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Category: Leftist Violence

Sep 04 2023

Transgender Activist Destroys, Defecates in Teen Girl’s Car

Transphobes are all around us. They must be punished. Transgender activists are up to the job:

A Portland transgender social media activist with a violent criminal history has been charged for allegedly smashing up a teen girl’s car and defecating inside. The suspect allegedly told police the teen was “transphobic.”

On Aug. 27, 17-year-old Jade was confronted by a stranger after parking in the Hollywood neighborhood for a shopping trip. She walked away and upon returning to her vehicle later, found every window and light was smashed out, the interior smeared all over with feces and urine.

The car was declared a “biohazard” and effectively totaled.

Even in Portland, there are sometimes legal consequences:

Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky, 44, was located by the Portland Police nearby and was arrested.

Even though he had two arrest warrants for prior incidents when they picked him up, they let him loose the same day on “monitored pretrial release.”

On social media, Shemansky has long documented her [sic] gender transition with photos of her [sic] estrogen medication and posts about her [sic] gender affirming surgery. She [sic] also regularly denounced transphobia, fascism and racism.

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office refuses to say whether Shemansky is locked up with men or women during his brief incarcerations.

If you really want to know what a guy who would call himself Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky looks like, click here — or start your own collection of Vivian Shemansky mugshot trading cards by clicking here.

Transsexuals are psychotic by definition and characterized by a tendency toward violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley, Jason Michael Hann, Cali Anderson, Dana Rivers). The liberal establishment eggs them on by pretending they are somehow “oppressed.” Our moonbattery-induced mental health and public safety crises will not improve if leftism continues to prevail.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jul 28 2023

Democrats Say Force Is Justified to Defend Abortion

These people have no qualms about tearing guiltless babies limb from limb or crushing their skulls and sucking their brains out. Would they hesitate to inflict violence on opponents? No:

According to a new study by the University of Chicago, public support for political violence has grown significantly among Democrat voters.

A national survey of American adults, conducted June 22-26, asked if force is “justified” to achieve various ends. In particular, the study found that support for the use of force to coerce members of Congress has doubled in 2013, from nine percent in January to 17 percent in June.

The study also reports that “the rise was sharpest among Democrats where it grew by about 2.5 times.”

Democrat support for the use of violence “to restore the federal right to abortion” has doubled in the past 6 months.

The concept of a “right” to kill babies is preposterous. Next they will claim a right to kill people who hinder their abortions.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

May 28 2023

Media Narrative on Target Is Diametric Opposite of Reality

Target has long been known for obnoxiously rubbing leftism in customers’ faces, so it is no surprise that it is next up after Anheuser-Busch to feel the backlash from a public that has been fed to the teeth with the depraved and disgusting transsexual agenda. Characteristically, the media is attempting to portray decent people who object to children being transsexualized as the villains. AP has resorted to barefaced lies:

The Associated Press has removed uncredited claims, without telling readers, that Target yanked or relocated LGBTQ merchandise featured prominently in Pride Month displays in response to “threats to workers” and “violent confrontations” between customers and employees.

Just the News noticed the wire service made the claims in its own voice in the headline and first paragraph of the report posted Tuesday night, rather than attributing those claims to Target, despite providing no evidence of threats or violence. The story was widely carried in other media.

Those claims had disappeared a day later without a correction or editor’s note.

Meanwhile, in real life:

A Utah Target has been evacuated and a bomb squad has been called in after multiple threats were made against stores across the state and five in Ohio after the company’s annual Pride collection sparked fury. …

Five Targets in across Northeast Ohio and Pennsylvania were also threatened, according to Cleveland 19, who received a threatening email listing stores in Stow, North Canton, Boardman, Niles, Ohio and Monaca, Pennsylvania.

The right-wing terrorists the DHS and FBI are devoted to uncovering have turned up at last! Oh wait:

‘Target is full of [redacted] cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to homophobic right wing, redneck, bigots, who protested and vandalized their store,’ the email to Cleveland 19 read. ‘We won’t stand idly by as the far right continues to hunt us down.’

The reference to a vandalized store likely refers to the disinformation fabricated by Associated Press.

Anheuser-Busch blundered into the same situation Target now finds itself in, taking fire not only from the conservatives it deliberately disgusts but also from LGBT militants who never find anyone’s submission sufficiently obsequious.

‘We are sending you a message, we placed a bomb in the following Targets,’ the email continued. ‘We will continue to bomb your Targets until you stop cowering and bring back your LBGT merchandise.’

If AP’s inversion of events gave you déjà vu, you could be thinking of the recent attempt by the DHS (with a media assist) to spin the transsexual suicide terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville as violence not by transsexuals but against them.

The government, the media, and the rest of our liberal ruling class might actually serve as a reliable source of information. We just need to apply a magic decoder ring by assuming that whatever we are told is the precise opposite of the truth.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

May 26 2023

Moonbattery Linked to Other Psychopathologies

The truth will out, as Shakespeare said. Some truths are so obvious, even academic researchers can’t avoid noticing them — like the fact that moonbats tend to be a-holes with loose screws. Just as morbid obesity is linked to other health issues, wokeness is linked to other psychopathologies:

Left-wing extremism is linked to toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism, according to a new study published to the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology.

Authors Ann Krispenz and Alex Bertrams introduce the “dark-ego-vehicle principle.”

“According to this principle, individuals with dark personalities — such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits — are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice and equality,” they told PsyPost.

How “social justice” could ever have a benevolent motive is another issue.

Here’s why George Soros and the party he purchased don’t need to pay Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs to get them to do their bidding:

“In particular, certain forms of activism might provide them with opportunities for positive self-presentation and displays of moral superiority, to gain social status, to dominate others, and to engage in social conflicts and aggression to satisfy their need for thrill seeking.”

Alarmingly, this applies not only to street garbage but to leftist thugs who attain political power, as the reckless and belligerent Biden Administration has illustrated.

“An individual high in LWA might declare anyone to be ‘old fashioned’ who is opposing their own ‘progressive values,’ strive to suppress free speech to regulate the expression of right-wing beliefs in educational institutions, and even endorse the use of violence to reach their own political goals,” the authors said.

LWA = “left-wing authoritarianism” — i.e., moonbattery.

Lets hope the academic careers of Ann Krispenz and Alex Bertrams survive the publication of this paper.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 22 2023

Another Transsexual Threatens Violence

Speaking of menacing transsexuals, let me introduce a man named Tara, who threatens to kill anyone who tries to stop him from invading the ladies’ room:

True enough, many of these freaks are unafraid to die. It bears repeating:

Those who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are psychotic by definition. They are characterized by such intense self-hatred that according to the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 82% consider killing themselves and 40% actually try. Many of them sever parts of their own bodies in a desperate attempt to obliterate their identity. When this self-hatred is projected outward, unimpeded by morality, the results are horrifying, as the ongoing wave of transsexual mass murderers attests.

The Biden Regime deliberately exacerbates transsexual violence by gaslighting these lunatics, who are eager to believe they are the ones in danger. This was thrown into overdrive following the transgender suicide terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville. Among the dead were three 9-year-olds. Inverting reality as per Democrat custom, White House Spokeslesbian Karine Jean-Pierre responded by praising what she called “LGBTQI+ kids”:

“They are fierce. They fight back. They’re not going anywhere. And we have their back. This administration has their back.”

It sure does. The cherry on top of the Nashville massacre was Biden proclaiming Transgender Day of Visibility 4 days afterward.

Violent transsexuals serve the Democratic Party in the same way as Black Lives Matter rioters and Antifa thugs — as cat’s paws to keep the public terrorized.

Since they are arming up as Tara advises, sane people would be wise to do the same.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 14 2023

Liberal Hero Justin Jones Was BLM Rioter

Hard left demagogue Justin Jones was kicked out of the Tennessee legislature after he led an insurrection in the state capitol, demanding that citizens be deprived of a key constitutional right, shutting down the proceedings, forcing State Troopers to restore order. Making a mockery of its own January 6 rhetoric, the likeminded White House supported him. The echo chamber media lavished adoration upon him, using religious terms. Appallingly, Jones was reinstated.

Now that leading an unlawful mob against his state legislature has made him a national leader, let’s learn more about Justin Jones. In 2020, he participated in Black Lives Matter riots:

Footage of rioting outside the state Capitol in 2020 first shared by Scoop Nashville appears to show Jones repeatedly hitting the driver of a car with a traffic cone. The video … shows Jones and other activists stopping and surrounding the vehicle before the driver escaped.

Not the sort of lowlife thug you want running government — unless you’re a Democrat.

Jones was charged with assault, assault on an officer, and reckless endangerment, for which he was indicted on two counts after the video was presented to the grand jury in his case. Despite his violent behavior, Jones claimed in June 2021 that he was being “peaceful” and claims to the contrary were a “false narrative.”

Of course it was peaceful. Ask CNN.

Jones alleged that police colluded with prosecutors to “weaponize the law as a form of punishment for the mere fact that we chose to stand up.”

Per Black Lives Matter ideology, police are racist. So are laws. Justin Jones theatrically displays his contempt for both:

In May 2020, Jones reportedly climbed atop a police cruiser along with another radical, Jeneisha Harris, amid an anti-cop protest in which a courthouse was set on fire, reported Fox News Digital.

It is unclear from footage of the incident whether Jones and Harris were attempting to incite the mob or secure a photo op. Charges for reckless endangerment were brought against them over the damage done.

The windows of the police car were broken.

Similar behavior continues to occur, now that the liberal establishment-endorsed Black Lives Matter phenomenon has normalized it:

Cellphone video caught the moment a male and female pounded a car’s windows with a gun, stomped the doors and windshield, and ordered the driver to “get out!” at a Tampa traffic light — and Florida Highway Patrol said all of that was preceded by the driver being shot at.

The attack, which followed a fender-bender, occurred at the intersection of US 301 and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. If you find yourself approaching a road named after MLK, Malcolm X, or anyone similar, turn around and go back.

Welcome to the jungle:

Imagine people like this in your state legislature, or worse yet, lionized by the people who run the media and the federal government.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 07 2023

More Transsexual Mass Murder Foiled

Mass murder is an increasingly popular subtrend within the trend of transgenderism. As the sympathetic media pointedly refuses to notice, the names keep piling up. Maya McKinney. Snochia Moseley. Anderson Lee Aldrich. Audrey Hale. Add to the list William Whitworth:

Investigators found instructions on how to build homemade bombs and a whiteboard with the floor plan to Timberview Middle School in the bedroom of a former student accused of planning a mass shooting at the Colorado Springs school, according to arrest records obtained by The Gazette.

The Elbert County Sheriff’s Office arrested William Whitworth, 19, on March 31 on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder and other charges after Whitworth admitted to wanting to shoot up a school, the affidavit states.

The motive appears to be the usual with mass murder — i.e., insanity:

Eric Ross, a spokesperson for the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, told The Gazette that Whitworth is in the process of transitioning to female.

Whitworth likes to think of himself as a girl named “Lily.”

People who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are psychotic by definition. It should surprise no one that many of them are violent.

As with Audrey Hale, there is a manifesto:

Deputies found a “manifesto” with the names of mass shooters, political commentators and more while searching Whitworth’s home, according to the affidavit.

Also as with Audrey Hale, this manifesto is unlikely to be released to the public, lest it reflect poorly on the ideology of our liberal rulers.

In addition to Timberview Middle School,

The affidavit states that Prairie Hills Elementary and Pine Creek High School, both in Colorado Springs, were also listed as “targets” in one of Whitworth’s notebooks, which contained a “detailed” list of people “to be killed.”

KRDO reports that “other targets were churches.”

Whitworth’s manifesto was not the only one recovered by police:

Evidence collected inside the house included the suspect’s manifesto, the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels, and a notebook with suicidal ideations.

Communism is the end goal of leftism, or as it is euphemistically called nowadays, “liberalism.”

Suicide ideation is one of the most conspicuous features of transgenderism:

Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

The liberal establishment aggressively promotes this ideology to children in order to destabilize their young minds.

Whitworth was arrested just 4 days after a transgender terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville killed six, including three 9-year-olds. Why did this just break into the news yesterday, 6 days after Whitworth’s arrest? Because as J.D. Rucker puts it,

Narrative control is far more important to the powers-that-be than the safety of any child who … has not been brainwashed into the cult.

When forced to acknowledge transgender violence, liberals ignore the cause and shoehorn the bloodshed into their antigun narrative, as though we would be safer if only lawbreakers had firearms. Whitworth had plans to make his own guns via 3D printing.

On tips from Jester and Chris Neilson.

Dec 03 2022

Why You Should Only Riot on Behalf of Your Rulers

When taking part in a violent mob, make sure to riot on behalf of the liberal establishment. That way, you are likely to avoid punishment. You may even be richly rewarded:

A federal court Wednesday approved Minneapolis, Minnesota’s agreement to pay 12 protesters a combined $600,000 for injuries sustained during 2020 demonstrations over George Floyd’s murder [sic].

That comes to $50,000 apiece, in addition to whatever wealth they acquired by looting.

Biden’s IRS has yet to issue a statement on whether BLM/Antifa thugs can deduct the bricks they throw through windows and the gasoline they use to set neighborhoods on fire as business expenses.

The agreement settled a lawsuit brought by American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (ACLU-MN) on the protesters’ behalf, and bars Minneapolis from arresting or using physical force including chemical agents [e.g., tear gas] against people demonstrating legally, according to a Wednesday ACLU-MN press release.

Anything to tie the hands of local law enforcement. You never know when the Powers That Be will find it strategically advantageous to seize on an insignificant event like a career criminal’s fentanyl overdose to ignite another wave of devastating riots.

In contrast, those whose unruly behavior is in opposition to the ruling class will be punished severely.

On tips from R F and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 28 2022

Moonbats Turn on Musk Part III

Even as moonbats rave about Russia and stop driving Teslas because Elon Musk has been allowing more free speech on Twitter, some speech will be restricted that was previously permitted. Consequently, Antifa has joined the jihad against Musk:

Musk called for members of the public to report violations of the site’s terms of service against child sexual exploitation and far-left extremist violence.

Numerous self-identified Antifa militants including several prominent organizers have been banned for calling for violence against Chaya Raichik, who operates the popular “Libs of TikTok” account, and Daily Wire host Matt Walsh.

“Incitement to violence will result in account suspension,” said Musk in response to journalist Andy Ngo, who explained that a large number of Antifa accounts operate on the website to promote riots and provide tips to each other on how to identify targets and commit violence.

Ngo would know:

“Antifa used Twitter to direct comrades to swarm me after I ran into a hotel following a violent street beating,” wrote Ngo.

Multiple users were banned shortly after having been reported to Musk for using Twitter to incite leftist violence.

Antifa — the Democratic Party’s comical yet dangerous answer to the Sturmabteilung — responded as you might expect:

Hours after the bans, Antifa militants took to the social media platform to organize arson attacks on Tesla locations around the United States, posting the addresses of Tesla service centers and dealerships.

Producing screenshots, Ngo remarked,

“This is just a drop in the ocean of years of violent organizing on Twitter.”

Meanwhile, under the old guard, the now-reinstated Babylon Bee was banned for observing that men are not women. You can see why liberals liked Twitter the way it was before Musk.

On a tip from Marty.

Nov 07 2022

Hochul Supporters Assault Woman for Supporting Zeldin

Meanwhile, as top Democrats accuse Republicans of violence…

Biden sounded the alarm on Wednesday about the growing threat of political violence and attacks on democracy stemming from ex-President Donald Trump and his Republican allies’ Big Lie as the midterm elections loom closer.

…they remain the Party of Violence.

Earlier this election season, a moonbat attacked gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin (R-NY) with a deadly weapon while he was trying to give a speech (the maniac was predictably freed within hours). Now this:

A supporter of New York gubernatorial candidate, Rep. Lee Zeldin, was allegedly attacked and assaulted at a rally for Democratic candidate Gov. Kathy Hochul on Saturday.

It happened near the Stonewall Inn, which is sacred ground for Democrats because homosexuals rioted there.

Video obtained by Fox News shows a Hochul supporter appearing to punch and choke a woman named Angelica Torres.

First a woman grabbed her sign. Then a man assaulted her. Two others prevented her from retrieving her sign.

The thugs underscored why so many will be voting for Zeldin tomorrow. Lamented Torres,

“I was very shocked and upset that I couldn’t express my opinions openly without violence. Crime and violence is a big issue in our city.”

That’s because New York is run by Democrats.

New York City Councilwoman Krystal Hudson, a Democrat, was also reportedly seen tussling with Torres, who alleged that the councilwoman grabbed her. Her office has not responded to requests for comment.

Democrat rule means thugs don’t just own the streets. They run the government.

Imagine if a white guy choked a black woman like this at a Republican rally. The media would talk of nothing else for months.

On tips from Bluto, Anonymous, and Varla.

Nov 03 2022

Democrats Get Violent

On all the key issues, Democrat policy is destructive and contrary to popular opinion. But Democrats are still viable, because their control of the media allows them to whip gullible voters into a state of hysteria over the alleged heinousness of their opponents. As a result of this strategy, the hostility Democrats feel toward Republicans has become a chilling phenomenon to behold. We are not merely opponents but enemies of Their Democracy. To support their contentions, they endlessly hype the January 6 teapot tempest. Combine this mentality with panic in the face of the upcoming midterms and violence would be an unsurprising result.

For example,

Republican Gen. Don Bolduc was physically attacked by an unknown individual before the Wednesday debate with Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Bolduc’s campaign told Breitbart News.

General Bolduc was assailed outside the building before the debate by someone who attempted to punch him.

It is not known if the individual is a Hassan supporter.

Given the context, it seems likely. But at least it does not appear that the intent was to mutilate and kill, as 31-year-old Scott Lennox of Chicago threatened to do to Republican Darren Bailey, who is running for Governor of Illinois.

A political ad set off Lennox, inspiring him to leave an imprudent voicemail:

“I’m going to skin Darren Bailey alive, making sure he is still alive, and I’m going to feed his f——— family to him as he is alive and screaming in f——— pain,” prosecutors say Lennox said in the voicemail. He also allegedly made statements about abortion in his message.

It would be impossible to overstate the importance of abortion to some leftists. It is like a sacred rite to them. Any perceived threat to child sacrifice will provoke reactions best described as demonic.

He further said, “He is a piece of white a— racist s—-, and honestly if he doesn’t kill himself, I will. You know what? I know where he lives. I know where he sleeps. I know where his kids sleep. And I know the f——— school he works at,” prosecutors allege he said.

Schools associated with Bailey and his family were placed on soft lockdown.

“So f—- him for being a piece of s—-,” prosecutors claim Lennox said of Bailey in the voicemail. “So you know what? I am going to take anything and everything possible. You know what? I am going to make him scream. I am going to make him scream and suffer. Yeah, that’s right. So he better kill himself, and if he doesn’t, I am going to kill him.”

Last month, Republican canvasser Christopher Monzon was seriously injured by an assailant in Florida. The month before, an 84-year-old prolife woman was shot in the back while going door to door in Michigan. A maniac in North Dakota ran over and killed teenager Cayler Ellingson, evidently for being Republican, and was then released on absurdly low bail. In July, a maniac walked free after attempting to kill Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin.

The repeal of Roe v. Wade has unleashed a terror campaign against prolife pregnancy centers. An assassination attempt was made on a Supreme Court Justice.

Meanwhile, Democrats/the media ask us to blame Republicans and of course January 6 for a homeless, drug-addled, BLM- and LGBT-supporting nudist illegal immigrant psychotic hippy mysteriously materializing in his underwear in Nancy Pelosi’s San Franfreakshow house and attacking her husband.

By now we know how it works. If Democrats accuse the resistance of provoking violence, that means their own strategy is to provoke violence. Biden himself has not backed away from it.

On a tip from Chris Neilson and TCS III.

Oct 25 2022

Republican Canvasser Seriously Injured in Assault

We are past the point where the progressive viewpoint could be supported by rational argument. Two things allow Democrats to keep a grip on their belief system: (1) a propaganda bubble provided by the liberal establishment media; and (2) blind unreasoning hatred of the enemy because he is the enemy, a hatred that has grown so intense thanks to deliberate stoking by Biden that it is alarming to behold. The second of these qualifies Republican canvassers for combat pay.

In Hialeah, Florida, Christopher Monzon drew a target on his own back by wearing a Marco Rubio shirt and Ron DeSantis hat while distributing flyers for Rubio on Sunday. The consequences include internal bleeding, a broken jaw, and the need for facial reconstructive surgery.


[Javier] Lopez confronted the canvasser as he walked in front of his house and said “you can’t pass by here, this is my neighborhood.”

The victim had crossed the street to avoid Lopez…

But because Monzon failed to turn tail and run away,

Lopez rushed towards the canvasser, grabbing him and slamming him to the ground.

There he punched him in the face. A second assailant apparently kicked him in the head.

At least Monzon wasn’t shot in the back, as recently happened to an 84-year-old woman who was passing out prolife pamphlets in Michigan, or deliberately struck by a car, as happened to teenager Cayler Ellingson, whose alleged killer Shannon Brandt was released on absurdly low bail.

Hialeah Police Department spokesperson Jose Torres says there is “no indication” the attack was politically motivated.

The local media spin Monzon as the violent extremist. He had been arrested at a protest while wearing a League of the South shirt. This is a “neo-Confederate” hate group, according to the leftist hate group Southern Poverty Law Center.

Lopez was probably politically motivated. The media definitely is.

On tips from TCS III and MrRightWingDave. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Sep 26 2022

84-Year-Old Prolifer Shot

Shannon Brandt got out on absurdly low bail after deliberately killing 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson, apparently for being a Republican. Let’s see how gentle our liberal-run “justice” system can be on whoever shot an unnamed lady in Lake Odessa (pop. 1,994), who was canvassing for Right to Life of Michigan.

From the Detroit Free Press:

The organization said the 84-year-old was going door-to-door to talk about Proposal 3, a Nov. 8 election proposal seeking to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.

The volunteer was shot in the back/shoulder area while leaving a house during a heated conversation, the organization said in a media statement issued Saturday.

Fortunately, she was treated and released, so this is unlikely to rise to the level where actual criminal charges might be filed, although police are investigating.

Let’s hope the FBI stays out of it; otherwise, a SWAT team might be dispatched to the victim’s home.

The passage of Proposal 3 would be bad news for babies, accomplishing at the state level what liberals used to pretend the US Constitution does. It would establish abortion as a “right.”

Although the motive for the shooting is unknown, this may help put it into context:

Unity will be achieved when no one dares publicly disagree with the Democrat platform.

MrRightWingDave, Wiggins, and TCS III.

Aug 17 2022

Burning Churches Then and Now

Once we had a Catholic Democrat president who opposed terrorists setting fire to churches. But Democrats are a different breed now, and the word “Catholic” has no meaning among them. The contrast between JFK and Biden is stark:

These days, it would be unreasonable to expect a “Catholic” Democrat to object to burning down churches to promote abortion. If Satan were to create a political party…

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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