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Aug 19 2021

Why It’s a Wonderful Time to Be a Criminal in New York

In New York nowadays, criminals are one constituency that is represented by the lowlifes in charge at both the city and state level.

At the city level,

In July 2020, following the George Floyd riots, Mayor Bill de Blasio disbanded the NYPD’s anti-crime unit, which led to a sharp rise in murders and shootings across Gotham. In response, Hizzoner called a news conference in Harlem in which he vowed to address crime’s “root causes.”

Brace yourself. The only thing more devastating than the problems Democrats create is their solutions to those problems.

Through an outfit called Advance Peace, the city will offer a stipend of $1,000 per month (“transformational opportunities”) to “young men ­involved in lethal firearm ­offenses,” at the same time pairing them with “neighborhood change agents” [this apparently means older ex-cons] — “credible messengers, meaning they bring life experience, conflict mediation and mentorship skills to the target population.”

A stipend for criminals, financed with money taken by force from people who are not criminals. We are reaching peak liberalism.

At the state level,

Days after giving two weeks’ notice that he would resign his office amid a serial sexual harassment scandal, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is using the unprecedented lame-duck period to grant clemency and pardons to 10 felons — including three convicts tied to killings.

With friends in high places, you can get away with murder. Every criminal has friends in high places with Democrats in charge.

Cuomo and de Blasio will be off the stage soon. But they are effects, not causes, of the disease killing New York. Both will be replaced by other leftists just as bad or — if this is even conceivable — still worse.

Behold the culture that is being created in place of civilization:

[Aaron Garcia] has been busted in the terrifying, caught-on-camera hatchet attack on an ATM customer in Lower Manhattan — and is also suspected in two other incidents involving strangers earlier this month, law-enforcement sources said Wednesday. …

Shocking surveillance video from Sunday’s attack allegedly shows Garcia using a hatchet to repeatedly slash a 51-year-man during an unprovoked, sneak assault that began when the victim was using an ATM machine around 5:20 p.m. …

At one point, Garcia is allegedly seen bringing the hatchet down on the already bloodied victim’s head during the unrelenting rampage.

Garcia then allegedly smashed the screens of the ATM machines before leaving the hatchet behind when he fled the scene, cops said.

If he shouted “Black Lives Matter” while wreaking righteous vengeance on these symbols of capitalism, expect a pardon from Cuomo’s successor.

Another current New York story:

A stranger pummeled a 32-year-old man in a Brooklyn subway station over the weekend — breaking bones in his face, new video released by police shows.

The assailant — whom the victim did not know — approached him inside the Atlantic Avenue-Barclays Center station at 6:50 p.m. Sunday and socked him in the face multiple times, authorities said. …

Police are still looking for the suspect.

It won’t help that he was conveniently wearing a Covid mask. At least the respective skin tones of assailant and victim offer a clue as to the motive.

The progressives who run both the government and the media egg on and glorify criminals and the behavior that defines them. The results are inevitable.

On tips from Wiggins and JackisBack.

Aug 06 2021

Biden Still Can’t Keep Away From Little Girls

Meanwhile, as Andrew Cuomo’s leftist rivals strive to string him up with the #MeToo noose, Joe Biden obliviously continues his long-established custom of publicly nuzzling and molesting underage girls. At yet another theatrical event devoted to exploiting the January 6 debacle, Biden signed a bill awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol Police officers who effectively held the door open for the hooligans who burst into the People’s House without wiping their feet, thereby providing Democrats with a gala propaganda festival that is now in Month 8 with no sign of letting up. Characteristically, Creepy Joe conspicuously failed to socially distance when he got within range of a little girl:

Apt commentary from USSA News:

It was weird watching Nancy Pelosi pet the young Black girl like some exotic animal, but Creepy Joe spotting that girl and bringing her up is so Pedo.

Thankfully he didn’t completely lose control and grope her aggressively enough to leave psychological scars as with Maria Piacesi:

Via Trending Politics:

Six years later, Maria Piacesi is finally speaking out. Citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti recently shared screenshots of a conversation he had with Maria Piacesi on social media app Tik Tok where she admits that President Joe Biden pinched her nipple. The teenager has since deleted her comments however the screenshots still exist.

You can’t blame her for deleting the comments. Every 14-year-old on social media knows how cancelation by the liberal lynch mob works. However, the cat is now out of the bag — not that the establishment media is likely to pick up on the story.

Pinching a young child in their breast area is considered molestation. Joe Biden is a molester.

It’s okay to molest 8-year-olds, so long as you serve as a useful figurehead for the radical leftists who have been consolidating control. As liberals often remind us, only bad people judge others for who and how they love.

On tips from Wiggins, seaoh, and Varla.

Aug 04 2021

CDC Document Discusses Covid Camps

If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has the authority to declare that rent no longer needs to be paid and landlords must house their tenants for free, surely there is no limit to its power. It might even round us up and detain us in camps.

See for yourself; this in open sight on the CDC website (emphasis added):

This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings. …

The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting.

Those deemed to be high-risk are to have “minimal contact with family members.” So as to make sure no Covid gets in or out of the camp, “strict adherence to protocol” must be imposed.

How many trust CDC head ditz Rochelle Walensky to determine who may be free and who must be incarcerated for the good of public health?

At the state level, New York passed a bill allowing the government to apprehend and indefinitely detain those considered a threat to the public based on health status. How many trust Andrew Cuomo?

The differences between the cultural Marxism (a.k.a. critical theory) of the Democrats/media and the economic Marxism of Stalin and Mao are superficial. Both lead inevitably to gulags. In the USSR, the government had to defend society from kulaks and counterrevolutionaries. The USSA has racists and Covid.

Meanwhile, the border remains wide open. Anyone who wants in from the Third World needs only to step across it. The Biden Regime uses the military to distribute them and the many dangerous diseases they carry (including Covid) throughout the country, giving the lie to any pretended concern for our health.

On tips from R F and Varla.

Jul 08 2021

Profiles in Covid Hypocrisy: Piers Morgan

Like many other members of our sneeringly condescending ruling class, anti-gun rights zealot Piers Morgan favors rigid authoritarianism regarding Covid precautions — but only for the little people, not for himself:

Add Piers Morgan to the list, along with Matt Hancock, Neil Ferguson, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Sheila Kuehl, Michael Hancock, Steve Adler, London Breed, Sam Liccardo, and the rest of the sanctimonious authoritarians of the Covid DAISNAID club.

Maybe if the list gets long enough, people will get sick of having their lives ruined by an effete, degenerate ruling class that makes no secret of its contempt for the arbitrary rules it inflicts on those below.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 26 2021

Profiles in Covid Hypocrisy: Matt Hancock

Britain’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock is prominent among the army of bureauweenies who have been ruining other people’s lives with pointless and tyrannical Covid lockdowns. A typical Do As I Say Not As I Do statist in the Neil Ferguson/Nancy Pelosi/Gavin Newsom/Andrew Cuomo/Gretchen Whitmer/John Kerry/Joe Biden/Sheila Kuehl/Michael Hancock/Steve Adler/London Breed/Sam Liccardo/et al. mold, he has carried on a steamy extramarital affair with an advisor he used public money to hire while denying others human contact.

Matt Hancock is an MP for the Conservative Party. With conservatives like this, what does anyone need liberals for?

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 23 2021

Double-Immune Fredo in Convertible Alone With Mask On

Chris Cuomo has already had the ChiCom virus, as we know well because he theatrically staged his show from his basement, so terrified was he of infecting others that he only came up to get in the face of neighbors and yell at them. Also, he is vaccinated. That makes him double immune. Covid poses no significant risk in the open air away from crowds. Only Chris Cuomo could be dumb enough to think he is signaling virtue rather than idiocy by driving through Sag Harbor by himself in a convertible with the top down — while wearing a mask.

The New York Post wishes Cuomo — who is known as “Fredo” because he is the inept younger brother of a famous New York crime figure — were as cautious when it comes to journalistic ethics:

The newsman’s overly cautious drive-by came as news broke that he counseled his big brother, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and the governor’s senior advisers about handling a wave of sexual harassment allegations.

Everyone knows that the liberal media establishment is effectively a wing of the Democratic Party. But propagandists are supposed to be less obvious about it than Fredo, to make it easier for the liberal audience to swallow the lies they are fed.

Cuomo’s windshield had an apparently expired 2020 state inspection sticker and a Police Benevolent Association badge, which can be used to wiggle out of traffic tickets and other violations.

Fredo loudly supports Black Lives Matter, which has injured thousands of police officers. He has explicitly endorsed violence, barking, “Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful?” (Answer: in the First Amendment.) Any cop who has a chance to ticket Fredo would be a fool to let a PBA badge stop him — especially considering that it was apparently acquired illicitly.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 02 2021

New York Senate Passes Concentration Camp Bill

Tragically for leftists, the ChiCom virus is beginning to fade away. They must hurry to squeeze maximum authoritarianism out of it before it is gone. The Empire State shows the way to our freedom-free future:

The New York state senate just passed a bill that will allow government officials to apprehend and indefinitely detain people who are considered a threat to the public based on their health status.

You don’t have to be sick to get locked up. Contacts of the infected are eligible for involuntary detainment. This conveniently allows Big Government to lock up pretty much anyone on the claim that they have encountered someone alleged to carry a virus.

Assembly Bill A416 “relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.”

From the bill (all caps screaming removed):

Upon determining by clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangered by a case, contact or carrier, or suspected case, contact or carrier of a contagious disease that, in the opinion of the governor, after consultation with the commissioner, may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health resulting in severe morbidity or high mortality, the governor or his or her delegee, including, but not limited to the commissioner or the heads of local health departments, may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of such persons by issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained. Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises designated by the governor or his or her delegee…

All the governor has to do is declare a state of emergency and whole groups (e.g., Tea Party groups, if they should begin to reemerge) can be incarcerated on suspicion of carrying a virus, as can people who come in contact with members of the group.

Good thing New Yorkers can trust Andrew Cuomo not to abuse his power. Just kidding. There are people even worse than Cuomo though. The move to force him out comes from even farther on the left (e.g., ultramoonbat governor wannabe Letitia James).

Once people lose their will to fight for freedom, tyrants will quickly find a pretext to crush it.

On a tip from Henry.

Mar 30 2021

Convicted Cop Killer Richard Rivera on Police Reform Panel

Who better to reform police in accordance with liberal preferences than a convicted cop killer? If the parody stories at the Babylon Bee aren’t outrageous enough for you, try the actual news reported at the New York Post:

He fatally shot an NYPD cop execution-style decades ago in a Queens bar — and now Richard Rivera is helping reform police in upstate New York as part of a state-mandated plan launched by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

There’s always another reason to admire the Love Gov.

The cop-killer — who murdered off-duty officer and dad-of-four Robert Walsh in 1981 — sits on a panel for Ithaca and Tompkins County as part of its “Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative.’’

What liberals mean by “public safety” is criminals run amok while law-abiding citizens hide under their beds, not even permitted to defend themselves. This is nowhere more obvious than in New York, where bail reform, hostility to police, and repressive gun control have combined to produce the public safety conditions of a jungle.

The advisory group was formed after Cuomo ordered municipalities to submit police-reform plans to the state by April 1 following George Floyd’s death.

That is, the explicit purpose was to punish the police in the name of Black Lives Matter.

Rivera’s senseless murder of the highly decorated 12-year veteran Walsh was committed during the robbery of the BVD Bar and Grill in Queens.

As the hero off-duty officer identified himself as a cop and reached for his gun to try to stop the robbery, Rivera shot him in the shoulder. Rivera then walked over to the officer as he lay helplessly wounded on the floor, pressed his gun to the cop’s head and blasted him again, authorities said.

Rivera has resumed his career as an enemy of society by serving as a left-wing activist.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 23 2021

Biden Nominee Has Advocated Child Sex Change

Biden’s handlers have nominated a fellow named Rachel Levine for Assistant Secretary of Health in the Department of Health and Human Services. Levine is best known for pulling his own mother out of a nursing home so that she wouldn’t be killed by the policy he was implementing of forcing the homes to accept COVID-positive patients — the same policy that led to the ongoing downfall of Andrew Cuomo. There is another compelling reason to oppose Levine’s nomination:

Levine has advocated for sex changes for pre-pubertal people, otherwise known as “children.”

A professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, Levine has given lectures in various settings since at least 2012 on how to perform sex changes and gender conversion therapy on children.

According to Levine, children ought to be given the latitude to choose their own gender. Levine has advised adults to “try not to force them one way or other [sic]” and instead to follow the child’s lead.

Kids too young to decide on their own bedtime are given the responsibility to determine whether they want to undergo transmogrification into a facsimile of the opposite sex. The decision will be based on an unwholesome fad whipped up by the media that could have devastating lifelong consequences.

Levine has described children as young as five or six as “knowing” which gender they wanted to be.

Levine recommends giving sexually disoriented children puberty blockers as they reach adolescence, deliberately preventing their normal physical development. Then come cross-gender hormone injections. These are followed by surgery, which Levine avers can be inflicted on the subject prior to age 18 in some cases.

Dr Moreau meets Joseph Mengele.

Levine has expressed doubts about the “controversial” requirement in some standards of medical ethics that patients receive psychological evaluations before undergoing such drastic medical regimens.

You can see why a guy who shows up for work dressed like Corporal Klinger would have an aversion to psychological evaluations.

Levine’s tyrannical impulses and poor judgment make him a good fit for the Biden Administration. He has ordered 2-year-olds to wear masks in public, has suspended alcohol sales in bars and restaurants the night before Thanksgiving, and has urged the public to take up sexting and pornography.

Not long ago, Levine’s nomination would have been regarded as a tasteless joke. We will learn during the confirmation whether any senators have the nerve to question it and risk being denounced by the media as “transphobic.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 07 2021

Self-Hating Whites Decline Grammy Nominations

Awards are now granted primarily on the basis of identity politics rather than merit. This concept has been so internalized by obediently self-hating Caucasians that they will actually turn down award nominations on the grounds that they belong to an unworthy identity group. Coercively subsidized NPR reports on an appalling display of self-directed race hate:

Three of the five acts nominated for the 2021 best children’s album Grammy Award are saying “no thanks.” They’re upset that the contenders in their category are all white.

One of them is Alastair Moock, whose nominated album, Be a Pain, is about American heroes who stood up for their principles: The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Harvey Milk, Rosa Parks, the Parkland, Fla., shooting student protesters and others.

It would be hard to out-moonbat Alastair Moock. Yet he is white, so he does not deserve a Grammy.

Joe Mailander of the Okee Dokee Brothers snorts that children’s music “is not just white guys with guitars playing for kids.”

The Okee Dokee Brothers, Moock and Dog on Fleas — all “white guys with guitars” — sent a letter to the Recording Academy asking that their names be removed from the final Grammy ballots. They wrote they “couldn’t in good conscience benefit from a process that has historically overlooked women and artists of color.”

To suggest that the entertainment industry is prejudiced against blacks and women is so preposterous that these moonbats ought to get an award just for implying it with a straight face.

Maybe they should identify as women as color. Then they would qualify for Grammys.

Andrew Cuomo can keep his Emmy, because despite growing up in the lap of privilege as the son of an earlier New York governor, he self-identifies as an illegal alien.

Entertainment awards are officially meaningless. The same holds wherever moonbattery has displaced merit.

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 03 2020

Do As I Say, Not As I Do COVID-19 Update

“Do as I say, not as I do” could be the official motto of the liberal elite. It is implemented on a constant basis.

Today’s DAISNAID report features a big city mayor. No, it isn’t Denver’s Michael Hancock. From the Austin American-Statesman:

In early November, as health officials warned of [an] impending COVID-19 spike, Austin Mayor Steve Adler hosted an outdoor wedding and reception with 20 guests for his daughter at a trendy hotel near downtown.

The next morning, Adler and seven other wedding attendees boarded a private jet bound for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where they vacationed for a week at a family timeshare.

At the time, the city officially recommended that gatherings be limited to 10 or fewer.

One night into the trip, Adler addressed Austin residents in a Facebook video: “We need to stay home if you can. This is not the time to relax. We are going to be looking really closely. … We may have to close things down if we are not careful.”

The wedding was okay though, because Adler says people practiced social distancing.

Adler added that masks were distributed, although he acknowledged that guests were “probably not” wearing them all the time.

Just so long as you have the mask in your pocket, you can always whip it out if someone starts sneezing in your face.

It might not be a big deal that Adler blows off his own government’s recommendations — except that as always with Democrats, there is coercion involved.

Adler has been involved heavily in the city’s COVID-19 response, taking what many considered a bold and politically risky step in March of canceling the South by Southwest Festival, a premier event and economic boon for the city, days before the first local cases were confirmed.

Every time bureaucrats cancel an event, people who would have earned money from it get hurt. Most of these people probably have less excess wealth than Adler.

Even CNN propagandists are choking on the COVID hypocrisy. Daily Caller reports:

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar blasted several Democratic leaders who have been caught breaking or skirting their own COVID-19 safety recommendations during a Wednesday afternoon segment of “CNN Newsroom.”

Keilar took aim at California Gov. Gavin Newsom, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, all of whom were publicly exposed for breaking COVID-19 regulations in various ways.

Let them have it, Brianna:

Nice scolding, but no one takes the hide off Democrats like Kayleigh McEnany. Via Not the Bee:

We will have to become accustomed to hypocrisy if the Party of Government isn’t turned back. Once limited government slips away, rules are for the ruled, not the rulers.

On tips from Lyle.

Dec 02 2020

Crackdown on Lockdown-Defying Staten Island Bar

Despite the defunding craze, progressives only want to degrade the police, not abolish them. Without police, how can you have a police state like the one that is taking hold in New York? Thanks to ChiCom virus hysteria, the gloves are coming off:

The New York City Sheriff’s Department raided a Staten Island bar Tuesday night, shutting down the business and arresting one of its owners after the bar continued regular operation despite coronavirus lockdown measures.

Mac’s Public House had declared itself an “autonomous zone” and thereby not subject to Andrew Cuomo’s arbitrary coronavirus decrees. As we saw in Seattle, when hooligans occupy property that does not belong to them in the name of leftist ideology, authorities leave them to it for weeks on end. Business owners trying to make a living are treated differently.

The bar is located inside an “orange zone,” which, under the health guidelines, means that it is limited to offering outdoor dining and takeout and delivery services only.

Outdoor dining in New York City in December is not going to keep many businesses afloat.

When Danny Presti, who co-owns the establishment with Keith McAlarney, wouldn’t cooperate, he was taken away in handcuffs.

Too bad they didn’t think to spray the window with Black Lives Matter graffiti and bring in a statue of George Washington to smash. Orders would have come down to leave them alone.

The bar had already been subjected to thousands of dollars in fines and had its state liquor license revoked in the days prior.

Authoritarianism doesn’t work unless nails that stand up get hammered down.

Mac’s had been attempting to skirt lockdown restrictions and circumvent their licenses being revoked by offering food and beverages for free while asking patrons for donations.

It’s hard to get off on a technicality when the crime is not so much selling food and drink as it is the owners’ defiant attitude.

Greg Kelly provides a platform to Staten Island’s COVID criminals:

They couldn’t find the manpower to keep Black Lives Matter riots from getting out of hand, but the authorities sure have Mac’s Public House under control.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 26 2020

Portraits in COVID-19 Hypocrisy

COVID-19 has highlighted the two primary qualities of Democrats who achieve positions of authority: authoritarianism and hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy of Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is so glaring, not even the Washington Post could help but report on it:

Hancock, a … vice president of the National Conference of Democratic Mayors, has been an advocate for coronavirus restrictions. He has pushed residents to wear masks and last week warned that another stay-at-home order might be needed if cases keep rising in Colorado, which has seen covid-related hospitalizations rise in the past week by almost 13 percent.

He has also been vocal about limiting holiday get-togethers. At a virtual news conference on Friday, he suggested residents buy a small turkey and celebrate with their immediate family only. “Maybe next year we can all be together again,” he said. “I’m asking, I’m urging, I’m pleading with everyone. Please stay home.”

But just 30 minutes after tweeting his latest plea to avoid travel on Wednesday morning, Hancock boarded a flight, KUSA reported.

Off he flew to Mississippi, to visit family for Thanksgiving.

He got caught, so he apologized. There, all better.

As with the mendacious Gavin Newsom, Hancock’s apology appears not to be heartfelt:

Despite the mayor’s apology, [Mike] Strott, his spokesman, argued to the Denver Post that Hancock didn’t see his travel as contradicting his advice to residents.

Strott argues that Hancock will “follow health and safety guidelines upon his return.”

Quintessential COVID-19 tyrant Andrew Cuomo also had plans for today, but they blew up in his face in time for him to ostentatiously cancel them:

Cuomo narrowly skirted putting another[*] elderly New Yorker in danger of dying from COVID-19 after he decided to cancel Thanksgiving dinner plans with his 89-year-old mother.

*Cuomo killed presumably thousands of elderly New Yorkers by forcing nursing homes to accept 6,300 coronavirus patients.

This is after getting widely slammed for announcing plans to have Thanksgiving dinner with his two daughters and his elderly mother, TODAY reported.

This came on the heels of Cuomo, basically, ordering New Yorkers not to celebrate the holiday with anyone but household members.

Jason Riley reminds us of a few other prime examples of COVID-19 hypocrisy:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi violated lockdown orders to get their hair done, which sounds like something a Kardashian would do. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney sneaked out of state to dine at a restaurant in neighboring Maryland because eateries back home were closed to indoor customers. When Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser and members of her staff traveled to Delaware to celebrate Joe Biden’s presidential victory, they violated Covid quarantine requirements. And Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who tweeted in July that “wearing masks in public should be mandatory,” has been spotted several times in public not wearing a mask while she was indoors and chatting face to face with others.

Notice that hypocritical coronavirus tyrants are virtually always members of the Party of Coercion, i.e., Democrats.

These are the same politicians who had no shame about gathering at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta in July to eulogize the late Rep. John Lewis even while millions of grieving Americans were barred from giving their own loved ones proper funerals.

Even as it has forced regular people to wear masks, the ChiCom virus has taken the mask off Democrat officials, revealing their hypocrisy and predilection for arbitrary tyranny.

On tips from MrRightWingDave, Sad Hill, and Varla.

Nov 03 2020

Judge Blocks Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 Tyranny

We are used to judges helping to impose moonbattery in California, as when gay US District Judge Vaugh Walker overruled Prop 8 to take a wrecking ball to marriage. But Gavin Newsom has gotten so carried away that a judge is acting as a brake:

Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman issued a preliminary order for Newsom to stop making executive orders that could contradict state laws after determining one of his orders was “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power.”

Her order prevents Newsom “from exercising any power under the California Emergency Services Act which amends, alters, or changes existing statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy.”

The pushback against Newsom’s COVID-19 tyranny unsurprisingly was initiated by the handful of Republicans remaining in the erstwhile Golden State.

Republican state Assemblymen James Gallagher and Kevin Kiley challenged Newsom, saying he was overstepping state law with his executive orders.

The problem is not necessarily particular decrees; it is that our system of government requires the legislative branch to make the laws, not the executive. Someone needs to get word of this to other Democrat governors who have exploited the ChiCom virus to set themselves up as regional dictators (Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, Phil Murphy, Kate Brown, JB Pritzker, Janet Mills, et al).

Let’s hope the Supreme Court provides the same pushback if Biden prevails and his handlers try to make good on his threat of a “dark winter.” Unfortunately, if Democrats follow through on another threat, they will pack the court with rubber stamp leftists and turn it into a superlegislature that will render future voting futile.

On a tip from FrancesJohn.


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