion of our money per year and expanding relentlessly.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, R F, and ABC of the ANC.

Feb 22 2022

Enforcing the Imaginary State of Emergency in Ottawa

As resistance to what Justin Trudeau personifies spreads, let’s not forget the way protesters against senseless Covid tyranny have been treated in Ottawa:

We are all Canadians right now.

Marxist black supremacists can spend a year looting and burning and the authorities will barely lift a finger. But oppose the liberal agenda and they will come down hard. However, the alternative to standing up to them is to subsist as their slaves.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 22 2022

Canadian Tyranny and the World Economic Forum

We know Justin Trudeau is not acting on behalf of Canadians as he prolongs his emergency powers in the name of stamping out resistance to Covid decrees, even as the virus peters out. Is he acting on behalf of the almost cartoonishly sinister globalist Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum? Asking the question is “disinformation,” because leftists don’t want you to know the answer, as Canadian MP Colin Carrie discovered:

The Trudeau Regime acting in concert with power-hungry globalists would explain the mysterious UN planes and reports of brutish foreign “police officers” during the crackdown in Ottawa.

Like Trudeau, WEF openly sees Covid as an opportunity to impose the sort of authoritarianism that the global warming hoax is intended to justify. One of its directors is Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland. In the video below, she elaborates on the tactic of seizing the bank accounts of dissidents, a practice Canada’s rulers intend to make permanent despite the Ottawa protest having been brutally quashed (to the delight of the liberal media):

On tips from Dragon’s Lair, Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.

Feb 22 2022

Ottawa Is Only the Beginning

The showdown in Ottawa seems to be over. Yet metrosexual martinet Justin Trudeau is holding on to his “emergency” powers — and resistance to him and the globalist liberal elite he personifies is spreading:

Meanwhile, south of Canada’s border,

“Freedom Convoy” protesters are expected to congregate in Washington, D.C., this week as U.S. truckers opposed to President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandates seek to emulate their Canadian brethren.

The harder effete tyrants like Trudeau and Biden stomp on the rake, the harder the handle will whack their slack-jawed faces.

Complements of Nick D.

Feb 21 2022

Canadian Police Are Becoming the Bad Guys

Police are only the good guys if the government whose will they enforce is good. In Canada under leftist rule, they are becoming the bad guys, as their response to the Freedom Convoy protest against Covid tyranny has made obvious:

Going out to get a coffee is one of those simple freedoms that people in Ottawa can no longer take for granted:

Under Justin Trudeau, even Dudley Do-Right’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police are now on the side of the baddies:

“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground,” one member of RCMP Musical Ride allegedly wrote. Musical Ride is described as a RCMP group assisting “front-line police operations by building positive relationships, supporting recruiting efforts and promoting the RCMP’s image in communities in Canada.”

Cheering citizens getting trampled won’t help their image much:

“just watched the horse video – that is awesome,” the RCMP Musical Ride member allegedly wrote.

“we should practice that manoeuvre.”

See the supposedly awesome maneuver here. The woman who had been talking about “peace, love, and happiness” was seriously injured but thankfully not killed when she was trampled.

The Mounties aren’t the only ones who have been recruited to enforce Trudeau’s malign will. As the Toronto Sun reports (bold in original),

One of the most far-reaching implications of the Emergencies Act is what it prescribes for the Canadian financial system. According to the government’s new Emergency Economic Measures Order, every single bank, credit union, investment broker and insurance provider in the country has been deputized to figure out if they have a blockader as a client, and to immediately freeze their accounts if so.

As moonbattery rots away national character, authoritarian government rushes to fill the vacuum. The nature of police work changes dramatically, as does the nature of people who want to be police. But then, in a police state, everyone who wants to stay out of prison works for the police.

On tips from Wiggins. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Feb 19 2022

Harsh Regimes Condemn Harsh Regimes Like Canada’s

Having at least temporarily secured dictatorship in the name of the fading Covid virus, Canada’s leftist government can take part in a favorite sport of authoritarian regimes, namely, condemning other regimes for being authoritarian:

This will be especially rich if it turns out that Justin Trudeau really is the offspring of Cuba’s first communist dictator as rumor has it.

Pretty Boy Trudeau’s own excesses have not gone unnoticed by Canada’s peers in the authoritarian regime community:

Unless Parliament can reassert itself and pry Trudeau’s soft hands loose from power, Canada deserves a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council, along with China, Cuba, Somalia, Finland, et cetera.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, DM, Anonymous, and Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 15 2022

Covid Tyranny Escalates to Martial Law in Canada

In the olden days, at least socialist tyrants weren’t repulsively soft, conspicuously weak metrosexuals. There might have been less shame in getting crushed by a strongman like Stalin or Mussolini. But Justin Trudeau is no less a tyrant.

In response to truckers objecting to senseless Covid mandates, Trudeau initially went into hiding. Then he declared martial law:

Trudeau announced the use of the Emergencies Act for the first time in its history on Monday afternoon, stating that the federal government has invoked the act to aid law enforcement to stop border blockades as well as the Freedom Convoy demonstration in downtown Ottawa.

The Emergencies Act replaced the War Measures Act.

The act, which came into law in 1988, allows Trudeau to invoke various measures that could include banning people from gathering in certain areas as well as restricting their travel across the country.

Like a true tyrant, Trudeau has helped himself to the power to freeze the personal accounts of anyone accused of being linked to the protests, without so much as a court order. This will even cover cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding platforms. Insurance policies of truckers are to be suspended.

The Emergencies Act, passed in 1988, requires a high legal bar to be invoked. It may only be used in an “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians”.

However, if power is offered to government, that power will be used — all the more inevitably when people of Justin Trudeau’s caliber are put in positions of authority.

Canada is not yet a police state, because authoritarians have not finished consolidating control. The premiers of Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec oppose the power grab. Ontario’s Doug Ford is a different story; this “Progressive Conservative” had already declared his own state of emergency over anti–Covid tyranny protests.

Even a lefty like Bill Maher can see that Trudeau’s imposition of Covid tyranny is fascistic:

Meanwhile, the liberal media that puts and keeps people like Trudeau (and Biden) in power tells us that freedom is a far-right principle:

It becomes ever more obvious that leftist exploitation of Covid is a more serious problem than Covid itself.

On tips from Anonymous, Blackjack, Mr. Freemarket, and Occam’s Stubble.

Feb 08 2022

Police in a Police State

In a free country, police are generally heroes. In a police state, not so much. Here’s how the police spend their time in Justin Trudeau’s regime of hysterical Covid tyranny:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 29 2022

Pope Francis Continues to Attack Free Speech

Pope Francis, who in the past demanded in the name of God that Big Tech crack down harder on “hate speech” and “conspiracy theories” (i.e., speech disapproved of by his fellow leftists), and who sided with Muslim terrorists against freedom of expression after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, now proclaims that communicating unapproved information relating to Covid constitutes a human rights violation:

Leftism subverts and degrades everything it is allowed to infiltrate. The current Pope is merely another political figure spewing moonbattery, no more a moral leader than Joe Biden or Justin Trudeau. The Church must replace him with someone worthy of the position or its credibility will continue to suffer.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Nov 21 2020

The Great Reset Explained

If you like the idea of unelected elitist moonbats running your life for you, you will love the Great Reset, which is supported by such luminaries as Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Justin Trudeau. Though it sounds like a SPECTRE scheme from a James Bond movie, it is not a conspiracy theory (as confirmed by the New York Times proclaiming that it is), but a general plan to establish global control and thereby enslave and impoverish the human population in the name of global warming, equity, and COVID-19.

James Delingpole is among the first to sound the alarm on this new implementation of totalitarian oligarchical collectivism. He sums it up:

Put simply, it is the blueprint for a complete transformation of the world economy. There will be no money, no private property, no democracy. Instead, every key decision — what you do for a living, how much stuff you consume, whether you can take a vacation — will decided for you by a remote, unaccountable elite of ‘experts’.

Delingpole quotes Justin Trudeau:

“Building Back Better means giving support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs [sustainable development goals]. Canada is here to listen and to help. This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine our economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”

It sounds like the standard vaguely nauseating duckspeak we are used to hearing from liberal politicians. However, Delingpole notes that

there is deeper meaning to the phrases he uses: ‘Building Back Better’; ‘2030 Agenda’; ‘Sustainable Development and the SDGs’; and ‘reset’ are all buzzwords for the complete transformation of the global economy in order to create a New World Order.

We heard the ostensibly meaningless “Build Back Better” slogan from the Harris/Biden campaign.

‘Build Back Better’ is the slogan of the Great Reset and the man who invented it, Klaus Schwab. Schwab … founded what is now known as the World Economic Forum. The WEF holds the annual summit at Davos in Switzerland where, it has been said, ‘billionaires go to lecture millionaires on how ordinary people live.’

Up until recently, Davos has probably seemed like a harmless event: a sort of annual joke in which we all get to laugh at the absurd spectacle of the one percent of the one percent turning up in their private jets and their limousines to expound on the importance of sustainability and saving the planet.

The COVID-19 overreaction — and people’s sheeplike willingness to go along with it — has made the joke less funny. As Schwab gloats, “one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles.”

The changes he has in mind for the near future are more radical still.

By Schwab’s own admission, the world must “act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies” — in short, he says, ever industry must “be transformed… we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

Resetting capitalism means abolishing it — or at the very least subjecting it to rigid bureaucratic control, as in nominally communist China.

As the WEF puts it of the coming technocracy that would rule our lives: “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.”

At least, it could never be better for the liberal ruling class, which will live like Louis XVI while everyone else on the planet is reduced to a lowest common denominator currently on display in the Third World.

Delingpole provides more detail in an interview with Paul Joseph Watson in the video below. It’s a little long but worth watching:

On tips from Kate P, Dragon’s Lair, Stormfax, gregtuco, and KirklesWorth.


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