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Category: Police

Oct 02 2022

How Terrified They Are of the Racist Police

Moonbattery is based on lies so preposterous that you almost have to admire the ability of the media to recite them with a straight face. For example, the Black Lives Matter phenomenon — which featured hundreds of declared riots and $billions in donations from corporations — is based on the notion that due to systemic racism, blacks live in terror of the police. The situation outside the liberal propaganda bubble is on open display in Midtown Manhattan:

That is not what fear of the police looks like.

The New York Post reports:

The suspect – identified by police as Uchechukwu Godwin, 23 – used a metal pipe to repeatedly strike the turret lights of the traffic cruiser parked on Broadway near West 36th Street around 11:40 a.m. Wednesday, according to cops and video footage.

Godwin was arrested soon afterward, as he must have assumed he would be.

He was charged with criminal mischief, obstructing governmental administration, auto stripping, criminal possession of a weapon and disorderly conduct, cops said.

His past arrests include grand larceny and criminal mischief. No doubt they have already let him loose again. He will continue to wreak havoc until he kills someone, at which point the authorities may keep him locked up for a while.

In the meantime, he knows he will be mollycoddled. That’s why violent crime is so prevalent.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 17 2022

Why Moonbats Can Say Their Names

Under Democrat rule, federal law enforcement has become increasingly sinister. However, local police are still by and large the good guys, as evidenced by the hostility directed against them by leftists.

Why is it that blacks end up getting shot by police, providing pretexts for Black Lives Matter riots? In the clip below, Candace Owens provides one reason while introducing podcaster Tim Dillon to common sense:

“Right now you have parents teaching people you don’t have to listen to police officers’ instructions if you are black.”

Not only parents. The entire liberal establishment drives home this message. If a white driver gets pulled over, that’s life. If a black driver gets pulled over, he is being oppressed for “driving while black” and has a duty to resist. It’s almost as if the people in charge want blacks to be shot by police to validate their cultural Marxist ideology.

“Say their names!” screech the moonbats. Why are they able to scream the names of every black person in a country of 330 million who dies during an arrest gone wrong? Because, as Owens explains, it doesn’t happen often.

Blacks are rarely killed by police officers. In contrast, police officers are killed by blacks 18.5 times as often. It just doesn’t get reported much less hyped by the media, because it does not support the bogus and corrosive liberal narrative.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Sep 12 2022

Moonbat Utopia Temporarily Achieved

Following the martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl, social justice warriors dared to dream of a utopia in which local police have been defunded and reimagined right out existence. This vision has been realized, if only for a brief, shining moment.

Rejoice, moonbats! Here’s your world without police:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 24 2022

Cops Induce Cringe as UK Succumbs to Diversity

In the USA, leftist anarchotyrants have driven the crime rate through the stratosphere by demonizing, defunding, and otherwise hamstringing local police. The UK takes a slightly different approach, reducing the police to a cringe-inducing laughing stock. Instead of arresting criminals, cops suppress free speech and cavort at gay pride parades:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 17 2022

Police Save Social Worker From Maniac

You don’t need local police, the moonbats bark. If you encounter a criminal, just call for a social worker. But who do you call if you are a social worker? The police:

A social worker said she was raped and brutalized by a man she was sent to help, and police saved her by shooting him in the head.

The harrowing story unfolded in Boca Raton, Florida, when the unidentified woman visited the home of Tzvi Allswang on July 1.

After persistent prodding from her mother, cops entered the home to find him holding a knife to her throat.

Police said the Allswang didn’t respond to their commands so a 14-year veteran of the force shot him in the head.

The woman said she felt the knife fall away from her neck after hearing the gunshot and she ran towards police.

That may be the story of how the world’s first Republican social worker was created. If only Kristin Benson had survived, she might have held this honor.

Jul 10 2022

Derek Chauvin Whacked With Double Jeopardy

A basic tenet of law in civilized countries is “double jeopardy,” whereby you cannot be tried multiple times for the same crime. This goes all the way back to the ancient Roman principle of “non bis in idem.” However, as civilization recedes in the face of moonbattery, so does justice. Double jeopardy protection no longer applies in crimes of political incorrectness. Derek Chauvin is a case in point:

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced in a federal court Thursday to 21 years in prison for violating George Floyd’s civil rights.

Chauvin had already been sentenced to 22½ years for restraining liberal demigod George Floyd as he died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. But that was by the state. Now the federal government gets a whack at the piñata.

The sentences will run concurrently.

If his crime were killing the career criminal Floyd, Chauvin might enjoy double jeopardy protection. But his actual crime is that he personifies white police officers in the hive mind of the mob. He has a part to play in the theatrical production entitled The Martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl. To suggest that Chauvin deserves justice like any other citizen of a civilized country would be racist.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 23 2022

Marginalization of Police and Its Consequences

Liberal rule means anarchotyranny. This entails the paradox of a police state where the police have been marginalized and crime is rampant.

Mouth off at a school board meeting and you will draw the attention of federal authorities. But if you commit an actual crime, all you have to do to is run away:

Chicago police officers will no longer be allowed to chase people on foot simply because they run away or they’ve committed minor offenses, the department said Tuesday…

Cops know that when in doubt, they should let the criminal go:

The policy also makes a point of reminding officers that they or their supervisors will not be criticized or disciplined for deciding against a foot pursuit or calling one off…

Even if officers feel bureauweenies won’t punish them too severely for giving chase,

The policy includes a number of circumstances in which an officer must call off a chase, including a requirement that the pursuit must end if a third party is injured and needs immediate medical attention that can’t be provided by anyone else.

All the criminal needs to do is injure an innocent bystander. Perverse incentives are a specialty of the Democrats in charge.

In Britain, burglary is virtually legal now, because police are too busy repressing thoughtcrime to do anything about it:

You can’t expect the police to hunt down criminals when they have other priorities — like promoting sexual depravity on behalf of our degenerate ruling class:

The effects of marginalizing the police and subordinating law enforcement to moonbattery are becoming evident. Just visit a McDonald’s…

…or a grocery store:

Either civilization literally perishes of bleeding heart liberalism, or there will be a backlash against it so massive as to be audible from outer space.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Lyle.

Jun 14 2022

More Evidence That Blacks Live in Terror of Police

If black men have to live in terror of the police, imagine what it is like for black women, who according to the intersectional ideology of our intelligentsia are even more oppressed. The video below provides an indication.

In broad daylight, as we have come to expect:

Welcome to Chicago under the moonbat rule of Lori Lightfoot.

Those with the belly for it can watch the whole scene:

Small wonder if cities where authorities side with criminals against the police have a hard time recruiting officers.

If we are not able to pry liberals out of power and reverse the decay they have caused before the collapse of civilization goes much further, America will inevitably find itself invaded by a healthier society, if only so that our natural resources are not wasted. Whoever our conquerors turn out to be, they will be welcomed as liberators, because at least they won’t be liberals.

On a tip from Wiggins. Hat tip: Citizen Free Press.

Jun 13 2022

Evidence That Blacks Live in Terror of Police

I was skeptical of the claim shrieked incessantly by the liberal establishment during the Black Lives Matter riots that blacks live in terror of the police, who supposedly oppress them out of sheer racism. Adjusting for crime rates, whites are more likely than blacks to be shot by police, which is unsurprising, considering that cops are probably terrified to lift a finger against black criminals lest they end up like Derek Chauvin. Then I saw this video, reflecting what life is like in Los Angeles nowadays:

Notice that this poor fellow, weighted down by generations of historic marginalization, is so terrified that the police will come and interrupt his mostly peaceful activities that all he steals is a laptop. If he had taken the time to get in the car and search properly, he might have been able to help himself to an officer’s lunch. But Darth Vader might have dialed 911 on him, conceivably resulting in a ticket for disorderly conduct.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Wiggins.

May 14 2022

Facebook Cripples Back the Blue Golf Tournament

To learn what it means to let moonbats like Mark Zuckerberg control the flow of information, ask Boston real estate executive Dan DiMatteo, who has organized a “Back the Blue” golf tournament for June 13 — with no help from our Big Tech overlords:

He just wants to put on a friendly golf tournament to help promote police, first responders and those serving in the military. The goal is to raise $100,000 to “distribute evenly” to the tournament’s four sponsors.

Those sponsors are: State Police Association of Massachusetts Benevolent Fund, Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Foundation, Boston Police Foundation and Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

“It’s a charity golf tournament,” DiMatteo told the Herald, but Meta has suddenly cracked down on posting anything on their platforms.

He calls it “a black and white example of censoring.” What do you expect, when you promote such a controversial cause?

DiMatteo said he’s posted to Instagram and Facebook before and spends money on the sites for his real estate business.

But all the hoops he’s being made to jump through smacks of a left-wing, anti-police agenda playing out in the metaverse.

DiMatteo should host a looting tournament to raise money so that Black Lives Matter grifters can buy another mansion. Fakebook will grease the skids for him.

For more on creepy cyborg Mark Zuckerberg’s deleterious effect on American society, watch Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules. It suggests how some of the $419 million Zuckerberg pumped into the 2020 election was spent. Spoiler alert: someone had to pay scumbags to dump enough illicit ballots into drop boxes to tip a few swings states in favor of Biden.

On a tip from Jack D.

Apr 30 2022

Anarchotyrant Raphael Warnock Spends Big on Security

Life could get scary under a regime of leftist maniacs like Reverend Wright knockoff Raphael Warnock, who is now a Senator (D-GA). He opposes our constitutional right to bear arms, and also opposes local police. This recipe for anarchotyranny will leave us in a country where the cops are marginalized into irrelevance and only criminals have guns. The rest of us are expected to cower behind locked doors.

Not even a kook like Warnock would want to live under such conditions. He won’t have to. Our liberal ruling class can afford private security.

Via Law Enforcement Today:

[Warnock] won his nail-biter senate contest by campaigning in part on a message of gun control and “defund the police.” He called law enforcement “gangsters, thugs, bullies and a threat to children.” He demeaned law-abiding gun owners from his own pulpit.

But it turns out Rev. Warnock doesn’t practice what he preaches. He’s a true believer in the power of armed security. New records show he paid nearly $137,000 for private security for protection.

The French Revolution — which entailed not just regime change but the overthrow of an entire degenerate ruling class — makes more sense with each passing day.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Apr 14 2022

Transgender Ideology Applied to Law Enforcement

In the olden days, leftists objected to police sexually abusing women in their custody. Yet I doubt they will complain about a recent ruling from Britain’s National Police Chief’s Council:

[A] ruling has been issued in the United Kingdom that male police officers now are being allowed to strip-search female suspects.

If the officer “identifies” as female.

Our moonbat rulers have moved on from feminism. Women fall below transsexuals on the Cultural Marxist totem pole of power.

Women who object to being strip-searched by creepy men who say they are women may be prosecuted for committing a hate crime, per the ruling:

“If the refusal is based on discriminatory views, consideration should be given for the incident [to] be recorded as a non-crime hate incident unless the circumstances amount to a recordable crime.”

The harmful applications of transgenderism are countless. Beneficial applications are nonexistent.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Apr 09 2022

Body Cams Backfire on Black Supremacists

Some black supremacists of the Black Lives Matter variety may actually believe their own lucrative line of B.S. How else to explain them wanting police to wear body cams?

According to our state religion, critical race theory, the body cams should catch cops being racists. Familiarity with the way things actually work suggests they are more likely to catch Criminals of Color playing the race card, and to expose hate hoaxes. Sure enough:

So now the liberal establishment media says body cams are racist. Who could have predicted it?

On tips from KirklesWorth and R F.

Mar 27 2022

Using Robot Drones to Police New York City

With violent crime spiraling out of control and local police marginalized in the wake of Black Lives Matter, moonbat Mayor Eric Adams may attempt to police his degenerating hellhole with flying robots:

Adams is mulling a mini-army of drones to fight surging crime in the Big Apple — possibly deploying the high-flying robocops from rooftops as watchful guardians of Gotham…

The drone makers – whose clients include the US Department of Defense, Air Force and Customs and Border Protection – say they’ve dubbed the plan the “Soteria Project,” derived from a Greek word meaning “deliverance from a crisis.”

It will take more than drones to deliver NYC from the crisis moonbattery has dug it into.

Their motto: “an eye in the sky in zero time.”

Since NYC has become a dystopia straight out of a science fiction movie, they ought to send in Snake Plissken

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.


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