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Jun 06 2022

Peter Navarro Subjected to Show Arrest

Show trials (e.g., Derek Chauvin) aren’t new. Stalin was famous for them. Democrats have expanded the concept by introducing the show arrest.

Remember the arrest of Roger Stone? The Deep State colluded with CNN so that the nation could see an old man terrorized by the equivalent of SEAL Team 6 in the small hours of the morning for opposing Democrats.

Dems followed that up Friday with the arrest of top Trump advisor Peter Navarro:

Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury and taken into custody for contempt of Congress charges stemming from his shunning of requests from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

As with Stone, simply letting him know through his lawyer that he had to come in would not have made for good theater.

Navarro will not be intimidated into submission easily:

He levied scathing accusations that law enforcement used leg irons and stuck him in a cell when they arrested him when addressing the press outside the courthouse.

Leg irons, basically for complaining about election fraud. Can we call it a banana republic yet?

Adding insult to injury, they threw him in John Hinckley’s cell. Politics is all about symbolism, much of it contrived and mendacious.

The indictment comes on the heels of a lawsuit Navarro filed against the Jan. 6 committee, arguing it is illegitimate due to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appointing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as its top Republican.

When it comes to hyping the January 6 farce into an “insurrection” and weaponizing it against the GOP, Liz Cheney is no more Republican than Adam Kinzinger — or Pelosi herself.

Assistant Democrats Cheney and Kinzinger are the only “Republicans” on the committee. This violates the resolution that created the committee, arguably rendering its subpoenas invalid.

Navarro had other reasons not to comply with the committee’s demands:

“My hands are tied in this matter as the Executive Privilege asserted by President Trump is not my privilege to waive. The Committee has a firm legal obligation to negotiate this matter directly with Trump and his attorneys before attempting to coerce and bully me into cooperating with its highly partisan effort. If the president waives privilege, I will appear,” Navarro said in a statement at the time.

But all things January 6 are about theater, not rule of law.

The Jan. 6 committee is poised to enter a new phase of its inquiry as it prepares to host a series of public hearings over the summer intending to reinvigorate public interest in the Capitol riot.

Just in case there are no more school shootings between now and November to keep the public distracted from what Democrats have been doing to the country.

If convicted, Navarro faces between 30 days and one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000 per charge.

At least we aren’t to the part yet where they just take opponents out and shoot them.

Breitbart notes an interesting coincidence:

The arrest came one day after Navarro appeared on left-wing MSNBC to promise that he would lead efforts to promote the impeachment of President Joe Biden if Republicans take Congress in the midterm elections, which they are expected to do.

Navarro lives right by FBI headquarters. But they followed him to the airport and arrested him there, so that he could be frog-marched in front of the public. What do you expect of a party that gets some of its most enthusiastic backing from Hollywood?

On tips from Blackjack and Bluto.

Jun 06 2022

Open Thread

Strict gun laws are about as effective as strict drug laws...It pains me to say this, but the NRA seems to be right: The cities and states that have the toughest gun laws have the most murder and mayhem. - Mike Royko

Jun 05 2022

Gay Bar Hosts “Drag the Kids to Pride” Event

The campaign to homosexualize children is in the open and in overdrive:

A Texas gay bar hosted a “Drag the Kids to Pride” event where drag queen dancers provocatively gyrated in front of children as young as toddlers.

Mr. Misster, located in downtown Dallas, pitched yesterday’s event as the “ultimate family friendly pride experience.”

Presumably instructed by their woke parents, children obediently handed money to drag queens:

Children also participated more directly:

Notice the giant neon sign reading, “It’s not gonna lick itself.” Another read, “I licked it so it’s mine.” That gives an idea of the environment small children were immersed in.

Although kids were welcome, those in charge were not inclusive enough to let BlazeTV contributor Alex Stein in the door:

Stein wonders why the Dallas police didn’t do anything about 7-year-olds being groomed in a bar where you are supposed to be 21 to enter. We learned the answer during the Black Lives Matter riots: laws do not apply to identity groups favored by liberals.

It’s not as if the cops weren’t there. They were present to keep Christians in line:

Twitchy notes that this event was hardly unique:

If you want to know just how ingrained drag has become in children’s events, Libs of TikTok put together a mega-thread the other day listing activities for kids, and then followed up with even more events.

The emphasis on corrupting children confirms that the LGBT agenda is not only insane and disgusting, but evil.

On a tip from DCGere.

Jun 05 2022

Diesel Exhaust Fluid Shortage Could Cripple Trucking

Combining green authoritarianism with reliance on our communist Chinese enemies has inevitably resulted in shortages. Now we are running out of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF). This could have a crippling effect on the transportation required to keep civilization running.

From American Thinker:

DEF is an emissions control liquid required by the EPA in diesel engines manufactured after 2010 as an “aftertreatment technology” to reduce vehicle emissions. This additive is required for most modern diesel truck fleets. … Truckers are now reporting increasing DEF shortages around the nation.

It is easy for the EPA to declare mandates. Complying with them is more difficult, especially with the ChiComs cutting back on DEF production.

Guttman Energy provides details:

China is the number 1 manufacturer of DEF globally. Urea is the main component of DEF, but it’s primary use is fertilizer in farming. China’s increased demand for urea in farming caused it to cut production of DEF fluid.

The mandate for DEF began in 2010, so the average age of vehicles on the road utilizing the commodity is growing. The older vehicles are less efficient at burning fuel and therefore require more DEF. More and more vehicles that are lawfully required to use DEF continue to hit the market with no more manufacturing taking place in the DEF supply chain. In short, we have a growing demand and no new supply. …

All diesel-powered trucks since 2010 require DEF to run. If the trucks DEF tank runs empty, the truck will shut down and not run, meaning millions of commercial transportation trucks could be sidelined at the height of the trucking industry need.

As with inflation, energy shortages, possible food shortages, the open border, et cetera, the Biden Regime has no evident intention of addressing the growing crisis. Maybe the Transportation Secretary will get around to blaming it on Covid next time he takes a break from canoodling with his gay lover.

Human urine contains urea. But getting it from our bladders into trucks while we still have a pot to piss in would be a challenge beyond Biden et al.’s capacity.

That’s what we get for becoming so dependent on the ChiComs. Talk about a yellow peril.

It is also what we get for letting bureauweenies piss away our economic future in the name of environmentalist ideology.

On a tip from Angel.

Jun 05 2022

Dem Reps Embrace Radical Authoritarianism

Democrats’ ideology is radical; they intend to impose it by force. Their eagerness to exploit Uvalde has caused the mask to slip, revealing something monstrous.

While demagoguing on behalf of firearm confiscation in violation of the Second and Fifth Amendments on Thursday, Rep David Cicilline (D-RI) shouted, “Spare me the bullsh*t about constitutional rights.”

Sorry about the language; these people are literally obscene:

Cicilline is no outlier. Rather than stand back in horror, other liberal establishmentarians have embraced him:

Dems and leftists on Twitter amplified and cheered Cicilline’s outburst while MSNBC host and NBC News contributor Katie Phang tweeted a video of the rant, saying “This is EXACTLY the kind of messaging Democrats need.”

The radicalism goes beyond rhetoric. Members of Congress name the steps they will take to impose authoritarianism:

A Democratic lawmaker on the House Judiciary Committee casually threatened to blow up the Senate filibuster and pack the U.S. Supreme Court to confiscate guns during markup on a series of gun control proposals Thursday.

“Enough of your thoughts and prayers, enough,” committee member Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) said, pounding the table during debate on the gun control package. …

“If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.”

The plan is to abolish our system of government by packing the Supreme Court with Merrick Garland types, thereby reducing it to a rubber stamp for the Democratic Party. You can’t say they haven’t warned us (see here, here, here, and here).

Giving power to thugs like this cannot end well:

This mentality goes all the way up to the figurehead atop the Party of Government:

Jones bellows that Democrats “will do whatever it takes to end gun violence.” Starting another civil war will have a different effect — and that’s where this is heading.

Americans will not allow themselves to be disarmed by the likes of Cicilline, Jones, and Biden without putting up a fight. Too many people are aware of what happened after similar people disarmed the populations of Germany, Russia, and China in the 20th century.

On tips from Rapinhoe and Varla.

Jun 05 2022

Open Thread

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property... Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. - Thomas Paine

Jun 04 2022

Google’s Doodle Tells Us to Revere Kiyoshi Kuromiya

Once again, Google rams moonbattery down the Internet’s throat with its doodle for the day:

As liberals systematically cancel our national heroes (Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, et al.), they are to be replaced by new ones, like Kiyoshi Kuromiya.

Who was he? Let’s let liberals describe his significance. From way-left Wikipedia:

[C]ivil rights, anti-war, gay liberation, and HIV/AIDS activist … Kiyoshi Kuromiya was born on May 9, 1943, in Wyoming at the Heart Mountain Concentration Camp…

Note the capitalization, as if FDR’s wartime internment camps literally called themselves concentration camps. The actual name of the place was the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. The purpose of this subtle lie is to equate America with Nazi Germany and the USSR, which had proper concentration camps where people tended not to survive for long. Kuromiya was destined for wokeness, born oppressed by America’s horrific iniquity…

Back to Wikipedia’s hagiography:

Kuromiya came out as gay to his parents when he was roughly 8 or 9 years old living in California and says that he was fairly sexually active.

Mozart started composing at age 4 and performing publicly at age 6. Moonbats answer that with Kuromiya, allegedly active in sexual perversion at age 8.

Here I was thinking that LGBT children existed only in the fetid imaginations of leftists. Given the current emphasis on homosexualizing children, it is no wonder Google wants Kuromiya in the spotlight.

Kuromiya was even arrested precociously, confirming that he was born to be righteously oppressed:

He was arrested in a public park with a 16-year-old boy when he was only 9 or 10 for lewdness and was put in juvenile hall for three days as punishment.

Kuromiya got to attend an Ivy League school on a scholarship. This did not produce notable gratitude.

Kuromiya’s increased involvement in [leftist politics] during the early 1960s stemmed largely from his sexual orientation and his feeling that the University of Pennsylvania was very closeted.

Highlights of his résumé:

In 1965 Kuromiya and other activists took over Independence Hall in Philadelphia…

On October 20 and 21, 1967, Kuromiya joined a large demonstration organized by Abbie Hoffman that attempted to levitate the Pentagon building by joining hands around it in a performance art protest. When the levitation failed, Kiyoshi joined other protesters in taking police barricades to make bonfires all the way around the length of the Pentagon. …

Kuromiya co-founded the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in 1969 following the Stonewall riots in 1969 with Basil O’Brien, who he met later while attending a Homophile Action League meeting in Philadelphia. … [T]he GLF was more radical than some of its peer organizations that formed after Stonewall. Under Kuromiya’s leadership, the GLF recruited a diverse array of people and stood in solidarity with groups such as the Black Panther Party…

After being diagnosed with AIDS himself in 1989, Kuromiya only intensified his advocacy work.

If you don’t want to live in a society where heroes have been replaced by moonbats like Kiyoshi Kuromiya, push back against Google, Wikipedia, and the rest of the liberal establishment with everything you have.

On a tip from Roger in California.

Jun 04 2022

Fatherly: Bring Children to LGBT Events

Now matter how extreme it has already become, progressivism must progress. The next step beyond sexually corrupting small children, deliberately deranging their minds so as to groom them for deviant sexual purposes, is to openly admit they are doing it.

Liberals essentially reached that point by opposing the Florida law that prevents teachers from indoctrinating kindergarten through third-grade students with perverse sexual ideology in the classroom. They aren’t backing down:

The Experts on parenting have spoken.

By now everyone is familiar with the freakish and obscene exhibitionism that characterizes “gay pride” events. No decent person would want children exposed to them. But decent people don’t have much say among the liberal establishment.

Jesse James is wise to advise investing in millstones.

Jun 04 2022

Arizona Guilty Plea Supports 2000 Mules

Democrats and their allies have attempted to discredit the explosive revelations in Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules. But even given leftists’ overwhelming institutional power, the truth will out. Despite the conspicuous absence of a proper investigation, you can’t pay large numbers of people to stuff drop boxes with illegitimate ballots without some of them eventually admitting it:

An Arizona woman accused of illegally collecting early ballots in the 2020 primary election pleaded guilty Thursday in an agreement with state prosecutors…

Guillermina Fuentes, 66, could get probation for running what Arizona attorney general’s office investigators said was a sophisticated operation using her status as a well-known Democratic operative in the border city of San Luis to persuade voters to let her gather and in some cases fill out their ballots.

Do even Democrats think a legitimate election is run like this?

Prosecutors were apparently unable to prove the most serious charges, dropping three felony counts alleging that Fuentes filled out one voter’s ballot and forged signatures on some of the four ballots she illegally returned for people who were not family members.

But that is apparently what happened — if not in this case, in many others. See 2000 Mules for details. For further details, see that Republicans take control of the executive branch so that the Justice Department can give election fraud the attention it deserves.

Attorney general’s office investigator William Kluth wrote in one report that there was some evidence suggesting Fuentes actively canvassed San Luis neighborhoods and collected ballots, in some cases paying for them.

Democrats incessantly squawk that anything they don’t like is “a threat to our democracy.” As a Founding Father of progressivism allegedly advised, “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

Fuentes, a former San Luis mayor who serves as an elected board member of the Gadsden Elementary School District in San Luis, could be sentenced to up to two years in prison, but that would require a judge to find aggravating circumstances. The plea agreement leaves the actual sentence up to a judge, who could give her probation, home confinement and a hefty fine for her admission to illegally collecting and returning four voted ballots.

More than a wrist slap would come as a surprise.

Arizona is one of the handful of states that Biden supposedly won by a narrow margin, allowing his radical handlers to take power. As in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, it is likely that Trump would have prevailed if not for election fraud.

A heroic gun-owning woman saving people’s lives from a maniac was of little interest to the media. Expect this story to be similarly ignored.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla. Hat tip: American Thinker.

Jun 04 2022

Open Thread

Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? - Patrick Henry

Jun 03 2022

Let Them Eat Grass

Usually while pretending that they can control the weather, our technocratic globalist overlords demand that we eat anything other than a normal human diet: bugs, larvae, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, and even lentils. Now they want us to eat grass:

Researchers say grass could be a ‘silver bullet’ for UK food supplies, increasing production by up to 50pc and making Britain a net food exporter.

No doubt this will be seized upon by the social engineers who tell us that eating meat makes it be too hot outside.

A £2m project, run by the University of Bath and Harper Adams University, is developing technology to turn grass into edible proteins, oils, fibre, vitamins and minerals by breaking down the structure of the grass, and later feeding yeast onto the grass.

Sharing a grass diet with cows would be appropriate, considering that our rulers herd us like cattle, and that the level of witlessness required to take the global warming hoax at face value is downright bovine.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jun 03 2022

Masks Are “a Matter of Principle of Where the Authority Lies”

As some suspected from early on, Covid muzzles are not so much for our health as to obliterate our individuality and to force us to signal submission to leftist technocrats — speaking of whom, top technocrat Anthony Fauci has made a rare positive contribution to society by admitting it.

Earlier in the week, the Justice Department asked an appeals court to overturn a federal judge’s order that mask mandates were unlawful.

The next pandemic is sure to arrive before these martinets knock it off with the masks.

Honks Fauci:

“[I]t’s less about mandates on the plane than it is about who has the right and the authority and the capability of making public health decisions. …

“So it’s more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies than it is about whether or not there’s gonna be a mandate on a plane or not.”

There you have it. It doesn’t matter whether people are forced to suffocate. What matters is to show who’s boss.

Too bad their primary concern is not our health. Then people would not be compelled to wear the unhealthy masks.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 03 2022

Gun Story Contradicts Liberal Narrative

If the American media were American — that is, if it were pro-liberty, instead of anti-liberty — the gun stories it features would affirm American values, rather than attack them. Stories like this would not slip past without notice:

A woman with a concealed handgun stopped a mass shooting [last] week after a man attacked a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia.

“Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston,” location Fox 11 reported about the incident. “Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party. Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed.”

Maniacs are advised to restrict their shooting sprees to areas where law-abiding citizens are less likely to be armed.

This strikes a remarkable contrast with the cowardice displayed by authorities in Uvalde and Parkland:

Police described the woman as “running toward the threat,” saving lives.

According to Police Chief Tyke Hunt, Butler was in possession of his weapon illegally — unlike the woman who stopped him from killing any number of people.

Meanwhile, Biden and the Democrats have launched a new jihad to prevent us from defending ourselves — and each other.

If you are just now hearing about this woman’s admirable display of American spirit, it is because the story does not advance the liberal agenda.

On a tip from jas_1985.

Jun 03 2022

Taxpayers Fund Satanist Gay Incest Porn Drag Queen

Government exists to secure our rights. Instead, it attacks our rights, confiscates our money, and spends it poisoning our culture with a social engineering agenda best described as satanic:

Taxpayer dollars have been allocated to help fund an event that will be hosted by a satanist drag queen who stars in gay incest pornography.

The event is called “East Central Minnesota Pride” and has been hailed by mainstream media outlets like PBS as an important fixture of Minnesota’s rural LGBTQ community. It has been held for 17 years and boasts sponsors like the state-supported East Central Regional Arts Council and the government-run Legacy Amendment.

Not even rural America is safe from systematic corruption. Decency is to be eradicated from every corner of the country.

The thoroughly subverted corporate sector plays its part…

Minnesota-based companies like Target and Waste Management are also listed as sponsors.

…but as with PBS, part of the funding is on a coercive basis:

“This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund,” a flyer for the event states.

If the Founding Fathers had known that one day Americans would tolerate having their wealth appropriated to fund satanist drag queens, they might not have bothered creating the country.

Host of the event is a guy who calls himself Martina Marraccino when flouncing around as a drag queen, Adam Divine when expressing leftist sexuality in porno movies. These have featured scenes and themes too obscene to describe in detail here. Incest is involved. Alpha News has more detail for those who can stomach a closer look at the culture of our ruling class.

Marraccino has even confirmed to local media that he feels there should be no stigma around gay incest porn…

Stigma is bad, according to liberal ideology. Even sex criminals and pedophiles are to be destigmatized. Only by erasing the concept of shame can they normalize their depravity.

Marraccino/Divine has a spiritual side:

The porn star turned emcee’s involvement with satanism goes beyond the titles of his fetish videos. For his birthday one year, he asked his Facebook followers to donate to the Satanic Temple in his name. “Hail Satan,” one of his posts reads.

The embrace of satanism is consistent with the liberal agenda, as the abortion issue has made obvious. Expect it to become ever more fashionable.

Bloomington [Minnesota] decided to prevent Marraccino from hosting a “story hour and show” for children last summer after organizers of a pride fest wanted the pornographer to star in the lineup of their “all ages” celebration. Despite this, he was still present at the event.

That’s as close to pushback as we have seen so far.

This is not American culture. But it is Democrat culture — which means it will be American culture if Democrats prevail.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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