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Category: Globalists

Sep 29 2022

Britons Pay to Make African Children Eat Bugs

The global elite want to make us eat bugs, whether in the form of mealworms, crickets, larvae, cockroach milk, or maggot butter. Problem is, they have not yet destroyed the economy, so they don’t have enough leverage to force the issue. Africa is another matter:

The British government is funding projects pushing Africans to farm and consume insects, including school-age children, in randomized trials, to assess their effects.

If all goes well, Brits will go from being forced to pay for it to eating creepy-crawlies themselves.

The United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) – a subsidiary of the country’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy – is responsible for backing the projects taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zimbabwe.

With a roughly $320,000 grant from the aid office, researchers in Zimbabwe will be experimenting with using mopane worms in porridge served to children in schools.

For that kind of money, you could get them started raising crops. Then they could feed themselves. But that would make it be too warm outside, according to moonbat doctrine.

Intones academic entomologist Dr Sarah Beynon, founder of the Bug Farm in Pembrokeshire,

“With a population that has an appetite set to far exceed the planetary limits, and with current agriculture decimating biodiversity and changing the climate, we have no option but to change how we produce and consume food … and our views on the topic too.”

Changing our views to comply with their ideology is the first task of the ruling class.

Zimbabwe was known as the Breadbasket of Africa, back when it was also known as Rhodesia. Then came moonbattery, which replaced white farmers with hyperinflation and starvation in the name of leftist politics.

The Caucasian colonizers are back. Unfortunately, this time they are there not to extend civilization but to spread more moonbattery.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Sep 28 2022

Left-Wing Globalist Censorship System

Joe Biden has called for a global minimum tax, so that he can raise taxes indefinitely and wealth creators will not be able to escape to less oppressive countries to stay in business. Other left-wing globalists want to complement this with an international censorship system.

Jonathan Turley, an erstwhile liberal who appears to have smelled the coffee, quotes New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern:

“But what if that lie, told repeatedly, and across many platforms, prompts, inspires, or motivates others to take up arms. To threaten the security of others. To turn a blind eye to atrocities, or worse, to become complicit in them. What then?”

These hypothetical atrocities will supposedly take place if we are allowed to spread “disinformation” — i.e., facts and opinions that deviate from the doctrine of the Liberal World Order.

As always, our freedom is to be crushed for our own safety. Ardern employs Orwellian doublespeak to spin tyranny as liberty:

“The weapons of war have changed, they are upon us and require the same level of action and activity that we put into the weapons of old.

“We recognized the threats that the old weapons created. We came together as communities to minimize these threats. We created international rules, norms and expectations. We never saw that as a threat to our individual liberties – rather, it was a preservation of them.”

Global censorship is the preservation of liberty. To disagree is to spread disinformation, for which there will be consequences.

Ardern gives questioning the global warming hoax as an example of speech that must not be permitted.

“How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?”

The answer: You persuade them through rational argument that it does exist, that it is a problem, and that government spending, hyperregulation, and wealth redistribution can solve it. But since climate ideology is a preposterous lie, our rulers opt for censorship.

A global system of leftist censorship is already in place, but it is decentralized, so free thought is often able to slip through the cracks.

For example, the inspiring viral speech by Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was censored by Google’s YouTube for “violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines” — i.e., for undermining Google’s leftist agenda. Although Google can severely limit access to this great speech, it cannot suppress it completely. Google censors have to play whack-a-mole as others upload it. Also, the full speech is available on Rumble:

Meloni needs to be suppressed because her very existence is “disinformation” — i.e., a threat to our moonbat ruling class. The liberal media has cashed in the last of its credibility to portray her as a fascist. But as lefty former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi acknowledges, the fascism talk is “absolutely fake news.” Piers Morgan admits that Meloni’s politics are center right.

However, she is charismatic and upholds God, family, and country, all of which must be torn down before progressives can inflict their nightmarish conception of utopia.

The globalist censorship system that Ardern dreams of would be intended to prevent leaders like Meloni from ever getting a foothold.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Blackjack.

Jul 31 2022

Globalists Attack Farming in Name of Climate

With leftists, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always power. When the Liberal World Order proclaims that it must seize control of the food supply in name of the green ideology, we are headed for a Holodomor level of tyranny.

Sri Lanka pushed back hard enough to overthrow its government. Resistance in Holland continues. But the globalist Left has absolute power nearly in its grasp. It is not going to let up now.

Canada and now Ireland are following closely behind Dutch globalist Mark Rutte:

Farmers in Ireland may soon be forced to make potentially damaging changes to their businesses as climate alarmist ministers within Ireland’s government look set to cut the sector’s emissions by around 28 per cent.

Unlike carbon emissions, such cuts are not harmless. Many cattle will need to be slaughtered, never to be replaced; a high percentage of farmers will be put out of business.

Only a mental defective would believe this will improve the weather. The purpose is to make us hungry, because the hungrier we are, the more powerful our rulers will be when they control the food — which for us little people is likely to consist largely of insects.

John Daniel Davidson shines a light on where the enviroleftist attack on farming is heading:

Private farms and independent farmers will be a thing of the past, supplanted by global bodies making decisions about how much and what kinds of food are produced. The private sector and the independent farmers will have no place in the future that the UN and the WEF are planning.

That’s why they are pushing back in Holland, the world’s second largest food exporter. Pray that it is enough — and that there is as much pushback when Democrats inflict similar policies on the USA. The insolently named Inflation Reduction Act spending blowout — which is the largest climate bill in this country yet — is an indication that we are nearly there:

The bill is a tax-and-spend cornucopia of some $369 billion for wind, solar, geothermal, battery, and other industries over the next decade, along with generous subsidies for electric vehicles…

Senate Democrats say the bill will allow the U.S. to cut greenhouse emissions by 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 — matching up nicely with the UN’s “Agenda 2030.”

Understand that the Senate bill isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. Climate activists and ideologues are working at the highest levels to transform not just the global food supply, but the nature of private property and property rights, all in the name of saving the planet. What Rutte and his government are doing to Dutch farmers, Schumer and Biden are planning to do to American farmers and American industries.

We are running out of time to fight them with full bellies. Step #1 is to acknowledge that the global warming hoax is a malevolent lie, the purpose of which is to destroy our standard of living and enslave us.

On tips from Blackjack and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 30 2022

World Economic Forum: No More Private Cars or Phones

Independent transportation is crucial to liberty. That’s why progressives adore public transportation. It is why only Inner Party members will have private cars when the Liberal World Order has finished imposing utopia:

The World Economic Forum is calling for a global transition … away from private ownership of vehicles and other “idle equipment” in order to make a “clean energy revolution” possible.

It would be easy to laugh at the arrogant Dr Evil lookalike Klaus Schwab, except that his sinister WEF increasingly appears to be in the driver’s seat. Consider ostensible world leaders like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Mark Rutte. Which do they seem more responsive to, the needs of their people or the demands of Klaus Schwab?

Even the WEF acknowledges that left-wing “clean energy” fantasies will require more of certain metals than the planet has to offer. This is especially problematic because the WEF disapproves of mining. The solution: you can’t have your own car anymore.

Metals like cobalt, lithium and nickel are used not only in climate cult foolishness like electric cars and wind turbines, but also in phones and computers. So we will have to go without those too.

The [WEF] argues that private ownership of vehicles and electronic devices is wasteful and inefficient.

You will own nothing and you will be happy. Oligarchical collectivists actually mean this. How they plan to force us to be happy is unclear. Maybe Pfizer is working on pharmaceutical lobotomies that can be mandated or put in the drinking water.

On tips from Blackjack, Wiggins, Stormfax, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 23 2022

Open Thread

Bill Gates is just a monocle and a Persian Cat away from being one of the bad guys in a James Bond movie. - Dennis Miller

Jul 21 2022

Bill Gates Continues to Fund ChiCom Scientists

After Tony Fauci, Francis Collins, et al. funded the communist Chinese gain of function research that produced Covid — resulting in millions of deaths and $trillions in economic damage — you might think our globalist liberal ruling class would learn a lesson. Maybe they did — but not the right kind of lesson. Bill Gates continues to shovel money at ChiCom scientists:

A recent, $100,000 grant from the Microsoft mogul’s foundation was sent to the Foreign Talent Research Center of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology in June, according to the organization’s website.

The Foreign Talent Research Center is involved in recruiting talent worldwide to help the ChiComs in their projects.

Beyond COVID-19, the Chinese Communist Party has also come under fire for weaponizing its science and technology programs to lure Western scientists away from their home countries in order to facilitate Chinese advancement and military build-up. This program – commonly known as the Thousand Talents Plan – has led to several Department of Justice (DOJ) indictments of American researchers who routinely fail to disclose their financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party despite receiving U.S. taxpayer funds.

How nice for them that they receive funds not only from American taxpayers, but also directly from American moonbats like Bill Gates, who has poured $millions into Chinese institutions, some with ties to the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

There are even worse things Gates could do with his money:

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 20 2022

Climate Lunatics Conspire to Divert Sun’s Rays

The earth’s climate has changed continuously for 4.5 billion years. This is not a problem. In contrast, overbearing maniacs of the World Economic Forum stripe who believe that the climate is a problem are a very serious problem:

If only James Bond or Austin Powers or somebody could put a stop to these schemes before moonbats manage to kill off life on earth in the name of an imaginary crisis.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and KirklesWorth.

Jul 13 2022

World Economic Forum: Climate Change Is Racist

More wisdom has been bestowed upon us by our globalist masters. Now we learn that it would be racist not to give up our freedom and standard of living so that our rulers can control the weather, because global warming is worse for sacred blacks.

From the World Economic Forum:

Black communities in the United States will see the flood risk in their neighbourhoods climb at least 20% over the next 30 years, experts are predicting.

The ancient Greeks had the Oracle of Delphi. We have to settle for the Experts.

Led by the University of Bristol in the UK, the study, published in the journal Nature, looks at how flooding will impact different communities unequally.

Only reliance on government funding can explain why scientists goof around trying to prove that theoretical flooding caused by an imaginary climate crisis is racist, instead of doing serious research.

The Experts admit that currently,

it’s impoverished white communities who are most at risk from flooding in low-lying areas at risk from heavy rainfall, the study finds.

No biggie, right? Nobody cares what happens to impoverished whites. They are deplorable. But wait:

[R]ising sea levels are predicted to push storm surges and high tides further inland. This means that, over the next 30 years, the flood risk burden “falls disproportionately on communities with large African American populations on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts,” the scientists warn.

That settles it. We must cause total economic collapse by banning fossil fuels at once. Only the most gullible believe this would have any perceptible impact on the weather, much less flooding, but at least we will know that we meant well.

By the way, it isn’t only flooding that is racist:

For example, the risk of wildfires is 50% higher for Black, Hispanic and Native American communities in the US, according to a study in the journal PLOS ONE. Air pollution also causes three times more deaths for Black Americans.

If acts of God like flooding and wildfires are racist, then God must be racist. That’s why we should worship the Experts instead.

The Experts offer solutions:

Climate and environmental risks make up five of the top 10 risks in the World Economic Forum’s new Global Risks Report 2022. Its Climate Justice Challenge aims to advance environmental and socio-economic solutions for communities most impacted by climate change.

Race-based socialism sounds good to some, or Democrats wouldn’t keep getting elected. If wealth redistribution doesn’t perfect the weather at first, we’ll just have to double down and redistribute more.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 13 2022

Agenda Items for the Globalist Liberal Elite

In case the agenda of the Liberal World Order isn’t clear, the World Economic Forum spells it out with predictions based on wishful thinking:

• You will own nothing and like it.

• America will be cut down to size.

• Meat will be an occasional treat (except for members of the ruling class, as in North Korea).

• Climate change will materialize as an actual problem justifying radical action.

• We will be displaced by “refugees.”

• We will be suppressed by taxes on the harmless CO2 that all human activity produces.

• We will be forbidden to use any fossil fuels, just like Joe Biden promised (after all, cavemen didn’t need cars or electricity).

• The misery social engineers create on earth will be extended into outer space (no doubt powered by wind turbines).

Smug in their bubbles of B.S., the Davos crowd expects people to embrace this bleak, oligarchical collectivist vision of the future:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 11 2022

Dutch Farmer’s Daughter’s Excellent Advice for Americans

They used to talk about the proletariat. Now it’s the climate. However, the objective is the same: global totalitarian rule. In Holland, they have declared war on agriculture to consolidate power. Farmers pushed back; authorities responded by firing on a kid driving a tractor. The daughter of a Dutch farmer has good reason to advise Americans to hold tight to the Second Amendment:

She mentions Sri Lanka, another country where the food supply has been constricted in the name of leftist climate ideology. Pushback has now brought down that government:

Both the president and the prime minister of Sri Lanka are resigning in the wake of massive mobs storming and occupying their residences, burning the PM’s private house and refusing to leave the presidential palace until both men are out of office.

Here’s why the mob acted appropriately:

Sri Lanka foolishly signed on to the green initiative in farming, going organic and limiting the importation and use of chemical fertilizers. Food production, including tea, a vital export earner of foreign exchange, collapsed, and now the government is broke, people are hungry.

Similar tyrants are imposing the same agenda in America, ignoring the Supreme Court in the process. If Sri Lankans will rise up against green tyranny, maybe Americans will too.

As Leonardo da Vinci observed, it is easier to resist at the beginning than it is at the end. We are now at the end of the beginning in the war between humanity and the Liberal World Order.

Sky News Australia puts the Dutch rebellion in the context of the global ruling class’s attempted Great Reset:

On tips from seaoh and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 09 2022

Liberal World Order Attacks Food Supply in Holland

Our rulers tell us that we must accept a lower standard of living for the sake of what Biden advisor Brian Deese calls the “Liberal World Order.” Some are putting up resistance, especially in the Netherlands, where the environmentalist war on nitrogen is being used as a pretext to shut down a large percentage of farms.

Pushback to the pushback has already escalated to police firing on farmers as they drive past in their tractors:

Only the most cynical and paranoid will be able to guess what the authorities plan to do with some of the land after they have shut down farms during a worsening food shortage. Who else would imagine that they will use it to settle colonists imported from the Third World to displace the native population?

Flevo member of parliament Niek Beenen (JA21) has shared a document on Twitter from the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands about the purchase of “nitrogen space” in the Noordoostpolder.

The government plans to use the “nitrogen space” — i.e., farmland on which farmers will no longer be allowed to produce food — to set up a registration center for asylum seekers.

“In this country, farming families who produce food are being exchanged for asylum seekers,” tweeted Beenen.

Fumes Geert Wilders:

“Here’s the proof. It just says it all. The farmer has to go because they want to build a registration centre for asylum seekers on his land. They are completely destroying the Netherlands. Our farmers out, the fortune seekers in. No wonder people are furious.”

Repercussions will be worldwide. Holland is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world after the USA, which is also controlled by radicals willing to subject people to misery in the name of the green agenda.

More from Paul Joseph Watson:

If you find it hard to put food on the table within the coming months, it will not be by accident. Strategic starvation allowed Stalin to consolidate power. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Mark Rutte, Biden, and the rest of the leftist globalist ruling class think it will work for them too.

On tips from Blackjack, KirklesWorth, and R F.

May 21 2022

Pfizer CEO on How to Make Us Take Our Meds

Covid vaccines will not be the last mandatory medicine, not after Biden et al. turn over totalitarian control to the literal communists running the World Health Organization. How can our rulers be sure that we ingest whatever we are told?

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has a solution. Pills will come with little chips that inform the authorities when we have consumed our medication as required:

If James Bond can take on SPECTRE, why won’t he do something about the World Economic Forum? The United Nations also requires his attention, and Pfizer might too.

On tips from Wiggins, R F, Dragon’s Lair, Stormfax, and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 28 2022

What to Do With the Useless in Globalist Utopia?

If the globalists comprising the World Economic Forum don’t make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, you probably haven’t heard of University of Jerusalem professor Yuval Harari:

Harari, an Israeli philosopher who serves as an advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), has frequently warned of a growing class of “useless people.” According to the WEF advisor, the rise of artificial intelligence will give rise to billions of “useless people” who humanity will have to “deal with.” In order to address the growing number of so-called “useless people”, Harari suggests keeping them docile with drugs and video games.

He forgot to mention Netflix.

The “useless people” referenced by the WEF advisor would be those who refuse to be injected with artificial intelligence capabilities in the coming decades. Describing humans as “hackable animals”, Harari believes that “the masses” would “not stand much of a chance” against these changes even if they were to organize.

Being Israeli, Harari must be aware of what past generations of authoritarians have done with those who didn’t fit into their contrived utopia. Nazis and Soviets called them “useless eaters.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 17 2022

They Tried to Warn Us

Some of the sitcom gags of a few decades ago hold up better as predictions than as jokes:

These days a repressive one-world government controlled by globalist elitists like David Rockefeller (or Klaus Schwab) wouldn’t evoke even canned laughter. Neither would pointing out that the United Nations stands ready to help impose it.

On a tip from Henry.


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