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Category: Biden

Jun 17 2023

Confirmed: Joe Biden Is Wannabe Dictator

When longtime Fox News producer Alexander McCaskill was held responsible for a chyron referring to Joe Biden as a “wannabe dictator,” the leftists who run FNC reacted as you would expect:

‘Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested,’ the chyron read.

It was quickly taken down and Fox issued a statement to say: ‘The chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.’

Addressed with extreme prejudice. After over a decade of good work, McCaskill was asked to clear out his desk immediately.

Someone else whose thought crimes have been “addressed” by Fox News is Tucker Carlson, who is now free to discuss Biden’s dictatorial aspirations openly:

If Biden were not a wannabe dictator, you would not get canceled for calling him one. More specifically, he is a cheesy senile corrupt wannabe dictator who makes decent people’s skin crawl. The liberal establishment has selected a fitting avatar.

On a tip from Eddie_Valiant.

Jun 17 2023

Open Thread

On tips from Varla, Chronos Z. Wonderpig, and seaoh.

Jun 15 2023

Biden Announces Plan to Build Rail Line Across Indian Ocean

If the election strategy of indicting Trump succeeds, stand by for still higher taxation and inflation. Biden has big plans for your money, including “one of the largest solar plants in the world” for Angola and even a rail line across the 4,700-mile-wide Indian Ocean, starting from the Pacific Ocean. Our ruler explains:

Radically left-wing, profligate, authoritarian, corrupt, and senile. What’s not to like about Joe Biden?

On tips from seaoh, Chris Neilson, Jester, and Wiggins.

Jun 05 2023

Biden Managed to Fall Down Wearing These

As previously noted here and here, there is nothing remarkable about the aptly decrepit figurehead of the rotting liberal establishment taking a tumble — unless you consider what he had on his feet for his latest pratfall:

The Western Journal notes that…

…these are similar to the kind of heels the late Michael Jackson used to use — in a bit more pronounced fashion — to keep himself upright during difficult dance maneuvers.

Biden shares with the erstwhile King of Pop a supremely creepy interest in children, but they have little in common in terms of agility.

If Biden’s handlers know that he needs special shoes to help prevent him from falling down, they also know that he is too old to be running for reelection. But “Dr” Jill, Barack Obama, George Soros, and the rest of the team will run him anyway.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jun 02 2023

Biden Takes Another Emblematic Tumble

The most dangerous place to be is on top when you no longer seem to belong there. Consider the convict regarded as toughest on the cell block. Once his reputation starts to slip, he has a target on his chest. For another example, consider a global hegemon that due to social decay submits to a ruling class that has this guy as its figurehead:

Anybody can trip and fall. But with the conspicuously frail and senile Biden, events like this are seen as symbolic. As Daily Wire notes,

Biden has repeatedly struggled with falling throughout his presidency dating back to March 2021 when he fell several times while trying to walk up the stairs to board Air Force One.

That incident has summed up his presidency:

The Air Force Academy stumble wasn’t even the most embarrassing moment of the event:

Biden was a pathological liar even before his mind started to slip. By now, his phony boasts would make Jon Lovitz blush.

America’s adversaries are appraising Biden’s leadership, just as they are appraising his administration’s emphasis on homosexualizing the US military.

Unless we can pry Democrats out of power and restore our country’s reputation, Americans will soon experience a harder fall than Biden as we are brought down from the top.

On tips from Chris Neilson, MrRightWingDave, Mr. Freemarket, and KirklesWorth.

May 14 2023

Biden Denounces Whites at Black College

Ever digging for new depths, Joe Biden denounced his fellow Caucasians as the greatest threat to America while pandering to the blacks who put him in power at Howard University:

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” Biden said during the address.

The racially correct audience applauded.

“I’m not saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU, I say it wherever I go,” Biden added.

HBCU = historically black college/university.

After demonizing whites and pitting nonwhites against them, Biden demonstrated the astonishing capacity for hypocrisy and obliviousness to irony that characterize liberals by denouncing “those who demonize and pit people against one another.” If he were sentient in any meaningful sense, you would have to admire his ability to read this off his teleprompter with a straight face.

Racist hostility to America’s core population explains Biden’s treasonous invitation of foreign invasion. Here he explains how to inflict genocide without the messy extermination camps:

It’s as if Hitler were a Jew, and then used control of the media to convince other Jews to vote for him.

On tips from Varla, Occam’s Stubble, Bluto, and Franco.

May 11 2023

Jig Is Up on Biden Influence Peddling

Joe Biden has long been infamous for corruption. Despite the liberal establishment’s best efforts to cover for its figurehead, the scale of his perfidy is beginning to emerge:

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, released a 36-page memo on Wednesday, noting his committee had subpoenaed four banks and received thousands of records. The report argues the bank records show that “the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million” from companies belonging to foreign nationals, with Republicans identifying payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while Joe Biden served as vice president under former President Barack Obama and after Joe Biden left public office in early 2017.

Communist China is our #1 adversary:

[Comer] added that his committee “is also providing additional information about the Biden family’s troubling receipt of payments from China, particularly the individual Ye Jianming and his company, CEFC, to show what was from 2015 to 2018 a growing interest by people closely tied to the CCP in cultivating a relationship with the Biden family.”

According to Comer, nine Biden family members have been bagging cash from foreign sources.

Comer subpoenaed the FBI’s Christopher Wray for information regarding a Biden bribery scheme. Good luck with that:

After the deadline had passed, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) released a joint statement with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) saying they plan to “follow up” with the bureau and expect compliance with the subpoena seeking a specific FD-1023 form generated by the FBI.

Cooperation from the FBI is hardly more likely than honesty from slime like Biden. The agency has degenerated into an extension of the Democratic Party, which utilizes it to terrorize prolife activists, Catholics, and parents who complain at school board meetings about LGBT/CRT ideology being inflicted on their children.

The standoff comes on the heels of Just the News reporting on emails this week that show Bud Cummins, a U.S. attorney-turned-lobbyist, wrote to the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan in 2018, sharing that Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko was willing to share alleged evidence a possible corruption scheme involving Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings at a time when the elder Biden was vice president.

An old video comes to mind:

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired evidently for investigating Burisma, which “employed” Biden’s bagman Hunter.

A legitimate media would shred Joe Biden like a cat going after a fresh roll of toilet paper:

If this is still a serious country, Biden will pay a price for subordinating national interests to his arrogant corruption.

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, Veritas100, and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 27 2023

Brace for Biden 2024

Joe Biden has already secured his place in American history as the nation’s worst president, crippling the country both domestically and abroad. Yet the senile, corrupt, incompetent leftist has the arrogance to run for reelection:

Biden’s three-minute launch video touched on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, anti-abortion sentiment, Trump-aligned Republicans, and reforms to Social Security and Medicare. The president made the case that he needed another term to “finish the job,” although he made virtually no mention of the actual job he’s done so far.

That is, he is running on Reichstag fire hype over a minor riot that occurred years ago, Democrat love of abortion, and hysteria generated over the notion of reforming entitlements before they become insolvent.

See if you can stomach this slimy tyrant pretending to stand for freedom:

Veteran Republican strategist Scott Jennings summarizes the strategy:

“Their entire construct depends upon the Republican Party nominating the one person in this field who is guaranteed to get fewer votes than Joe Biden.”

That would be Donald Trump, who is no friend of conservatives. Trump sides with the Democrats on abortion and entitlements (not to mention LGBTism and even Covid lockdowns), but political ads do not target the sort of people who would follow politics closely enough to know this.

Speaking of political ads, the GOP let artificial intelligence respond to Biden’s video announcement:

A vote for Biden in 2024 is actually a vote for the explicit Affirmative Action hire who would likely take his place well before the end of his term:

“Finish the job!” croaks Biden. In light of what his handlers have been doing to the country — hamstringing the energy industry, humiliating us on the national stage, weakening the military, dividing the country with belligerent radicalism, driving up inflation and the national debt with a never-ending spree of wasteful spending that guarantees eventual economic collapse — it would be hard to come up with a more ominous slogan:

The nation is at fundamental odds about the nature of truth, government, and inherent rights. Biden wants to codify the murder of preborn children into law. He wants to ban private weapons so only the government has them. He wants to punish parents who pray outside abortion clinics or speak up at school board meetings by sending the DOJ and FBI after them. He wants to use the FBI to infiltrate churches to root out “extremism.” He wants to blow out spending and raise taxes while expanding the power of the IRS to collect said taxes. He wants to centralize power. He wants to make sure dissidence is censored under the guise of “disinformation.” He wants to rule by executive fiat instead of congressional lawmaking. He wants to stack the Supreme Court so it can’t check his power grabs.

That’s what finishing the job would mean, and what his handlers will inflict — whether behind him or behind Kamala Harris — if the spent force Trump with his sinking 25% approval cannot be stopped in the primaries.

On tips from Varla, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 25 2023

Biden: Your Children Are Ours

As MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry lisped, they aren’t your children, they are the government’s children. That’s what Shrillary means by “It takes a village.” Looking vaguely sinister as he hides his drugged eyes behind sunglasses, Joe Biden confirms the prevailing attitude among our rulers:

Biden has made this point before.

If you can think of anyone on earth you wouldn’t rather entrust children to than creeps like Joe Biden, personification of the degenerate liberal ruling class, consider the context of the remark:

Biden and first lady Jill Biden honored educators who were nominated to be teachers of the year for 2023 at the White House when the president made the comments.

“I never thought, as a student of history, I never thought I’d be a president who’s fighting against elected officials trying to ban and banning books,” Biden said during his speech. “I’ve never met a parent wants a politician dictating what their kid can learn and what they can think, or who they can be.”

“Banning books” is a reference to attempts to remove homosexual pornography from public school libraries and curricula. “Dictating” what children “can be” means stopping teachers from grooming young children with LGBT indoctrination.

What right do you have to object to liberals submersing your children in filth and depravity? They aren’t your children; they are Joe Biden’s children. Be thankful he doesn’t demand to shower with them.

On tips from Thug vs Installed Imbecile and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 21 2023

Biden Campaign Worked With CIA to Lie About Laptop

“No such thing as the Deep State!” bark moonbats. Then we read this:

A retired CIA leader coordinated a letter from former intelligence chiefs claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation because he wanted to help Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Mike Morell told the House Judiciary Committee that he was asked by Antony Blinken, the Secretary of State – who at the time was a senior member of the Biden campaign – to help discredit the laptop reporting.

Morell was a former acting CIA director, serving for two months in 2011 and four months from 2012 to 2013.

Political corruption appears to be pervasive in the intelligence community:

The letter was ultimately signed by 51 former intelligence officials, including himself and four other former CIA directors, including John Brennan and Leon Panetta.

This was coordinated with the media:

The headline for Politico’s story, on October 19, 2020, was: ‘Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.’

The Hunter laptop story, which came out right before the election, had to be killed not because it confirms Biden’s son is a degenerate, but because it suggests Biden himself has been on the payroll of our Communist Chinese adversaries.

The letter alleged that The New York Post story ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’

It wasn’t global warming, so it must have been the Russians.

By now, no serious person denies that the laptop is legit — as Blinken and the CIA no doubt knew all along.

DC bureaucrats constitute another branch of government — arguably the most powerful — with its own objectives. Unsurprisingly, it is aligned with the Party of Government, if need be against American voters. It will take orders from damp apparatchiks like Antony Blinken to keep the establishment party in power, because there will be no draining of swamps with corrupt Democrats in the White House.

Morell was thanked for his work in coordinating the letter, with Steve Ricchetti, chairman of the Biden campaign, telephoning him after the debate to say thank you.

These same people will tell you that Americans protesting election fraud are enemies of democracy.

I’ll give Blinken credit for this much. He always looks like his conscience is bothering him:

In contrast, Biden has no more conscience than a lizard. That is his primary qualification to serve as the figurehead for the liberal establishment.

On tips from Jester and Ed McAninch.

Apr 20 2023

Biden to Punish Good Credit Scores and Reward Bad Ones

Democrat policies reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. Biden’s handlers push this to the point of parody by effectively fining homebuyers who have earned high credit scores so as to benefit those who don’t pay their bills:

A Biden administration rule is set to take effect that will force good-credit home buyers to pay more for their mortgages to subsidize loans to higher-risk borrowers.

Experts believe that borrowers with a credit score of about 680 would pay around $40 more per month on a $400,000 mortgage under rules from the Federal Housing Finance Agency that go into effect May 1…

Using the money to subsidize those with poor credit ratings will help to get people into houses they cannot afford, so as to reenact the mortgage crisis that swept Barack Obama into power.

The rules come as the housing market has struggled in the wake of multiple interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve.

The interest rate hikes are the inevitable result of crippling inflation, which in turn is the inevitable result of Democrats’ ongoing spending looting spree.

Those who have made sacrifices so as to achieve a high credit score expect to be rewarded for it. Under liberal rule, they will be punished.

You may have thought nothing could be more brazenly unfair than Biden et al. scheming to cancel student debt, so that working class Americans have to pick up the tab for useless moonbats’ gender studies degrees through inflation. However, Democrats will always manage to jab their finger even deeper into your eye.

It would be charitable to give liberals the benefit of the doubt by ascribing their opinions to the relentless indoctrination we are immersed in due to Democrat control of the media and schools. But a basic sense of fairness is innate to human nature. It beggars belief that anyone could be so brainwashed as not to understand that Biden’s policies are morally wrong.

Note that the War on Merit does not mean merely discarding merit in favor of identity politics. Democrats don’t ignore merit; they are actively hostile toward it.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and Varla.

Apr 09 2023

Joe Biden’s Boss Keeps Him on Short Leash

Whoever is in charge of steering America straight off a cliff, it isn’t Joe Biden. Creepy Joe was infamously incompetent even before he became senile, and at this point probably cannot get his shoes on the correct feet without assistance. He was chosen as a figurehead because his cluelessness and morally vacuity make him easy to manage.

His puppeteers are too conspicuously sinister to face even an electorate debased enough to vote for Barack Obama. Who are they? Frequent visits to the White House by Alexander Soros, son of the 96-year-old George Soros, offer a clue:

Soros — who has worked to carry his father’s torch as he has assisted with fundraising efforts for the Democratic Party — traveled to the White House at least 14 times since October 2021 and had meetings with multiple officials in 2022, according to White House visitor logs

Who knows how often Biden meets with his masters during the excessive percentage of the time he is away from the White House on vacation?

Heritage Foundation Oversight Project director Mike Howell told Fox News Digital that the visits by Alexander Soros to the White House are concerning, as the Soros family “has done incalculable damage to our country.”

Other high profile Democrats Alexander Soros is known to meet with include Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. George Soros is far and away the #1 donor to the Democratic Party.

Soros has made his hostility to the USA clear. He has installed pro-criminal maniacs as district attorneys throughout the country (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Jose Garza [Austin]), deliberately creating a tsunami of violent crime intended to destabilize the country. Among them is New York’s Alvin Bragg, who has been taking a wrecking ball to our system of government with a brazenly political criminal prosecution of the leading opposition figure.

George Soros pushed $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which turned around and spent big, backing Bragg’s candidacy.

Soros’ son Jonathan Soros, and Jonathan’s wife, Jennifer Allan Soros, also donated directly to Bragg’s campaign…

The contributions were also uncommon for the pair, as they generally do not get financially involved with district attorney races…

Bragg was placed in his position to perform a specific task: indict Trump on a ludicrous charge so as to ensure that Trump wins the primaries but loses the general election, at significant cost to our national cohesion and the integrity of the American system.

Too bad Bragg isn’t the highest official serving as a Soros cat’s paw. Control by Soros explains why every Biden policy is harmful to the country.

Soros broke the Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand. If his objective now is to break the United States, what better strategy than to put lowlife looters in a position to spend it to death, causing the economy to collapse under the burden of taxation, inflation, and debt?

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 06 2023

How Biden Gets From Point A to Point B

Another reminder of what we look like to the rest of the world with Joe Biden in the White House:

At first it seemed that George Soros et al. chose Joe Biden as their figurehead because he is too oblivious and morally vacuous not to be a compliant tool. But maybe they did it because his face on America’s destruction is the ultimate insult to the country they hate.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 01 2023

Biden’s Post-Nashville Massacre Pro-Trans Proclamation

Spokesmoonbat Karine Jean-Pierre already issued a Biden Administration response to the transsexual terror attack at a Christian school in Nashville that killed six on Monday, including three 9-year-olds. Four days after the massacre, the White House issued a proclamation that makes its stance official:

I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2023, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people.

No word on the real world violence evidently inflicted by sexually perplexed psychos like Snochia Moseley, Alec McKinney, Anderson Lee Aldrich, and Audrey Hale.

Most of the obsequious propagandizing on behalf of transsexual militants was probably cooked up by Biden’s handlers before the Nashville massacre. But basic decency required putting it on hold while the children’s bodies cool. However, decency does not figure into the political calculations of today’s radicalized Democrats.

Yesterday Biden denounced laws intended to protect children from transsexual grooming and horrific sex change operations, and barked:

“The bullying, discrimination, and political attacks that trans kids face have exacerbated our national mental health crisis.”

If a lunatic shoots up a Christian school after being egged on in her delusions and presumably pumped full of dangerous drugs by the liberal establishment, the fault lies with normal people for “bullying” and “discriminating” by not caving in to the LGBT agenda with sufficient alacrity.

On tips from Franco, Bluto, and Chris Neilson.


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