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Feb 08 2023

Democrats Wore Abortion Pins to SOTU Address

Biden’s mendaciousness and senility were not the only aberrations on display during yesterday’s State of the Union address. Where you might expect patriotic flag pins, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Congresscreature Madeleine Dean (D-PA) wore affirmations of something they truly believe in — human sacrifice on the altar of degeneracy:

The heart has a double meaning, representing both liberal love of abortion and the fact that abortion stops a beating heart at about 6 weeks after gestation.

LifeNews reports on where they got the pins:

Markey said the pins were a gift from Planned Parenthood. The abortion chain spends massive amounts of money to elect pro-abortion Democrats every year while reporting billion-dollar revenues and aborting more than 383,000 unborn babies annually.

The abortion industry’s investment has helped infest Washington with fiends who want to “codify this right” by inflicting abortion on a federal level,

something Biden called for in his speech Tuesday evening.

Nicknamed the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act, the bill would force states to legalize abortions for basically any reason up to birth and force taxpayers to pay for them. It also would end parental consent for minors and jeopardize conscience protections for doctors and nurses who refuse to abort unborn babies.

Dean and Markey both support the bill, as do almost all Democrats in Congress.

Try to get your head around the lies leftists tell themselves to justify their moral depravity:

Killing children is healthcare because it saves lives. If you can say that with a straight face, you are ready to take the next step and embrace abortion as not only acceptable but sacred.

“I say the word, I wear the word.” Dean’s blasphemy is as subtle as a Sam Smith Grammy performance. Christians believe Jesus Christ is the Word. Democrats adhere to an opposing religion.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 01 2023

FBI Victim Mark Houck Found Not Guilty

There is still some America left in this country. Pro-life author Mark Houck, the father of seven whose house was stormed by an FBI SWAT team as punishment for his defense of the unborn, has been found not guilty of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act, which makes it a federal crime to obstruct access to abortion mills.

If anyone should have been brought up on charges, it is the FBI for abuse of power:

The early-morning FBI raid on Houck’s home included battering rams and ballistic shields at the ready and was committed even after Houck’s attorney had told the U.S. Department of Justice Houck would turn himself in if they asked. Since his arrest in September 2022, Houck and his lawyers maintained “This case is being brought solely to intimidate people of faith and pro-life Americans.”

That is as obvious as the ham-fisted authoritarian theater staged by the Biden Regime.

Houck is now freed from the threat of “a maximum possible sentence of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000.”

However, the point has been made that goons can drag you from your home to face serious charges on the flimsiest pretext.

After weeks of ignoring pro-abortion violence and threats against pro-life pregnancy support centers across the nation, dozens of FBI agents arrested Houck in front of his wife and seven children in a raid at his home in September. When Houck’s wife recounted that “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” the FBI defended their “guns out and ready” positions as necessary.

Necessary to make the point.

Regarding the supposed violation of the FACE act, Houck was 100 feet away and across the street from a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood plant when he was assailed by a pro-abortion activist serving as what moonbats call a patient escort:

The “patient escort,” Bruce Love, repeatedly initiated profanity-laced verbal confrontations with Houck and his son, Mark Houck Jr., said court documents. The documents also say Houck asked Love to stop multiple times, to no avail. On Oct. 13, 2021, when Love escalated by invading Mark Jr.’s personal space, Houck Sr. shoved him away.

For that, he got the full Gestapo treatment from Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the FBI — but fortunately not from a court of law.

Houck lucked out because leftists have not finished consolidating power.

On tips from Blackjack and seaoh.

Jan 15 2023

Teachers Are Committing Sex Crimes Against Children

Given that education has been subordinated to liberal indoctrination — prominently including the inculcation of depraved sexual attitudes — it is hardly surprising that deviants who are sexually attracted to children are increasingly drawn to teaching.

From the Democrat stronghold Chicago:

[A] new report released from the Office of the Inspector General of the Chicago Public School system just showed that over 2021-2022, there were 772 cases investigating teachers for allegedly grooming, sexually assaulting, or raping students in Chicago alone.

The office closed 600 of those cases over the past twelve months according to the report, substantiating more than half of the claims.

At least these sick fiends have been punished for their crimes against nature, decency, and the innocence of children, right?

Unfortunately not:

Of the hundreds of verified cases since 2018, only 16 have resulted in charges of any sort, which are now the only numbers included in national reports of teacher sexual abuse, since Biden’s administration changed the reporting requirement.

That’s how Democrats go about reducing sex crimes committed against children by members of their favorite unions.

The cases obviously do not include the numbers of teachers sexualizing children through approved curriculum.

The debauched LGBT-friendly, Planned Parenthood-approved curriculum that currently prevails establishes an environment where child molesters can be expected to flourish.

It isn’t just Chicago:

Nearly 350 public educators were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the U.S. last year, averaging to almost an arrest every day on crimes ranging from grooming to child porn to raping students…

A year-long analysis conducted by Fox News Digital revealed that from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of 2022, at least 349 kindergarten through 12th-grade educators were arrested on child sex crimes.

The 349 educators included five principals, three assistant principals, 290 teachers, 26 substitute teachers and 25 teachers’ aides spanning nearly every state in the country.

At least 262 of the arrests, or 75%, involved alleged crimes against students. …

Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

Everything moonbattery infiltrates is rendered rotten. As education succumbs to leftism, teaching will become an unsavory profession. Already it is no longer reasonable to assume that children are safe in the custody of teachers.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Bluto.

Jan 05 2023

Abortion More Accessible and More Heavily Subsidized

Moonbats weep and gnash their teeth because the Supreme Court no longer pretends that the Constitution acknowledges an inalienable right for them to kill their babies. Yet abortion is more unrestricted than ever in the blue states they tend to live in, and also more heavily subsidized by those who regard it as murder.

The New American reports:

As of Sunday, all health-insurance plans in the states of New York and California that offer maternity-care coverage are required also to cover abortion at no additional cost.

In March, New York Governor Kathy Hochul and California Governor Gavin Newsom, both Democrats, signed into law bills mandating “free” abortion coverage.

What your “private” insurance must cover is dictated by the government — as we learned from ObamaCare, which drove up insurance costs by forcing us to pay for coverage we will never need.

Hochul — who, like her abortion-loving counterpart in the White House, claims to be a devout Catholic — … signed a raft of laws guaranteeing that abortion-on-demand would remain legal in the Empire State even if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, as indeed it did. Opponents of said laws, she declared, were “Neanderthals.”

It may be true that Neanderthals had more respect for the new life inside a pregnant woman than liberals do. They certainly couldn’t have had any less.

Newsom, not to be outdone by Hochul, signed twice as many pro-abortion laws as she had in June, “establishing some of the strongest abortion protections in the nation,” reported CalMatters. One of those laws “fund[s] procedures and travel costs for low-income individuals,” thereby forcing Golden State taxpayers to foot the bill for abortion tourism from pro-life states.

Planned Parenthood is getting our money’s worth regarding the taxpayer support it funnels back into the Democratic Party. Jodi Hicks, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, reportedly “got very emotional” when Newsom privately announced signing pro-abortion legislation to “stakeholders.”

When Planned Parenthood smiles, the Devil smiles too.

This must also make him smile:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that retail pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens can now provide abortion pills.

The abortion drug Mifepristone was previously only available through doctors, clinics, or some mail-order pharmacies. The new rule change from the FDA will allow any pharmacy abiding by its guidelines to fill prescription orders in stores and by mail.

Death by mail. That’s maximum convenience. Canada is sure to offer something similar for suicide.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortion accounted for 54% of U.S. abortions in 2020. That percentage is likely to increase as retail pharmacies provide abortion pills.

Yet liberals work themselves into fits worthy of Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist over the supposed threat to their unholy sacrament. With assistance from the media, the Democratic Party exploits this hysteria to mobilize its ghastliest supporters.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 23 2022

Stacey Abrams Reveals Fetal Heartbeats Are a Conspiracy

The Party of Science has spoken. Babies no longer have a heartbeat at 6 weeks after conception. To say otherwise is to advance a conspiracy theory. We have it straight from Stacey Abrams, who according to the current White House Press Secretary (and Abrams herself) is the Governor of Georgia:

The logic is simple. That babies have a heartbeat 6 weeks after conception impedes killing the babies as sacrifices to the progressive lifestyle. Therefore, they do not have heartbeats.

The conspiracy must reach to the very top of the medical instruments industry. Expect congressional investigations to begin soon.

Misinformation that supports the conspiracy needs to go down the memory hole, because if it is now true that babies don’t have heartbeats at 6 weeks, it must always have been true.

Planned Parenthood is already on the job:

Medical journals will also require some cleanup. Via Washington Examiner:

Searching medical journals, you find plenty of references to a fetal heartbeat, even at six weeks. A 2011 article in the Journal of Prenatal Medicine noted : “At the end of the fourth week of gestation, the heartbeats of the embryo begin.”

The authors, obstetricians in Italy, continued, “The heart, whose development starts at the 3rd week of gestation, has rapid and irregular contractions capable of pumping the blood inside the vessels.” Journal articles with statements like this are everywhere.

Here’s a 2009 journal article about “the normal range of embryonic heart rate and fetal heart rate at six to 11 weeks of gestation.”

More for the memory hole:

In case there are any science deniers out there, a Washington Post fact checker confirms that Stacey Abrams is correct.

Moonbats would not have made Stacey Abrams the President of the United Earth if she didn’t know what she is talking about.

Georgians, vote wisely.

On tips from seaoh and Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 16 2022

Idaho Inflicts Porn Literacy in Elementary School

You might think that in a place like Idaho, it would be possible to raise kids in relative innocence. But where moonbattery has infiltrated, there can be no innocence. The Idaho Freedom Foundation reports on the imposition of “porn literacy” on children by the government:

Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) implements sex education curriculum endorsed by Planned Parenthood in schools.

The lavishly subsidized abortion mill Planned Parenthood has a financial stake in promoting debauchery, as that is the primary driving force behind demand for abortion.

IDHW takes funds from federal programs like the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE). Then, IDHW acquires sex education products from non-profits like Education, Training and Research (ETR), whose curriculum is developed and endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

Next, IDHW instructs public health districts to implement ETR’s Reducing the Risk (RTR) curriculum in public schools.

“Risk” refers to the groomer strategy of pretending children are in danger if they are not preyed upon by perverts who try to set hooks that can be used to reel them into the realm of LGBT.

ETR delivers a variety of approaches, including a “LGBTQ Inclusive” curriculum that queers education with an emphasis on “gender identity, sexual orientation and behavior.” ETR also advocates for teaching elementary students about “porn literacy,” which involves instruction on “kink and power, pleasure, sexual identity, sexual acts, and sexual exploration in relation to pornography.”

For ETR, pornography consumption is a “required topic” in sex education.

These people should be making license plates, not subverting schools.

In an ETR-sponsored training titled “Porn Literacy in Sex Ed,” Sarah Diamond, Associate Director of Prevention and Education at the University of San Diego, hopes sex educators avoid stigmatizing porn as bad but rather “help students reflect on their own values about pornography.” Diamond suggests administering “porn literacy values” surveys and recommended activities wherein students defend ideas like “pornography can be a good way to learn about sex,” even if they disagree.

Few children will disagree. They yield to pressure from adults. That characteristic renders them vulnerable to groomers.

As kids move through school, the LGBT agenda smoothly segues into Critical Race Theory:

Another sex education facilitator, Jess Melendez, Adolescent Programs Health Educator at San Ysidro Health Teen Clinic, asserts in a training video that porn literacy should start in elementary schools with “intimate safety conversations.” In middle school, students should be able to “identify sexually explicit media and pornography.” High schoolers should be schooled in finding out “how can porn that depicts racism be harmful to a viewer.”

Smut is good. Sexual deviancy is good. Racism is bad. The basics have been covered. Learning to read and do math can wait until students take remedial classes in college.

Kids are made to watch cartoon pornography. One video preaches that “being curious about sex or looking at pictures or films of naked bodies or people engaging in sexual behaviors is perfectly normal.”

It gets even darker:

A RTR curriculum link on the health district’s website directs viewers and teachers to ETR’s trainings on Porn Literacy and Queering Sex Ed.

The North Central Health District’s website directs teens to several other resources endorsed by this government-financed interest group. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy link takes kids to Power to Decide, showing kids where to get an abortion. Another link provided by the district is Love is Respect, which introduces kids to topics like polyamory and gender transitions.

Complete success is when the indoctrination leads to children being surgically mutilated on behalf of the cult of degeneracy that is our liberal ruling class.

The Sex etc. link takes students to articles such as Transgender Men Can Get Pregnant, Too, surveys about masturbation, and AMAZE Org videos featuring cartoon depictions of porn and abortion.

It would be better to run off with your children and raise them in a yurt in Mongolia than to let them fall into the clutches of government schools.

Health districts are working to introduce the RTR curriculum into more schools. … No one can say how many school districts in Idaho have adopted this curriculum, though nearly every health district promotes the RTR curriculum.

This cancer has metastasized from the faraway District of Corruption:

Federal grants complicate the tasks of state governments. They offer “free” money with federal strings. Money for pregnancy prevention ultimately means money for queering the curriculum and promoting porn literacy through a federal bait-and-switch.

We put up with this. Democrats even vote for it.

The Founding Fathers could never have imagined the depths of debasement we would sink to. Yet Thomas Jefferson may have had a vague intimation when he said, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

On a tip from Barry A.

Aug 25 2022

Higher Education Bought Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s intolerably unfair (not to mention unconstitutional) decree that people who didn’t go to college or who paid off their loans have to pay off the student loans of freeloaders is about more than getting out the midterm vote among shiftless gender studies majors. Like his obedience to pernicious teachers’ unions, it is a matter of giving those who bankroll him what they have paid for — a piece of his power:

Biden received more than $64.5 million in contributions from people in the higher education sector during his presidential campaign in 2020, making him the top recipient by a large margin, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets.

Of the top 20 recipients of higher education cash, 19 were Democrats.

Biden topped the list, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) coming in second with $17.2 million and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in third with $11.6 million.

If you ever wondered whether the kooks running universities want to impose communism, now you know.

Democrats have continued to dominate the sector during the 2022 midterm cycle, with Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) topping the list at $2.2 million.

The anti-American demagogue Warnock is basically Obama’s pastor Jeremiah “God D*** America” Wright but with even less subtlety.

Big Education has plenty of money to throw at politics, because it is massively subsidized by Big Government. This drives up the price of education, enriching educrats. Debt “forgiveness” is another gigantic subsidy that will increase tuition costs.

The money cycle works the same as for Planned Parenthood: wealth is created by regular Americans, confiscated through taxes, handed out to nefarious institutions, and then a percentage is donated to corrupt Democrat pols, who see to it that the wheel keeps turning.

Like the higher education racket, our communist Chinese enemies own a piece of Joe Biden. The implications are alarming.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 10 2022

Corrupting Kids in California and Wisconsin

The last people you would want talking about sex with your children are the moonbats who dominate public schools. Many of them are evangelists for sexual profligacy and perversion, which comprise a central pillar of current Democrat ideology.

Here’s what kids are taught in California:

San Diego Unified School District partnered with Planned Parenthood on a K-12 sexual health curriculum that focuses on sexual orientation and breaking down “gender norms,” according to public school documents.

The fiends at Planned Parenthood make vast amounts of money by aborting the unwanted children who result from debauchery. They have a vested interest in contributing to liberal sex ed.

Educators are also prepped for student questions they may have to answer as a part of the sexual health lesson including, “is it okay to masturbate?” “what does semen taste like?” “how do gay people have sex?” and “what is porn?”, according to the documents. The lesson advises educators to make sure their response is “inclusive of all students.”

“Inclusive of all students” in this context means “compliant with LGBT doctrine.” Kids are coming out of high school unable to read, but they will have no problem answering the questions above.

Transsexual derangement is encouraged:

San Diego Unified School District also provides “student information change request” forms for teachers to complete to change their name and pronouns on teacher rosters, report cards, school mailings and diplomas, the documents state. Educators are advised not to disclose the change in gender identity to parents unless advised by the student to do so.

Parents can be obstacles to liberal social engineering objectives.

The push to transsexualize children is also on display in the Heartland:

Wauwatosa School District in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, is proposing a new sexual education curriculum called “Human Growth and Development” … according to school documents. The K-12 curriculum begins with teaching kindergarteners how to label their genitals, with gender identity and sexual orientation lessons beginning in third grade. …

The proposed curriculum includes a lesson plan for kindergarteners featuring the children’s book “Sparkle Boy,” a story about a boy who prefers to dress like a girl…

In third grade, students are … introduced to the concept that sex assigned at birth and gender identity may not always align. …

Students in fourth grade are introduced to the terms cisgender, transgender and non-binary, public documents showed. …

By sixth grade the students are expected to be able to define the terms bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer, twospirit, asexual and pansexual, public curriculum documents showed.

Leftists obsessed with sexual deviancy exploit their control of schools to confuse, indoctrinate, corrupt, and recruit other people’s children — that is, to groom them.

This should be illegal. Instead, under Democrat rule, it is financed with tax dollars. Degenerates and the psychologically dysfunctional tend to vote Democrat, so as with Planned Parenthood, there is a vested interest.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 03 2022

Forcing Doctors to Perform Sex Change Surgery and Abortion

Tolerate evil and you will soon have it imposed on you by force:

In 2016, the Obama administration’s Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule that would have forced doctors across the country to assist in transitioning patients out of their biological sex, regardless of a provider’s medical opinion or conscience objections.

Religious physicians or institutions would be forced to participate, because according to Democrats, there is only one true religion: moonbattery.

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty managed to get an injunction in federal court to stop this — but only until Obama’s third term. Now it’s going back to court:

Under the Biden administration’s theory, the Affordable Care Act provides the administration with “all the authority” it needs “to punish groups that don’t perform gender transitions and abortions,” [Becket attorney Luke] Goodrich told National Review. The 2016 rule also included language that Becket alleges would force religious institutions to perform abortions.

The Biden Regime has the ideal point man in HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra…

…who has made his political brand on waging one ruthless culture war after another.

As attorney general of California, Becerra sought to punish independent journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal remains harvested during abortions. The Los Angeles Times editorial board described his decision to charge those involved with felonies “disturbing,” and the progressive Mother Jones called it “chilling.”

To push leftist tyranny far enough to disturb the moonbats at the LA Times and Mother Jones is a notable accomplishment.

[Becerra] also happily enforced a plainly unconstitutional California statute requiring pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to provide pro-abortion materials to patrons, and, as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted against legislation that would allow providers not to perform abortions without fear of government reprisal.

It is not enough for Democrats to kill unborn children or to ruin people’s lives by surgically transforming them into grotesque facsimiles of the opposite sex. They want to force decent people to take part in these atrocities. The Democratic Party is the political embodiment of evil.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 22 2022

Even NPR Notices Ukrainian Corruption

Ukrainian corruption is so conspicuous that even the moonbats at NPR wonder where our money is going:

As it presses ahead with providing tens of billions of dollars in military, economic and direct financial support aid to Ukraine and encourages its allies to do the same, the Biden administration is now once again grappling with longstanding worries about Ukraine’s suitability as a recipient of massive infusions of American aid.

Ukraine is characterized by what NPR calls a “history of rampant corruption and shaky governance.”

Zelenskyy’s weekend firings of his top prosecutor, intelligence chief and other senior officials have resurfaced those concerns and may have inadvertently given fresh attention to allegations of high-level corruption in Kyiv…

This isn’t the first time that firing the top prosecutor has been an issue in Ukraine. Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin wanted to investigate corruption at Burisma, which was shoveling mountains of money at Joe Biden’s bagman Hunter. Biden famously bragged that he pressured the Ukrainian government to fire Shokin by threatening to withhold $1 BILLION in American taxpayer money.

We have this on video:

America is currently controlled by the same sort of people who run Ukraine. No wonder Democrats are so fond of Ukrainian flags.

Our government has already transferred $billions upon $billions to Ukraine (much of which has already gone missing). Presumably we are buying Ukrainian silence on dealings with corrupt American politicians like Joe Biden. It is also possible that, as with money doled out to Planned Parenthood, a percentage is kicked back to Democrats. Pelosi, Schumer, et al. probably have Swiss bank accounts to dwarf even Zelensky’s.

Meanwhile, our savings are inflated away to worthlessness to finance the corruption that is synonymous both with Ukraine and with Democrat rule.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

May 22 2022

Nancy Pelosi Denied Communion

Stalin’s strategy was to close down churches and send off priests and nuns to die in gulags, but his ideological heirs take a more insidious approach. They hollow out Christianity, retaining only the husk, replacing the actual content with leftist ideology. That way, churches are no longer challenges to government authority, but only meaningless social clubs, comprised of people who believe whatever is fashionable. No need to shut down any churches; they will just wither away from irrelevance.

Some Catholics are fighting back by affirming that their church does actually stand for something:

Nancy Pelosi is barred from receiving the Eucharist in the Archdiocese of San Francisco because of her efforts to codify federal protection for abortions, according to a May 20 statement from Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

“I must make a public declaration that [Pelosi] is not to be admitted to Holy Communion unless and until she publicly repudiate her support for abortion ‘rights’ and confess and receive absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the sacrament of Penance. I have accordingly sent her a Notification to this effect, which I have now made public,” Cordileone wrote in a letter released Friday.

Archbishop Cordileone had repeatedly requested to meet with her, but Pelosi blew him off, offering an indication of how seriously she takes the faith.

The archbishop invoked canon 915 of the Code of the Canon Law, which says that Catholics who “obstinately persist” in “manifest grave sin” should not be admitted to the Eucharist.

Pelosi’s advocacy of abortion is extreme:

Pelosi has said that overturning Roe would be an “abomination” and that should the Supreme Court do so, it would be “one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history.” She and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) have led Democrats in support of a radical abortion bill that would wipe out state pro-life laws and dramatically expand abortion access by codifying Roe into federal law.

To allow a fiend like Pelosi to take communion makes a farce of the ritual. Let her attend services of the Satanic Temple; that would be consistent with her beliefs. Presenting herself as Catholic is blasphemy.

Excommunication would be more appropriate, but denying communion to someone who makes a mockery of Catholicism is at least a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile, at other churches,

A pro-LGBT organization is slated to host a conference for kids ages 12 to 18 at the Naples United Church of Christ in Florida on Saturday.

“GLSEN Collier is hosting the inaugural Youth Pride Conference in Naples, FL for all local LGBTQ youth ages 12-18,” a post about the event states. …

The event will include a drag show. …

One of the breakout sessions available for attendees will include, “Inclusive Sex Education,” featuring a presenter from Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, according to the conference description.

That is the alternative to standing firm and pushing back.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, and Blackjack.

Apr 19 2022

Up and Coming Democrat Talent

No matter how bad Democrats get, they can always get worse. Noah Weston and Alexandra Hunt indicate where the party is heading.

Weston is just getting started, but anyone this woke ought to have a promising future if the Big Apple continues to rot:

A rapper whose social media accounts are filled with venomous anti-police rants is running to become a Democratic Party district leader in Brooklyn.

Noah Weston — who is running on the “For the People” slate with congressional candidate Brittany Ramos De Barros and Assemblyman Mathylde Frontus in southern Brooklyn — has called officers “f–king pigs,” “plague rats” and “sacks of s–t” who do more harm than good. …

“F–k these f–king pigs till the day their misbegotten lives end. Abolish these egrish sacks of s–t,” wrote Weston, a West Hollywood, Calif., native who now performs in a hip-hop group called Brown Bag All Stars.

At the congressional level, Democrat voters can get cutting edge progressivism from a former stripper who wants to tell you about her abortion.

Alexandra Hunt, who is running for the Democratic nomination for a Philadelphia-area congressional district, has used her past to drive attention to her progressive campaign platform, including by starting an OnlyFans page…

OnlyFans is primarily known as a pornography platform.

Here’s why she killed her baby:

“My generation faces a lack of jobs, a lack of living wage, a housing crisis, an affordable housing crisis, a student debt crisis, the climate emergency, the prison-industrial complex, and the list goes on and on. And I wanted to offer my child better.”

Being killed in the womb by your own mother is better than existing in a world menaced by an imaginary climate crisis and the prison-industrial complex. The segue of liberalism into nihilism is almost complete.

Nothing goes better with nihilism than depravity:

Hunt said she got her abortion through Planned Parenthood, and that the decision “was made with a lot of love.”

In the world of moonbats, love is having someone’s skull crushed and brains sucked out for your own selfish interests. Hunt crows that “abortion enabled me to progress in my career.”

She says she went public about being a former a stripper in part because she wants to represent sex workers, a euphemism that includes prostitutes and their pimps.

Her moral stance appears to resonate with her fellow Democrats. She has been blowing away incumbent Democrat congresscritter Dwight Evans in fundraising.

On tips from Steve T and ADAM SCHIFF THE GROOMER.

Apr 17 2022

Beware Fallen Churches

As Christians celebrate this most holy day, the leftists who have infiltrated and subverted churches as relentlessly as rust will presumably devote themselves to the usual — blasphemous moonbattery like this:

Praying to “the Great Queer One,” students at United Methodist-affiliated Duke Divinity School proclaimed God’s acceptance and support for LGBTQ relationships in a Pride worship service March 22.

For more on God’s acceptance and support for LGBT behavior, refer to Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-27, Jude 1:7, et cetera.

The service was sponsored by Divinity Pride, which is devoted to subverting Christianity by using its trappings in the worship of the LBGT agenda.

“Strange one, fabulous one, fluid, and ever-becoming one,” prayed second-year Master of Divinity (M.Div) student Caroline Camp in opening the service. She stated that God is “mother, father, and parent” and “drag queen, and transman, and gender-fluid.”

Easter might be a good day to stay out of United Methodist churches. You wouldn’t want to be in one when it gets hit by a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky.

Although LGBT militants have been at the tip of the spear in the progressive assault on Christianity, there have been attempts to subvert it in the name of other aspects of liberal ideology, as Robert Spencer observes:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Grey Goose) a year ago gave thanks to her god for his salvific sacrifice: “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice.” Catholic University displayed a painting of George Floyd as Jesus.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-Planned Parenthood) proclaimed in September 2021 that the unvaccinated “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.” The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which is so far-Left as to make Duke Divinity School look like MAGA country, last October published a new hymn entitled “The Climate is Changing.” In September 2019, climate idolaters at Union Theological Seminary began worshipping potted plants as a “liturgical response to our climate crisis.”

Leftists expect that once they have hollowed out Christianity and replaced its viscera with wokeness, it will whither and die. In the meantime, it can be exploited to manipulate the gullible.

It isn’t enough to attend churches; they need to be defended before they are subverted.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Mar 30 2022

Brown Bagging Aborted Babies: Perinatal Babies Next?

The contempt some show for the sanctity of innocent human life chills the soul. At the University of Washington School of Medicine, they reportedly keep aborted babies and organs harvested from them in paper bags in the fridge, like sack lunches.

Even some lefties are appalled, like the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising:

The activists found the freezer by following a paper trail of invoices that recorded the purchase of various fetal body parts by universities and research labs across the country. …

“The American people must be made aware of the mass dehumanization of these unborn children who are violently killed and thrown into a freezer, whose body parts are then portioned out to researchers in pursuit of federal funding,” PAAU Executive Director Terrisa Bukovinac said. …

David Prentice, the vice president at the Charlotte Lozier Institute and an expert in stem cell research, told the Washington Examiner that the storage of the human fetal remains was “unethical,” as informed consent could not be obtained from a deceased individual…

It is also unlikely that the deceased individuals consented to be aborted.

University of Washington maintains the nation’s largest fetal organ tissue bank, as came to light after undercover videos revealed Planned Parenthood employees haggling over the price of the baby body parts they sell.

David Daleiden was arrested for making these videos. California has allegedly been suppressing evidence that could aid in his legal defense. Via Daily Signal:

In March 2017, former California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed an arrest warrant detailing 15 criminal charges against the pro-life activist. Becerra has since assumed the role of secretary in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

In November 2019, Planned Parenthood was awarded more than $2 million in damages against Daleiden after a jury ruled that he broke the law by secretly filming Planned Parenthood workers.

Preceding Becerra as California Attorney General, Kamala Harris took part in persecuting Daleiden for embarrassing the abortion industry with his investigative journalism.

California is what you get when evil people run the state government. Now they run the federal government.

Both Planned Parenthood and much of the research conducted on the body parts it sells are generously funded by our federal tax dollars.

Why stop at unborn children? Also from California:

AB 2223 was introduced in February as a placeholder for future legislative language amid a raft of pro-abortion proposals advanced by lawmakers, following radically pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s promise to make California a “sanctuary” for abortion, Right to Life League reported.

On March 17, the bill’s authors submitted updated language to amend existing state laws.

Under the new language, a “person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.”

The word “perinatal” in this context appears to mean that it will be legal to murder children in California up to age 2 years. This should give Newsom’s nascent abortion tourism industry a boost.

On Tuesday, Gov. Newsom signed legislation to make abortions free in the Golden State by bulldozing out-of-pocket costs for abortion services covered under health insurance plans.

Maybe they can sell some dead babies to University of Washington to recoup part of the cost of the “free” abortions.

On tips from seaoh and Chris Neilson.


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