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Category: Newspeak Dictionary

Aug 03 2024

Grossophobic Enters Liberal Lexicon

Normally updates to the Newspeak Dictionary entail deletion of innocuous words our moonbat rulers have arbitrarily canceled. But sometimes new words are added — like “grossophobic”:

A French DJ who performed during the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony has filed a legal complaint after receiving abuse online.

Barbara Butch took part in a drag queen sequence during the event which sparked controversy as viewers interpreted it as a reference to The Last Supper.

Despite insolent lies to the contrary, there is no doubt the repugnant spectacle was intended as a desecration of the Last Supper.

A lawyer for Barbara Butch said the DJ “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous antisemitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults”.

In a great leap forward for totalitarianism, Butch is calling on the French government to punish people for finding her disgusting.

While stridently portraying herself as a victim, the crybully shrieked, “All my life, I’ve refused to be a victim: I won’t shut up.” No doubt the second part is true.

“Grossophobic” is a revolutionary linguistic innovation, considering the moonbat proneness to repulsiveness. Now it is thoughtcrime not to find them appealing.

On a tip from Steve T.

Aug 01 2024

Why Democrats Want to Destigmatize Illicit Drug Use

As noted below, the illicit drug epidemic is fueled by welfare, which enables the irresponsible drug-oriented lifestyle. This is not a bug but a feature. We know the Democrats in charge of handing out other people’s money want to worsen the drug crisis, because what they want more of, they destigmatize.

To quote press officer Katie Clark of the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

“I also noticed that in the questions you sent below, you used the term ‘substance abuse,’ and wanted to flag that NIDA recommends saying ‘substance use’ or ‘substance misuse’ instead. For more information on this guidance, please see NIDA’s resource on Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction. Often unintentionally, many people still talk about addiction in ways that are stigmatizing—which may prevent people who have a substance use disorder from seeking treatment.”

Yeah right.

Among moonbats, to euphemize is to endorse. They don’t demand we use euphemisms for things they don’t like.

Ms. Clark concluded with this admonition: “Making simple changes in language can help reduce or avoid harmful stigma and negativity around substance use disorders, especially in news stories and reporting on addiction.”

Update your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

Why do progressives want us to wallow in poisons like the fentanyl that they allow to gush across the undefended border? Because recreational drug use accelerates societal decay, which in turn reduces the population to a sub-American level willing to accept leftist rule.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 26 2024

ESG Euphemized to “Transition Investing”

Once people realize the crap sandwich doesn’t taste so good, it needs to be renamed. That’s why progressivism is now “liberalism.” Likewise, corporate moonbattery, previously known as “ESG” (environmental, social, governance), is now to be called “transition investing.”

As noted at American Thinker,

ESG as a buzzword really came to mainstream recognition after being vigorously promoted and spoken about by Larry Fink of BlackRock.

But now, as reported at Just the News,

The company recently updated its climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines. The document makes no mention of ESG, but it shows in many ways, the world’s largest investment manager with $10 trillion in assets under management is still pursuing many of the same goals.

These pernicious not to mention unprofitable left-wing goals are now referred to as “transition investing.”

One of the main criticisms of ESG is that it pushes progressive policies through a process that circumnavigates elected officials and the courts. When investment firms require banks, for example, to meet certain ESG “sustainability goals,” capital in the market gets bound up with leftist political objectives through administrative rulemaking.

Farmers (and those of us who consume their products) are hard hit by climate cult kookiness insidiously imposed in the name of ESG through banks:

The Buckeye Institute, a free-market think tank, released a report earlier this year estimating the cost of compliance with net-zero emissions policies and corporate ESG reporting requirements on American farms. According to the report, farmers will see costs rise at least 34%, which will translate to annual grocery bills rising by 15%.


The ESG movement has received a lot of pushback over the past couple of years from state legislatures and Congress.

So Larry Fink won’t say “ESG” anymore. He’ll just call it something else. That makes it harder to pass laws against.

The worst may be yet to come:

Would farmers be forced to buy battery-powered farm equipment? Prohibited from using oil or gas for fuel? Mandated to plant GMO seed exclusively and forced to use Big Pharma’s pesticides and herbicides? Could “sustainability” mean land “reforms” for the sake of “reparations” and “justice?”

“Transition investing” begs an ominous question. Transition to what?

On tips from R F and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 29 2024

Interior Department Updates to Newspeak Dictionary

To replace civilization with their conception of utopia, liberals must first destroy it at the most fundamental level. The most basic unit of society, the family, is based on the gender binary, which therefore must be eradicated. An update to the Newspeak Dictionary by Biden’s Department of the Interior applies to this end:

The 24-page document, called the U.S. Department of the Interior Inclusive Language Guide and published this month “for official use only,” details what terms bureaucrats should use or avoid when discussing gender and sexuality.

The guide includes a list of 104 different terms that the Interior recommends bureaucrats replace with alternate, approved words. “Husband” and “wife,” for example, should be replaced with “spouse, partner, significant other,” the federal agency says. “Daughter” and “son” should also be replaced with “child” or “kid” …

The Interior guide even tells bureaucrats to refrain from assuming anyone’s gender and to instead refer to everyone with the pronouns “they/them” to “avoid making assumptions.”

Here’s why bureauweenies are supposed to confusingly refer to individuals as “they” rather than “he or she”:

The plural pronoun is said to be a superior alternative to the phrase “he or she,” because it implies “an exclusively binary nature of gender and exclude individuals who do not use these pronouns like gender non-conforming people.”

Growing the psychosis of such individuals is a central focus of social engineers tasked with societal demolition.

Under liberal domination, “preferred pronouns” must be used in place of accurate pronouns so as to explicitly reject objective reality in obsequious deference to the depraved ideology of the sexually insane. Yet even the term “preferred pronouns” has been struck from the Newspeak Dictionary:

“Staff should refrain from the term ‘preferred pronouns’ because it implies a choice about one’s gender. Use ‘pronouns’ or ‘identified pronouns’ instead.”

More linguistic requirements from the Department of the Interior:

• Replace “Aunt/Uncle” with “Parent’s sibling”

• Replace “male” with “all genders”

• Replace “ladies” with “everyone”

• Replace “gay” with “LGBTQIA+ person”

• Replace “transgender” with “transgender person”

• Replace “opposite sex” with “different sex”

• Replace “woman/women” with “person, people, individual, individuals”

• Replace “sex change” with “transition”

• Replace “father/mother” with “parent, caregiver, care provider”

Before you complain that your tax dollars should not be wasted on this nonsense, keep in mind that vocabulary proscriptions imposed on bureaucrats will inevitably apply to the rest of us. It is a crucial service of the federal government, no doubt detailed in some shadowy penumbra in the Constitution, to codify what speech is acceptable. Otherwise, we might accidentally use a word that is no longer permissible, thereby committing bigotry, resulting in our cancelation.

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 20 2024

Airline Industry Updates to Newspeak Dictionary

Updates to the Newspeak Dictionary are contributed by every sector of society that has succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions — including even the airline industry:

Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l, represents over 70,000 pilots worldwide and states that it collaborates with a United Nations agency on its policies.

According to a diversity, equity and inclusion language guide released in 2021, the ALPA lists numerous terms and phrases to avoid — especially “masculine generalizations” — that it deemed to be non-inclusive.

Excluded vocabulary includes “cockpit,” which the Thought Police construe to have a sexual implication. The term originally comes from cockfighting.

ALPA’s guide called for the words “man” and “men” to be avoided. It offered suggestions for the word “manpower,” including “people/human power.”

Liberal utopia will have no place for the concept of a man. Already, the word “woman” has been rendered so meaningless that liberal establishmentarians cannot define it.

ALPA advised against using “mother/father.” That phrasing could alienate “different family structures, such as grandparents as caregivers, same-sex parents,” among others. Similarly, “husband/wife” and “boyfriend/girlfriend” should be avoided since the phrases could ignore same-sex couples.

To normal people, language is a tool to communicate. Social engineers work to prevent communication in favor of mindless affirmation of moonbattery. The goal is to proscribe so many words that it will be impossible to express and theoretically even to think anything that does not comply with their agenda.

On tips from Wiggins, R F, and Steve T.

Jun 10 2024

LGBTism Drives Newspeak Dictionary Updates

LGBTism continues to be a major driver of updates to the Newspeak Dictionary.

The goal is to progressively reduce permissible speech to a small collection of leftist bumper sticker slogans, on the postmodern principle that controlling language controls reality. In furtherance of this objective, even stilted terms used only to express obsequiousness to the Alphabet People are now forbidden:

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) […], which governs the Olympic Games, published its Portrayal Guidelines ahead of the 2024 Paris event to “provide practical checklists and advice to help ensure gender-equal and fair representation of all athletes across all forms of media and communication,” the press release reads. The guide includes a section on “Problematic Language” that included the phrases “biologically male” and “biologically female.”

It is not enough to pretend that someone can be female without being biologically female. Biology is transphobic; therefore, references to it are hate crimes.

The IOC also forbids use of the formerly politically correct term “identifies as.” If a sexually deranged man says he is a woman, he does not identify as a woman. He is a woman. To imply otherwise is to commit a thought crime on the scale of affirming that 2 + 2 = 4.

Meanwhile, the Canadian Cancer Society has deprecated the word “cervix”:

We recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like ‘cervix.’ You may prefer other words, such as ‘front hole,’’ reads a webpage dedicated to answering questions about cervical cancer screenings for “trans men [and] non-binary people assigned female at birth.”

“Front hole” will in turn be banned, once our moonbat overlords come up with a still more tasteless term to replace it.

For now, the CCS may still use the word “cervix,” but it apologizes for doing so:

“We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity,” concludes the apology, adding that the organization sometimes uses the term cervix to “normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.”

A gynecologist might note that it is impossible for a man to have a cervix, and that it is insane that the CCS calls for men posing as women to get screened for cervical cancer. But then, the word “gynecologist” is also getting erased:

Midwives should avoid saying “gynecologist” in order to be more “inclusive,” according to a recent academic paper.

Not because it sounds like “guy,” but because the word comes from the Greek for woman. Instead, say “reproductive health specialist.”

The same scholars also say men can give birth.

Listen to the Experts! Unless they call themselves “gynecologists,” in which case they are thought criminals.

Other problematic words include “breastfeeding” and “breastmilk.”

Instead, midwives should say “human milk feeding,” “human milk provision,” and “milk from the feeding parent.”

Maybe we should cut to the chase and just limit all human speech to “Black lives matter,” “My body my choice,” and “Love is love.”

On tips from Franco, ABC of the ANC, and WDS 2.0.

Apr 04 2024

Newspeak Dictionary Updates for CIA Agents

According to our official state ideology, every aspect of existence pertains to race, and must be evaluated according to the principle that white is bad and black is good. Therefore, agents of the Deep State have been ordered to stop staying “blacklisted” as if it were a bad thing.

US spies, including members of the CIA, have been told the term “blacklisted” is racist

The guidance has been included in The Dive, a newsletter circulated by the intelligence community’s diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility office.

Such are the CIA’s priorities under Democrat rule, as America’s adversaries plot our downfall.

Also favored by our moonbat overlords are the “neurodivergent” — a key Democrat constituency. Consequently,

The term “sanity check” is discouraged because it is disparaging towards people with mental illness.

As covered previously, The Dive also promotes transvestitism among agents of the CIA/NSA/FBI/ETC.

Now back to the usual obsession with the sacred put-uponedness of the people we are no longer allowed to refer to as Negroes:

“Cakewalk” and “grandfathered” are also no longer regarded as acceptable because of their association with slavery.

I wonder if it’s still permitted to call spies “spooks.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 31 2024

European Union Newspeak Dictionary Updates

“Gendered language” is wrongthink. To snuff it out, the European Union introduces updates to the Newspeak Dictionary:

A 61-page document advises policymakers, legislators and the media to revise the order of common phrases such as ‘King and Queen’ or ‘brother and sister’ in which the male comes first.

Men must never come first. That would be sexist. In contrast, self-consciously placing women first is not sexist:

It suggests to ‘try swapping the order of these phrases sometimes’.

But don’t try swapping the order in the phrase “ladies and gentlemen” unless you want to risk getting canceled.

Bureaucrats say ‘Joe Public’ should be replaced with ‘average citizen’ and ‘no man’s land’ should be substituted with ‘unclaimed territory’.

Earn extra brownie points by saying “Josephine Public” and “no woman’s land” — or better still, “no nonbinary person’s land.”

Bad news for Star Trek fans:

The famous Star Trek line, ‘To boldly go where no man has gone before’, is noted in the bundle as an example for which ‘women may be subject to invisibility or omission’.

Words do not need to specifically reference gender to be deleted:

It adds that terms such as ‘shrill’ and ‘pushy’ have ‘strong connotations that are strongly associated with only women’ and should be replaced with ‘high-pitched’ and ‘assertive’ respectively.

It says that ‘virile’, considered ‘strongly associated with only men’, should be substituted with ‘strong or energetic’.

Any negative term social engineers associate with women or positive term they associate with men constitutes thoughtcrime, because women are good and men are bad. If “high-pitched” comes to be associated with women in a negative way, that term too will be banned in favor of some other euphemism.

Before long, the authorities will have deleted so many words that an enumeration of permissible vocabulary will be no longer that a grocery list. We will be reduced to reciting leftist bumper sticker slogans. Some people are already there.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 13 2024

Kids Taught Word “Straight” Is Offensive

First, deviants demanded tolerance. Then equality. Now we are up to special favoritism (a.k.a. “LGBT rights”). At this point, it is the normal people who are tolerated — until they aren’t, as in Seattle Public Schools:

Tenth-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher and self-identified communist Ian Golash asked students to complete a “Social Identity Wheel” worksheet, according to the parent, who asked for anonymity. It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. The worksheet is intended to tell students that their identities determine whether they receive unearned privilege or oppression.

According to the ideology being inculcated, kids who are “oppressed” are good. Kids who are “privileged” are bad.

[A] parent’s 15-year-old son labeled himself “straight.” Golash took issue with that word “because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation.”

Amend your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly. Those who don’t want to get canceled eschew terms that would give negative connotations to children engaging in sexual perversion.

Not even moonbats find it easy to keep up with dictionary updates:

Chief Sealth High School has a Gay-Straight Alliance Club. Even GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) uses “straight” as an alternative descriptor for heterosexuals. The term “straight-ally” is still used by LGBT groups.

The boy’s mother reveals that in another incident, Golash told him he is “a product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.”

The same parent previously complained that Golash failed her son on a quiz for correctly saying men cannot get pregnant and that women do not have penises.

Every institution liberals infiltrate and subvert rots into farce. This process of deterioration has reached such an extreme in public education that students risk failure by refusing to reject indisputable objective facts.

On a tip from Jack D.

Jan 02 2024

Family Terms Banned From Newspeak Dictionary

A central objective of leftists dating back to Karl Marx has been the destruction of the most basic structure holding together human civilization, the family. Black Lives Matter made this goal explicit, before it was removed for strategic reasons during the George Floyd riots. Progressives have embraced postmodernism, according to which power is wielded through language. So it should come as no surprise that social engineers are erasing familial relationships from the Newspeak Dictionary.

Goodbye “brother” and “sister”:

‘Brother’ and ‘sister’ could be banned from official documents and other public communication and be replaced by the term ‘siblings’, under updated anti-discrimination laws in one Australian state.

“Anti-discrimination” refers to the overhauling of society to remake it according to the specifications of LGBT activists.

[New South Wales] is overhauling its Anti-Discrimination Act of 1977 next year and preliminary submissions are already pouring in for what could be a highly contested battle between differing lobbyists.

That battle is between those who want to delete any word deemed to be an obstacle to LGBTism and those who want to preserve the English language and civilization in general.

Goodbye “husband” and “wife”:

The Methodist Church in Great Britain released an “Inclusive Language Guide” this month advising Methodists to avoid using gendered terms such as “husband” and “wife” because such allegedly assumes what is not “the reality for many people.”

At least moonbats provide some comic relief by using the term “reality” in the context of pretending there is no difference between men and women.

Tellingly, British Methodists also want to erase the word “insane.” To avoid cancelation for thoughtcrime, you are commanded to say “neurodiverse.” Don’t forget to keep a straight face.

Before long, the word “family” itself will be deleted from the Newspeak Dictionary.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Dec 09 2023

Newspeak Dictionary Updates From Airstrip One

Do not subject yourself to cancelation by inadvertently committing thoughtcrime. Stay abreast of the incessant updates to the Newspeak Dictionary. From Airstrip One:

The new Staffordshire Police inclusive language guide discourages using the word “policeman”. “In general,” it urges, “we word our content to avoid masculine and feminine pronouns (“he” or “she”)”. Gender-neutral language is always preferable, even when talking about a police officer who is a man.

The gender-neutral push is in compliance with the LGBT agenda.

Other terms stricken from the Newspeak Dictionary by the Staffordshire Police tellingly include “mentally ill.”

Moonbats demand not merely euphemisms but euphemisms for euphemisms. For example, we are no longer to refer to people as “disadvantaged,” but rather as “under-resourced,” regardless of the unexploited resources going to waste due to their dysfunction. “Migration challenge” has been canceled in favor of “migration as a complex phenomenon.”

According to Cathy Hastie, an HR expert and lecturer at the University of Derby, the documents are an acknowledgement by organisations that striving for diversity among its workforce isn’t enough; more important is the culture within it.

It does no good for employees to represent preferred identity groups unless they comply with the assigned ideology. Marginalizing and eventually eradicating whites are long-term objectives to be achieved through immigration and welfare policy. The immediate goal is to fundamentally transform the culture into something unrecognizable.

English language and linguistics lecturer Laura Bailey of University of Kent confirms:

“By changing our language, we can try to change the culture.”

As George Orwell explained, the main purpose of progressively reducing our vocabulary is to “narrow the range of thought.” But as with all things left-wing, sheer malice plays a roll. Moonbats don’t like the English language:

The Oxfam Inclusive Language Guide, published in March this year … apologis[es] in its introduction for being written in and about the English language, “the language of a colonising nation”. It goes on: “We acknowledge the Anglo-supremacy of the sector as part of its coloniality,” adding: “We recognise that the dominance of English is one of the key issues that must be addressed in order to decolonise our ways of working and shift power.”

In utopia, no one will speak English — or any other language. The descendants of the human race will grunt like hogs as Big Government fills their troughs with free slop.

On a tip from Steve T. Hat tip: Tim Worstall.

Nov 13 2023

“Ombudsman” Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary

Utopia continues to elude us. People still use politically problematic words like “ombudsman.” Justin Trudeau, suet-soft personification of metrosexual moonbattery, comes to the rescue:

As part of the Trudeau Liberals’ quest to root out all gendered language from the government’s vocabulary and end sexism, an order in council dated November 3, 2023, cancelled the title of the Procurement Ombudsman.

The new role at the Ministry of Public Works, which will be the same as the old role, will now be filled by the Procurement Ombud.

How wonderful it must be to live in a country where there are no problems, so that those in charge have nothing better to do than impose their irritating vocabulary preferences.

On a tip from Lyle.

Oct 26 2023

Open Thread

It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought...should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. - George Orwell

On a tip from American Human.

Oct 24 2023

Newspeak Medical Dictionary Updates

Having been absorbed by the Left, the medical profession will be making fewer contributions to our health and longevity. To compensate, it now makes contributions to the Newspeak Dictionary:

Ilana Sherer, a pediatrician in Dublin, California, gave a presentation Sunday at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition and called for more gender neutral terminology for body parts.

Her proposals, given during a workshop entitled ‘Discussing Gender and Sexuality in the Primary Care Office,’ included referring to the vagina as an ‘innie,’ ‘front hole,’ or ‘T-penis’ and the clitoris as ‘d*ck’ or ‘d*cklet.’

Pronouns as in original. “Ilana” Sherer looks like a guy. Less than wholesome characters have been infiltrating primary education as a result of the current emphasis on recruiting children into LGBTism. Let’s hope this alarming phenomenon does not extend to pediatrics.

She also proposed calling breasts ‘chest’ or ‘chesticles.’ For male anatomy, Dr Sherer recommended pediatricians call the penis ‘outie,’ ‘junk,’ ‘strapless,’ or ‘bits.’

Others suggest less informal LGBT-compliant vocabulary:

Some in the medical community have been calling for gender-neutral body terminology for years, recommending ‘upper body’ for breasts, ‘erectile tissue’ for penis and ‘internal gonads’ for ovaries.

Update your copy of Gray’s Anatomy accordingly.

If only the moonbattery stopped at vocabulary:

[Sherer] is board certified by the AAP, an organization to advance child health and well-being, as well as the profession of pediatrics, and serves on the organization’s Executive Committee for LGBTQ Health and Wellness. …

In August, the AAP voted to stand by its 2018 guidance that supports LGBTQ access to counseling, hormone therapy, puberty blockers and, occasionally, surgery for minors under 18 years old.

The concept “First do no harm” has been discarded in favor of the LGBT agenda where children are concerned.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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