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Aug 31 2022

Teacher Recorded Telling Students to Accept Pedophiles

We already know that leftist social engineers plan to normalize pedophilia as they have successfully accomplished with homosexuality (e.g., here, here, here). We also know that they have exploited their control of the schools to systematically sexualize and homosexualize children (e.g., here, here, here). We even find pedophile porn in public schools. So it should come as no surprise to hear a teacher in El Paso, Texas — the town that gave us Beto O’Rourke — exhorting kids to accept pedophiles:

“Stop calling them that. You’re not allowed to label people like that. Stop it, Diego. We are not going to call them that. We’re going to call them, MAPs. Minor Attracted Persons. So don’t judge people just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old.”

We have it on video:

Yes, liberals are serious about destigmatizing pedophiles by forcing us to call them “MAPs.” The day people lose their jobs for calling pedophiles “pedophiles” will come soon.

The teacher’s defenders say the clip has been taken out of context. Let’s hope so. But the broader context is an education system that corrupts children on a nationwide scale to advance the liberal agenda.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 31 2022

Biden: You Will Need F-15s to Defend Constitution From Us

Chump of the ChiComs Eric Swalwell says the AR-15s that Democrats intend to confiscate won’t defend us against tyranny anyway, because the tyrants can use nuclear weapons on us. Joe Biden isn’t as drastic. He will settle for wiping us out with F-15s:

Biden inventively informs us that “The bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun.” But even so, America’s rifle is no match for fighter jets, so we may as well let Big Government take them.

Do the clowns who got their clocks cleaned by Taliban savages in sandals really fail to understand how asymmetrical warfare works? No. If they did not see rifles in the hands of regular Americans who believe in the Constitution as a threat to their agenda, they would not risk backlash by coming after them. The necessity of the Second Amendment is once again confirmed.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Aug 31 2022

Democrats Are Semifascist

The projection that characterizes Democrats reached its apogee when Joe Biden accused his opposition of “semifascism.”

Even liberal propagandist Don Lemon was curious what Biden meant by that. He asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, but received only hyperpartisan duckspeak in response.

Looks like Biden has given up on the unity he promised, even if he does plan to host an absurd “Unity Summit.”

Try again, Cringe Pierre. Why are Republicans semifascists?

“You look at the definition of fascism and you think about what they’re doing in attacking our democracy, what they are doing in taking away our freedoms…our voting rights.”

This is a reference to Republican opposition to election fraud and resistance to Democratic attempts to seize control of elections in violation of the Constitution.

“Our democracy” is liberalese for “Democrat rule.”

Let’s have a look for ourselves at the definition of fascism. From Merriam-Webster:

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

True, the Democratic Party openly despises the American nation. But exaltation of the federal government over the individual defines its policies. Critical Race Theory is in effect our state religion under Democrat rule. Biden’s unlawful transfer of half a $trillion in student loan debt epitomizes centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.

Severe economic regimentation is the point of Democrats’ climate ideology. Severe social regimentation is the point of political correctness. A more obvious example of forcible suppression of opposition than the Mar-a-Lago raid would require throwing Trump in prison or having him shot.

Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini said that fascism should more properly be called corporatism, “as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” Prime examples of this are Big Tech suppressing revelations of Biden’s influence peddling to the communist Chinese right before the election and Pfizer delaying its Covid vaccine at the request of Democrats so that it wouldn’t give Trump an electoral boost.

Democrats are semifascists rather than full fascists because even fascists have positive qualities. They usually love their country, unlike the party that promises to fundamentally transform America. People say Mussolini got the trains running on time. Try to imagine Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg getting trains to run on time.

The staggering hypocrisy of the semifascist Biden denouncing his opponents as semifascist is so massive that the sheer weight of it can be felt on the other side of the world. Australia’s Rita Panahi weighs in:

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, TCS III, Varla, and seaoh.

Aug 31 2022

Open Thread

Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions. - James Madison

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Aug 30 2022

Notting Hill Carnival

If you have the belly for a preview of the post-English future that is being imposed on England by its moonbat rulers through immigration and welfare policy, visit London during the Notting Hill Carnival:

London’s Notting Hill Carnival turned deadly Monday when a 21-year-old man was stabbed after more than 200 arrests were made during the annual Caribbean festival.

The carnival serves to lift the lid on what is going on just under the capital’s surface.

The English are giving up their country, but at least in return they get plenty of diversity.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 30 2022

Again: Battery Costs More to Replace Than EV Is Worth

The spontaneous combustion-prone electric cars that California, other states, and the federal government all want to impose are not transportation for normal Americans. They are virtue-signaling toys for rich moonbats.

Even with the massive government subsidies paid for by the rest of us through inflation they are still unaffordable, in part because as with college tuition, prices go up by the same amount as the subsidies. They cost on average $19,000 more than real cars. Insurance is 64% higher due to the high cost of repairs — speaking of which:

The proud owner electric vehicle (EV) has learned that the price of a new battery for his 2012 Chevrolet Volt is nearly $30,000 — far more than his car is worth. …

[A] 2012 Volt is estimated to go for between $7,999 and $17,590 today, notes the automotive site Edmunds. …

In contrast, replacing a gasoline-powered engine in a vehicle costs anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000, according to an April report in Consumer Affairs.

This isn’t the first time we have seen that replacing a dead battery costs more than the electric car is worth.

At least the owner has the satisfaction of having helped saved the planet from imaginary peril. Let’s not take that away from him by letting him know that electric vehicles are worse for the environment than proper cars.

If electric cars made any sense, there would be no need for Big Government to force us into them.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 30 2022

Hating the IRS Is Racist

The already massive IRS that Biden is doubling in size does not exist to confiscate our wealth. That can be done directly through inflation, as with Biden’s half-$trillion student loan bailout. The current purpose of the IRS is to punish enemies of the Democrat Party. This became obvious when Obama used it to persecute Tea Party groups, and will become more obvious now that you are four times as likely to get audited.

That’s why Democrats love the IRS. You have to love what Democrats love — or else you’re a racist:

Even if we had a responsible government living within its means instead of financing itself through inflation like a collapsing socialist dictatorship in some Third World backwater, we could easily live without the IRS. As Ted Cruz has proposed, a flat tax would be more fair and so easy to implement that you could file your taxes on a postcard. But that would be racist, because it wouldn’t allow Democrats to overtax people they don’t like and provide cash handouts a.k.a. “tax credits” to people they do.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 30 2022

Ending Individual Transportation

Transportation is freedom. Leftists oppose individual freedom. Therefore, they oppose individual transportation:

Former New York City transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan argued on behalf of what she called “car-free cities” to combat climate change while appearing on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” Sunday.

Being a moonbat, Sadik-Khan gaslights absurdly, portraying the banning of cars as “not anti-car” but rather “pro-choice.”

The leftist propagandist Zakaria unsurprisingly loves the idea.

“Many cities in Europe are flirting with banning private cars from the roads, and many more have at least partial bans in place. There is the obvious reason to combat climate change, but car-free cities are also leading to a better quality of life. Without cars, there’s less smell, less noise, more space to walk, to dine outdoors, to play,” Zakaria said.

A giant step toward banning cars altogether is banning proper cars, forcing us to drive inefficient, unreliable, spontaneous combustion-prone electric moonbatmobiles that even with lavish government subsidies only the well-to-do can afford. Via USA Supreme:

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) that governs motor vehicle emissions for the state adopted new rules that will require 35% of the new cars sold in the state are electric or plug-in hybrids by 2026, with that percentage rising to 68% by 2030 and 100% by 2035.

As goes California, so goes the nation — straight off a cliff:

Both Washington and Massachusetts are set to follow California’s lead, and other states will surely follow.

Then comes the flood:

Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont and Washington D.C., currently follow CARB rules on car emissions, but they have not yet officially announced electric car mandates.

Despite the rhetoric about climate change, only the clinically psychotic believe that forcing people into coal-powered, environmentally destructive EVs will improve the weather.

This is not about saving the planet from a nonexistent threat; it is about crushing freedom. Noting that “California has weaponized transportation against its own population,” the Washington Examiner asks,

California is said to be Democrats’ model for the nation. But if they succeed in turning America into California, where will everyone flee to — and what kind of cars will they be allowed to drive on their way out?

Who says they will let us leave?

By the time Democrats drop their opposition to border security and build a serious wall — complete with gun turrets facing inward — only top party members and their cronies will be driving cars.

On tips from R F, Jack D, and Blackjack.

Aug 30 2022

Open Thread

The chances of your being harmed by terrorists are mathematically minute. The chance of your being robbed by your own government? That's easy: 100 per cent. - Joseph Sobran

Aug 29 2022

Illegal Aliens Legally Practice Law

In the end, law doesn’t work because the government has the power to throw us in jail. It works because we believe in it. But believing it the law is difficult when the government that creates and enforces it does not:

There are currently eight states where illegal aliens can practice law (CA, CT, FL, IL, NE, NJ, NY, and WY). Joining this dubious list on October 1 will be New Mexico.

New Mexico has become a colony of Old Mexico. Democrats are doing everything they can to force Texas and Arizona to follow suit.

All five justices on the N.M. Supreme Court are Democrats. The last time Republicans held a majority on the Court was in the 1920s.

As the term implies, it is illegal to be an illegal alien:

There are federal civil and criminal penalties for knowingly employing an illegal alien. Here is the statute. 8 USC 1324 (a)(4) provides for civil penalties and section (f) for criminal penalties. So the Supreme Courts of these states are actively aiding and abetting the commission of a federal crime.

A society run by people who sneer at its sovereignty and its laws is living on borrowed time.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 29 2022

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: NYC Kebab-Eater

Animal rights kooks went wild in New York City on Saturday as part of PETA’s “World Day for the End of Speciesism”:

The animal rights activists were furious that people were eating ice cream.

Not even Joe Biden is enough of a moonbat for vegans.

Outside the Fendi store, protesters spilled fake blood and said the luxury fashion brand had “blood on its hands.” There were also screams of, “50 dead animals for one fur coat!”

No word on how many dead eagles for 1 kilowatt-hour of inefficient green energy.

The crowd demanded a “fur-free NYC” in front of the Louis Vuitton store.

To a moonbat, freedom is a world free of all the things they don’t like.

Outside a McDonald’s restaurant, demonstrators yelled, “It’s not McDonald’s, it’s mcmurder!”

McDonald’s would be wise to run with this in a new advertising campaign. It shares a consumer base with rap, which is well known for monetizing the glorification of violence.

Standing near the front door of the Nike store, animal activists claimed that the colossal shoe manufacturer kills 2 million kangaroos a year.

Then a countermoonbat calmly tossed a wrench into the wokeness:

One man infiltrated the protest and trolled the animal rights activists by eating shish kebab right in front of the demonstrators. Multiple animal activists lost their minds because the man had the audacity to eat meat. The scene became incredibly intense, but the vitriol didn’t stop the man from enjoying his shish kebab.

In a world succumbing to moonbattery, just eating a shish kebab is an act of rebellion on behalf of sanity. Kudos:

In an astonishing example of the projection and gaslighting we have come to associate with moonbats, PETA campaign specialist Ashley Byrne implied that it was the kebab-eater who was throwing a tantrum:

“[I]t’s not unusual for some people to throw a tantrum. It’s nothing activists haven’t seen.

“We are provoking people to think,” Byrne said, “and if that thought makes them uncomfortable good.”

The moonbats became so unhinged precisely because the kebab-eater wasn’t uncomfortable about eating a normal human diet in front of them.

On tips from Wiggins and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 29 2022

These Classic Films to Be Banned Next

The Thought Police will not be satisfied with canceling classics from the golden age of Hollywood like Gone With the Wind. Lesser, more recent classics like Mrs. Doubtfire, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and Silence of the Lambs have already drawn the ire of the LGBTQ militants who determine what is and is not allowed in our culture.

Some Like It Hot and Tootsie are likely to follow. If it is worth watching or even mildly amusing, leftists will eventually ban it.

The term “transgender” itself is likely to be banned, as it is thoughtcrime not to believe that transsexual transitioners were always whatever gender they currently claim to be. Already, you can get thrown off YouTube for mentioning their original names.

In place of the classic movies that are erased, we will be fed a steady diet of depraved filth like AJ and the Queen, with a focus on corrupting the innocence of children, who in a society dominated by moonbats are denied the joy of not knowing about sex and even of not knowing about perverted sex.

Mark Dice sounds the alarm:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Blackjack.

Aug 29 2022

The Science: Insults Are Violence

Violence that leftists approve of (e.g., Black Lives Matter riots) is not violence but speech. By the same token, speech leftists do not approve of is not speech but violence. If you disagree with leftists, you disagree with The Science:

Hearing insults is like receiving a “mini slap in the face”, regardless of the precise context the insult is made in. That is the conclusion of a new paper published in Frontiers in Communication. The researchers used electroencephalography (EEG) and skin conductance recordings to compare the short-term impact of repeated verbal insults to that of repeated positive or neutral evaluations.

Explains Dr Marijn Struiksma of Utrecht University,

“Our study shows that in a psycholinguistic laboratory experiment without real interaction between speakers, insults deliver lexical ‘mini slaps in the face’, such that the strongly negative evaluative words involved that a participant reads, automatically grab attention during lexical retrieval, regardless of how often that retrieval occurs.”

Just as the Framers never would have included the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights had they known that bullets would be invented, they would have left out free speech had they known that a perceived microaggression is the equivalent of a slap in the face.

You wouldn’t let people go around slapping protected identity groups in the face, would you?

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Aug 29 2022

Let Them Eat Mealworms

Moonbats love diversity. There are lots of things they will allow us to eat, even after they have consolidated power to the point that they can impose utopia in the name of the climate. In addition to cockroach milk, maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, and wind turbine blades, we can also eat mealworms:

Researchers In Hee Cho and Hyeyoung Park presented their development of a meaty mealworm flavoring at the American Chemical Society’s fall meeting, according to a news release issued on Wednesday. Their research, they say, is a response to the dietary demands of a growing global population and the looming climate crisis.

CNN and the ruling class it speaks for expect you to believe that the weather is a problem and that you can fix it by eating creepy-crawlies. Their contempt for you is that profound.

Insects are “truly eco-friendly and more efficient in comparison to typical livestock,” Cho said.

Too bad The Experts don’t really care much about efficiency. Then we could stop subsidizing solar and wind energy.

Here’s why anyone would want there to be such a thing as mealworm flavoring:

Cho and Park’s research focused on the flavor possibilities associated with mealworm powder, exploring how different forms of cooking can produce different flavor profiles that might make the insects more enticing to eat.

Say you are attempting to choke down the synthetic beef Bill Gates has decided we should eat. Maybe insect powder will make it seem more like food:

People trying to reduce their meat consumption could use a mealworm additive to fulfill their meaty cravings…

The scientists hope their work will “contribute to the commercial development of meat-like and savory flavorings and seasonings, and will encourage the convenience food industry to include edible insects in their products.”

Incidentally, mealworms are the first bugs listed in a study finding that eating insects can result in parasitical infection.

On a tip from Steve T.


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