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Category: Globalists

Jun 24 2023

Emmanuel Macron Wants to Inflict Global Tax

The Battle of Waterloo took place 208 years ago this month, putting an end to French military dominance. Yet France still harbors ambitions of global domination — or at least President Emmanuel Macron does:

Macron has suggested the imposition of a global taxation system in order to subsidise the green agenda to mitigate climate change.

Imagine if a demented theocrat demanded a global tax to finance a golden staircase to heaven for Jesus to descend. Macron’s proposal for preventing the climate from fluctuating is the equivalent in the liberal religion.

Speaking at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris on Friday, Mr Macron argued that actions from individual governments would be insufficient to deal with the alleged armageddon set to descend upon the world and therefore a new international taxation framework should be established.

No individual government could be massive enough to satisfy the ambitions of globalists like Macron. In exploiting their imaginary climate crisis, they follow the example of Stone Age witch doctors who demanded sacrifices to propitiate weather gods.

“I’m in favour of an international taxation to finance efforts that we have to make to fight poverty and in terms of climate [action],” the French president said in comments reported by POLITICO.

The reference to fighting poverty indicates that at usual envirofascism will be served with a side order of international wealth transfer.

Macron suggested that the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) could be tapped for a negotiation process in the hopes of creating a global climate tax system for multinational corporations.

Fortunately for corporations, they don’t have to pay taxes; they pass this expense along to consumers.

Why not just put Macron personally in charge of what happens to the wealth we create? After all, he is former Rothschild banker. Surely he can handle our money better than we can.

Speaking of money, France is running out of it under Macron’s rule. He calls it the “end of abundance.” But there will be plenty of money again, at least for a little while, once he takes the looting spree global.

On tips from Steve T and Wiggins.

Jun 04 2023

Cows Are Casualties in Leftist War on Food

The last time utopian oligarchical collectivist authoritarians had this much wind at their backs, Stalin and Mao each starved millions of their own subjects to death. This makes the unfolding War on Food by conspicuously evil globalists like John Kerry alarming in the extreme.

Animals are collateral damage in this war. Leftists used to denounce the anthropocentrism of not granting animals the same rights as people. Now, their weather gods demand the killing off of cows:

Ireland’s government is pushing plans to slaughter a staggering 200,000 healthy cows to fight so-called “global warming,” according to reports. …

To slash the nation’s “emissions,” the government wants to gut the national dairy herd by 10 percent.

According to ruling class ideology, bovine flatulence is offensive to the climate.

[M]ultiple reports confirm that the cows will be “culled,” costing taxpayers €200 million ($215M) per year over the next three years to meet green agenda emissions targets.

There is no sane reason to believe that killing cows will have any perceptible effect on the weather, not that there is anything wrong with the weather anyway. It will however have an effect on food prices.

Ireland is not the only country succumbing to malevolent green tyranny.

The revelation is just the latest in a series of troubling moves from Western nations to green agenda goals dictated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).

Take for example the world’s #2 agricultural exporter:

The Dutch government shut down 3,000 productive farms to comply with “global warming” goals.

Across the border,

Germany ordered farmers to slash fertilizer after the Dutch farms were shut down to comply with global warming standards.

Moonbats are not merely insufferably full of crap. They want to hurt us. They have been putting themselves in a position to do it on a scale that will be remembered for centuries.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, seaoh, and StephaneDumas.

Apr 19 2023

Bill Gates Funds Sexualizing Children

Just how creepily malevolent is zillionaire social engineer Bill Gates? Here’s an indication:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates millions annually to a nongovernmental organization which claims that children are born sexual and should learn about “commercial sex work” under 10 years of age.

Where there is moral depravity, there you will find Planned Parenthood:

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) … wields significant influence on global sex education. The NGO comprises 120 independent organizations in over 146 countries and has received – including its European network – over $80M from Gates. Other significant donors included the World Health Organization.

The WHO is part of the United Nations, and therefore is financed on a coercive basis by you.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, a subsidiary of the Democratic Party that is also funded by you, “is listed as one of IPPF’s member associates.”

According to an IPPF toolkit released in 2017,

Children under 10 should be taught that “Sexuality is a part of you from the moment you are born.”

Down in hell, child sex pioneer John Money wrings his hands and drools.

“[S]ex positivity acknowledges that human beings, including adolescents and young people, are autonomous sexual beings.”

“Autonomous” presumably means they can consent to being sexually abused by adults. This concept is featured on the globalist agenda.

“[A]ll people are sexual beings with sexual rights, regardless of their age,” the NGO said.

Here’s what they mean by “sexual rights”:

“Sexual rights include… the right to say yes or no to sex; the right to express sexuality, including the right to seek pleasure; the right to enjoy bodily autonomy…”

If children can consent to being pharmaceutically/surgically altered into grotesque facsimiles of the opposite sex on behalf of the LGBT agenda, why can’t they consent to being molested?

As for the involvement of Bill Gates,

Gates donated to the organization years before and years after the 2017 report was released. The Foundation did not immediately respond to a request for comment about whether they endorse the messages in IPPF’s sex education toolkit.

Incidentally, Gates is among the liberal elitists who flew aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 15 2023

Klaus Schwab Dreams Aloud of Mastering the World

The difference between the World Government Summit in Dubai and a futuristic James Bond movie is there is no 007 to rescue the world from the sinister Klaus Schwab, who is open about his ambition to “master of the world.”

Via Summit News:

Arch globalist Klaus Schwab has called for elites to come together globally in order to “master” advanced technologies, warning them that if they don’t act swiftly the world could “escape our power”.

Schwab is enthused about “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies” like artificial intelligence that he says will produce “a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.” This should entail “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.”

No one can say we were not warned:

World domination is almost in the grasp of globalist moonbats. They mustn’t let it slip away as a result of resistance by those who see themselves as individuals:

Schwab can relax. It does not look like these alarming technologies will escape the power of the liberal elite to exploit them for social engineering purposes. For example, ChapGPT displays a hard left bias as extreme as anything on MSNBC:

We do not want to go where this is headed.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Marty, and Wiggins.

Jan 25 2023

Experts Move Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight

It came as a relief when moonbats saved us from the boiling oceans by planting pocket forests in Paris, but we are not out of the woods yet. Thanks to the liberal establishment’s favorite foreign bogeyman, we remain on the cusp of annihilation:

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced Tuesday that it has moved its metaphorical Doomsday Clock closer than ever to midnight, the hypothetical hour of Armageddon, reflecting experts’ assessment that humanity is confronting unprecedented threats to its existence.

The 2023 countdown time was set at “90 seconds to midnight,” the group’s leaders announced in a press conference at the National Press Club. This new time was 10 seconds closer to “doomsday” than it was set to a year ago. The group has been measuring real and existential threats to humankind, from climate change to the prospects of nuclear war, for more than 70 years.

They have to cover both real and “existential” threats like climate change because the only real threat we face is leftist rule, which is doing to the USA what it did to Venezuela. Yet that isn’t mentioned by The Experts.

This year, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s thinly veiled threat to deploy nuclear weapons in the conflict raised the global threat to humanity, the group said.

If we want to avoid nuclear war, we should stop provoking Putin and meddling in his backyard. Some are even calling for inducting Ukraine into NATO, which is what Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent. You want a nuclear war, that’s how you get one.

The renewed global threat of nuclear war was compounded by the ongoing Covid pandemic, experts noted.

They won’t be done squeezing panic out of Covid until the ChiComs cook up the next pandemic.

The solution to all this impending ruin is to advance globalism, as a moonbat makes clear:

“The challenges outlined by today’s announcement by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists could not be more global in nature,” said Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland. “No one country can tackle them on their own, no matter how large their population, how strong their economy, or how feared their military.”

American leadership is no longer welcome. A global order like they dream about in Davos is required.

Maybe that’s why the liberal elite uses the pathetic Joe Biden as its figurehead. It would be hard to come up with a better argument against American leadership.

Speaking of pathetic, Paul Ehrlich — who became a laughing stock after the hysterical predictions that he rode to fame back in the 60s turned out to be spectacularly wrong — was recently provided with a platform by 60 Minutes. He shrieks that we are still doomed and that “humanity is not sustainable.”

There will always be reasons to panic, so long as authoritarians want power. Also, there is money to be made. Buy your own doomsday clock today.

On tips from Lyle.

Jan 25 2023

Open Thread

You are the carbon the WEF elite want to get rid of!

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 21 2023

The Culture of Our Globalist Moonbat Overlords

Our haughty Climate Czar John Kerry describes himself and his fellow globalist liberal elitists at the World Economic Forum moonbatfest in Davos as “almost extraterrestrial” in their grandeur as they determine how the rest of us must live to comply with their ideology. True enough, they are not of this world. A sample of their alien culture:

You will eat the bugs. You will own nothing and be happy. You will listen to this woman sing and like it.

On a tip from Troy H.

Jan 11 2023

Ellen DeGeneres Demands We Propitiate Weather Gods

Left-wing elitists consider themselves far more sophisticated than you or me. Yet their mentality is on a par with that of barefoot savages who quiver with fear of angering weather gods. Consider Ellen DeGenerate:

According to liberal superstition, all weather phenomena are caused by anthropogenic global warming. As soon as it stops raining, moonbats will go back to barking that we caused California to be characterized by drought by not driving electric cars.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Jan 04 2023

Jane Goodall on Need to Reduce Human Population

Mating with short people may make New York Times readers feel righteous, but the social engineers of the World Economic Forum warn that more must be done to cut the human race down to a size that suits the Liberal World Order. Watch in horror as famous primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall (formerly known as Baroness Jane van Lawick-Goodall) asserts the necessity of reducing the human population to what it was 500 years ago:

The world population for the year 1500 was an estimated 450 million. Thanks to capitalism and the technological breakthroughs it enabled in agriculture and medicine, we are now up to 8 billion.

The WEF is working on what to do with the excess 7.5 billion. Expect attacks on agriculture and medicine to escalate.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 29 2022

Climate Kooks to Shut Down 3,000 Farms in Holland

Holland is the world’s #2 agricultural exporter. That makes it alarming in the extreme that the country is controlled by globalist moonbats who believe that humans should be denied food so as to please their climate gods:

The Dutch government is planning to buy out and close as many as 3,000 farms in the country, exacerbating an already-bitter dispute with growers as leaders attempt to halve the country’s nitrogen emissions by 2030.

The farms will be purchased voluntarily if farm owners go along. Otherwise, it will be coercive.

The cost: $25 billion. No worries; taxpayers have plenty of money. When they run out, Big Government can print more.

“There is no better offer coming,” Dutch Nitrogen Minister Christianne van der Wal told members of parliament last week.

Nitrogen is such a menace according to global warming doctrine that Holland has a Nitrogen Minister. The air we breathe is 78% nitrogen. But then, plants require CO2 to grow, and leftists regard that as poisonous too.

The plan comes as the Dutch government moves to halve its nitrogen emissions by 2030 in accordance with European Union conservation rules. But to meet that target, the government estimates that 11,200 farms will have to close, and 17,600 others will have to reduce their livestock numbers significantly.

This will reduce the global food supply. But it’s okay if people starve, because they are a cancer on the planet. According to leftist ideology, they could theoretically cause temperatures to rise by a degree or two over the next century, which might conceivably be noticed by dangerously flourishing polar bears.

Moonbat ideology is not easy to take seriously, but its potential effects are no joke. If the globalist climate agenda is not stopped, many will die horribly as food and energy supplies are choked off.

This will have no beneficial impact on the supposedly problematic weather. But it will allow what the Biden Regime calls the Liberal World Order to secure a tighter grip on power. Our ruling class learned from Stalin that hunger makes an effective weapon.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Nov 26 2022

Klaus Schwab Calls ChiCom Regime a Role Model

The most maleficent government in human history, in terms of the number of its own people it killed, is the one imposed by the Communist Party of China. China’s government has not changed since the nightmare regime of Mao Zedong, which killed an estimated 65,000,000 Chinese. Those currently manning the controls are less crazy than Mao but not less tyrannical.

Mao ran up his body count while imposing a systematic transformation of China in accordance with leftist ideology. Being a globalist, Klaus Schwab, cult leader of the liberal elite Davos set, sets his sites on the entire planet.

If you want an idea of what the world will be systematically transformed into if the Liberal World Order has its way, look to communist China:

It is not reassuring that Schwab says he wants to be “very careful in imposing systems.” He knows as well as anyone that every item on the globalist agenda will have to be inflicted by force. Otherwise, he would not point to a totalitarian regime like China’s as “certainly a very attractive model.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 24 2022

COP27 Climate Reparations

So long as Democrats remain in power, taxation and inflation will remain high, because the globalist looting spree will continue — as the blasphemous and hypocritical meeting of the Liberal World Order’s climate cult at COP27 reminds us:

While you might have spent the weekend marveling at the cost of a turkey, Joe Biden celebrated his 80th birthday by signing the U.S. up to a plan that could eventually commit Americans to transferring trillions of dollars to the rest of the world in perpetuity.

Our moonbat rulers have determined that in the name of their religion, we owe climate reparations to the dictators of less successful countries, as punishment for theoretically causing inclement weather.

Despite the havoc Western industrialization has supposedly inflicted on parts of the world that feature more politically correct skin tones, weather-related deaths are “about 80 times less frequent today than they were a century ago.” This is largely due to infrastructure and mitigation made possible by the very industrialization that Democrats want to punish us for.

Climate reparations are not really about CO2 emissions. Here’s how we know:

China and India, as “developing countries,” haven’t agreed to contribute to the fund but have made only vague commitments to assist. So countries whose emissions have grown rapidly in the past decade will be exempt while the U.S., whose emissions have been declining, are on the hook.

China emits more than twice as much CO2 as the USA, and with the Democrats tanking the economy, India is likely to pass us. The liberal elite’s hostility is against European/American civilization, not plant-nourishing carbon dioxide.

[T]he idea that the least developed countries in the world have received only the cost of industrialization and not the many benefits is ahistorical. … If we in the West are to pay damages for the Industrial Revolution, shouldn’t we also consider the extraordinary wealth that process has helped spread around the world?

The answer is no, because liberals want to punish our virtues, just as they reward our vices through woke imperialism.

So, for having the genius to produce the ideas, create the economic system and develop the capital that has in a little more than a century given the world unimaginable prosperity, eliminated deadly diseases that once killed millions, reduced infant mortality, extended life expectancy and lifted hundreds of millions of people out of hunger and poverty, we must now be made to pay.

The Biden Regime also took COP27 as an opportunity to announce an absurd Climate Gender Equity Fund into which it will pour our money. Putting Democrats in charge of the government is equivalent to letting a Black Lives Matter mob manage a Target.

Greed, malevolence, and ideological psychosis do not add up to good governance.

On tips from Varla, Blackjack, and KirklesWorth.

Nov 15 2022

Alarming Aspirations at G20 Summit

Covid was only the beginning. The Liberal World Order learned a lot about how much tyranny we will tolerate. These lessons will be applied to the next pandemic. At the B20 (part of the G20 Summit in Bali), Indonesia’s Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has called for digital health passports:

“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people, one hundred percent… you can still provide some movement of the people.”

As in the Soviet Union, you will still be allowed to move around on a limited basis, so long as you go where authorities want you.

Incidentally, the WHO is largely funded by American taxpayers but largely controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

It used to be said that war is the health of the state. Now, it would be more accurate to say that sickness is the health of the globalist ruling class.

Also at the B20, founder of the sinister World Economic Forum/crown prince of the Davos crowd/cartoonish Bond villain Klaus Schwab reveals the scope of the tyranny they aspire to impose:

You don’t have anything that they don’t want to take away from you.

On tips from Wiggins.

Nov 14 2022

Staggering Climate Hypocrisy at COP27

If you like our Climate Czar John Kerry, who wants to impose a Third World lifestyle on his own country because this will supposedly improve the weather, even as he takes a private jet to Iceland to collect a climate kook award, you will love COP27, the climate cult revival currently underway in Egypt:

Climate delegates were accused of hypocrisy after 400 private jets arrived in Egypt for COP27.

Accusing the climate priesthood of hypocrisy is like accusing water of being wet.

According to the European clean transport campaign group Transport and Environment, a private jet can emit two tonnes of carbon dioxide in an hour and is five to 14 times more polluting per passenger than a commercial plane.

Yet the liberal ruling class proclaims that they must snuff out freedom and radically reduce our standard of living lest we help plants grow by emitting allegedly harmful CO2, because as UN Secretary-General António Guterres barks, the planet “is literally on fire.”

‘Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish,’ UN chief Antonio Guterres told the summit on November 7.

Do your worst, Guterres.

The hypocrisy did not stop at the travel arrangements. Globalists want us to eat insects so as to serve the climate, bringing us to the topic of the menu:

Those with a taste for the luxurious can snap up an angus beef medallion with sautéed potatoes for a pricey $100 (£90) or a creamy salmon for $40 (£35), after scoffing back a $50 (£43) seafood platter for starter.

COP26 was similarly opulent. Nothing is too good for the taxpayer-financed Liberal World Order that rules over us little people.

As Robert Spencer notes,

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) declares: “Edible insects contain high quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans. Insects have a high food conversion rate, e.g. crickets need six times less feed than cattle, four times less than sheep, and twice less than pigs and broiler chickens to produce the same amount of protein.”

This isn’t just abstract speculation. As far back as 2013, the UN was trying to sell this disgusting notion: “While the idea of eating a worm, grasshopper or cicada at every meal may seem strange, FAO says this has many health benefits. Insects are high in protein, fat and mineral contents. They can be eaten whole or ground into a powder or paste, and incorporated into other foods. ‘Insects are not harmful to eat, quite the contrary. They are nutritious, they have a lot of protein and are considered a delicacy in many countries,’ said Eva Muller, the Director of FAO’s Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division.”

Actually, they are so harmful to eat. That’s why we find the idea of eating them disgusting. It is why they have to be heavily processed to qualify as edible (lefties also tell us that processed foods are so bad, they should be regulated as drugs). It is why you won’t find John Kerry or Antonio Guterres eating bugs.

Remarks Harris Rigby,

It’s almost, almost, as if they ALL know it’s an absolute hoax.

Almost? Of course the ruling elite know their climate crisis is a hoax. But they also know that rank and file Democrats will believe anything whatsoever to help their team win. The ability of otherwise intelligent people to swallow preposterous lies on behalf of a malevolent agenda is a horror to behold.


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