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Search: Patrisse Cullors

Apr 15 2022

Patrisse Cullors Is Triggered by Tax Forms

Race hate grifter Patrisse Cullors, cofounder of Black Lives Matter, has been getting uncomfortable questions about what happened to the tens of $millions virtue-signaling fools gave to her organization while it was burning and pillaging American cities during what the complicit media called “mostly peaceful protests.” She has responded exactly as you would expect — by wielding the “I’m a victim” cudgel:

The embattled activist, who is facing renewed criticism following reports BLM Global Network Foundation, while under her control, purchased a $6 million Los Angeles mansion, said she gets triggered whenever she hears the term IRS Form 990, the document charities are required to file to the public every year disclosing their financial activities.

As noted previously, Cullors evidently spent some of the money on her own luxurious homes. After she stepped down, leaving no one in charge, most of the fortune that liberals had shoveled at Black Lives Matter vanished.

“This doesn’t seem safe for us, this 990 structure — this nonprofit system structure,” Cullors said. “This is, like, deeply unsafe. This is being literally weaponized against us, against the people we work with.”

A self-described Marxist who was instrumental in setting off many hundreds of declared riots feels unsafe because laws against fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion may apply even to a sacred Person of Oppressedness. The heart bleeds.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 28 2021

Patrisse Cullors Was Living Large Before George Floyd

Self-avowed “trained Marxist” and Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors was living large even before $millions poured in during the George Floyd riots. She had already been milking oppression for a pretty penny with a racket called Reform LA Jails, which promotes itself as “powered by Black Lives Matter” and which boasts endorsements from such stars of the liberal firmament as Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Ilhan Omar, and Maxine Waters.

Daily Caller reports:

A Los Angeles-based jail reform group led by BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors spent nearly $26,000 for “meetings” at a luxury Malibu beach resort in 2019, according to campaign finance records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. …

Guests at the 200-acre resort, where rooms start at $600 a night, have exclusive access to a private five-acre strip of the Malibu coast.

It’s high times all around at Reform LA Jails.

A review of Reform LA Jails’ social media records shows that the group organized multiple events in the Los Angeles area in the second half of 2019, including a party at actress Jane Fonda’s house and a “day party + summit” in Pasadena featuring live music and local artists.

Friends of Cullors make out well too, like her mentor and coauthor of her autobiography, Asha Bandele.

Bandele raked in nearly $260,000 in consulting fees from Reform LA Jails in 2019, representing over 18% of the group’s total spending that year, according to campaign finance records.

That’s even more than Patrisse herself.

Cullors also took in $191,000 in 2019 from Reform LA Jails in 2019, the DCNF previously reported.

You can see why they pretend there is still such a thing as black oppression, even in the country where blacks live better than anywhere else on earth. The charade pays off big time.

Reform LA Jails issued a statement declaring that it is “sexist and racist” to question the mountains of cash Cullors has been raking in.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 10 2021

Lifestyles of the Rich and Marxist: Patrisse Cullors

Maybe you can make a good living with a major in moonbattery after all. Patrisse Cullors describes herself as a “trained Marxist.” As a founder of Black Lives Matter, she has played a key role in turning the country against itself, driving crime into the stratosphere by hamstringing the police, causing $billions in riot damages, and destroying innumerable lives. It has all worked out fine for Patrisse:

A secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.’s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon was recently sold for a tad more than $1.4 million to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37-year-old social justice visionary and co-founder of the galvanizing and, for some, controversial Black Lives Matter movement.

Kahn-Cullors, a UCLA and USC graduate married [sic] about five years ago to social activist (and amateur boxer) Janaya Khan, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, created the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag in 2013 in response to George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin.

The cancer continued to grow throughout the Obama years, then exploded as the media falsely portrayed career criminal George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose as racist oppression.

Janaya Khan is more or less female. A major item on the BLM agenda is the destruction of the family through “radical social intervention.”

Interior spaces feature bamboo floors and, in the spacious open-plan living room, dining area and kitchen, vaulted ceilings clad in knotty pine. A whitewashed raised hearth brick fireplace anchors the living room and numerous skylights baths the cavernous space with natural light.

It looks like a nice place. Fans of real estate porn might want to check out the pictures.

Despite the pricey feeling of seclusion, it’s a short drive from glamorous Malibu. The population of Topanga is 1.4% black, placing her black supremacist rhetoric in perspective.

Given the massive donations pouring in from “virtue”-signaling corporations and left-wing fools, I doubt this will serve as her primary residence. Marxist leaders can’t be expected to limit themselves to a single house. Ask Bernie Sanders.

On tips from Henry, ABC of the ANC, and Stormfax.

Apr 18 2021

Why Patrisse Cullor’s Spending Binge Is Not a Betrayal

The luxurious lifestyle of Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors is not a violation of her principles, considering that Marxism takes a back seat to black supremacism in the BLM ideology that has been imposed on the broader culture through intimidation and mob rule. She is black; her relatives are black. That means her extravagant indulgences benefit blacks and are therefore good. Patrisse makes the case:

Let me add in her defense that she did not cheat the corporations and individual moonbats who have donated many $millions to the Black Lives Matter cause. They all got what they wanted for the money: to signal what liberals consider “virtue” by siding with a demonic mob against civilization.

Spinning her plutocratic excesses as support for her family is particularly rich considering that the destruction of the nuclear family was listed prominently as an objective of Black Lives Matter, until this was deprioritized for public relations purposes. In this area, Cullors actually practices what she preaches; she helps to disrupt the concept of family be being “married” to another lesbian.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 22 2024

RFK Jr Offers Blacks $5 Billion to Vote for Him

Biden has taken the Cultural Marxist strategy of stoking black resentment and then pandering to it to such pernicious extremes that even some liberals are disgusted. Yet he can hardly keep ahead of Robert F. Kennedy Jr:

In a recent episode of his podcast, which featured John Boyd Jr., the founder of the National Black Farmers Association, RFK Jr. vowed to give black farmers $5 billion in reparations should he win the 2024 presidential election.

According to the Democrat brand of race-based Marxism, other people’s property belongs to those of preferred pigmentation because “discrimination.” You might as well vote for Patrisse Cullors for POTUS.

It isn’t just RFK Jr.:

Interestingly, his proposal was part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, aka the COVID-19 Stimulus Package, which a court reportedly struck down as unconstitutional when white farmers pushed back.

Biden has been proving that it doesn’t matter what courts rule unconstitutional by continuing to force us to pay off $billions of other people’s student loans.

More potentially pricey pandering from RFK Jr:

The candidate also promises “increased access to investment capital for a robust, self-sustaining Black business infrastructure,” along with “low interest microloans to invest in approved business plans with flexible repayment terms.” He also vows to “push to make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and move to cancel student debt.” On criminal justice, RFK Jr. promises to “expand reintroduction to the community for non-violent offenders.”

More free money for being black and more criminal scumbags unleashed on the public are not a recipe for a healthier country.

No wonder the Biden Regime has denied RFK Jr Secret Service protection. His pressure from the left will draw Creepy Joe’s handlers ever deeper into the moonbat fever swamps of the Democrat base, alienating all reasonable Americans. Drawing votes from Trump becomes less likely every time RFK Jr. opens his mouth.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and WDS 2.0.

Jan 31 2022

Black Lives Matter: Where Is It? Where Did the Money Go?

As it looted stores, burned neighborhoods, and destroyed statues of our national heroes, Black Lives Matter soaked up tens of $millions from woke corporations and liberal dupes. The fools who flung cash at self-described Marxists like highliving Patrisse Cullors never asked where the money was going, despite BLM being a shadowy organization that does not even have a known central location:

The nonprofit organization listed a nonexistent address on its 2019 IRS 990 form, and a visit to the similarly named address listed on a credit monitoring report (which has the same street number but a different spelling for the street and the wrong ZIP code) came up empty.

BLM’s lack of address came to light while the Washington Examiner was trying to obtain the organization’s tax returns for 2020. It was eventually told that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation does “not maintain a permanent office.”

At least some of the money has been tracked down. Maybe BLM will open a main office in Toronto:

Canadian Black Lives Matter activists are furious over the group’s recent $8.1 million cash purchase of a mansion in downtown Toronto that once served as the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada.

The U.S. charity that serves as the face of the BLM movement provided the bulk of the funding for the purchase of the 10,000-square-foot property in July.

Instead of answering the questions of volunteer activists, BLM Canada tried to get them to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

Meanwhile, board members decline to say who controls BLM’s $60 million bankroll:

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors appointed two activists [Makani Themba and Monifa Bandele] to serve as the group’s senior directors following her resignation in May amid scrutiny over her personal finances. But both quietly announced in September that they never took the jobs due to disagreements with BLM. They told the Washington Examiner they don’t know who now leads the nation’s most influential social justice organization. …

And neither would say who served on the council. …

The two remaining BLM board members, Shalomyah Bowers and Raymond Howard, did not return numerous requests for comment asking who has been in charge of BLM and its money since Cullors left the charity in May.

Bowers appears to be an experienced social justice grifter:

Bowers served as the treasurer for multiple activist organizations run by Cullors, including BLM PAC and a Los Angeles-based jail reform group that paid Cullors $20,000 a month and dropped nearly $26,000 for “meetings” at a luxury Malibu beach resort in 2019.

CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron describes Black Lives Matter:

“Like a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction.”

Good thing BLM isn’t a Tea Party organization. The IRS would be up their colon with klieg lights. But investigating black supremacists would be racist. Besides, BLM and the Democratic Party are on the same side.

As for the many $millions in donations that have gone up in smoke, the donors got what they paid for: the smug sensation of self-righteousness that lifts liberals into a state of euphoria whenever they help to destroy their own country.

Let’s hope the money all goes to mansions and does not actively promote BLM’s agenda, the way George Soros’s money does when he buys district attorney positions for leftist maniacs who side with criminals against their victims (e.g., Alvin Bragg [Manhattan], George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore]).

On tips from R F, ABC of the ANC, and Bluto.

Jun 01 2021

St Paul BLM Founder Rashad Turner Quits in Disgust

Black Lives Matter is not about valuing black lives; it is about exploiting them to impose left-wing radicalism. Given that it attacks police on behalf of criminals, and that crime is vastly more of a threat to black lives than the police, this would seem to be obvious. But in the frenzy of malicious propaganda the media has generated over the past year, some good people have been caught up in the movement, despite its emphasis on looting and lawlessness. However, they are waking up. Rashad Turner is a case in point.

Turner founded the BLM chapter in St Paul. In contrast to Saint George Floyd of neighboring Minneapolis, he is not a lowlife criminal, but a responsible person who pursued education to pull himself out of poverty.

The willingness of BLM maniacs to side with the nefarious teachers’ unions that keep blacks mired in ignorance and misery may have been the deal-breaker for Turner. As he explains in the video below,

“I learned they have little concern for rebuilding black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis. That was made clear when they publicly denounced charter schools, alongside the teachers’ union. I was an insider in Black Lives Matter, and I learned the ugly truth. The moratorium on charter schools does not support rebuilding the black family, but it does create barriers to a better education for black children.”

Now instead of unwittingly helping to exploit blacks, Turner is working constructively to make their lives better by heading the Minnesota Parent Union. The objective is to get kids out of failing schools so as to provide the opportunities the leftists running teachers’ unions have denied them.

Turner’s is an inspiring story of redemption through countermoonbattery:

He is hardly the only black who does not back Black Lives Matter. The Blaze reports:

Samaria Rice — the mother of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old boy fatally shot by Cleveland police in 2014 — accused BLM of exploiting black deaths, the New York Post reported.

“They are benefiting off the blood of our loved ones, and they won’t even talk to us,” Rice said.

Meanwhile, Tamika Palmer, the mother of Breonna Taylor, blasted the Louisville chapter of BLM in April and called it a “fraud.”

Self-styled “trained Marxist” Patrisse Cullors, who only last Thursday stepped down as BLM executive director, could not be reached for comment; presumably she is holed up in one of the numerous pricey properties she has purchased recently with proceeds from the fraud.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but even with the liberal media establishment’s dogged propaganda support, Black Lives Matter will soon comprise only the swindlers and sociopaths who belong in it.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, ABC of the ANC, Chuck A, and SafeSpace47. Hat tip: Summit News.

May 25 2021

Why BLM Founder Always Wanted to Fight the Police

During a speech at King’s College London back in 2015, well-to-do Marxist Patrisse Cullors, cofounder of Black Lives Matter, explained the reason she has always wanted to fight the police who make it possible for her to own so much property without being killed for it. While reminiscing about joining a radical organization at age 17, she revealed that the police are terrorists.

Via The National Pulse:

“I remember the first thing I said to the organization was ‘do you fight police?’ That’s what I wanted to do. I always knew I wanted to fight police. They were the single most, sort of, terrorist organization in my life, and I wanted to know how to fight them.”

Speaking of terrorists, Patrisse went on to crow:

“One of the biggest things I learned about Ferguson is it does not take 2,000 people to shut sh[**] down. Five people can shut a freeway down. We did it in Los Angeles. 10 people can shut a Walmart down. We did it in Ferguson.”

The year before, Ferguson had been the site of riots in the name of a sociopathic thug who died while trying to murder police officer Darren Wilson. There is a word for using violence to “shut sh** down” to achieve political objectives; that word is “terrorism.”

The bad guys have marched through the institutions and now control the levers of power. That’s why everything is upside down, so that criminals are worshiped, heroes are demonized, speech is violence, violence is speech, information is disinformation, propagandists are journalists, terrorists are peaceful protesters, and police are terrorists. If it comes from anyone who enjoys the support of the liberal establishment, it is not merely a lie but the diametric opposite of the truth.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 20 2021

Babylon Bee CEO Threatened With Instagram Ban Hammer

It doesn’t take much for Big Tech to take out the ban hammer — especially when it comes to sources of information and opinion that pose an ideological threat to the liberal establishment. The Babylon Bee hits progressives where they are most vulnerable by laughing at their absurdity. That puts CEO Seth Dillon in the crosshairs:

Pointing out that it is nuts to walk around outside wearing a Covid mask now warrants cancelation.

Depending on your perceived threat level, you might also get hit with the ban hammer for noticing that Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors has been spending her ill-gotten fortunes on pricey real estate (see here, here, and here). Via Jonathan Turley:

The professed Marxist received considerable criticism for the purchase, including from Jason Whitlock, an African-America sports critic who has also been a critic of BLM. When Whitlock called out Khan-Cullors, Twitter promptly censored the tweet — leaving a notice that it was “no longer available.”

Good thing Dillon is on Gab and Parler. His Twitter account might be shut down at any time.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 12 2021

Pretext Found to Riot in Minneapolis

Knowing that civilization will barely lift a finger to defend itself, mostly peaceful protesters enjoy rioting so much that they couldn’t wait for a verdict in the Derek Chauvin case. Or maybe they have enough contempt for the country they are destroying to think Chauvin will be found guilty despite his apparent innocence, which would obviate their pretext for unrest. The convenient thing about race riots in a society poisoned by critical race theory is that you can always find another pretext. Just wait for someone with the correct pigmentation to die during a confrontation with law enforcement and voilà:

The Minneapolis area erupted in looting and riots late Sunday after an unidentified officer fatally shot [Daunte] Wright during a traffic stop just 10 miles from where Chauvin had [liberal deity George] Floyd pinned to the pavement last May.

The liberal establishment’s enthusiastic support for the race riots that followed Floyd’s probable fentanyl overdose guaranteed that explosions of indiscriminate urban violence will be a regular feature of American life for the foreseeable future.

About 500 people had gathered overnight outside of a police precinct in the city and clashed with officers.

Details of what actually happened to Wright are still unclear.

Brooklyn Center Police said that officers had stopped an individual shortly before 2 p.m. Sunday. After determining the driver had an outstanding warrant, police tried to arrest him. But the driver reentered the vehicle and drove away, police said. An officer fired at the vehicle, striking the driver. Police said the vehicle traveled several blocks before crashing into another vehicle.

Apparently, the officer meant to use a Taser, but in the heat of the moment accidentally fired a handgun instead.

If the media didn’t encourage Criminals of Color to resist arrest, Wright might still be alive.

Minnesota Department of Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington detailed how demonstrators gathered shortly after the shooting and crash, with some jumping on top of police cars and confronting officers. Marchers also descended upon the Brooklyn Center Police Department building where rocks and other objects were thrown at officers, he said.

A thrown rock is a lethal weapon. If police were to defend themselves appropriately, this nonsense would end quickly. But that is not an option, because the media wouldn’t like it.

Harrington added that about 20 businesses had been broken into at the city’s Shingle Creek shopping center. …

The Brooklyn Center Walmart was targeted by looters who also completely destroyed a nearby Foot Locker, T Mobile and a New York men’s clothing store. Looting spilled over into north and south Minneapolis late Sunday into Monday morning as stores in Uptown and along Lake Street were also broken into and emptied.

This would qualify as social justice, on the grounds that it is shop-owners’ fault that Criminals of Color sometimes get themselves killed while resisting arrest.

Watch the deliberately engineered collapse of civilization into savagery unfold:

Liberals must be rubbing their hands in glee as they anticipate how they will exploit the violence they aid and abet to advance gun control:

A police headquarters in another neighboring city of Brooklyn Park was “shot up” around 8 p.m. Sunday, Fox 9 Minneapolis reported. Multiple rounds were fired through the building’s glass front doors with some shots reaching the lobby.

So long as the ruling class glorifies criminals and eggs on race riots, we will get more of them. Reward bad people the way Patrisse Cullors has been rewarded and ever worse behavior is guaranteed.

The situation will continue to deteriorate until one of two things happens: (1) America succumbs to liberalism and is destroyed; or (2) Americans reject liberalism and push back hard enough to reestablish sanity.

If Option #1 is chosen, this video of mostly peaceful protesters looting what appears to be a Nike store will serve as the USA’s epitaph:

This is particularly emblematic because Nike helped the Black Lives Matter cancer metastasize by making Colin Kaepernick — a bench-warming athlete who had reinvented himself as an anti-police, anti-American, black supremacist activist — into the public face of the corporation.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 11 2021

Black Lives Matter Founder on Luxury Housing Buying Binge

It didn’t seem likely that self-described Marxist Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors would settle for her pricey new home near Malibu as her primary residence. Sure enough:

As [riots] broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter, the group’s co-founder went on a real estate-buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records.

Bernie Sanders, eat your heart out.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, The Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent. …

“People who buy at the Albany are buying their fourth or fifth home,” said a resort worker who did not want to be identified. “This is not a second-home residence. It’s extremely high-end, and people are coming here for complete and total privacy.”

All that money woke corporations ostentatiously shovel at Black Lives Matter had to go somewhere. It certainly isn’t going to improve the lives of black people — with the exception of the ones running the scam.

It used to be that you got rich in this country by making things. Now, you get rich by breaking things.

In addition to the generous cut she presumably receives from BLM donations, Cullors has capitalized on her divisive moonbattery with the book When They Call You a Terrorist. Also,

In October, the activist signed “a multi-platform” deal with Warner Bros. Television Group to help produce content for “black voices who have been historically marginalized,” she said in a statement.

Poor marginalized Patrisse. The heart bleeds.

It’s also not clear how much Khan-Cullors makes in salary as one of the leaders of the movement, since its finances are split among both non-profit and for-profit entities and difficult to trace.

If she is smart enough to muddy the finances, no doubt she takes care not to buy properties in the sort of neighborhoods her followers burn down.

On tips from Henry, ABC of the ANC, and Bluto.

Oct 05 2020

Black Lives Matter Ties to Communism, Terrorism

Considering the violent tactics and demented rhetoric associated with Black Lives Matter, it should surprise no one that its founders Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opel Tometi are associated with more conventional communists and terrorists.

Most are familiar with Cullors’ self-description as a trained Marxist. But there’s more:

Tometi and Garza are involved with a German revolutionary organization called Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung, which was established by former East German communist leaders to build a new wave of international socialist revolutions.

Patrisse Cullors was mentored by Maoist communist Eric Mann of the infamous Weathermen terrorists and the League of Revolutionary Struggle. All three confounders are connected with the socialist organization Liberation Road. Other connections link them with the Chinese communist government and the terror-prone Palestinian revolutionary movement.

This video from Choose Freedom offers an overview:

True enough, when cowards, fools, and moonbats kneel to Black Lives Matter, they are kneeling to communism and terrorism. Our country is under attack by unadulterated evil.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Sep 15 2020

George Soros: America’s Worst Enemy?

It feels paranoid, blaming much of America’s decline on a single wicked person. But if any single person could inflict serious damage on this country, it would be George Soros. He broke the Bank of England. He broke the Bank of Thailand. His objective now is to employ his fortune to break the United States.

Last summer, Bill O’Reilly acknowledged Soros’s 90th birthday by making the case that he has done more harm to the USA than anyone else in the past half century:

Even Marxist Black Lives Matter cofounder Patrisse Cullors takes second place to Soros when it comes to damaging our country. Unsurprisingly, he lavishly finances her movement.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Sep 15 2020

Meghan Markle and Netflix Team Up to Glorify Marxist Black Lives Matter Cofounder

If Cuties didn’t persuade you to cancel your Netflix subscription, maybe this will do the trick. Meghan Markle has pitched the infamously far-left company a new concept allowing her to cash in both on her connection to British royalty and on the Black Lives Matter phenomenon that has reduced parts of major American cities to smoking ruins.

Via Mirror Online:

Meghan’s proposed movie is about Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who is said to have “hugely inspired’ the duchess.

If it gets the green light it will be part of a £120million deal she and Prince Harry signed with the streaming giant.

The price of celebrity moonbattery has gone up since Netflix threw $50 million or maybe $65 million at the Obamas.

A source said: “Meghan has been blown away by the incredible work Patrisse has done. She thinks her story needs to be told – and she would love to be the one to make it.”

It’s all part of the plan for Meghan and her prince. Via Breitbart:

After announcing that the couple would be stepping aside from their official royal duties — though retaining their honorary titles Duke and Duchess of Sussex — Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved to Los Angeles, where they reportedly intend to focus on activism and “leading the movement” of young people into woke politics.

By starting the Black Lives Matter movement that is tearing the country apart, Patrisse Cullors has done as much damage to the USA as anyone alive. She describes herself as a “trained Marxist.” Some of her training was provided by Eric Mann of the domestic terror group Weather Underground, who mentored her for over a decade. Her deranged and corrosive ideology is explicitly anti-white, anti-West, anti-family, and pro-communist.

Cullors describes the Labor/Community Strategy Center as her foundation. This outfit epitomizes the most dangerous extremes of leftist ideology. Also from Breitbart:

The center teaches and studies the history of the “Indigenous rebellions against the initial European genocidal invasions,” the “Great Slave Haitian Revolution of the 1790s,” and the “Great Slave Rebellions that won the U.S. civil war for the racist north.”

The Haitian Revolution prominently featured genocide against whites. Even whites who supported the black uprising were systematically exterminated. That’s why you won’t find anyone of French ancestry in that former French colony.

The center also expresses its appreciation for the work of the U.S. Communist Party, “especially Black communists,” as well as its support for “the great work of the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement, Young Lords, Brown Berets, and the great revolutionary rainbow experiments of the 1970s,” while flaunting its roots in the new communist movement.

Patrisse Cullors personifies the evil that is destroying our country from within. Evil is chic these days. Meghan Markle knows how to make a buck on it.

On a tip from Henry B.


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