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Category: Hate Whites

Mar 18 2023

Wales Demonstrates That Wokeism Is Cultural Genocide

It isn’t enough for woke iconoclasts to tear down the statues of great historical figures explicitly because they were white men, as planned by bureaucrats in Wales. As it is erased, Western heritage must be coercively replaced with pure moonbattery.

Wales is even forcibly conscripting private residential landlords to impose it. Elsewhere, consistent with the postmodern strategy of wielding power through language, social engineers are enacting Orwell’s 1984 by shrinking permissible vocabulary to the point of compulsory aphasia.

Political correctness is not just nauseating and oppressive. It is cultural genocide. The objective is to wipe Europeans and the civilization they created from the face of the earth. To give an inch to leftists on anything is to participate in this.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Mar 16 2023

Michael Moore Descended From Slave

You can see why progressives are so keen to erase history. To prop up their ideology, it must be replaced with fictional narratives like New York Times’ 1619 Project and the education establishment-endorsed fantasies of anti-American communist Howard Zinn. Some leftists also have personal reasons. Angela Davis — also an anti-American communist, as well as a black supremacist — turns out to have ancestors who came over on the Mayflower. Now we learn that Michael Moore is descended from a slave.

As with Davis, the revelation comes complements of the PBS program Finding Your Roots. Nonmoonbat taxpayers are finally getting some return on their compulsory investment.


Host and executive producer Henry Louis Gates Jr. said on the show that Moore’s paternal eighth great grandfather was one of 300 Scottish slaves brought to Boston from London in 1651.

Ancestor John Wattles was later freed and settled outside Boston before he was killed in a clash between colonists and Native Americans in 1676, Gates told Moore, who said he understands the reasons for the death.

Figures a guy who probably walks like a hippopotamus on its hind legs would be descended from someone whose name sounds like “waddles.”

Moore denounced his fellow Caucasians while characteristically siding against his ancestor and with the Stone Age savages who killed him.

Now here’s an ancestor a moonbat like Moore can take pride in:

His third great grandfather was brought before a court martial in 1812 after refusing to serve in a militia.

“That is amazing and such a good feeling too,” Moore said.

Everyone on earth is descended from slaves, but with most of us, they are far enough back that we don’t know their names. Moore’s enslaved forebearer gives the lie to the leftist stance that white people are inherently bad because slavery.

On a tip from landy fincannon.

Mar 14 2023

Wales Plans to Erase Historical Heroes for Being White Men

After Rome fell, its great heritage was not erased. Remnants of the Roman Empire stand to this day. But the British Empire was brought down by a more merciless enemy than barbarian hordes. It was rotted to death from within by leftists, who are incapable of grace or respect. Having vanquished the empire that did more than any other to advance the human race, they will leave no two stones standing one atop another:

Statues of “old white men” such as the Duke of Wellington and Admiral Lord Nelson could be hidden or destroyed to create the “right historical narrative”, according to Welsh government guidance.

Britain is part of Europe, so its heroes have been Europeans. Consequently, they must be erased in accordance with the politically correct historical narrative, according to which white people are evil for their dominant role in pulling the human race up from savagery.

Historical statues that often glorify “powerful, older, able-bodied white men” may be “offensive” to a more diverse modern public, according to guidance which is expected to be finalised this month.

Admiral Nelson lost an arm in combat, but was too great a man to be spared, despite not being entirely able-bodied. He has been denounced as not having a 21st century attitude toward the slave trade.

The government’s “best-practice” advice states that … authorities could “conceal commemorations” and “discretely box monuments or enclose them creatively in new artworks”.

Even if the vermin currently in charge hide the statues or defile them, at least these treasures might survive in case a better generation emerges. Or they might not:

Alternatively, “offensive or unwanted items” could be relocated or destroyed, the advisory documents state…

The planned vandalism is motivated largely by self-directed racial hate. The custodians of British tradition aim to destroy “colonial myths about white superiority,” as they bleat that “relative preponderance of white historians over other identities can skew understanding.”

Nothing is more likely to skew understanding than a preponderance of leftists applying George Orwell’s dictum: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” The ideologues in charge have decreed that Europe is to have no future.

Leftists utilize the weaponized hurt feelings of supposed victims as a cudgel with which to smash everything precious. According to Welsh bureauweenies,

existing monuments “can be offensive to people today who see them in a different light”, including as “aggressors who conquered peoples to expand the British Empire”.

What could be more offensive than to see progressives erase the British Empire from history? It’s like watching the Mona Lisa get eaten by maggots.

It isn’t just Wales. Inspired by Black Lives Matter bullies, London’s Metropolitian Police compiled a “contentious statues” list that included Winston Churchill himself.

If there had been no Churchill, and Britain had been conquered by the Nazis, the destruction of its heritage would have been less complete.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 11 2023

Los Angeles Times Blames Whites for Car Smog

According to the media and education establishments, whites are bad because they are oppressors; identity groups favored by Democrats are good because they are oppressed. This applies to all aspects of existence, even the smog that characterizes Los Angeles, according to a recent excretion of the LA Times:

The article, by Sammy Roth, comments on a recent study by scholars at the University of Southern California who found that “all else equal, tracts whose residents drive less are exposed to more air pollution, as are tracts with a less-White population.”

State and local government alone spends hundreds of $billions per year on higher education. This money is extracted from us forcibly through taxation and inflation. You can see why so much of the funding has to be on a coercive basis; few would pay for this pernicious nonsense voluntarily.

The study blamed urban planning that put freeways through black and Latino neighborhoods (though there may be a cause-and-effect problem, as neighborhoods with freeways may be more affordable and convenient for black and Latino households migrating to the city to find jobs and opportunities).

The effect of this moonbattery is not only to whip up hostility against scapegoated whites in accordance with cultural Marxism, but to cause economic dysfunction:

Recently, a major cargo freeway expansion was canceled in L.A. due to the supposedly racist effects of building it, despite the possible negative effects on the local economy.

The tasteless joke serving as Secretary of Transportation agrees that roads are racist, as are bridges. The malevolent lunatics who rule over us are driven by a bizarre ideology.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Wiggins, and Jack D.

Mar 06 2023

Profiles in Race Hate: Superintendent Marion Wilson

The vicious savages who beat white children and force them to kneel and pledge fealty to Black Lives Matter on the playground do not get their ideology straight from Ivy League faculty, or from the mainstream media propagandists who do. It reaches them through the schools themselves. Consider Staten Island Superintendent Marion Wilson, some of whose texts recently became public:

“No more white principals on my watch!” says one text under Wilson’s name.

“I need to clean up this island,” another text reads. “White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club anymore. A strong black woman runs this bitch now, and they can either get on board or get out. If they don’t get out, I’m going to take them out one by one. They’re not gonna know what hit them. Gonna be fun.”

You can guess who will replace those driven out of their jobs for being white.

Wilson has spoken openly about seeking to hire more “BIPOC” – black, indigenous, and people of color – to work in Staten Island schools, [a] parent said.

Consistent with our state religion under Democrat rule, Wilson sees to it that hiring is done on the basis of race. Racial preference is no doubt how she attained her own position of power at the expense of someone more qualified.

Local black educators were honored at a Black History event last month at the College of Staten Island hosted by City Councilmember Kamillah Hanks and state Assembly Assistant Majority Leader Charles D. Fall.

“I wanted you to understand how incredible it is, through the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Marion Wilson and our Chancellor David C. Banks, that we are now looking at 14 black principals on Staten Island,” Hanks said.

A Brooklyn principal cited complaints by colleagues: “Many assistant principals and principals have voiced comments made by the District 31 superintendent about hiring only black administrators for vacancies. Many administrators with tenure who live in Staten Island have left for other districts.”

When the people running the schools are openly hostile to whites, it should surprise no one that some students are too.

Whites still comprise over 40% of the students in Staten Island. But not for long.

Meanwhile, blacks comprise less than 13%, similar to the percentage of the American population. But our leftist ruling class has decided they are the 13% that matters.

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Mar 04 2023

Watch Critical Race Theory Implemented on the Playground

Teachers are not the only ones to implement black supremacist ideology in public schools. Critical Race Theory has filtered down from the Ivy League to the playground, as confirmed by video of a recent incident in Springfield, Ohio showing white students beaten and forced to kneel and pledge submission to Black Lives Matter:

As the New York Post describes it,

Footage obtained by WKEF showed a tall student grabbing a much smaller one around the back of the head and marching him across the Springfield playground, with another joining to hold the struggling victim. …

Minutes later, a group of five people marched to the same spot, this time with a child hoisted over the shoulder of the ringleader — who then tosses the pupil to the ground.

A third attack appears to show the group knocking down another student and dragging him or her along the ground.

The children were forced to recite the words “Black Lives Matter.”

The principal of Kenwood Elementary told cops that some of those who refused were “chased down and escorted, dragged or carried” to the area near the swings, as caught on the surveillance footage.

At least one of the victims was punched in the head, the police report said of the racially motivated attack.

The Blaze provides context:

BLM, the identitarian leftist group the Springfield aggressors allegedly forced their victims to pledge fealty to, was associated with the 2020 riots that did at least $1 billion in damage. Of the 8,700 BLM-related events at the time, 574 reportedly involved violent acts in over 140 cities, including shootings, arson, looting, vehicular crimes, and explosions.

RealClear Investigations reported that between six and 20 persons were killed in the BLM riots. One police officer was killed, and 2,037 officers were assaulted or injured; 16,241 arrests were made.

Extra to its links to violence, destruction, and transsexual activism, BLM calls for police to be defunded, for the disruption of the nuclear family, and for “a queer-affirming network.”

In short, Black Lives Matter represents unadulterated evil, which children entrusted to their school were forced to kneel before and pledge allegiance to.

Not to absolve the nasty little savages on the playground, but the blame lies mainly with the schools, the media, and the rest of the liberal establishment for egging on Black Lives Matter violence and extolling its ideology. The playground bullies are underaged foot soldiers for an evil that transcends race, which is only a tool for progressives.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Mar 03 2023

NIH Blows $241 Million to Discriminate Against Whites

Since Biden’s handlers took power, Democrats have been throwing money at “infrastructure” by the $trillions, causing both the national debt and inflation to explode. Yet we cannot even keep trains on our decaying tracks, as seen for example in Ohio and Florida.

This is possible because whatever Democrats pretend to spend money on, what they are actually spending it on is either graft, as with the money-laundering green energy boondoggles Obama pioneered, or moonbattery, as with the quarter $billion the National Institutes of Health is spending to advance not health but the twisted ideology that is tearing apart the country:

In 2020 the National Institutes of Health created the Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation program “to enhance and maintain cultures of inclusive excellence in the biomedical research community.” The program will give 12 institutions a total of $241 million over nine years for diversity-focused faculty hiring.

Somehow I doubt spending $241,000,000 of other people’s money to discriminate against Caucasians will result in a cure for cancer.

Under the terms of the grants, only candidates who demonstrate “a strong commitment to promoting diversity and inclusive excellence” can be hired through the program. To apply, candidates must submit a diversity statement.

That is, they must swear allegiance to cultural Marxism. As Daniel Greenfield puts it, the “express goal is to get candidates to disavow any notions of neutrality or equality, and to commit to viewing everything through the leftist lens of identity politics.”

Healthcare spending needs to be divested from the federal government — for the sake of our national health.

On a tip from R F.

Mar 01 2023

Elon Musk Attacked Over Scott Adams

Political incorrectness is more contagious than Covid. Merely suggest that an unperson deserves a point of view and you will contract this dread illness; you too will be canceled, as will anyone who fails to denounce you with sufficient close-mindedness. So Elon Musk is asking for it.

From the relatively right-leaning Daily Mail:

Musk has sensationally claimed the media is racist to white people and Asians as he voiced his support for disgraced ‘Dilbert’ comic strip creator Scott Adams. …

Musk appeared to back the shamed creator as he replied to a tweet about the controversy claiming ‘the media is racist.’

‘For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now they’re racist against whites & Asians,’ the 51-year-old billionaire explained.

‘Same thing happened with elite colleges and high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist.’

Here’s what they consider supporting the canceled comic strip genius Adams:

Musk later commented ‘exactly’ in response to a tweet which claimed ‘Adams’ comments weren’t good but there’s an element of truth to this… it’s complicated.’

No, it is not complicated. You think what you are told to think. You hate those who do not. If you fail to hate them, then you will be hated.

Here’s why we must hate Scott Adams:

Adams in [a] video joked that he’s been “identifying as black” for some time, but must have accidentally joined a “hate group,” based on a recent Rasmussen poll. The poll, which surveyed 1,000 people, showed that 53% of black people agreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white,” leaving 47% unable to say they agree.

That is to say, according to the poll, nearly half of blacks think that whites should not be allowed to exist. But Scott Adams is the racist for being alarmed by the potentially genocidal hatred liberal ideology has wrought.

“Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the f*** away,” Adams continued, after commenting further on race relations and crime. “Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed. So I don’t think it makes any sense as a white citizen of America to try to help black citizens anymore. It doesn’t make sense. There’s no longer a rational impulse. So I’m going to back off on being helpful to black America because it doesn’t seem like it pays off.”

Adams on Saturday morning reacted to the backlash online.

“A lot of people are angry at me today but I haven’t yet heard anyone disagree. I make two main points: 1. Treat everyone as an individual (no discrimination). 2. Avoid any group that doesn’t respect you. Does anyone think that is bad advice?” he wrote.

We are required to think that it is bad advice. Consequently,

Adams’ strip has been canceled by notable newspapers around the country including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and all papers in the USA Today Network.

The ‘canceled’ cartoonist was also dropped by Andrews McMeel Universal, the company that syndicates ‘Dilbert,’ and his upcoming works have been canceled. …

[Adams] told his [YouTube] listeners that no media organizations had reached out to speak with him or hear his side of the story.

They still allow this thought criminal on YouTube? It must be chaos there with head censor Susan Wojcicki gone.

When Democrats call for a “dialogue on race,” remember what they did to Scott Adams and keep your mouth firmly shut except to shout officially sanctioned bumper sticker slogans — unless you are the richest man in the world and think you can get away with challenging the thought police.

If Musk didn’t own Twitter, his centrist opinions would get him banned from it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 28 2023

Biden Panders to Antiwhite Race Hate

Presidents of consequence are remembered by characteristic quotations:

George Washington: “The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”

Thomas Jefferson: “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.”

James Madison: “The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.”

Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Joe Biden: “I I I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.”

America’s moonbattery-induced decline has reached a new nadir:

Actually, Biden is stupid. Even before dementia set in, he was conspicuous for his lack of intelligence. This is why he lies about his college record.

Imagine the contempt blacks would feel toward one of their own who pandered to an audience of guffawing Caucasians by groveling, “I may be a n*****, but I’m not stupid.” The contempt would be well earned, as is the contempt in which Biden is held.

On tips from Barry A, KirklesWorth, and Chris Neilson.

Feb 28 2023

Equity Is Bigotry

Because only omnipotent, omnipresent government can impose it, equity is tyranny. Because it holds us down to the lowest common denominator, equity is mediocrity. Because it cuts against human nature and benefits no one but a tiny parasitical ruling class, equity is insanity. Because progressives use it as a euphemism for systemic discrimination against whites, men, and the sexually healthy, equity is bigotry:

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 23 2023

Black Supremacist Mayflower Communist Angela Davis

Communist maniac and retired University of California professor Angela Davis finally has something to be proud of. Not supporting the USSR during the Cold War. Not receiving the Lenin Peace Prize from the slave state East Germany in 1979. Not openly advocating political violence. Not providing the weapons Black Panther terrorists used to kill a Marin County judge in 1970. Not taking a leadership position in the movement to free all nonwhite criminals. Not being named honorary cochair of the pussy-hatted Women’s March. Not having respect bestowed upon her by the liberal establishmentarians of Yale University and Time Magazine. Not even being a proud (i.e., noisy) lesbian. Despite her fervent hatred of Caucasians for being racists, like most American blacks Angela Davis has white ancestors — in her case, dating back to the Mayflower:

William Brewster, who traveled aboard the [Mayflower] with his wife Mary Wentworth Brewster, was Davis’s 10th great-grandfather.

Mary was one of only five adult women from the Mayflower to have survived the first winter after arriving in the US and one of only four such to survive until the ‘first Thanksgiving’ in 1621, which she was said to have helped cook.

Then there is her mother’s side:

Stephen Darden, her fourth great grandfather, was born in colonial Virginia around 1750.

He was a patriot who played the drums during the Revolutionary War, according to a muster roll. Afterwards he moved from Virginia to Georgia, where he owned a farm and at least six slaves.

The shame:

Angela Davis gets no credit for her illustrious ancestors. By the same token, the rest of us who have ancestors who owned slaves inherit no blame — especially considering that everyone on earth is almost certainly the descendant of both slaves and slaveowners.

However, the nutty professor would not agree. She has screeched that white Americans should be forced to pay slavery reparations.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Jester.

Feb 23 2023

Harvard Decolonizes Medicine

The depraved ideology of our self-loathing ruling class is truly totalitarian. Every aspect of reality must be subordinated to it — including healthcare:

This past weekend Harvard played host to the sixth annual Black Health Matters confab, the theme of which was “Decolonizing Black Health.”

The objective was…

…to “‘challenge and transform’ approaches to health care that may have been shaped by ‘colonialism, racism, and other forms of oppression,'” The Crimson reports.

Like everything else, healthcare must be “decolonized.” As medical schools have made explicit, this entails rejecting modern medicine in favor of the practices of savages.

The practical effect of decolonization is regression … all in the name expunging the white man’s influence. Students at South Africa’s University of Cape Town even said exactly that — that science should be “scratched” because it is a “product of racism.”

One UCT student defined “decolonization” as “doing away with [Western science] entirely and starting all over again to deal with how we respond to the environment and how we understand it.”

Two and two may or may not make four. It all depends on whether a white guy was first to notice it:

Durham University’s decolonization efforts include professors asking themselves if they are citing too many “white or male mathematicians.”

Not even physics is safe from antiwhite race hate:

Scholars at Concordia University are working to decolonize light — “advancing other ways of knowing about light, science and physics.” Courses will be developed in conjunction with Native scholars to “elevate” indigenous knowledge … while “Eurocentric” science is “de-centered” and “scrutinized for its alleged past and present contributions to colonialism.”

Once universities were repositories of Western Civilization. Now they exist to eradicate it.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 18 2023

More Racial Justice on the School Bus

The 9-year-old white girl beaten senseless by a black kid twice her size on a school bus was hardly an isolated experience. As we have seen, the liberal establishment’s race hate ideology has filtered down to children. Another example of what it’s like for a little kid to ride a school bus while white in woke America:

A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Taylor Brock, whose son is a seventh-grader at Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria, posted the distressing footage from the Jan. 23 incident on her blog Monday.

The size differential was typical of these incidents, which invariably involve a victim who is much smaller and/or helplessly outnumbered.

The attacker was soon back at school, learning about how the white man oppresses her and sitting behind her victim at lunch, despite his mother having obtained a protection order from a county judge.

You could hardly expect the Fairfax County school district to take the throttling seriously, considering that it paid racial arsonist Ibram X. Kendi $333 per minute to denounce Caucasians.

On tips from Marty and JackisBack.

Feb 17 2023

Black Lives Matter Ideology Imposed on the Playground

Ideologies contrived in college faculty rooms trickle down until they saturate every corner of society — even grade school playgrounds.

From Ohio:

Springfield police are investigating a report from Kenwood Elementary School that allegedly involved several students and a racial incident.

It happened last Friday morning during recess.

The school principal told officers that a group of Black students gathered several white [capitalization as in original] students on a spot of the playground “and forced them to state, ‘Black Lives Matter,’ against their will,” the report stated.

The European equivalent would be German kids forcing Jewish kids to say “Heil Hitler.”

The principal said a few of the students who tried to avoid the situation were “chased down and escorted, dragged or carried” back to the spot on the playground, and one student was punched in the head by one of the suspects, according to the report.

Thankfully, the principal was unwoke enough to acknowledge the incident. Others would have covered it up.

As the kids grow, so will the level of violence — not because it had to be this way, but due to social engineering. It is inconceivable that the architects and evangelists of Critical Race Theory in academia and media had no idea where it would lead.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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