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Category: Tyranny

Aug 12 2022

IRS Is Obama’s National Security Force

During the 2008 campaign that disastrously resulted in his election, Barack Obama yelped,

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

During his current third term, Obama is finally achieving that goal through the blowout tax-and-spend Inflation Acceleration Act, which will supersize the IRS with $80 billion and 87,000 new employees.

The much-hated IRS will be larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined. Obama’s weaponized IRS is undergoing fundamental transportation into an American Gestapo — or as Obama himself would say, a “national security force.”

Its vastly increased power will not render the IRS more benevolent. Its recruiting efforts have emphasized that new agents must “be willing to use deadly force.” This spring, it spent $700,000 on ammunition to shoot Americans with.

This is the kind of training agents undergo:

In the Internal Revenue Service 2021 annual report, IRS Criminal Investigation special agents can be observed simulating an armed assault on a suburban home at the agency’s National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA), located within the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Brunswick, Georgia.

Keeping the IRS out of your life is not intended to be easy.

According to the report,

“Through frequent use of force training, [IRS agents] maintain their skills and abilities to ensure good judgement and to apply the appropriate degree of force necessary to safely carry out enforcement activities, including issuing search warrants, arrests, surveillance, dignitary protection, undercover activities, and seizures.”

The undercover activities and seizures sound especially ominous. Next time Democrats want to throw a scare into the opposition, they may sic the IRS instead of the FBI on Mar-a-Lago.

Only a tiny fraction of the $80 billion of our money that Democrats are heaping upon the IRS is targeted to improving its infamously awful customer service, whereas $45.6 billion is devoted to “enforcement.”

“Abolish the IRS” would be a winning campaign slogan. Candidates might elaborate by adding, “While We Still Can.”

On tips from Chris Neilson and Chuck A.

Aug 11 2022

Germany Green Party Wants to Reestablish Stasi

Under communist occupation, East Germany set a new standard for intrusive totalitarianism with the Stasi, which employed massive numbers of civilian informants to keep the population under the thumb of the police state. Germany’s Green Party wants to revive this tradition:

“If the Greens are so ashamed of Germany, why do they want to govern Germany?” Barack Obama has answered this question. He wanted to govern the USA despite being openly ashamed of it so as to achieve his goal of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” That is, he wanted to eradicate America and replace it with a different country. Leftists in Germany are no less treasonous in their intent.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 11 2022

Open Thread

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime. - Lavrentiy Beria

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 11 2022

Dutch Farmer’s Daughter’s Excellent Advice for Americans

They used to talk about the proletariat. Now it’s the climate. However, the objective is the same: global totalitarian rule. In Holland, they have declared war on agriculture to consolidate power. Farmers pushed back; authorities responded by firing on a kid driving a tractor. The daughter of a Dutch farmer has good reason to advise Americans to hold tight to the Second Amendment:

She mentions Sri Lanka, another country where the food supply has been constricted in the name of leftist climate ideology. Pushback has now brought down that government:

Both the president and the prime minister of Sri Lanka are resigning in the wake of massive mobs storming and occupying their residences, burning the PM’s private house and refusing to leave the presidential palace until both men are out of office.

Here’s why the mob acted appropriately:

Sri Lanka foolishly signed on to the green initiative in farming, going organic and limiting the importation and use of chemical fertilizers. Food production, including tea, a vital export earner of foreign exchange, collapsed, and now the government is broke, people are hungry.

Similar tyrants are imposing the same agenda in America, ignoring the Supreme Court in the process. If Sri Lankans will rise up against green tyranny, maybe Americans will too.

As Leonardo da Vinci observed, it is easier to resist at the beginning than it is at the end. We are now at the end of the beginning in the war between humanity and the Liberal World Order.

Sky News Australia puts the Dutch rebellion in the context of the global ruling class’s attempted Great Reset:

On tips from seaoh and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 11 2022

DoT Power Grab Ignores Supreme Court Ruling

The good news is that the Supreme Court has ruled that unelected federal bureauweenies like Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg cannot regulate us into abject poverty in the name of their climate ideology without legislation. The bad news is that Democrats don’t care:

In West Virginia v. EPA, the Court ruled that regulatory agencies can’t impose costly new regulations without a clear direction from Congress.

And yet:

Now the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) wants to take this abuse of authority on the road. It cites an obscure provision in federal law that authorizes it to set national “performance” goals for the national highway system. The law defines these goals as safety, infrastructure condition, congestion reduction, system reliability, freight movement and economic vitality, environmental sustainability and reduced project delivery delays.

FHWA says this “environmental sustainability” language allows it to regulate CO2 emissions.

Everything we do, including breathing, produces the harmless CO2 emissions that according to liberal dogma control the global temperature. The FHWA is claiming the authority to dictate all human behavior.

They want to start by abolishing affordable transportation. A familiar tactic is employed; states that do not sufficiently suppress CO2-emitting traffic on highways will be denied federal funding. They confiscate your money, then dole some of it back to you on the condition that you do as you are told.

The proposed rule also says states will be required “to establish declining targets for reductions in tailpipe CO2 emissions” on the national highway system. This sounds like DOT conscripting states into regulating vehicle greenhouse gas emissions, which states are expressly barred from doing under federal law.

Law is a tool that Democrats use only when it suits their purposes. Their purpose here is to suppress transportation. What else would you expect of the Department of Transportation, considering that the Biden Regime is straight out of George Orwell?

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 11 2022

War on Freelancers Will Cause Economic Havoc

If all workers cannot be directly employed by Big Government, they must at least be controlled by Big Unions, which are a lucrative extension of the Democratic Party. Otherwise, workers would be independent — and independence is obscene from the point of view of our leftist ruling class. That’s why the Democrats have conspired to throw tens of millions of Americans out of work by making it illegal to work on a freelance basis.

Biden et al. has intended from the beginning to inflict a federal version of California’s AB5, which demonstrates the Democrat belief in the American dream by criminalizing working for yourself. AB5 is about to cause economic havoc.

The law decrees that

“a person providing labor or services for remuneration shall be considered an employee rather than an independent contractor unless the hiring entity demonstrates that the person is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, the person performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business, and the person is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business.”

Those who find favor with California’s moonbat overlords get exceptions. Truckers are not among them.

A January 2020 injunction saved trucking from the insane and tyrannical law. However:

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra [currently head of Biden’s HHS] called on U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez to reverse the injunction. …

On June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case of the California truckers battling against AB5. …

Now, the truckers must be employees of trucking companies and not independent contractors in order to be able to work in California. …

If the law is enforced, California faces a possible mass exodus of the state’s estimated 70,000 independent truckers.

Imagine the chaos this will cause at the Port of Oakland alone:

“There’s 9,000 trucks that serve the port on a daily basis, and 90% of them are independent contractors. So, this is a big, big impact,” said Bill Aboudi owner of AB Trucking in Oakland.

You think we have a supply chain crisis now? You think prices are already high? Just wait. Democrats are not through inflicting their agenda.

The California Trucking Association delivered a warning, “Gasoline has been poured on the fire that is our ongoing supply chain crisis. In addition to the direct impact on California’s 70,000 owner-operators who have seven days to cease long-standing independent businesses, the impact of taking tens of thousands of truck drivers off the road will have devastating repercussions on an already fragile supply chain, increasing costs and worsening runaway inflation.”

If they were merely fools, they might show contrition. But Democrats are pressing full steam ahead toward economic devastation.

Sneers Lorena Gonzalez, currently head of the California Labor Federation, who was the author of AB5:

“The fact that trucking companies will have to abide by basic labor laws in CA takes us one step closer to rebuilding the middle class that was almost deregulated out of existence.”

If there are two things Democrats love, they are regulation and unions. They are more than willing to make us suffer for them.

If you think the economy has been bad since Biden took power, think how awful it would be if he were able to get his favored legislation passed. His Build Back Better lurch deeper into socialism would push inflation into Venezuela territory. The Pro Act — a federal version of AB5 — would do to the whole country what malevolent leftists like Gavin Newsom and Lorena Gonzalez are doing to California.

On tips from Blackjack and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 18 2022

Tyranny in the Name of the Planet and Perverted Children

Tyranny is tyranny, whether imposed in the name of the proletariat, the planet, or something bizarre and nonexistent, likely sexually perverted children. The pretext used by your rulers to grind their collective boot on your face makes no difference whatsoever. All that matters is how hard they grind it. They are grinding it hard.

In the name of the planet,

Single-use plastic drinking straws, cutlery, plates, drink-stirrers, expanded polystyrene food and drink containers, and cotton bud sticks will be banned from sale or supply in Victoria from 1 February 2023.

Victoria is home to Melbourne, Australia’s second largest and arguably most progressive city.

Businesses and individuals will be fined $54,000 and $10,900, respectively, for selling, supplying, or distributing the forbidden items. This is even more draconian than the punishment already in place for selling highly useful plastic bags: $49,500 and $9,900, respectively.

Even the most picayune aspects of normal life must be controlled and the most trivial conveniences suppressed, so that you cannot so much as sip your ice tea without doing it in compliance with liberal ideology.

In the name of sexually perverted children,

The Fairfax County School Board in Virginia approved changes to expand punishment for students for “malicious misgendering” at Luther Jackson Middle School Thursday.

The changes in the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook, approved by a vote of 8-4, make it possible for students as young as fourth grade to be suspended for “malicious misgendering” or “deadnaming” their peers.

“Misgendering” means referring to someone with the correct pronouns even when these differ from “preferred” pronouns. “Deadnaming” means calling someone by their real name rather than a new name that has been invented to go with a new identity as a member of the opposite sex.

Thanks entirely to brainwashing by liberal social engineers, transsexual posturing is trendy among children, who are incapable of comprehending its implications.

Kids are forced to refer to other kids by bogus pronouns and phony names. This is compelled speech, which goes beyond even suppression of free speech to constitute the purest essence of tyranny.

Children who grow up in an environment where they are compelled to lie will have a hard time comprehending the principles America was built upon.

Transsexualized children, global warming hysteria, oppressed blacks, gun violence, toxic masculinity — all of it is idiot noise intended to validate that grinding boot. It is a waste of time to argue with moonbats about how many historically marginalized transsexual BIPOCs can dance on the head of a sustainably sourced pin. The only thing anyone should have to say to them is “Get your boot off my face.”

On tips from VoxAC30 and Bluto.

Jun 16 2022

Open Thread

A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection. - Crystal Eastman

On a tip from cintaroja.

Jun 06 2022

Peter Navarro Subjected to Show Arrest

Show trials (e.g., Derek Chauvin) aren’t new. Stalin was famous for them. Democrats have expanded the concept by introducing the show arrest.

Remember the arrest of Roger Stone? The Deep State colluded with CNN so that the nation could see an old man terrorized by the equivalent of SEAL Team 6 in the small hours of the morning for opposing Democrats.

Dems followed that up Friday with the arrest of top Trump advisor Peter Navarro:

Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury and taken into custody for contempt of Congress charges stemming from his shunning of requests from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

As with Stone, simply letting him know through his lawyer that he had to come in would not have made for good theater.

Navarro will not be intimidated into submission easily:

He levied scathing accusations that law enforcement used leg irons and stuck him in a cell when they arrested him when addressing the press outside the courthouse.

Leg irons, basically for complaining about election fraud. Can we call it a banana republic yet?

Adding insult to injury, they threw him in John Hinckley’s cell. Politics is all about symbolism, much of it contrived and mendacious.

The indictment comes on the heels of a lawsuit Navarro filed against the Jan. 6 committee, arguing it is illegitimate due to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appointing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as its top Republican.

When it comes to hyping the January 6 farce into an “insurrection” and weaponizing it against the GOP, Liz Cheney is no more Republican than Adam Kinzinger — or Pelosi herself.

Assistant Democrats Cheney and Kinzinger are the only “Republicans” on the committee. This violates the resolution that created the committee, arguably rendering its subpoenas invalid.

Navarro had other reasons not to comply with the committee’s demands:

“My hands are tied in this matter as the Executive Privilege asserted by President Trump is not my privilege to waive. The Committee has a firm legal obligation to negotiate this matter directly with Trump and his attorneys before attempting to coerce and bully me into cooperating with its highly partisan effort. If the president waives privilege, I will appear,” Navarro said in a statement at the time.

But all things January 6 are about theater, not rule of law.

The Jan. 6 committee is poised to enter a new phase of its inquiry as it prepares to host a series of public hearings over the summer intending to reinvigorate public interest in the Capitol riot.

Just in case there are no more school shootings between now and November to keep the public distracted from what Democrats have been doing to the country.

If convicted, Navarro faces between 30 days and one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000 per charge.

At least we aren’t to the part yet where they just take opponents out and shoot them.

Breitbart notes an interesting coincidence:

The arrest came one day after Navarro appeared on left-wing MSNBC to promise that he would lead efforts to promote the impeachment of President Joe Biden if Republicans take Congress in the midterm elections, which they are expected to do.

Navarro lives right by FBI headquarters. But they followed him to the airport and arrested him there, so that he could be frog-marched in front of the public. What do you expect of a party that gets some of its most enthusiastic backing from Hollywood?

On tips from Blackjack and Bluto.

Jun 05 2022

Dem Reps Embrace Radical Authoritarianism

Democrats’ ideology is radical; they intend to impose it by force. Their eagerness to exploit Uvalde has caused the mask to slip, revealing something monstrous.

While demagoguing on behalf of firearm confiscation in violation of the Second and Fifth Amendments on Thursday, Rep David Cicilline (D-RI) shouted, “Spare me the bullsh*t about constitutional rights.”

Sorry about the language; these people are literally obscene:

Cicilline is no outlier. Rather than stand back in horror, other liberal establishmentarians have embraced him:

Dems and leftists on Twitter amplified and cheered Cicilline’s outburst while MSNBC host and NBC News contributor Katie Phang tweeted a video of the rant, saying “This is EXACTLY the kind of messaging Democrats need.”

The radicalism goes beyond rhetoric. Members of Congress name the steps they will take to impose authoritarianism:

A Democratic lawmaker on the House Judiciary Committee casually threatened to blow up the Senate filibuster and pack the U.S. Supreme Court to confiscate guns during markup on a series of gun control proposals Thursday.

“Enough of your thoughts and prayers, enough,” committee member Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) said, pounding the table during debate on the gun control package. …

“If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.”

The plan is to abolish our system of government by packing the Supreme Court with Merrick Garland types, thereby reducing it to a rubber stamp for the Democratic Party. You can’t say they haven’t warned us (see here, here, here, and here).

Giving power to thugs like this cannot end well:

This mentality goes all the way up to the figurehead atop the Party of Government:

Jones bellows that Democrats “will do whatever it takes to end gun violence.” Starting another civil war will have a different effect — and that’s where this is heading.

Americans will not allow themselves to be disarmed by the likes of Cicilline, Jones, and Biden without putting up a fight. Too many people are aware of what happened after similar people disarmed the populations of Germany, Russia, and China in the 20th century.

On tips from Rapinhoe and Varla.

May 28 2022

Biden Regime Withholds Food to Impose LGBT Agenda

The federal government gives away other people’s money by the $trillions, but it doesn’t give it away for free. You take a penny, they own you. Put up resistance and they will let you know it:

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.

He who pays the piper calls the tune — even if he pays the piper with the piper’s own money after confiscating it through taxation and inflation. That is the magic of federal spending.

You don’t want boys exposing themselves in the girls’ shower room? Then don’t take money from a government run by evil creeps like Joe Biden. If only people had acted on this principle before Big Government made so many of us dependent.

Before many schools shut down in response to Covid-19, the National School Lunch Program fed nearly 30 million kids every school day, in approximately 100,000 public and private schools and residential care facilities.

The tactic of withholding food from children who have become reliant on it won’t surprise anyone familiar with the career of Joseph Stalin, who has been a major influence on the modern Democrat Party.

Liberal social engineering has consequences:

In Loudoun County, Virginia, in 2021, a young woman was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by a young man granted access by the district’s transgender policies.

Scott Smith, the father of the sexually assaulted 14-year-old girl, complained about the school’s coverup of this crime at a schoolboard meeting. He was manhandled by the police and dragged out of the room with his pants pulled down, then demonized by the media.

That is the kind of country we will continue to live in until we can get out from under moonbat rule.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Dragon’s Lair.

May 23 2022

Carl Cameron Doubles Down on Prison for Conservatives

If modern tyranny has a face, it does not resemble granite-jawed 20th century fascist strongman Benito Mussolini. It is more like this face:

Former Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron (né Karl Emil Othmar Lamberg-Karlovsky), founder of the far left news aggregator Front Page Live, has been raising his status in the liberal media lately by calling for Americans to be imprisoned for deviating from Democrat Party ideology.

Last Tuesday, he took to MSNBC to cry,

“[W]e got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it’s time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail.”

When moonbats overstep into alarming radicalism, they rarely step back. Instead, they double down:

A former correspondent with Fox News suggested on Saturday that law enforcement agencies will have to take action against Fox News and Tucker Carlson to “stop the lying.”

Carl Cameron, Fox’s former chief political correspondent, told CNN’s Jim Acosta that Carlson in particular has been “screaming fire in a crowded movie house for years.”

Cameron literally wants journalists thrown in prison for publicly disagreeing with his dysfunctional ideology. MSNBC and CNN do not hesitate to provide him a platform as he makes this demand.

Freedom is for those strong enough to shoulder responsibility for their own lives. Tyranny is for the weak, who need Big Government to protect and make decisions for them. That’s why authoritarianism appeals to frail, pathetic rodents like Carl Cameron. It’s why police states tend to be run by Merrick Garland types.

Eagles and lions live free. Mice and rats squeak for censorship on behalf of the Party.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 19 2022

Kathy Hochul Unveils Naked Tyranny

For an idea of how far Democrats will take leftist authoritarianism, turn to single-party New York, where Governor Kathy Hochul continues to make even Andrew Cuomo look less alarming by comparison.

We knew she would be among the first of the vultures to flock to Buffalo. But did anyone think she would exploit the event to this extent?

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Hochul said that she would sign several executive orders to restrict access to firearms and monitor “online extremism.”

The Founding Fathers had good reason to put the first two amendments before the others. They defend the fundamental rights that tyrants are most eager to deny us: free speech and self-defense.

These include a measure authorizing the New York State Police to seize weapons from any gun owner “whenever they have probable cause to believe that an individual is a threat to themselves or others.”

That would almost sound reasonable, if authorities could be trusted to apply it reasonably. However, they take orders from people like Kathy Hochul.

That’s why fundamental rights are absolute. Exceptions will be exploited to render the rights null and void. Without due process, everyone whose politics conflict with Hochul’s may be regarded as “a threat to themselves or others.”

Hochul also announced that a new ‘Office of Counterterrorism’ would be created within the State Police with an exclusive focus on “domestic terrorism,” which would be required to monitor social media for evidence of violent tendencies and extremist ideology.

Any Stalinists who were disheartened when blowback caused Democrats to back off for now from their Ministry of Truth will be relieved to see Hochul step forward to solve the problem of free speech at the state level.

Associating “extremist ideology” with terrorism is even more alarming than suppressing it as “misinformation.” The terminology justifies government violence.

In case anyone thinks they are talking about actual terrorism:

She added that she would formally refer social media companies to the New York Attorney General [Letitia] James’s office for investigation for failing to stop “radicalization” of users towards “white supremacy.”

“White supremacy” is a blanket term for anything leftists regard as obstructing their ambitions. According to Democrat demagogues, Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are white supremacists. If either had ever said anything racist, we would know about it.

At least chasing down “white supremacists” will give Letitia James something to do, now that she has effectively legalized many actual crimes.

Hochul further said that she would propose legislation requiring all semi-automatic handguns made or sold in New York to “micro-stamp” ammunition after it is fired, making weapons easier to trace by police.

You can see why Kimber got the hell out of Yonkers.

The point of microstamping is to make guns and ammo too expensive for regular Americans to afford. The strategy is similar to the $1,000 per bullet tax schemes that are sometimes floated.

Leave it to leftists to wring every drop of tyranny out of a psycho killing some people because he is crazy.

A phrase from Hemingway comes to mind: “gradually and then suddenly.” That is the Democrat plan for snuffing out liberty. Hochul isn’t alone among them in wanting to jump to the “suddenly” phase.

Watch her declare open war on the First Amendment, after absurdly claiming to defend it:

On tips from Varla, MrRightWingDave, and ABC of the ANC.

May 19 2022

Open Thread

The fallacy is to believe that under a dictatorial government you can be free inside - George Orwell

On a tip from Anonymous.


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