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Category: Police

Feb 16 2024

Another Minnesota Town Abolishes Police Department

Because it is an election year, shrieks from Democrats that we must abolish police by defunding them have grown quieter in the face of predictably skyrocketing crime rates. But having been set in motion, the decline of local police continues:

Moose Lake is the latest Minnesota city to go without a police department, after a Wednesday City Council vote to contract with the county for law enforcement. …

The City Council chose to reduce the size of a five-person force last fall in order to fund the department, opting against replacing two of the officers who had resigned. Two others resigned in January, leaving one on the force.

The shortage of police officers is acute throughout Minnesota, birthplace of the Cult of George Floyd.

The entire police force resigned in Goodhue, Minn., in August. Thirty-five municipal police departments throughout the state have dissolved since 2016, according to records kept by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training.

Left-leaning authorities have made it clear that they side with criminals against the police. Officers are relentlessly demonized and even thrown in prison for doing their jobs. Mass resignations were inevitable. Recruiting suitable replacements won’t be easy.

If ever a small town needed a police force, it is Moose Lake:

The city is unusual in that it’s home to the prisoners of the Minnesota Correctional Facility and residents of the Minnesota Sex Offender Program. Together, they make up about half of the city’s population.

When liberal utopia has been achieved, criminals and perverts will make up the entire population.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 31 2024

Migrants Released After Beating NYC Cops

Most of the millions upon millions of welfare colonists pouring across the undefended border would not be in this country if they had any respect for our laws, so you can hardly expect mobs of them to refrain from beating NYC police officers — especially now that they know they will not be punished for it:

Shocking video captured the moment a migrant mob pounded a pair of cops near Times Square over the weekend…

The footage shows an NYPD officer and lieutenant initially telling the migrants to move along around 8:30 p.m. Saturday on West 42nd Street in Manhattan — before things quickly get rowdy as a scuffle breaks out between the cops and a suspect who is wrestled to the ground.

That’s when the rest of the punks converge on the officers, raining kicks to the head and body of the pair of New York’s Finest…

Police initially busted four of the asylum-seeking thugs, identified by sources as Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19, Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, Juarez Wilson, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24.

Then all four were released without bail.

They are as likely to show up in court to face charges as they are for whatever asylum hearing might be scheduled for a decade down the road.

According to the ideology of the liberals running New York, illegal aliens are oppressed and the police are oppressors. Whose side do you expect them to take?

One of the men, Reveron, has two open cases in Manhattan for assault and robbery.

In November, he allegedly “pushed, punched and bit” a Nordstrom Rack employee who caught him lifting a $130 item from the Union Square store’s display rack, according to law enforcement sources.

Last month, Reveron also allegedly “punched with a closed fist” a loss prevention officer at the Herald Square Macy’s after trying to pull off a robbery with two other suspects, the sources said.

But that’s no reason to lock him up, much less kick him out of our country. The dregs of the Third World that Democrats are importing to displace us are above our laws.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 21 2024

Watch BML Maniac Run Over NYC Cop

The mostly peaceful protesting continues. The Oppressed will feel empowered watching Black Lives Matter activist Sahara Dula run over a no doubt systemically racist black police officer:

The New York Post reports:

The woman accused of striking a cop with her car as she drove the wrong way on an Upper East Side street Wednesday is facing vehicular assault and other charges, according to authorities.

The motorist, identified by police as 24-year-old Sahara Dula, of Brooklyn, was also hit with assault, reckless endangerment and impaired driving charges.

What kind of maniac behaves like this? A militantly entitled one — that is, a moonbat:

Dula has a history involving two Marxist groups, BLM, and as of late, the pro-Palestine codswallop.

That earns her sympathetic coverage from the liberal media:

NBC dutifully questioned whether Dula, whom they did not name, hit the cop on purpose, even though her car was facing northbound in a southbound lane and despite the obvious jump onto the gas pedal.

Ideologies have consequences. The consequences of the moonbattery promoted by the media include a broken leg and other injuries for Officer Ruchiran Dias.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jan 03 2024

British Police Investigate Virtual Rape in Metaverse

Public order is disintegrating because authorities live in an alternate reality fabricated by moonbats. This is why the Black Lives Matter riots were allowed to spiral out of control. It is also why, while real-life streets degenerate into blood and chaos inflicted by hordes of invaders from the Third World, British police are investigating a gang rape committed against a cartoon avatar in the Metaverse:

The girl under the age of 16 is said to have been left distraught after her avatar – her digital character – was gang raped by the online strangers.

The headset-wearing victim did not suffer any injuries as there was no physical attack.

But officers said she suffered the same psychological and emotional trauma as someone who has been raped in the real world as the ‘VR’ experience is designed to be completely immersive.

If anyone deserves to be prosecuted, it is the parents who let their daughter immerse herself in a world created by a creepy moonbat like Mark Zuckerberg.

No doubt authoritarians will exploit virtual rape as a pretext to assert more control over the Internet.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 30 2023

Falling Christmas Part II

The symbolism of the national Christmas tree falling over was relatively subtle. The Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting ceremony more explicitly reflects civilization under siege:

In the context of recent events, few could be unaware that the Palestinian flag represents Islamic terrorists, who are supported by Western leftists with increasing openness. They have a common enemy: us.

Remember the outpouring of support for the NYPD after officers bravely rushed into the World Trade Center just before it collapsed? The climate in New York City has changed:

As Legal Insurrection reported last night:

It’s getting nasty outside of the Fox News headquarters. The Anti-Israel protesters are fighting with the cops and even set one NYPD hat on fire.

The original intent was to disrupt the Rockefeller tree lighting ceremony, which is happening a block away.

It isn’t just New York. On the other side of the country:

Antisemitic Antifa activists, anarchists and other radicals targeted the Seattle Starbucks Reserve Roastery as part of a call to “Block Black Friday.” …

Activists promoted direct action by sharing social media flyers. The flyer claims the protest and mass vandalism were “autonomously organized by Seattle area radicals, anarchists, and community members.” The hope was to “shut [Black Friday] down for Palestine.” …

The damage was significant, yet Seattle Police (SPD) did not intervene.

Police in Seattle have been marginalized to the point of irrelevance in the name of scumbag criminal/liberal demigod George Floyd.

As in the rotting Big Apple, Christmas came under attack:

The group marched into downtown Seattle after their assault on Starbucks. Once there, they disrupted the annual Seattle Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

“Once the group descended upon Westlake Plaza, they spread out within the hundreds of Christmas capitalists gathered for the absurd celebration of excessive consumption,” the Puget Sound anarchist wrote.

Islamic terrorism, hatred of all things Christian, Marxism. Sign up for the Muslim—moonbat alliance and you get the whole package.

The author admits that activists “took over the stage soon after arriving and started throwing Christmas decorations to the ground and trashing the scenery.” There were a handful of activists who stayed on the stage, holding a banner reading “From Turtle Island to Gaza: Land Back.” Land Back refers to a movement of literal land reclamation to its so-called original stewards.

Regarding Turtle Island,

Turtle Island is a name for Earth or North America, used by some Indigenous peoples, as well as by some Indigenous rights activists.

This confirms that leftists support the terrorists attempting to eradicate Jews from their homeland as part of an overall philosophy that everyone white or “white-adjacent” should be eradicated or at the very least confined to Europe, where they are getting swamped into extinction by an endless deluge of welfare colonists from the Middle East and Africa.

While the Christmas tree lightning ceremony was under attack, the police actually arrested someone for vandalizing the Starbucks. The only one arrested was Aly Youssef:

Youssef described himself as a transgender, polyamorous, pansexual, anti-capitalist, autistic Egyptian who is an “honorary member of Trantifa” (a name for transgender Antifa members).

Whether Starbucks would cooperate to allow prosecution was unclear. Most likely, Youssef will go unpunished, with a feather in his/her/its cap to flaunt on social media.

On tips from Wiggins and Barry A.

Nov 24 2023

Leftist Hypocrisy That Warps Time and Space

The deification of career criminal George Floyd and the immolation of police officer Derek Chauvin marked various milestones in America’s decline, pushing to grotesque extremes the glorification of lowlife by the liberal establishment, hatred of local law enforcement, the willingness of the media and Democrat Party to push a destructive narrative they know to be false, and the collapse of our justice system into mob rule, so that a verdict can be determined not by evidence but by political considerations and to placate rioters. Also worth noting is an example of liberal hypocrisy so massive as to warp time and space.

No one knows that Derek Chauvin is an innocent man better than Peter Cahill, the leftist judge who presided over his show trial. Cahill knew the jury was biased in favor of the Black Lives Matter mob, but denied Chauvin his constitutional right to a fair trial before an impartial jury.

Cahill must have been aware that the maximal restraint technique used by Chauvin to restrain the much larger, drug-crazed Floyd was by the book; all Minneapolis police officers had been trained in it, despite perjury to the contrary by Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo, a political tool without shame or honor.

This information was deliberately kept from the jury by Cahill, reducing the proceedings to a kangaroo court. He also kept from the jury information regarding misdeeds by EMS that might have prevented Floyd’s resuscitation. Nor would he allow the jury to be informed about Floyd’s multiple drug arrests.

Then, as he inflicted on the innocent Chauvin a sadistically harsh sentence, Cahill proclaimed:

“This is based on your abuse of a position of trust and authority and also the particular cruelty shown to George Floyd.”

Too bad it isn’t a crime to abuse a position of trust and authority. We could lock up Cahill before he cruelly sacrifices more innocent men to his sick ideology.

If you want to know the truth about the George Floyd spectacle, watch The Fall of Minneapolis for free at the soonest opportunity. Keep your jaw supported when you get to the part about Cahill; it might drop hard enough to cause dislocation.

Cahill also abused his position of trust and authority by exhibiting the same cruel vindictiveness toward Tou Thao, an officer who never touched George Floyd but was thrown in prison for doing his job by holding the crowd back.

The admirable Thao quoted Scripture rather than kowtowing to Cahill’s ideology. This enraged the tyrannical judge, who then threw the book at him:

It is not tolerable for decent people to be ruled by the likes of Peter Cahill and the other ringmasters of the George Floyd circus (i.e., Arradondo, Jacob Frey, Keith Ellison, Tim Walz, the rest of the Democrat Party, and the liberal media that keeps it in power).

Nov 19 2023

FBI Let Child Rapist Run Free to Focus on January 6

No matter how much of our wealth is sucked up by the federal behemoth, government resources will always be limited. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize. For example, the FBI might find time to stop child rapists — but not if it is too busy hunting down dissidents.

Via Daily Wire:

On January 6, 2021, the FBI explicitly chose to abandon a sting on a child pornographer in Virginia who was messaging with an undercover agent about having sex with a nine-year-old boy, opting instead to focus on prosecuting Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol. Less than three years later, the FBI discovered the same man living in Alaska where he appears to have been performing sex acts on a 10-year-old boy, according to court documents.

This gives an idea of the activity that is allowed to flourish while authorities focus on Jacob Chansley’s unscheduled tour of the People’s House:

On December 2, 2020, an internet user with the screen name “gayboy69freak” messaged an undercover agent with the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who was posing as a father pimping out his 9-year-old son, and told him that he wanted to travel to D.C. to have sex with the boy. The man also sent the agent a video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis.” His IP address led the FBI to Brogan Welsh of Glenn Allen, Virginia.

The case was abruptly abandoned 1 month later explicitly to free up resources for investigating January 6.

Welsh was finally arrested this October 24 when he came up in an unrelated perversion investigation. We’ll never know how many children he had raped in the meantime.

Here’s why the FBI was too busy to follow through:

Federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,000 defendants in what they call the “Capitol Breach,” and more than 65,000 legal documents have been filed in the cases, according to a Daily Wire database.

That’s enough to keep investigators busy, considering that the FBI also has pro-lifers to terrorize and Catholics to monitor for thoughtcrime.

Violent crime in DC has exploded while local prosecutors focus on January 6. As Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch observes,

“When you use politics to guide your law enforcement priorities, it necessarily means that public safety takes a back seat.”

To hold the interest of law enforcement based in the District of Corruption, there must be a left-wing political angle, such as a connection with Republican voters:

A typical January 6 case is that of three Marines, Joshua Abate, Michah Coomer, and Dodge Dale Hellonon. The entirety of the allegations against them is that at 2:20 p.m., they “entered the U.S. Capitol Building through the Senate Wing Door and proceed to walk South down a hallway,” used “their cellular devices to take pictures, videos, and answer phone calls,” “remained in the Rotunda for a couple minutes before leaving through the South entrance,” and remained “inside the Rotunda for approximately 30 minutes until police arrive and form a line to direct people out of the Building.” Then they exited “the U.S. Capitol Building through the Rotunda Door having been inside for approximately 52 minutes.”

For that case, prosecutors scoured social media, subpoenaed Facebook, consulted motor vehicle and military records, interviewed people who served in the Marine Corps to identify them, subpoenaed his phone provider, and analyzed his GPS movements.

The uncherrypicked January 6 surveillance video has finally been released, confirming that the Democrats’ answer to the Reichstag Fire has been absurdly overhyped.

The FBI demonstrates why law enforcement must be left to the states. Anything federal has as its primary purpose the advancement of federal power. This increasingly takes the form of suppressing opposition to the Party of Government.

Speaking of Democrats, possibly their primary purpose in promoting Black Lives Matter was to undermine local police. The resulting void in law enforcement is meant to be filled by politically oriented federal agencies.

On a tip from Jester.

Nov 03 2023

Arrested for Complaining About Muslim Conquest of UK

As with Democrats in the USA, London police side with Hamas in the aftermath of the horrific terror attack of October 7. They even came to a man’s London home at night to drag him away for posting a video on Facebook documenting the profusion of Palestinian flags in his neighborhood that signal support for Hamas atrocities:

Here’s the video he was arrested for:

London has fallen. Britain is following in the tragic footsteps of once-great Egypt long before it. Taking their orders from leftists like Sadiq Khan, police will expedite the UK’s absorption into the Muslim world.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Oct 01 2023

Seven Years Max in Cop Killing

If you want more of something, you subsidize it — or in the case of murdering police officers, punish it as mildly as the public will tolerate. As Chicago succumbs to the Democrat Death Spiral, the public will tolerate even this:

A Chicago man who was charged over the murder of police officer Ella French has been offered a plea deal that will see him jailed for just seven years.

That is, 7 years maximum. The system is run by sympathetic progressives. Eric Morgan will be out much sooner, possibly as soon as people stop paying attention.

French, 29, was shot dead in the West Englewood neighborhood on August 7, 2021 during a routine traffic and cop Carlos Yanez was severely wounded but survived his injuries.

Morgan is racially correct. In contrast, French was white. Thus the extra soft kid gloves.

Morgan was accused of handling the murder weapon allegedly used by his brother Emonte and was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, and obstruction of justice.

Eric Morgan was on probation at the time he participated in the murder. Not that it matters in Chicago.

The moonbats in charge have spat on Ella French’s grave before. Readers may recall that they suspended her after she had been murdered over technicalities in a separate incident with racial implications. Everything a white police officer does in a place like Chicago has racial implications.

The liberal establishment tolerates cop killing because it is consistent with woke orthodoxy. Why Americans tolerate liberal rule is harder to explain.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Sep 13 2023

Using AI to Hunt Down Precriminals

In the dystopic science fiction movie Minority Report, police arrest criminals before they have committed crimes, and enemies of the State are hunted down by robots. The movie is coming true. We have robotic dogs with facial recognition capabilities, much like the spider robots that menace Tom Cruise. Voyager Labs employs AI to identify criminals prior to their crimes:

The New York City and Los Angeles police departments, two of the U.S.’s largest police agencies, are among a growing list of law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and around the world to contract with Voyager Labs.

In 2018, the New York Police Department agreed to a nearly $9 million deal with Voyager Labs, which claims it can use AI to predict crimes, according to documents obtained by the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP), The Guardian reported.

The company bills itself as a “world leader” in AI-based analytics investigations that can comb through mounds of information from all corners of the internet – including social media and the dark web – to provide insight, uncover potential risks and predict future crimes.

The Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures. Modern technology has found a workaround.

Liberty has an unlikely champion in Meta, which demands Voyager Labs stay off its sites and delete the data it has collected from them.

“With increasing frequency, offenders engaging in terrorism, gang violence, cyber-crimes, financial frauds, human trafficking and many other crimes utilize social media in furtherance of their unlawful activities,” the NYPD said. “Voyager assists the Department in preventing victimization and apprehending these offenders.”

Sounds reasonable — until you consider that moonbats have repurposed the word “terrorism” to include parents speaking up against leftist indoctrination at schoolboard meetings and that “unlawful activities” can include running against a Democrat president.

Considering the threat posed by AI, it has never been more important to guard our liberties jealously.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 03 2023

Police Harass Senior Lady for Taking Wrong Picture

Never mind expressing forbidden thoughts; even taking a picture of someone else’s expression is thoughtcrime, punishable by an intimidating visit from police:

A senior woman in the United Kingdom was visited by police after being caught taking a photograph of a sticker critical of gender ideology. Eve, whose identity is being protected at her request, was questioned at her home for over 30 minutes by officers of the West Yorkshire Police. …

Eve explained that the ordeal began in March after she spotted a sticker she thought was interesting while on a walk. The small sticker, which read “Keep Males Out Of Women-Only Spaces” had been placed on top of a large trans pride poster outside of Happy Valley Pride, a Hebden Bridge pride organization.

A month later, cops came knocking on the door. At least it wasn’t the FBI, so they didn’t kick the door down and use flashbangs.

Eve is in her 70s. The visit alarmed her because she assumed they must be there to give her tragic news. In the olden days, British police were public servants.

Turns out someone at Happy Valley Pride had seen her snap the picture and ratted her out to authorities. They subjected Eve to what she described as a “sermon,” no doubt explaining that the government regards her opinions as unacceptable. Eve admits that she has expressed pro-woman thoughts on Facebook.

Nothing as freakishly unnatural not to mention disgusting as LGBT doctrine will be accepted as normal without force. If intimidation doesn’t work, stronger measures will be employed, as when the same West Yorkshire Police ruthlessly hauled off an autistic child in Leeds, traumatizing her because she had accidently committed what one officer regarded as homophobia.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 02 2023

NYC to Use Drones to Spy on Labor Day Barbecues

Utopia may not be well governed, but it will be well monitored. In case your phone isn’t keeping close enough tabs on you, our moonbat rulers also have drones:

Those attending outdoor parties or barbecues in New York City this weekend may notice an uninvited guest looming over their festivities: a police surveillance drone.

The New York City police department plans to pilot the unmanned aircrafts in response to complaints about large gatherings, including private events, over Labor Day weekend, officials announced Thursday.

Large gatherings are frowned upon by authorities, unless they are Black Lives Matter riots, in which case they are lavishly rewarded.

Mayor Eric Adams, a former police captain, has said he wants to see police further embrace the “endless” potential of drones…

Their potential for gathering information is obvious, and knowledge is power. Also, the increasing presence of drones can help habituate us to totalitarian rule as it consolidates. As J.D. Rucker notes,

They want us to expect Big Brother to be there, just barely out of reach, so even the most freedom-loving among us start to accept that we’re always being watched. Just as many patriotic Americans masked up on their way to get jabbed even though they didn’t really want to do either, so too will many Americans reluctantly accept this type of surveillance if they’re exposed to it enough.

Mind this is taking place in the anarchotyrannical dystopia of New York City, where actual crime has largely been effectively legalized. Once again, public safety is not the motive.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Aug 17 2023

Liberals Have Instilled Hesitation That Could Kill

The liberal establishment has created a situation in which white police officers are terrified to use force against black criminals. They know no one will have their back, and they could end up serving a long prison term for doing their job. The resulting hesitation gives the bad guys the advantage and can get officers killed. An example from Connecticut:

The Middletown Police Department said that on Saturday, August 12 at 6:33 p.m., authorities received a complaint about noise and breaking glass on a residential street.

Detective Karli Travis, who runs the Middletown Police Cadet Program and serves in the patrol division, was the first officer who responded to the call.

She approached the resident on foot and police said that she immediately noticed that the suspect, 52-year-old Winston Tate, was wielding a blunt object.

This was a hammer. She asked him nicely to put it down. Sometimes asking nicely doesn’t work. So she radioed for backup. Meanwhile, Tate charged her with the hammer, as can be seen in the hair-raising bodycam footage below.

Chief [Eric] McCallister said that the detective attempted to distance herself from her attacker and continued telling the suspect to put the hammer down.

Instead, he beat her with it. Luckily, he didn’t get in a solid blow to the skull before it dawned on the officer that it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. She opened fire, regrettably not killing Tate but at least forcing him to retreat.

An investigation into the shooting is ongoing by the inspector general’s office.

Thankfully this didn’t happen in Minneapolis. Travis would probably be brought up on attempted murder charges and thrown into the cell next to Derek Chauvin’s.

On tips from Wiggins and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 08 2023

CU Boulder Police Told Not to Describe Suspects by Race

The longer liberals stay in power, the easier life gets for the criminals they champion. In contrast, local police find their job ever more difficult:

The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) police department announced on July 12 it is expanding its diversity, equity, and inclusion training (DEI), which will include “inclusive, accurate language to describe suspects.”

That is, suspects are not to be described in any useful way. “Perceived gender” is also to be ignored, presumably to avoid offending transgender criminals.

Until it is discovered to be insensitive, cops can at least describe their clothes. Good thing clothing is painted on instead of being easily changed.

CU Boulder’s Center for African and African American Studies (CAAAS) and [CU Boulder’s College of Arts and Sciences Office for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion] collaborated to implement language changes to be used in the police department’s future emergency communications, according to CU Boulder Today.

Police are literally taking orders from the African and African American Studies Department. Bitterly cling to the Second Amendment as if your life depended on it. Maybe it does.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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