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Category: Corruption of Children

Sep 07 2023

Kaiser Permanente Pushes Transsexual 3-Year-Olds

No child is too young to be transsexual, according to the liberal establishment — not even 3-year-olds. Libs of TikTok reports:

An employee at Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest healthcare providers on the West Coast, reached out to us after she was mandated to take a new staff training on “gender affirming care.” The employee, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of losing her job, was horrified that a healthcare facility would be promoting the mutilation and castration of children.

Like the children groomed by our schools, Kaiser Permanente employees are subjected to LGBT indoctrination, including a series of videos promoting the transsexual agenda. In one, a young boy reveals that he knew he was a girl since he was 4 years old; a woman posing as a man proclaims that she knew she was transsexual since she was 3.

Liberal orthodoxy about sex being arbitrarily “assigned” rather than determined by chromosomes is regurgitated. Employees are instructed to believe there are not two genders but an infinite number.

Kaiser also boasts on their site that they provide pediatric gender care, offering surgical procedures and irreversible hormone therapy which they offer to children.

The grotesque horror of these crimes against humanity call to mind those of Josef Mengele.

Imagine trusting your health to fiends who sexually mutilate children. Yet by net patient revenue, Kaiser Permanente is the fourth largest health system in the USA.

One former patient, Chloe Cole, who received a double mastectomy as a teen, is suing Kaiser for what they did to her when she was young and confused.

Hopefully there will be many more such suits, until such time as decency and sanity are restored, so that inflicting sex change procedures on children leads to appropriate legal consequences.

To the surprise of no sane person, sex change surgery only exacerbates the psychiatric dysfunction that would make anyone consent to it.

Children do not consent. They are set on track for it from an early age by some of the most profoundly evil people history has produced.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Sep 05 2023

Progressives Press Forward With Pedophilia

We know what comes next after the LGBTification of children: mainstreamed pedophilia. Liberal social engineers are not slowing down:

A leading academic journal has published an article questioning the need for age of consent laws and claiming that discussions of “youth sexuality” are unjustly hindered by “cancel culture.”

“Cancel culture” normally refers to the liberal establishment destroying people for failing to comply with its ideology. Looks like the term is getting repurposed, like the term “liberal,” which once meant the opposite of what it means now.

The author, Marshall Burns, is a physicist and technology entrepreneur who was involved in the development of the early computer industry and operates a website titled “Consenting Juveniles.”

In his article, which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in June and titled “The Elephant in the Room: Youth Sexuality,” Burns argues that “sexual relations between youths and adults” is wrongfully seen as a contentious issue in society.

Burns says he wants to protect children “from those who protect them from sex.” War is peace, freedom is slavery, rape is protection.

If people will believe that men are women, maybe they will buy the concept that children can meaningfully consent to sex with adults.

Burns was invited to present on the topic, “Consenting Juveniles: First-hand Accounts of Sex for Fun or Love” at a conference organized by the former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Eli Coleman.

In Germany, the pedophilia push has moved beyond academia and LBGT NGOs into the media:

The public radio station, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), aired the episode on July 26 titled “Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction.”

Pedophiles are victims of addition. Victims come first. The rest of us must bow before them.

They profiled a pedophile going under the name “Max” who defined pedophilia as “sexual preference that deviates from the norm” and justified his pedophilia by saying that heterosexual males do not “attack every woman” that they find attractive.

You see? Your children will be safe, even after the degenerate ruling class mainstreams pedophilia the way it mainstreamed homosexuality. Mostly safe, anyway.

At least they offered a glimpse of the mentality of pedophiles:

“I want to dominate. It’s like omnipotence: to destroy the child, to have power over the child, to humiliate and torment them all, and sadistic stuff like that,” said a pedophile referred to as Franz on the broadcast.

Now back to the mainstreaming:

A mother named Anna was profiled who allows a pedophile named Pascal to look after her children, using alleged sexism she has experienced in her life as an excuse to allow this predator to have access to her kids. Pascal admitted to becoming sexually aroused when viewing Anna’s children at home in the nude. He said that his fellow pedophiles should be allowed access to children as a form of therapy.

Love is love, as moonbats robotically remind us.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 04 2023

Mom Wins Settlement Over Transsexualized Daughter

The first people to defend children from the grotesque horrors of transsexualization should be their parents. Some are bullied and/or brainwashed into sacrificing their kids to the LGBT agenda. Others are fighting back. One mom even won a legal victory against the groomers who dominate public schools behind enemy lines in California:

In what’s been called a landmark victory for parental rights, a California school district has settled for $100,000 with a mother who said her daughter was “socially transitioned” to a boy without parental knowledge or consent.

Jessica Konen said her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, was told by her school in the Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County that she may be upset because she didn’t know who she “truly was inside.”

The school referred to Alicia with male pronouns and had her using the boys’ bathroom as part of her social transition. If all went according to the usual plan, this would eventually culminate in surgical mutilation and a ruined life.

But Konen found out what these fiends were doing to her little girl and blocked it with a lawsuit.

Her daughter has since decided to re-identify as a girl, and the California single mother vowed to keep fighting for parental rights after the settlement in which she was represented by the Center for American Liberty.

She offers good advice:

“You don’t know what they’re teaching in schools anymore,” Konen said. “Just be active in your kid’s lives and don’t be scared to speak up.”

On a tip from Franco.

Sep 02 2023

Drag Queen Arrested for Child Porn Becomes Principal

The teaching profession has attracted some of the best among us. But as education is repurposed by liberal social engineers, it is beginning to attract the worse. As noted earlier,

Once an institution has been infiltrated by moonbats it is soon subverted. This has entailed the perverted sexualization of primary education. As Christopher Rufo has documented, this now features drag performances and hardcore pornography. This has done wonders to advance the LGBT aspect of the liberal agenda, with transsexual identification among children up by as much as 582% in 2 years. The resulting climate has led to an explosion in sex crimes against children by school personnel.

What do you expect when even in Oklahoma, far from the corrupted coasts, drag queens who have been arrested for possessing kiddy porn are chosen to be principals?

Shane Brent Murnan is the newest elementary school principal within Oklahoma’s Western Heights public school district. Murnan, a 52-year-old man whose drag persona is very publicly known as Ms. Shantel Mandalay, now has total authority over more than 400 students from pre-K through fourth grade at John Glenn Elementary School in southwest Oklahoma City.

Regarding Murnan/Mandalay’s qualifications to oversee elementary school education in a society dominated by liberals,

In August of 2001, Murnan, then a 30-year-old, fifth-grade teacher at Will Rogers Elementary School in Stillwater, Oklahoma, was arrested for possessing both child pornography and drugs. Two weeks prior to his arrest, Murnan’s electronic devices were confiscated by police. Despite the teacher’s efforts to delete images, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) was able to recover at least four images of children engaged in sex acts.

A judge dismissed the child porn charge on the grounds that prosecutors couldn’t prove the age of the kids involved.

Murnan/Mandalay has direct experience grooming children on behalf of the LGBT agenda:

In 2018, Murnan and two others formed and founded Oklahoma City Drag Queen Story Hour, Inc. to promote events throughout the state. By the time the lockdowns started, the organization was teamed with the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library System, and Murnan, in drag, was reading age-targeted indoctrination to small children online through the library’s Facebook events (link to video).

A society succumbing to moonbattery is no place to be a child.

On a tip from Barry A.

Aug 25 2023

German Daycares Encourage Sex Between Children

Just how sick can a society get with leftists at the helm? The imagination is the limit. Not our imagination; theirs. They have already surpassed anything from a countermoonbat’s most disturbing nightmare.

The state of affairs in Germany:

Several daycare centers in Germany are reportedly considering or have already implemented “sexual exploration rooms” where children can engage in sexual games and discover what they find pleasurable. …

Die Welt reported that one daycare in Kerpen offers children the “freedom to try out childish sexuality.” The daycare also said that sexual self-pleasure on its property is of “great importance,” insisting that “masturbation is normal.”

The next time liberals dominate the Supreme Court, they are likely to discover the right to public masturbation in the Constitution, right next to the right to abortion.

REMIX noted that another daycare in Germany, found in the town of Rheinberg, facilitates “doctor games” where children are urged to peruse other students’ bodies. The nursery allegedly encouraged kids to choose a specific student whose body they wished to explore “carefully” but warned them “no objects are to be introduced into body orifices.”

If you don’t save a few vestigial taboos, you won’t have any left to violate later.

Pro Familia, Germany’s leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, initially issued recommendations that daycares set up “body exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for kids in July, REDUXX initially reported.

An email sent to parents by the Arbeiterwohlfahrt daycare center in the Hanover region assured parents that “Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.”

Do we continue along this road to see where progressivism progresses to next? Or do we turn back right now?

On a tip from R F.

Aug 22 2023

Insane Mental Health Professionals Compound Crisis

Earlier we mentioned some of the causes of the epidemic of severe mental health issues among children:

Destroy pride in our heritage, deny the sense of meaning provided by religion, tell kids they are inherently bad or inherently helpless because of their race, mess up their minds by encouraging them to believe they are members of the opposite sex, shriek that the planet is dying because of humans, cancel their economic future beneath mountains of government debt, submerse them in the nihilistic sewage that passes for popular culture, then lock them in their rooms with social media for a couple of years. When they emerge into the outer world blinking like moles in the sunlight, don’t expect mental health.

Compounding the problem is that when kids seek treatment for mental health issues largely caused or exacerbated by moonbattery, they are often treated by mental health professionals who are themselves moonbats, and who may even be insane:

Diane Ehrensaft, a self-identified “feminist” who supports a “gender revolution,” is the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital gender development center. She is also a professor at UCSF School of Medicine. The developmental and clinical psychologist specializes in pediatric “gender-affirmative care for transgender and gender-expansive patients.”

UCSF = University of California, San Francisco. Buckle up for a ride on the crazy train.

Ehrensaft focuses her research on how genders before puberty develop as well as the mental health effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which are part of chemical sex changes, on children.

It can be assumed that from her viewpoint, the mental health effects will be beneficial, provided they drive children into psychosis that will put them on track for horrific sex change surgeries.

Ehrensaft made what some may consider fringe claims about gender ideology, including that kids can identify as “gender hybrids” which include a mythology-inspired creature called a “gender Minotaur,” and that kids can change their genders by season and can have different identities depending on their location.

She didn’t get to her position without being at the vanguard of gender ideology.

“I totally agree we are in the midst of a gender revolution and the children are leading it. And it’s a wonderful thing to see. And it’s also humbling to know [children] know more than we do about this topic of being gender expansive,” she said during a 2018 talk at the San Francisco Public Library.

Or rather, children are being led into leading it — by aging hippies:

Ehrensaft believes the transgender revolution is the next phase of the 60s feminist movement, which featured challenging stereotypes about gender.

Ehrensaft is not a mental health professional so much as a leftist social engineer. This is typical of all professions that have been infiltrated, subverted, and repurposed by moonbats.

Instead of displaying mastery of the forty-eleven gender identities, to achieve their credentials mental health professionals should have to pass a review by normal people to determine whether they are sane enough to offer guidance to others.

On a tip from Franco.

Aug 20 2023

Youth Mental Health Crisis Floods Emergency Rooms

Children bear the brunt of moonbattery. Destroy pride in our heritage, deny the sense of meaning provided by religion, tell kids they are inherently bad or inherently helpless because of their race, mess up their minds by encouraging them to believe they are members of the opposite sex, shriek that the planet is dying because of humans, cancel their economic future beneath mountains of government debt, submerse them in the nihilistic sewage that passes for popular culture, then lock them in their rooms with social media for a couple of years. When they emerge into the outer world blinking like moles in the sunlight, don’t expect mental health:

A surge of mental health emergencies among children has overwhelmed emergency rooms, according to a joint paper released Wednesday by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA).

The children showing up in crisis are often suffering from emergencies related to anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts or attempts, the groups said.

Pediatric mental health stays are more than three times longer than the average emergency room visit. As usual with problems created by moonbattery, the ripple effects spread outward to make life worse for everyone:

The pediatric mental emergency visits also drain “resources that would have been needed to run the normal medical operations of the ER, so that increases of length of stay for the other patients as well,” [lead author Mohsen] Saidinejad said.

Liberals love to yap about the “root causes” of crime, mass illegal immigration, et cetera. But there is no chance they will address the root cause of the youth mental health crisis, as it is a symptom of their ideology.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Aug 17 2023

Disney Show About Teen Impregnated by Satan

Since Disney started out producing cartoons, it makes sense that it is not merely evil but cartoonishly evil — even if Pauline will be a live action show:

Disney has announced a new German original series for Disney+ called “Pauline”, which is about, an 18-year-old teenager, who accidentally becomes pregnant – from a one-night stand. With school stress, the climate crisis and the downfall of society weighing heavily on her mind, something she doesn’t need at all right now is catching feelings, especially not for her one-night stand Lukas, who, as it turns out, is the devil himself.

Effuse the producers:

“For a long time, the series has been and still remains a project very close to our hearts. We’re thrilled that Disney+ loves this coming-of-age story as much as we do and that we’ve now been able to begin filming…”

Children may have to go to the art museum to conjure demons, but Disney offers them the opportunity to celebrate Satan in the comfort of home.

Gasps Jonathon Van Maren:

Disney, which for over half a century has been the undisputed champion of children’s content, will be featuring a show on a young teenage girl who gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Satan. … How did we get to a moment in culture – if that’s still the right word – where a teen girl literally copulating with Satan pitched, written, shot, produced, and then picked up by a company that markets its content to children?

By failing to push back against leftists is how. Our resistance is the only limit to their sickness.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 16 2023

Countermoonbat Boycott Draws Blood From Target

AB InBev was vulnerable to a countermoonbat boycott because it sold its former #1 brand Bud Light to the sort of people liberal elitists hate. Retail giant Target is more belligerently woke, aggressively targeting children for transsexualization. But its broader customer base makes it invulnerable, so it can afford to be arrogant. Or maybe not:

Target lowered its sales and profit expectations for the rest of the year after its quarterly sales fell for the first time in six years, declining 5.4%, while it announced it expected its share price to clock in between $7.00 to $8.00 as opposed to the previously expected $7.75 to $8.75, according to the earnings report. The decrease in expectations follows backlash from conservatives after the company announced a Pride Month collection in May that included LGBT merchandise marketed to kids.

It is not feasible to boycott every company that rams sickness down our throats on behalf of the degenerate ruling class. But regular Americans can inflict serious damage on the most egregious of them, potentially motivating the rest to back off.

A shareholder lawsuit was filed in early August through America First Legal, suing the company and its board of directors for allegedly misleading investors and costing them billions. The suit takes aim at Target’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Environment, Social and Governance policies, saying that they do not benefit shareholders and ignore previous trends related to conservative backlash.

Liberals are expert at imposing their agenda through lawsuits. Let’s hope they like the taste of their own medicine.

The bleating about “safety” in the video above is pure moonbattery. There were threats of violence, but they came from the left.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Aug 16 2023

Minneapolis Museum Attempts to Conjure Demon for Kids

Museum curators are custodians of our culture. Alarmingly, it appears that most of them worship at the altar of the infernal ideology we know as moonbattery. So woke are some that in Minneapolis they literally attempted to conjure a demon:

The Walker Art Center held a pagan ritual geared toward families last weekend, with a performance called “Lilit the Empathic Demon.”

“Lilit” is a variation of Lilith, described on Wikipedia as “the primordial she-demon.”

Just as good is regarded as evil, all things evil are presented as nicey-nice by social engineers:

“Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them,” an event description reads.

Libs have another reason to forbid reading from the Bible; it is demonophobic.

The event, which took place at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, was part of the Walker’s Free First Saturdays program and featured artist Tamar Ettun who creates “demon traps.”

Tamar Ettun’s “art” looks like it was created by a small child with development issues. But that makes no difference these days. The important thing is to be “transgressive” by sneering at whatever the liberal establishment commands us to hate.

The event was designed for families, and finished with a “playful demon summoning session.”

If drag performances can be family friendly, why not ceremonies conjuring demons?

No doubt goofiness made it hard to take seriously. Drag performances are goofy too. Yet exposing children to them advances the liberal agenda — speaking of which:

The Walker Art Center has received millions of dollars in taxpayer funds through Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, which routinely funds projects with a left-wing agenda.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Aug 16 2023

Forbidden From Adopting for Being Catholic

The main purpose of our government is to impose the ideology of our ruling class. Sincere Christians must be eradicated before ideological homogeneity can be achieved. Consequently, they continue to be targeted by the FBI. In deep blue Massachusetts, they are not allowed to adopt:

Mike and Kitty Burke’s application to foster was denied by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) because they “would not be affirming to a child who identified as LGBTQIA”.

Being Catholic, they would not sexually corrupt children in their care. Therefore, they are unfit.

According to court papers, during the application process the Burkes shared their beliefs “that marriage is between a woman and a man and that sexual relations are to be kept within the bounds of such a marriage”.

This conventional view is now regarded as impermissible thoughtcrime by the Powers That Be.

They also told the assessor representing the DCF, who interviewed them in their own home, that due to their “religious beliefs, they would not assist a medical gender transition for a hypothetical future child”.

No one who would deform a child’s body on behalf of the LGBT agenda should be left alone with a child, let alone given custody. But liberals have turned everything upside down and backward.

William McGurn puts this depraved tyranny in the context of the culturally catastrophic Obergefell decision imposing homosexual marriage:

“It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy,” [dissenting Samuel Alito] wrote. “In the course of its opinion, the majority compares traditional marriage laws to laws that denied equal treatment for African-Americans and women. . . . The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.”

You couldn’t find more suitable adoptive parents than the Burkes:

Mr. Burke deployed to Iraq as a Marine, while Mrs. Burke is a former paraprofessional for kids with special needs.

In stark contrast to our liberal overlords, they are tolerant:

The Burkes were willing to accept children of any race, culture or ethnicity, as well as some special needs. They would even take siblings.

But this disqualifies them:

In the license study describing the family, the Massachusetts DCF noted that “Kitty and Mike are devoutly Roman Catholic and not only attend church with regular frequency, they both also work for local churches as musicians.”

How are social engineers supposed to create a society modeled on San Francisco bathhouses if children are exposed to dissident viewpoints?

The author of their license study took care to note that the Burkes are “lovely people.” But with regard to LGBT issues, she also said “their faith is not supportive and neither are they.”

The objective is not to place needy children in stable homes, but to advance the leftist agenda. Where government is involved that is always the objective, to the extent that liberals have consolidated control.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

Aug 14 2023

LGBT Targeting of Children Continues

As they menacingly chant and sing, they are coming for our children.

It isn’t just in classrooms, at drag shows, and in the Boy Scouts that LGBTists target kids. In woke Austin, children are placed at the forefront of parades in honor of sexual perversion:

Corporate moonbats have the same emphasis, as aggressively displayed by Disney and Target. They even wrap kids’ candy in politicized depravity:

The candy packaging that Skittles advertises on its website features slogans such as “Joy Is Resistance” and “Black Trans Lives Matter.” Skittles, which is owned by Mars, partnered with GLAAD, a media monitoring organization that espouses radical gender theory, to reveal the packaging for Pride Month earlier this year.

This past June was the fourth year Skittles partnered with GLAAD “to support the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying and celebrating their stories,” according to its website. Skittles said it will “donate $1 for every Skittles Pride pack sold to GLAAD in support of their ongoing efforts to work through media to combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.”

“Combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination” is Liberalese for “ram the LGBT agenda down people’s throats.” As we have seen repeatedly, the “+” in “LGBTQ+” prominently includes pedophilia.

This is hardly the first time Mars has used Skittles to promote sexual deviancy:

For a short time in 2020, Skittles “gave up” the rainbow that famously dons its colorful packaging for a black and white package to “give the rainbow back” to the LGBTQ community for Pride Month.

How about giving the rainbow back to the Book of Genesis, from which the Alphabet Mob blasphemously appropriated it? For millennia, the rainbow has represented God’s covenant never again to punish us with a flood for wallowing in sin.

This promise leaves open other options. One way or another, what a society tolerates, it will be held responsible for.

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 14 2023

Planned Parenthood Expands Into Gender-Denying Care

Anyone evil enough to profit from killing babies will likely be willing to destroy children’s bodies on behalf of politicized sexual perversion, as lavishly taxpayer-subsidized Planned Parenthood confirms:

In post-Roe America, Planned Parenthood is shifting gears. To make up for its lost abortion revenue, it’s expanding its reach into what it calls “transgender hormone therapy.”

“Gender-affirming care” is a euphemism for atrocities worthy of Josef Mengele. Even leaving aside horrific surgical mutilation, subjecting children to cross-sex hormones to promote LGBTism qualifies as a crime against humanity.

The side effects of the cross-sex hormones, some of which are also used to chemically castrate pedophiles, are severe. They include infertility, stunted growth, and an increased risk of depression, blood clots, and cancer.

Small surprise that easy access to cross-sex hormones is associated with a higher risk of suicide.

But as with euthanasia, if abortion is healthcare, so are cross-sex hormones.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 09 2023

Watch Drag Queen Throw Tampons at Children

Every time I work up the nerve to peek out through my fingers, what I see out there is even sicker. Presenting the current state of our culture under moonbat hegemony:

It will keep getting worse so long as we keep not pushing back. Children will be ever more the focus of politicized depravity.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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