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Category: Energy

Nov 30 2022

War on Natural Gas Continues

If Democrats’ War on Energy were about the environment as they pretend, they would champion natural gas. Not only is it cheap and abundant, it burns cleanly. However, moonbats oppose it to such an extreme as to forbid the construction of new buildings that are not “all electric.”

The latest locality to attack natural gas is Ann Arbor, Michigan, which like all college towns is rife with moonbattery:

Ann Arbor is considering changes to the city’s development code to prohibit natural gas connections for new buildings starting in 2023.

The proposal recently presented to the city’s Planning Commission is aimed at meeting the city’s climate-action goals to reduce carbon emissions, and it could end the frustration city officials have with developers unwilling to voluntarily comply with the city’s aspirations for all-electric buildings.

As we are likely to see with the Dutch government buying up farmland so as to prevent agriculture, those who do not comply voluntarily will be coerced.

The global climate does not fall under the jurisdiction of Ann Arbor’s City Council. The odds of their petty tyranny affecting it are precisely zero. Nonetheless,

As proposed, the changes would require full electrification of buildings — moving away from gas appliances — and apply to all newly constructed buildings, as well as substantially renovated or expanded buildings, starting in January.

Electricity is largely generated by fuels that pollute more than natural gas, such as coal. No serious person believes that “green energy” can generate more than a small fraction of our needs — not that green energy is all that green anyway, considering the industrial requirements of producing wind turbines and solar panels.

There’s also been discussion of whether the local power grid can handle the shift to all-electric buildings.

The ideologues in charge will worry about that later.

In the meantime, other cities have already banned natural gas equipment in new buildings in moonbattery-addled states like California (e.g., Berkeley, San Francisco, San Jose, Mountain View) and Massachusetts (e.g., Brookline, Cambridge, Newton).

CNN sulks that in some states, Republicans have protected the public from pointless natural gas bans that posturing local moonbats might inflict.

At a national level, Democrats have passed a stealth tax on natural gas. Given enough political leverage, they would ban natural gas altogether, leaving many to freeze. Their sacred climate would never notice.

On a tip from Scott L.

Nov 08 2022

Now a Word From a Moonbat

In the interests of equal time, let’s let a moonbat make the case for her ideology:

If this young woman had her way, the result would be absolute economic collapse, resulting in mass starvation. The population is many times what could be sustained by an economy running on green energy foolishness.

People like her are in effect dictating American energy policy. This is why the price of gasoline has nearly doubled under Biden (from an average of $2.17/gallon in 2020 to $3.80/gallon yesterday), and will continue to skyrocket so long as Democrats remain in power, pulling all other prices along.

Attempting to reason with this young moonbat would obviously be futile. The same goes with Democrats. But there is something you can do to save civilization, sanity, and your standard of living from their malevolent ideology. Vote Democrats out of office today.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 08 2022

Biden: No More Drilling

Even now, Biden arrogantly continues to double down. A vote for Democrats is a vote against energy.

Before taking power, Biden promised to abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy. He has been keeping this promise (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.), and continues to make it:

Whether because they are accustomed to controlling the media, or because they genuinely regard the American population as idiots, the Democrats who have shackled the energy industry expect us to believe that oil companies are to blame for not being allowed to produce their product. We are told they must be punished with a windfall profits tax unless they ramp up production.

If you want to let this insult to your intelligence stand, stay home today instead of voting Republican.

Democrats’ anti-energy agenda means more than ever-rising costs for gasoline and everything else. If they are allowed to follow through, there will be not just inflation and recession but economic collapse.

Without reliable and affordable energy, tens of millions of us will starve. According to their deranged and malevolent ideology, this will benefit the weather.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Heckrules, and Kevin R.

Nov 07 2022

Dem Rep: Let Them Eat Chef Boyardee

“Let them eat cake,” Marie Antoinette allegedly sniffed, as the people went hungry, not long before she lost her head in a guillotine. “Let them eat Chef Boyardee,” echoes congresscritter Sean Maloney (D-NY), in response to the question of how families are supposed to afford food after his party has driven inflation into the stratosphere with grotesquely excessive spending and the war on energy:

The last time a ruling class was this flagrantly arrogant, Louis XVI was King of France.

Maloney is chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. No wonder the Dems are about to get their heads handed to them. So to speak.

After preaching that eating cheap rubbish like Chef Boyardee is “what families have to do” when their irresponsible rulers have debased the currency, Maloney listed ways Democrats will supposedly curtail the inflation they have caused: (1) impose price caps in healthcare, which will lead to shortages; (2) recklessly release still more oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in an attempt to temporarily compensate for what they will not allow us to produce; (3) raise taxes, which will push us deeper into recession; (4) waste money on green energy boondoggles, which helped get us into this mess; (5) further cripple energy companies after denouncing them for “price gouging”; and (6) blame Russia.

In short, make your purchases today, because your money will be worth even less tomorrow with Democrats in charge.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Nov 07 2022

Biden Doubles Down on War on Energy

Virtually everyone agrees that to the extent we have a fair election tomorrow, Democrats are in for a drubbing. This is because they are too arrogant and/or politically incompetent to back down from their malevolent radicalism. Three days before the midterms, Biden was still croaking that he will continue to drive up prices and hamstring the economy with his maniacal war on energy:

Biden vowed to shut down coal plants “all across America” during a speech on Friday.

If the Chinese tried to do this, it would dwarf Pearl Harbor as an act of war. For all we know, the Chinese are behind it — through their asset, the Big Guy.

“So it’s going to become a wind generation,” Biden said at an event in Carlsbad, California.

Wind turbines are highly effective at killing eagles, but no reasonable person will claim they can meet more than a tiny fraction of our energy needs. The limousine leftists comprising the Democrat Party/mainstream media want us shivering in the dark.

Biden proclaimed, “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar power.”

Think prices are high now? Wait until there is no gasoline, and the only electricity is from wind and solar, so that most of us will have none.

It’s as if Democrats intend to provoke a civil war.

Even Joe Manchin has had enough, gasping,

“President Biden’s comments are not only outrageous and divorced from reality, they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising energy costs.”

Manchin characterized the energy sector job losses that Biden is “being cavalier” about causing as “offensive and disgusting.” But he could hardly be surprised.

Biden previously proclaimed that he would shut down the coal industry.

For example, Biden stated in a primary debate back in July 2019 that the coal industry as well as fracking would be “eliminated.” People foolishly voted for him anyway. The consequences are unfolding.

Manchin still has a knife sticking out of his back from when he shafted the country and was shafted in return by his fellow Democrats after he voted for a slightly watered-down version of the Green New Deal — the Inflation “Reduction” Act — which is predictably crushing us with inflation. Although it beggars belief that he thought other Democrats could be trusted, forgiveness may be in order, so long as he repents and switches parties.

We are past the point where anyone who means America well can remain a Democrat. It is the party of the brie-munching globalist left, implementing an agenda that is, to put it mildly, not in our interests.

Exhibit A in the case for impeachment.

On a tip from Bluto.

Oct 31 2022

German Wind Farm to Be Demolished for Coal Mine

Originally, the plan was to suppress efficient energy production, lavishly subsidize inefficient green energy boondoggles, posture self-righteously about adoration of the climate, and then covertly import fossil fuels from Russia. Current events have derailed this approach. As winter approaches, Europeans face a choice between green moonbattery and keeping their houses warm. It is encouraging to see that some are choosing wisely:

German energy giant RWE is tearing down wind turbines to expand a neighboring coal mine in an effort to deal with the country’s energy crisis. The area of the wind farm near the small town of Lützerath will be used to expand the Garzweiler open pit mine in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Any local eagles and hawks that survived the wind turbines will rejoice, as will taxpayers forced to subsidize these hideous tokens of leftist virtue signaling.

In addition, RWE will reactivate three lignite-fired coal units that were previously on standby.

Finally, some movement in the direction of sanity. Now if Germany can just turn back the leftist attack on nuclear energy, it might be able to keep the lights on.

Germany’s cabinet approved the decision to revive the unused coal units after energy prices skyrocketed because of the sanctions issued due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

North Rhine-Westphalia and RWE had previously declared they would stop using fossil fuels by 2030.

It is easy to declare that after such and such a date only pixie dust will be permitted for power generation. When reality hits, moonbats will quietly switch to showcasing their righteous orthodoxy on some other issue.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 28 2022

Biden’s Outrageous Gas Price Lie

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, and gasoline was $5/gallon when the Biden Regime took power. So proclaims Joe Biden:

“Today, the most common price of gas in America is $3.39, down from over $5 when I took office. We need to keep making that progress by having energy companies bring down the cost of a gallon of gas that reflects the cost they’re paying for a barrel of oil.”

The actual price of gasoline in the USA on January 20, 2021, the black day that Biden took power, was $2.39/gallon. For the year 2020, the price averaged $2.17/gallon. Since then it has climbed as high as $5.10/gallon on June 13, 2022.

Note that his outlandish lie is wrapped in neo-Marxist rhetoric blaming the energy companies that he has methodically hamstrung (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) for the stratospheric gas prices that he caused as he fulfills his explicit promise to abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy.

If Biden came up with this whopper on his own, we could blame it on the personality defect that has caused this compulsive liar to make outrageously untrue, easily disprovable statements throughout his career. But he apparently read this from a teleprompter. His handlers wanted him to tell us this.

What they are actually telling us is that their contempt for us is absolute. They think that a significant proportion of the American population can be gaslighted into believing anything, even if it contradicts their own recent memory.

Biden’s handlers are also telling us that gas prices will not be returning to Trump Administration levels until Democrats have been pried from power; instead, they will head upward, as the strategic reserves are drained and the war on energy companies continues.

Rising gas prices bring all other prices with them, as well as strangling economic growth.

Vote as if your standard of living depends on the GOP prevailing, because it does.

On a tip from Varla. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Oct 27 2022

Like Wind Turbines But Even Sillier

Here’s something for Democrats to inflate American currency by wasting hundreds of $billions on in their next green spending blowout:

After they have forced us to drive electric cars, the cars can be powered by the electricity generated from the cars driving by. It will work something like this.

We don’t need fossil fuels after all. We may as well cut to the chase and fulfill Biden’s promise by abolishing them at once.

At least these devices won’t chop up eagles. If we set up enough of them, they might generate sufficient electricity to power a toothbrush.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 24 2022

Biden War on Energy Could Deny Us MRI

To effectively treat disease, first you need an accurate diagnosis. The miracles of Western medicine that med school educrats pooh-pooh are largely made possible by technology like magnetic resonance imagining, which is used to diagnose everything from cancer to strokes to spinal injuries. Add it to the long list of luxuries like transportation and proper food that we may have to do without so that our moonbat rulers can display their reverence for the climate.

From NBC News:

An MRI can’t function without some 2,000 liters of ultra-cold liquid helium keeping its magnets cool enough to work. But helium — a nonrenewable element found deep within the Earth’s crust — is running low, leaving hospitals wondering how to plan for a future with a much scarcer supply.

Helium is already being rationed. There is no alternative for use in MRI.

Once again, we are told to blame Russia:

Until this year, the U.S. was counting on Russia to ease the tight supply.

But now we don’t trade with Russia, proving that we should not have become reliant for precious resources on people we don’t get along with. If only someone had foreseen this.

As usual when we are told that it’s Russia’s fault, the primary blame lies closer to home.

From How Stuff Works:

Fortunately for us, helium also gets into the natural gas that oil and gas drillers extract from the ground for use as fuel [source: University of Pittsburgh]. That gives us a supply that we can use for blowing up balloons, as well as for a wide variety of other industrial processes, ranging from arc welding to MRIs to manufacturing silicon chips for computers.

No problem then. The USA has lots of clean-burning, environmentally friendly natural gas.

Oh wait:

Improvements in the nation’s natural gas infrastructure are getting more difficult as President Joe Biden wages war against the United States’s energy grid. Regulatory burdens have plagued new pipelines and shale fracking operations under previous administrations, and Biden is intentionally making it worse. …

Pipeline projects aiming to transport natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale basins have been canceled, delayed, or halted because of court challenges launched by environmentalist groups and state administrations.

Challenges of this type are rigorously supported by the Biden Regime, which has gone to great lengths to hamstring energy production under the pretense that this will prevent the climate from fluctuating.

At least Creepy Joe is keeping a promise. He said he would put an end to the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of modern civilization. Some people voted for him anyway. Put MRI on the long list of what this will cost us.

On tips from Lyle.

Oct 20 2022

Biden Energy Policy Pushes America Toward Ruin

Joe Biden ran for office openly promising to abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy. Shockingly, people voted for him anyway. Literally from the day he took power, he has waged war on the American energy sector (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

Unsurprisingly, this has driven energy prices into the stratosphere, pulling overall inflation with it. So with midterms coming up, he recklessly drains 15 million more barrels from the strategic reserves in another pathetic attempt to lower the prices just long enough to get Democrats past the election. Adding insult to injury, he calls us idiots by asking us to believe that this is “not politically motivated at all.”

He then compounds this with a still more insultingly outrageous lie:

“My administration has not stopped or slowed U.S. oil production.”

Really now:

Biden has leased fewer acres for oil and gas in his first two years than any other administration at the same point since the end of World War II.

Biden also issued an executive order freezing oil and gas leases, a decision that has been tangled up in the courts.

The president also suspended oil production leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, after former President Donald Trump opened up the vast oil reserves for production.

Biden also ordered the halt of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have moved 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Canada to the United States.

Biden’s war on American energy continues:

As a result of these policies, we are heading toward an energy depression.

Biden has been draining the strategic reserves for some time now, treasonously selling some of it to our communist Chinese adversaries. Here is the effect this has had on our strategic reserves:

If this continues, we will have no strategic reserves, just as our money will have no value because Democrats have been inflating the currency to finance their ongoing green spending looting spree.

Meanwhile, these same Democrats lurch ineptly toward war with energy-rich Russia.

If they were destroying our country on purpose, what would they do differently?

On tips from Jester.

Oct 09 2022

Gavin Newsom Reacts to High Gas Prices With More Taxation

When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. All Democrats have is ever more government, which takes the form of ever higher taxes. Consequently, Gavin Newsom is addressing high gas prices by raising taxation on gas:

As noted at The Blaze,

The national average for a gallon of gas is about $3.89 according to the Automobile Association of America, while the average cost per gallon in California is $6.39, or 64% greater than the rest of the country.

Gas is more expensive in Governor Newsom’s California not because capitalists are greedy but due to higher taxes and more repressive regulations — i.e., because there is more government. The Democrat solution to too much government is more government.

By contrast, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a gas tax holiday that drove prices down lower in his state. A gallon of gas in Florida costs about $3.22, far lower than that in California.

Oil companies are not less greedy in Florida. But the people running the state government are.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Oct 02 2022

How Much Energy Will the World Need?

Prior to taking power, Joe Biden explicitly promised to “end fossil fuels.” The entire economy is to run on wind and solar energy. This is the basis of Biden’s war on domestic energy production (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) and of the vast fortunes Democrats have spent incrementally imposing the Green New Deal, thereby driving up inflation.

It is all a lie. Wind and solar are not viable replacements. Virtually all of our energy continues to come from fossil fuels, despite all the hype and subsidies. Without oil, gas, and coal, we would experience absolute economic collapse, and most of us would die of starvation.

Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Mark Mills presents the stark reality that it is politically correct to ignore:

Good thing the climate crisis that we are supposed to believe is caused by fossil fuels is also a lie.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Sep 08 2022

Wind Blows Down Wind Turbine

When the wind doesn’t blow, wind turbines are useless for anything other than laundering taxpayer money to pay off campaign donors they à la Obama. When it does blow, they fall over:

A £2m wind turbine was knocked over by the wind after raging storms and 50mph gales made the blades on the 300ft rotary turn at twice their normal speed.

The turbine, which was almost the height of St Paul’s Cathedral, was torn apart by the raging winds and eventually collapsed to the ground in February.

Too bad it wasn’t an edible wind turbines; then it could be recycled as food instead of posing a massive disposal problem.

Britons can be thankful that their new prime minister appears to have no use for this nonsense. Liz Truss just ended the UK’s ban on fracking, enabling the production of clean and efficient energy.

Germans might want to take similar steps before their economy collapses under the weight of green idiocy. Americans would also benefit immensely from reversing the moonbat war on sensible energy (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 08 2022

Germany Nixes Nuclear as Crisis Impends

Russia tightens its energy stranglehold. Green energy continues to be nearly useless. Europeans face a grim winter. As mentioned earlier,

Eurocrats can either drop the climate crap and adopt policies friendly to the production of efficient energy, or they can command the peasants to shiver in the dark.

Confirmation that the authorities have made their choice:

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has ruled out extending the life of its three remaining nuclear power plants in the middle of its energy crisis…

Germany will continue with its plans to phase out nuclear energy use by the end of 2022, but will keep two of the plants available in case of emergencies until spring 2023…

In case of emergencies? The emergency is already beginning. It was caused by kooks like Habeck, who is a member of the Green Party.

No matter how much taxpayer money is wasted on them, wind turbines and solar panels cannot meet a developed county’s energy needs. Now Russia has cut off Germany’s natural gas. Rather than address this urgent situation productively by taking steps to secure reliable energy, Germany is laying plans to mitigate the disaster with subsidies and tax breaks to help people afford energy.

That is, the government will print money to spend on energy that does not exist. Looks like no one in charge remembers the hyperinflation that helped bring down the Weimar Republic and usher in Hitler.

The imaginary climate crisis is caused by carbon emissions, according to progressive ideology. Nuclear power produces no significant carbon emissions. Yet leftists forbid it anyway, indicating that not even they believe in climate change doctrine.

Europeans should be building nuclear plants as fast as they can, not shutting them down. But nuclear power is shunned by lefties like Habeck for flaky ideological reasons.

Sooner rather than later, keeping the lights on will require overthrowing the moonbat ruling class — and not only in Europe.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.


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