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Aug 11 2022

Episcopal Church Endorses Sex Change for Children

After leftists have infiltrated an institution, they subvert it to advance objectives that may be diametrically opposite its original purpose. For example, churches that have been co-opted by progressives become dedicated not to good but to evil:

The Episcopal Church passed a resolution in support of sex change attempts “at all ages,” calling it a matter of “religious liberty.”

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Blasphemous depravity and the desecration of innocence are religious liberty.

Resolution D066, passed by the 80th General Convention, is titled “Addressing restrictions on access to gender affirming care.” The House of Bishops has concurred with the resolution.

It calls for the Episcopal Church to “advocate for access to gender affirming care in all forms (social, medical, or any other) and at all ages.” It goes on to say that advocating for sex change operations is “part of our Baptismal call to respect the dignity of every human being.”

Nothing respects dignity like irreversible chemical deformation and surgical sexual mutilation on behalf of a wicked political ideology.

It is easier to pressure a child to become a trophy transsexual that it is to get a potentially normal life back that has been sacrificed on the LGBT altar.

Do not let this happen to your church. Keep moonbattery out, or it will soon be subordinated to moonbattery.

On a tip from Feet2Fire.

Dec 07 2021

Prosecution for Correlating Rape With Immigration

Where moonbattery prevails, objective reality becomes illegal. In Sweden, professors at Lund University face prosecution by the Ministry of Education for noticing that rape is mostly committed by immigrants.

Via National Pulse:

The data in question relates to the identities of rapists in Sweden, which culminated in the paper “Swedish Rape Offenders — A Latent Class Analysis.”

The published results reveal that immigrants are disproportionately overrepresented in rape cases and commit the vast majority of sexual violence, though the authors did not originally set out to find a link between the variable and rape.

Everyone knows that Sweden became the Rape Capital of the West due to its massive importation of a new citizenry from the Third World. However, for academics to confirm the price paid for liberal policies constitutes thoughtcrime. It may even invite rebellion.

The scientists were also criticized for insufficient evaluation as they failed to indicate how their research should “reduce exclusion and improve integration.”

It is not enough to refrain from reporting facts that undermine the liberal narrative. Research must actively advance the leftist agenda.

On a tip from AintYerPa.

Nov 10 2021

California Covid Case Rate Is Twice Florida’s

California is the quintessential Democrat state, characterized by rigid Covid tyranny that includes an impending vaccine mandate for schoolchildren. Florida, we are told, is unsafe because Ron DeSantis’s misguided fondness for liberty has allowed Covid to rage out of control. Yet in California, Covid cases…

…have climbed back up to the CDC’s blood-red “high” level of virus transmission as the highly contagious delta variant continues to wreak havoc.

Meanwhile, the virus has gone quiet in Deep South states that abandoned mask orders, opposed vaccine mandates, posted lower vaccination rates and saw larger outbreaks over the summer. California’s case rate is now well above Texas’ and double Florida’s, which along with the rest of the Gulf Coast are down to the CDC’s orange “substantial” transmission level.

Meanwhile Sweden, which never locked down, is doing fine.

Any price is too low to sell liberty. People who succumb to Covid hysteria give their liberty away and get nothing but lies in return. Liberty is not the only price paid, as Thomas Lifson notes:

Why, it’s almost as if we’ve been given bad advice and paid an enormous cost for measures that haven’t solved the epidemic and may have made it worse. Children losing more than a year of in-person schooling. Medical tests and procedures postponed or canceled. Businesses destroyed. Unbearable psychological stress and soaring suicide rates among children.

All we have to show for it is a lesson: self-proclaimed Experts should be regarded with extreme skepticism, especially when they speak on behalf of the power-mad liberal establishment.

On tips from R F and Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 28 2021

New Yorker Magazine Promotes Ecoterrorism

The liberal elite is not moderate. It is radical. The flagship publication of pretentious highbrow liberals even promotes the crippling of the economy through ecoterrorism:

New Yorker magazine platformed a Swedish climate change activist who advocates blowing up pipelines in the name of climate justice on a recent episode of its “New Yorker Radio Hour” podcast.

The term “climate justice” is a warning that you have entered the realm of dangerous maniacs.

Andreas Malm is an associate professor at Sweden’s Lund University, and the author of the book “How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire.” Malm’s book does not only have an eye-catching title; he actually advocates destroying any and all fossil fuel infrastructure.

“Damage and destroy new CO2-emitting devices,” Malm exhorts his readers.

Every mechanical device emits harmless CO2 in its operation and/or production, as does every human with each exhalation.

Modern environmentalism is a cover not just for communism, but for psychopathic nihilism. Not that Malm is not a Marxist:

“Property,” writes Andreas Malm, “will cost us the earth.”

Back when insufferable frauds like Leonard Bernstein were throwing parties for the Black Panther Party, extreme moonbat posturing was known as “radical chic.” With the federal government actually inflicting lunatic policies based on radical left ideology, it is no longer a harmless pose.

Vote for the people New Yorker wants you to and there is no need to dynamite pipelines; Joe Biden will destroy them. The effect — skyrocketing energy prices — is the same as if an Earth First radical did it with dynamite. The effect on the supposedly endangered climate is also the same: absolutely nil.

Malm predictably used the megaphone provided to him by the New Yorker to promote the destruction of property, explicitly calling for blowing up the pipelines needed to efficiently transport resources. New Yorker is unlikely to amplify viewpoints the leftist ruling class does not endorse. Imagine hearing someone on a New Yorker podcast worry about the effects of displacing the white working class with easily exploitable masses imported from the Third World.

Other pillars of the liberal establishment that have provided a sympathetic platform for Malm’s sociopathic views include the New York Times and the New Republic. Vox cofounder Ezra Klein has compared the ecoterrorism Malm calls for to the American Revolution and the civil rights movement, although Klein at least acknowledges that driving up energy prices by destroying pipelines hurts the poor the most.

So as to enjoy the cushy life of a college professor rather than risk prison, Malm leaves it to others to sabotage pipelines. However, he has admitted to deflating the tires of SUVs in order to save the climate. Seriously.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 24 2021

Gay Priest Refuses to Perform Heterosexual Marriages

It started with them demanding tolerance for what they did in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Within a few years, they had subverted the concept of holy matrimony. Still they advance. The current state of affairs features a gay priest named Lars Gårdfeldt refusing to perform marriage ceremonies for heterosexual couples.

Via Summit News:

Gårdfeldt announced that he would refuse to marry straight couples in protest against a rule within the Church of Sweden that allows newly ordained priests to refuse to marry same-sex couples.

It isn’t enough to undermine marriage. They want to force actual Christians to make a blasphemous mockery of their own faith, knowing that the Bible forbids homosexuality in no uncertain terms.

Barks Gårdfeldt:

“We should not recruit new anti-gay priests. We should not ordain new priests who pass on the idea that homosexuals are inferior people.”

The sophistry would only work on an idiot, yet it seems to win every argument for LGBT militants. They equate their behavior with their identity, so that if you disapprove of their appalling activities, you “hate” them, and are therefore a bad person.

A priest who was primarily interested in Christianity rather than sexual deviancy would be familiar with the concept of hating the sin while loving the sinner.

Press Secretary of the Diocese of Gothenburg Torgny Lindén offered the spirited defense of Christianity we have come to expect from the establishment. Actual quote:

“We have no opinion on this.”

If they did have a positive opinion regarding the sanctity of their own ostensible beliefs, they would have kicked out Gårdfeldt long ago:

Gårdfeldt married his now transgender partner in Canada in 2006, before gay marriage was allowed in Swedish churches. He said he also performed gay marriage ceremonies for years before it was permitted by the Church.

Instead, they let him subvert their church from within, too terrified of being denounced as politically incorrect to stand up for their own beliefs. This is how leftists infiltrate, corrupt, and subjugate institutions.

The Church of Sweden has degenerated to the point of declaring itself to be “trans” and unhinged enviro-demagogue Greta Thunberg to be “Jesus’s Successor.” Actual Christians are advised to steer clear of this church and any other that has succumbed to a different religion — namely, moonbattery.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 22 2021

Covid Hysteria Has Done More Damage Than Covid

Even if Democrats are still milking Covid, we are close enough to being past it to look back and learn some lessons. Lesson #1 is that succumbing to politically contrived hysteria did more damage than the disease itself:

Instead of keeping calm and carrying on, the American elite flouted the norms of governance, journalism, academic freedom — and, worst of all, science. They misled the public about the origins of the virus and the true risk it posed. Ignoring their own carefully prepared plans for a pandemic, they claimed unprecedented powers to impose untested strategies, with terrible collateral damage. We still have no convincing evidence that the lockdowns saved lives, but lots of evidence that they have already cost lives and will prove deadlier in the long run than the virus itself.

The liberal establishment demonstrated the wrong way to react to a pandemic. As for the right way,

After locking down last spring, Gov. Ron DeSantis reopened businesses, schools and restaurants early and rejected mask mandates. If Florida had simply done no worse than the rest of the country during the pandemic, that would have been enough to discredit the lockdown strategy. But the outcome of this experiment was even more damning: Florida’s age-adjusted COVID mortality rate is lower than that of all but 10 other states.

Florida is no anomaly:

Sweden, Finland and Norway rejected mask mandates and extended lockdowns, and they have each suffered significantly less excess mortality than most other European countries.

Normally, liberals are eager to emulate Scandinavia, because of the high taxes and extravagant welfare states. Not this time though.

The only thing Democrats learned from their mishandling of Covid was how much tyranny a panicked populace will tolerate.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.

May 26 2021

Chinese Communist Evil Does Not Stay in China

In terms of people killed, the communist government ruling China is the most malevolent that has ever existed. It killed as many as 80 million people under progressive icon Mao Zedong. It appears to have killed millions worldwide (including over half a million Americans) by creating Covid, releasing it, and covering it up instead of giving warning.

But as Mao’s role model Stalin said, one death is a tragedy; a million deaths are just a statistic. To fully appreciate how evil communist China is, get a personal perspective from Sayragul Sauytbay, who knows a little about the hundreds of concentration camps in which the Chinese Communist Party incarcerates millions of people:

Sauytbay was forced to work as a teacher at one of them, before her release in 2018 and subsequent escape to Sweden.

Near the guardhouse was a torture chamber called the “black room,” from which she heard screams “like the raw cries of a dying animal.”

She recalls seeing chains on the walls in the black room, and chairs with “nails sticking out of the seats” where inmates would be tied down. Torture devices on the walls “looked like they were from the Middle Ages,” including “implements used to pull out fingernails and toenails,” and a spear-like rod “for jabbing into a person’s flesh.” Electric chairs, “iron chairs with holes in the back so that the arms could be twisted back above the shoulder joint,” and other chairs designed to pin victims down lined one side of the room.

As Sauytbay praised the warmth of self-sacrificing patriarch Xi Jinping, her “students” would lose consciousness from what they had endured and fall off their chairs.

One 84-year-old woman Sauytbay remembers was accused of making an international phone call. Despite her denial, the camp guards punished her by ripping out her fingernails.

ChiCom horrors have a modern twist. Some inmates are slated for organ harvesting.

As we learned from Covid, what happens in China does not stay in China. Sauytbay reports having seen classified papers detailing plans for world conquest that are already in their initial stages, Hong Kong having fallen without a peep from the rest of the world. The plans call for the occupation of Europe somewhere between 2035 and 2055.

This threat is credible, because the West has been so turned against itself by leftist politics that it is incapable of fighting back. In their moral degeneracy, many side with the ChiComs against freedom and decency. The entertainment industry offers many examples, including John Cena:

Cena, the professional wrestler and star of the newest “Fast and Furious” movie, apologized to Chinese fans and professed his “love” to China on Tuesday after he faced backlash for calling Taiwan a country during a promotional interview.

Taiwan has been a separate country since 1949. But you mustn’t say so, because the ChiComs plan to annex it. After that comes the Korean peninsula, Japan, the Philippines, Australia…

Cena apologized in Mandarin for a statement he made in an interview with the Taiwanese broadcaster TVBS, where he said “Taiwan is the first country that can watch the film.”

Cena’s bulging biceps are less impressive in light of him groveling before his ChiCom masters in their language, which he did because China is the world’s biggest movie market.

Sports are no better. When Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey expressed support for democracy in Hong Kong, the righteous social justice warrior LeBron James denounced him. China banned NBA broadcasts for a year, costing the league up to $400 million. The NBA will make certain to toe the ChiCom line in the future.

The CCP’s influence extends to the top of our government. Biden’s Big Tech backers engaged in such heavy-handed censorship to suppress the Hunter laptop bombshell because it drew attention to his financial ties to the Chinese regime. Now CNN admits that the Biden Administration has shut down a State Department investigation into Covid’s likely origin inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

The existence of the State Department inquiry and its termination this spring by the Biden administration — neither of which has been previously reported — comes to light amid renewed interest in whether the virus could have leaked out of a Wuhan lab with links to the Chinese military. …

Those involved in the previously undisclosed inquiry, which was launched last fall by allies of then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, say it was an honest effort to probe what many initially dismissed: that China’s biological weapons program could have had a greater role in the pandemic’s origin in Wuhan…

The Chinese government is party to the major international agreements regulating biological weapons which prohibit developing, producing, transferring or stockpiling of bacteriological and toxin weapons. The US government has said that it believes China maintained an offensive biological weapons program even after joining the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in 1984. …

Pompeo put out a statement as the Trump administration was leaving office that said the US had determined collaboration between the Wuhan lab where Covid-19 research has been conducted on bats, and secret Chinese military projects.

Yet we have Dr Fauci apparently funding their gain-of-function research efforts with our money.

The Biden administration’s effort to investigate the origins of the pandemic is primarily focused on rallying pressure and support for the WHO’s investigation to be transparent and fulsome, explained a Biden administration official.

The WHO is largely controlled by the ChiComs. This is why Trump cut US funding to it. Biden immediately restored that funding.

China can accomplish this much dominance just with money. Meanwhile, as our military focuses on wokeness and purging patriots, China already has the world’s largest navy.

On tips from Angel Artiste and ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.

Oct 29 2020

Islamic War of Conquest Escalates in France

Following the murder of Samuel Paty, France finally pushed back, asserting the Western principle of free speech by projecting haram Charlie Hebdo cartoons onto buildings in defiance of Islam. Now comes the counterattack. From the BBC:

Three people have been killed in a knife attack at a church in the French city of Nice, police say. …

One elderly victim who was praying was “virtually beheaded”. Another woman and a man also died. A suspect was shot and detained shortly afterwards.

Also on Thursday,

A man was shot dead in Montfavet near the southern French city of Avignon after threatening police with a handgun.

Separately, a guard was attacked outside the French consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

Even the Beeb seems to understand the motive.

Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi spoke of “Islamo-fascism” and said the suspect had “repeated endlessly ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is greatest)”. …

Police have not suggested a motive for the attack in Nice. However, it follows days of protests in some Muslim-majority countries triggered by President Macron’s defence of the publication of cartoons that depicted the Prophet Mohammed.

Nice has experienced the multicultural splendors of Islamic infiltration before:

Four years ago Nice was the scene of another terror attack, when a Tunisian drove a truck into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on 14 July, killing 86 people.

French ambassador to Sweden Etienne de Gonneville was premature when he announced recently that “France is a Muslim country.” But it will be one before the violence stops.

Once the Muslim population of a land reaches a certain percentage, violence will be unrelenting until the country succumbs to Islam. The only other option is to cast the invaders out, as Spain did following the Reconquista. But no one has the belly for that, so the French need to get used to the bloodshed. For demographic reasons, the violence will escalate dramatically until France is absorbed into the umma, at which point French civilization will have been extinguished.

On tips from DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS and Dragon’s Lair.

Oct 14 2020

They Say Scandinavia but They Mean Venezuela

Among the many lies that leftists are attempting to transform into accepted truth through constant repetition is that the Nordic countries are socialist, are paradises, and are the model for what Democrats want to fundamentally transform America into. Actually, they are trying to transform the country into Venezuela, as Debbie D’Souza can recognize, being from there:

In some respects, the USA is already closer to socialism than Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are — but so long as we don’t have to wait in breadlines and the lights still come on when we flip the switch, we aren’t close enough to suit Democrats.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Oct 07 2020

South Dakota Has Handled COVID-19 the Right Way

Whereas states governed by authoritarian Democrats have suffered miserably under futile lockdowns, South Dakota remained American and free, thanks to its sensible governance. This approach has turned out well, despite shrieks of hysteria from the liberal establishment media.

Tony Heller calls South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem the Future of the Republican Party. Let’s hope so:

The death rate from the ChiCom virus is 28 per 100,000 people in South Dakota per Statista. Atop the list are liberal-ruled New Jersey with 182 and New York with 171 — both over six times the rate in South Dakota.

Like Sweden, South Dakota proves that lockdowns are pointless — except to the extent that repression is an end in itself.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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