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Category: Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory/DEI

Feb 05 2023

Princeton Op Ed Denounces Honor Code as Racist

Pernicious rot seeps steadily down from the Ivy League to poison society. Now we learn that honor codes are racist. Emilly Santos writes in the Daily Princetonian:

American systems of legal administration enact violence against minority populations. Examining and re-considering these structures, such as the criminal justice system (CJS), is a crucial part of anti-racist action.

This is all settled social science. That’s why criminals are allowed to run loose wreaking havoc where liberals have achieved total dominance. Emilly applies the principle to her own world:

Princeton’s Honor Code, tasked with holding students accountable and honest in academic settings, mirrors the criminal justice system in its rules and effects. … [I]t is often most damaging for … students who also often belong to racial minorities.

Many minority students are allowed into Ivy League schools not because they are qualified but because they belong to preferred racial groups. Plunged in over their heads, some must resort to cheating in an attempt to keep up.

The University should lead by example by dismantling the Honor Code system, which acts as a barrier to social mobility and a more equitable society. Only once such internal injustices are addressed can we make real-world changes.

Today Princeton, tomorrow the world.

Miss Santos says getting suspended for cheating is especially hurtful to minorities because they are more likely to be attending school at other people’s expense, and are not eligible for financial aid for the repeated term. They might have to take out a loan and have to wait for Democrats to cancel their debt.

Like BIPOC criminals, BIPOC students should not have to live with the consequences of their behavior:

In the same way a criminal record haunts previous convicts, any Honor Code violation for which a student is found responsible follows them in their transcript, overshadowing the accomplishments of attaining a Princeton degree and making it difficult for students to find employment opportunities.

How attaining a Princeton degree counts as an accomplishment for people who are accepted due to their skin color and then allowed to get through by cheating is not explained.

Apply equity to academia, and standards collapse, reducing everything to farce. Let’s see what happens when you apply equity to a fashion runway:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.

Jan 19 2023

Green Party Justice Minister Replaced for Being White Guy

What goes around, comes around. Lefty intellectuals are liable to find themselves in front of firing squads once their political objectives are achieved. In the soft tyrannies we still have in the West, they don’t get shot. But they may lose their positions to those less qualified, in accordance with their own ideology:

[T]he Green party dismissed its own justice minister, Dirk Adams, in the German state of Thuringia. He was not found guilty of any wrongdoing, but instead was simply a male of the wrong skin color, which, by the Green party’s own admission, was the entire basis for his dismissal.

Adams will now be replaced by Afro-German Doreen Denstädt. Thuringia’s Minister-President Bodo Ramelow, of the Left Party, fired Adams, who was the Minister for Migration, Justice and Consumer Protection. The dismissal came about after the Green party directly requested him to be replaced by Denstädt, who has no law degree or political experience.

She doesn’t need no stinking law degree or political experience. She is a Woman of Color.

Denstädt only served as a clerk in the police trust office in the Thuringian Ministry of the Interior. Her lack of experience in any real substantive role means her improbable career leap to her new position as justice minister for an entire German state appears to have been due to her skin color and gender.

If that is qualification enough to be Vice President or a Supreme Court Justice in the USA, it ought to qualify Denstädt for her new position.

The dismissal came about after a number of retirements and reshuffled positions would have left both Green ministers in the state as men, which is incompatible with the Green party’s position on gender quotas in governments.

The Greens bark that Adams’s replacement shows the “importance that the topics of integration and migration have for us Alliance Greens” — i.e., it showcases their commitment to the ongoing displacement of Germans from Germany, and the sacrifice of merit to leftist racism and sexism.

Behold the face of woke Germany:


This clown regime is really unbeatable!
In Thuringia, the Green Minister of Justice must go. Doreen Denstädt becomes minister. She has no experience in politics and has not studied law for a single semester, but has so far worked as a simple clerk.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 17 2023

Texas A&M School of Medicine Erases White Males

Marginalizing America’s core population is not the ultimate objective. To actualize the liberal conception of utopia, those of European ancestry must be erased. This is already underway in academia:

The Texas A&M School of Medicine bragged that removing photos of white male alumni was an example of its institutional commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, new documents reveal.

Good thing liberals can erase white males without erasing their accomplishments, or people of all skin tones would be lying cold, hungry, and sick in the dark.

The institution included the response in a survey it completed for the Association of American Medical Colleges last year, which the organization used for its Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity Inventory. The school’s survey responses were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the medical watchdog group Do No Harm and shared with the Washington Examiner.

The accomplishments referred to above will be scaled back if the medical profession continues to succumb to moonbattery. The University of Minnesota Medical School already places the practices of witch doctors on a par with advanced medicine.

In response to a question that asked schools if they had modified branding and communications displays to eliminate aspects that could be “perceived as noninclusive,” the Texas A&M School of Medicine said it removed “the predominantly white male photos of [the] graduating class prominently displayed on the entrance” to the school.

Other avowed DEI efforts at Texas A&M include discriminating against white males in admissions and salaries. Where liberals dominate, as they do in education, systemic animosity is virtually unrestrained.

When the statues of Robert E. Lee started coming down in the South, most knew it was only the beginning. But even now, few realize how far wokeness will go if it is not turned back.

On a tip from Lyle.

Dec 23 2022

Obesity as Identity Entails Risk as Well as Privilege

Like the gay lifestyle, obesity as an identity offers privilege but also risk:

Jamie Lopez, founder of Babydoll Beauty Couture and star of the WE tv reality show “Super Sized Salon,” has died. She was 37.

As often happens with the morbidly obese, her heart did her in.

Lopez’s Las Vegas business, founded in 2017, claims to be the world’s first plus-size salon.

“People just don’t like fat people, they treat us horribly,” she told the Mirror in 2019 regarding her drive to foster inclusivity. “They want to make us feel like we’re unwelcome or feel like we don’t belong here.”

According to the principles of Cultural Marxism, this lived experience of oppression entitles the overweight to privileged status. To earn it, however, they must fully embrace obesity as an identity. The health effects are predictable.

On a tip from Steve T.

Nov 13 2022

CRT Injected Into National Board for Education Sciences

Under moonbat rule, everything is based on race. Even where Walgreens locates stores. Even education sciences:

The White House recently announced that Professor Shaun Harper, a University of Southern California professor of business and education, would be appointed to the National Board for Education Sciences due to his expertise in “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Harper has two primary qualifications: his race and his attitude:

Harper says that he accepted the position so that there was an opportunity to “fix longstanding inequities that chronically disadvantage particular schools and long-underserved student populations,” according to an interview with the USC Race & Equity Center.

This is bad news for members of disfavored overachieving racial groups, like whites and Asians.

Harper is active on Twitter, where he describes himself as a “DEI Expert.”

CNN has provided Harper with a soapbox from which to call for K–12 students to be indoctrinated with antiwhite race hate — or as the scholars call it, Critical Race Theory.

Under Democrat rule, CRT is our state religion. Every creeping tendril of the omnipresent federal government is exploited to instill this toxic and malevolent ideology in the minds of the susceptible. The objective is to tear down America so as to replace liberty with oligarchical collectivism, consistent with the Cultural Marxist strategy introduced by Frankfurt School communists.

Political indoctrination can be expected when Big Government has been allowed to absorb education.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 13 2022

Will Business Decisions Be Based on Race?

The US government bases personnel decisions on identity politics. This is the explicit reason the conspicuously unqualified Vice President Kamala Harris and Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson hold their current positions. What if businesses were forced to make decisions on the same basis? In Boston, they already are, as Walgreen’s discovered when it decided to close three locations for financial reasons:

[T]he Boston city council has responded to complaints from local residents by attempting to bully Walgreens into keeping the three locations open, whether they are profitable or not. Two members of the Boston City Council have filed a resolution that would block Walgreens from opening any new locations in the city anywhere unless they halt the closure of these three stores.

This could force Walgreens to keep open zombie stores to be allowed to do business. Given the explosion in shoplifting that has occurred under liberal rule, the shelves of stores that have few customers anyway might be left bare.

As usual, the thuggery is couched in Cultural Marxist rhetoric:

The city council also sent a letter detailing their threats and demands to Walgreens headquarters. In a statement, city council member Tania Fernandes Anderson said, “For too long, corporate businesses have treated Black, Brown and working class communities essentially as though we are second class citizens, and what is occurring here seems to be a present day manifestation of the embedded economic inequality that we still suffer from.”

They are oppressed, so you must do what they say, or else get hurt.

Walgreens making a profit so that it can stay in business is irrelevant. All that matters to the moonbats in charge is race-based politics. If the company goes broke, it can always lobby for a taxpayer bailout, so long as it is in compliance with state ideology.

When “private” businesses are micromanaged by government goons, free market capitalism has been replaced by what we used to call fascism.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Nov 02 2022

American Rescue Plan Loot Wasted on Divisive Moonbattery

Our Democrat rulers inspire contempt, but are impressive in one regard. To waste our money on a scale vast enough to create the current rate of inflation requires creativity. Biden’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) is a case in point:

The ARP Act, which Democrats passed in March 2021 without any Republican support, was billed by the Democratic Party as an economic necessity for getting the country through the pandemic.

According to a recent survey, more than one third of American small business owners were delinquent on their rent in October, due to “increasing rent prices, inflation, recessionary fears, high gas prices, supply chain issues, and labor expenses,” all largely consequences of Democrat policy. Meanwhile, this is what the liberal elite regards as economic necessity:

Humanities New York distributed more than $360,000 ARP funds to dozens of organizations, including a $10,000 grant for Urban Word NYC to launch three literary arts fellowships for marginalized youth.

“Marginalized” means palefaces need not apply. Much of the loot has been distributed on a racial basis.

One of the taxpayer-funded fellowships, the Black Girl Magic Fellowship, is a series “for NYC/NJ-based girls and non-binary youth ages 13-19 centered on their development as writers, building their self-esteem, and addressing issues that matter most to them,” according to Urban Word’s website.

The issues that matter most to many of us involve keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table. Our ruling class does not share these priorities.

Humanities New York awarded another $10,000 ARP grant to the National Jazz Museum in Harlem to create a five-part music series about the influence of Islam and Muslims in jazz.

This influence is likely minimal, considering that Mohammad did not approve of music, which consequently has been outlawed under some Muslim regimes. But for $10,000, they should be able to come up with something that will help liberals feel smug.

Humanities New York awarded another $10,000 ARP grant for Roots Wounds Words to create a talk series aimed to provide Black, Indigenous, and people of color storytellers “with opportunities to deepen their literary craft across genres such as creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, screenwriting, and more.”

So that’s how Biden got Covid under control.

Other generous grants helped recipients to “explore how racial diversity changed the airline industry,” to create a “cultural sensitivity training” program at the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, and to host a festival devoted to “Native American culture, history, foods and social issues.”

The National Endowment for the Humanities has been wasting ARP money coast to coast:

For example, the NEH awarded the Oral History Association $825,000 in ARP funds for a grant-making project titled, “Diversifying Oral History Practice: A Fellowship Program for Under/Unemployed Oral Historians,” which provided 11 year-long fellowships of $60,000 each for oral historians “from communities which have been historically marginalized in the field,” such as “Indigenous peoples, people of color, people with disabilities, and working class people.”

Much of the loot is not merely flushed away, but spent on corrosive Cultural Marxist propaganda.

The NEH awarded another $499,023 to the University of Montana for multiple programs on racial justice, including a public lecture series on “racial justice, death and Indigenous knowledge.”

The Science History Institute in Philadelphia was awarded $359,097 by the NEH to create a “multiplatform project exploring the historical roots and persistent legacies of racism in American science and medicine.”

This came after the same institution was handed a $1,230,100 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan. These are not actually loans but handouts. They were intended to compensate businesses that were coercively shut down in the name of Covid hysteria. Big Government breaks your leg, then hands a crutch you are forced to pay for to someone else.

Another $200,000 in ARP funds went to the Chicago Humanities Festival to create “six humanities programs on racial justice, gender equality, and building an inclusive society.”

The festival had already raked in $778,236 in PPP cash.

If only they would just pile up our money and set it on fire. That would still cause runaway inflation, but it wouldn’t spread the leftist lies that are tearing our country apart.

On a tip from R F.

Oct 28 2022

Cultural Marxism Taught in Spanish Class

Whatever students are supposed to be learning, with moonbats in charge, they are learning moonbattery. No topic remains uncorrupted. At Langley High School in the Swamp suburb of McLean, Virginia, students are indoctrinated in Cultural Marxism even in Spanish class:

For these teens as young as 14, they faced the task — in the early morning class of Spanish II on Thursday, Oct. 13 — of identifying their “Social Identity Groups,” including their “Sexual Orientation,” with this wide array of confusing choices: “Lesbian,” “Gay,” “Bisexual,” “Heterosexual,” “Pan-Attractional,” “Attractionality” and, in case those didn’t cover it, “Questioning.”

By definition, a totalitarian ideology is ubiquitous. That’s why children are confronted by politically driven sexual depravity whichever way they turn.

Kids in this Spanish class must choose their gender from the options “Woman, Man, Transgender, Post-Gender.” Looks like it is not always thoughtcrime to suggest that “transgender women” (i.e., men who pretend to be women) are different from real women.

To cap off this exercise, their teacher, Teresa Quigley, instructed them to ponder if they were in a “marginalized group” that is “disenfranchised and exploited” or a “privileged group” with “unearned privileged” status in society.

Here the rubber meets the road, with the division of students into the sacred “marginalized” versus those born with “unearned privilege.” The latter are designated for depersonalization.

According to liberal dogma, white men are not entitled to opinions of their own, because of their “unearned privilege.” They have been depersonalized.

Another group that has been depersonalized by liberals is unborn babies. That is how liberals justify killing them by ripping them to pieces or by crushing their skulls and vacuuming out their brains.

Under totalitarian rule, depersonalization is a terrifying fate. Ask a Jew who survived the Nazis or a kulak who survived Stalinism.

Meanwhile, even the federal Department of Education admits that math and reading scores are in freefall. As the USA is fundamentally transformed, malevolent indoctrination has replaced education.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Oct 26 2022

Biden Denounces Extra Leg Room as Racist

If you have to fly, it’s worth it to pay a little extra for some leg room, especially since you never know when the passenger in front of you will decide to lean back into your lap. Take advantage of this option while you can, because like virtually everything worth having, the leg room option has been denounced as racist by our divisive and authoritarian Cultural Marxist in Chief:

Stand by for an executive order banning extra leg room. Under totalitarian moonbattery, we can only have what Democrats have determined complies with their ideology.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 01 2022

Open Thread

Sep 23 2022

Alarming Indoctrination in US Air Force

No worries about Biden stumbling into a nuclear war with China or Russia. Our Air Force can easily handle both of them, thanks to its strategic emphasis on trans-inclusive language:

A diversity and inclusion training by the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado instructs cadets to use words that “include all genders” and to refrain from saying things like “mom” and “dad.”

A slide presentation is entitled, “Diversity & Inclusion: What It Is, Why We Care, & What We Can Do.”

“Some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, etc.: consider ‘parent or caregiver’ instead of ‘mom and dad,'” the presentation states. “Use words that include all genders: ‘Folks’ or ‘Y’all’ instead of ‘guys’; ‘partner’ vs. ‘boyfriend or girlfriend.’”

Meanwhile, our adversaries are still bogged down in outdated constructs like the conventional nuclear family.

Not everyone grasps the strategic importance of the Pentagon’s approach:

Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., a Green Beret and Afghan War veteran… pointed out during an interview with Fox News Digital that “it’s been a tradition in the military to get letters from mom and dad or your boyfriend and girlfriend for as long as there’s been a military.”

“Now we’re instructing every cadet entering the Air Force to not say ‘mom’ and ‘dad,’ to not say ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend,’ and this kind of drive towards gender neutrality,” he said. “I think the Air Force should be worried about the macro aggressions against America that are happening all over the world.”

You can see why Lloyd Austin’s first priority upon becoming Secretary of Defense was to purge the armed forces of dinosaurs who think like Waltz.

The cultural Marxism goes beyond wasting time on PC silliness at the expense of constructive training.

The academy also offers a “Cadet Wing Diversity and Inclusion Program,” where graduates are given a purple rope to wear across their left shoulder “symbolizing their position as a diversity representative” so that they can “advise students on diversity,” according to a press release.

Democrats are reducing the military to cross between a religious cult and a fanatical political sect. It has been weaponized not to fight America’s enemies, but to fight on behalf of the worst enemy we have ever had, moonbattery.

Waltz, a ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness, told Fox News Digital that the program’s structure is particularly concerning because it appears to create a “separate, parallel chain of command.”

“To those of us who are a little bit older, it reminds us of what the Soviets used to do or what the Chinese do today, where they literally have political commissars inserted at every level end of the chain of command, but they have a separate reporting chain to ensure that the military is abiding by their ideology and their political doctrine,” Waltz said.

Maybe we don’t have to worry about being conquered by the ChiComs. Maybe we have already been conquered by Marxists from within.

On tips from Franco and Varla.

Sep 15 2022

Meet DoD Antiwhite Propagandist Kelisa Wing

With hardcore leftists like Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley atop the military, its enemies are no longer America’s enemies; on the contrary, its enemies are America’s core population. It would have no use for George Patton now. It would rather have Kelisa Wing:

Kelisa Wing is the DEI [diversity equity inclusion] chief at Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), which provides K-12 education to the DoD community in the U.S. and all over the world.

Wing’s job is to teach children to share her hatred of whites.

She wrote in June 2020, “I’m exhausted with these white folx in these [professional development] sessions.”

“[T]his lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too… I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS… [W]e are not the majority, we don’t have power,” she continued.

If black supremacists don’t have power, how did she get her position?

“Caudacity” is a slang term that is used to describe audacity demonstrated by White people.

Cudacity is when a white dares question Critical Race Theory, our state religion under moonbat rule.

Wing snarls that “being antiracist means being active against racism.” In context, this literally means that being antiracist means being racist against Caucasians.

More antiracism from Wing:

“I am exhausted by 99% of the white men in education and 95% of the white women. Where can I get a break from white nonsense for a while?”

I know where: in any of the dozens of countries run by blacks. But emigrating would dramatically lower her standard of living, so she stays put.

Racial epithets employed by Wing include calling Betsey DeVos “the queen of Karens” and Donald Trump the “whole boy version of a Karen.”

Among her qualifications to oversee the indoctrination of the children of military personnel, Wing cocreated a children’s book advocating the violent Black Lives Matter movement and another denouncing racially incorrect children for having “white privilege” and encouraging them to hate themselves for their race.

Wing demands that all teachers participate in “dismantling racial oppression” and shouts that “racism is ingrained in the very fabric of our country.” That is, she advocates an ideology that is destructive to the nation’s cohesion.

Weakness abets aggression. Unless we can pry liberals out of power, we are likely to lose the inevitable war with communist China.

On a tip from JackisBack.

Aug 26 2022

Neuroqueerness: Lunacy as a Privileged Identity

The clinically insane have achieved the cherished status of an “oppressed” identity group, to judge by a course announced earlier this year by American University:

According to the course description for “Mental Health, Madness, and Neuroqueerness,” the class will, “critically examine how ideas about mental health and wellness are situated in systems of colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.”

Just as pedophiles are now to be called MAPs, insanity will henceforth be referred to as “neuroqueerness.” Update your Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

The course will also explore, “the life stories and knowledge of those who have been labeled or claimed the label of mad, neuroqueer, and/or mentally ill,” and “the longer histories of mental health discourses and encounters the lived experience of madness and neurodivergence.”

Those who went into hock to pay for this course get the added benefit of Biden’s student loan “forgiveness.”

Whether being crazy counts as neurodivergence even for those who are not sexual perverts is unclear:

According to Nick Walker, who claims to have coined the term, “Neuroqueer[ing],” is defined as, “the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.”

“Neuronormativity” is Liberalese for what we would call “sanity.” The long clumsy word is intended to pathologize the concept.

Congratulations to Karine Jean-Pierre. A black lesbian from abroad now accrues extra intersectional bonus points for having loose screws in her head. All she has to do is convert to Islam and reveal herself to have undergone a sex change operation and she will reach the apex of the Cultural Marxist Pyramid of Power.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 22 2022

Vanguard Pushes Antiwhite Moonbattery

Vanguard manages over $7 trillion in client assets. It is a pillar of the establishment. These days, that means it aggressively imposes the establishment’s ideology, as during a brainwashing session in July entitled, “The Critical Lever: Engaging White Male Managers in Advancing Diversity & Inclusion.”

Diversity consultant Laura Sherbin lectured white male managers to acknowledge their racism, to accept criticism “even if it’s uncomfortable,” and to take charge in ferreting out “bias, exclusion, and microaggressions.”

Then came a Maoist-style struggle session, in which white male Vanguard managers denounced their “racial identity” and proclaimed the glory of Cultural Marxism. Bleated one manager:

“One of my most fruitful mentor-mentee relationships was with somebody who is black, transgender, born in Kentucky to Baptist minister parents. I can tell you to this day — I learned way more from them than they ever learned from me.”

In addition to Critical Race Theory, Vanguard employees are expected to embrace sexual deviancy:

One manager said that he brought his daughters to Vanguard’s pride celebration — which he called the “most amazing Vanguard event that’s been put on in a long, long time, if not ever.” As The Post Millennial revealed last month, Vanguard’s pride festivities on its main campus in Pennsylvania included a “family-friendly” drag show.

Other asset management firms like BlackRock and State Street are comparatively pushy in promoting leftist groupthink, even at the expense of profitability.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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