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Category: Canada

Jun 13 2023

Telling Parents Their Kids Are Being Transed Is “Far Right”

As you know if you have attempted political discussion with moonbats, anything to the right of all the way left is “far right.” This includes the concept of parental rights in the context of resisting the grooming and transsexualization of their children, as Justin Trudeau has explicitly confirmed:

Trudeau’s divisive language comes in the wake of the government of New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs making controversial changes to gender rules in the province’s schools.

One major change is that parental consent would be required for trans or nonbinary students under the age of 16 to change their names or pronouns in school. Higgs, who is facing a revolt from some of his own members about the policy, has defended it as “taking a strong position for families.”

Trudeau takes a strong position against them:

“Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people,” the prime minister said last Thursday as he targeted Higgs’ new policy.

In the grotesque inversion of reality that is the liberal narrative, children who have been bullied into transsexualism are victims not of their groomers, but of those who try to protect them, including their parents.

The inversion continues:

“Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission. Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians.”

Children have been targeted by leftist politicians like Trudeau for transsexualization through government schools. The bizarre objective is to get them to reject their true selves and pretend to be members of the opposite sex. Those who want children to be safe from this psychological abuse are portrayed as threats to their safety.

Trudeau objects to parents being told when their own child is undergoing transsexualization and is being treated as a member of the opposite sex at school, placing the kid on track for an unhealthy and unhappy life. Wanting parents to be aware of what is being done to their children is “far right.”

True enough, from where liberals like Trudeau stand, decency and sanity are far to the right.

On a tip from Rob A.

Jun 11 2023

Governor General of Canada Praises Anti-Queen Vandalism

The Governor General of Canada is the federal viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch — i.e., the British monarch, as Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. Currently, this supposedly apolitical position is held by Mary Simon. Here’s what she has to say about a statue of Queen Elizabeth II being defaced with the words “colonizer” and “killer”:

“I think it’s really important for Indigenous people to express themselves in whichever form they want, but it’s also very important for us to recognize that the effects of colonization and residential schools have had such a devastating impact on the cultures and identity of Indigenous people, that there is frustrations. There’s anger.

“And they will, from time to time, express that anger and the frustrations. For me, as a representative of the King, my role is to help understand what’s going on. So in a way, I can’t say whether it’s right or wrong. It’s right for the people maybe who are doing it but wrong for the people that want the history to continue as it was.”

Moonbats do not have moral values in any meaningful sense, but they do have moral relativism.

You might wonder about this moron’s qualifications to represent the British monarchy. Wikipedia produces the only credentials she needs:

Simon is Inuk, making her the first Indigenous person to hold the office.

A culture that appoints people who openly hate it to serve as its representatives is living on borrowed time.

On a tip from ABC of ANC.

Jun 09 2023

Arson More Likely Than Global Warming

Air conditions in the Northeast have been the next best thing to a school shooting for the liberal propagandists who run the media. They have predictably hyped the smoggy skies as evidence that draconian measures are required to confront the nonexistent climate crisis. However, the Canadian forest fires that produced the pollution might not have been caused by our failure to abolish transportation. As with California wildfires, poor forest management likely had more to do with it than minor climate fluctuations. The rising tide of lawlessness might have played an even bigger role:

The Toronto Sun has learned Quebec police are investigating the possibility that the smoke creating poor air quality in southern Ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson. …

The actual cause is yet to be determined. We do know, however, that previous forest fires in places like Fort McMuray or in Nova Scotia are suspected to be caused by humans.

Multiple acts of arson might have been coordinated.

“As we speak, we think that certain elements that stand out may suggest that these fires may be linked. There are a few things that seem suspicious,” Mayor Isabelle Lessard told the local le Quotidien newspaper. “The SQ [provincial police service Sûreté du Québec] is investigating in order to make validations, then to see what is happening and if there is a criminal cause behind it, but we are still in validation.”


This narrative has not made as many headlines — and is polar opposite to what the likes of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Environment Minister Steven Guibeault have been saying.

Moonbat demagogues are predictably spouting nonsense like this:

The Canadian wildfires are unprecedented in the same way the profligate spending blowout Democrats mislabeled the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation. An example from 243 years ago, long before there was a modern economy to blame:

On May 19, 1780, the sun came up as usual, but then the skies over New England darkened as far north as Portland, Maine, and as far south as New Jersey. …

The Dark Day inspired terror, panic and puzzlement. Men prayed and women wept. Thousands left off work and took to taverns and churches for solace. Children were sent home from school. Bewildered chickens went to their roosts, frightened cattle returned to their stalls, the night birds whistled and frogs peeped as they did at midnight.

If Twitter had been around, moonbats would have been barking hysterical tweets.

In the 19th century, historian Joseph Dow figured out the cause: smoke from extensive forest fires mixed with fog.

On tips from Lyle.

Apr 22 2023

Canadian Cringe: Hope in High Heels

There have been tyrants more brutal than the moonbats running the USA and Canada, but none more embarrassing to live under:

Fox News reports:

Members of Canada’s Parliament donned the heels as part of the “Hope in High Heels” event sponsored by Halton Women’s Place, a women’s shelter in Ontario, to bring awareness to violence targeting women.

Speaking of violence against women and men wearing their clothes,

News of the “Hope in High Heels” event came just two days after a self-identified transgender woman in Ontario, Canada, was arrested Tuesday after allegedly sexually assaulting a woman in a women’s shelter.

Police began investigating Desiree Anderson, 32, also known as Cody D’Entremont, on April 4 following a report from a woman who claimed the suspect had climbed into bed with her and sexually assaulted her while she was staying a women’s shelter in Windsor.

Liberals ask us to believe that there is an epidemic of violence not by transsexuals as in the real world (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) but against them. If virtue signaling displays like the one of above spread, we may be subjected to the sight of Charles Schumer sashaying in full drag queen regalia.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.

Update: @ClownWorld deleted its tweet so the video was missing for awhile but now it has been restored from elsewhere.

Apr 07 2023

Canada May Criminalize Criticism of Drag Queen Story Hours

You can have the fundamental human right of free speech, or you can have what liberals call “LGBT rights.” Canada may opt for the latter:

Canadian politician and Member of Parliament Kristyn Wong-Tam recently introduced legislation that would criminalize making “offensive remarks” within 100 meters of Drag Queen Story Hours in the Ontario province of Canada.

Wong-Tam’s bill seeks to establish “2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones” around locations holding Drag Queen Story Hours, where it would be considered a criminal offense to make statements against the events. The safety zone would last for the duration of each event, and anything deemed as “anti-2SLGBTQI+ harassment, intimidation, and hate speech” could incur a penalty of up to $25,000 if prosecuted.

That is to say, it will be illegal to say anything militant perverts regard as resistance to their grooming of children.

As with all things progressive, the zone will expand in terms of time and space, as will the punishment. Soon comes serious jail time for saying anything anywhere in Canada at any time that LGBT activists and child-grooming drag queens don’t like.

Regarding the alphabet soup Canadians are to be force-fed:

According to the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, “2SLGBTQI” stands for “two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex.” The “+” symbol refers to “other people who identify as a sexual or gender minority.”

At the current rate of decay, people who are not sexually deranged degenerates will soon qualify as “+”.

Like the carbon offsets that call to mind paid indulgences, this is a throwback to Medieval times, but centered on a very different religion. As Chris Gast of Right to Life of Michigan observes,

“It’s the same thing as abortion facility buffer zones. It’s the return of blasphemy laws, centered around their sacraments and where they are practiced.”

Everything profane is sacred to leftists. By the same token, everything sacred is profane. That which they cannot infiltrate, corrupt, and subvert, they will directly abolish.

Wong-Tam has also introduced other pro-transgender legislation, including a 2022 bill to create a provincial “gender-affirming healthcare” advisory committee.

Objecting to being forced to finance grotesque sex-change operations that will inevitably be inflicted on children is an example of hate speech.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 01 2023

Drag Summer Camp for Canadian Kids

When you tolerate depravity, it escalates — especially when the ruling class rams it down your throat for ideological purposes. Already this has reached such an extreme in Canada that Carousel Theatre for Young People is offering Junior Drag Camp and Teen Drag Camp, explicitly for the purpose of allowing perverts to corrupt children ages 7–11 and 12–17, respectively:

Join some of Vancouver’s most amazing drag artists and learn how drag can brighten up your life! You might be wondering, is drag for kids? Drag is for everyone! …

All students will be provided with a Drag Makeup Starter Kit!

The teaching faculty at Carousel Theatre includes Winter PreTeen & Teen Lead Instructor Ian Butcher. With a name like that, he ought to work in Drag Summer Camp, considering what happens to the genitals of boys who are successfully groomed by transsexuals. If only they offered “gender-affirming healthcare,” his name would be more fitting still.

Support for the Carousel Theatre is provided by the City of Vancouver, Canada Council for the Arts, British Columbia Arts Council, the government of British Columbia, and the government of Canada. That is, it is provided by Canadian taxpayers on a coercive basis.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 13 2023

Student Arrested After Saying Men and Women Differ

Look around at woke America under President Brandon and you might be tempted to say it can’t get any worse. Then look to the north and you will see that it can. Quoting the Bible to back up incontrovertible biological fact in the context of defending women from perverts can get a student dragged off from his Catholic school in handcuffs in the moonbat police state Canada:

[Josh] Alexander was a student at a Canadian Catholic high school in Ontario until he spoke his mind over concerns of men in women’s restrooms at the institution.

Distinguishing men from women and believing God created only two genders, he suggested, eventually led authorities to arrest and charge him for the offense.

He came on Tucker Carlson to explain:

“Female students complained to me that they were concerned because males were using their washrooms. This turned into a debate at the school. I stated my opinion on it, and I used Scripture to back it up,” Alexander said.

“They removed me from the building for the remainder of the year and, when I attempted to attend class, I was arrested and charged,” he continued.

He wanted to make his case to school administrators, but they refused to give him a hearing. Maybe if he tried wearing gargantuan prosthetic breasts

His lawyer James Kitchen keeps up Alexander’s spirits with a lively sense of humor:

“[W]e think there’s been religious discrimination on the basis of Josh’s Christian religious beliefs, so we’re going to file a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.”

If only Alexander were Jewish and lived in 15th century Spain, he could bring his complaints to the Inquisition. Its views on religious liberty were comparable to those of the leftists who impose their agenda through Canada’s Orwellian Human Rights Commissions.

As noted earlier, because Alexander is enrolled at the supposedly Catholic school, he is not allowed to attend other schools, limiting his future career prospects. Under totalitarianism, the ideologically noncompliant are marginalized.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.

Feb 09 2023

Catholic Student Excluded for Thoughtcrime

The FBI has been spying on “Radical Traditionalist Catholics,” who are deemed by Democrats to be a threat to security. If only he were American, the Mark Houck treatment could be applied to Josh Alexander:

An Ontario high school student is not allowed to attend his Catholic school for the remainder of the year because he expressed the belief that God created only two sexes, with the school arguing that his presence would be “detrimental to the physical and mental well-being” of transgender students.

He must have been reading subversive literature, like Genesis 1:27, Genesis 5:2, or Matthew 19:4, all of which state plainly that God created us male and female.

Josh Alexander, 16, has not been permitted to attend St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario since last November when he organized a protest in support of the right of female students to have single-sex washrooms after two girls had confided in him that they were uncomfortable sharing spaces with trans-identified male students.

In our benighted past, defending girls from having their private spaces invaded by male perverts would have been encouraged and admired. Those unwoke times will be erased.

Alexander had also expressed his belief that there are only two immutable sexes during a law class discussion, saying that he felt that males belong in male washrooms and females belong in female washrooms because identity doesn’t change biology.

This assertion of objective fact was denounced as “offensive” and “bullying.”

If a Catholic school won’t allow Christianity, why would it allow biology? Only one viewpoint is permitted where moonbats prevail: moonbattery.

First, the Grade 11 student was suspended, but then following the end of his suspension, the principal made the decision to “exclude” him for the remainder of the year. The two amount to the same thing, but an exclusion is not technically disciplinary.

Exclusion is what liberals mean when they bark about “inclusion.”

An advantage of excluding Alexander instead of extending his suspension is that it helps educrats pretend that they are not punishing him for his conventional beliefs, but rather protecting sacred transsexuals from having their feelings hurt by exposure to a practicing Christian.

While he is excluded, Alexander cannot attend any school, since he is enrolled at the “Catholic” school. At this point in the decline of education, that might be for the best.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 09 2023

Canadian Hotlines Help You Commit Suicide

In a dystopia, everything gets turned upside down and backward. For example, in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, book-burning firemen start fires rather than put them out. Another example is Canada under moonbat rule, where suicide hotlines help you commit suicide:

MAID (medical assistance in dying) has now grown so popular that Canada has both anti-suicide hotlines to try and stop people killing themselves, as well as pro-suicide hotlines for people wanting to end their lives.

More upside-down backwardism:

Obstetrician Stefanie Green … revealed that she’s helped 300 people die in Canada’s controversial MAID program

She uses the term ‘deliveries’ to describe both her work helping women give birth – and people end their lives.

If helping the mentally ill to pretend they are members of the opposite sex can be called “gender affirmation,” why can’t ushering people into death instead of life be called a delivery?

On a tip from DCGere.

Jan 05 2023

The Crime and Punishment of Jordan Peterson

At first glance, it is hard to see what is so controversial about Jordan Peterson. He is a soft-spoken psychologist who provides common sense self-help advice to young men. His political views are not extreme. However, his refusal to recite “2 + 2 = 5” on orders from the thought police got him kicked off Twitter under its previous ownership. Now, he has been sentenced to reeducation camp for criticizing Canada’s leftist government:

The College of Psychologists of Ontario ordered the best-selling author and Daily Wire+ host to undergo “social media communications retraining” or face a hearing on the potential suspension of his license.


Peterson vowed not to participate in the process and decried the effort to stifle free speech.

That’s the attitude that got him in trouble in the first place.

Peterson wrote an open letter to Canada’s squishy soft pretty boy despot, Justin Trudeau:

“I simply cannot resign myself to the fact that in my lifetime I am required to resort to a public letter to the leader of my country to point out that political criticism has now become such a crime in Canada that if professionals dare engage in such activity, government-appointed commissars will threaten their livelihood and present them with the spectacle of denouncement and political disgrace,” Peterson wrote. “There is simply and utterly no excuse whatsoever for such a state of affairs in a free country.”

By “free country,” he must mean “soft tyranny.” When soft inevitably transitions to hard, people like Peterson will end up in gulags or face firing squads instead of having their licenses suspended.

His crimes:

Peterson’s latest alleged transgressions include retweeting Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s criticism of Trudeau, blasting Trudeau’s former senior aide, Gerald Butts, and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, tweeting opposition to a plan by Ottawa police to take custody of the children of the Trucker Convoy protesters, and telling Joe Rogan’s podcast audience that acceptance of radical gender theory is a sign of “civilizations collapsing” and that climate change models are unreliable.

Past crimes include pointing out that plus-sized swimsuit model Yumi Nu on the cover of Sports Illustrated for purposes of political correctness is “not beautiful” and that “no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”

Styxhexenhammer666 observes that Canada’s thought police are applying a policy employed by repressive regimes like Saddam Hussein’s by trying to force him to pay for the bullet used to execute him. Specifically, he is supposed to pay for his ChiCom-style struggle session:

Regarding Peterson’s crime and punishment, this hits the mark:

“The whole point is to be as arbitrary and as opaque as possible so that they can always nail you.”

That’s why there are no actual laws in Oceania in 1984. It’s why an established sportscaster like Gary Hahn can get indefinitely suspended for saying “illegal alien.”

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and KirklesWorth.

Dec 10 2022

Canada Offers Extermination as Solution to Poverty

Canada’s MAID (medical assistance in dying) policy is good for more than exterminating the mentally ill and quieting bothersome disabled veterans. It is also the Final Solution for poverty.

Daily Mail has the bullet points:

• A doctor approved Les Landry’s application for medical assistance in dying, despite him saying poverty is a major factor in the decision to end his own life

• Landry, 65, awaits verdict of second doctor who visited his home on Wednesday

• Landry says if the second approval isn’t given, he will ‘shop’ for another doctor willing to sign it off – something that’s legal under Canada’s euthanasia laws

• He said benefit cuts mean ‘sooner or later I just won’t be able to afford to live’

• Shocking case lays bare the relaxed approach to euthanasia in Canada, where experts say ‘choosing to die is more accessible’ than support for disabled people

“I told it to the doctor, I want to live. I don’t want to die,” says Landry, who has been able to live with epilepsy and diabetes. But he can’t afford life, so alternate arrangements need to be made.

When Big Government rather than voluntary charity cares for the needy, crude one-size-fits-all solutions eventually degenerate into whatever is expedient. To the government, we aren’t people; we are just numbers. As a Founding Father of progressivism famously said, “One death is a tragedy; 1 million is a statistic.”

Exterminating the poor is quintessentially progressive, in that it is the sort of policy Trudeau et al. would accuse their opposition of secretly wanting to implement, meanwhile implementing it themselves while pretending to champion the poor. If they were not able to dominate the media, there would be very few progressives.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 04 2022

Canadian Vet Offered MAID in Place of Wheelchair Lift

If you serve the government, maybe it will take care of you. Then again, maybe it won’t — unless by “taking care” you mean offering to kill you after you are no longer useful.

Retired Canadian Army Corporal Christine Gauthier has been trying to get Veterans Affairs Canada to help her install a wheelchair lift in her home since 2017. A VAC caseworker suggested solving the problem through euthanasia:

After years of frustrating delays in getting the home lift, Gauthier says the caseworker told her: ‘Madam, if you are really so desperate, we can give you medical assistance in dying now.’

This isn’t the first time a Canadian vet has been offered suicide as a healthcare option. Whether they ever fought a foreign enemy comprising a more direct threat to Canadians than their own government is doubtful.

The scandal emerged a week after Canada’s veterans affairs minister confirmed that at least four other veterans were similarly offered access to Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) law in response to their troubles…

Gauthier was injured in an Army training accident in 1989, suffering permanent damage to her knees and her spine.

She has made the best of her situation, competing in paralympic games. However, some might decide that her life is not worth living.

Starting next year, those deemed to be suffering from mental illness will also qualify for MAID. No one that mentally ill would be competent to make such a decision. However, Canada has plenty of bureaucrats to nudge them in the correct direction — or just make the decision for them.

No word on whether Justin Trudeau considers opposition to his Covid tyranny to indicate mental illness.

There are already signs the system is failing some Canadians, with reports of people receiving approval for assisted suicides for diabetes or homelessness.

Assisted suicide solves all sorts of problems. Some would call it the Final Solution.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Nov 18 2022

Word “Brownie” Struck From Newspeak Dictionary

As we work toward utopia, the Newspeak Dictionary grows ever thinner, with the eventual objective of reducing human language to inarticulate grunts so that no one can say anything offensive. Canada leads the way by abolishing the term “Brownie.”

Background on Canadian Brownies:

Girl Guides of Canada is a founding member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and was founded in 1910. The Brownie is a branch of Girl Guides that teaches outdoor safety and other life skills to girls ages 7-8.

Jill Zelmanovits, CEO of Girl Guides of Canada, explains why Brownies must no longer be called “Brownies”:

“Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion at Girl Guides calls on us to listen to the lived experiences of racialized girls and take action to safeguard these commitments.”

Zelmanovits says that calling Brownies “Brownies” has “caused them personal harm.”

You almost have to admire the creativity of moonbats who find evidence in support of the Cultural Marxist narrative no matter how obvious it is that no such evidence exists.

As Robert Conquest observed, any organization that is not explicitly right-wing soon becomes left-wing. The Girl Guides are no exception. This is not the first time they have made fools of themselves with their obsequious virtue signaling:

Girl Guides has previously taken other steps leaders felt allowed for an inclusive environment, including accepting transgender girls into the organization.

“Transgender girls” by definition are not girls. How can they call themselves “Girl Guides” if they do not even know what a girl is?

No doubt calling a flat bar of chocolate cake a “brownie” is also racist, especially since brownies have been associated with drug use.

However, calling little boys “Brownies” might be excused, so long as the intent is to demasculinize them in accordance with the liberal agenda.

On a tip from Steve T.

Nov 16 2022

Trudeau Promises to Suppress Free Speech Online

Ireland is not the only country hurtling toward totalitarianism in the name of political correctness. Metrosexual weenie Justin Trudeau presents more authoritarianism at the B20:

“While always ensuring and defending free speech,” dissident speech will be suppressed in the name of protecting crybullies because “it cannot by okay to bully and attack people online.”

The repulsive squishiness and arrogantly obvious phoniness of their sanctimonious doubletalk almost makes you long for the days when tyrants at least didn’t pretend not to be tyrants.

On a tip from Angel.


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