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Nov 19 2023

FBI Let Child Rapist Run Free to Focus on January 6

No matter how much of our wealth is sucked up by the federal behemoth, government resources will always be limited. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize. For example, the FBI might find time to stop child rapists — but not if it is too busy hunting down dissidents.

Via Daily Wire:

On January 6, 2021, the FBI explicitly chose to abandon a sting on a child pornographer in Virginia who was messaging with an undercover agent about having sex with a nine-year-old boy, opting instead to focus on prosecuting Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol. Less than three years later, the FBI discovered the same man living in Alaska where he appears to have been performing sex acts on a 10-year-old boy, according to court documents.

This gives an idea of the activity that is allowed to flourish while authorities focus on Jacob Chansley’s unscheduled tour of the People’s House:

On December 2, 2020, an internet user with the screen name “gayboy69freak” messaged an undercover agent with the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who was posing as a father pimping out his 9-year-old son, and told him that he wanted to travel to D.C. to have sex with the boy. The man also sent the agent a video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis.” His IP address led the FBI to Brogan Welsh of Glenn Allen, Virginia.

The case was abruptly abandoned 1 month later explicitly to free up resources for investigating January 6.

Welsh was finally arrested this October 24 when he came up in an unrelated perversion investigation. We’ll never know how many children he had raped in the meantime.

Here’s why the FBI was too busy to follow through:

Federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,000 defendants in what they call the “Capitol Breach,” and more than 65,000 legal documents have been filed in the cases, according to a Daily Wire database.

That’s enough to keep investigators busy, considering that the FBI also has pro-lifers to terrorize and Catholics to monitor for thoughtcrime.

Violent crime in DC has exploded while local prosecutors focus on January 6. As Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch observes,

“When you use politics to guide your law enforcement priorities, it necessarily means that public safety takes a back seat.”

To hold the interest of law enforcement based in the District of Corruption, there must be a left-wing political angle, such as a connection with Republican voters:

A typical January 6 case is that of three Marines, Joshua Abate, Michah Coomer, and Dodge Dale Hellonon. The entirety of the allegations against them is that at 2:20 p.m., they “entered the U.S. Capitol Building through the Senate Wing Door and proceed to walk South down a hallway,” used “their cellular devices to take pictures, videos, and answer phone calls,” “remained in the Rotunda for a couple minutes before leaving through the South entrance,” and remained “inside the Rotunda for approximately 30 minutes until police arrive and form a line to direct people out of the Building.” Then they exited “the U.S. Capitol Building through the Rotunda Door having been inside for approximately 52 minutes.”

For that case, prosecutors scoured social media, subpoenaed Facebook, consulted motor vehicle and military records, interviewed people who served in the Marine Corps to identify them, subpoenaed his phone provider, and analyzed his GPS movements.

The uncherrypicked January 6 surveillance video has finally been released, confirming that the Democrats’ answer to the Reichstag Fire has been absurdly overhyped.

The FBI demonstrates why law enforcement must be left to the states. Anything federal has as its primary purpose the advancement of federal power. This increasingly takes the form of suppressing opposition to the Party of Government.

Speaking of Democrats, possibly their primary purpose in promoting Black Lives Matter was to undermine local police. The resulting void in law enforcement is meant to be filled by politically oriented federal agencies.

On a tip from Jester.

Nov 19 2023

Bottom Line on Offshore Wind

Energy expert David Blackmon has revealed that when the government chooses wind projects to shovel other people’s money at, capacity to actually produce electricity is hardly even considered.

For example, at the state level…

…the wind resource constitutes less than 1% of what [New York State Energy Research and Development Authority] considers important for offshore wind projects.

They know in advance that wind projects will not generate anywhere near the electricity promised. That’s why they avoid performance guarantees regarding output.

Sweden just proved what happens you actually have performance guarantees for wind. Markbygden Ett is the largest onshore wind farm in Europe, located in Sweden and owned by China. Its electricity contract with Norwegian Hydro Energi requires that Markbygden provide a fixed amount of electricity at a fixed price for 19 years. When the wind doesn’t blow, they still have to provide the contracted amount of power, at the contracted cost, regardless of the price they pay on the electricity market to cover the shortfall. The result is that Markbygden’s forecasted expenses far exceed revenues, and the company has been experiencing large losses for several years.

The more whalekilling offshore wind projects are constructed, the less electricity they produce:

It’s called the wind wake effect. Any sailor is well familiar with this- a sailboat in front of you will steal your wind, and make your sailboat go slower if you stay behind it. …

In 2018, Harvard University flagged this and found that the average power density of a wind farm was up to 100 times lower than estimates by some leading energy experts because previous estimates failed to account for the wind wake effect.

They found a transition to wind power would require 5 to 20 times more land than previously thought, require one third of the continental U.S. to be covered by windmills in order to meet present day U.S. electricity demand, and that since the wind would get sucked out of the air surface temperatures would rise by about 0.24 degrees Celsius, with an up to 1.5 degree Celsius increase at night.

Meanwhile, the alleged point of the wind turbines is to lower supposedly excessive temperatures. As for the actual point: they are boondoggles. Their function is to launder taxpayer money to pay Democrat donors, thereby creating a massive return on investment for political contributions. This form of graft was pioneered by Joe Biden’s mentor and probable primary handler, Barack Obama. Under his administration, 80% of Department of Energy green energy loans reportedly went to his donors, confirming that the not only useless but pernicious DOE must be abolished at once.

Also, the output of offshore wind projects has been predicted to decrease by 4.5% annually. The ocean is not big enough for all the wind turbines that would be required to meet our future energy needs.

Blackmon presents the bottom line:

[O]ffshore wind doesn’t work. It’s not designed to work, or to be economically feasible in real life. It’s a giant Ponzi scheme wholly dependent on government subsidies and political “climate change” brownie points.

Yet our rulers are bankrupting the country to pay for it. This intolerable situation has resulted from insufficient pushback against climate change hogwash and a lack of consequences for the political corruption that inspires it.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 19 2023

CAIR Amplifies Islamic Hate Hoax

Given what they stoop to in order to generate propaganda for their fellow travelers to run with — including torturing and murdering children and their parents in front of each other, as in the October 7 operation — it should surprise no one that jihadists utilize the hate hoax stratagem.

This is sure to yank on heartstrings:

Nasty Jews! Now for the rest of the story:

Authorities in North Ridgeville, Ohio, arrested 20-year-old Hesham A. Ayyad on Tuesday and charged him for allegedly faking a hate crime attack last month.

According to, On Oct. 22 Ayyad told the Cleveland chapter of the Islamic Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that he was assaulted by someone in an SUV making “anti-Palestinian slurs.” However, investigators found his injuries were the result of a fight with his brother.

Not that CAIR would care. It exists to crybully and generate propaganda to advance the spread of Islamic domination.

On Oct. 23, CAIR issued a press release on the incident that said Ayyad was the victim of a “reported hit and run,” and said that “he was walking home from eating lunch when a car slowed down and rolled down the window. The driver of the car allegedly started yelling at him using anti-Palestinian statements like “Kill all Palestinians,” and “Long live Israel,” as he swerved his car to intimidate the victim. The driver then allegedly turned around and hit the man while shouting “DIE!”

If it’s too over the top to be true, that’s probably because it isn’t true — especially if the alleged victim is a member of a preferred victim group.

Hesham A. Ayyad and his brother Khalil A. Ayyad, 19, were both arrested on Tuesday. Hesham was charged with making false alarms, falsification, obstructing official business, domestic violence, and assault. Khalil was charged with domestic violence and assault.

After the truth came to light, CAIR propagandists profusely apologized and pulled the tweet you see above. Or maybe they didn’t.

On a tip from Sean G.

Nov 19 2023

Open Thread

A little science estranges a man from God; a lot of science brings him back. - Francis Bacon

Nov 18 2023

January 6 and the Reichstag Fire

Nazis came to power democratically, but consolidated control by exploiting the Reichstag Fire, which was probably set by a Dutch communist. Hitler strategically hyped it into a crisis, claiming that communists were on the verge of overthrowing the government. The supposed emergency led to the Reichstag Fire Decree, which cleared the path for dictatorship:

• Implemented one day after the fire, the decree suspended the right to assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and other constitutional protections, including all restraints on police investigations. It remained in effect until Nazi Germany was defeated in May 1945.

• The decree permitted the regime to arrest and incarcerate political opponents without specific charge, to dissolve political organizations, and to confiscate private property.

• The decree also gave the regime the authority to overrule state and local laws and overthrow state and local governments.

Sounds like a Democrat dream. Unsurprisingly, Democrats have produced their own version. As the saying goes, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

A great deal more exaggeration was required in the USA than in Germany. During the dysfunctional, morally degenerate, hyperinflationary Weimar Republic, communists really might have taken over the government, like they had done with catastrophic consequences in Russia.

Democrats started with a protest against election fraud that got a little out of hand (though nothing serious compared to a Black Lives Matter riot) — possibly as a result of federal agents provocateurs. No one would have taken it seriously if not for hype from the complicit media and preposterous show trials featuring a disgraceful pair of RINO collaborators. A wacky guy dressed as a buffalo was never going to overthrow the US Government.

Eventually, everyone learned the truth about the Reichstag Fire — i.e., that the only real threat was in the response to it. Despite the media’s/Democrats’ best efforts to suppress it, we are now learning the truth about January 6. Speaker Mike Johnson has released the 44,000 hours of surveillance video.

We no longer have to rely on what Democrat operatives cherrypicked out of context to support their contrived narrative. View the videos for yourself here.

A sample:

The footage is horrifying, all right. It’s horrifying that the liberal establishment was able to pass this off as a Threat to Our Democracy. Given their control of the media, their lack of principles, and the willful idiocy of their supporters, Democrats can turn any whisper of dissent into a weapon to suppress resistance.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Nov 18 2023

Vince Ricci Deprived of 2A Rights After Defending Family

If you don’t understand why you need to exercise your fundamental right to bear arms, ask Vince Ricci. He could also explain to you why, under Democrat rule, your government is not your friend:

A Los Angeles father who pulled a gun on masked intruders when they tried to break into his luxury home has revealed he has been stripped of his firearm permit.

It is easier to lose a concealed carry permit in California than it is to obtain one.

‘After successfully defending my home and my family and my five-month-old child, California has now decided to suspend my Second Amendment [rights],’ Ricci said.

The November 4 incident was captured on video, so we can see for ourselves how to go about losing constitutional rights in the land of Gavin Newsom:

The sheriff’s office told Ricci the permit was pulled because he yelled at officers over sloppy police work.

He had reason to be armed:

His home was broken into in June and his car was broken into the month before that.

A night prior to the shootout, Ricci revealed a group of criminals driving a Dodge Charger with no license plates had been allegedly targeting other homes in his neighborhood.

Leftist social engineers have utilized the welfare state, lax enforcement, wrist slap punishments, defunding of the police, and Critical Race Theory/Black Lives Matter ideology to grow a vast army of violent criminal scumbags, which they have weaponized against the decent law-abiding Americans they aim to eradicate. It would be naive to expect Democrat authorities not to side with this army.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Nov 18 2023

Germany Affirms Right of Children to Be Molested

What leftists get ahold of is twisted into something disgusting and pernicious. This holds true of whole sectors of society, like the entertainment industry. It also holds true of concepts — like the concepts of “rights”:

The German Bundestag has accepted a petition outlining children’s rights which was drafted by men involved in a pro-pedophilia activist organization. Krumme-13 [K13], a lobby group which advocates for lowering the age of consent and legalizing child pornography, announced on its website that a resolution developed by the group’s founder, Dieter Gieseking, had achieved enough votes to be added to the constitution, or Basic Law.

A little background on a pioneer in moonbat “rights”:

Gieseking, a 68-year-old former Federal Border Guard official, founded K13 in Trier in 1993 and promoted the group as a “self-help” organization for “pedosexuals.” He has been repeatedly charged with the possession of child pornography.

His punishment for not only possessing but distributing kiddie porn has consisted of wrist slaps.

When it comes to degeneracy, what a society tolerates, it gets more of. Already Germany has deliberately placed foster children in the homes of pedophiles.

Pedophiles would like to capitalize on the appalling success of the LGBT movement:

Last July, K13 boasted that members of their group displayed a “MAP flag” during one of Europe’s largest Pride celebrations in Cologne. “MAP” is an acronym used in some pro-pedophile circles which stands for “minor-attracted person.” …

K13 endorsed Germany’s new gender self-identification law, stating that “trans kids” are “politically important” for advancing pedophile rights.

The American pro-pedophilia activist group Prostasia must be watching intently.

The giants who left us the Bill of Rights would not be surprised that one day a degenerate ruling class would reject free speech and self-defense as rights. But they never would have believed these rights would be replaced by the right of children to molested by perverts.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 18 2023

Open Thread

The goal to strive for is a poor government but a rich people. - Andrew Johnson

Nov 17 2023

NYC Subway Rider Bathes

Though you wouldn’t know it from the smell down there, some New York City subway riders actually bathe:

Where moonbattery reigns supreme, it is the only propriety.

As noted earlier,

The New York City subway gives virtual tourists a glimpse of what life will be like after progressives have collapsed civilization into their anarchotyrannical conception of utopia.

More NYC subway fun can be had here, here, here, here, here, and here. Just don’t try defending other passengers from dangerous maniacs; the consequences won’t be fun at all, as Daniel Penny and John Rote can attest.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 17 2023

Result of Basing Immigration Policy on Moonbattery

Any country that wishes to continue existing has to control immigration. A sane country accepts immigrants on the basis of their likelihood of contributing to society. In contrast, a country run by moonbats accepts them on the basis of indulging in sexual perversion. The latter policy brings in guys like Saheed Azeez of Nigeria, granted asylum as a reward for proclaiming himself an oppressed homosexual:

Asylum seeker Saheed Azeez, 33, had been allowed to settle in the UK after claiming he faced persecution by Boko Haram militants – but after moving to the country he had three children with three women, marrying the third. He now says he is bisexual.

Contrary to the stereotype, Azeez didn’t just sit around collecting generous welfare payments. He’s an ambitious guy:

And as he settled in Wigan, Greater Manchester, Azeez began working with Nigerian fraudsters to establish a network of strangers for a ‘sophisticated and well resourced’ sales scam to steal items being sold on eBay, Facebook Marketplace and WhatsApp.

Azeez’s scamming went beyond presenting himself as homosexual so as to be granted asylum.

Victims selling high value goods would be persuaded to send their items to a number of addresses on the promise of being paid on arrival – but Azeez would simply pick up the goods and sell them in his brother’s electronics shop.

Over 14 months, up to 272 victims sent goods worth a combined £220,000 to the homes of strangers that Azeez persuaded to take part in the scam, giving his ‘partners’ a cut from each sale in return for taking delivery of the ill-gotten goods.

It somehow doesn’t seem right that the people running Britain’s immigration system don’t also get a cut.

Some will say this is an immigration success story. Even if Azeez isn’t really a homosexual, he is at least dissolute, checks the correct racial box, and is a criminal, placing him in three different identity groups likely to vote Labour. Why Tories go along with these policies remains a mystery.

On a tip from Steve T.

Nov 17 2023

Moonbat–Muslim Alliance Attacks DNC Headquarters

The Democratic Party is under siege by its own leftward flank:

Protestors clashed with police outside of the Democratic National headquarters as pro-Palestine groups flooded the front facility and violence erupted.

Officers have already made at least one arrest for assault on an officer after 150 activists surged towards the Washington, DC, building on Wednesday night.

The incident left six police officers injured from cuts, pepper spray and being punched.

Mostly peaceful liberal protesters frequently attack police officers nowadays. Literally thousands were injured by the Black Lives Matter riots that enjoyed the enthusiastic support of the liberal establishment.

The protesters demand a “ceasefire” — i.e., surrender to Hamas in the aftermath of the horrific October 7 terror atrocities that featured children and their parents being tortured and murdered in front of each other.

Again we see that being on their side hardly protects an institution from leftist bullies. On the contrary, bullies push around those who are susceptible to being pushed. For example, campus protests abound because student hooligans know liberal educrats are likely to give in to even the most outrageous demands, so long as they come from the Left.

Many in the Biden Regime are already on board:

Four hundred government officials from 40 departments and agencies within President Biden’s administration signed a letter opposing the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war and demanded a cease-fire.

The Tuesday letter, first reported by the New York Times, includes officials from the State Department, White House, National Security Council and the Justice Department.

Biden has tried to take both sides simultaneously, officially siding with Israel while meanwhile giving $100 million to Hamas, launching a pro-Islam propaganda campaign, and scheming to depose Netanyahu.

Even this is not good enough for today’s Left, which demands total capitulation. Israelis are regarded as white-adjacent. Therefore, they are “colonizers,” despite living on land that has been theirs for millennia. Therefore, “From the River to the Sea” — i.e., they must be eradicated.

Note that who leftists really want to eradicate is regular Americans. This they will do soon after they have managed to disarm us.

With the staggeringly hypocritical projection that characterizes progressives, elected Democrats accuse Israel of “genocide” for resisting genocide.

Lest you thought it was even remotely possible to reason with a moonbat, listen as a fiend protesting in support of torturing children to death shrieks in outrage because a police officer allegedly shoved one of her comrades:

That’s what is taking over the Democratic Party, which has already taken over the media, the schools, and the government.

We are not arguing with opponents. We are staving off hordes of demons.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

Nov 17 2023

Disqus Down

Sorry about the comments not working. Disqus is having system-wide issues. If it stays down much longer I’ll remove Disqus for the time being. If anyone knows of a good alternative that won’t leave me buried in comment spam, I’m all ears.

Nov 17 2023

Entertainment Industry Grooms Children

The entertainment industry deliberately targets children for emersion in sexual depravity.

Consider Disney, the whole purpose of which is to provide entertainment for kids. Transsexualism has been ruining children’s lives, resulting in psychiatric disorientation and chemical castration and setting them on course for sex change surgery and ruined lives. Employees at the Epcot theme park will promote it by wearing pronoun pins:

The initiative is first being rolled out for the custodial department, before it moves to every department at the park, employees said.

This is in keeping with the Disney agenda:

As Breitbart News reported, Disney along with Netflix put out more LGBTQ content than any other studio in Hollywood in 2022, according to a GLAAD report. …

In the past two years, Disney has fought Florida over its anti-grooming Parental Rights in Education law, created multiple transgender characters for its children’s shows, put gay characters at the center of its big-budget movies, and even launched an LGBTQ-themed apparel line.

Disney preps kids for the hardcore defilement the music industry has in store for them as they approach adolescence.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has featured Kim Petras, a role model presented to youth by liberal cultural engineers. His focus on promoting degeneracy is not subtle:

Petras, the transgender German pop star, said he wants his gay fans to engage in sex during performances of his current concert tour, where children as young as eight are allowed to attend.

In a recent conversation published in Interview magazine, Kim Petras — who is a man but identifies as a woman — acknowledges that lewd and pornographic acts are taking place in full view.

“There’s definitely gay sex happening, which is lit,” Petras said. “In the crowd, and that’s the goal.”

Petras is going on a tour through the USA and Europe:

“And if you look at the show, it’s kind of inspired by Dante’s Inferno and the different levels of hell,” the singer said.

The innermost level of hell, deserving of Satan’s worst torments, is the destination of a society that tolerates companies like Disney and entertainers like Petras.

On tips from Barry A.

Nov 17 2023

Black Paraplegic Santa

Until social engineers have finished transforming Christmas into a pointless celebration of winter that will then be abandoned altogether, they repurpose it to promote their ideology. Santa Claus is now black and paraplegic:

As progress marches forward, next year paraplegic black Santa will be wearing a skirt and fishnet stockings.


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