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Search: Afghanistan

Jan 12 2022

Another $308 Million in US Aid to Afghanistan

Meanwhile, as the economy chokes on runaway inflation caused by excessive government spending, the valve on the firehose remains all the way open, blasting what money we have left at those who least deserve it. It wasn’t enough to unconditionally surrender to the terrorists who provided a base of operations for 9/11, leaving behind Americans to a potentially horrific fate as well as many $billions worth of advanced weaponry. Now Biden is effectively propping up the Taliban regime with an infusion of cash:

The United States on Tuesday announced $308 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan, offering new aid to the country as it edges toward a humanitarian crisis since the Taliban takeover nearly five months ago.

The humanitarian crisis resulting from Biden’s abrupt withdrawal was as predictable as the inflation his spending is creating.

The new Biden administration commitment brings U.S. humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan to more than $780 million since the chaotic ending of the 20-year-old war in August.

Then there is the Covid relief: 4.3 million doses of vaccine provided by US taxpayers.

What do Americans get in return for this largesse? A terror state sworn to our destruction.

On a tip from Bluto.

Sep 26 2021

Biden Makes No Apologies for Afghanistan Debacle

The silver lining to even the most tragic mistakes is that at least we learn from them. The harder you hit your thumb with the hammer, the longer you will remember not to do it again. This does not apply if you are Joe Biden, who does not remember whether he put on his pants this morning, and who still refuses to accept responsibility for his massive unforced error in Afghanistan:

“I make no apologies” will not be much solace to the many Americans Biden unnecessarily left to the mercy of the Taliban, which unsurprisingly is resuming the practice of cutting off people’s hands.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Aug 31 2021

Military Dogs Left to Die in Afghanistan

You can tell a lot about people by how they treat our four-legged friends. The Biden Regime doesn’t treat them any better than it treats us. It unnecessarily left Americans behind to face a terrifying fate in Afghanistan. It did the same to military service dogs:

Dr. Robin R. Ganzert, CEO of Washington, DC,-based American Humane, said on Monday dozens of contract dogs have been left behind to be “tortured and killed at the hands of our enemies.”

“As the country’s first national humane organization and largest certifier of animal welfare in the world, it sickens us to sit idly by and watch these brave dogs who valiantly served our country be put to death or worse,” Ganzert said.

Another group, Veteran Sheepdogs of America, said on Monday it was attempting to get 51 working dogs out of Kabul.

With different people in power, the dogs would have been saved:

Germany and Spain were more successful and repatriated all their work dogs without a problem.

Dogs are unclean according to Islam. Via Jihad Watch:

“Once Gabriel promised the Prophet (that he would visit him, but Gabriel did not come) and later on he said, ‘We, angels, do not enter a house which contains a picture or a dog.’” — Sahih Bukhari 4.54.50

“Abdullah (b. Umar) (Allah be pleased with them) reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered the killing of dogs and we would send (men) in Medina and its corners and we did not spare any dog that we did not kill, so much so that we killed the dog that accompanied the wet she-camel belonging to the people of the desert.” — Sahih Muslim 3811

Consequently, dogs are subjected to malign neglect and deliberate mistreatment in Muslim countries. Even in the West, Muslim taxi drivers often refuse to let dogs in their cars — including seeing-eye dogs. Dogs are not considered pets in Afghan culture.

Under the rigid Islamic rule of the Taliban, dogs are unlikely to fare well. The Taliban has blocked the rescue of dogs and cats from the hell on earth they have set about creating.

But don’t make a stink about abused dogs unless you want liberals to denounce you as a racist.

How Democrats repay loyal service.

On tips from Don M, Dragon’s Lair, Bluto, and Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 28 2021

Trump Predicted Afghanistan Catastrophe 4 Years Ago

Everyone knows that Trump wanted US forces out of Afghanistan. Why didn’t he pull the military out immediately, come what may for those left behind? Because he means his country well and is not an idiot. As he explained 4 years ago,

“The consequences of a rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable.”

Anyone want to deny that now?

If only Democrats would learn from their betters. Knowing their juvenile mentality of always insisting Trump is diametrically wrong about everything, they might have committed this catastrophic blunder specifically because Trump warned against it.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Aug 22 2021

The Lighter Side of Americans Left to Die in Afghanistan

Don’t see the humor of thousands of Americans left to the nonexistent mercy of the Taliban? Kamal Harris does. Mind your ears as she shrieks with laughter when asked about Americans left behind, before launching into meaningless duckspeak:

Unless Democrats really do want the USA to immediately crash and burn in hopes of ruling the ruins, the 25th Amendment will soon be applied to extract Biden from the White House. That will put this laughing hyena in charge of the Executive Branch — which will hardly guarantee that we pull out of the tailspin Biden has quickly put us into.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 20 2021

Why Biden’s Handlers Did This to the USA in Afghanistan

As Lara Logan has explained, the Afghanistan debacle was deliberate. Even if the demented puppet Biden has no idea what he is doing, his string-pullers do. The question is why they are doing it.

To find the answer, Christopher Skeet looks to Barack Obama, whom Biden served as a witless sidekick. Obama was elected on a platform of openly despising the nation he promised to “fundamentally transform” into a totally different country.

Via American Thinker:

Every time he could, Obama favored strict Islamist regimes over Western-friendly governments. Whenever overseas pro-democracy demonstrators flew American flags, Obama reflexively sided with their oppressors. He removed sanctions from Cuba and Iran and asked for nothing in return. The JCPOA, the Paris Accords, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership were specifically designed to weaken American power behind the flimsy guise of noble causes.

Anti-American Obamunists are among Biden’s puppeteers. Their policy of deliberately undermining America and its allies continues.

We just let the pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong, Cuba, and Iran know that they don’t have our support, other than the occasional week-too-late hashtag. We just let our allies in Taiwan, Ukraine, South Korea, and Israel know that we folded like wet paper to illiterate pedophiles in pickup trucks, so good luck against the million-man professional armies who are busy reassessing the futility of your current ceasefires.

Biden’s handlers have stressed the symbolism of a disorderly retreat from Afghanistan, the 9/11 staging ground strategically located between our three most threatening adversaries, China, Iran, and Russia:

We abandoned Bagram Air Base on July 4, 2021. Biden originally planned to complete the withdraw on September 11th. These aren’t flukes, nor the clockwork stupidity of our government’s well-credentialed experts. These were specifically designed as symbolic humiliations of America, by people who hate America, who are being paid six figure salaries to do so by America.

Biden invited the entire Third World to pour into America and enjoy lavish benefits. Then he opened the border and it remains open, with devastating consequences that have only begun to unfold. This cannot be explained by incompetence, but only by treason. The same is true of Democrats’ unfunded, multi-$trillion frivolous spending spree that will crush the country with debt and inflate our savings to worthlessness. The same is true of Afghanistan.

The left, including its swamp bureaucrats who administer our wars, has no qualms with what happened in Kabul. They support Biden’s grotesque withdraw not in spite of its consequences for America, but because of them.

Local police and the military have been among the last institutions to hold out against leftist subversion. They remain pillars of Americanism and resistance to the progressive agenda. Democrats and their media have employed Black Lives Matter as a sledgehammer to smash the police. The military is being eaten from within by tapeworms like Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley. Like demonized and defunded local police, the armed forces are undergoing strategic demoralization, so as make it impossible to obtain quality recruits:

What young, idealistic American would enlist to defend a country that doesn’t let them win wars, forces them to retreat from 7th century quadrupeds, all the while having one’s own patriotism questioned and slandered by woke Pentagon careerists who blather about “white rage” and who remove Mahan and Clausewitz from the reading lists in favor of Ibram X. Kendi?

Not merely losing in Afghanistan but running away in disgrace, abandoning thousands of Americans as well as vast stores of weapons in the hands of terrorists sworn to our destruction, serves well to advance an Obama-style foreign policy by making it clear that the USA cannot be counted on to defend its allies from the aggression of tyrants.

Amplified across the world, the message of the left is: If America will sell you out to the Taliban, they won’t even think about lifting a finger to the Iranians and North Koreans, much less the Chinese and Russians.

It isn’t only the Taiwanese and Ukrainians who will suffer:

Our kids’ grandkids will be fighting the wars that result from this and will likely do it alone. Far from being a tragedy, our abandonment of Afghanistan was one of the left’s biggest foreign policy successes.

That may be overoptimistic. At the current pace of the decline Democrats are imposing, America won’t last that many generations.

Abraham Lincoln had it right:

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 19 2021

Afghanistan Debacle: Incompetence or Treason?

The apparent incompetence of the Democrats running our government is so extreme as to beggar belief. Biden couldn’t get his shoes on the right feet without assistance, but are the people who installed him in power and do his thinking for him really as inept as recent events suggest? Alarmingly, maybe not.

Lara Logan makes the case that the disastrous outcome in Afghanistan — complete with thousands of Americans left behind for the Taliban to take hostage — must have been intended:

“The United States government could change this even today. And they don’t do it.”

Why not? Logan doesn’t exactly have the answer, but her insightful questions might put curious journalists on the right track:

Incompetence or treason? Take them to Democrat extremes and they become nearly indistinguishable.

The Trump Administration had a plan in place to evacuate our people and our military equipment in the event of a sudden collapse into Taliban rule. The Biden Administration canceled it. Consequently, Americans are in extreme peril with no help on the way and a massive quantity of US military equipment has fallen into terrorist hands. This argues for deliberate malice over incompetence. It is inconceivable that no one in the White House knew this would happen.

As Andrea Widburg puts it,

It appears that [the USA] is being led by an incompetent moron, but it’s probably worse than that: she is led by people who wish to “fundamentally transform” America and place purported global goals above American well-being, and who don’t care how many people die to achieve their goals.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Aug 16 2021

Biden Admin Returns Afghanistan to Terrorists, Calls Us the Terrorists

Meanwhile, as Biden’s moonbat handlers messily return al Qaeda’s 9/11 base to Taliban terrorist hands in a replay of Saigon 1975, they remind us that if we don’t like their pointlessly tyrannical Covid dictates, or if we don’t pretend not to notice that the 2020 election was hardly on the up and up, we are the ones who are terrorists:

The Democrat Party platform known as NBC Nightly News elaborates, via Not the Bee:

DHS says this new terrorism advisory is not based on any actual threats or plots, but it says there’s a rise in antigovernment rhetoric. Some of it is opposition to Covid public health rules like mask and vaccine measures. Some calls for violent action are based on claims of election fraud, or a belief that Donald Trump can be reinstated. And DHS says the coming 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and religious holidays later this year could be catalysts for violence. The last terror advisory was issued in May. It expired today. This new one says domestic extremism remains a threat priority.

Americans patriotic enough not to support the Democrat Party are more a terror threat than the Taliban and their al Qaeda allies.

Maybe that’s because Biden has a strategy to deal with the implacable terrorists who just defeated the USA — beg for mercy and offer bribes:

American negotiators are trying to extract assurances from the Taliban that they will not attack the U.S. Embassy in Kabul if the extremist group takes over the country’s government and ever wants to receive foreign aid, three American officials said.

Even now these idiots think they can bribe Islamic terrorists into not making them look bad by butchering Americans. As Daniel Greenfield notes, it didn’t work in Benghazi and it won’t work here.

The next 9/11 will arrive soon, brought to you by Joe Biden and those who voted for him.

If one headline is most emblematic of Biden and the ignominious decline he personifies, this is it:

Biden Admin Instructs Kabul Embassy to Destroy American Flags As It Braces for Global Embarrassment

Global embarrassment will continue to escalate until Democrats have been pried loose from power.

On tips from R F, Anonymous, and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 16 2024

Charges Stand Against Gold Star Father Steven Nikoui

Meanwhile, as left-wing apparatchik Mark Milley is knighted for his role in Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, a Gold Star father gets the Jan 6er treatment:

Gold Star father Steven Nikoui says charges have not been dropped against him after he was arrested for heckling President Biden during the State of the Union address.

Nikoui, 51, the father of slain Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, shouted ‘Remember Abbey Gate!’ ‘United States Marines!’ and ‘Abbey Gate!’ from the balcony of the House chamber in the middle of the president’s remarks last Thursday.

His son, Kareem, was killed by a suicide bomber, along with 12 other soldiers, during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

If Mark Milley is a hero, then Steven Nikoui is a threat to democracy.

He called it ‘devastating’ that Biden instead mentioned the name of murdered Georgia student Laken Riley, which he confused with ‘Lincoln,’ but not the soldiers killed at Abbey Gate.

Biden apologized for his reference to “Lincoln” Riley, an apparent victim of his open border policy. That is, he apologized for calling the illegal alien charged with killing her “illegal.”

There might be no greater indignity than to see your country ruled by its worst enemies.

Fellow Gold Star father Darin Hoover called Nikoui’s arrest ‘ludicrous’ that he was singled out among other hecklers during the State of the Union.

‘The optics don’t look good, that’s for damn sure,’ he told

No worries, Democrats. If public revulsion against you overwhelms the media’s demonization of Trump, and lawfare doesn’t work, you can always fall back on cheating.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 16 2024

Mark Milley to Be Knighted

It seemed British knighthood had reached rock bottom when it was bestowed upon a perverted pop star. Yet progressives always find a way to progress still deeper into moonbattery. They are going to knight the already absurdly overdecorated four-star hypocrite Mark Milley:

Britain’s defense attache to the U.S., Rear Adm. Tim Woods, released a statement on X: “From leadership over Afghanistan, expansion of @NATO, to the creation of AUKUS, our nation has been truly fortunate in these turbulent & uncertain times to have the confidence of America’s leading military figure.”

If Milley is America’s leading military figure, stick a fork in us, for we are done.

Aside from his catastrophic “leadership over Afghanistan,” Milley is best known for politicizing the military on behalf of the Democratic Party. Assuming Bob Woodward’s reporting to be accurate, Milley committed treason during the Trump Administration in collusion with communist China. He espouses antiwhite race hate and regards a large percentage of the US population to consist of enemies of the government.

Other pernicious American moonbats to receive knighthood include Bob Iger (CEO of the LGBT grooming operation that is Disney) and Michael Bloomberg (nanny state plutocrat, propagandist, and crusader against the right of self-defense).

Knighthood has become as disgraceful as the Nobel Peace Prize, which moonbats have bestowed upon a rogue’s gallery of reprobates including the terrorist Yasser Arafat, global warming scam artist Al Gore, and two of the three worst US presidents in living memory (hold on Creepy Joe; if Carter and Obama got one, you probably will too).

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 09 2024

Biden Plays Senility Card

Joe Biden isn’t a Woman of Color or homosexual, so how does he defend himself from observations that he is corrupt, incompetent, and treasonous? By playing the senility card.

Not even his most fervent detractors can deny that Biden has succumbed to dementia. He keeps recounting meetings with dead people like François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl. He confuses the leaders of Mexico and Egypt. He cannot remember when his term as VP began or ended or even when his son died.

His senility is readily apparent from across the sea:

Biden sicced the weaponized Justice Department on his chief political opponent for allegedly mishandling classified documents — a crime that Biden himself was found to be flagrantly and repeatedly guilty of. He even retained classified information regarding Ukraine policy during a time his bagman Hunter sat on the board of Burisma.

No worries; just play the dementia card:

A special counsel report released Thursday found evidence that President Joe Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, but concluded that criminal charges were not warranted.

Why not? Because even if the crimes occurred years ago, now he is a doddering old man who doesn’t know what day it is. Call it the Vincent Gigante defense:

In a famous case from the 1990s, the mobster Vincent Gigante offered what became known as “the bathrobe defense.” He attended his arraignment in pajamas and a bathrobe and claimed to be mentally impaired. Regarding President Biden’s misuse of classified documents, the country is now asked to believe the forgetful elderly man defense.

That’s likely to be the main public takeaway from special counsel Robert Hur’s 345-page report of his investigation into the secret documents Mr. Biden kept in various places. Mr. Hur reports that he “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” But he concludes that “no criminal charges are warranted,” in large part because he doesn’t believe a jury would convict “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Before you object that no one could possibly regard a malevolent clot of swamp scum like Biden as “sympathetic” or “well-meaning,” recall that a DC jury just penalized Mark Steyn $1 million for not believing in the global warming hoax.

If he is too senile to be expected to obey the law, Biden is obviously too senile to be president of the USA. The goal for the Democratic Party is to keep him propped up as the presumptive nominee until the last moment, so that patriots will not have time to orchestrate a defense against whoever they replace him with.

On tips from Varla, Anonymous, WDS 2.0, Wiggins, Blackjack, KirklesWorth, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 05 2024

Mass Immigration and Moonbat Masochism

Sigmund Freud himself would be flummoxed by the psychopathology behind the willingness of some to be displaced from their own countries by mass immigration. Military force failed at Tours and the Gates of Vienna, but hijrah is working thanks to the masochistic mentality of moonbats. A story from a few years back is illustrative:

The family of an EU official’s teenage daughter who was allegedly raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in Germany has asked for well-wishers to donate money to a refugee charity.

Medical student Maria Ladenburger, who had also taken time out to help asylum seekers as a volunteer, was found dead in a river in the south-western German university city of Freiburg in October.

Authorities arrested 17-year-old Hussein K. He was an “asylum seeker” from Afghanistan — a country leftists like so much they are helping to extend it across the world through open borders policies.

As the 19-year-old student’s family tries to come to terms with their loss, they have asked for donations to be made to an organisation that aids refugees.

Here’s the thanks Maria got for helping Muslims eradicate her country and absorb central Europe into the Ummah:

Maria, 19, worked in her spare time in the ancient university city of Freiburg helping out the migrants in various shelters and homes. But in October, as she cycled home after a party, she was ambushed, raped and then drowned in a river.

They say a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged. Some never get the chance to wake up from wokeness. Others only double down.

On a tip from DCGere.

Nov 22 2023

Pentagon’s War on Morale

The Pentagon is at war — with the morale of American troops. A soldier forced to pay through the nose for expensive gear Biden forced him to leave to the Taliban is emblematic.

Fumes Catherine Salgado:

It has seemed fairly obvious, especially since the disastrous withdrawal that left thousands of Americans and allies stranded in the hellhole of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, that the Biden administration hates our military. Congressmen were exempted from the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but West Point cadets and military members had to get jabbed or get sacked. The Biden administration is still pouring billions of dollars we don’t have into Ukraine, where a horrifying number of young Ukrainian men have died for no purpose; and the government has new wads of cash to expend on toxic, inefficient, and unreliable “green” energy. But one soldier who is separating from the military found that the Army expected him to cough up between $500 and $1,000 to pay for military gear that the soldier was told he had to leave behind in Afghanistan!

When he abruptly surrendered to the Taliban, Biden gifted the terrorists who provided a launching pad for 9/11 with $billions worth of military gear paid for by American taxpayers. Crossing the line into straightforward treason, Democrats continue to shovel our money at the Taliban.

Let’s have the former soldier’s firsthand account:

Key quote from a patriot upon leaving the armed forces:

“I’m very, very excited to stop serving my government and just getting started serving my country.”

Speaking of nonsensical Covid vaccine mandates, the Pentagon wants those kicked out for not risking their health by complying to come back:

According to a letter signed by Army Director of Personnel Management Brigadier General Hope Rampy, former soldiers who were discharged due to Covid-19 vaccine refusal can request a correction of their military records. The letter provides guidance on contacting recruiters to return to service. It is unclear if returning soldiers will rejoin their former units or Military Occupational Specialties.

In February of 2022, the Army began discharging servicemen who did non comply with Covid vaccine mandate. At that time, more than 3,000 troops had requested permanent medical or religious exemptions, with only six being granted, according to official data.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act compelled the defense secretary to rescind the vaccine mandate, with the Army officially suspending separation actions for non-compliant soldiers in February 2023.

It is doubtful there will be many takers.

You could almost suspect that under Democrat rule the Pentagon is controlled by people who believe America is inherently bad and want to destroy it from within. With apologies to Robert Hanlon, never attribute to malice or incompetence what can be more accurately attributed to both.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and 100 Bravo.

Nov 16 2023

Biden Regime Schemes Against Netanyahu

Since the 1,400-year-old war between Islam and civilization flared up again with the terror atrocities of October 7, the Biden Regime has attempted to play both sides. Officially, it supports Israel. Yet it shovels massive amounts of our money at Hamas, has launched a pro-Islam propaganda campaign, and is attempting to overthrow the Israeli government so as to replace Netanyahu with someone weaker.

Biden’s handlers’ idea of a solution is to move control of Gaza from Hamas terrorists to PLO terrorists. Being no fool, Netanyahu is not on board. So he must be removed:

Sensing that Netanyahu is being hamstrung by his far-right coalition allies, the US has begun to ask about the possibility of a more moderate government being shuffled in, according to a former official.

“The diplomatic umbrella the US and other Western countries are providing Israel to continue operating in Gaza constricts, as civilian casualties mount,” a Biden administration official said on condition of anonymity. “Refusal to cooperate with — and even inhibiting — [our] efforts constrict that umbrella even more.”

Daniel Greenfield aptly describes this as…

…a fancy way of describing threatening to withdraw support from Israel unless Netanyahu rejects the results of a democratic election and forms a coalition with leftists with the aim of appeasing terrorists.

As Afghanistan learned, with friends like the Democrat-controlled USA, you don’t need enemies.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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