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Apr 05 2023

State and Municipal Democrats Will Stick Us for the Bill

Where moonbats are in charge, they throw gargantuan sums of money at all things left-wing. New York City offers illegal aliens free healthcare and phones. New York State provides them with free college. California may give out $800 billion to reward a loyal Democrat constituency for being black. Philadelphia will pay women $1,000/month to be pregnant. An Oregon bill would pay derelicts $1,000/month to be homeless. State and municipal Democrats spend as if they will never have to pay their own bills — because they won’t. Who will pay it? Everyone:

The balance-sheet risks for mismanaged states and municipalities have been hiding in plain sight just as they were at Silicon Valley Bank. Continued financial-market turmoil and a prolonged economic downturn could cause some pension funds to collapse and cities to declare bankruptcy.

Interest rates were too low for too long, encouraging irresponsible spending.

When borrowing is dirt cheap, why not max out the taxpayer credit card?

However, inflation caused by Biden’s looting spree put an end to the party. Now comes the hangover:

A report by the research shop Equable estimated that the 228 largest public retirement systems were running a $1.4 trillion unfunded liability at the end of last June.

The bluer the jurisdiction, the more wasteful spending, the deeper the hole.

Chicago’s four pension systems have only enough assets to cover about 25% of what they owe workers and retirees, which is less than Detroit’s pension funds had when the Motor City declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy a decade ago.

Dysfunctional Detroit serves as a model for other single-party Democrat jurisdictions.

Insolvent cities could declare bankruptcy, but states as a matter of federal law can’t. That means their taxpayers will inevitably have to pay more to cover the pension shortfalls. In Illinois 25% of general tax revenues pay for pensions. Many states—including Illinois—can’t afford to bail out their underwater cities, but they also may not want the stain of allowing them to go bankrupt.

The most likely outcome: A cascade of bailouts by some combination of U.S. taxpayers, the Fed and municipal bond investors. Democratic-run states and big cities are simply too politically important for the Biden administration to let fail.

The appeal of liberalism is that it forces someone else to pay. That someone else is all of us.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 05 2023

Open Thread

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. - Elmer Davis

Apr 04 2023

Transsexual Agenda Continues to Target Children

Even after a transgender terrorist murdered three 9-year-olds along with three adults at a Christian school in Nashville, the movement’s focus on children continues.

From a suburb of Phoenix:

In an effort to “provide supports for our queer students,” Chandler Unified School District’s department of counseling and social services asked teachers to direct kids to a list of spring break activities put on by One-n-ten, a nonprofit that works to assist LGBTQ youth ages 14 to 24, according to an email obtained by the DCNF. Students could attend events such as “Trans & Gender Non Conforming (TGNC): Hair Journey” and “Queer Island Utopia” during their time off from school.

They told you they were coming for your children. They meant it:

Children’s teddy bears are too innocent to be left undefiled:

Build-a-Bear has unveiled its latest teddy bear creation — a drag queen bear inspired by Drag Race’s RuPaul. The new stuffed animal features the bear in exaggerated drag make-up and comes with a gold-sequined dress, gold pumps, and a flowing blonde wig.

Supposedly, these sexually deviant teddy bears are marketed to adults, which is plausible with moonbats…

But the company also spotlights the RuPaul bear prominently on its homepage adjacent to family-friendly stuffed animals as well as a cross-promotion with the Girl Scouts for kids parties.

Moving from the creepy to the flat out satanic,

From the story:

Boston Children’s Hospital co-director at its Center for Gender Surgery called for a drastic increase in capacity for what he called “gender-affirming care” (GAC), including surgeries, for kids as GOP states enact bans on the practices.

Oren Ganor is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who specializes in gender-affirming surgeries.

Calling sex change butchery “gender-affirming surgery” is equivalent to calling Dylan Mulvaney a woman.

In a March 14 article he co-wrote with a medical school student, Shawheen J. Rezei, in The Journal of the American Medical Association, he said that the capacity for gender surgeries for kids needed to be increased.

Ganor advocates scaling up to meet the demand from woke parents who want a trophy transsexual child and come to Boston from red states where these horrific procedures have been outlawed.

Not even the Aztecs, with their assembly line human sacrifices that the Conquistadors heroically put a stop to, had a ruling class more conspicuously evil.

On tips from Franco, Mr. Freemarket, and Wiggins.

Apr 04 2023

Long March Through the Institutions Comes for Country

The Long March Through the Institutions has already claimed the bureaucracy, the media, education, major churches, the legal profession, the medical profession, and even sports. Now that radical moonbats are the establishment, they can finish off the last potential pockets of resistance — like country music:

The annual Country Music Television (CMT) Awards show Sunday night was infused with political messages from 29-year-old singer Kelsea Ballerini, who co-hosted the ceremony alongside musician Kane Brown.

Ballerini performed on stage with drag queens from a reality TV show in an apparent rebuke of GOP-backed legislation. She also seemed to push gun control measures while invoking the recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, perpetrated by a former student, a 28-year-old woman who identified as a man.

The reference is to a Tennessee law protecting children from being groomed by drag queens.

You could almost admire the chutzpah of progressives who spin horrific violence from their own side as a pretext to disarm the law-abiding normal people they openly hate.

Behold the future of country music under moonbat hegemony:

Meanwhile, Democrats screech that transsexuals need more visibility.

Every cultural nook and cranny that may provide a refuge for people sick of leftist politics must be infiltrated, subverted, perverted, defiled, and destroyed before it becomes a platform for dissent. It’s not as if liberalism can withstand counterarguments.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 04 2023

Disqualified From Adoption for Moral Decency

Everything is upside-down and backward under moonbat rule. Jessica Bates has been forbidden from adopting children explicitly because of her sanity and moral decency, forcing her to sue Oregon’s Department of Human Services:

According to the lawsuit, state officials denied Bates’s application to adopt, not because of a lack of financial resources or any history of abuse or neglect, but because she acknowledged that her Christian faith informs her that gender and sex aren’t a choice. She was also denied because she said she would be unwilling to use pronouns that don’t align with a child’s sex or to take a child to an appointment to receive cross-sex hormone treatments.

It is not only Christian faith but fundamental biology that informs us that male and female are intrinsically different. Disorienting a child with alternative pronouns is leftist indoctrination. Sterilizing and deforming a child with cross-sex hormone treatments is child abuse and among the few crimes that would warrant capital punishment. But in Oregon, refusal to inflict this crime against nature upon children is what is punished.

Bates and her lawyers argue that the state’s adoption rules and regulations, specifically around mandated beliefs about sexual orientation and gender identity, clearly violate Bates’s First Amendment rights to free speech and to freely exercise her religion.

They also violate basic decency. She is being denied a chance to sacrifice her time and money on behalf of children because local rulers want adoptive parents to sacrifice the children on behalf of a deranged sexual agenda that results in a 40% attempted suicide rate.

Democrats are not just anti-Constitution but anti-human. The Party of Government is also the Party of Evil.

Bates, a widow and an ultrasound technician at a hospital in Ontario, Ore., already has five biological children, ages 10 to 17, with her deceased husband, David.

No one is saying she isn’t a good mother. That’s why she can’t adopt — because she is a good mother.

Incidentally, her widowhood may also be a consequence of moonbat rule:

She became a widow in January 2017, when a man who had recently been released from a state hospital abducted his wife, fled from police in a pickup, and crashed into their car while she and her husband were driving to work, according to the lawsuit. David Bates died at the scene. Jessica suffered a concussion, broken bones, and a collapsed lung.

Liberals have been allowing criminal maniacs to run loose, possibly on the assumption that the inevitable violence can be exploited to advance gun confiscation.

Oregon explicitly pressures adoptive parents to push children in the direction of sexual deviancy:

According to the lawsuit, the state’s handout materials include examples of behavior the state expects of prospective parents, including: displaying “symbols indicating an LGBTQ-affirming environment,” including the rainbow flag and a pink triangle; displaying “pictures and posters of diverse people who are known to be LGBTQI2-S … and families with same-sex parents”; using “language that they [the child] use to express their sexual and gender identity”; and participating in “LGBTQ community activities,” including taking them to Pride parades. …

Bates said there is no option to even be essentially neutral regarding transgender affirmation. “You have to support it,” she said.

As mentioned earlier,

There have been many tyrannies throughout history, but never one openly devoted to imposing a perverted sexual agenda out of sheer moral depravity.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 04 2023

Transsexual Bill of Privilege

It might seem that transsexuals could not possibly be granted more privilege. They occupy the pinnacle of the cultural Marxist pyramid of power. Criticism of their appalling behavior is likely to result in cancelation. One of them carries out a suicide terror attack on a Christian school, killing six, including three 9-year-olds, and 4 days later the president of the United States issues a fawning proclamation demanding reverence for transsexuals. The face of transsexualism is even placed on beer cans. But with moonbats, too much is never enough. So Democrats in Congress are pushing a Transgender Bill of Rights, to codify the transsexual position atop the liberal caste system.

Shrieks sponsor Pramila Jayapal (D-WA):

“Day after day, we see a constant onslaught of anti-trans rhetoric and legislation coming from elected officials. Today we say enough is enough.”

“Anti-trans rhetoric” falls under what an American would call freedom of speech. Anti-trans legislation refers to state laws that would never have been necessary in any other civilization that has ever existed, protecting children from sexual mutilation and grooming by drag queens.

“With this resolution, we … outline a clear vision of what we must do in Congress in order to allow trans people to lead full, happy lives as their authentic selves.”

To be their “authentic selves” means to be unanimously affirmed in the absurd pretense that they are members of the opposite sex.

As evidence that transsexuals deserve special privileges, we are reminded that over 40% of them have attempted suicide. Yet liberals double down on recruiting children into this dysfunctional, self-hating cult.

The Transgender Bill of Rights would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 so that by proclaiming yourself to be a member of the opposite sex, you can claim all manner of special privileges, such as effectively being first hired and last fired.

It would destroy women’s sports by dictating that men can play on women’s teams.

It would ensnare more children by “ensuring access to an inclusive curriculum” — i.e., more sexually depraved propaganda in public schools for the purpose of grooming.

It would expand “access to gender-affirming medical care” — which presumably means paying for other people’s sex change operations and more children having their genitals and breasts surgically removed on behalf of a political agenda.

It would ban “conversion therapy” — i.e., counseling that does not encourage the patient to plunge deeper into sexual psychopathology.

It would even impose “a liaison within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice dedicated to advising and overseeing enforcement of the civil rights of transgender people,” likely intended to ensure no one says anything transsexual militants don’t want to hear lest the full force of the federal government crash down upon them.

The list of cosponsors is long, as is the list of leftist NGOs like Amnesty International that endorse it. Biden will eagerly sign it into law, if Democrats are able to push it through Congress.

We are in uncharted waters. There have been many tyrannies throughout history, but never one openly devoted to imposing a perverted sexual agenda out of sheer moral depravity.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 04 2023

Open Thread

We are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. - Edward Bernays

Apr 03 2023

Chris Hipkins Does Not Know What a Woman Is

It was great news when the tyrannical moonbat Jacinda Ardern stepped down as Prime Minister of New Zealand. However, her Labour Party replacement does not look like an improvement. Watch and laugh as Chris Hipkins attempts to define a woman for reporter Sean Plunket:

If only he were a Woman of Color, that answer would have qualified him to serve on the US Supreme Court.

Via National File:

When further pressed by the reporter, and directly asked whether or not women have penises, Hipkins again failed to provide an answer and even told the reporter that such a question would require him to “pre-formulate” an answer, something he hadn’t done before the press conference because he “wasn’t expecting” to be asked whether or not women have penises.

At least he knows what thoughtcrime is, and that it must be suppressed:

“Well, as I’ve, I think, as I’ve just indicated I wasn’t expecting that question, so it’s not something that I’ve, um, you know, formulated, pre-formulated an answer on,” Hipkins said, before going on to attack Posie Parker, a well-known British women’s rights activist and so-called TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), calling her view that “gender,” more accurately called biological sex, is binary and determined at birth, “abhorrent.”

In Auckland recently, Posie Parker (a.k.a. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull) was physically menaced and prevented from speaking by transsexual maniacs during her “Let Women Speak” tour:

Good thing her safety was not directly in the hands of Chris Hipkins.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 03 2023

Words Constituting Microaggressions Proliferate Explosively

Authoritarians require criminals to punish. Thought criminals are in short supply, liberal attempts to generate hatred toward preferred groups through outrageously unjust favoritism (e.g., Affirmative Action, reparations) having largely failed. So they resort to the concept of microaggressions, the list of which must constantly expand.

As usual, universities are at the vanguard of moonbattery. As reported by the New York Post, taxpayer-supported Michigan State University has issued an Inclusive Guide listing words that have been deleted from the Newspeak Dictionary and therefore constitute microaggressions.

Many of the forbidden terms apply to the War on Christmas, which has expanded to Easter. They include: merry, Christmas trees, wreaths, gifts, reindeer, bunnies, eggs (in an Easter context), and chicks.

Other forbidden terms reflect the thin skin of educrats and campus activists: crazy, insane, bonkers, nuts, loony, and lunatic.

“Terrorist” is banned, presumably because it might offend the ghost of Osama bin Laden or Audrey Hale. “Freshmen” and “upperclassmen” are no good, because students must avoid “male-centric and western father-son language.” Meanwhile, “female” made the list because it is a “pejorative term [that] reduces women to their assumed biological anatomy.” The word “America” is banned because it is “American-centric.”

MSU has plenty of company:

Other schools with similar lists include Indiana University at Bloomington, the University of Texas at Austin, Brandeis University and the University of San Francisco.

The disfavored words are not literally banned, but there might be consequences for using them.

It isn’t only students who must live in fear of committing microaggressions. From Easthampton, Massachusetts:

Superintendent finalist Vito Perrone said Friday that the School Committee rescinded its offer to hire him in executive session Thursday night, alleging that the reason was a perceived microaggression contained in an email he sent to the committee chairperson.

The committee had offered him an annual salary of $151,000/year to be an educrat. But then he deviated from permissible vocabulary when he sent an email to committee members Cynthia Kwiecinski and Suzanne Colby in which he referred to them as “ladies.”

Evidently they are not ladies, but moonbats.

According to Perrone, Kwiecinski said that using “ladies” was a microaggression and “the fact that he didn’t know that as an educator was a problem,” he said.

Respect and courtesy can now cost you a cushy job.

No matter how bad they make a situation, liberals can always make it worse still. Inevitably, Big Government will get involved, imposing fines if not prison terms for committing oppression by saying “ladies” or “Christmas tree.”

It is already a crime to call illegal immigrants “illegal immigrants” in New York City.

In France, a woman was just fined $13,000 for calling resident Emmanuel Macron “filth” in a Facebook post. That wasn’t even racist, sexist, or ableist.

Considering how fast forbidden words proliferate, fining them could represent the most promising revenue-raising opportunity for Big Government since carbon offsets — although it is less efficient than the current Democrat practice of simply printing as much money as they want and letting us pick up the tab through inflation.

On tips from Jack D, Barry A, and Wiggins.

Apr 03 2023

Open Thread

Global warming is the most prominent form of mass hysteria raging across the world today. - Doug Casey

Apr 02 2023

Attempted Murder Charge for Self-Defense in NYC

Soros-planted Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has been turning New York into a war zone by letting criminals run free. The innocent do not get off so easily.

Donald Trump could tell you all about it. So could a Manhattan parking garage attendant named Moussa Diarra:

Diarra … saw a man peering into cars on the second floor of the West 31st Street garage, the sources said.

Believing the man was stealing, the attendant brought him outside and asked what was inside his bag.

The criminal produced a gun.

Diarra tried to grab for the weapon, and it went off — leaving him shot in the stomach and grazed in the ear by a bullet before he turned the firearm on the would-be thief and shot him in the chest, sources said.

Well done, Mr. Diarra. Best wishes for your speedy recovery.

But wait. Diarra was charged with attempted murder, assault, and criminal possession of a weapon.

Let that be a lesson to anyone who lives under Democrat rule but does not allow criminals to have free reign. If you challenge the bad guys when the bad guys are in charge, there can be consequences.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and Wiggins.

Apr 02 2023

Bud Light in the Loafers

In case you need a reason to drink real beer instead of the dishwater mass marketed as “light beer,” Anheuser-Busch has established the moonbat bona fides that are so crucial to corporations these days by choosing the gut-wrenchingly repulsive transvestite Dylan Mulvaney as the surgically disfigured face of Bud Light:

Someone missed the memo that people who identify as 6-year-old girls shouldn’t be drinking beer — or even Bud Light.

As with Dylan Mulvaney’s shtick in general, some are still hoping this is a joke of some kind. But there is nothing funny about what transsexuals have been duped into doing to their bodies. Despite making big money and getting invited to the White House with his female impersonator act, even Mulvaney is having second thoughts:

Take heart, Mr. Mulvaney. At least Hollyweirdos will still literally kneel before you, even if you did irrevocably reduce yourself to a freak. At least you have not had your genitals cut off, as Joe Biden advocates doing to children.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Jester.

Apr 02 2023

Carbon Offsets Confirmed as Swindle

In Cult of Climate Change, buying carbon offsets is the equivalent of buying indulgences from the church in the Medieval times. The practice allows corporations to posture greenly and comply with government mandates while doing nothing likely to influence the supposedly problematic weather.

Via Frontpage Mag:

For example, makers of actual cars were forced to buy credits from Tesla by California so that working-class drivers were financing luxury car owners. Airlines now routinely announce that they’re buying offsets which means a portion of your ticket is going to pay off some company that is supposedly doing some environmentally sound. Your power company buys credits resold by some company that’s supposedly running wind farms in Wyoming (that nobody needs) which doesn’t mean that you’re using wind power, but that you’re paying for someone else to use wind power to atone for your use of fossil fuels.

This is such an obvious scam that even the blindered moonbats at The Guardian noticed earlier this year:

The forest carbon offsets approved by the world’s leading certifier and used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big corporations are largely worthless and could make global heating worse, according to a new investigation.

The research into Verra, the world’s leading carbon standard for the rapidly growing $2bn (£1.6bn) voluntary offsets market, has found that, based on analysis of a significant percentage of the projects, more than 90% of their rainforest offset credits – among the most commonly used by companies – are likely to be “phantom credits” and do not represent genuine carbon reductions.

This is good news for plant life, as CO2 helps it to grow. However, according to leftist ideology, carbon causes climate chaos.

Only a handful of Verra’s rainforest projects showed evidence of deforestation reductions, according to two studies, with further analysis indicating that 94% of the credits had no benefit to the climate.

The less gullible might assume this number to be 100%. Good thing the forests weren’t really in such peril anyway:

The threat to forests had been overstated by about 400% on average for Verra projects, according to analysis of a 2022 University of Cambridge study.

If only offset posturing merely had no effect. Actually, it does harm:

Human rights issues are a serious concern in at least one of the offsetting projects. The Guardian visited a flagship project in Peru, and was shown videos that residents said showed their homes being cut down with chainsaws and ropes by park guards and police. They spoke of forced evictions and tensions with park authorities.

More recently, Bloomberg has admitted that South Pole, the world’s leader in selling carbon offsets with a valuation approaching $1 billion, is basically a swindle.

What do you expect? The very concept of carbon offsets is a swindle.

No matter how obvious the scam, don’t expect Big Government to let go of it soon. Climate offsets are too lucrative:

Imagine if Tony Soprano forced everyone in his neighborhood to buy “breathing credits” from him, which grant you the privilege to breathe a certain amount of air. And that, naturally, it would cost Tony Soprano nothing to create as many of these “breathing credits” as he wanted. He could also hand them out to his friends and others who did favors for him, creating a corrupt patronage system.

This is basically what governments plan to do with carbon credits. Except they are also gaslighting you by telling you they are helping save the planet.

Government can get away with more evil by pretending to do good.

On tips from Henry.

Apr 02 2023

Dutch TV Grooms Children for Cult of Transsexualism

Transsexual militants recently launched what the liberal media would normally call “insurrections” at state capitols in Kentucky, Florida, and elsewhere to intimidate lawmakers who are finally pushing back against the transsexual targeting of children. The pushback needs to escalate. Otherwise, the American campaign to recruit children into this increasingly violent army of the psychosexually (and often physically) deformed will soon catch up to Holland’s:

The American Psychologist reports that “40% or more of trans people have attempted suicide at least once in their lifetime.” Recruiting innocent children into this psychotic cult is unconscionable. Yet enabling this recruitment is Democrat policy.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.


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