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Search: Minneapolis

Nov 26 2023

Stunning Footage of Media Moonbats Telling the Truth

You might be surprised if a cat turned to you and recited the Gettysburg Address — but not half as surprised as you would be if you heard truth from liberal establishment apparatchiks like Adam Kinzinger, Christopher Wray, and the professional liars comprising the mainstream media. Yet behold:

This demonstrates that taking things out of context and suppressing key information constitute a powerful propaganda technique that can appear to validate even brazen lies. For example, the liberal establishment used a picture that appeared to show Derek Chauvin’s knee on George Floyd’s neck to launch hundreds of riots that advanced its agenda and resulted in the blameless Chauvin stabbed nearly to death in a federal prison. Body cam footage that would have revealed the picture to be deceptive was of course suppressed. See The Fall of Minneapolis for details.

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 26 2023

Pro-Hamas Riot at New York City High School

Mob violence worked so well for leftists during the George Floyd spectacle that we were willing to throw justice and decency out the window and condemn innocent police officers to prison. In light of this success, no one should be surprised that now even high school kids are flexing their muscle through mob rule:

Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged through the halls of a Queens high school this week for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom…

Dare to spend spare time defending civilization against demonic fiends who torture children and you too might incur the wrath of the moonbat mob.

The mayhem at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica unfolded shortly after 11 a.m. Monday in what students called a pre-planned protest over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo showing her at a pro-Israel rally on Queens Oct. 9 holding a poster saying, “I stand with Israel.”

This happened in New York City, site of the Muslim terror attack with the highest death toll in modern history.

Hundreds of kids flooded into hallways and ran amok, chanting, jumping, shouting, and waving Palestinian flags or banners.

The equivalent 22 years ago would be waving the jihadist flag as the hole smoked where the World Trade Center used to stand.

“Everyone was yelling ‘Free Palestine!’” a senior said.

“Free Palestine” is Euphemese for “eradicate the Jews who live in their own homeland.”

Students recorded the commotion, posting multiple videos, some set to pulsing Arabian music, on TikTok. …

Most comments posted on the videos applauded the kids and jeered the teacher, one calling her a “cracker ass bitch.”

Revere them and weep for their oppression, or you are a racist.

Clips showed a water fountain ripped out in the hallway and shattered tiles in the second-floor boys’ bathroom, which students admitted they vandalized.

At least they didn’t burn down a police precinct, like the establishment-approved Black Lives Matter mob that no doubt inspired them.

Eventually the NYPD was able to escort the teacher out of the building as students reportedly spit on her. She is not named because in the kind of country this has become, it would put her life at risk. However, keeping her anonymous might not do much good:

“They found where she lives — her address, her phone number, her family and everything — her personal information,” a senior said.

Fortunately the harassment appears to be limited to nasty phone calls — so far.

The event isn’t a first:

It follows a massive, pro-Palestinian citywide walkout on Nov. 9 by some 700 NYC high school students calling for a ceasefire.

“Ceasefire” is Euphemese for letting the October 7 atrocities slide without retaliation.

Brooklyn students were captured on video yelling, “F–k the Jews!”

Laments Councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens),

“I don’t know why these students are so misinformed, so intolerant and so radicalized. They don’t even know the history of the Middle East. They haven’t been taught that.”

Here’s why, Councilman Holden: It’s because your fellow Democrats control the schools and the media.

Pure evil, enforced by mob rule. That’s the future unless we wrest it away from them.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Nov 25 2023

Worm Begins to Turn in Ireland

If ever there was a disconnect between rulers and ruled, it is in leftist-dominated Ireland, whose government has been systematically displacing the native population with a massive influx of welfare colonists, largely from Africa.

According to the government, the de-Caucasianification of Ireland is not happening fast enough:

Now a word from the people of Ireland:

Riots broke out across Dublin, Ireland, late Thursday evening as Irish citizens took control of the city centre following a mass stabbing attack where an immigrant man is accused of slashing five individuals near a school — three of which are young children, including a five-year-old girl. …

After word spread of the attack, Irish citizens took to the streets to loot stores, assault police, and set fire to multiple vehicles on Dublin’s O’Connell Bridge. Eventually, the rioters took control of the city centre.

They are beginning to understand what is being done to them:

In the 12 months leading up to April this year, 141,600 immigrants landed in Ireland.

The Irish population has increased by more than 2%. If the US had similar immigration, it would mean 9 million extra people. …

Ireland’s non-nationals comprise a whopping 20% of the population.

Given immigrant reproduction rates, this will soon reduce the Irish to a despised minority in their own country.

Moonbat establishmentarians predictably caterwaul about right-wing extremists, by which they mean anyone to the right of all the way left.

Police chiefs have been quick to blame “far right” anti-immigrant elements.

Yet public frustration with homelessness, joblessness, immigration, lack of law and order and anti-social behavior have been breeding a revolt by the urban underclass. …

Commentary with vague but menacing tones about the “far right” masks the fact there is no political representation of serious conservative opinion in the Irish Parliament.

This could be why it took the police more than 4 hours to put down the riot:

Plus, police morale is very low due to pointless virtue-signaling such as “hate speech” initiatives.

More than 90% of ordinary police officers recently voted “no confidence” in the country’s top law-enforcement officer.

Police chiefs owe their allegiance to the political class. Refer to the perjurer Medaria Arradondo of Minneapolis for an especially egregious American example. Left-wing governments are not on the side of the police rank and file.

Stand by for some historical irony:

While the foundational story of the modern Irish state is one of throwing off British oppression, Dublin has been quick to request the loan of water cannon from a United Kingdom police force.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland, one of 43 police forces in the United Kingdom has responded to a request for mutual aid from the Republic of Ireland and has delivered two water cannons. The high-pressure devices are truck-mounted and operated by police forces to pacify protests and riots.

The Irish were far better off ruled by the British than by moonbats — although nowadays there would be no difference.

In the USA, leftists spent the year 2020 advancing their agenda through hundreds of riots. Countermoonbats can riot too, as hinted by the election fraud protest that got out of hand on 1/6/23. The absurd overreaction to January 6 indicated that the leftist establishment will crack down with overwhelming force on those it deems threatening. But regular people slated for welfare state enslavement followed by displacement won’t go down without a fight.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.

Nov 25 2023

Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Prison

Peter Cahill, the leftist judge discussed below who presided over Derek Chauvin’s show trial, has something to be extra thankful for this holiday weekend. The innocent man he threw to the mob has predictably been stabbed in prison, requiring “lifesaving measures”:

The Bureau of Prisons confirmed that a man was attacked around 12:30pm on Friday, inside the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson – a medium-security prison that has been plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages. …

Keith Ellison, the attorney general of Minnesota – who oversaw Chauvin’s prosecution – told the Star Tribune on Friday night that he was notified that Chauvin had been stabbed but survived, and was in stable condition.

Considering that Chauvin’s only crime was to have been a white police officer, his survival must have been bad news for Ellison, a black nationalist, alumnus of the rabidly anti-white Nation of Islam, and open supporter of violently anti-police Antifa. He typifies the kind of people who run liberal Minnesota, which is why Chauvin was in prison instead of defending civilization from the savages he was handed over to with a giant bullseye painted on his back.

As was documented in the recently released The Fall of Minneapolis (which readers are strongly encouraged to watch for free), Cahill denied Chauvin his Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial before an impartial jury. Conspiring to deny an American his constitutional rights is a serious crime; if death results, it warrants capital punishment. It is Cahill who belongs in prison, not Chauvin — who did nothing wrong, media/Democrat lies notwithstanding.

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 24 2023

Leftist Hypocrisy That Warps Time and Space

The deification of career criminal George Floyd and the immolation of police officer Derek Chauvin marked various milestones in America’s decline, pushing to grotesque extremes the glorification of lowlife by the liberal establishment, hatred of local law enforcement, the willingness of the media and Democrat Party to push a destructive narrative they know to be false, and the collapse of our justice system into mob rule, so that a verdict can be determined not by evidence but by political considerations and to placate rioters. Also worth noting is an example of liberal hypocrisy so massive as to warp time and space.

No one knows that Derek Chauvin is an innocent man better than Peter Cahill, the leftist judge who presided over his show trial. Cahill knew the jury was biased in favor of the Black Lives Matter mob, but denied Chauvin his constitutional right to a fair trial before an impartial jury.

Cahill must have been aware that the maximal restraint technique used by Chauvin to restrain the much larger, drug-crazed Floyd was by the book; all Minneapolis police officers had been trained in it, despite perjury to the contrary by Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo, a political tool without shame or honor.

This information was deliberately kept from the jury by Cahill, reducing the proceedings to a kangaroo court. He also kept from the jury information regarding misdeeds by EMS that might have prevented Floyd’s resuscitation. Nor would he allow the jury to be informed about Floyd’s multiple drug arrests.

Then, as he inflicted on the innocent Chauvin a sadistically harsh sentence, Cahill proclaimed:

“This is based on your abuse of a position of trust and authority and also the particular cruelty shown to George Floyd.”

Too bad it isn’t a crime to abuse a position of trust and authority. We could lock up Cahill before he cruelly sacrifices more innocent men to his sick ideology.

If you want to know the truth about the George Floyd spectacle, watch The Fall of Minneapolis for free at the soonest opportunity. Keep your jaw supported when you get to the part about Cahill; it might drop hard enough to cause dislocation.

Cahill also abused his position of trust and authority by exhibiting the same cruel vindictiveness toward Tou Thao, an officer who never touched George Floyd but was thrown in prison for doing his job by holding the crowd back.

The admirable Thao quoted Scripture rather than kowtowing to Cahill’s ideology. This enraged the tyrannical judge, who then threw the book at him:

It is not tolerable for decent people to be ruled by the likes of Peter Cahill and the other ringmasters of the George Floyd circus (i.e., Arradondo, Jacob Frey, Keith Ellison, Tim Walz, the rest of the Democrat Party, and the liberal media that keeps it in power).

Oct 23 2023

Confirmed: George Floyd Died of Fentanyl Overdose

The liberal media and the Democrat pols it installs in power whipped up hundreds of politically advantageous race riots based on the narrative that black career criminal George Floyd was “murdered” by white police officer Derek Chauvin. Here is more confirmation that this narrative is a lie:

Tucker Carlson just published a new episode of his show in which he reviews the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day 2020, for which former Minneapolis PD officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder and sentenced to forty years in prison. A recent lawsuit, incidental to Floyd and Chauvin, unveiled sworn deposition excerpts from a conversation with County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, indicating that Floyd’s passing was not due to asphyxiation or strangulation. Instead, factors including drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl were significant contributors.

Click here to see the toxicology report. It confirms that Floyd took more than enough fentanyl to kill him.

Chauvin is a political prisoner who is rotting in a cage because of his race. His immolation has served its purpose for Democrats. Can we please let him out now?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Oct 23 2023

Palestine on the Mississippi

No need to wait for unconscionably irresponsible liberal establishmentarians like Nikki Haley to import Hamas into our country. Looks like it’s already here:

Thousands of anti-Israel demonstrators took to the streets of Minneapolis on Sunday, waving Palestinian colors and at least one Hamas flag as part of a leftist coalition’s “Stand with Palestine” rally. The demonstrators blockaded the intersection of Hennepin and Lyndale avenues and Vineland Place, forcing drivers to wait through a so-called “die-in” protest of Israel’s war on Hamas terrorists.

An elderly man in a white Ford Fusion attempted to bypass the blockade. His efforts did not go unpunished. The mob swarmed and viciously attacked him.

Here’s video:

The Blaze has play by play:

At the 28-second mark, a radical can be seen grabbing the driver through the window and attempting to yank him out by the neck. The old man manages to fight off the attempt and backs up, but again finds no opening.

He gets away, but only to run into another blockade.

While he idles at the corner of Hennepin Avenue and Groveland Terrace, crazed protesters stampede toward him.

At the second intersection, anti-Israeli demonstrators, including a bandana-clad male with a Hamas flag, resume their attacks on the white car.

One demonstrator says, “He not going nowhere now!”

Where are the police? Oh that’s right, this is Minneapolis, birthplace of the Cult of George Floyd.

Alpha News reported that dispatch audio captured at least two MPD supervisors instructing officers to avoid the area and stay “out of sight” even after there were reports of the vehicle driving through the protest and possible shots fired.

Fortunately, the driver escaped a second time. Before long, events like this will end with the driver’s head impaled on a pike ISIS style.

Already, in the Islamic colony of southeastern Michigan, synagogue president Samantha Wall has been stabbed to death. Authorities are still puzzling over the motive.

If you like the current state of affairs, you will love the future, after the tsunami of Palestinian refugees hits. As pink-haired liberal fellow travelers are displaced by actual Muslims, the violence will become increasingly extreme.

On tips from Wiggins and Anonymous.

Oct 06 2023

Legacy of George Floyd Unfolded Quickly

In life, career criminal George Floyd was a no-account loser. In death, with the aggressive support of the liberal establishment, he has become a man of import. The effect he has had on American society through his role in the deification of black criminality has been significant, as was already clear in a Daily Veracity report from 2 years ago:

According to a study out of SJ Quinney College of Law … the recent spikes in homicides have been caused by a “Minneapolis Effect,” similar to the earlier “Ferguson Effect, directly after the 2015 protests.

The Ferguson Effect was caused by leftists like Barack Obama exploiting the justified shooting of black maniac Michael Brown to tear the country apart.

Doing their job can destroy their lives, as with Darren Wilson. It can even get a cop thrown in prison as a human sacrifice to moonbattery, like Derek Chauvin. So some take a hands-off approach to crime, even dragging their feet in response to 911 calls.

Additionally, according to the data, the black share of known homicide offenders rose to a record of almost 60%, with the same demographic committing over 50% of all violent crimes. for the year.

Impressive for a group that comprises only 13% of the population.

The reason black criminality is egged on and enabled by the people in control is that it has been weaponized for political purposes.

Here’s something the mainstream media won’t tell you:

The data also show that black offenders of hate crimes occurred at over twice the rate per 100,000 people than hate crimes committed by white offenders.

Anyone surprised? The liberal establishment strategically demonizes and scapegoats whites the same way Nazis did Jews. The only difference is that few Nazis were Jews themselves, so their ideology was less depraved.

What Black Lives Matter threw into overdrive in the name of George Floyd had already been underway:

In 2018, The Bureau of Justice Statistics released its survey of criminal victimization, breaking down 593,598 interracial violence between blacks and whites. Black Americans committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies or 90 percent, and white Americans committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent.

The collapse of American civilization into violent chaos is by design. George Floyd didn’t come up with the idea. The people who run the universities, the media, and the Democratic Party did. It’s part of a strategy for fundamentally transforming America.

On a tip from Veritas100.

Sep 08 2023

Red-Pilled Minnesota Moonbat Shivanthi Sathanandan

They say a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged. Sign up erstwhile moonbat Shivanthi Sathanandan for the GOP:

A Democratic party official who pledged to ‘dismantle’ the Minneapolis Police Department in 2020 is now calling for tougher crime laws after suffering a violent carjacking outside her Minnesota home.

Shivanthi Sathanandan, the Second Vice Chairwoman for the Democrat-Farmer-Labor party, took to Facebook on Wednesday to share the graphic outcome of the gunpoint attack on her driveway and to call for justice.

The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is an affiliate of the cancer known nationally as the Democratic Party.

Pictured with blood on her face, she said that she had suffered a broken leg, deep cuts on her head and body, and bruising after four young men carrying guns ‘beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids’.

Sathanandan demanded swift consequences, calling to ‘get illegal guns off our streets, catch these young people… and hold them in custody and prosecute them. Period.’

Sounds good — so long as by “illegal guns” she means “illegal guns,” not the firearms law-abiding citizens require to defend themselves.

Wails Sathanandan,

Look at my face in the picture. This is the face of a mother who just had the sh$t beaten out of her. A mother whose only thought was, “let me run far enough and fight hard enough so that my kids have a chance to get away.” This is the face of a mother who just listened to her four year old daughter screaming non-stop, her 7 year old son wailing for someone to come help because bad guys are murdering his Mama in the back yard, her neighbors screaming in outrage… all while being beaten with guns and kicks and fists.

I have a broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising and cuts all over my body.

And I have rage.

These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS.

Welcome to reality, Shivanthi Sathanandan. Hope you stay with us for a while.

She even went on to thank the local police that she and other Minnesota liberals have been waging war on since the martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl, the personification of glorified low-level crime.

Redemption is possible.

On tips from Wiggins, Ed McAninch, and Franco.

Sep 05 2023

Progressives Press Forward With Pedophilia

We know what comes next after the LGBTification of children: mainstreamed pedophilia. Liberal social engineers are not slowing down:

A leading academic journal has published an article questioning the need for age of consent laws and claiming that discussions of “youth sexuality” are unjustly hindered by “cancel culture.”

“Cancel culture” normally refers to the liberal establishment destroying people for failing to comply with its ideology. Looks like the term is getting repurposed, like the term “liberal,” which once meant the opposite of what it means now.

The author, Marshall Burns, is a physicist and technology entrepreneur who was involved in the development of the early computer industry and operates a website titled “Consenting Juveniles.”

In his article, which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in June and titled “The Elephant in the Room: Youth Sexuality,” Burns argues that “sexual relations between youths and adults” is wrongfully seen as a contentious issue in society.

Burns says he wants to protect children “from those who protect them from sex.” War is peace, freedom is slavery, rape is protection.

If people will believe that men are women, maybe they will buy the concept that children can meaningfully consent to sex with adults.

Burns was invited to present on the topic, “Consenting Juveniles: First-hand Accounts of Sex for Fun or Love” at a conference organized by the former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Eli Coleman.

In Germany, the pedophilia push has moved beyond academia and LBGT NGOs into the media:

The public radio station, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), aired the episode on July 26 titled “Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction.”

Pedophiles are victims of addition. Victims come first. The rest of us must bow before them.

They profiled a pedophile going under the name “Max” who defined pedophilia as “sexual preference that deviates from the norm” and justified his pedophilia by saying that heterosexual males do not “attack every woman” that they find attractive.

You see? Your children will be safe, even after the degenerate ruling class mainstreams pedophilia the way it mainstreamed homosexuality. Mostly safe, anyway.

At least they offered a glimpse of the mentality of pedophiles:

“I want to dominate. It’s like omnipotence: to destroy the child, to have power over the child, to humiliate and torment them all, and sadistic stuff like that,” said a pedophile referred to as Franz on the broadcast.

Now back to the mainstreaming:

A mother named Anna was profiled who allows a pedophile named Pascal to look after her children, using alleged sexism she has experienced in her life as an excuse to allow this predator to have access to her kids. Pascal admitted to becoming sexually aroused when viewing Anna’s children at home in the nude. He said that his fellow pedophiles should be allowed access to children as a form of therapy.

Love is love, as moonbats robotically remind us.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 17 2023

Disney Show About Teen Impregnated by Satan

Since Disney started out producing cartoons, it makes sense that it is not merely evil but cartoonishly evil — even if Pauline will be a live action show:

Disney has announced a new German original series for Disney+ called “Pauline”, which is about, an 18-year-old teenager, who accidentally becomes pregnant – from a one-night stand. With school stress, the climate crisis and the downfall of society weighing heavily on her mind, something she doesn’t need at all right now is catching feelings, especially not for her one-night stand Lukas, who, as it turns out, is the devil himself.

Effuse the producers:

“For a long time, the series has been and still remains a project very close to our hearts. We’re thrilled that Disney+ loves this coming-of-age story as much as we do and that we’ve now been able to begin filming…”

Children may have to go to the art museum to conjure demons, but Disney offers them the opportunity to celebrate Satan in the comfort of home.

Gasps Jonathon Van Maren:

Disney, which for over half a century has been the undisputed champion of children’s content, will be featuring a show on a young teenage girl who gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Satan. … How did we get to a moment in culture – if that’s still the right word – where a teen girl literally copulating with Satan pitched, written, shot, produced, and then picked up by a company that markets its content to children?

By failing to push back against leftists is how. Our resistance is the only limit to their sickness.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 17 2023

Liberals Have Instilled Hesitation That Could Kill

The liberal establishment has created a situation in which white police officers are terrified to use force against black criminals. They know no one will have their back, and they could end up serving a long prison term for doing their job. The resulting hesitation gives the bad guys the advantage and can get officers killed. An example from Connecticut:

The Middletown Police Department said that on Saturday, August 12 at 6:33 p.m., authorities received a complaint about noise and breaking glass on a residential street.

Detective Karli Travis, who runs the Middletown Police Cadet Program and serves in the patrol division, was the first officer who responded to the call.

She approached the resident on foot and police said that she immediately noticed that the suspect, 52-year-old Winston Tate, was wielding a blunt object.

This was a hammer. She asked him nicely to put it down. Sometimes asking nicely doesn’t work. So she radioed for backup. Meanwhile, Tate charged her with the hammer, as can be seen in the hair-raising bodycam footage below.

Chief [Eric] McCallister said that the detective attempted to distance herself from her attacker and continued telling the suspect to put the hammer down.

Instead, he beat her with it. Luckily, he didn’t get in a solid blow to the skull before it dawned on the officer that it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. She opened fire, regrettably not killing Tate but at least forcing him to retreat.

An investigation into the shooting is ongoing by the inspector general’s office.

Thankfully this didn’t happen in Minneapolis. Travis would probably be brought up on attempted murder charges and thrown into the cell next to Derek Chauvin’s.

On tips from Wiggins and Occam’s Stubble.

May 30 2023

Somali Culture Night Mayhem

If you’ve seen Black Hawk Down, you can imagine how Somali Culture Night is celebrated in the large Somali colony our rulers have established in Minneapolis. Alpha News confirms it:

Mayhem erupted at a south Minneapolis high school Thursday evening during a planned Somali cultural event and performance that resulted in fights, a stabbing, and shots fired.

Washburn High School hosted the multicultural festivities.

The school was hosting a Somali Culture Night performance in the auditorium…

Looks like a celebrant got knifed in the back:

Regarding the shots fired:

Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara … said that a 16-year-old male was eventually arrested in connection to the shots fired, and a Glock handgun with a 50-round drum magazine was recovered by police.

How convenient for adventurous tourists who would like to experience the exciting ambiance of Somalia but lack the funds to travel to Africa. Thanks to congressional representative Ilhan Omar, Minneapolis even offers the rest of the country a taste of what it is like to live under Somali rule.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

May 21 2023

Seattle Circles the Drain

Lest you imagine there is some extreme of sickness and lunacy from which liberals will recoil before pulling the country over a precipice into the Dolorous Abyss, consider Seattle, where a pedophilic sex offender has been nominated to serve on a homelessness board:

Shanee Colston, the co-chair for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority Continuum of Care Advisory Committee, presided over a Zoom call on May 3 where the group voted to approve prospective board members, including 38-year-old Thomas Whitaker-Raven Crowfoot.

Board member, military vet, and sexual assault survivor Kristina Sawyckyj had experience with Whitaker. It didn’t leave her wanting more. She objected to his nomination.

Colston defended Whitaker while condemning Sawyckyj during a tense and firey outburst in front of the group.

Shrieks Colston:

“I’m actually glad that is the case that he’s here because sex offenders are another population that is most vulnerable that don’t have housing.”

As legislators in Connecticut have confirmed, pedophiles are oppressed. That means that while all animals are equal, pedophiles are more equal than you.

Presenting Whitaker’s qualifications for a position on the board:

In 2012, Whitaker was convicted of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes, according to the King’s County Sheriff’s Office.

He was also convicted of harboring a minor, a 13-year-old who he had a sexual relationship with, and was charged with raping a minor in 2010, according to Publicola.

Colston shrieks more:

“This is about equity and everyone, EVERYONE, deserves housing. I don’t care if they’re a sex offender. I don’t care if they’re black. I don’t care if they’re indigenous. I don’t care if they’re a criminal. I don’t care if they’re coming out of jail or prison. Everyone deserves housing.”

Actually, Colson does care. The protected identity groups listed should be first in line for housing and everything else, per liberal ideology.

Shanee Colston appears to be a man:

Calls for Colson to at least have the decency to resign in disgrace have been rejected.

Beyond those listed above, Whitaker does have other qualifications:

Colston announced the nomination, noting Whitaker is a “lived expert,” meaning he was, at one time, homeless. She [?] claimed he also represents the “LGBTQIA2S+” community, which helped earn him the nomination, though did not elaborate.

In other Seattle news,

Out-of-control crime in the Democrat-run city of Seattle forced the United States Postal Service (USPS) to pause deliveries to an entire zip code for a week.

Around 900 residents in the 98118 zip code did not receive their mail as delivery services were halted due to mail theft and ‘equipment security concerns’.

They were told to pick up their mail from the local post office and stood in long queues of up to an hour while delivery services were paused for a week before UPS lifted the ban on Tuesday.

When depraved ideologues who revere lowlife criminals are in charge, crime flourishes. This applies to any jurisdiction controlled by Democrats.

On tips from R F, Ed McAninch, Wiggins, and Steve B.


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