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Search: Let's go Brandon

May 15 2022

“Ultra-MAGA” Took Biden’s Handlers 6 Months

No one should be surprised that Biden hasn’t done anything about the baby formula crisis largely caused by the federal government, other than provide pallets of scarce baby formula to illegal aliens and sneer dismissively that he is not a mind-reader. Left to his own devices, Biden couldn’t get his shoes on the right feet. As for his handlers, they knew the baby formula shortage was coming as early as February. That is not much time, when you consider that it took them 6 months just to come up with their new buzzword, “Ultra-MAGA.”

From left-wing WaPo, via Hot Air:

Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal group.

The polling and focus group research by Hart Research and the Global Strategy Group found that “MAGA” was already viewed negatively by voters — more negatively than other phrases like “Trump Republicans.”

Nothing makes it onto Biden’s teleprompter without getting run through focus groups. Each word is intended to manipulate us.

If Anita Dunn’s name sounds familiar, she is the Obama communications director most remembered for quoting the worst mass murderer in human history, Mao Zedong. She named the communist dictator who killed as many as 110 million people as one of her two favorite political philosophers.

“Ultra-MAGA” was developed as the Democrat response to the organic and highly effective slogan, “Let’s Go Brandon.” But like Shrillary’s “Basket of Deplorables,” it has backfired as countermoonbats embrace it.

The closest thing to a redeeming quality Democrats have is that they are too incompetent to implement their malevolent agenda.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and TCS III.

Feb 22 2022

Reporter Regrets Interviewing NASCAR Fans

Looks like the media learned nothing from the incident that gave birth to the rallying cry “Let’s Go Brandon.” You never know what actual Americans might say if you give them access to a microphone. Language alert; however this might be reported, the first guy interviewed does not say “Let’s Go Brandon” (even if Kelli Stavast might have heard it that way):

The moonbats who run NASCAR have denounced the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon.” But they can’t suppress the sentiment.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jan 26 2022

Kid Rock: We the People

We all knew that Kid Rock leans right, but with his new song “We the People,” he has defiantly gone full countermoonbat:

Kid Rock released a politically charged new single to help promote his upcoming Bad Reputation Tour that pulls no punches in mocking people like President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The chorus consists of the inspiring words, “We the People (Let’s go Brandon).”

The R-rated lyrics let loose on Covid tyranny, media bias, Facebook, Twitter, inflation, minimum wage, Black Lives Matter, CNN, TMZ, and social media trolls, while calling for Americans to unite and embrace the Constitution.

The entertainment establishment is not likely to bestow this song with awards.

Without further ado:

Nov 19 2021

Pronoun Lunacy Imposed on New York Utilities

If you live in New York and are wondering why you received an incomprehensible letter from the power company asking about your pronouns, the answer is that moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology, so where it prevails, all human activity must be subordinated to it. Consequently, utility companies have been coercively enlisted in the campaign to impose obeisance to LGBT militants on every facet of private life.

You thought no one could be worse than Andrew Cuomo? The latest lunacy from his replacement:

Kathy Hochul signed a bill Monday that will require utility corporations, municipalities, water-works corporations, and telephone service providers to utilize each customer’s desired name and pronouns in communications.

Here’s how Hochul spends her time instead of dealing with the Empire State’s growing economic and societal problems:

By “correct” she means “politically correct.” She most definitely does not mean “biologically correct.”

This may seem like a frivolous waste of time, but it actually serves a purpose. Hochul and her fellow Democrats are establishing that the government has the power to compel speech, regardless of the First Amendment. It has the power to force people to overtly reject objective reality in favor of official ideology, just like in Orwell’s 1984.

In case legislation requires anyone to ask for my preferred pronouns, I’ll put them on the record in advance. They are “Let’s go Brandon/Let’s go Brandon.”

Speaking of New York, if your kids are “Been there, done that” about Disneyland, you might consider bringing them to the Big Apple. Democrat rule has transformed it into a theme park that offers a preview of our dystopian future if liberalism prevails. Be sure to take a ride on the subway; it is much more of a thrill than any of the rides in a traditional amusement park:

Maniacs run wild while bureaucrats micromanage pronouns. The term for this is “anarchotyranny.”

On tips from Wiggins.

Nov 05 2021

New York Protesters Defy Mandates, Biden

Moonbats really don’t like Let’s Go Brandon. The people who repetitively used a truly obscene term to describe the patriotic Tea Party Movement find LGB too coarse for their delicate sensibilities.

It is as if they don’t realize that Let’s Go Brandon is a polite euphemism. Without the mannerly discretion, the chant would be rated R:

On a tip from Chuck A.

Nov 01 2021

Southwest Airlines Pilot Sets Liberals’ Hair Aflame

Until recently, free speech was universally revered in America. Now, one wrong word gets you canceled by increasingly intolerant leftists. That makes it all the more meaningful when true Americans speak their minds, like the Southwest Airlines pilot who made moonbats clutch their pearls by saying “Let’s Go Brandon” over the intercom on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque Friday morning.

Instead of shrugging it off, the suits have launched an investigation to determine how severely the patriot should be punished:

“Southwest is conducting an internal investigation into the recently reported event and will address the situation directly with any Employee involved while continuing to remind all Employees that public expression of personal opinions while on duty is unacceptable,” Southwest said in a statement released Sunday.

Humorless liberals want the pilot’s head on a platter for daring to defy them. CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem bizarrely accused the pilot of substance abuse. Fellow CNN analyst Asha Rangappa equated him with an ISIS supporter.

This isn’t the first time Southwest Airlines has gotten caught between its pilots and the odious Biden Regime. When it attempted to impose Biden’s senselessly rigid vaccination decrees, pilots balked, forcing the cancelation of thousands of flights. A Gadsden flag was even seen hanging from a cockpit window.

Pilots tend to be patriots who served in the military. If they could risk their lives for their country in war, they can stand up to the moonbat mob.

Can we say the same for the people running Southwest Airlines? We’ll know the answer if the pilot is fired. If that happens, it will be up to other pilots and to customers to show solidarity.

On tips from Varla, Wiggins, Bluto, and Occam’s Stubble.

Oct 31 2021

Dem Spending Bill Includes Propping Up Liberal Media

Four of the top 10 songs on iTunes have the same title: “Let’s Go Brandon.” The meme has caught fire not only because it ridicules the senile corruptocrat presiding over the ruin of our country. It also ridicules the biased media establishment, without which he never could have taken power.

Americans increasingly hate the media, and for excellent reason. By now, only the most clueless could take MSM propaganda at face value. How will the liberal establishment media continue to make a profit when no one wants to buy the lies it is selling?

Public broadcasting shows the way. It offers softspoken leftist pabulum that few have a use for. But we pay for it anyway, because the government forces us to. That’s why Democrats support the Local Journalism Sustainability Act.

As noted previously, the “local” part is misleading. Local papers are largely owned by national operations. This is a bailout for Big Media, backed by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and leftist congresscritters like Eric Swalwell.

Now state Attorneys General are pushing it, to the delight of the Seattle Times, which no doubt stands to benefit:

Led by Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a coalition of 16 AGs is urging U.S. House and Senate budget leaders to pass the Local Journalism Sustainability Act.

Surprisingly, only 15 of the 16 are Democrats. The sellout RINO is John Formella of New Hampshire.

Their timing is excellent. Congress is close to finalizing a budget bill, in which the core of the LJSA, credits for preserving journalist jobs, was included.

This is only a small sample the pernicious waste packed into the multi-$trillion blowout spending bill leftists are trying to ram through Congress for Biden’s eager signature.

If Democrats have their way, there will be no need for Big Media to tone down the left-wing bias. We will be forced to finance party propaganda.

Imagine PBS/NPR as the only major source of information. That’s what liberal utopia will look like.

On a tip from Henry.

Oct 29 2021

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: James Kilcer

Even in 2021, there are still Americans out there, and people who deserve recognition sometimes get it. Patriots applauded when unarmed Marine veteran James Kilcer took on armed punks in a Yuma Chevron station a week ago Wednesday.

Kilcer held the punk who had pointed a gun at him until deputies arrived.

This was well earned:

Sheriff Leon Wilmont presented Kilcer the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office Citizen’s Valor Award at a recognition ceremony on Tuesday morning. …

The Valor Award is the highest award citizens can receive. Kilcer also received awards from the Marine Corps, Chevron, American Legion and the Yuma community for his courageous actions.

If Kilcer is not afraid of punks with guns, why should he be afraid of our effete ruling class? Look what he wore to receive his Valor Award:

Liberals are not amused. But then, the Let’s Go Brandon sentiment does not apply to Biden alone.

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 18 2021

Defund the Media

Americans are zeroing in on their true enemies — namely, the Biden Regime and the “mainstream” establishment media largely responsible for placing it in power and propping it up with an endless barrage of authoritarian propaganda. In NYC Saturday, protesters against vaccine mandates and the media that pushes them marched from Times Square.

Freedomnews.TV reports:

The protesters stopped at the New York Times Building where they chanted “Defund The Media” and put stickers on the front door that read: “The media is the virus.”

They then marched to Hudson Yards where they chanted more against CNN.

The video is encouraging:

“Defund the media” is a play on the moonbat mantra to defund the police. Aside from the mealy-mouthed Marxists on PBS and NPR, most of the MSM is not directly funded by taxpayers yet, although Democrats want to directly subsidize the propagandists who keep them in power.

The Let’s Go Brandon slogan was also in evidence; it was highly appropriate, given that it both defies Biden and ridicules the media.

On a tip from VannaLee73.

Oct 17 2021

Simple and to the Point

The Let’s Go Brandon message needs to be spread at every possible opportunity. As the man says, it is simple and to the point, expressing resistance to both the corrupt, incompetent Marxist in the White House and the mendacious media establishment that put him there:

You can even set the message to rap (R-rated version):

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Oct 03 2021

NBC Sports Gaslights Comically on “F*** Joe Biden” Chant

As the corrupt, demented, tyrannical Marxist creep in the White House systematically destroys our country, the F*** Joe Biden chant grows louder. An NBC Sports reporter interviewing NASCAR driver Brandon Brown at the Talladega Superspeedway was forced to acknowledge it. Her attempt to gaslight was comedy gold:

“Brandon, you also told me— as you can hear the chants from the crowd,” the reporter said as she was interrupted by the raucous crowd chanting, “F*** Joe Biden.”

The reporter, however, said the crowd was chanting “Let’s go Brandon,” in support of Brown’s victory.

NASCAR posted video of the interview on a social media channel but then took it down without explanation. People must have failed to hear what NBC told them to hear.

As his catastrophic presidency flounders, the F*** Joe Biden chant is gaining ground:

The anti-Biden chant has appeared at numerous college football games, a boxing match, an MLB game, and even at the Ryder Cup.

The chants come as Biden faces massive legislative battles on Capitol Hill; sharp criticism over his administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, border crisis, and Afghanistan withdrawal; and cratering support in polls.

The liberal establishment was able to drag this sick joke across the finish line, but it won’t be able to prop up Biden for long.

Watch this to inoculate yourself against believing anything you are told by the liberal establishment media:

If they will lie this blatantly about something that you can directly perceive with your own ears, imagine how far they stray from the truth on everything else.

On tips from Wiggins and seaoh.

Sep 09 2022

Curses, Salutes, and Platitudes for a Great Queen

The British Empire was arguably the best thing that ever happened. It gave birth to America, spread Christianity and the concept of limited government throughout the world, largely abolished slavery through its control of the seas, and established the infrastructure that allowed many millions of people in impoverished backward lands to climb out of misery. Queen Elizabeth II was worthy to represent it. She was its last living remnant. Her death yesterday, leaving the British monarchy in the hands of clown, is a setback for civilization itself.

That’s why moonbats rejoiced:

Carnegie Mellon University professor Uju Anya reacted to the news of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II suffering from poor health shortly before her death on Thursday by calling her a “wretched woman” and a “genocidal colonizer” who is “the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire,” adding, “May her pain be excruciating.”

The disgraceful tweet was soon deleted. But the Internet is forever:

Since we are forced to pay off the student loans of dupes who go into debt to be indoctrinated by Professor Anya et al., let’s treat ourselves to more of the wisdom she shared yesterday:

In a follow-up tweet, the professor wrote, “That wretched woman and her bloodthirsty throne have f[***]ed generations of my ancestors on both sides of the family, and she supervised a government that sponsored the genocide my parents and siblings survived.”

If there had been no British Empire, Anya’s life would be like those of her savage ancestors: nasty, brutish, and short — instead of just loathsome and pointless. Here is what she draws a doubtless generous salary for:

Dr. Uju Anya is a university professor and researcher in applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies primarily examining race, gender, sexual, and social class identities in new language learning through the experiences of African American students.

In other words, she spews useless BS for a living. Beats sleeping in a dung hut and dining on locust husks.

Yesterday Tucker Carlson provided a countermoonbat take on Queen Elizabeth II’s significance:

Unlike Professor Anya, even President Brandon had something nice to say about the gracious Queen — or rather, his handlers did, and Creepy Joe copied it down as best he could:

On tips from Wiggins, Occam’s Stubble, Feet2Fire, and Chris Neilson.


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