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Category: Biden

Mar 29 2023

More Laughs From Biden Regarding Nashville Massacre

Joe Biden prefaced his predictable anti-Second Amendment response to the transgender terror attack in Nashville that killed three 9-year-olds as well as three adults with lame jokes about how much he likes ice cream. But the laughs didn’t stop there:

Biden laughed off a question from a reporter on Tuesday about whether the transgender shooter at a Christian elementary school in Nashville was targeting people of faith. …

When told that Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) believed that the attack did target Christian believers, Biden’s response raised eyebrows.

“Well, I probably don’t, then,” Biden said, chuckling after the remark, and then adding, “No, I’m joking. No, I have no idea.”

Yuck yuck!

Hawley, 43, called on the FBI and Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday to investigate Monday’s shooting as a hate crime against Christian believers.

Yeah right. Leftist apparatchiks like Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas will get right on it, just as soon as they are done snickering over tweets from the staff of Katie Hobbs.

On a tip from JackisBack.

Mar 07 2023

Biden Opens Up on Brain Issue

We knew that Joe Biden has had brain aneurysms, one of which ruptured, and that he suffers from advanced dementia. Now that he has opened up on his brain issues, we know a little more — and we have another great Joe Biden quote for the history books:

Of course, Biden does have a brain. The damage it has sustained is probably causing his headaches, as well as his difficulty completing sentences. But Biden’s subpar brain is not in working order.

People who regard this guy as a suitable figurehead are running the country. That explains why we have been lurching toward nuclear war and financial meltdown.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, and CDaJFunk.

Mar 02 2023

Biden Laughs Over Sons Killed by Fentanyl

To get an idea of how much liberal elitists despise the normal Americans whose country they are defiling and destroying, look to their figurehead, Joe Biden:

Rebecca Kiessling’s sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.

Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if ‘the government secured the border.’

Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling’s story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: ‘The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.’

If this tickles your funny bone, you just might be a Democrat:

It is not surprising that Slow Joe graduated near the bottom of his class at Syracuse law school. He lacks the smarts even to grasp that not being directly responsible for the deaths of Caleb and Kyler Kiessling does not absolve him for treasonously inviting an invasion across the southern border, which he refuses to secure.

Wonders Rebecca Kiessling,

‘What about the 22% increase in fentanyl deaths since you became president? That represents tens of thousands of US citizens who died under your watch, an increase in tens of thousands. That represents double that number of the parents who are suffering.

‘You’re going to keep laughing? About those who did die under your watch? Do we have to bring them in so you can look them in the eyes and laugh?’

Biden may well smirk. The dead are one voting bloc Democrats won’t lose.

On tips from Bluto and Varla.

Feb 28 2023

Biden Panders to Antiwhite Race Hate

Presidents of consequence are remembered by characteristic quotations:

George Washington: “The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”

Thomas Jefferson: “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.”

James Madison: “The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.”

Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Joe Biden: “I I I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.”

America’s moonbattery-induced decline has reached a new nadir:

Actually, Biden is stupid. Even before dementia set in, he was conspicuous for his lack of intelligence. This is why he lies about his college record.

Imagine the contempt blacks would feel toward one of their own who pandered to an audience of guffawing Caucasians by groveling, “I may be a n*****, but I’m not stupid.” The contempt would be well earned, as is the contempt in which Biden is held.

On tips from Barry A, KirklesWorth, and Chris Neilson.

Feb 16 2023

Biden Named Best Communicator in White House

Hapless identity group box-checker Karine Jean-Pierre is clearly not the best communicator even in the White House, despite being the official spokesmoonbat. (She is, however, a historic lesbian of Haitian descent.) Who is the best communicator? Let’s ask Karine:

After being questioned by a reporter about whether Biden is viewed by his team as “equally adept in all settings in terms of communications,” Jean-Pierre insisted that the president’s communication skills are the best in his administration.

That’s right, this guy:

Joe Biden’s communication skills are so impressive, some of his characteristically lucid utterances have been set to music:

At least we can all agree that the best communicator is not Ms. Heartbeat Away:

Kamala Harris’s tenure as vice president has been marked by redundant word salads to the point that even left-leaning “The Daily Show” tweeted a video comparing her statements to the fake politician from the “Veep” political satire series.

Jean-Pair — who calls the country to our north “Canadia” and who can hardly formulate a complete sentence without referring to prepared notes — is not far wrong. Conspicuously inarticulate as Biden is, the subnormal kooks around him are comparably awful. This is especially appalling when you consider that these are political players; communication skills are the only skills they have.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 10 2023

Media Ignores Biggest Story in Years

If the world blows up but the liberal media refuses to report it, does it make a sound? The Project Veritas Pfizer videos (see here, here, and here) have already been eclipsed as the biggest story in years. It appears probable that the Biden Administration committed an act of war against the country with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal by sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines. Both stories have been ignored by the liberal media establishment, consigning it to irrelevance.

Mike Lee highlights the significance for anyone who thinks it can’t be the end of the world if the legacy media isn’t reporting it:

Combined with Seymour Hersh’s reporting, this is virtually a smoking gun:

Biden’s psychotically smug expression at the conclusion of that clip may come to be remembered as the Smirk That Launched a Thousand Warheads — provided there is anyone left to remember it.

The best way to avoid war at this point may be to promptly remove Biden from office on grounds of conspicuous incompetence and then subject him to an international trial.

At least we have confirmation that the alleged “climate crisis” that the Regime has been inflating our money toward worthlessness to confront is a fiction. Otherwise, Biden would not have deliberately caused up to 400,000 tons of methane to leak into the atmosphere.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Barry A.

Feb 10 2023

Biden Wonders Where President Is

Given Biden’s mental absence and gross inadequacy, this apparent attempt at humor falls especially flat:

He’s not the only one wondering. As we stumble out of control toward nuclear war with either Russia or China, a lot of people are looking in vain for American leadership.

On tips from Wiggins and Anonymous.

Feb 09 2023

Did Biden Blow Up Nord Stream Pipelines?

Journalist Seymour Hersh is famous for his role in exposing the My Lai Massacre and Abu Ghraib. He will receive fewer accolades from the liberal establishment for reporting that the Biden Regime followed through on its reckless threats and blew up the Nord Stream pipelines:

Last June, [US] Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

We already knew the Russians didn’t do it, despite what we were told, because the accusation was absurd.

Tucker Carlson covers a story that the Democrat mouthpiece media will no doubt dismiss as a conspiracy theory:

Rather than screaming abuse at the Russians, we ought be thankful for their restraint. Blowing up the pipeline would be an unequivocal act of war against the country with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, which Biden et al. have gone out of their way to provoke.

Russian forbearance won’t last forever:

The Kremlin said on Thursday the world should know the truth about who sabotaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines and that those responsible should be punished after an investigative journalist said U.S. divers blew them up at the behest of the White House. …

“I think there will be consequences from this,” state news agency RIA quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying. …

Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of the Russian State Duma, or lower house of parliament, said the report should become the basis for an international investigation for “bringing Biden and his accomplices to justice”.

Maybe we could trade Biden and the nest of vermin comprising his administration for Paul Whelan and Marc Fogel, the Americans who were left in Russian prisons why the Regime gave up the Merchant of Death to bring the less deserving Brittney Griner home.

Countermoonbat Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) does not overstate:

On tips from seaoh and KirklesWorth.

Feb 08 2023

Farcical State of the Union

I couldn’t bring myself to sit through the State of the Union. The actual state of our collapsing country under liberal rule is obvious. Even ABC News admits that record numbers of Americans are worse off since Biden et al. took power. Who has the patience to watch the vermin who are destroying the USA stand and clap for 5 minutes for every incoherent lie mumbled by a senile corruptocrat?

Daily Wire provides a SparkNotes summary:

The economy is booming, the border is secure, Ukraine is winning the war (they just need one more round of billions), climate change will kill us all, and Republicans are the divisive ones — not the guy who called 75 million Americans “ultra MAGA extremists” threatening democracy. Oh also, they think men can be women and that abortion is a gift from God to be protected. …

It was a campaign speech, not even pretending to be a State of the Union. He trotted out the same tired lines that we have all heard before. He even regurgitated lines from last year’s State of the Union.

The lowest point was probably when Biden attempted to exploit the killing of a black guy by five black cops under a black police chief in mostly black Memphis by implying that white racists were responsible. He even referred to The Talk “that so many Black and Brown families have had with their children” in an attempt to convince blacks and even the Hispanics pouring into the country that whites are somehow oppressing them. If anyone needs “The Talk,” it is white kids, who are vastly more likely to be subjected to racial violence, thanks to the cultural Marxism spread by reprehensible moonbats like Joe Biden.

This was alarming:

This was even more alarming:

Time to evoke the 25th Amendment and get Kamala Harris over with.

On tips from Varla and KirklesWorth.

Feb 04 2023

Biden Fails to Respond to ChiCom Spy Balloon

Some say balloons are an obsolete means of spying on an enemy with whom you are expected soon to be at war, because these holdovers from the 19th century are easier to shoot down than satellites. However, our ChiCom adversaries have obviated this shortcoming by planning ahead. First, they purchased the inept corruptocrat the liberal establishment later installed as our Commander in Chief. This preparation having been made, China has dispatched a surveillance balloon over Montana, home to the nuclear missile field at Malmstrom Air Force Base that the ChiComs would be keen to take out.

Even under the clownish moonbat apparatchiks Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley, the US military is aware of the balloon, which the ChiComs admit is theirs but smirkingly claim is a weather balloon. However, our “leaders” say they can’t shoot it down because people might get hurt by falling debris.

The population density of Montana is seven people per square mile. Apparently, despite the $trillions upon $trillions consumed by the federal government, it lacks the resources to destroy the balloon in such a way that it won’t land on someone.

It’s not as if there has been no response. Our gelatinous Secretary of State is teaching the ChiComs a lesson by postponing a trip to China. Pointless meetings between international bureauweenies are no fun if Antony Blinken isn’t there to laugh at.

A second balloon has already been spotted over Canada.

Maybe it’s just a test. If NORAD can’t stop balloons, Xi Jinping need have no qualms about sending nuclear missiles. Promptly shooting down the balloons might allow us to analyze the information the ChiComs have been collecting, to see what they have planned for us. But our leadership is so useless that they might be allowed to float back to the land of Joe Biden’s paymasters.

Despite his willingness to side with our enemies as he did in Afghanistan, despite being weakness personified, Biden isn’t the whole problem. The entire Democratic Party is irresponsible, inept, and uninterested in American interests. The Chinese have exploited this. Veteran Senator Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur was a Chinese spy. Only when Republicans took control of Congress was Eric Swalwell finally kicked off the House Intelligence Committee, despite having been seduced by a Chinese spy. (Fang Fang says hi.)

At least we can stop worrying about China conquering Taiwan. No longer having access to the computer chips that make everything go will be the least of our problems if they are collecting intelligence for a direct nuclear attack on the USA.

Having better leadership, Indians would have known just how to deal with enemy balloons:

On tips from Wiggins, Chuck A, Mr. Freemarket, Marty, Gringoman, and Varla.

Feb 03 2023

Biden Says Something Probably True

It isn’t every day that we can report the compulsive liar Joe Biden saying something plausible:

Note that he was careful not to say that all of the women in his administration are women. That would be insensitive to Richard I mean Rachel Levine and whatever Sam Brinton types might infest the White House.

Then again, Biden probably had no idea what he was saying. The gibberish coming out of his mouth is identity politics run through a blender.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Jan 26 2023

We Appear to Be at War With Russia

As you have probably heard, even as the nation lurches toward fiscal collapse, Biden is sending dozens of outlandishly expensive Abrams tanks to the repressive corruptocrats running Ukraine.

Via Free Beacon:

The United States announced on Wednesday it will supply Ukraine with 31 advanced M1 Abrams tanks worth $400 million in a matter of months, a decision that helped break a diplomatic logjam with Germany over how best to help Kyiv in its war against Russia.

Over 500 other types of armored vehicle are also on the way to Ukraine complements of whoever is left holding the bag for the USA’s debt.

Even Joe Biden grasps the implications. Last year, he stated that similar action would start World War III:

So far as we know, there won’t be American crews just yet — although Biden has implied otherwise. The learning curve on an Abrams is so steep that Ukrainians probably won’t be proficient with them before the war is over.

Germany’s leftist Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock provides confirmation that we are at war:

Cornering an animal is dumb. Cornering an animal that holds the world’s largest nuclear arsenal goes beyond dumb.

It’s as if the moonbats in the driver’s seat have realized the wheels are coming off due to their own irresponsibility and incompetence so they may as well steer the bus over the edge of a cliff to distract us.

Tips from Occam’s Stubble and Varla.

Jan 26 2023

Depleted US Military Promises Equipment to Enemies

Because the country is going insane, inviting a massive invasion and then refusing to defend the border are evidently not sufficient to get Joe Biden and his handlers tried for treason. Maybe this will suffice: in the name of picking a fight with nuclear-armed scapegoat Russia over the irrelevant conflict in Ukraine, Biden et al. have offered to supply military equipment to some of our worst enemies, including the Marxist regimes in Cuba and Venezuela.

Via Independent Sentinel:

U.S. SouthCom Commander General Laura Richardson spoke to the Atlantic Council on January 19th. She explained that the Biden administration offered Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and six other Latin American nations U.S. military equipment if they’ll give old Russian weapons to Ukraine.

If they will give outlandishly expensive Abrams tanks to the tyrannical corruptocrats running Ukraine, maybe Miguel Diaz-Canel and Nicolas Maduro can expect some too. It would be trivial compared to the $billions in US military equipment Biden gifted to our Taliban enemies after they provided a base for the 9/11 attacks.


To date, the U.S. military has provided a “staggering” amount of military hardware and munitions to Ukraine in its defense against Russia’s invasion, amounting to more than $27 billion. This U.S. support has included over 1 million rounds of 155 mm howitzer ammunition. …

An in-depth study conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) euphemistically described the U.S. military’s own remaining stockpiles of the 155 mm howitzer rounds, Javelin anti-tank missiles, and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles as a result of providing so many, so quickly to Ukraine as “limited.” …

The CSIS study explains that “limited” means that “there would be risks” in the form of degradations to military “unit training,” which might become “more difficult” due to insufficient munitions inventories. There would also be other, more strategic risks in the form of degraded “support” for “war plans,” which might include a Chinese invasion of Taiwan…

His ChiCom benefactors must be pleased with Joe Biden.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jan 22 2023

Evidence That Biden Grew Up in Black Church

Joe Biden’s cringe-inducing claim to have attended a black church “every morning” has resulted in derision from sceptics, some of whom were reminded of Steve Martin’s character having been raised as a poor black child in The Jerk. So the Regime produced evidence:

Really gets into the spirit, doesn’t he?

Still more cringe-inducing is this avidly pro-abortion, pro-degeneracy corruptocrat’s claim to be Catholic.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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