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Dec 01 2023

Life Without the Welfare State

Under leftists, our benevolent impulses are subverted and turned against us, and we are alienated from each other. This story suggests how things used to work, prior to the welfare state:

On a tip from WDS. Hat tip: Area Ocho.

Dec 01 2023

Profiles in Hysterical Moonbat Hypocrisy: William Shatner

Scotty, please beam up this kook:

“Star Trek” legend William Shatner issued a dire warning to King Charles on Wednesday, urging him to use his voice to warn about the consequences of climate change in his opening speech at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai.

You have to be exploring the final frontiers of moonbattery to be in a position to urge King Chucklehead further to the left on the global warming hoax.

“He’s got to say, ‘We’re all going to die.’ That’s what he should say to open up with. ‘Very quickly, we’re all going to die…'” the star told “Good Morning Britain.”

Captain Kirk must have gone over to the Klingons. He denounces his fellow humans:

Shatner, during his show appearance Wednesday, raved about the importance of life, warning that “stupid human beings” are “extinguishing” it.

Unlike we stupid people who don’t understand that life will be extinguished if we don’t help leftists achieve greater power by playing along with the global warming hoax, Shatner walks the walk by reducing his carbon emissions to the level of a caveman like us little people are supposed to do. Just kidding:

The 92-year-old actor, meanwhile, remains the oldest person ever to travel to space after embarking on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket in 2021. The event preceded Prince William’s criticism of space tourism, where he told the BBC people should “be focusing on this [planet]” instead of “heading out into space.”

Who is the most sanctimonious elitist climate kook of all? Maybe we’ll find out in Dubai, to which the globalist ruling class will travel by private jet from all over the world. Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris will be on hand at our expense.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 01 2023

Canadian Pushback Against Federal Energy Moonbattery

Canada has vast energy resources. But then, so does Venezuela. That’s no guarantee the lights will stay on with moonbats in control. Fortunately, Alberta is pushing back against Justin Trudeau and the rest of the leftists running the federal government, who want Canadians to freeze in the dark in obeisance to their climate cult:

Alberta’s United Conservative government has invoked its controversial Sovereignty Act for the first time by introducing a resolution to push back against the federal government’s proposed Clean Electricity Regulations.

The resolution calls for ignoring insane federal energy mandates to the extent law allows.

The Clean Electricity Regulations, currently in draft form, lay out the rules for getting Canada’s electricity grid to net zero emissions by 2035.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says the deadline is impossible for the province to meet without risking blackouts and high costs for consumers.

Blackouts and high costs will be par for the course if liberals maintain control. See California for details.

Hats off to Danielle Smith:

If pushback continues, Trudeau may fall back upon the Emergencies Act to impose martial law, as he did when there was resistance to his Covid tyranny.

At least Covid actually existed. The climate crisis that supposedly necessitates depriving Canadians of reliable and affordable energy is an imaginary contrivance.

Expect similar conflict on the US side of the border — unless Americans are content to go without electricity for the sake of liberal ideology.

On a tip from Lyle.

Dec 01 2023

Juvenile Court for Killing Cop

In the Purge movies, any and all crime is made legal for a 12-hour period. That would be an improvement on New York, where crime is practically legal all the time — so long as the criminals qualify as juvenile:

The New York teen driver accused of fatally crashing his BMW into a police sergeant’s car will be prosecuted in juvenile court, authorities said Thursday.

The unidentified Yonkers boy was unlicensed when he plowed his out-of-control sports car into the police vehicle of Yonkers Detective Sgt. Frank Gualdino, cops said.

He drove the car into oncoming traffic. Kids these days.

His case was moved to family court in Westchester County on Wednesday due to a state law passed in 2017 that raised the age of criminal responsibility to 18.

That’s what we need. Less criminal responsibility. That way, we can reduce incarceration rates.

Assistant District Attorney Nadine Nagler said in court Wednesday that while the teen’s conduct was “egregious,” prosecutors could not provide enough factors to keep the case in criminal court, The Journal News reported.

The teen was 16 at the time of the crash.

By the time he is 20, he will be back behind the wheel. Frank Gualdino will still be dead though.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 01 2023

Forbes Continues to Heap Honors on Dylan Mulvaney

At first, I thought Dylan Mulvaney’s repulsive female impersonator shtick was a particularly vicious parody of transsexuals and/or real women. Turns out he was only pushing moonbattery to the next level. This has so endeared him to the liberal establishment that honors continue to rain down upon him:

Forbes Magazine recently placed controversial trans woman and LGBTQ social media activist Dylan Mulvaney on its “30 Under 30 Social Media” list for being one of the most influential young social media influencers in the world. …

This isn’t the first recognition that Mulvaney has received from Forbes. Earlier this year, the influencer was invited to speak at the 2023 Forbes CMO Summit in Miami. During the address, the former Bud Light spokesperson urged companies to get more serious about promoting “diversity in the boardroom and on their consulting staff,” and not just do so in a “performative” way.

Also, Forbes chose this guy to speak at the 2022 Forbes Power Women’s Summit.

Via Political Insider:

Universities pay Mulvaney up to $26,250 for a lecture, presumably on how we should be more politically correct. He has called on people who refuse to pretend he is a woman to be arrested. Biden has of course invited him to the White House.

Mulvaney cost Budweiser $400 million in sales through his association with Bud Light. Why would a business magazine honor him? Because Forbes is not primarily about business. It is part of the liberal establishment, so its main objective is social engineering. To make us into a nation of Dylan Mulvaneys is what progressives are progressing toward.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 01 2023

Car Dealers Push Back Against EV Mandate

You can subsidize EVs to the hilt with other people’s money. You can replace bus fleets with them, leaving people to walk through the snow. You can use your control of the media to shriek that life on earth will perish if people don’t embrace them. But so long as safer, more reliable, and more financially sensible real cars are available, you can’t make people buy the absurd contraptions — as 3,900 car dealers suggest in a letter to Biden:

Dealers have a 103-day supply of EVs compared to 56 days for all cars. It takes them on average 65 days to sell an EV, about twice as long as for gas-powered cars. EV sales are slowing though manufacturers have slashed prices and increased discounts. Consumers paid on average $50,683 for an EV in September, compared to $65,000 a year ago.

Prices will rocket upward when they no longer have to compete with real cars.

Among the numberless reasons not to buy an EV,

“Customers are also concerned about the loss of driving range in cold or hot weather,” the auto dealers say. “Some have long daily commutes and don’t have the extra time to charge the battery. Truck buyers are especially put off by the dramatic loss of range when towing.”

The dealers want the Administration to “tap the brakes” on its proposed tailpipe emissions rules that would effectively mandate that EVs comprise two-thirds of car sales by 2032. Auto makers might meet the government’s quotas in leftwing cities where Teslas are a political fashion statement, but price and convenience matter more elsewhere.

Our rulers represent the populations of cities rotted through with liberalism like New York and Los Angeles. They regard the rest of us as “deplorable” and “threats to Our Democracy.”

The dealers’ letter is an important political signal that progressive climate coercion isn’t as popular as Democrats think. Americans don’t like to be told what to do or what they must buy.

Why would Democrats care what we think? They have the media to tell us what to think.

Before progressives can achieve absolute tyranny, we must be denied independent transportation. Electric vehicles, which regular people can afford only so long as they are subsidized, which rely on a power supply that is being choked off in the name of the global warming hoax, and which can easily be remotely disabled en masse, are a bridge to this objective. If Democrats remain in power much longer, they will achieve it.

On tips from Varla, Jack D, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 01 2023

Open Thread

As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don't get involved in politics because it's the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam. - Siraj Wahhaj

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 30 2023

DC Doubles Down on BLM Insanity

With violent crime under control and a comfortable budget surplus, the moonbats running the District of Corruption can remained focused on wasting taxpayer money to glorify lawlessness and undermine the police in the name of black supremacist ideology:

Taxpayers in Washington are footing the bill for a $270,000 paint job to refresh “Black Lives Matter Plaza” as violent crime in the district has spiked 40% since last year.

The move to repaint the anti-police street art, which features 50-foot yellow letters along two blocks of 16th Street outside the White House, comes as the district has implemented millions in budget cuts to the Metropolitan Police Department over the past several years and crime has skyrocketed. …

A large share of the 40% increase in violent crime comes from the 34% increase in homicides in Washington over last year, according to data released Monday. Robbery increased by 68% in the same time period.

By now, anyone who cares to know is aware that the Black Lives Matter phenomenon is based on a lie, the career criminal George Floyd not having been killed by the by-the-book police officer Derek Chauvin. We know that BLM is a con, and that the $millions upon $millions shoveled at it by liberal fools and woke corporations have gone to buy luxury homes or have disappeared altogether. We know that undermining law and order with BLM rhetoric predictably led to an explosion of violent crime.

But as noted in the context of South Africa,

No moonbat is going to say, “Okay, that’s enough moonbattery; let’s turn back.” The condition is terminal.

As South Africa has gone, so America is going. Rhodesia is already there.

On tips from Barry A, Franco, and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 30 2023

Falling Christmas Part II

The symbolism of the national Christmas tree falling over was relatively subtle. The Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting ceremony more explicitly reflects civilization under siege:

In the context of recent events, few could be unaware that the Palestinian flag represents Islamic terrorists, who are supported by Western leftists with increasing openness. They have a common enemy: us.

Remember the outpouring of support for the NYPD after officers bravely rushed into the World Trade Center just before it collapsed? The climate in New York City has changed:

As Legal Insurrection reported last night:

It’s getting nasty outside of the Fox News headquarters. The Anti-Israel protesters are fighting with the cops and even set one NYPD hat on fire.

The original intent was to disrupt the Rockefeller tree lighting ceremony, which is happening a block away.

It isn’t just New York. On the other side of the country:

Antisemitic Antifa activists, anarchists and other radicals targeted the Seattle Starbucks Reserve Roastery as part of a call to “Block Black Friday.” …

Activists promoted direct action by sharing social media flyers. The flyer claims the protest and mass vandalism were “autonomously organized by Seattle area radicals, anarchists, and community members.” The hope was to “shut [Black Friday] down for Palestine.” …

The damage was significant, yet Seattle Police (SPD) did not intervene.

Police in Seattle have been marginalized to the point of irrelevance in the name of scumbag criminal/liberal demigod George Floyd.

As in the rotting Big Apple, Christmas came under attack:

The group marched into downtown Seattle after their assault on Starbucks. Once there, they disrupted the annual Seattle Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

“Once the group descended upon Westlake Plaza, they spread out within the hundreds of Christmas capitalists gathered for the absurd celebration of excessive consumption,” the Puget Sound anarchist wrote.

Islamic terrorism, hatred of all things Christian, Marxism. Sign up for the Muslim—moonbat alliance and you get the whole package.

The author admits that activists “took over the stage soon after arriving and started throwing Christmas decorations to the ground and trashing the scenery.” There were a handful of activists who stayed on the stage, holding a banner reading “From Turtle Island to Gaza: Land Back.” Land Back refers to a movement of literal land reclamation to its so-called original stewards.

Regarding Turtle Island,

Turtle Island is a name for Earth or North America, used by some Indigenous peoples, as well as by some Indigenous rights activists.

This confirms that leftists support the terrorists attempting to eradicate Jews from their homeland as part of an overall philosophy that everyone white or “white-adjacent” should be eradicated or at the very least confined to Europe, where they are getting swamped into extinction by an endless deluge of welfare colonists from the Middle East and Africa.

While the Christmas tree lightning ceremony was under attack, the police actually arrested someone for vandalizing the Starbucks. The only one arrested was Aly Youssef:

Youssef described himself as a transgender, polyamorous, pansexual, anti-capitalist, autistic Egyptian who is an “honorary member of Trantifa” (a name for transgender Antifa members).

Whether Starbucks would cooperate to allow prosecution was unclear. Most likely, Youssef will go unpunished, with a feather in his/her/its cap to flaunt on social media.

On tips from Wiggins and Barry A.

Nov 30 2023

Falling Christmas

This could be the most emblematic story of the year:

An ill wind knocked over the National Christmas Tree outside the White House Tuesday afternoon, two days before it was set to be officially lit by President Biden.

The stately 40-foot spruce, which had been delivered to the White House Ellipse just south of the executive mansion on Nov. 14, fell at around 2 p.m. ET, according to officials.

The falling tree sums up not only Biden’s incompetence, but the effect leftist rule has had on the heritage and traditions comprising American culture.

On tips from CDaJFunk and seaoh.

Nov 30 2023

Senile POTUS Jokes About Blowing Up the World

This should help put your other worries into perspective. A cognitively dysfunctional, morally vacuous corruptocrat with anger issues related to dementia whose strings are pulled by leftist radicals boasts that he can blow up the world:

“My Marine has code to blow up the world!” chuckles Creepy Joe. It might be one of the Marines posed behind him during his theatrically sinister Dark Brandon presentation:

At least the Commander in Chief can’t use the Football to obliterate civilization all on his own. His fellow Democrats realized years ago that he is too senile to be entrusted with that power.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and WDS 2.0.

Nov 30 2023

Multilingualism and Segregation to Keep Underclass Down

After importing tens of millions of illegal immigrants from the Third World and encouraging them through the welfare state to reproduce at a much faster rate than the native population, care must be taken that they do not assimilate and become Americans, which would defeat the purpose of growing an underclass.

Ideally, they will not learn English:

A Denver school district has drafted a policy to adopt “language justice” in order to help non-English speaking students to be able to use their native language when learning versus being educated in English.

Maybe liberals read the Bible after all. The strategy echoes the Tower of Babel:

As of 2022, the school district has 35,000 multilingual learners with home languages other than English. Over 200 languages are spoken across the district.

Encouraging them to speak English so as to assimilate instead of the most common immigrant language, Spanish (also a European language), is racist. According to a draft of the school district equity proposal,

“Denver Public schools will be a district that is free of oppressive systems and structures rooted in racism and one which centers students and team members with a focus on racial and educational equity, enabling students to ultimately become conscientious global citizens [blah blah blah et cetera ad nauseam].”

The proposal denounces “deeply rooted systems of oppression that have historically resulted in inequitable access and distribution of opportunities” — while denying access to opportunity by preventing immigrants and their offspring from learning English.

Democrat/union control of the education system is key to ensuring that members of the underclass remain at the bottom, where they can be counted on to vote appropriately. In addition to multilingualism, the strategy of segregation is employed:

A high school in Evanston, Illinois, home of Northwestern University, has embarked on a new plan to try to get grades up for minority students: segregation. The classes, segregated by race for black and Hispanic students, are called “affinity classes,” and while they are not enforced, they were offered for black and Hispanic students only.

The classes have non-white teachers and no white students are permitted in the courses.

The nonwhite classes will no doubt get priority for resources in accordance with our state religion, Critical Race Theory. Yet standards will be markedly lower. Otherwise, there would be no point.

Like whites, Asians don’t get affinity classes. Looks like liberals have given up on keeping them down.

Allegedly oppressed minorities are bred for their votes the way farmers breed chickens for eggs. Just as a farmer doesn’t count his chickens before they have hatched, Democrats cannot count future generations of voters until they have been prevented from succeeding on their own, without handouts and privileges bestowed by Big Government.

On tips from R F.

Nov 30 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Nov 29 2023

Brandon Johnson Blames Right-Wing Extremists

Why is it that cities run by leftist Democrats elected based on their pigmentation are dysfunctional hellholes unfit for human inhabitation? Chicago’s Marxist, pro-criminal Mayor Brandon Johnson reveals the awful truth. Right-wing extremists are to blame for the collapse of “Democratically ran cities that are led by people of color”:

Johnson was announcing new support for migrants when he went on a tirade blaming the right for the crisis after being asked if he would support a limit on the number of migrants being sent to Chicago from other states and cities.

Evidently the vast right-wing conspiracy previously exposed by Shrillary is destroying Johnson’s city just to be racist.

Right-wing extremists wreak evil right there in Chicago. Recall that fabulously gay Actor of Color Jussie Smollett was subjected to racial oppression in the Windy City by white supremacists proclaiming it to be “MAGA country.”

Despite the scheming of extremists, Johnson soldiers on, continuing to assert that Chicago “will always be a sanctuary city” for illegal aliens as he fundamentally transforms American’s erstwhile Second City into a cross between a Haitian shanty town and a toxic waste dump.

Brandon Johnson personifies the Democrat Death Spiral, a vortex of doom that has claimed Chicago. Residents are advised to get out.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.


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